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Review of existing technologies, creation of Internet information and reference resources. Database examples

Technologies for creating web resources can be roughly divided into subspecies:

  • Web document markup
  • Programming languages ​​and databases
  • Graphics and file system
  • Programs and tools

Web document markup

Html(HyperText Markup Language) - This is the standard markup language of almost any web resource. It is the enclosing element that the user's browser renders. The HTML language contains a large number of tags, the most basic of which I talked about in the article,. To master this language (at least to understand the elementary elements) is not a big deal.

CSS(Cascading Style Sheets) - CSS styles - a file (or several files), in the content of which there are styles applied to various HTML tags. CSS styles are inherently a technology that allows you to change the colors, sizes and positions of boxes, text, and any other HTML markup elements. In a nutshell: CSS is any “pretty thing” on a website.

Programming languages ​​and databases

Modern sites and web applications have a large amount of different information that simply cannot be presented to the user in the proper form without the use of programming. The technology of programming languages ​​in site building is mainly responsible for: linking the database with the final site, user-friendly interface data editing by the user (webmaster), complex forms, many different moving fragments

Php... The php language can be briefly called a tool for developing personal web sites. This language is one of the most popular in creating websites and web applications and is supported by almost all hosting providers. Php runs on the server side.

JavaScript. JavaScript technology used to improve the functionality of the resource. Most often JavaScript is used to give some kind of interactivity to the site (floating elements, parallax, simple animation, and much more). Creation of this language led to the creation of libraries that make it easier to work with the language, such as Prototype or jQuery.

MySQL database... As a rule, it stores all the textual information that is displayed on your site: whether it be an article, a title, or a menu item.

Graphics and file system

The file system technology is a set of directories, executable files (html, css, php, javascript documents) and graphics.

Any modern browser supports many graphics formats. The most popular: jpg, png, gif, flash, as well as the ability to output vector svg graphics, canvas

Programs and tools - site development technologies

V modern world a large number of programs and tools have appeared that help create high-quality web resources. I will list only the most popular and necessary ones.

Programs to simplify the technology of creating a website:

  • Dreamweaver is an easy-to-use program that allows you to quickly create sites.
  • Photoshop - allows you to edit pictures and save them in web format.
  • Notepad ++ is a high-tech editor with code highlighting.
  • Filezilla is an FTP client that allows you to upload / download documents to your hosting quickly and easily.

CMS (technology - content management system)

It is a content management system thanks to which you can launch a web project in a matter of minutes. Nowadays, CMS technology contains most of the necessary links, modules and plugins right out of the box. Whatever you want to do - an online store, a corporate website or a blog - as a rule, this is already implemented in some CMS. There are a great variety of them, both paid and free, for example, bitritx, modx, wordpress, joomla, opencart and others.


Dissertation abstract on the topic "Teaching techniques for creating educational Internet resources"

As a manuscript UDC 681.14 (07)

Dmitry Shuklin


Specialty: 13.00.02 - theory and methods of teaching and upbringing (informatics, level vocational education)

dissertation for the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences

Saint Petersburg 2005

The work was carried out at the Department of Informatics of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen

Scientific adviser: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

Natalya Ivanovna Ryzhova

Official opponents: Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor

Tatiana Nikolaevna Noskova

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor Oleg Ivanovich Zolotoe

Lead organization: Moscow State Pedagogical

the university

The defense will take place on March 24, 2005 at 4 pm at a meeting of the Dissertation Council D 212.199.03 of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen at the address: 191186, St. Petersburg, nab. R. Moiki, 48, bldg. 1, room 237.

The thesis can be found in the fundamental library of the Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University

Scientific Secretary of the Dissertation Council

I. V. Simonova


Development of the global computer network The Internet has opened up new prospects for improving the world educational system. Internet resources are assigned the role of not only a means of searching and obtaining "useful information", but also the role of a means for development existing forms learning and to create new ones. All this determines the need for research on the creation and development of educational resources of the Russian part of the Internet and the development of information and educational space. Since 2001, the Government of the Russian Federation has defined a new strategy for the modernization of the educational system as a whole, the tasks of which are to revive and develop the best traditions of Russian education, to strengthen Russia's position among the highly educated countries of the world and its integration into the world educational community.

The works of scientists G.A. Bordovsky, V.M. Glushkov, G.A. Zvenigorodsky, V.A. Iz-vozchikov, B.S. Gershunsky, M.P. Lapchik, V.G. Razumovsky, I.A. Rumyantsev, I.V. Robert and others.

A great contribution to solving the problems of creating computer teaching aids and educational Internet resources, in particular, was made by such researchers as I. V. Robert, A. I. Bashmakov, A. Yu. Uvarov, E. S. Polat, A. A. Akhayan, M.Yu.Bukharkina, I.B.Gotskaya, S.D. Karakozov, M.V. Moiseeva, M.I. Nezhurina, A.K. Skuratov, B.Ya. Sovetov, T.S.Starova and etc.

Within the framework of the federal target Program "Development of a unified educational information environment (2001-2005)", a system of educational portals is being created, which ensures by its own means the development of the global goals of the Program, namely, the formation of a unified educational information environment consisting of educational resources, a network of educational communications , navigation systems in the environment of educational resources, systems for providing access to educational resources.

Undoubtedly, the creation of educational Internet resources is a promising area of ​​activity for teachers, scientists, methodologists and information technology specialists. The organization of the mass and effective development of educational Internet resources with the wide involvement of teachers in it is impossible without the use of a methodology for implementing such projects that is invariant to the subject area, covering psychological, pedagogical, mathematical, software and technical, technological, organizational and economic aspects.

Currently, for the creation of electronic educational materials, an established technology is used, described in numerous publications by foreign and domestic authors (in particular, A.Yu. Uvarov, O.V. Zimina, A.I. Kirillova, etc.), behind which in our the country has already firmly established the term "pedagogical design" (English equivalent of Instructional Design), which is used in publications and to describe the technology of creating educational Internet resources. Naturally, these two technologies have a common basis - pedagogical design, and their difference lies in the features of the software tools used, with the help of which electronic textbooks and educational Internet resources are designed and created. This determined the use of the term pedagogical Web-design for the technology of creating educational Internet resources in the form of a Web resource. We define it as a combination of two technologies: the technology of pedagogical design, within which the construction of a methodological theory of teaching for a specific subject area and technology of Web-design is carried out. Note that the methodological theory is interpreted by us, according to V.V. Laptev, N.I. Ryzhova, M.V. Shvetskiy (2003), as a metamodel of teaching methods, which allows us to describe real-life educational processes at a semi-formal level and establish links between learning goals. , a methodical teaching system and its interpretations.

An analysis of the work experience and the content of training on the technology of creating educational Internet resources in universities and centers for advanced training of teachers made it possible to conclude that there is insufficient coverage in the curricula at both levels of education on the issues of pedagogical design of the educational Internet resource, which confirmed the relevance of revising the content of training in this matter. and the need to build methodological system training in pedagogical Web-design.

The above confirms the relevance of this work, devoted to the study of a scientific problem, the roots of which lie in the contradictions: between the need to create new teaching aids - educational Internet resources (hereinafter UIR) and the lack of a unified methodology for their construction; between the introduction of existing educational Internet resources into the traditional educational process or within distance learning and existing teacher training in the design and use of such resources in their professional lives.

Thus, the purpose of the study is to theoretically substantiate and develop a teaching methodology for creating educational Internet resources for future teachers of informatics and subject teachers.

At the same time, the teaching methodology is understood as the construction of a methodological training system and its specific implementation within the framework of existing educational processes.

The object of the research is the process of training informatics teachers and subject teachers in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT) and their use in teaching.

The subject of the research is the methodological system of teaching the technology of creating educational Internet resources and its specific implementation in the form of the educational discipline "Pedagogical Web-design".

Research hypothesis. A methodological system for teaching pedagogical Web-design, contributing to the formation of knowledge and skills on the technology of creating and using educational Internet resources among teachers of informatics and subject teachers subject area in the development of UID content, and training in Web-design technology, reflecting the stages of professional development of Web-pecypca using visual HTML editors and network technologies.

The first group (tasks of a theoretical nature) - to justify the selection of training content, technologies for creating educational Internet resources:

a) Based on the analysis of scientific and methodological literature, clarify the conceptual apparatus of the study (concepts: "Internet resource", "educational Internet resource", "educational site", " educational portal"," Educational Internet resource "), highlight the stages of technology for creating an educational Internet resource, analyze the existing theoretical models of the architecture of educational Internet resources and, on their basis, develop the structure of an educational Internet resource.

b) Along with the general didactic principles for the selection of training content, formulate the principles of selection of training content technologies for creating educational Internet resources as an element of the methodological system, select the content of educational material and a system of tasks for the system laboratory work and educational Internet resource - "Pedagogical Web-design".

The third group (tasks of an experimental nature): (a) describe the approach to training a specialist in the field of pedagogical Web-design; (b) conduct an experimental test of the constructed teaching methodology for creating educational Internet resources in the form of a specific implementation of the methodological teaching system.

1) the basis for the study of the structure and content of teaching the technology of creating educational Internet resources are: the technology of pedagogical design (E.S. Zair-Bek, V.E. Radionov), the construction of a methodological theory of teaching a specific subject (V.V. Laptev, M. Shvetskiy, N.I. Ryzhova) and Web-design technology (T. Powell), as well as general didactic principles of training organization (Yu.K. Babansky, V.P. Bespalko, V.S. Lednev, I.A. Lerner, etc.);

2) the construction of educational Internet resources should follow the stages of pedagogical design, within the framework of which a methodological theory of teaching a specific academic subject is built, taking into account the concepts and scientific and methodological approaches to the creation of educational Internet resources (A.D. Ivannikov, A.N. Tikhonov, A.I.Bashmakov, A.Yu. Uvarov and others), principles of development and use of information technologies (A.P. Ershov, B.Ya. Sovetov, A.Ya.Saveliev), as well as principles of creation and use of teaching aids (E.V. Baranova, I.V. Robert, V.A. Izvozchikov, V.V. Laptev, M.P. Lapchik, A.A. Kuznetsov, I.B. Gotskaya, E.S. Polat, A.I. Bashmakov, N.G. Salmina);

3) success in teaching the technology of creating educational Internet resources depends: (a) on the sequence of students' activities, reflecting the stages of pedagogical design of an educational Internet resource and its compliance with the stages of Web-design technology and (b) on the use of Web-design tools (visual HTML editors).

The approach to building an educational Internet resource and an approach to teaching the technology of pedagogical Web-design should have a single methodological basis - the technology of pedagogical design and the construction of a methodological theory of teaching a specific academic subject;

The structure and content of teaching in pedagogical Web-design are determined by the technology of pedagogical design, the construction of a methodological theory of teaching a specific academic subject, the technology of Web-design and the information and software tools of Web-design used;

The structural model of the architecture of an educational Internet resource should include the following interrelated elements: learning objectives, learning content, forms, means and methods of learning, monitoring, learning outcomes, which shows the homomorphism of this model to the methodological learning system.

The scientific novelty of the research lies in the development of:

An approach to building an educational Internet resource, the creation of which is based on the technology of pedagogical design and the construction of a methodological theory of teaching a specific subject for the development of content components of an educational Internet resource (its content);

An approach to teaching future informatics teachers and subject teachers of the technology of creating educational Internet resources, based on the technology of pedagogical Web-design, combining the technology of pedagogical design and the construction of a methodological theory of teaching a specific subject and Web-design technology.

A methodological system for teaching the technology of creating educational Internet resources for teachers of informatics and subject teachers has been built, within which the structure and content of training is determined, the basis of which is the technology of pedagogical Web-design and the technology of using visual HTML-editors - tools for creating Web- resources, as well as the methods, forms and means of teaching.

Recommendations for the implementation of research results. The developed laboratory works, the educational website "Pedagogical Web-design" and the curriculum "Pedagogical Web-design" can be used in pedagogical universities to teach the technology of creating educational Internet resources for future teachers of informatics and subject teachers.

The reliability and validity of the results obtained is ensured by: research methodology; quantitative and qualitative analysis of research results; using research methods, adequate

subject to subject tasks and stages of research; using the methods of mathematical statistics for processing the results of the experimental research.

The approbation of the research results was carried out in the form scientific reports at scientific and methodological seminars and conferences on the problems of teaching informatics at the university: VIII St. Petersburg International Conference "Regional Informatics - 2002" (St. Petersburg), International conference " Information Technology in education: problems, prospects "(St. Petersburg, Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen, 2003), International scientific and practical conference"Informatization of school education" (Barnaul, 2002), the Second All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Russian School and the Internet" (Barnaul, 2002), All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Pedagogical Design" (St. Petersburg, Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University, 2004), the XIV International Conference and Exhibition "Information Technologies in Education IT0-2004" (Moscow, 2004). The theoretical provisions were discussed at the scientific and methodological seminar "Questions of theory and methods of teaching computer science" of the Department of Modern Educational Technologies of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen (St. Petersburg, 2002). In addition, the main provisions of the research are reflected in 8 publications.

The implementation of the research results was carried out within the framework of the special course "Pedagogical" Mb-design "for future teachers of mathematics and computer science (bachelors - 4 courses and masters - 1 and 2 years) of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Barnaul State Pedagogical University (BSPU, Barnaul), postgraduate students 1 course of natural sciences and humanities of the same university, 1 year graduate students of various specialties, 1 year students and undergraduates of the Faculty of Technology and Entrepreneurship of the Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University (St. Petersburg).

The sequence of solving the main problems of the research determined the structure of the thesis. The dissertation consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a bibliography and annexes. The main text takes 168 s, including 13 figures, 16 tables, bibliography (184 titles, 8 of them in foreign languages) - 18 s, appendices - 38 s.

The introduction substantiates the relevance of the research, formulates the goal and objectives of the research, the hypothesis and provisions for the defense; theoretical and practical significance, scientific novelty of the dissertation research.

In the first chapter "Theoretical foundations of teaching methods of technology for creating educational Internet resources" describes the theoretical foundations of teaching methods of technology for creating educational Internet resources.

As a result of a comparative analysis of the existing conceptual apparatus, a number of basic concepts related to the problems of our research: an Internet resource, an educational Internet resource,

educational site and portal (§1.1), pedagogical design (§1.4) and the concept of "educational Internet resource" is defined. Thus, educational Internet resources specially designed for use in the learning process at a certain stage of the educational process and for a specific subject area will be called educational Internet resources (hereinafter, abbreviated UIR).

Analysis of existing scientific and methodological approaches to the construction of educational and training Internet resources (A.N. Tikhonov, A.D. Ivannikov, E.S. Polat, A.I. Bashmakov, A.Yu. Uvarov, A.V. Mantsivoda, V. Vlunin) made it possible to conclude that in each of the approaches, to one degree or another, there are invariant stages of the technology for creating educational and educational Internet resources, such as pedagogical design, technical design and implementation using professional network and Web -technologies, publication and use of the Internet resource in the learning process. A feature of these approaches and concepts is a complex technical implementation on the part of Web-design and a weak formalization of the methodological components of the UID, which makes it difficult to transfer this experience to future teachers of informatics and subject teachers in the process of teaching the technology of creating an UID (see §1.2).

Based on the above analysis results, a variant of the concept of constructing an educational Internet resource was determined, which is based on the existing approaches and concepts of creating an EID (a graphic illustration is shown in Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. The concept of building an educational Internet resource

This concept assumes the sequential implementation of the following steps:

1) building a formal model of any educational process by presenting the specific content of each element of the methodological theory;

2) constructivization of methodical theory, i.e. description of each of its elements in the form of a constructive object or process using data structures such as lists, conceptual graphs, Petri nets and semantic nets, and then their presentation in a special electronic form using special tools and Internet technologies;

3) the implementation of the model, obtained as a result of constructivization of the methodological theory, in the form of an educational Internet resource.

Note that the concept of "methodological theory" in this context allows you to set a methodological basis for the implementation of the stages of pedagogical design, related, for example, to the development of content for UID. The fundamental elements of the methodological theory that will determine the content side of SCPI will be the conceptual basis and the conceptual framework. A essential element, which will help the UID developer in the design of the UID structure elements and, in particular, the choice of navigation within and between them, from our point of view, is the "logic of the methodological theory."

The process of pedagogical design provides a methodological basis for the technology of creating an educational program, i.e. the pedagogical component and involves: 1) the development of pedagogical principles for the creation of UID, including the allocation of fundamental components and conceptual (meaningful) lines of instruction in the content educational programs; 2) determining the complementarity of educational resources; 3) production general principles development of UIR; 4) standardization of user interfaces in terms of psychological and pedagogical requirements; 5) approval of the procedure for registration and control of the user of the Internet resource.

The construction of a methodological theory for a specific subject area is carried out at such stages of educational design of UID (highlighted in clause 2.2.1), such as: setting goals and defining learning conditions, selecting learning content for EID, building a logical structure of learning content, choosing didactic techniques, determining type of training tasks.

Thus, the successful construction of UID can be achieved if we proceed in its design from the methodology of pedagogical design, which was developed by E.S. Zair-Bek (1995) and V.E. Radionov (1996), and is based on the research of G.P. Shchedrovitsky (1993), V.P. Bespalko (1989).

Note that pedagogical design was considered in the context of the definitions given by A.Yu. Uvarov (2002) and E.S. Polat (2004), generalizing the views of foreign scientists J.Willis (1995), B.L. Chapman (1995), A. Anderson

(1969) and others. According to L.Yu. Uvarov (2002), pedagogical design is the systematic use of knowledge about effective educational work (teaching and learning) in the process of designing, developing, evaluating and using teaching materials. Based on this definition and highlighting the pedagogical and technological components, we define pedagogical Web-design as a combination of two technologies: pedagogical design technologies, within the framework of which a methodological teaching theory is constructed for a specific subject area and Web-design technologies.

Thus, considering design as a technological activity (clause 1.4.1), the methodological significance of “pedagogical design” for the technology of UID creation was substantiated. In clause 1.4.2. highlighted the general and specific sides of the concepts of "pedagogical design" and "pedagogical Web-design". In clause 1.4.4. the technology of Web-design is described as a component of the technology for creating WIR from the point of view of professional development of Web-pecypca on the basis of the modified waterfall model (Fig. 2). At the same time, Web design was interpreted in the context of the views of professional foreign (T.A. Powell, P. Kent) and domestic (D. Kirsanov, A. Lebedev) specialists in this area as technological process the creation of Web pages and Web sites using network and Web technologies, based on four primary elements: content, form, function and purpose.

Fig. 2. Web design process model.

Based on the analysis of the work experience and the content of training in building SCPI in universities and centers for advanced training of teachers (§1.5), it was concluded that there is a lack of coverage in curricula at both levels of education on issues of educational design of educational resources, which confirmed the relevance of revising the content of training in this matter and the need to build a methodological training system for pedagogical Web-design. Note that pedagogical design of UID is an independent stage of the technology for creating UID and, in our opinion, this component cannot be neglected when teaching the technology of creating UID, as is often done in the existing pedagogical experience, when the emphasis is only on Web-design technology and network technologies.

The second chapter "Methodological system of teaching the technology of creating educational Internet resources and its interpretation" presents the interpretation of the methodological system of teaching the technology of creating UID in the form of the academic subject "Pedagogical Web-design" (§2.3) and the educational site (§2.1). To build a methodological system for teaching the technology of creating UID, it was necessary to describe architectural model SCPI and develop its structural model for SCPI. Existing models of methodical training systems (A.M. Pyshkalo, M.V.Shvetsky, T.A. Boronenko, N.L. Stefanova, A.L. Tryapitsyna, I.B. Gotskaya, V.M. Zhuchkova, etc. ) allowed to choose a single basis for the UIR structural model, a graphical representation of which is given below (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Structural model of an educational Internet resource

According to the architecture of the computer training system, proposed by A.I. Bashmakov (2003), a model of the UIR architecture was described, including the following components:

Informational: content block, structural units of educational material, indexes, dictionaries, task system;

Functional: information retrieval services, information services, interactive user communication services, monitoring and statistics services, authentication and authorization service for access to UIR content, export and import services for information and software components.

Let us dwell on the characteristics of the structure of the educational Internet resource "Pedagogical ^ bb-design", which is a concrete implementation of the methodological system of teaching the technology of creating UID and used as the main means of teaching this technology. Let's list the elements of the UIR structure:

« Theoretical information"And" Practical work "- structural units of educational material.

"Independent work" - contains a list of tasks that students must complete independently and send their results to the teacher. e-mail.

"Dictionary" - contains the terms most frequently encountered in the educational material of the site, the definitions of which are not explicitly disclosed in the educational texts.

"Test" - invites learners to test their knowledge by answering test questions. Here can be used test items of four types: items with a selective form of the answer; assignments to establish compliance; tasks requiring a "yes-no" answer; tasks with a constructed answer.

"Ask the teacher a question" is a service for organizing interactive interaction between students and the teacher. This component is of particular importance when the Internet resource is used in the distance learning system.

Before proceeding to the description of the training content, which allowed us to fill each specified element of the UID structure, let us dwell on detailed description technologies for creating UIR, which is the very content of training. Section 2.2 provides a detailed description of the following stages of UID creation (clause 2.2.1): pedagogical design, technical design, implementation, testing and publication.

Educational design of educational and educational development consists of the following stages: description of the goals and conditions of education (clause 2.2.2); selection of training content for SCPI (clause 2.2.3); building the logical structure of the course content (clause 2.2.4); the formation of a psychological and pedagogical strategy and the choice of didactic techniques (clause 2.2.5); choice of information presentation forms (clause 2.2.6); development of the user interface (clause 2.2.7); definition of types of training

training tasks and the development of a knowledge control scheme (p.2.2.8). Technical design is the stage of choosing development tools (clause 2.2.9) and the stage of developing the structure of the UID (clause 2.2.10). The final stage of the UID creation includes testing and evaluation of the constructed Internet resource, which allow assessing the efficiency of using the constructed UID in educational process(clause 2.2.11).

As part of the construction of the academic subject "Pedagogical Web-design" (§2.3), based on the requirements for the level of initial knowledge of the trainees (clause 2.3.1) and the goals of learning how to create an EID in a pedagogical university (clause 2.3.2), substantive (or conceptual) lines of instruction, and among them the following were indicated: 1) the study of educational design of UID; 2) studying the fundamentals of the technology for creating UIR; 3) study of the technology of organizing interactive interaction in UID.

Thus, the content of teaching the technology of creating UID includes three blocks:

1) theoretical foundations (studying the issues of pedagogical design and the technology of constructing a methodological theory, the technology of constructing test tasks, technology of application mathematical models for structuring the learning content of educational resources, elements of discrete mathematics (algorithms from graph theory to represent the learning content and choose a route for studying basic concepts in a modular-block type of learning, semantic networks);

2) the basics of Web technologies (studying the hypertext markup language, presenting information using visual HTML editors, the basics of Flash technology);

3) the basics of programming Web applications (learning programming in JavaScript, PHP).

Based on what has been said, the following topics are the result of the selection of the content of training for the creation of UID:

1) Basic concepts of educational Web-design.

2) Pedagogical design of an educational Internet resource.

3) The use of mathematical models for structuring the content of UID.

4) Web-editor Macromedia Dreamweaver MX. Training text information for placement on a web page.

5) Preparation graphic information for placement on a web page.

6) Technologies for placing information on a Web page.

7) Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).

8) Publishing Web-pecypca on the Internet.

9) Technologies for organizing interactive interaction in UID.

The listed topics formed the logical structure of the course "Pedagogical Web-design" (Fig. 4), which was obtained in the course of topological sorting of training content at the stage of structuring the content of the training course.

Fig. 4. The logical structure of the course "Pedagogical Web-design"

Let us dwell on the conventional notation: the "circles" indicate the numbers of topics that are suggested to be included in the training content; v square frames the numbers of topics are given, the questions of which are to some extent taken into account state standard higher professional education; the dotted arrows show additional connections, with the help of which it is possible to vary the content of training, depending on the real conditions of the educational process.

Teaching these topics will allow future teachers of informatics and subject teachers, specified in clause 2.2.3, to form knowledge and skills in the field of pedagogical Web-design, which constituted the key, basic and special competencies of a teacher of informatics (subject teacher) on the creation of UID as part of the course "Pedagogical Web-design". Let us list in the table the components of the professional competence of a computer science teacher and a subject teacher in the field of pedagogical Web-design (see Table 1). Note that some of the skills are included in both basic and special competencies. This suggests that they can develop in the course of training.

Table 1.

Components of the professional competence of a subject teacher in the field of pedagogical Web-design

1 Ability to use knowledge of the principles of "client-server" technology and the purpose of client and server technologies necessary for the analysis of existing Internet resources. +

2 Ability to apply knowledge of classifications of tools, assignment of Web-editors, assignment of applications for working with raster and vector graphics, necessary for the selection of tools for creating UID. +

3 Ability to skillfully use terminology and knowledge of definitions of concepts: educational Internet resource, educational Web resource, educational site, portal; the composition of the basic services and services of the educational Internet resource; the differences between the educational portal and the educational site, which are necessary to determine the architecture of the UID. +

4 Ability to apply in practice the knowledge of designing a methodological training system (MES), necessary to highlight the elements of the structure of IMS - the ability to "fill" the components of MES with specific content. + +

No. Professional competence K B S

Ability to use knowledge about the role of pedagogical design in

5 building a learning resource; definitions of "methodological theory" + +

and its components necessary for the selection of training content for EID and the construction of a formal model of the projected training course

Ability to use knowledge about building a typology of learning objectives; on-

6 indicators of achievement of learning objectives necessary for the formulation of learning objectives. +

Ability to use knowledge of the principles of selection of training content for

7 UIR; UIR structures and the purpose of its constituent elements; definitions +

concepts thesaurus, index, glossary necessary for the development of the structure of the UIR.

Ability to apply knowledge of factors influencing the choice of forms

8 providing information to SCPI; as well as design principles +

textual information for UIR; principles of preparation graphic images for UIR.

Ability to apply knowledge of the requirements to the user interface, not

9 required for preparing text and graphic information for UID and developing user interface. +

Ability to use knowledge about the differences, advantages and disadvantages of tasks

10 ny with open and closed answers; typologies of tasks with a closed answer - +

volume; ways of entering answer options used in the UID, necessary for organizing the control of knowledge in the UID.

Ability to use knowledge of the mathematical method - the factorial method

11 analysis required for the selection of training content and the formation of conceptual lines of training in the creation of UID +

The ability to use the knowledge of the mathematical method - the method of topological

12th sorting required to optimize the structure of educational content for educational training. +

The ability to use knowledge of the types of relationships used in information

13 logical-logical model; main types of semantic relations, +

used in information-logical models necessary for building an information-logical model of educational material.

14 Ability to use knowledge of algorithms of work in the Web-editor Macro- +

media Dreamweaver required for the technical implementation of UIR.

15 Ability to use knowledge of the HTML command system required +

for logical and physical formatting of text information.

Ability to use knowledge of the types of hyperlinks required for technical

16 ical implementation of various types of relations in the information-logical model of educational material. +

Ability to operate with concepts: graphic format, resolution, color

17th palette, indexed image, image compression algorithms - +

necessary to optimize graphical information for Web pages.

Ability to operate with the concepts of Flash technology: timing diagram,

18 keyframes, symbols, and instances needed to create animation and interactive elements for Web pages. +

19 Ability to apply technologies of layout of Web-pages (tables and frames), +

necessary for the technical implementation of the user interface.

20 Ability to apply CSS technology required to manage visas- +

the formal design of the UIR web pages.

Thus, the formation of these skills allows us to speak of the learning outcomes as the professional competence of the teacher (according to research in the field of competence approach by N.F. Radionova, L.P. Tryapitsyna, I.S.Batrakova, G.N. Serikova, E. A. Tumaleva and

In order to achieve the learning objectives of the technology for the creation of UID and taking into account the selected learning content, as well as the joint activities of the teacher and the trainees, the following teaching methods were selected: verbal (conversation, explanation, discussion), practical (exercises, laboratory tasks), visual (demonstration, illustration ), explanatory and illustrative, reproductive, partial search, research, work with literature, performance of individual tasks.

When teaching the technology of creating UIR, the following forms of education can be used:

Lecture and its types: explanatory-illustrative, problematic; partial search;

Exercises (one of the types of practical exercises) is an organizational form of training, in the process of which education and skills development takes place.

Independent work and its types: independent work according to the sample; reconstructive; variable; creative (research).

Consultation (group and individual) - a very flexible form in the system, allowing you to use different types interactions: both with a group and with one student.

Various types of control are necessary to test and assess knowledge and skills in the process of self-solving problems of various nature and level of complexity.

The informational tool for teaching the creation of UIR is the Web-site "Pedagogical Web-design". Web site built-in wrapper for executing practical assignments can be used as a didactic teaching tool. When using this UID in the process of distance learning, the Ingernet network will be a technical training tool.

A detailed description of the methods, forms and means of teaching the technology of creating UID is given in clause 2.3.5.

In the third chapter of the dissertation research "Approbation of the teaching methods of the technology of creating an educational Internet resource", a pedagogical experiment is described in detail, within the framework of which the testing of the constructed methodological system of teaching the technology of creating an educational Internet resource was carried out.

The research was carried out in three stages in the period from the second half of 2002 to 2004 within the framework of the special course "Pedagogical Web-design" for the following groups of subjects.

The first group of subjects consisted of:

1st year postgraduate students of the Herzen State Pedagogical University with a degree in natural sciences (postgraduate students of the departments of computer science, methods of mathematics, methods of physics, general physics, geometry, algebra and mathematical analysis);

1st year postgraduate students of the Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University with a philological education (postgraduate students of departments in teaching methods of various scientific areas: biology, chemistry, history, foreign language, etc.);

1st year undergraduates of the Faculty of Technology and Entrepreneurship of the Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University.

The second group of subjects consisted of:

Students (bachelors - 4th year, masters - 1st and 2nd year), studying in the specialty "Mathematics" with the additional specialty "Computer Science" - future teachers of computer science - Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Barnaul State Pedagogical University (BSPU);

1st year postgraduate students of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University (Barnaul) with education in the natural sciences.

The above groups of subjects, as well as teachers of higher educational institutions(a total of 216 people) acted as the subject of the conducted pedagogical experiment.

Here are the conclusions formulated in §3.2, obtained in the course of the search experiment:

1) the majority of teachers note the inadequacy of the existing training of future subject teachers and, in particular, teachers of informatics in the field of technology for creating UIR due to the predominance of a technological approach in the content of teaching over a pedagogical one, which leads to the construction of pedagogically ineffective UID as a means of teaching;

2) the technology for creating UIR should be considered either in a separate course, or included in the content of the courses "Computer networks, Internet and multimedia technologies", "Information and communication technology in education "," Pedagogical software ", stipulated by the state standard of higher professional education;

3) teachers consider the lack of appropriate teaching aids to be the main reason for the situation, methodological developments and UIR.

Based on the analysis of the state of the problem and the materials of the questionnaire survey of teachers and graduate students, as well as taking into account the requirements for modern teachers of computer science, during the ascertaining experiment §3.3, the following were identified:

(1) the need to include issues of pedagogical design, the use of mathematical models for structuring the content of education when teaching the technology of creating an educational program;

(2) the need to select the content of training on the issues of technology for creating UID and building a methodological system for teaching the technology of creating UID, which provides the future teacher of informatics with knowledge in the field of creating and using UID in the educational process;

With the help of factor analysis (principal component analysis), the selected concept of selection of the content of training in the technology of creating UID was confirmed. In addition, the obtained results of the search experiment made it possible to confirm the three blocks that we identified in the content of theoretical material on the technology of creating UIR: (1) theoretical foundations, this should include issues of pedagogical design and the construction of a methodological theory of teaching a specific subject; (2) fundamentals of "MBb-technologies; (H) fundamentals of programming" of MB-applications.

On the basis of the proposed model of the methodological system of teaching the technology of creating UIR, one of the possible variants of the training course "Pedagogical" Lb-design ", which has a modular structure, was built and tested.

A formative experiment aimed at testing the hypothesis of the research showed that when teaching the technology of creating UID in the framework of a special course, future informatics teachers and subject teachers acquire methodological and technological knowledge on the creation of UID, which contributes to improving their training in the field of creating UID and using them in educational process (clause 3.3.3).

Let's summarize the results of the pedagogical experiment.

1. As a result of the special course "Pedagogical" Mb-design "conducted according to our methodology, the level of knowledge and skills formation in the technology of creating UIR increased among the subjects of both groups.

2. The special course "Pedagogical" Mb-design "for the subjects of the second group was carried out according to our methodology by the teachers of the Barnaul State Pedagogical University (BSPU, Barnaul) .The positive results of the experiment suggest that the proposed teaching method is transferable.

3. At the Herzen State Pedagogical University, the total number of 1st year graduate students who attended the elective course "Informatics and Computer Engineering" at the Department of Modern Educational Technologies was 156 people, of which 27 people, including 11 post-graduate students in natural sciences and 16 post-graduate students in the humanities. The remaining 129 people listened to questions related to the problems of building UIR in the framework of other special courses.

At the end of the training, everyone was offered the same questionnaires to test the acquired knowledge. Below are the results of the survey (see Table 2).

Table 2.

Results of the survey

No. Main aspects of training content Correctly indicated Incorrectly indicated Correctly indicated Incorrectly indicated

Students according to our methodology Students according to other methods

(a) theoretical foundations of pedagogical design; 79.1% 20.9% 23.8% 76.2%

(b) selection and structuring of the content of the academic subject for SCPI; 76.3% 23.7% 63.7% 36.3%

(c) designing textual information for UID; 95.8% 4.2% 78.7% 21.3%

(d) designing a user interface for the UID; 82.1% 17.9% 36.1% 63.9%

(e) selection of forms of information presentation for SCPI. 58.2% 41.8% 43.5% 56.5%

Based on the results of the questionnaire survey of subjects who did not study according to our methodology, it was concluded that the level of formation of knowledge and skills on the selection and structuring of the content of the academic subject for ISD, the design of text information for ISD and the choice of forms of information presentation for ISD is closest to the level the formation of knowledge and skills, which was shown by the subjects studying according to our method. This is due to the fact that these issues are reflected in the programs of special courses conducted in parallel with us by other teachers of the Department of Modern Educational Technologies of the Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University. However, regarding the theoretical foundations of pedagogical design and design of the user interface for UID, the level of knowledge and skills formation among subjects who study according to our methodology significantly (more than 2 times) exceeds the level of knowledge and skills formation among graduate students who were trained in other special courses, where these issues were given non-priority importance.


The dissertation research has shown that in a pedagogical university, the inclusion in the content of teaching of the technology of creating educational Internet resources of a block of questions devoted to pedagogical design, the construction of a methodological theory of teaching for a specific subject, the use of mathematical models for the selection and structuring of the content of an educational Internet resource will contribute to mastering

students with knowledge and skills in the technology of creating educational resources and their use in the educational process.

In the course of the pedagogical experiment, the lack of general theoretical training in the field of technology for creating educational Internet resources was revealed due to the prevalence of technological and practical aspects over methodological ones in the content of teaching this issue.

V this work a methodological system for teaching the technology of creating educational Internet resources for future teachers of informatics has been built, which can also be used in teaching other subject teachers.

The main results of the work can be formulated as follows:

The concept of building an educational Internet resource has been formulated; -proposed the concept of "pedagogical Web-design" to describe

technologies for creating educational Internet resources; -the technology of creating educational Internet resources is described; -the goals of teaching the technology of creating educational Internet resources in a pedagogical university are formulated; - a review of the content was made and the main content (conceptual) lines of teaching of technologies for creating educational Internet resources were indicated;

The logical structure of the training content of the course "Pedagogical Web-design" was built and optimized in terms of time and content;

Methods, forms and

means of education; -developed and tested as a learning tool training site

"Pedagogical Web-design"; - during the pedagogical experiment, the fact is substantiated that the proposed teaching methodology contributes to the improvement of the training of future teachers of informatics on the creation of educational Internet resources and their use in the educational process.

Promising directions for the development of the proposed methodological system of teaching the technology of creating educational Internet resources are: (1) further development of the educational content, including: questions remote control educational process; sections on the dynamic generation of control tasks and tests in educational Internet resources; sections on the creation of services for interactive interaction of users of educational Internet resources (a system of forums, conferences, chats, etc.); (2) development of a laboratory work system for the sections specified in the previous paragraph; (3) improvement of existing and development of new teaching aids on the creation of educational Internet resources.

the following publications:

1. Shuklin D.A. On the relevance of building an educational "Mb-portal / VIII St. Petersburg International Conference" Regional Informatics - 2002 ".: Proceedings of the conference. Part 2. - St. Petersburg, 2002. -p. 87-88. - 0.06 pp.

2. Shuklin D.A. On the content of teaching graphic design within the framework of teaching informatics teachers to create an educational "Mb-pbcourse /" Informatization of school education ": International scientific and practical conference September 17-18, 2002, Barnaul: Publishing house BSPU, 2003.-0.12 p. l.

3. Shuklin D.A. On the content of training in the issues of ^ Lb-design within the framework of the course "Creation of an educational ^^ L-resource" / "Information technologies in education: problems, prospects": International scientific-practical conference, Herzen State Pedagogical University. - SPb. - 2003.-0.18 sq.

4. Shuklin D.A. An example of remote support for a training course for studying the technology of LL-design / in the book A set of guidelines for deputy principals of schools and school teachers on the organization and use of distance support in specialized education / GABordovsky, I.B. Gotskaya, V.M. Zhuchkov, E . V. Makhrova and others. Ed. G.A. Bordovsky. - SPb .: OOO "Akadem Print", 2004. - 0.18 pp.

5. Laptev V.V., Ryzhova N.I., Shuklin D.A. On the concept and content of training a specialist in the field of pedagogical design // "Pedagogical design", materials of the Scientific-practical conference on October 26-27, 2004 - St. Petersburg: RIO GOU SPO "SPbGITP", 2004. - 0.24 p. l. / copyright 0.06 pp

6. Laptev V.V., Ryzhova N.I., Shuklin D.A. The concept of training a specialist in the field of pedagogical design // XIV conference-exhibition "Information technologies in education": Proceedings of the conference participants. Part II. - M .: MEPhI, 2004 - 0.24 pp. / copyright 0.06 pp

7. Ryzhova N.I., Shuklin D.A. On the relevance and definition of the basic concepts of the educational portal / "Problems of the theory and practice of education management". Materials of the interregional conference on February 27-28, 2002. Part 2. - Barnaul, BSPU Publishing House, 2002. - 0.24 pp. / copyright 0.12 pp

8. Ryzhova N.I., Shuklin D.A., Egorova N.V., Karakozov S.D., Tevs D.P., Dankin A.A. Pedagogical design and methodological theory as elements of the methodology for the design of an information and educational portal / Internet Education Federation. "Russian School and the Internet". Second All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference. Regional tour. Conference proceedings June 25, 2002 ( -Barnaul, 2002. - 0.6 pp. / copyright 0.1 pp.

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SPb, st. Pestelya, 11 Signed for printing February 17, 2005 Circulation 100 copies.

Dissertation content author of a scientific article: candidate of pedagogical sciences, Shuklin, Dmitry Anatolyevich, 2004




§1.1. Educational Internet resources in the context of modernization of the education system.

§1.2. Review of existing scientific and methodological approaches to the construction of educational Internet resources

§1.3. The concept of building an educational Internet resource.

§1.4. Pedagogical Web-design as a technology for creating educational Internet resources.

1.4.1. Technology as a field of activity, design as a technological activity and its main stages.

1.4.2. The concept of "pedagogical design" and its methodological significance for the technology of creating an educational Internet resource.

1.4.3. The concepts of "pedagogical design" and "pedagogical Web-design" as the basis of the technology for creating educational Internet resources.

1.4.4. The concept of "Web-design" and Web-design technology as a component of educational Web-design.

§1.5. Analysis of the content of training in the construction of educational Internet resources in universities and centers for advanced training of teachers.

Conclusions for chapter 1.



§2.1. Educational Internet resource as an interpretation of the methodological training system.

2.1.1. Structural model and architecture of the educational Internet resource.

2.1.2. Educational Internet resource (educational site) "Pedagogical Web-design".

§2.2. Technology for creating an educational Internet resource.

2.2.1. Stages of creating an educational Internet resource.

2.2.2. Description of the goals and conditions of training.

2.2.3. Selection of the training content of the educational Internet resource.

2.2.4. Structuring (building a logical structure) of the course content

2.2.5. Formation of psychological and pedagogical strategy and the choice of didactic techniques.

2.2.6. Choice of forms of information presentation.

2.2.7. User interface development.

2.2.8. Determination of the types of educational and training tasks and the development of a knowledge control scheme.

2.2.9. Selection of development tools.

2.2.10. Development of the structure of the educational Internet resource.

2.2.11. Testing and evaluation of the built Internet resource.

§2.3. Characteristics of the educational subject "Pedagogical Web-design".

2.3.1. Requirements for the level of initial knowledge of trainees.

2.3.2. Objectives of teaching the technology of creating an educational Internet resource.

2.3.3. Components of a teacher's professional competence in the field of pedagogical Web-design.

2.3.4. Conceptual lines and structure of training content.

2.3.5. Methods, forms and means of teaching.

Conclusions for chapter 2.


§3.1. General characteristics of the experimental research.

§3.2. Analysis of the state of the problem of teacher training on the technology of using and creating educational Internet resources

§3.3. The use of mathematical methods and models for processing the results of a pedagogical experiment.

3.3.1. The use of factor analysis for structuring the learning content of the technology of creating an educational Internet resource.

3.3.2. The structure of the content of education as a result of optimization of the curriculum by methods of graph theory.

3.3.3. Testing the formed knowledge and skills according to the technology of creating an educational Internet resource

Conclusions for chapter 3.

Dissertation introduction on pedagogy, on the topic "Teaching methodology for creating educational Internet resources"

The development of the global computer network Internet has opened up new prospects for improving the world educational system. Internet resources are assigned the role of not only a means of searching and obtaining "useful information", but also the role of a means for the development of existing forms of education and for the creation of new ones. It is also becoming relevant to conduct research on the creation and development of educational resources of the Russian part of the Internet and the development of information and educational space.

Since 2001, the Government of the Russian Federation has defined a new strategy for the modernization of the educational system as a whole, the tasks of which are to revive and develop the best traditions of Russian education, to strengthen Russia's position among the highly educated countries of the world and its integration into the world educational community. In the development of ideas for the modernization of Russian education from 2001 to 2003, the following fundamental documents were adopted: "The National Doctrine of Education until 2025", "The Concept of Modernization of Russian Education for the Period until 2010", the programs "Federal Program for the Development of Education (2000-2005 years) "," Presidential program "Children of Russia" (2001-2002) ", programs" Youth of Russia (2001-2005) "," Development of a unified educational information environment (2001-2005) ", etc. . A significant section on education, where it comes on the means of information and communication technologies (including educational Internet resources), is included in the strategically important for the country Federal Target Program " Electronic Russia(2002-2010) ". By 2003, the "Computerization Program for Rural Schools", "Program for Computerization of City and Township Schools - 2002", etc. were practically completed.

The work of scientists G.A. Bordovsky, V.M. Glushkov, G.A. Zvenigorodsky, V.A. Izvozchikov, B.S. Gershunsky, M.P. Lapchik, V. G. Razumovsky, I. A. Rumyantseva, I. V. Robert and others.

Undoubtedly, the creation of educational Internet resources is a promising area of ​​activity for teachers, scientists, methodologists and information technology specialists. At the same time, the construction of educational and, moreover, educational Internet resources is objectively a difficult task that requires the participation of highly qualified specialists in various fields of knowledge. The organization of mass and effective development of educational Internet resources with the wide involvement of teachers in it is impossible without the use of a methodology for the implementation of such projects that is invariant to the subject area, covering hesychological-pedagogical, mathematical, software-technical, technological, organizational and economic aspects.

The work of A.A. Akhayan, A.I.Bashmakov, M.Yu.Bukharkina, I.B.Gotskaya, S.D. Karakozov, M.V. Moiseeva, M. I. Nezhurina, E. S. Polat, N. I. Ryzhova, A. K. Skuratova, B. Ya. Sovetov, T.S. Starova, A. Yu. Uvarova and others.

Within the framework of the federal target Program "Development of a unified educational information environment (2001-2005)", a system of educational portals is being created, which ensures by its own means the development of the global goals of the Program, namely, the formation of a unified educational information environment consisting of educational resources, a network of educational communications , navigation systems in the environment of educational resources, systems for providing access to educational resources. The group of tasks of the educational Internet portal also includes the collection and systematization of educational and training Internet resources.

The works of A. I. Bashmakov, A. D. Ivannikov, A. N. Tikhonov, M. A. Guriev, V. V. Lunin, M. Ya. A.L. Semenova, S.L. Lobacheva, V.I.Soldatkina and others.

The foregoing determines the relevance of this work devoted to the study of a scientific problem, the roots of which lie in the contradictions: between the need to create new teaching aids - educational Internet resources and the lack of a unified methodology for their construction; between the introduction of existing educational Internet resources in the traditional educational process or in the framework of distance learning and the existing training of teachers in the design and use of such resources in their professional activities.

Taking into account the above and justified relevance, the research topic was formulated: "Teaching methodology for creating educational Internet resources."

Thus, the purpose of the study is to build a methodological system for teaching the technology of creating educational Internet resources and its specific implementation in the form of an academic discipline for future subject teachers (in particular, teachers of informatics).

The object of the research is the process of professional training of informatics teachers and future subject teachers in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT) and their use in education.

The subject of the research is the process of teaching the technology of creating educational Internet resources.

Research hypothesis. A methodological system for teaching pedagogical Web-design, which contributes to the formation of knowledge and skills on the technology of creating and using educational Internet resources among subject teachers, can be built if the teaching content includes issues of pedagogical design technology, within which a methodological theory is built for a specific subject area , and training in Web design technology.

To achieve this goal and confirm the above hypothesis, the following tasks were solved.

The first group (tasks of a theoretical nature) - to justify the selection of training content, technologies for creating educational Internet resources: a) Based on the analysis of scientific and methodological literature, clarify the conceptual apparatus of the study (concepts: " educational site ”,“ educational portal ”,“ educational Internet resource ”), highlight the stages of technology for creating an educational Internet resource, analyze the existing theoretical models of the architecture of educational Internet resources and, on their basis, develop the structure of an educational Internet resource. b) Along with the general didactic principles for the selection of training content, formulate the principles for the selection of training content technologies for creating educational Internet resources as an element of the methodological system, select the content of educational material and a system of assignments for a system of laboratory work and an educational Internet resource - "Pedagogical Web-design".

The second group (tasks of a technological nature) - for the selection of the content of the elements of the methodological system of teaching, technologies for creating educational Internet resources: (a) characterize the stages of pedagogical design of an educational Internet resource; (b) choose specific and appropriate methods, forms and means of teaching the technology of creating educational Internet resources.

The third group (tasks of an experimental nature): (a) formulate the concept of training a specialist in the field of pedagogical Web-design; (b) conduct an experimental test of the constructed teaching methodology for creating educational Internet resources in the form of a specific implementation of the methodological teaching system.

The research concept is that:

1) the basis for the study of the structure and content of teaching, technologies for creating educational Internet resources are: the technology of pedagogical design (E.S. Zair-Bek, V.E. Radionov), the technology of constructing a methodological theory (V.V. Laptev, M.V. Shvetskiy, N.I. Ryzhova) and Web-design technology (T. Powell), as well as general didactic principles of organizing training (Yu.K. Babanskiy, V.P. Bespalko, V.S. Lednev, I.A. Lerner and etc.);

2) the construction of educational Internet resources should follow the stages of pedagogical design, within the framework of which a methodological theory is built, taking into account the concepts and scientific and methodological approaches to the creation of educational Internet resources (A.D. Ivannikov, A.N. Tikhonov, A.I. Bashmakov, A.Yu. Uvarov and others), principles of development and use of information technologies (A.P. Ershov, B.Ya. Sovetov, A.Ya.Saveliev), as well as principles of creation and use of teaching aids (E.V. Baranova, I. V. Robert, V. A. Izvozchikov, V. V. Laptev, M. P. Lapchik, A. A. Kuznetsov, I. B. Gotskaya, E. S. Polat, A. I. Bashmakov , N.G. Salmina);

3) the success in teaching the technology of creating educational Internet resources depends: a) on the sequence of students' activities, reflecting the stages of pedagogical design, the construction of a methodological theory and its correspondence to the stages of Web-design technology and (b) on the use of Web-design tools (visual HTML -editors).

To solve the set tasks, the following research methods were used: analysis of special literature on informatics and methods of teaching informatics; analysis of scientific literature and Internet resources covering the problems of developing computer teaching aids; analysis of works on the theory and methodology of design and construction of training content, research in the field of educational and pedagogical technologies; analysis of school and university programs, textbooks and teaching aids; comparison and generalization of domestic and foreign experience creation of educational (training) Internet resources; questionnaire survey of teachers of pedagogical universities; method of expert assessments and processing of results by the method of factor analysis; ascertaining and forming experiments to test individual methodological provisions of the work.

The scientific novelty of the conducted research lies in the development of:

An approach to the construction of an educational Internet resource, the creation of which is based on the construction of a methodological theory and the technology of pedagogical design;

An approach to teaching the technology of creating educational Internet resources based on the technology of pedagogical Web-design, which combines the technology of pedagogical design, the construction of methodological theory and the technology of Web-design.

Provisions for Defense:

The approach to the construction of an educational Internet resource and the approach to teaching the technology of pedagogical Web-design should have a single basis - the construction of a methodological theory and the technology of pedagogical design;

The structure and content of training in pedagogical Web-design are determined by the technology of pedagogical design, the construction of a methodological theory, the technology of Web-design and the information and software tools of Web-design used;

The structural model of the architecture of an educational Internet resource should include the following interrelated elements: learning objectives, learning content, forms, means and methods of learning, monitoring, learning outcomes, which shows its homomorphism to the methodological learning system;

The theoretical significance of the study is that:

Based on a comparative analysis of the concepts of "educational Internet resource", "educational site", "educational portal" and "educational Internet resource" and existing concepts of building educational Internet resources, taking into account the models of methodological learning systems, a structural model of the architecture of the educational Internet was developed. resource;

A methodological system for teaching pedagogical Web-design for subject teachers, in particular, for teachers of informatics, has been built, within the framework of which the structure and content of teaching the technology of creating an educational Internet resource, the basis of which is the technology of pedagogical Web-design and the technology of using visual HTML- editors - tools for creating Web-pecypcoB, as well as methods, forms and training tools.

The practical significance of the obtained results lies in the development of a system of laboratory works "Introduction to the theory and practice of pedagogical Web-design" and its implementation in the form of an educational site "Pedagogical Web-design" methodical system of teaching technologies for creating an educational Internet resource.

Recommendations for the implementation of research results. The proposed variants of laboratory work and the educational site "Pedagogical Web-design", as well as the curriculum can be used to train subject teachers and teachers of informatics, in particular, technologies for creating educational Internet resources.

The reliability and validity of the results obtained is ensured by: research methodology; quantitative and qualitative analysis of research results obtained through the use of research methods that are adequate to the subject tasks and stages of research; using the methods of mathematical statistics for processing the results of the experimental research.

Approbation of the research results was carried out in the form of scientific reports at scientific and methodological seminars and conferences on the problems of teaching informatics at the university: VIII St. Petersburg International Conference "Regional informatics - 2002" (St. Petersburg), International conference "Information technologies in education: problems, prospects "(St. Petersburg, Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen, 2003), International scientific and practical conference" Informatization of school education "(Barnaul, 2002), Second All-Russian scientific practical conference "Russian school and the Internet" (Barnaul, 2002), All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Pedagogical design" (St. Petersburg, Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen, 2004), XIV International conference-exhibition "Information technologies in education ITO-2004" (Moscow, 2004). The theoretical provisions were discussed at the scientific and methodological seminar "Questions of theory and methods of teaching computer science" of the Department of Modern Educational Technologies of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen (St. Petersburg, 2002). In addition, the main provisions of the research are reflected in 8 publications.

The implementation of the research results was carried out within the framework of the special course "Pedagogical Web-design" for 1st year graduate students of various specialties of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen (St. Petersburg) (who are actually subject teachers), 1st year students and undergraduates of the Faculty of Technology and Entrepreneurship of the Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University, as well as within the framework of training courses on the use of ICT in education for students - future teachers of mathematics and informatics (bachelors - 4 course and masters - 1-2 years) of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of the Barnaul State Pedagogical University (BSPU, Barnaul) and 1 year postgraduate students of natural sciences and humanities of the same university.

The introduction into pedagogical practice of the educational site "Pedagogical Web-design" is confirmed by the act of introduction into the educational process of the Barnaul State Pedagogical University (BSPU, Barnaul), signed by the rector prof. V.M. Lopatkin.

The sequence of solving the main problems of the research determined the structure of the construction of the thesis. The dissertation consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a bibliography and annexes. The main text is 168 units, including 13 figures, 16 tables, bibliography (184 titles) - 18 pp., Appendices - pp.

Conclusion of the thesis scientific article on the topic "Theory and methods of teaching and upbringing (by areas and levels of education)"

The main results of the work can be formulated as follows: a) the concept of building an educational Internet resource has been formulated; b) the concept of "pedagogical Web-design" is proposed to describe the technology of creating educational Internet resources; c) describes the technology for creating educational Internet resources; d) the goals of teaching the technology of creating educational Internet resources in a pedagogical university are formulated; e) a review of the content is made and the main conceptual lines of teaching technologies for creating educational Internet resources are indicated; f) the modular curriculum of the educational course "Pedagogical Web-design" was built and optimized in terms of time and content; g) the methods, forms and means of teaching corresponding to the content of training have been selected; h) developed and implemented a new electronic learning tool - educational site "Pedagogical Web-design"; i) in the course of the pedagogical experiment, the fact is substantiated that the practical implementation of the proposed methodological theory contributes to the improvement of the training of future teachers of informatics on the creation of educational Internet resources and their use in the educational process.

Thus, within the framework of the tasks set, the completed dissertation research can be considered complete.

Promising directions for the development of the proposed methodological system of teaching the technology of creating educational Internet resources are:

1) further development of the training content, including:

Questions of remote control of the educational process;

Sections on the dynamic generation of control tasks and tests in educational Internet resources;

Sections on the creation of services for interactive interaction of users of educational Internet resources (a system of forums, conferences, chats, etc.);

2) development of a system of laboratory work in the sections specified in the previous paragraph;

3) improvement of existing and development of new teaching aids on the creation of educational Internet resources.


The dissertation research has shown that at a pedagogical university, the inclusion in the content of teaching the creation of educational Internet resources of a block of questions devoted to pedagogical design and the use of mathematical models for the selection and structuring of the content of an educational Internet resource will contribute to the mastery of students' knowledge and skills on the technology of creating educational resources and their use in the educational process.

In the course of the pedagogical experiment, the lack of general theoretical training in the field of technology for creating educational Internet resources was revealed due to the prevalence of technological and practical aspects over pedagogical in the content of teaching the creation of educational Internet resources.

In this work, a methodological system for teaching future teachers of informatics has been built on the technology of creating educational Internet resources.

List of dissertation literature author of scientific work: candidate of pedagogical sciences, Shuklin, Dmitry Anatolyevich, St. Petersburg

1. Andrievskaya V.V. Some prerequisites for the psychological support of the dialogue in the decision learning objectives// Psychological problems of creating and using computers. -M., 1985.S. 13-19.

2. Arkhangelsky S.I. The educational process in higher education, its logical foundations and methods. M .: Higher. school, 1980 .-- 368 p.

3. Akhmetova M.N. Pedagogical theories and systems: aspects of technology. Tutorial. Part II. Chita: Publishing house of ZabGTU im. N.G. Chernyshevsky, 1998 .-- 254 p.

4. Babansky Yu.K. Intensification of the learning process. M .: Knowledge, 1987.-78 p.

5. Babansky Yu.K. Optimization of the educational process: Methodological foundations. -M .: Education, 1982.192 p.

6. Babinsky A.Z., Bukatov A.A., Shapiro V.A., Sharoyko O.V. Definition of basic services, development of filling methods and methods for implementing educational portals. (, 2003.

7. Baranova E.V. Theory and practice of object-oriented design of training content for information technology: Avtoref. ... of pedagogical sciences. SPb, 2000 .-- 36 p.

8. Barbolin M.P. Methodological foundations of developmental education. -M .: Higher school, 1991.232 p.

9. Bashmakov A.I., Bashmakov I.A. Development of computer textbooks and training systems. M .: Information and publishing house "Filin", 2003. -616 p.

10. Bashmakov A.I., Bashmakov I.A. Technology and tools for designing computer training complexes for professional training and advanced training. Part 2 // Information technologies. 1999. No. 7. S. 39-45.

11. Bespalko V.P. Programmed Learning: The Didactic Aspect. -M .: Pedagogy, 1970.300 p.

12. Bespalko V.P. Components of pedagogical technology. M .: Pedagogika, 1989 .-- 192 p.

13. Bespalko V.P., Tatur Yu.G. Systematic and methodological support of the educational process of training specialists. M .: Higher school, 1989 .-- 143 p.

14. Bespalko V.P. Education and training with the participation of computers (pedagogy of the third millennium) M .: Publishing house of the Moscow Psychological and Social Institute; Voronezh: Publishing house of NPO MODEK, 2002. - 352 p.

15. Beshenkov S.A. School Informatics: A New Look, new course// Pedagogical informatics. 1993. No. 2. -S.5-10.

16. Boronenko T.A. Teaching methodology for computer science. Theoretical basis. Textbook for students of pedagogical universities. SPb., 1997 .-- 99 p.

17. Boronenko T.A., Ryzhova N.I. Teaching methodology for computer science. Special technique. Study guide for students. SPb: RGPU im. A.I. Herzen, 1997 .-- 134 p.

18. Bulgakov M.V., Vnotchenko S.S., Gridina E.G. Realization of the catalog of educational Internet resources of the federal portal "Russian Education" (, 2003.

19. Bulgakov M.V., Pushkin A.E., Fokin S.S. Technological aspects of creating computer training programs. In the book. Computer techologies in higher education / Ed. col .: A.N. Tikhonov, V.A. Sadovnichy and others -M .: Publishing house. Moscow State University, 1994.S. 147-152.

20. Booch G. Object-oriented design with examples of application: Per. from English M .: Concord, 1992 .-- 519 p.

21. Buckets A.M. Design software economic information systems: Textbook. M .: Finance and statistics, 2000 .-- 352 p.

22. Vendrow A.M. CASE technologies. Modern methods and tools for the design of information systems. -M .: Finance and statistics, 1998. -176 p.

23. Voronina O.V. Teaching hypertext technology as a factor in preparing future teachers for pedagogical activity: Author's abstract. Dis. ... Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences. Stavropol, 2001.

24. Gershunsky B.S. Computerization in Education: Problems and Prospects. -M .: Pedagogika, 1987.265 p.

25. Gershunsky B.S. Forecasting the content of training in technical schools. -M., 1980.- 144 p.

26. Giese K., Holmes A. Fundamentals of Web Design: A Companion Guide .: Translated from English. -M .: Publishing house "Williams", 2002. 640 p.

27. V. I. Ginetsinsky. Foundations of theoretical pedagogy. SPb .: SPbU, 1992.-154 p.

28. S.I. Gorlitskaya. Conceptual foundations of the project method as a methodology for developing teaching in informatics and the basis for developing the use of NITO // Pedagogical informatics. 1995, no. 2, p. 3-11.

29. Gotskaya I.B. Methodological system of teaching informatics to students of pedagogical universities in a market economy (theoretical foundations, design practice): Avtoref. ... etc. ped. sciences. SPb., 1999.-41 p.

30. V. V. Grinshkun Theory and practice of application hierarchical structures in informatization of education and teaching informatics. M .: MGPU. - 2004. -418 p.

31. V. V. Grinshkun Theory and methods of using hierarchical structures in the informatization of education // Informatics and education. M., 2003, No. 12.-p. 117-119.

32. Gultyaev A.K., Mashin V.A. Design and design of the user interface. SPb .: KORONA Print, 2000.352 p.

33. Gura V.V., Vasilovsky V.V., The role of pedagogical design in the creation of a university system of open education AMpaper / ms ^ aperreader.php? ProjID = 4003 & Curr PaperlD = 518), 2001 ...

34. Gusev V.V., Obraztsov P.I., Shchekotikhin V.M. Information technologies in the educational process of the university. Orel: VIPS, 1997 .-- 126 p.

35. Davydov V.V. Types of generalizations in teaching. Moscow: Pedagogika, 1972, 423 p.

36. Davydov V.V. Developmental learning theory. Moscow: INTOR, 1996, 544 p.

37. Didactics of secondary school. Some problems of modern didactics / Ed. M.A. Danilov and M.N. Skatkina M .: Education, 1975.-304 p.

38. Dimenstein R., Yakovlev A. Informatics or computer science // Informatics and education. 1989. No. 3. S. 105-107.

39. Domrachev V.G., Retinskaya I.V. On the classification of computer educational information technologies. // Information Technology. 1996. - No. 2. - S. 10-13.

40. Egorova N.V. Methods of teaching the proof of the correctness of imperative programs in the framework of fundamental training of teachers of informatics in the subject area: diss. .kand. Pedagogical Sciences, St. Petersburg. 2004.-222 p.

41. VB Yezhelenko Means, methods, techniques in the pedagogical process. Lecture for the course "Theory and methodology of the pedagogical process." SPb .: "Education", 1997. - 22 p.

42. Zagvyazinsky V.I. Methodology and technique of didactic research. M .: Pedagogika, 1982 .-- 160 p.

43. Zazykin V.G., Chernyshev A.P. Akmeological problems of professionalism. M .: NII VO, 1993 .-- 48 p.

44. Zair-Bek E.S. Fundamentals of Pedagogical Design. Saint Petersburg, 1995. Zenkin A.A. Cognitive computer graphics / Ed. D.A. Pospelova. -M .: Nauka, 1991 .-- 192 p.

45. Ivannikov A.D., Tikhonov A.N. Basic provisions of the concept of creating a system of educational portals, (, 2003.

46. ​​The use of computers in higher education // Sat. scientific work. Research Institute of Problems VSh.- M .: NIIVSH, 1986.-112 p.

47. Itelson LB Mathematical and cybernetic methods in pedagogy. M .: Education, 1964 .-- 248 p.

48. Kagan B.M. Electronic computing machines and systems. M .: Energoatomizdat, 1991.592 p.

49. Kent P. World Wide Web / Per. from English V.L. Grigoriev. M .: Computer, UNITI, 1996 .-- 311 p.

50. Kirsanov D. Web design: a book by Dmitry Kirsanov. SPb: Symbol-Plus, 1999.-376 p.

51. Klarin M.V. Innovative models of the educational process in modern foreign pedagogy: Author's abstract. dis. .doc. ped. sciences. M., 1995 .-- 47 p.

52. Kozlova G.A. Didactic efficiency of computerization of teaching (based on materials from foreign publications): Author's abstract. dis. .kand. ped. sciences. -M.: MPU, 1992.-23 p.

53. Competence approach in pedagogical education: Collective monograph / Edited by Prof. VA Kozyrev and Prof. NF Radionova. Saint Petersburg: Publishing house of the Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University, 2004 .-- 392 p.

54. Computer technology of teaching. Reference Dictionary / Ed. V.I.Gritsenko, A.M. Dovgyalo, A.Ya.Savelyeva. Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1992.-652 p.

55. Computer technologies in higher education / Ed. Col .: A.N. Tikhonov, V.A.Sadovnichy et al. -M .: Publishing house of Moscow State University, 1994.370 p.

56. The concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010 // elementary School. 2002. №4.

57. The concept of systemic integration of information technology in higher education. M .: RosNIISI, 1993.-72 p.

58. V.V. Korneev, A.F. Gareev, S.V. Vasyutin, V.V. Raikh. Database. Intelligent information processing. M .: "Knowledge", 2000. - 352 p.

59. Korolev JI.H. Development of computers and their software... M .: Knowledge, 1984.-64 p.

60. Kostin V.A. Study of the vocational training system using a computer (on the example of a university): Avtoref. dis. .kand. ped. sciences. -Novosibirsk: NVVPOU, 1992.-21 p.

61. Coates R., Vleimink I. Human-computer interface: Per. from English -M .: Mir, 1990.-501 p.

62. Brief psychological dictionary / Compiled by L.A. Karpenko; Under total. ed. A.V. Petrovsky, M.G. Yaroshevsky. M .: Politizdat, 1985. - p. 21.

63. Kuznetsov A.M., Martynov V.V. Requirements for graphic design and usability of educational portals,, 2003.

64. A. V. Kurochkin, A. L. Shchors. Object-oriented design of an electronic textbook and training course (, 2002.

65. Lazarev I.A. Information and security: Composite technology of information modeling of complex decision-making objects. Moscow: Moscow City Center for Scientific and Technical Information, 1997. - 336 p.

66. Lalov B.Ts. Didactic bases of using automated teaching aids: Author's abstract. dis. .kand. ped. sciences. -M .: MGPI, 1982.21 p.

67. Laptev V.V., Shvetskiy M.V. Methodical system of fundamental training in the field of informatics: theory and practice of multilevel pedagogical university education. Saint Petersburg: Publishing House of Saint Petersburg University, 2000. - 508 p.

68. Laptev V.V., Ryzhova N.I., Shvetskiy M.V. Methodical theory of teaching computer science. Aspects of fundamental training. St. Petersburg: Publishing house of St. Petersburg University, 2003 .-- 352 p.

69. Lednev B.C. The content of education: essence, structure, perspectives. -M .: Higher school, 1991.224 p.

70. Lerner I.Ya. The quality of students' knowledge. What should they be? Moscow: Knowledge, 1978 .-- 112 p.

71. Laudis V.Ya. Psychological principles of constructing interactive training programs in the situation of computer learning // Psychological-pedagogical and psychophysiological problems of computer training.- Moscow: Pedagogy, 1985, pp. 85-94.

73. Mayorov A.N. Theory and practice of creating tests for the education system. (How to choose, create and use tests for educational purposes). -M., 2000.352 p.

74. Mantsivoda A.V. Educational objects, educational portals and modern information technologies, (, 2002.

75. Markhel I.I., Ovakimyan Yu.O. An integrated approach to the use of technical teaching aids: Textbook. Method. allowance. M .: Higher. shk., 1987.-175 f.: ill.

76. Mathematical encyclopedic dictionary. M .: Sov. encyclopedia, 1995.-847 p.

77. Research materials "Nielsen Normann Group"., 2004.

78. Mashbits E.I. Computerization of Learning: Problems and Prospects. -M .: Knowledge, 1986.-80 p.

79. Mashbits E.I. Psychological and pedagogical problems of computerization of education. -M .: Pedagogika, 1988.191 p.

80. International scientific conference "Intelligent technologies and distance learning at the turn of the XXI century": Abstracts / SPb .: SPbGUAP, 1999.-319 p.

81. Meyers G. "The Art of Testing", Moscow: Finance and Statistics, 1982.

82. Methodical instructions for conducting a pedagogical experiment to determine the effectiveness of teaching in the classroom AOC. Minsk: BSU, 1984.-88 p.

83. Teaching methods in modern comprehensive school: Guidelines for students / Comp. G. D. Kirillova. JL: Publishing house of LPI, 1986.-44 p.

84. Methods of pedagogical research / Ed. A.I. Piskunov, G.V. Vorobyova. -M .: Pedagogika, 1979.256 p.

85. Nekhaev S.A., Andreev I.L., Krivoshein N.V., Yaskevich Ya.S. Dictionary of Applied Internet and to and,, 2002.

86. Nikandrov N.D., Petrova E.D. The system of organizational forms of education at the pedagogical institute. Content, methods and forms of teaching in the pedagogical institute: Sat. scientific. works. L .: Lenuprizdat, 1977 .-- 3-14 p.

87. Nikitina S.E. Theoretical and Applied Linguistics Thesaurus (Automatic Text Processing). Moscow: Nauka, 1978 .-- 375 p.

88. Novikov V.A. and others. Didactic efficiency of AOS M .: NII VSh, 1985.-42 p.

89. New information technologies of education: experimental verification pedagogical efficiency / Ed. V. G. Razumovsky, I. M. Bobko. Novosibirsk: NIIIVT, 1991 .-- 69 p.

90. New pedagogical and information technologies in the education system: Textbook. pos. / E.S. Polat, M.Yu. Bukharkina, M.V. Moiseeva, A.K. Petrov / Ed. E.S. Polat. M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 1999. - 224 p.

91. Education and the XXI century: Information and communication technologies. -M .: Nauka, 1999.191 p.

92. PI Obraztsov. Psychological and pedagogical aspects of the development and application of information technologies of education in the university. Orel: OrelGTU, 2000 .-- 145 p.

93. Oganesyan V.A. The principles of selection of the main content of teaching mathematics in secondary school. Yerevan: Luys, 1984.215 p.

94. Osipov GS Building models of subject areas. Part 1. Non-uniform semantic networks // Izvestiya RAN. Technical cybernetics. 1990. No. 5. S. 32-45.

95. Osuga S. Knowledge Processing: Per. from japan. M .: Mir, 1989 .-- 293 p.

96. Powell T.A. Web-design: per. from English SPb .: BHV-Petersburg, 2002. -1024 f .: ill.

97. Pedagogical technologies: Textbook for students of pedagogical specialties / Ed. B.C. Kukushin. Series "Pedagogical Education". - Rostov n / a: Publishing Center "Mart", 2002. - 320 p.

98. Representation and use of knowledge: Per. from japan. / Ed. X. Ueno, M. Ishizuka. M .: Mir, 1989 .-- 220 p.

99. Program of informatization of higher education in Russia. M .: RosNIIIS, 1992 .-- 15 p.

100. Draft Concept of informatization of education in Russia. M .: NIIVO, 1992.- 18 p.

101. Designing the user interface on personal computers/ Edited by M. Dadashov. Vilnius: DBS, 1992 .-- 186 p.

102. V. V. Radaev. The ideology of creating a specialized educational portal on the example of a portal on economics, management and sociology. (, 2003.

103. V.E. Radionov. Theoretical foundations of pedagogical design. Diss. Dr. ped. sciences. S.-Pb., 1996.

104. Development of methods and means of automated learning // Collection of scientific papers. -M .: NIIVSH, 1987.182 p.

105. Robert I.V. Modern information technologies in education: didactic problems, perspectives of use. M .: School-Press, 1994.-204 p.

106. Robert I.V. Theoretical foundations for the creation and use of means of informatization of education: Avtoref. dis. .doc. ped. sciences. M: 1995 .-- 40 p.

107. Russian pedagogical encyclopedia. T. 1 M .: Scientific publishing house "Great Russian Encyclopedia", 1993.

108. Ryzhova N.I. Development of a methodological system for the fundamental training of future teachers of informatics in the subject area. Abstract of the thesis. diss. doct. ped. sciences. Saint Petersburg, Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University, 2000, - 43 p.

109. Sazonov B.A. Conceptual foundations for the development of new information technologies for the formation of the content of training in computer science. -M .: NIIVO, 1994.80 p.

110. Salmina N.G. Sign and symbol in training. Moscow: Moscow State University Publishing House, 1988, 288 p.

111. Samarskiy A.A. Mathematical modeling and computational experiment // Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1979, 5, pp. 38-49.

112. Samarskiy A.A. Problems of using computer technology and the development of informatics // Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1985, 8, pp. 57-69.

113. Samarskiy A.A. Introduction to Numerical Methods. Moscow: Nauka, 1987, 288 p.

114. Sviridov A.P., Shalobina NA. Segeye Models of Knowledge Dynamics / Ed. YL. Melnikov. M .: MEI, 1992 .-- 88 p.

115. Selyutin V.A., Machine design electronic devices... -M .: Sov. radio, 1977

116. Siberian M.P. Professional training: Pedagogical technologies: Textbook. allowance. SPb .: Publishing and Printing College, 1996. - 100 p.

117. Sidorenko E.V. Methods of mathematical processing in psychology. -SPb .: OOO "Rech", 2002.350 p.

118. Skopin I.N. Development of interfaces of software systems. // System Informatics. Issue 6. 1998. p. 123-173.

119. Skuratov A.K. National educational portal. Scientific service on the Internet: Proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific Conference (September 24-29, 2001, Novorossiysk). M.: Publishing house of Moscow State University, 2001, pp. 79-80.

120. Skuratov A.K., Skuratova Yu.M. Educational portal. Abstracts of reports. VIII Conference of representatives of regional scientific and educational networks "RELARN-2001". August 1-6, 2001 Petrozavodsk, pp. 179-180.

121. Skuratovich E.K, Sokolov A.G., Uskov V.P., Safronov A.V., Bashmakov I.A., Samsonov O.S. Educational and research CAD systems in high school. M., 1991 .-- 40 p. (New information technologies in education: Review, inform. / NIIVO; Issue 7).

122. Dictionary of a practical psychologist / Comp. S.Yu. Golovin. Minsk: Harvest, 1998 .-- 800 p.

123. Smirnov V.A. Genetic method of constructing a scientific theory // Philosophical questions of modern formal logic. M., 1962, p. 263-285.

124. Councils B.Ya. Approaches to the construction of Web-textbooks for lifelong education / "/" Regional informatics-2002. Conference materials. 4.2. 182 s.

125. Councils B.Ya. Information technology. Moscow: Higher school, 1994, 368 p.

126. Soviet encyclopedic dictionary. - M .: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1970.

127. Starova T.S., Mogilev A.V. Typology of educational websites., 2002.

128. Static and dynamic expert systems/ E.V. Popov. I.B. Fominykh, E.B. Kisel, M.D. Shapot. Moscow: Finance and Statistics. 1996.-320 s.

129. Strikeleva JI.B. Pedagogical foundations of increasing the efficiency of the educational process at a university using AOS: Author's abstract. dis. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Minsk: BSU, 1984.-20 p.

130. Talyzina N.F. Psychological and pedagogical bases of automation of the educational process / Psychological, pedagogical and psychophysiological problems of computer training // Coll. Scientific tr. Moscow: Publishing house of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, Moscow State University, 1985. 15-26.

131. Talyzina N.F. Theoretical problems of programmed learning. -M .: Pedagogika, 1969.133 p.

132. Talyzina N.F. Management of the process of assimilation of knowledge. M .: Publishing house of Moscow State University, 1975.-141 p.

133. Techno-economic analysis and substantiation of decisions in the design of information technologies / Е.М. Tabachny, A.N. Zlatopolsky, E.I. Kalinin. Moscow: MPEI Publishing House, 1997. - 51 p.

134. Technical creativity: theory, methodology, practice. Encyclopedic Dictionary, Ed. A.I. Polovinkina, V.V. Popov. -M .: NPO "Inform-system", 1995. 408 p.

135. Tikhomirov V.P., Morozov V.P., Khrustalev E.Yu. Fundamentals of hypertext information technology. -M .: MESI, 1993.-122 p.

136. Tikhonov A.N. Unified information space of higher education in Russia: main problems and directions of development // Information technologies. 1996. - No. 2. - S. 2-6.

137. Turbovich J1.T. Information-semantic training model. JI .: Publishing house of Leningrad State University, 1970.-178 p.

138. Tyschenko O.B. New means of computer learning electronic textbook // Computers in the educational process, 1999. - № 10. - p. 89-92.

139. Uvarov A.Yu. Basic procedures for the development of educational material ( 3.htm), 2002.

140. Uvarov A.Yu. Electronic textbook: theory and practice. - M .: Publishing house of URAO, 1999.-220 p.

141. Educational and research systems in new information technologies of design: Sat. scientific. works. -M .: NIIVO, 1991.192 p.

142. Fedorchuk A. How Web Sites Are Created: A Short Course St. Petersburg: "Peter", 2000 - 224 p.

143. Fokin Yu.G., Korzun M.M. Fundamentals of the intensification of education at a university. Lecture course. - M .: VA im. F.E. Dzerzhinsky, 1987.160 p.

144. Fridman A. L. Fundamentals of object-oriented software systems development. Moscow: Finance and Statistics, 2000 .-- 192 p.

145. Tsvelaya I. A., Content of the course "Information systems",, 2002.

146. Chelyshkova M.B. Theory and practice of constructing pedagogical tests: Textbook. -M., 2002.432 p.

147. Chernobelskaya G.M. Methods of teaching chemistry in high school: Textbook. for stud. higher studies. institutions. - M .: Humanit. ed. center VLADOS, 2000.-336 p.

148. Choshanov M.A. Review of taxonomies of learning objectives in US pedagogy. Pedagogy, no. 4, 2000, p. 86-91.

149. Yu.I. Shemakin Thesaurus in automated control systems and information processing. Moscow: Voenizdat, 1974 .-- 192 p.

150. Sholokhovich V.F. Didactic bases of information technologies of teaching in educational institutions: Author's abstract. dis. .doc. ped. sciences. -Yekaterinburg: USPPU. 1995.-45 s.

151. V.F. Sholokhovich Information Technologies of Education // Informatics and Education. 1998, No. 2, p. 5-13.

152. G.P. Tsedrovitskiy. The system of pedagogical research (methodological analysis) / Pedagogy and logic -M .: Kastal, 1993.

153. Shhers A.J1. Automation of the development of e-learning courses. Practical aspects. Sat works 10 int. conf. ITO-2000, part 2, p.328. Sat works 10 int. conf. Ito-2000, part 2, p.308

154. Encyclopedia of psychological tests. Communication, leadership, interpersonal relationships. M .: LLC "ACT Publishing House", 1997. - 304 p.

155. Cerami E. Web Services Essentials, O "Reilly, 2002, 304 p.

156. Chapman B.L. Accelerating the Design Process: A Tool for Instructional Designers ((CBT Solutions. 1995. No. 9.

157. Dick N, Carey L. The Systematic Design of Instruction. - Glenview, Illinois: Scott, Foresman and Company, 1990.

158. Dictionary of Computing. Data Communications, hardware and Software. Basics. Digital Electronics. John Wiley, 1983

159. Dictionary of Computing. Second Edition. Oxford University Press, 1986.

160. Dictionary of Information Technology. MacMillan Press, London, 1982.

161. Moor O., Anderson A. Some principles of the Design of Clarifying Educational Environments, in Handbook of Socialization Theory and Research, Rand McNally and Co., Chicago: 1969.

162. Willis. J. A recursive, reflective instructional design model based on constructivist-interpretiveist theory, Educational Technology, Vol. 35, No. 6, 1995.


    - catalog of children's resources: everything that may be of interest to children.

    - "School World": a catalog of resources for schoolchildren and their parents.

    - Tutor: study materials, tests, stories, all sorts of things for schoolchildren, applicants and students

Interesting Internet pages:

    - Festival of Pedagogical Ideas "Open Lesson"

Search engines



    Distance olympiads, courses, master classes, projects, competitions of the Center for Distance Education "Eidos" for teachers, methodologists.

    School Education Project - News, articles, forums and more.

    - "Uchitelskaya Gazeta"

    Russian educational portal

    - All-Russian August Pedagogical Council

    All internet education

    Extracurricular activities for any holiday

    Spiritual and moral upbringing and education
    - Institute of New Technologies

    Electronic educational resources

1. Federal educational resources

The section contains a list of websites of federal educational authorities, educational institutions federal level, information sites federal programs and projects, as well as a list of federal information and educational portals.

Big change: website information support FTSPRO

Satellite channel of a unified educational information environment

Teacher's newspaper

The newspaper "First September"

Journal "Bulletin of Education of Russia"

Journal "Questions of Internet Education"

Journal "Open Education"

Internet magazine "Eidos"

Internet edition "Compass of the entrant"

2. Publishing houses of educational literature

The section contains information about the largest publishers educational literature, as well as about the directions and topics that are presented and analyzed on the pages of the publications they publish. Using the listed resources allows you to familiarize yourself with the catalog of products of publishing houses, obtain information about new releases, publications that are being prepared for publication, and purchase a publication of interest.

Educational book publishing portal

Publishing house "Akademkniga / Textbook"

Balass Publishing House

Publishing house "BINOM. Knowledge laboratory "

Publishing house "BHV-Petersburg"

Publishing Center "Ventana-Graf"

Publishing house "Verbum-M"

Vita-Press Publishing House

Humanitarian publishing center VLADOS

Publishing house "Drofa"

Publishing house "Mnemosyne"

Publishing house "Mosaic-Synthesis"

Publishing house "Education"

Publishing house "Peter"

Publishing company "September"

3. Conferences, exhibitions, competitions, olympiads

The section contains resources informing about the held and upcoming conferences, exhibitions, competitions and Olympiads.

All-Russian Internet Pedagogical Council

All-Russian Scientific and Methodological Conference "Telematics"

All-Russian Forum "Educational Environment"

Congress of conferences "Information technologies in education"

Conference "Integration of information systems in education"

Conference "Information Technologies in Education"

international Conference"Application of new technologies in education"

International Scientific Conference "Information Technologies in Education and Science"

International Congress and Exhibition "Education without Borders"

Russian educational forum

All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren

All-Russian Distance Heuristic Olympiads

Umnik: All-Russian Children's Internet Festival

Youth, science, culture: All-Russian open competition of research and creative works of students

4. Tooling software

The section contains a list of the main computer software, the use of which makes it possible to automate most types of educational activities in order to increase their efficiency. The resources of the section contain information about the peculiarities of introducing information and telecommunication technologies into education. Scenarios are described training sessions, carried out with the use of computer technology, discusses educational electronic publications and resources, the specifics of their creation and use. The resources listed contain links to software tools that can be used to improve teacher performance.

Journal "Computer tools in education"

Information integrated product "KM-SCHOOL"

System of programs for support and automation of the educational process "1C: Education"

System to build information space School Net School

Chronobus: systems for informatization administrative activities educational institutions

Educational website builder

School website: school website builder

Distance learning system WebTutor

5. Encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books, catalogs

The section includes links to electronic reference publications containing various information, which is related to most of the areas covered by the content of schooling. Using the resources of the section helps to simplify the teacher's activities in preparing for classes and conducting classes, helps to improve the quality of teachers 'work in organizing independent activities and students' leisure.

The resources of the section are intended for administration, methodologists, teachers and students of educational institutions, as well as parents and applicants.

VSEOBUCH portal - everything about education

Collection "History of Education" of the Russian educational portal

Pedagogical periodicals: catalog of articles of the Russian educational press

WikiKnowledge: Hypertext electronic encyclopedia

Wikipedia: the free multilingual encyclopedia

Mega-encyclopedia of the portal "Cyril and Methodius"

6. Resources for teacher guidance

Cnetwork association of methodologists (SOM)

7. Resources for the subject "Technology"

This section presents a list of technology resources. The resources included in the section provide instructional and reference material that can be used by both educators and students. Electronic tests, interactive models, colorful illustrations, ready-made developments, simulators and other educational and methodological materials contained in the resources of the section will help teachers prepare and conduct interesting, informative, vivid classes, and students - to complete homework, research projects or other types of independent work.

h ttp :// masterica . narod . ru / index . htm -. Educational and informational resource on needlework. Everything from start to mastery. Guilloche (burning on fabric), hand and machine embroidery, machine knitting. Schemes, drawings, patterns. Gallery of finished works, forum, useful links.

The project is for those who want to achieve harmony in relationships with loved ones, to make their home and garden cozy and beautiful, interesting and fun to spend time with their family.

The site is almost entirely devoted to cooking and contains sections such as a recipe catalog, holiday recipes, menus, ceremonial cooking, national recipes, diets, baby food and much more. - The site is dedicated to women: horoscopes, love and marriage, hairstyles and haircuts, the figure of your dreams, star makeup, women of legends, holidays, this is not a complete list of sections posted on the site. In the section "Needlework" there are lessons on beading, patchwork, fillet knitting and more. There is also an archive of articles on topics and a good forum.

The site is dedicated to cross stitching. The site has a download link electronic program to create embroidery patterns, cross stitch patterns. A large collection of wonderful schemes has been collected. There are not only paintings depicting flowers and cute animals, but also pillows, tablecloths, napkins. There are very complex work and for beginners. - Everything about embroidery - history, styles, techniques, designs, tutorials and more. - a site for handicrafts, interior design, cooking. - fashion, knitwear, patterns, yarn, exclusive do-it-yourself items. - St. Petersburg site for needlework, embroidery. - Articles on interior design, housekeeping, handicrafts, recipes, holiday scenarios, etc.

Site "Fashionable Russia". All about fashion and fashion designers. Illustrated articles about different types animals and plants (alphabetical systematization). Entertaining news from the world of animals. Tests and games.

Website development technologies open up ample opportunities for creating web resources of various types, complexity and target orientation. Web technologies are improving every year, reaching new level... Currently, a huge variety of solutions are available, thanks to which you can develop a website of any complexity. In this chapter thesis technologies for developing sites will be considered, as well as an analysis of site management systems.

2.1 Website development technologies

Web site development technologies are divided into server and client (Figure 6). Today there are a large number of different technologies. Server technologies include PHP, Perl, ASP. They are executed on the server and, after processing, return HTML code to the client through client technologies. Client technologies include HTML / XML, CSS, JavaScript / AJAX, Java / JavaFX, Flex / Flash, Silverlight, ActiveX, VBScript, DHTML, etc.

Figure 6 - Web technologies

Programs that are developed in client languages ​​are processed on the user side by means of a browser. There are a large number of browsers that work on a variety of platforms. This is the reason for the ambiguity of the program itself. The main problem with browsers is that the same script will render differently in different browsers and even in different browser versions. Thanks to client programs are performed on the client side, not on the server side, they reduce the load on the server, since they do not always access it.

The disadvantage of client-side technologies is that they cannot be used to access databases or generate new html-code. They will help you create a user-friendly and attractive website.

Server-side technologies can be used to create web pages and display them to the user. However, the work of server technologies is not noticeable to the user.

So, first, let's note that server-side technologies run on the server-side. Their work is as follows: the user sends a request (command) to the server through his browser, and the server, in turn, processes it using a special program, which is usually called a script. The user's request is processed on the server and sends the received data back to the user.

Using server-side technologies, you can create forums, blogs, polls, search engines, postal services... No dynamic site is complete without the use of server technology.

Let's take a look at the most popular client technologies.

HTML. (HyperText Markup Language) is the standard document markup language on the World Wide Web. All web pages are created using this language.

You can create web pages in HTML using a regular notepad or Microsoft Word. but text editors can only be used by those who are proficient in HTML. You can work on the web without special knowledge language HTML, since HTML texts can be created using various special editors and converters.

In HTML, all codes are enclosed in tags, i.e. commands that are enclosed in parentheses like this: “< “ и “>”. Using HTML tags allows you to format documents for presentation using fonts, lines, colors, and other graphic elements in any system that views them.

Tags can be open, close, and single. The set and correct use of tags is determined by the World Wide Web Consortium, translated into Russian it means "World Wide Web Consortium". Elements that are enclosed in tags can have a large number of attributes. Attributes define the properties of elements, are written after the opening tag, and consist of a name and a value. Non-numeric values ​​are enclosed in quotation marks.

Any HTML document must begin with the HTML version declaration line! DOCTYPE. The most universal definition of DOCTYPE is... This line helps the browser determine how to interpret the given document correctly.

The HTML language does not stand still, it continues to evolve, HTML constructions will be used in the future. By studying and understanding HTML more deeply, we have the opportunity to create our own web pages and view them in many web browsers.

CSS. Cascading Style Sheets - a formal description language appearance document. They define the properties of elements and specify how those elements will be displayed on the monitor screen in the browser.

There are several CSS standards. CSS-1 is the first style sheet standard. This standard allows the use of css selectors that select one or another element or a group of elements to apply a specific style; creates blocks for working with the sizes of fonts, indents, margins and frames; performs block positioning; allows you to control the background and text styles, as well as create numbered and bulleted lists. The first standard was recommended in 1996.

CSS-2 is the second standard for Cascading Style Sheets. This standard is based on CSS-1, and supplements it with some properties. The ability to select an element to which the style is applied was added, namely, it became possible to add decoration to elements, to descendants of elements, as well as to groups of elements.

It became possible to download new font styles from the server, which helped to significantly expand the ability to work with fonts. This allows you to reduce the number of graphic elements on the page, inscriptions that are written in non-standard fonts. In order to make an inscription in the form of text, you just need to download the desired font.

Changing the appearance of the cursor is also one of the innovations in CSS-2. This means that it became possible to use your own graphic elements in the form of a cursor instead of the standard types of cursors.

The block model has changed, thanks to this it became possible to place blocks on the page with better precision, as well as to make them hidden.

A new specification for CSS-3 Cascading Style Sheets is currently under development. It significantly expands the capabilities of the old standard. The so-called modularization was introduced - it is now possible to divide style sheets into modules. Now you can use a large number of functions: creating gradients, shadows, animations and visual effects, rounding corners. However, to date, not all browsers support CSS-3, which means that it will not always be possible to use new features.

Java is an object-oriented programming language and computing platform first released by Sun Microsystems in 1995. The Java programming system is used to run small interactive applications (applets) over the web.

Let's take a look at the main features of Java:

Simplicity means that the developer does not have to study this language for a long time before using it. The Java developers decided to bring this language closer to the C ++ programming language, because most programmers are familiar with this language. With a standard set of class libraries, developers can create Java applications on any platform.

Portability there is no data type incompatibility; therefore, a Java application will work the same on different platforms. That is, in the Java language, it is quite easy to create programs that can be transferred to different machines.

Automatic storage management means that the Java Virtual Machine performs automatic memory allocation and deallocation during program execution. Since programmers cannot independently free memory in the Java language, the virtual machine itself does it instead. It allocates memory for new objects and frees it after completing work on old items, that is, it performs "garbage collection".

Strong type checking means that in order to use a variable in Java, you need to declare an object class. Thanks to this, Java guarantees the safety of communication between Java applications and PL / SQL.

Safety - Java security tools allow you to create applications that are protected from tampering. Java applications are protected from intrusion of viruses or files that can destroy the file system

Standard interfaces for interacting with relational databases - Java applications have the ability to access and manipulate relational databases using the JDBC and SQLJ interfaces.

Dynamic - Java is more dynamic than C ++. This language can adapt to a changing environment. Classes are linked only when needed. New modules have the ability to connect from any source. As a result, interactive services are possible.

JavaScript is a lightweight programming language based on object-oriented programming. The Java Script language is close to such programming languages ​​as C, C ++ and Java. Java Script is an untyped language, meaning it does not imply the definition of data types.

JavaScript works like with simple types data (numeric character, logical values), and with complex (dates, arrays, regular expressions). It is actively used in web browsers, allows you to change the content of the document displayed within this browser.

JavaScript is a client-side language because applications on it run on the client computer, not on the web server. It runs scripts that are contained in the HTML code of web pages.

JavaScript is defined as a scripting language. This language is more focused on ordinary users who do not have professional skills of programmers. But this opinion is often erroneous, since at first glance plain javascript is a complete programming language, as complex as any other.

In order to create dynamic web-sites it is necessary, in addition to client-side, the use of server-side technologies. Dynamic website development includes three main components:

    web server;

    server-side scripting programming language;


The content of dynamic sites is not stored as static HTML pages, but is located in a database. Today there are a large number of programming systems of widely used and generally recognized programming languages ​​such as Apache, PHP, MySQL.

Let's consider each of these languages ​​separately.

PHP is a scripting programming language used extensively for developing web pages on a web server and working with databases. The main purpose of this language is to create dynamically changing web pages. The difference from HTML is that PHP runs on a web server and changes or adds HTML code. PHP constructs embedded in HTML text are processed on the server each time the page is visited. The result of processing, together with normal HTML text, is transmitted to the browser. The PHP platform includes all the necessary programming code that simplifies the development of web pages. The open source scripting suite was first developed in 1994 by Rasmus Lerdorf in Perl. Subsequently, the scripts were rewritten in the C language, after which they turned into modern PHP. PHP 3 was released in 1998, competing with products such as Microsoft's Active Server Pages (ASP) and Sun's Java Server Pages (JSP).

The developers of PHP designed its structure in such a way that it integrates with other modern technologies such as XML, XSL, and Microsoft COM. PHP - the most powerful language programming, which provides tremendous opportunities for the development of web technologies, however, it does not serve as a means of storing information. The MySQL database serves this purpose.

MySQL - structured language queries based on relational databases. Initially, a simple mSQL database was created, however, later on it did not cope with the tasks that were stated. Subsequently, a more powerful and robust MySQL database was developed, which supported various database mechanisms that determine how data processing, storage and retrieval would occur.

MySQL DBMS is a client-server system that automates most of the tasks associated with storing and retrieving user information based on user-specified criteria.

MySQL and PHP technologies provide a huge number of benefits of being used together, one of which is cross-platform. This means that MySQL and PHP can run on computers running different operating systems. PHP and MySQL can be used without any restrictions, as they are software products open source.

In order to end user The web had the ability to contemplate web pages in all their glory, a web server was needed that could turn a browser request into a web page. For this, it is necessary to organize client-server communication with one of the web servers. These include servers such as Apache and Internet Information Services (IIS) from Microsoft, as well as nginx (developed by Russian developer Igor Sysoev). The choice of a particular web server depends on the task at hand, the requirements and preferences of the customer. Let's take a look at some of the more commonly used web servers.

Apache is a cross-platform software, the main advantages of which are reliability and configuration flexibility. The server allows you to connect external modules for data presentation, use a DBMS to check users, and make changes about errors.

IIS (Internet Information Services) is a proprietary set of servers for various purposes from Microsoft. IIS includes applications for building and managing websites. One of the most popular servers, according to the calculations of the company Netcraft, serves about 17% of all sites on the global network.

Nginx is a fast and reliable web server running on Unix, Linux, Mac OS systems. According to the company Netcaft, it is the third most popular web server in the world, serving about 12% of the web sites.

As of February 2014, Netcraft estimates that Apache is the most popular web server (Figure 7).

Figure 7 - Market share of web servers as of February 2014, calculated by Netcraft

Table 2 provides a comparative table of web servers.

Table 2 - Comparative analysis of servers




Is free

Included in Windows NT

Is free

Is free


Windows, Mac OS X, BSD, Linux

Windows, Mac OS X, BSD, Linux


An emphasis on reliability and flexibility.

It is part of the IIS package. Supports .NET

It is used on heavily loaded servers and provides performance and security.

Designed for congested servers. Includes a mail proxy server.

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