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Review of Russian legislation in the field of information security. Information and Information Security Law

The law "On Information, Informatization and Information Protection" dated February 20, 1995 No. 24-FZ (adopted by the State Duma on January 25, 1995) should be considered fundamental among Russian laws on information security issues. It gives the main definitions and outlines the directions for the development of legislation in this area.

Let's quote some of these definitions:

    information - information about persons, objects, facts, events, phenomena and processes, regardless of the form of their presentation;

    documented information (document) - information recorded on a material carrier with details that allow its identification;

    information processes - processes of collection, processing, accumulation, storage, search and dissemination of information;

    Information system - an organizationally ordered set of documents (arrays of documents) and information technologies, including the use of computer technology and communication tools that implement information processes;

    informational resources - individual documents and individual arrays of documents, documents and arrays of documents in information systems (libraries, archives, funds, data banks, other information systems);

    information about citizens (personal data)- information about the facts, events and circumstances of the life of a citizen, allowing to identify his personality;

    confidential information - documented information, access to which is restricted in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

    user (consumer) of information- a subject applying to an information system or an intermediary to obtain the information he needs and using it.

We will of course not discuss the quality of the data in the Law of Definitions. Let us only pay attention to the flexibility of defining confidential information, which is not limited to information constituting a state secret, as well as to the concept of personal data, which lays the foundation for the protection of the latter.

The law identifies the following goals for information protection:

    prevention of leakage, theft, loss, distortion, falsification of information;

    prevention of threats to the security of the individual, society, state;

    prevention of unauthorized actions to destroy, modify, distort, copy, block information;

    prevention of other forms of unlawful interference in information resources and information systems, ensuring the legal regime of documented information as an object of property;

    protection of the constitutional rights of citizens to maintain personal secrecy and confidentiality of personal data available in information systems;

    preservation of state secrets, confidentiality of documented information in accordance with the law;

    ensuring the rights of subjects in information processes and in the development, production and application of information systems, technologies and means of their support.

Note that the Law puts the preservation of confidentiality of information in the first place. Integrity is also presented quite fully, although in second place. Very little has been said about accessibility ("prevention of unauthorized actions to ... block information").

Let's continue quoting:

"Any documented information, mishandling of which may cause damage to its owner, owner, user or other person, is subject to protection."

In fact, this provision states that the protection of information is aimed at ensuring the interests of the subjects of information relations.

    in relation to information classified as state secrets - by authorized bodies on the basis of the Law of the Russian Federation "On State Secrets";

    in relation to confidential documented information - by the owner of information resources or an authorized person on the basis of this Federal Law;

    in relation to personal data - by federal law."

Here, three types of protected information are clearly distinguished, the second of which includes, in particular, commercial information. Since only documented information is subject to protection, a necessary condition is the fixation of commercial information on a tangible medium and the supply of its details. Note that in this part of the Law we are talking only about confidentiality; other aspects of information security are forgotten.

Let us note that the protection of state secrets and personal data is undertaken by the state; other confidential information is the responsibility of its owners.

How to protect information? As a basic law, it proposes powerful universal means for this purpose: licensing and certification. Let's quote article 19.

    Information systems, databases and data banks intended for information services for citizens and organizations are subject to certification in the manner prescribed by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Certification of Products and Services".

    Information systems of state authorities of the Russian Federation and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, other state bodies, organizations that process documented information with restricted access, as well as the means of protecting these systems are subject to mandatory certification. The procedure for certification is determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    Organizations performing work in the field of design, production of information security tools and processing of personal data receive licenses for this type of activity. The procedure for licensing is determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    The interests of the consumer of information when using imported products in information systems are protected by the customs authorities of the Russian Federation on the basis of an international certification system.

Here it is difficult to refrain from a rhetorical question: are there any information systems in Russia without imported products? It turns out that in this case, only customs is protecting the interests of consumers ...

And a few more points, now from Article 22:

2. The owner of documents, an array of documents, information systems ensures the level of information protection in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. The risk associated with the use of non-certified information systems and means of their support lies with the owner (owner) of these systems and means. The risk associated with the use of information obtained from a non-certified system lies with the consumer of the information.

4. The owner of documents, an array of documents, information systems may apply to organizations that certify the means of protecting information systems and information resources in order to analyze the sufficiency of measures to protect his resources and systems and obtain advice.

5. The owner of documents, an array of documents, information systems is obliged to notify the owner of information resources and (or) information systems about all facts of violation of the information protection regime.

From point 5 it follows that all (successful) attacks on the IP should be detected. Recall in this regard one of the results of the survey (see lecture 1): about a third of American respondents did not know if their IP had been hacked in the last 12 months. Under our law, they could be prosecuted...

2. The protection of the rights of subjects in this area is carried out by the court, the arbitration court, the arbitration court, taking into account the specifics of the offenses and the damage caused. Very important are the paragraphs of article 5 concerning the legal effect electronic document and electronic digital signature:

3. The legal force of a document stored, processed and transmitted using automated information and telecommunication systems may be confirmed by an electronic digital signature. The legal force of an electronic digital signature is recognized if there are software and hardware tools in the automated information system that ensure the identification of the signature, and if the established mode of their use is observed.

4. The right to certify the identity of an electronic digital signature is exercised on the basis of a license. The procedure for issuing licenses is determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Thus, the Law offers an effective means of controlling the integrity and solving the problem of "non-repudiation" (the inability to refuse one's own signature).

These are, in our opinion, the most important provisions of the Law "On Information, Informatization and Information Protection". On the next page, other laws of the Russian Federation in the field of information security will be considered.

Information security is a field of science that studies the data protection of a particular (state or commercial) enterprise. Specialists (auditors) check information channels to ensure the protection of classified data.

All channels of classified data are checked for a sufficient level of protection. If a specialist finds a flaw in the file system, he must immediately notify the management of the enterprise.

The main laws that relate to the field of information security:

  • . regulates relations between public authorities during the search for important information and ensures the information security of personal data;
  • . The Federal Law regulates relations between executive authorities and determines the methods for licensing certain types of activities;
  • . The Federal Law lists the areas of activity in which an electronic digital signature is used in order to ensure information security. For example: purchase of goods, provision of services, etc.;
  • . regulates the relations that arise in the production of various goods. The description of technical goods must correspond to their real characteristics in accordance with the provisions on information security.

There is also Federal Safety Law 390. Details

Currently, the current legislation has in its base a normative document that regulates the procedure, rules and requirements for the provision of information. What it is, few know, and even more so those who have nothing to do with jurisprudence. Some of the nuances and norms of this legal act are set out in this article.

Glossary of terms used in the law

Some of the terms and definitions that are used in the named normative act are more clearly defined by the legislator so that citizens do not have doubts or ambiguous understanding. So, among these definitions are the following:

  1. Information from the point of view of the specified document means any information that can be expressed in the form of messages or in another form. Moreover, they can be provided to third parties in any form.
  2. Information technologies - all kinds of ways, methods, processes provided for by law that are used to detect, store, use and apply information.
  3. The owner of information is the person who produced it on his own or received it on the basis of any transaction provided for by law from other persons. The owner can also be a legal entity.
  4. Providing information - this definition refers to any actions that are aimed at transferring it from one person to another. In this case, the recipient can be both a specific person and an indefinite circle of recipients.
  5. Access to information is a legally and physically secured opportunity for recipients to acquire information. The types and forms of this access are determined by the relevant regulatory documents that regulate individual specific legal relationships in people's lives.
  6. Confidentiality is a requirement that is imposed on persons who have gained access to information, and consists in a ban on their disclosure without the permission of the owner of the information.

Here are just a few of the concepts. For more complete information about all the definitions used in you need to look directly into it.

Types of information

So what is information? The Law "On Information, Information Technologies and Protection of Information" reveals its essence as an object of legal relations. It can be a direct object of not only civil legal relations, but also public, and power, and others. As a general rule, the information received is free to distribute. That is, the person who received it has the right to transfer it to other persons. However, this rule applies only in cases where it is not confidential. Confidentiality, in turn, can be established both on the basis of an agreement concluded between the parties, and on the basis of legislation. For example, the law regulating operational-search activity establishes the secrecy of information. Access to it can only be obtained by persons specially endowed with such a right. Providing confidential information is possible only with the consent of its owner or on the basis of a judicial act.

Based on the above, it can be divided into the following categories:

  • distributed freely and without restrictions;
  • distribution of which is possible only in accordance with the agreement;
  • distribution of which is possible only on the basis of laws;
  • distribution of which is prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation or restricted.

Information holders

Let's consider in more detail who is the owner of the information. regulating this issue, it is established that such persons can be individuals, organizations, as well as the Russian Federation itself. Also, the subjects of the Russian Federation and municipalities can be owners. If the person in question is the last three named entities, then on their behalf the rights and obligations are exercised by the relevant authorized officials. The powers of all holders include the following powers:

  • provide or partially provide access to information, establish the procedure for providing information and methods of this access;
  • use proprietary information as you see fit;
  • provide information to other persons by concluding an agreement or in cases specified by law;
  • defend your rights to information if they are violated by third parties;
  • exercise other rights provided for or not prohibited by law.

In addition to rights, the owner also has certain obligations. These include observance of the interests of third parties, their legal rights. The information owner must also protect the information at his disposal, and if it is confidential, then restrict access to it.

public information

This type includes all the information that is in the public domain. Usually this is also information that does not have restricted access. Providing information that is not limited to anyone is essentially free of charge. However, it may have an owner who may require that the persons using it indicate him as the owner.

Right to information

Citizens and legal entities can receive information by any not prohibited methods. They can search for it in all public resources or write a request for information. An example is the Internet, where an unlimited amount of free data is freely available. In addition, these persons have the right to demand that they obtain the information they need from state bodies or other organizations. A request for information is sent by him to the owner of the information of interest, who, in turn, considers the request, and if the requested is not protected by law, is not limited to distribution, then transfers the information to the applicant. It is understood that a person has the right to receive them if they affect his rights and obligations. a list has been established to which access cannot be prohibited or otherwise limited. This information:

  • on the state of the environment;
  • on the implementation by state bodies of their activities;
  • on laws and other normative acts;
  • located in libraries and other places open to the public;
  • another, permitted for distribution.

To receive them, you need to draw up a letter of information and submit it to the appropriate authority.

Access limitation

General provisions for restricting access are established in Art. 9 of the normative act in question. It states that these forms of providing information are regulated by the laws of the Russian Federation. This may be due to various factors. One of them is considered: the protection of the constitutional order of the country, the health and safety of people, their interests, as well as to preserve the defense capability of Russia. This, of course, is not all the reasons for restricting access. The legislator has determined that the restriction can be subdivided depending on the nature of the confidentiality of the information. So, she may have a banking, official or any other. Accordingly, depending on the type of information, they are regulated by a special law. For example, the procedure for protecting and disseminating bank secrecy is described in the legislation governing banking activities. It is in it that the procedure for disclosing information is described, as well as the cases and persons to whom it can be transferred.


In order to provide information, the regulatory document determines that its distribution takes place in Russia freely, but only in accordance with the laws. It is also determined that the disseminated information must be reliable. This requirement applies not only to the content of the information itself, but also to information about the owner or distributor. In other words, the person receiving the information should freely (if desired) find out who disseminated it. For example, a site that places a message on the Internet must indicate its name (name of organization or full name of a citizen), place of registration or location where you can find the owner (distributor), other contact information, in including telephones and email addresses. Special requirements apply to such methods of distribution as transmission by sending electronic messages or by postal letters. In such cases, the sender is obliged to provide the recipient with the opportunity to opt out of receiving this information. An obvious example is the promotional SMS mailing, which senders can send to their customers only after receiving the appropriate permission from them.


The forms for providing information provide that in some cases the information transferred by the parties to each other must be documented. This obligation is assigned to counterparties either by law or by an agreement signed between them. In state bodies, documentation is mandatory, and it is carried out in the manner determined by the government. For this purpose, special rules are issued. For the purposes of implementation between citizens, as well as between organizations, including state ones, the procedure for using an electronic signature is established. In certain situations, the parties are required to transfer information using such a signature.


The analyzed law “On Information, Information Technologies and Protection of Information” establishes the measures that must be taken by the state and other persons in order to protect it. So, among the list of these measures there are organizational, technical and, of course, legal measures. They are undertaken by stakeholders to:

  • the safety of information from encroachment on them by third parties, from their subsequent commission of any illegal actions, from destruction, copying or distribution of information;
  • maintaining secrecy;
  • providing access to information.

The state, exercising its functions, is obliged to take the necessary actions for protection. They are expressed in the establishment of minimum requirements for relations related to obtaining information, as well as in determining liability for their unlawful disclosure or other illegal actions. Security requirements include, in particular:

  1. Prevention of unauthorized access and subsequent transfer to third parties who do not have the right to do so.
  2. If possible, establish the facts of illegal access.
  3. Prevention of negative results that may occur in case of violation of the established procedure for obtaining information.
  4. Constant control.

A responsibility

As mentioned above, one of the functions of the state is to establish measures aimed at protecting information. For these purposes, the legislature enacts laws and other regulations that provide for liability for the misuse of information. Responsibility, of course, is graded depending on the degree of socially dangerous act. It may be provided for by various laws and codes. So, if the violation is very serious, then criminal liability can be applied to the perpetrator. Slightly less dangerous actions may entail liability established by administrative law. As a rule, punishment for such offenses is limited to fines. If the offense of the guilty person has no signs of either a criminal or an administrative act, then liability may be disciplinary (if the offender is an employee).

Thus, the considered law defines only the main provisions regulating the relations between the parties. More detailed information about how it is distributed, what terms for providing information and other important points are determined by special regulations issued for certain legal relations. Following all the norms of the law by both the owners and the recipient of information in the aggregate will ensure its proper circulation, will not allow violation of the rights and interests of other citizens and organizations by third parties.

Law of the Russian Federation "On Information, Informatization and Information Protection .

Federal Law of February 20, 1995 N 24-FZ "On Information, Informatization and Information Protection" (as amended on January 10, 2003). Adopted by the State Duma on January 25, 1995.

1. This Federal Law governs relations arising from:

Formation and use of information resources based on the creation, collection, processing, accumulation, storage, search, distribution and provision of documented information to the consumer;

Creation and use of information technologies and means of their support;

Protection of information, rights of subjects involved in information processes and informatization.

The state policy in the field of formation of information resources and informatization is aimed at creating conditions for effective and high-quality information support for solving strategic and operational tasks of the social and economic development of the Russian Federation.

The main directions of state policy in the field of informatization are:

· provision of conditions for the development and protection of all forms of ownership of information resources;

formation and protection of state information resources;

· Creation and development of federal and regional information systems and networks, ensuring their compatibility and interaction in a single information space of the Russian Federation;

· creation of conditions for high-quality and effective information support of citizens, public authorities, local governments, organizations and public associations based on state information resources;

Ensuring national security in the field of informatization, as well as ensuring the realization of the rights of citizens and organizations in the context of informatization;

· assistance in the formation of the market of information resources, services, information systems, technologies, means of their provision;

· formation and implementation of a unified scientific, technical and industrial policy in the field of informatization, taking into account the current world level of information technology development;

· support of projects and programs of informatization;

· Creation and improvement of the system for attracting investments and the mechanism for stimulating the development and implementation of informatization projects;

· development of legislation in the field of information processes, informatization and information protection.

Protection of information and rights of subjects in the field of information processes and informatization

The goals of protection are:

1. prevention of leakage, theft, loss, distortion, falsification of information;

2. prevention of threats to the security of the individual, society, state;

3. prevention of unauthorized actions to destroy, modify, distort, copy, block information; prevention of other forms of unlawful interference in information resources and information systems, ensuring the legal regime of documented information as an object of property;

4. protection of the constitutional rights of citizens to maintain personal secrecy and confidentiality of personal data available in information systems;

5. preservation of state secrets, confidentiality of documented information in accordance with the law;

6. ensuring the rights of subjects in information processes and in the development, production and application of information systems, technologies and means of their support.

Data protection.

1. Any documented information, misuse of which may cause damage to its owner, owner, user or other person, is subject to protection.

Information protection mode is set:

· in relation to information classified as state secrets - by authorized bodies on the basis of the Law of the Russian Federation "On State Secrets";

· in relation to confidential documented information - by the owner of information resources or an authorized person on the basis of this Federal Law;

in relation to personal data - by the Federal Law.

2. Bodies of state power and organizations responsible for the formation and use of information resources to be protected, as well as bodies and organizations that develop and apply information systems and information technologies for the formation and use of information resources with limited access, are guided in their activities by the legislation of the Russian Federation .

3. Control over compliance with the requirements for information protection and the operation of special software and hardware protection tools, as well as ensuring organizational measures for the protection of information systems that process information with limited access in non-state structures, are carried out by public authorities. Control is carried out in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

4. Organizations that process information with restricted access, which is the property of the state, create special services that ensure the protection of information.

5. The owner of information resources or persons authorized by him have the right to exercise control over the fulfillment of information protection requirements and to prohibit or suspend the processing of information in case of non-compliance with these requirements.

6. The owner or owner of documented information has the right to apply to state authorities to assess the correctness of the implementation of the norms and requirements for the protection of his information in information systems. The relevant bodies are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. These bodies respect the conditions of confidentiality of the information itself and the results of the check.

Rights and obligations of subjects in the field of information protection.

1. The owner of documents, an array of documents, information systems, or persons authorized by him, in accordance with this Federal Law, establish the procedure for providing the user with information indicating the place, time, responsible officials, as well as the necessary procedures and provide conditions for users to access information.

2. The owner of documents, an array of documents, information systems ensures the level of information protection in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. The risk associated with the use of non-certified information systems and means of their support lies with the owner (owner) of these systems and means.

The risk associated with the use of information obtained from a non-certified system lies with the consumer of the information.

4. The owner of documents, an array of documents, information systems may apply to organizations that certify the means of protecting information systems and information resources in order to analyze the sufficiency of measures to protect his resources and systems and obtain advice.

5. The owner of documents, an array of documents, information systems is obliged to notify the owner of information resources or information systems about all facts of violation of the information protection regime.

Protection of the right to access information.

1. Denial of access to open information or provision of deliberately false information to users may be appealed in court.

Non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under a supply contract, sale and purchase agreement, other forms of exchange of information resources between organizations are considered by an arbitration court.

In all cases, persons who are denied access to information, and persons who have received false information, have the right to compensation for the damage they have suffered.

2. The Court considers disputes on the unreasonable classification of information as information with restricted access, claims for damages in cases of unreasonable refusal to provide information to users or as a result of other violations of users' rights.

3. Managers, other employees of public authorities, organizations guilty of illegally restricting access to information and violating the information protection regime are liable in accordance with criminal, civil and administrative law.


Federal Law of February 20, 1995 N 24-FZ "On Information, Informatization and Information Protection" (as amended on January 10, 2003).

Information security is a field of activity where security measures and protection of personal information are studied, compiled, formalized and applied, as well as the openness and availability of publicly available information. Special staff of the federal bodies check all channels and flows of information to detect and eliminate the leakage of classified data, as well as to prevent crime. To guarantee the rights of citizens to use and disseminate data, a corresponding law was adopted.

List of laws of the Russian Federation on information security

The main issues, processes and measures of information security systems are regulated by Federal Law 149 on inf. technology and security. However, the provisions of other laws also control this area.

Control over this area of ​​​​activity is carried out with the help of the following laws:

  • Federal Law No. 152 on personal data. This law regulates legal relations between employees of bodies and citizens, employees of institutions, when, during inspections, employees of bodies have the authority to check any materials, documents and computers. In such cases, each person can protect his personal data and materials relating to his private life;
  • This law regulates legal relations between employees, employees, participants in the implementation of design, construction, fulfillment of conditions and requirements in relation to products and goods, etc. It also defines the rights, powers and obligations of the listed persons;
  • Federal Law No. 63 on electronic signature. This law regulates the legal relationship between the participants in purchase and sale transactions, when performing services to meet the needs of municipalities. and Mrs. institutions, in the performance of state. functions and other legal entities. actions when electronic signatures are used;
  • Federal Law No. 99 on granting licenses for certain categories of activities. This law regulates the legal relations arising between employees of various state. bodies and legal persons and individual entrepreneurs arising from the granting of a license for the categories of activities listed in the law.

All of these laws contain articles and provisions that control the sphere of information security and personal data protection.

General provisions of 149 FZ

Information Law. Safety 149 was adopted by the State Duma on July 8, 2006, and approved by the Federation Council on July 14, 2006. The last changes were made on November 25, 2017. Federal Law 149 contains 18 articles. It concerns legal relations arising in the course of activities related to the search, provision, production or transfer of materials or information, the use of the system and the development of information protection measures, the use or application of the information received.

Summary of Federal Law No. 149 on information, inf. technologies and information protection:

  • 1 st. - the area regulated by the law;
  • 2 tbsp. — terms and concepts;
  • 3 art. — a list of legal principles of regulation in this area;
  • 4 tbsp. - acts and regulations that control this area;
  • 5 st. — information is an object of legal relations;
  • 6 art. - persons with information;
  • 7 art. — information available to the public, open and public;
  • 8 art. - lists the persons who have the right to access information;
  • 9 st. — restrictions and prohibitions;
  • 10 st. — distribution and provision of information to third parties;
  • 11 art. — documentation and accounting;
  • 12 st. — methods of regulation and control over this sphere;
  • 13 art. — systems and programs;
  • 14 art. - Mrs. systems containing important information;
  • 15 art. - the use of television communication networks in the described field of activity;
  • 16 art. — data protection and security measures;
  • 17 art. - responsibility, punishments and types of crimes;
  • 18 art. — enumeration of invalid provisions.

This Federal Law has the main principles used to determine information security and for protection measures:

  • Any person residing on the territory of Russia has the right to search for public and publicly available information, use the information found for distribution and transmission by any known means;
  • Citizens have the right to use, distribute or transfer only publicly available information, it is forbidden to request any data related to secret or private;
  • Restrictions or prohibition on access to information can only be carried out in connection with certain provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • Information is distributed and transferred to persons only in case of their request for this information;
  • Any organization, firm or company with a commercial program undertakes to provide detailed information about its own activities and a description of the characteristics of the company in the public domain. Exceptions can be used only if they comply with the conditions and requirements of this Federal Law;
  • The information system is controlled and protected by government agencies;
  • All systems, operation of information and data issued on official websites or in official documents must be in Russian.

Not only citizens (individuals), but also legal entities have the right to have information. At physical and legal persons, various powers in this area and the rights, duties and powers are determined by the legislation, namely the regulatory acts of the Russian Federation and the described Federal Law.

Federal Law 149 lists the rights that a person who owns information has:

  • Rights to allow or restrict access to information belonging to the owner;
  • The right to transfer data or information to third parties in connection with the execution and conclusion of the contract;
  • The right to use, disseminate information at your own discretion, as the owner wishes.

Federal Law 149 lists the duties that a person who owns information has:

  • Observance of the rights, duties and powers of other citizens to which the information may relate;
  • Application of a ban or restriction on access to data, if these data must be withdrawn from access in accordance with the provisions of the regulations, acts and laws of Russia;
  • The application of measures and methods to ensure the protection and security of information that belongs to this person.

Any information, information and data permitted for distribution and use must be open and provided in a free manner. Encryption is possible only in exceptional cases, formalized in this law. If, during the transfer or dissemination of information, the activity occurs without the participation of the media (for more details, control is carried out so that the data is reliable and has the identification of the person who published it.

The owner of a website on the Internet or any other resource where information is distributed is obliged to place their own data in a special column or heading:

  • Full name;
  • E-mail address;
  • Residence address.

Such data about the owner of the site may be needed not only by citizens visiting the site, but also by employees of the authorities. Any person who has difficulty accessing information or has questions for the owner has the right to send a letter. A letter is also sent to the owner if any violations are found in the Internet resource.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, any propaganda is also prohibited. Among the prohibitions are propaganda of war and violence, propaganda of religious or racial hatred, propaganda of suicide (psychic influence), etc. For the listed types of open or closed propaganda, the author of the text will bear criminal or administrative responsibility, depending on the severity of the crime.

Secret, classified or important materials, documentation, information must be documented. The design of such papers and the methods of their storage are formalized in the Federal Law on the Execution. authorities.

The owner of information or any materials while browsing Internet pages may find that their own information is used without permission. In such a case, the owner has the right to file a copyright infringement claim against the site owner. When filing a claim, a power of attorney is drawn up, which must be certified by a notary.

Download law on information technology and information protection

Citizens, employees or officials who violate the established provisions, requirements and conditions of the law will be liable. In the event that a citizen has discovered a violation of his own rights in the area described above, he has the right to file a lawsuit with the judicial authorities to receive compensation and damages, depending on the situation:

  • If the person has suffered moral damage;
  • Damage to honor and business reputation;
  • Protection of honor and dignity.

The owner of an Internet resource, page or site has the right to buy information from a person. It often happens that third parties sell materials without the knowledge of the author. In such cases, the copyright infringement claim will be ignored. These terms and conditions apply not only to the sale of information, but also to obtaining a license to use copyright.

In cases where violations of the law have been detected repeatedly on the same sites and resources, employees of the control bodies have the right to restrict access to them. On the official websites of the Federal authorities, you can find a document with a complete list of sites and resources, access to which has been restricted or completely prohibited.

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