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Review of free alternative text editors. Select text fragments

Word processor is one of the most popular in the world. Designed to work in MS Windows. In different versions, the menu items do not differ much from each other. In some cases, the title (wording) may be different. However, the main features, which appeared in the 6th version, practically did not change until XP.

Advantages of MS Word

  1. Ability to control commands using the mouse and keyboard.
  2. WYSIWYG view lets you view a print-ready document on the display. The characters are displayed on the screen as they would appear in print.
  3. In Word, you can import texts and illustrations from other programs and embed them in the text of your document.
  4. Word has a system of assistants or wizards that greatly simplify the process of creating documents: faxes, letters, brochures, abstracts, meeting schedules, calendars, and so on.
  5. Simplifies the operation of pictographic menus and dynamic menus that appear next to the selected item when you right-click.
  6. There is an easy way to move and copy using the mouse.
  7. Organized undo and redo commands.
  8. A well designed help system with examples.

Entering and formatting text

When entering text, the "Enter" key is pressed to start a new paragraph. To skip between paragraphs of a blank line, press the "Enter" key twice. To select any part of the text, you need to move the mouse pointer to the first character, press the left button and, without releasing it, stretch the pointer to the last character. The marked text will be highlighted with a black background. The selected area of ​​text can be moved, copied, deleted using the "Menu" commands or buttons. You can change the appearance of the text, namely, choose a different font height, the position of paragraphs, the distance between lines (1; 1.5 or 2 spacing). The font size is set in points (1 point = 0.375 mm). Typically, the main text is typed 10-12 points in height, the heading - 12 or more, links and notes - 8 points. Paragraphs can be formatted in the following ways: Left, Right, Center, Format. Part of the paragraph formatting procedure can be done using a ruler made up of a series of radio buttons.

Saving documents

Writing text to memory is performed by the "Save As" command located in the File menu. You need to specify the file name in Latin letters, directory name and disk.

Word adds the extension "doc" to the file name. After the document has been named, you can use the Save command from the File menu. Word can open documents created with Word and other programs.

An overview of the menu items

The File menu contains commands that you can use to create, open, and save documents. Automatically search your entire hard drive for documents, set page options, print your document to your printer, and quit Word.

The "Edit" menu allows you to edit the document: mark, erase, copy and search for the necessary text fragments. Go to the specified page by its number or by bookmarks in the text of the document. You can undo commands entered by mistake.

The "View" menu allows you to choose the form of presentation of the document on the screen, the scale of the image of the text. You can control the visibility of the elements of the Word window: toolbars, rulers, status bar.

The "Insert" menu allows you to insert various objects and text elements into the text (footnotes, notes, forced page sizes, pictures, graphics.)

The "Format" menu allows you to set text borders, paragraph indentation, line spacing.

The "Service" menu allows you to check spelling, find synonyms, and enable auto-correction.

The "Table" menu contains all the commands you need to work with tables.

The "Window" menu allows you to switch from working on one document to working with another while processing several documents.

The Help menu allows you to get help with the Word editor.

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

Education and Science Committee

Administration of the city of Novokuznetsk

Municipal evening (shift) educational institution

"Open (shift) secondary school No. 4"

Course work

MSWORD text editor

Completed by: group student

"Computer operator" Ageeva Ya.V.

Checked by: teacher

E.A. Vertysheva

Novokuznetsk, 2009

Introduction. 3

1. Text editors. Purpose and classification. 4

2. Working with a text editor .. 5

3. Working with text .. 7

4. The interface of the text editor MSWord. eight

5. Displaying the document in the window. 9

6. Editing and formatting text in MSWord. 10

7. WordArt text. thirteen

8. Working with fragments of text. 14

8.1 Selecting fragments of text. 14

8.2 Actions with a fragment .. 14

9. Working with tables. sixteen

9.1 Pasting and Formatting Formatting. sixteen

9.2 Adding and Removing Borders. 17

9.3 Adding a cell, row or column. nineteen

10. Working with pictures and diagrams. 22

11. Printing the document. 24

Conclusion. 25

References .. 26


In the course of its development, human society has learned to manage various types of energy, and entered the information age.

Until the middle of the 19th century, when the processes of collecting and accumulating information were dominant, the means of informatization were pen, ink and paper; the primitive means of informatization of technology at the end of the 19th century were replaced by mechanical ones.

Only many years later, the information processes of storing and transmitting information were supplemented by processing processes. This made possible the emergence of information technology as a computer in the second half of the 20th century, which laid the foundation for information technology.

MSWORD owes a lot to "Bravo" - a word processor with an original graphical interface.

The first release of WORD for MS - DOS took place at the end of 1983 and was poorly received by the market.

However, the version released in 1985 was widely adopted.

WORD for DOS was the first text editor that was capable of displaying markup of text while editing.

The first version of WORD for WINDOWS, released in 1989, used standard keyboard shortcuts.

Subsequent versions added features beyond a simple test editor.

1. Text editors. Purpose and classification

A word processor is an application program that allows you to create text documents, view, modify, print, and edit them.

And also a text editor allows you to:

view the contents of documents on the screen

print a document

change document format

A modern text editor is a software product that provides a PC user with tools for creating, processing and storing documents of an equal degree of complexity.

Recently, text editors have been supplanted by word processors, which allow not only typing "clean", unformatted text, but also formatting it: arbitrarily placing it on the page, highlighting it with fonts, and so on.


1. Text editors - designed to create editing of simple texts and program texts.

2. Document editors - designed to work with documents, structurally consisting of nested sections, pages, paragraphs, and so on.

3. Scientific text editors - provide preparation and editing of scientific texts containing a large number of mathematical formulas, graphs, etc.

4. Publishing systems - used to prepare large complex documents (books, albums, magazines, etc.).

The word processor is always in one of two modes - insert or replace.

2. Working with a text editor

Input is the main mode of operation of a text editor;

using the keyboard.

The main modes of operation of text editors:


text editing

spelling control

context search and replace

working with files

print text

The text typed on the keyboard is displayed on the editor desktop on the screen. The place of active influence on the working field is marked by the cursor moving across the screen.

The cursor is a short, usually blinking line that shows the position of the working area where the entered character or text element will be placed.

Editing is making changes to the text you type.

Editing is performed when the user submits commands to the text editor.

To delete one or more characters, use the Del and Backspace keys.

The selection can be:



Formatting is the ability of a word processor to produce the layout of a document.

A paragraph is a piece of text, the process of entering which ended by pressing the Enter key.

3. Working with text

When working with a text editor, the screen contains information about its current state - "Status bar".

Any text editor is characterized by the presence of editor control on the "Command Menu" screen. The menu can have both text and pictographic form.

Operations performed on a document include:

1.creation of a new document

2. assigning a unique name to the document

3.type all text on the keyboard

5.saving the document

6.Copying a document from RAM to external memory

7.deleting a document

8.deleting a created or loaded document from the screen

9. printout of a document - creating a hard (paper) copy of a document.

Save operation - writes the edited document in RAM to disk for permanent storage.

Powerful word processors have the ability to merge documents.

To complete this procedure, you must have:

the main document containing permanent information;

source document for storing variable information.

4. MSWord text editor interface

MSWORD is an efficient and full-featured text editor that provides all the tools you need to create various types of documents.

Microsoft Word interface

Scroll bars are located at the right border and at the bottom of the Microsoft Word window.

The status bar is the horizontal bar below the document window. It displays information about the operations being performed, the position of the cursor, and other contextual information.

The buttons on the "Standard" toolbar speed up the operations of creating, opening and saving a file, as well as editing a document.

The formatting bar buttons let you format characters and paragraphs.

5. Displaying the document in the window

Word allows you to view a document in a window in several modes. "Normal" mode is set by default when the window is opened.

The "electronic document" mode is the best mode for viewing electronic documents on the screen.

Layout mode - allows you to see a page with figures, multi-column text, footnotes, headers and footers and margins as it will be printed.

To view two parts of one document at the same time - divide the window into two areas. In each of the areas of the window, you can scroll the document independently of the other area, you can use different scales and viewing modes.

To see all open documents at the same time, choose the Arrange All command

6. Editing and formatting text in MSWord

Editing means making any changes to the typed text.

There are several ways to change the text color:

Select the text you want to change. On the Home tab, in the Font group, click the Text Color button, and then click the color you want.

To perform most of the text processing operations, the edited fragment should be selected first. After selecting a fragment, the operation can be performed in the following ways:

1. using menu commands;

2. using the commands of the context menu;

3. using the buttons on the "Standard" toolbar;

4. using the left mouse button;

5. using the right mouse button;

In order to copy a piece of text to another point in the document, you must:

1. Select a piece of text.

2. On the "Home" tab, select the "Copy" command or click on the "Copy" command button. As a result, a copy of the selection will be placed on the Windows clipboard.

3. Using the cursor keys, position the cursor at the point in the document after which the fragment copied to the clipboard in the previous step should be inserted.

4. On the "Home" tab, select the "Paste" command or click on the "Paste" command button.

The format of printed text refers to the arrangement of lines, margins and page sizes.

The format parameters are set before entering the test, and then it is automatically maintained by the text editor.

It is also possible to change the format of the text. To do this, you need to set new parameters and select the "Reformat Text" command.

Formatting text is to change its appearance, by changing the alignment, using different fonts and their styles.

K A R T O F E L P O - F R A N Ts U Z S K I

Potatoes 8 pcs.

Onion 2 heads

Milk 1 glass

Grated hard cheese 2 tbsp.


Salt and pepper to taste

Peel the potatoes and cut into 0.5 cm thick slices. Cut the onions into cubes.

Put potatoes and onions in a baking dish in layers (top layer - potatoes), sprinkle each layer with salt and pepper to taste. Pour over milk and sprinkle with cheese. Bake for 40 minutes at 180 ° C.

From recipes of European cuisine

LLC "Business-Service"

680000, Khabarovsk,

Komsomolskaya st., 22a

Tel. 333 - 3333

fax 222 - 222

Dear Stepan Stepanovich!

2015 at 8 pm for the traditional spring meeting of the Social Work Club


On the approval and implementation of the federal state educational standard of higher professional education in the direction of training 040400 Social work (qualification (degree) "bachelor")

In accordance with clause 5.2.8 of the Regulation on the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, approved by Decree of the Government of Russia dated June 15, 2004 N 280 (Collected Legislation of Russia, 2004, N 25, Article 2562; 2005, N 15, Article 1350; 2006 , No. 18, Article 2007; 2008, No. 25, Article 2990; No. 34, Article 3938; No. 42, Article 4825; No. 46, Article 5337; No. 48, Article 5619; 2009, No. 3, 378; N 6, Art 738; N 14, Art 1662), paragraph 7 of the Rules for the development and approval of federal state educational standards, approved by the Government of Russia Decree of February 24, 2009 N 142 (Collected Legislation of Russia, 2009, N 9 , Article 1110),

- 4.1. Field of professional activity of bachelors: state service of medical and social examination

- state employment service;

- Migration Service;

- Ministry of Emergency Situations;

- the penitentiary system;

- enterprises, firms (state, private, public, as well as industrial and agricultural);

- ritual service;

- strong structure;

- health care system and psychological assistance;

- system of culture;

- educational system and social and pedagogical assistance;

- pension system;

- social service system;

- social protection system and social and legal patronage.

- social insurance system;

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

higher professional education


Under the President of the Russian Federation


Department of Business Informatics, Mathematical and Statistical Methods


Text formatting

Completed by a student of study group 1307

Faculty of Social Technologies


Head of the Department

Professor V. Naumov

Saint Petersburg

MS Word text editor

Microsoft Word offers users a wide range of tools for preparing documents for various purposes: layouts of books, brochures, reports, business letters, letterheads, etc. Since the release of the first versions of MS Word has undergone major changes, both in the user interface and in the functional content. So, starting with the 2007 release, the application introduced a new ribbon interface that changed the approach to the location of menus and commands. The latest versions of the application allow groups of users to work remotely on one document, reliably protect documents from unauthorized access using w

MS Word text editor

Microsoft's Word application has become very popular among text editors from different manufacturers. Together with the applications Excel, PowerPoint, Access, OneNote, Outlook, Publisher, the text editor Word is included in the MS Office package.

Microsoft Word offers users a wide range of tools for preparing documents for various purposes: layouts of books, brochures, reports, business letters, letterheads, etc. Since the release of the first versions of MS Word has undergone major changes, both in the user interface and in the functional content. So, starting with the 2007 release, the application introduced a new ribbon interface that changed the approach to the location of menus and commands. The latest versions of the application allow groups of users to work remotely on one document, reliably protect documents from unauthorized access using encryption and electronic digital signatures, and also provide


Educational computer practice is carried out upon completion of 1 course of study by a student of the specialty 220501.

Objectives of computer practice:

Consolidation and deepening of practical skills and theoretical knowledge obtained in the study of the discipline of computer science;

Acquaintance with the software used in the future in the process of training in the specialty;

Get an idea of ​​the static data, the organization and their collection in the control of technological production processes, and processing methods using computer programs;

Consolidation of the rules for processing text documents in accordance with the requirements of regulatory control.

Practice objectives:

Study of modern operating systems;

Getting an idea of ​​computer networks and their models;

Acquaintance with the concept of expert systems, means and methods of information protection;

Mastering the basics of computer graphics.

After completing computer practice, the student should know:


Information protection methods;

The ability to use computer programs for quality control, and static processing of the information received;

The use of computer programs in product quality management, the implementation of research work, registration and presentation of the results.

After completing computer practice, the student should be able to:

microsoft office internet application

Work with the main MS Office applications: Word, Excel, Point;

Apply the requirements of the standard control established at the QMS department in the design of educational work;

Solve static quality control tasks using software tools (Excel, Statistic);

Use graphic editors;

Create electronic presentations;

Use Internet resources.

MS Word text editor

Microsoft Word is a word processor (a word processor is a type of computer application designed for the production of any type of printed information), designed to create, view and edit text documents. Published by Microsoft as part of the Microsoft Office suite, it is the most advanced and most popular word processor program.

Launching and creating a new document.

One of the ways to launch MS Word from Start is Microsoft Office - Microsoft Office Word.

The main Word window begins with a title bar. Here the program writes the name of the file that we downloaded. If you just downloaded Microsoft Word, the name of the new file will be Document 1, the next Document 2, and so on. By default, the program gives all new files the names Document with a number.

In the upper right corner of the window control button: minimize the window to the taskbar, minimize and maximize to full screen, close the window.

Below the window title is a row of drop-down menus. Below the line of drop-down menus are the Standard and Formatting toolbars, and at the bottom there is another toolbar - Drawing. It can be shown or removed so that it does not take up space.

If you right-click on the Word bar, you can see a list of toolbars, each of which contains a set of buttons that perform different functions. You can customize any toolbar at your discretion by adding or changing the buttons available in it. By clicking on one or another line, you can show or hide the panel, while the displayed panel will be with a checkbox and vice versa.

The most noticeable place on the screen is occupied by the working window, where a new one is entered or previously typed text is loaded from a file. The text cursor in the window looks like a flashing vertical bar, the size of which is determined by the size of the selected font.

Saving documents.

The document you have created must be saved (Save command of the File menu), at least in order not to waste time for retyping the information you need. When saving a new document, you must definitely give it a name and specify the folder in which it will be stored, by default this folder will be My Documents.

You can save your document in several formats. Format. doc is a native Word format. If you do not specify a name for the new file, then the program will assign the first sentence of the document as it. The file name can be up to 255 characters long, you can use letters, numbers, spaces, and symbols: @ # $% & () ().

Opening a document.

To open an existing document use the Open command of the File menu or click the corresponding button on the toolbar. In the Open Document dialog box that appears, specify the path to the document in the Folder line and the document name in the File name line, and then click the Open button (or double-click on its name with the left mouse button).

Moving around the document.

You can use the scroll bars to move around the document. To move in the desired direction, click on the slider and move it without releasing the mouse button. If you click on the scroll buttons, the text will scroll a certain distance. By clicking on the bar itself, you can scroll the document across the pages of the screen (above and below the slider in the case of a vertical scroll bar). If you click on the slider and drag it while holding down the mouse button, a small window will appear indicating the page number to which you will go by releasing the mouse button. If you need to go to a specific page of the document, press F5 and in the dialog box that appears, enter the page number.

Font formatting.

To format the font of the text, you must first select

word or group of words. Then select the Format - Font item and make the necessary settings (at the end, click the OK button). Or, having selected a word or a group of words, right-click, select the Font item in the appeared context menu and make the necessary settings.

Printing a document.

To print your document, you can simply click the icon with a picture of your printer in the Standard toolbar (usually the fourth from the left). In this case, the program will print all pages of the current document. If you have 100 pages, then 100 pages will print. If you want to print individual pages, you must first open the File - Print menu. And in it already set the print format. Before printing it is possible to preview how the printed document will look: File menu - preview.

Drawing in MS Word.

To draw in Word, you need to connect the Drawing Panel: "Working with Pictures" - "Drawing Tools" - "Format" - "Insert Shapes" - "Working with WordArt Objects". Then, choosing the necessary icons in the drawing toolbar, create a drawing. Also, in the "Insert" - "Picture" tab, select the required image and insert it into the text, if necessary, cropping it to the required size (see Appendix A).

Working with tables.

To create a table in Word, in the Table menu, select - Insert Table, in the "Insert Table" window that opens, specify the size of the table to be created. Then fill in the data and format it according to the rules already described (see Appendix A).

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

Education and Science Committee

Administration of the city of Novokuznetsk

Municipal evening (shift) educational institution

"Open (shift) secondary school No. 4"

Course work

MSWORD text editor

Completed by: group student

"Computer operator" Ageeva Ya.V.

Checked by: teacher

E.A. Vertysheva

Novokuznetsk, 2009

Introduction. 3

1. Text editors. Purpose and classification. 4

2. Working with a text editor ... 5

3. Working with text ... 7

4. The interface of the text editor MSWord. eight

5. Displaying the document in the window. 9

6. Editing and formatting text in MSWord. 10

7. WordArt text. thirteen

8. Working with fragments of text. 14

8.1 Selecting fragments of text. 14

8.2 Actions with a fragment ... 14

9. Working with tables. sixteen

9.1 Pasting and Formatting Formatting. sixteen

9.2 Adding and Removing Borders. 17

9.3 Adding a cell, row or column. nineteen

10. Working with pictures and diagrams. 22

11. Printing the document. 24

Conclusion. 25

References ... 26


In the course of its development, human society has learned to manage various types of energy, and entered the information age.

Until the middle of the 19th century, when the processes of collecting and accumulating information were dominant, the means of informatization were pen, ink and paper; the primitive means of informatization of technology at the end of the 19th century were replaced by mechanical ones.

Only many years later, the information processes of storing and transmitting information were supplemented by processing processes. This made possible the emergence of information technology as a computer in the second half of the 20th century, which laid the foundation for information technology.

MSWORD owes a lot to "Bravo" - a word processor with an original graphical interface.

The first release of WORD for MS - DOS took place at the end of 1983 and was poorly received by the market.

However, the version released in 1985 was widely adopted.

WORD for DOS was the first text editor that was capable of displaying markup of text while editing.

The first version of WORD for WINDOWS, released in 1989, used standard keyboard shortcuts.

Subsequent versions added features beyond a simple test editor.

1. Text editors. Purpose and classification

A word processor is an application program that allows you to create text documents, view, modify, print, and edit them.

And also a text editor allows you to:

view the contents of documents on the screen

print a document

change document format

A modern text editor is a software product that provides a PC user with tools for creating, processing and storing documents of an equal degree of complexity.

Recently, text editors have been supplanted by word processors, which allow not only typing "clean", unformatted text, but also formatting it: arbitrarily placing it on the page, highlighting with fonts, and so on.


1. Text editors - designed to create editing of simple texts and program texts.

2. Document editors - designed to work with documents, structurally consisting of nested sections, pages, paragraphs, and so on.

3. Scientific text editors - provide preparation and editing of scientific texts containing a large number of mathematical formulas, graphs, etc.

4. Publishing systems - used to prepare large complex documents (books, albums, magazines, etc.).

The word processor is always in one of two modes - insert or replace.

2. Working with a text editor

Input is the main mode of operation of a text editor;

using the keyboard.

The main modes of operation of text editors:


text editing

spelling control

context search and replace

working with files

print text

The text typed on the keyboard is displayed on the editor desktop on the screen. The place of active influence on the working field is marked by the cursor moving across the screen.

The cursor is a short, usually blinking line that shows the position of the working area where the entered character or text element will be placed.

Editing is making changes to the text you type.

Editing is performed when the user submits commands to the text editor.

To delete one or more characters, use the Del and Backspace keys.

The selection can be:



Formatting is the ability of a word processor to produce the layout of a document.

A paragraph is a piece of text, the process of entering which ended by pressing the Enter key.

3. Working with text

When working with a text editor, the screen contains information about its current state - "Status bar".

Any text editor is characterized by the presence of editor control on the "Command Menu" screen. The menu can have both text and pictographic form.

Operations performed on a document include:

1.creation of a new document

2. assigning a unique name to the document

3.type all text on the keyboard

5.saving the document

6.Copying a document from RAM to external memory

7.deleting a document

8.deleting a created or loaded document from the screen

9. printout of a document - creating a hard (paper) copy of a document.

Save operation - writes the edited document in RAM to disk for permanent storage.

Powerful word processors have the ability to merge documents.

To complete this procedure, you must have:

the main document containing permanent information;

source document for storing variable information.

4. MSWord text editor interface

MSWORD is an efficient and full-featured text editor that provides all the tools you need to create various types of documents.

Microsoft Word interface

Scroll bars are located at the right border and at the bottom of the Microsoft Word window.

The status bar is the horizontal bar below the document window. It displays information about the operations being performed, the position of the cursor, and other contextual information.

The buttons on the "Standard" toolbar speed up the operations of creating, opening and saving a file, as well as editing a document.

The formatting bar buttons let you format characters and paragraphs.

5. Displaying the document in the window

Word allows you to view a document in a window in several modes. "Normal" mode is set by default when the window is opened.

The "electronic document" mode is the best mode for viewing electronic documents on the screen.

Layout mode - allows you to see a page with figures, multi-column text, footnotes, headers and footers and margins as it will be printed.

To view two parts of one document at the same time - divide the window into two areas. In each of the areas of the window, you can scroll the document independently of the other area, you can use different scales and viewing modes.

To see all open documents at the same time, choose the Arrange All command

6. Editing and formatting text in MSWord

Editing means making any changes to the typed text.

There are several ways to change the text color:

Select the text you want to change. On the Home tab, in the Font group, click the Text Color button, and then click the color you want.

To perform most of the text processing operations, the edited fragment should be selected first. After selecting a fragment, the operation can be performed in the following ways:

1. using menu commands;

2. using the commands of the context menu;

3. using the buttons on the "Standard" toolbar;

4. using the left mouse button;

5. using the right mouse button;

In order to copy a piece of text to another point in the document, you must:

1. Select a piece of text.

2. On the "Home" tab, select the "Copy" command or click on the "Copy" command button. As a result, a copy of the selection will be placed on the Windows clipboard.

3. Using the cursor keys, position the cursor at the point in the document after which the fragment copied to the clipboard in the previous step should be inserted.

4. On the "Home" tab, select the "Paste" command or click on the "Paste" command button.

The format of printed text refers to the arrangement of lines, margins and page sizes.

The format parameters are set before entering the test, and then it is automatically maintained by the text editor.

It is also possible to change the format of the text. To do this, you need to set new parameters and select the "Reformat Text" command.

Formatting text is to change its appearance, by changing the alignment, using different fonts and their styles.

When formatting characters, you can set the following options:





effects - superscript and subscript,



To format several paragraphs or the entire document, you need to select them and set formatting options:



position on the page.

The Formatting toolbar contains buttons for formatting characters and paragraphs.

By the active button, you can determine what alignment is set for the current paragraph.

A bulleted or numbered list is a sequence of lines that contain data of the same type. Lists make the text easier to read and understand.

Word allows you to give paragraphs the form of a list, where each paragraph will be marked with a specific bullet or number.

Bulleted lists list items related to one topic. Numbered lists list items following one after the other in a specific order.

Each item in the list is a separate paragraph and has its own bullet or number. On the Edit menu, select Copy or click using the right mouse button.

7. WordArt text

WordArt - text decoration.

In order to turn ordinary text into WordArt text, you need:

1. Select the text to be converted into WordArt text, for example, the title of the ad.

2. Click on the "Add WordArt" button on the "Drawing" toolbar, or select the "Picture / WordArt" command from the "Insert" menu.

3. In the "WordArt Gallery" dialog box that appears, select the text style and click the OK button.

In the "Change WordArt Text" dialog box that appears, you can change (edit) the text, select a font and set its characteristics (size and style).

4. As a result of clicking the OK button, the selected text in the document will be converted to WordArt text.

The WordArt Shape button lets you select the shape of your WordArt text. The appearance of the icons on the buttons, which appear as a result of clicking on the "WordArt Form" button, suggests what form the WordArt text will take as a result of REC (REC) - an indicator of the click mode on the corresponding list button.

8. Working with fragments of text

8.1 Selecting fragments of text

Using the mouse: move the cursor to the beginning or end of the fragment you want to select. Press the left button, and without releasing it, expand the selection in the required direction by moving the mouse. As soon as you release the button, the size of the selected fragment will be fixed.

Using the keyboard: with the cursor in the desired location, press and hold the Shift key, press any keys that move the cursor. The selection will propagate through the text until the cursor moves.

8.2 Fragment actions

Press the Del key and the selection will disappear.

Transfer to a new location.

Point at the selected fragment with the mouse cursor and press the left button. Without releasing it, move the arrow to the desired insertion point and release the mouse button there - following the cursor, the entire fragment will move to a new place.

To cut.

Press Shift + Del, or Ctrl + X, or the scissors button, or use the Home / Cut command. The fragment will disappear from the text, but at the same time it will be transferred to the buffer, from where it will then be easy to retrieve.


Press Ctrl + Ins, or Ctrl + C, or the copy button on the toolbar, or give the command "Home / Copy". The fragment will remain in place, and a copy will be placed on the clipboard.


The contents of the pocket can be pasted into text using the paste button, the Ctrl + Ins or Ctrl + V keys, or the Edit / Paste command. This can be done many times, since the text in the pocket is saved so until another fragment takes its place.

9. Working with tables

In order to insert a table into the document, place the cursor in the place of the document where the table should be, on the "Main" tab select the "Table" command.

The "Insert Table" dialog box will appear on the screen, in the fields of which you need to set the number of rows and columns of the table. The numbers in the Number of Columns and Number of Rows fields can be entered in the usual way (by clicking in the field with the mouse and typing a value on the keyboard), or using the "Increase" and "Decrease" buttons.

Clicking on the "Increase" button increases the value of the field by one, on the "Decrease" button - decreases it.

As a result of clicking on the "OK" button, a table with columns of the same width will be inserted into the document.

Table formatting refers to the process of changing the appearance of a table.

Formatting is done by:

font changes;

changing the way the contents of the cells are aligned;

drawing borders of cells;

change the fill color of cells.

9.1 Pasting and Formatting

In Microsoft Office Word 2007, there are several ways to format a table after it has been created. Applying table styles lets you set the format for the entire table at once, as well as perform a preview to see in advance how the table will look with the selected formatting style.

You can modify tables by splitting or combining cells, adding and removing columns and rows, and painting. When working with large tables, you can set the display of the table header on each of the pages on which it is displayed. To avoid unintended breaks in the data flow in the table, you can specify where the page breaks should be.

Using table styles to format the entire table

After you create a table, you can format it using table styles. By hovering over one of the predefined table styles, you can see how the final table will look.

1. Click the table for which you want to format.

3. In the Table Styles group, place the mouse pointer over the table styles one by one until you find a suitable option.

9.2 Adding and removing borders

You can add or remove borders to give your table the look you want.

Adding borders to a table

In the Table group, click the Select button, and then click Select Table.

In the Table Tools group, click the Design tab.

In the Table Styles group, click the Borders button, and

Choose from one of the built-in border sets.

In the Borders and Fill group, click Borders and choose an option.

Removing borders in the entire table

In the Table Tools group, click the Layout tab.

In the Table group, click the Select button, and then click Select Table.

In the Table Tools group, click the Design tab.

In the Styles group, click the Borders button and select the option without a border.

Adding borders to individual cells

In the Table Tools group, click the Design tab.

In the Table Styles group, click the Borders button and select the type of border you want.

Removing borders in specific cells

On the Start Page tab, in the Paragraph group, choose Hide / Unhide.

Select the required cells along with the cell end signs.

In the Table Tools group, click the Design tab.

Under Table Styles, click Borders, and then click No Borders.

9.3 Adding a cell, row or column

Adding a cell

Click the cell to the right or top of where you want to insert the new cell.

In the Table Tools group, click the Layout tab, and then click the Rows and Columns dialog box launcher.

Select one of the following options.

Adding a line

Click a cell in the row above or below which you want to add a new row.

In the Table Tools group, click the Layout tab.

Perform one of the following actions.

To add a row above the selected cell, in the Rows and Columns group, click the Insert Above button.

To add a row below the selected cell, in the Rows and Columns group, click the Insert Below button.

Adding a column

Click a cell in the column to the right or left of where you want to insert the column.

In the Table Tools group, click the Layout tab.

Perform one of the following actions.

To add a column to the left of the selected cell, in the Rows and Columns group, click the Insert Left button.

To add a column to the right of the selected cell, in the Rows and Columns group, click the Insert button to the right.

Delete a cell, row, or column

Perform one of the following actions.

In the Table Tools group, click the Layout tab.

In the Rows and Columns group, click the Delete button, and then click Delete Cells, Delete Rows, or Delete Columns.

Merging and splitting cells

Merging cells

Two or more cells located in the same row or in the same column can be merged into one. For example, you can combine multiple cells on a single row to create a table header that is common to multiple columns.

To select the cells that need to be merged, click the left border of one of them and drag the pointer, holding down the mouse button, over the required cells.

In the Table Tools group, click the Layout tab, and then in the Merge group, click Merge Cells.

Splitting cells

Select one or more cells that you want to split.

In the Table Tools group, click the Layout tab, and then in the Merge group, click Split Cells.

Enter the number of columns and rows into which to split the selected cells.

10. Working with pictures and diagrams

Drawings and their creation

In order to insert a picture from the Microsoft collection into a document, you need:

1. Position the cursor at the point in the document where you want to insert a picture (usually a separate paragraph).

2. Click on the "Add picture" button located on the "Drawing" toolbar, or select the "Picture / Pictures" command from the "Insert" menu.

3. In the "Insert picture" dialog box that appears, click on the "Find" button.

4. Using the buttons to scroll through the contents of the window, find a suitable picture and click on it with the left mouse button. The selected picture will be inserted into the document.

5. Close the "Insert picture" window (click on the "Close window" command line).

If the picture that needs to be inserted into the document is in one of the folders on the computer, then, in order to insert the picture into the document, you need to:

1. Position the cursor at the point in the document where you want to insert the picture.

2. Click on the "Add Picture" command button or select the "Picture / From File" command in the "Insert" menu.

3. In the "Add picture" dialog box that appears, select the folder where the desired picture is located, and then select the picture.

The appearance of the Add Picture dialog box is determined by the view mode of the folder contents.

If the mode of displaying thumbnails or viewing graphic files is set, the user sees the contents of graphic files, which facilitates the process of finding the desired picture.

In other modes, only the file names are displayed in the Add Picture window. The mode of displaying the contents of a folder is set by selecting the appropriate command in the "Views" list.

4. Click on the "Insert" button.


In order to combine several objects of the picture into a group, select these objects and select the Group command from the Action menu.

In order to select several objects, you need to click on the "Select Objects" button (on the Drawing panel) and use the mouse to frame the drawing objects that you want to group.

If you need to change the properties of an individual element of an object that is grouped from other objects, then this object must be ungrouped: select it and select the Ungroup command from the Action menu.


To insert a chart (histogram or graph) into the document, select the table, including the names and labels of the data, and select the "Picture / Chart" command from the "Insert" menu. Word will build the chart and insert it into the document right after the table.

There are three types of charts:

1. Normal,


3. Normalized.

A typical chart displays the values ​​of data series without any preprocessing.

In a stacked chart, the value of each successive series is plotted from the value of the previous series.

The standardized chart shows the contribution of each category to the total.

11. Print document

The tests you create with a word processor end up being printed on paper. For this, the "Print" mode is provided.

The computer must be equipped with a printer, and be configured to work with this particular printer.

When preparing a document for printing, the following commands are usually used:


"Page settings",

"Print" from the "File" menu.

The "Page Setup" command from the "File" menu allows you to set the size of the sheet on which the document will be printed, the size of the margins, the position of the text on the sheet, etc.

To see on the screen how the document will look after printing, select the "Preview" command from the "File" menu or click the "Preview" button on the "Standard" toolbar.

You can print a document in several ways:

1. select the "Print" command from the "File" menu and specify the settings for printing in the "Print" dialog box, i.e. set on which printer the document will be printed, the number of copies, etc .;

2. Click the "Print" button on the "Standard" toolbar. One copy of the entire document will be printed in accordance with the default settings, without displaying a dialog box on the screen;

3. In the "Preview" dialog box, click the "Print" button or select the "Print" command from the "File" menu.

Documents are printed in the background.


To work with a variety of text documents, there are application programs called text editors.

There are many different types of text editors, from the simplest to the most powerful editorial ones.

The text editor provides ample opportunities for working with text, text fragments. And also for editing and formatting text. The text editor also allows you to work with tables, graphs and charts.

Text editors can use a variety of fonts and allow you to control the size of characters.

MSWORD is the most popular text editor currently in use, which has made it a standard document format.

The document format of different versions of WORD changes, the differences can be quite subtle.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that the WORD text editor is a very convenient computer program that allows you to perform numerous operations on the text.


1. “Informatics. Basic course. Working with texts on personal computers ”. Edited by L.S. Lebedev. - Moscow. 2000 year

2. Kultin N.B. "MicrosoftWord. Fast start". - Petersburg 2003.

3. “Informatics. Basic course ". And. Semakin, S. Rusakov, L. Shestakova, L. Zalogova - Moscow 2000.

4. "Rapid computer help" - V. Kholmogorov 2008.

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