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The usual topic is to create a bitcoin wallet in Russian. Create a bitcoin wallet in Russian - detailed instructions

Harm of Wi-Fi - is the router in the apartment harmful, what are the consequences for health and is it worth believing that the harm of Wi-Fi is irreparable!

From the very beginning of the advent of wireless Internet technology, disputes have not subsided about how dangerous data transmission over the air is to human health. In addition to users who are divided into two camps (some completely deny the existence of at least some negative impact, while others oppose the mass use of such devices), various experts and scientists argue on this topic. As you might guess, neither one nor the other point of view is 100% correct.

How does this technology work?

To understand whether a Wi-Fi router is harmful to health, you first need to understand the principle of its operation. The name of the technology stands for Wireless Fidelity. This suggests that information is transmitted from device to device via radio channels. Based on this fact, experts investigated the harm from the wireless Internet router itself. Measurements have shown that the negative effect of waves from any Wi-Fi source 600 times less than the indicator that causes minimal harm to human health.

In the course of numerous experiments and experiments, some scientists came to the conclusion that only more accumulation of devices with Wi-FI, for example, in schools or office buildings, poses a minimal danger. However, this level of radiation is not much higher than from mobile phones.

So what is harmful wireless Internet for human health? This data transfer technology does not pose any danger to life. Its radiation is comparable to all mobile devices or computers, and some household and kitchen appliances even overtake Wi-Fi in terms of the level of harmful waves. good example can serve as a microwave oven. But if you still decide to minimize negative impact then take advantage of our advice.

Is Wi-Fi harmful at home: how to reduce the impact on health

Observe a few simple rules:

Now you know if a Wi-Fi router is harmful in an apartment and in what ways you can reduce the level of its negative effect on the body.

Is Wi-Fi harmful to human health? Continuous use of the Internet requires quality signal. Wi-Fi routers are installed in homes, at work, in public places ah, to enable people to access the worldwide web.

However, the signal emitted electronic devices has different effects on the body.

The negative impact of Wi-Fi

Wi-Fi routers (routers) are found everywhere. The device provides good signal over the entire area of ​​​​the room and allows you to use several gadgets at the same time. Many people are interested in what harm Wi-Fi can cause to a person.

Routers operate at a frequency of 2.4 GHz, the power reaches 100 μW. A long stay in the area of ​​propagation of waves of a given frequency leads to a violation of the process of growth and reproduction of cells. The harmful effect increases with a decrease in the radius and speed of signal transmission.

Medical Scientific research prove the possibility of a negative effect on the human body of radiation from routers. It is alleged that harm is done to children, women during pregnancy, the male reproductive system, and the brain.

Negative effect on the brain

Medical researchers decided to learn about the dangers of Wi-Fi routers on the vessels of the brain through special experiments. The experiment was carried out on schoolchildren. The children were offered to leave a mobile with working wi-fi under the pillow all night. In the morning, the children were ascertained about their condition. Most of the children experienced unpleasant symptoms, spasms and fatigue, problems with memory and attention.

The experiment was carried out on children in whom the bone tissue of the head is thinner and provides less brain protection. Therefore, it is impossible to call the result absolutely accurate. It is possible that most of the radiation was received from a mobile device, and not from a Wi-Fi signal. The exact results of the study and evidence in adults do not exist, but according to preliminary results, radiation adversely affects brain activity.

How does it affect children

The children's body does not have a strong immune system and thin bones of the skull. Radiation from a Wi-Fi router can adversely affect the health of a child. Harmful effects remain in the group of possible risks, although not fully proven.

male reproductive system

Research in this area has been going on for a long time. Scientists conducted an experiment using thirty healthy men. Sperm was taken from all the subjects, the required analyzes were carried out. After the examinations, the sperm containers were left on the computer not far from the Wi-Fi router and a large-scale download of files was launched.

At the end of the experiment, four hours later, the sperm was again sent for examination. The result was negative. Under the constant influence of the Wi-Fi signal, twenty-five percent of the spermatozoa died. Nearly six percent of the surviving specimens were severely damaged.

The conclusion of such a study is one - Wi-Fi waves are harmful to the male reproductive system. When conducting experiments with wired transmission no changes were noted in the samples.

Pregnant women

American researchers decided to conduct an experiment and determine the degree of influence of the Wi-Fi signal on pregnant women. Women in the position were asked to carry a special device that monitors the level of radiation throughout the day. Women recorded all their actions and described the condition.

Scientists collected all the information and came to the conclusion that the constant exposure to radiation adversely affects the condition of the woman and the unborn child. The risk of miscarriage is three times higher. Therefore, during pregnancy, it is recommended not to use a mobile phone often, not to be constantly near the router, not to long time in places with strong radiation.

Is Wi-Fi router harmful in the apartment

In many apartments, the Wi-Fi router is located in common rooms so that the signal is better distributed throughout the area. However, electrical and magnetic waves are generated not only from the router, but also from other devices. permanent usemicrowave oven, TV, mobile phone.

To avoid harmful effects possible only if complete failure from the use of such devices. However, unfortunately this is not possible. Therefore, it is recommended to follow the rules that help to avoid harmful effects.

Official confirmation of increased harm wifi radiation does not exist. However, many people want to reduce negative impact routers.

Installation wired connection help deal with this problem. However, if necessary wireless communication To reduce the harm from radiation is possible subject to certain rules.


  • The device is recommended to be installed in places with small crowds of people. The farther the router is located, the less harmful effects it has on a person.
  • In an office building, you need to install one powerful equipment, rather than several weaker ones.
  • If long time Internet is not used, it is recommended to turn off the device.
  • It is better to turn off Wi-Fi equipment during sleep.

Compliance with simple safety rules will help to avoid the harmful effects of radiation. It is strongly recommended to supervise children and limit the use of routers indoors in kindergartens and schools.


At correct use harm to wifi minimal for humans. However, prolonged exposure or sleep near emitting devices leads to changes in internal organs. Negative influence the vessels of the brain, the male and female reproductive system, and the children's body are affected.

Accurate data on the health risks of Wi-Fi router radiation have not been established, detailed research results may appear after several decades. However, it is not recommended to constantly use household appliances, separating the waves.

Wi-Fi harms children due to a weaker body. Parents are advised to limit their child's wireless use.

Video: harm to the router (wi-fi) for the body

WiFi is harmful! I hear from one side. “Viruses are transmitted through wifi,” I hear on the other. Are these claims real? Is it so bad wifi usage for health? Let's find out right now!

Is wifi harmful or not?

To find out, let's figure out what is wifi anyway? We open Wikipedia, where we read that the name comes from the English Wireless Fidelity, which means “high-precision wireless transmission data”, and is nothing more than a family of information transmission over radio channels. RADIO! Has anyone harmed their health by listening to the radio?

Scholars agree on the dangers of wifi to date, they have not come, but no one has been able to prove the harm on the impact of human health. In general, all the noise came from the head of the British Ministry of Health, William Stuart, who had information about alleged changes in people's health from minor radio waves.

Let's look at the facts:

  1. It has been proven that the level of radiation that comes from wifi devices, 600 times lower than the permissible and harmless to humans norms of radio-magnetic radiation.
  2. The BBC and a number of British scientists initiated a study in schools on whether wifi is harmful. The strength of radiation from mobile phones was measured and wifi router ov. As a result, it was revealed that the level of radiation of the latter is three times higher. And Professor Laurie Chellis has officially stated that there is no harm to health from wifi, "unless you keep your laptop on your lap." Although the other members of the commission said that the radiation is so scanty that even this is not dangerous.
  3. Wi-Fi and microwave devices operate on the same wavelength (2.4 GHz), but the radiation from a kitchen appliance is 100 thousand times higher, which was revealed as a result of research conducted by another professor, Malcolm Sperrin. By the way, high-quality (hermetically) made microwaves also do not let anything through and do no harm.

And now let's remember what surrounds you and me besides wifi in the apartment in everyday life?

  • A cell phone is in everyone's pocket. And even if you don’t have it, then the neighbor has it, and the signal from mobile operator does not choose through whom exactly to go to the neighbor's phone - the rays penetrate your house up and down
  • There is a microwave, if not in every, then in every second kitchen.
  • Everyone has a TV.
  • We all walk in parks and sit in cafes, wait for a train at the station or a flight at the airport, study at a university or work in an office - and most of these public places have wifi. Even some commuter buses already have it!
  • There is no point in talking about radiation from various kinds of industrial or military sources - we are all under their "hood"

In the end, what do we have? It is impossible to say exactly how much wifi is harmful. But it is reliably known that the signal from WiFi causes much less harm than the vast majority of other household devices that we use every day. But if you are still afraid of its possible impact, then it is enough to follow some simple rules to be calm:

  • Do not keep the device that receives the signal on your lap, but rather away on the table.
  • If possible, put a wifi router in the apartment away from the place where you constantly sit or sleep.
  • Turn off the router if this moment you are not connected to the internet.
  • Due to the impossibility of thoroughly studying the degree of harm, it is advisable, if possible, to protect small children from it, so as not to strain the young developing organism with additional, albeit insignificant, radiation.

All of the above does not apply to 3G mobile USB modems, because they receive the signal from mobile operators, and therefore radiate in the same way as Cell Phones. So you need to pay more attention to observing these precautionary rules when working with them than with ordinary wireless wi-fi generated using a router connected to cable internet.

Wi-Fi is harmful to use, as viruses penetrate through it.

But this is pure speculation, not supported by anything. And they arise from those who are connected to wireless network from a device that was not protected by an antivirus, I picked up a virus and decided that it was wifi that was to blame. This technology it only distributes the Internet without wires - the Internet itself remains exactly the same as in your cable. The only danger can only be a hacker breaking into the network, but that's another story.

So stick to the minimum elementary rules security, which can be attributed to any modern household appliance and are described in more than a dozen instructions for their operation, and use it to your health!

30-03-2017, 20:35 187 841

It is difficult to choose and create the most best bitcoin a wallet that would still be available in Russian.

Is not it?

Right now you can get acquainted with all the information about the address, entrance and ...

How to open one of the most technologically advanced, reliable, untraceable payment systems on the Internet by reading my review below:

It relies on the capitalist law of supply and demand and is open source software. source code to ensure its consistency.

Bitcoin launched in 2009 year, is one of the most popular ways payment among .

Now the fun part:

Unlike the standard electronic currency type , etc., the Bitcoin system has no governing bodies, respectively, the instability is minimal.

The total number of bitcoins is limited 21 million , it is programmed and known to all participants.

Since the system is based on the principle of a limited total number of coins, the currency is subject to a deflationary process.

This predictable deflation encourages the use of accumulated coins for speculation.

This should be taken into account when you are going to exchange bitcoins for the US dollar or any other national currency.

Bitcoin wallet fees

The high cryptographic security allows transactions to be processed in a very efficient and inexpensive way.


You can make and receive payments through the e-currency network without any fees.

In most cases, the fee is not strictly required, but is recommended for more quick confirmation transactions.

International bank transfers produced from a few days to more than one week, while Bitcoin transactions, usually, confirmed within an hour.

This is the only one on 100% irreversible payment method.

For this reason, be careful when sending bitcoins to ; make sure you transfer them to a trusted provider.

All financial and technical data related to the network can be found in the e-currency charts.

Methods of depositing and withdrawing funds

Ways to replenish your wallet:

    Coinbase ( wallet with the ability to buy or sell),

    various exchanges,

    international bank transfer,

    Other electronic currencies,

    Bitcoin debit cards,

    POS-terminals of electronic currency,

Removal methods:

  • exchangers,

    bank transfer,

    BTC debit cards,

    Specialized ATMs.

System advantages:

  • There are no third-party participants in the system,
  • Zero or low commissions,
  • Fast international payments,
  • No risk of "refund" from your wallet,
  • Updating transparency,
  • Security account at a high level
  • Fraud protection.


  • Not widely distributed
  • wavering,
  • Built-in deflation.

1. (can be created in Russian)

The most popular Bitcoin wallet today available in Russian.

Allows you to send and receive coins through a browser or mobile phone.

He's kind of a hybrid- this means that the account is stored on the server, but no one but you has access to private keys.

However, since the address is loaded from the servers, some trust in the company is still required.

  • Need to trust third parties
  • It is difficult to make completely anonymous payments.

leading exchange service for today when buying and selling bitcoins.

It was founded in 2012 year and since then received more $31 million in the form of venture capital funding.

The exchange service is available at 19 countries of the world.

The system is newbie friendly, but the fact that the company is holding on to people's funds can be a little risky.

It is worth saying that Coinbase recently launched its service vault, which deprives the company of control over your money.


  • Friendly to beginners, it is possible to add funds from the wallet.
  • An old and respected company.


  • The company controls your funds (depends if you use Vault).
  • Not supported worldwide (yet).

- relatively new wallet (launched in July 2016 years), allowing you to store not only bitcoins, but also Litecoins, Dogecoins, Dash and Ether.

It is unique in its beautiful design and intuitive user interface.

You can trade cryptocurrencies from the cabinet.

Exodus is currently only available in the desktop version.


  • Easy to use,
  • Allows you to trade cryptocurrencies from the interface,
  • Great support from the creators,
  • Self hosted (data is stored by you).


4. Jaxx (Bitcoin and Altcoin)

Jaxx is a platform that combines Bitcoin and all Altcoins in one wallet.

It allows you to store cryptocurrency and exchange it within the system (via ShapeShift).

The site is extremely, intuitive, all data is stored on your computer ( self-hosted), which means that you do not need to trust private keys to third parties.


  • Easy to use,
  • Allows trading within the interface,
  • self-service hosting,
  • Excellent support
  • Works on multiple platforms.


  • Relatively new company
  • Some users report problems on Linux

- popular wallet for mobile devices on iOS And Android, with rich, advanced privacy and security features.

Yes, it can be a bit difficult for beginners, but it is still one of the most safe and fast on the market.

Because software is open source, MyCelium is constantly updated.

MyCelium is, first of all, hot wallet, nevertheless, it has some data storage functions inherent in the cold representatives of this area.


  • Advanced privacy features make this app great for people who want to remain anonymous,
  • Increased security features will help keep bitcoins safe.


  • There is no desktop or web interface, so you have to use your smartphone to access the app.
  • MyCelium is better for more advanced users.

6. Bitcoin Core (registration in Russian)

Looking for a desktop storage solution?

If so, (also known as Bitcoin QT) is noteworthy and has a Russian language.

It offers many security, privacy features and supports full transparency.

The platform has a reputation for being a stable system, although it can use a lot of memory and space on your computer.

However, for modern PCs, the hardware requirements are quite low.


  • Supports many security and privacy features,
  • Offers a very stable system.


  • No mobile apps for IOS and Android,
  • There is no web interface, which makes it difficult to use the wallet, without a personal computer,
  • Required a large number of free space to store Blockchain information.

A fast and lightweight desktop application that you can download.

A good choice for those who use older and less powerful computers for your bitcoin vault.

Remote servers handle most of the processing parts of the wallet.

Works well with its advanced data protection features.

Users can even regain access to the account using a passphrase, although some people do not like that most of the information is stored on remote servers.


  • Despite the fact that many applications are CPU intensive, Electrum is famous for its speed and lightness.


  • Unfriendly to newbies
  • Dependence on external servers can be a security risk.

8 Armory

Amory is a well-known and trusted brand when it comes to Bitcoin security.

The app is better suited for more advanced users.

It emphasizes reliability and security in its list of many encryption and cold storage options.


  • Flexibility and adaptability to any situation,
  • Offers leading security features.


  • For normal use, knowledge inherent in advanced PC users is required.

9. Xapo

Xapo is a web wallet, so it can only be accessed through a web browser (no download) with an internet connection.

Xapo is known to have advanced data retention features.

The company supports payments through debit cards, making it easy to spend your bitcoins.

The application is friendly, so if this is your first time encountering bitcoins, be sure to take a closer look at this system.


  • Xapo debit cards allow you to use ATMs to withdraw cash.


  • This is a web wallet so there are additional threats security.
  • There is no way to manage bitcoin without an internet connection.

The Green Adess custom pet allows you to access your bitcoins through a variety of methods:

  • Through the Internet,
  • Mobile ios app and Android
  • Through the desktop client.

Even better, Green Address is very user-friendly.

This makes it one of the most flexible wallets out there.

It supports multiple signature functions and has strong information preservation functions.


  • Very flexible and easy to use, making it the best choice for beginners.


  • Use required remote application downloaded from somewhere else.
  • Overall control of your money (meaning a third party must approve payments).

Known to be fast and relatively easy to use.

The company rejects the idea full confidence”, which means that there will be no provision for a decentralized system offering people a lot of control over their money.

High transparency as well as impressive security features make this program very reliable.



  • Access is online only and phone number is required Android or blackberry.

12. BitGo

BitGo is known for its high levels security and is a multi-signature wallet.

This means that each transaction will require two-factor identification, which can greatly help protect your wealth from malware, hackers and server attacks.

Oh, and the keys are stored by the users, not by BitGo, so they don't have access to the private area.


  • A high level of security in a relatively simple and non-technical package.


  • Two-factor authentication can create a problem
  • The service relies heavily on central verification.

is a decentralized, secure and well maintained Bitcoin wallet.

The promising notion about this is that neither Airbitz nor any other third party can access bitcoin, so it is completely independent.

The best part is that it also provides representations around you accepting bitcoin.

also in user interface many ideas have been introduced to make the system as easy to use as possible.


  • Friendly to newbies
  • business directory,
  • Decentralized.


  • unpublished brand,
  • No web interface (only for mobile devices).


One of the best wallets. Created by the company bitpay.

Copay is multi-segment, which means that one wallet can have multiple users.

This can be ideally used for a corporate account.

Where valid for transaction confirmation will be required, 2 of 3 signatures.

Copay has a desktop version (downloadable), mobile and web interface.

It is also completely independent and open source.


  • Multisig - allows you to improve security,
  • great design,
  • Supports multiple devices.


  • No support
  • Can be a little overwhelming for beginners.

is a block explorer owned by Bitmain.

The site offers several tools:

  • network statistics,
  • mining pool,
  • Online wallet.

The platform is similar to, it is a hybrid HD wallet.

This means that it can be accessed via the Internet, but the private keys are stored on home computer, so can't take them.

Transactions are signed on your device so no one can see the keys. also provides Multisig capabilities and is open source.


  • Wide range of functions
  • Intuitive interface,
  • Open source.


  • A hot wallet controlled by Bitmain with a shaky reputation in the community.

- mobile wallet, which is only available for Android.

Contains Bitcoin and many additional cryptocurrencies (supported up to 287 altcoins).

Pretty simple and user-friendly interface.

The main problem is that it started as open source, but with 2016 year the code became closed, which caused a lot of questions in the community.


  • A wide variety of coins are supported,
  • Intuitive interface.


  • closed code,
  • Only for Android.

For any operations with cryptocurrency - buying, earning, receiving, selling - you need a bitcoin wallet. It is a program that stores private access keys to your digital cash, balance information and allows you to make transfers in BTC. We will tell you which wallet is better - more convenient and reliable, because the main task an electronic purse - to save coins from theft, and a too complicated interface makes it difficult to use the service.

Before creating a bitcoin wallet, let's deal with its varieties. You can download the corresponding program to your computer or mobile device, use the online resource or purchase hardware device. Electronic wallets also differ in the type of currency - in addition to the popular bitcoin, it can be a dogecoin wallet, litecoin, ethereum wallet or multicurrency. Some exchanges offer to start a bitcoin wallet, but we will consider universal solutions.

The safest - cold wallet, to which you have physical access, without an internet connection. If you generate a bitcoin address, print out access keys on a piece of paper and put it in a safe, no one will get your coins. But then it is not very convenient to operate with the means, the software varieties are more flexible. We will tell you more about each type of bitcoin wallets by listing best apps in every class.


Software wallets are the most reliable way storage of cryptocurrencies. In them, access keys are stored on your hard drive and are not transmitted to the network. Security settings are adjusted by the user. They are divided into 2 subspecies:

  • Thick - download the entire chain of blocks, regularly updating it. Provide maximum security, the system can check the authenticity of each block. It takes up a lot of disk space and random access memory, do not work quickly.
  • Thin - download only the necessary data from third-party resources. This reduces the security performance, because the chains are checked third party application. But private keys are still only available to you. Work fast, suitable for laptops and tablets.

The main disadvantage of cold wallets is the risk of losing information on a computer, flash drive or any other medium. Therefore, online wallets are more popular, access to which can usually be restored even if you forget passwords and logins to your account. About them in more detail:

Online Services

You can register a bitcoin wallet online without installing applications. You can enter it from any device with Internet access, you do not need to download and update the blocks of the chain. But at the same time, you entrust your funds to a third-party resource that can be hacked, or its owners may turn out to be scammers. That's why online wallet suitable for short-term storage of small amounts, for beginners or for withdrawing BTC from special servers- casino, faucets.

To create an online bitcoin wallet, go to the official website of the selected service. Trust funds only to proven resources with sufficient work experience (at least 3-6 months). A plus will be the availability of security measures - SMS confirmations, two-factor authentication, cold storage. Some resources offer hybrid storage - access to the balance requires the simultaneous signature of the client and the service. In HD Wallet mode private key is created dynamically when writing the secret phrase.

You can register a bitcoin wallet on the websites:

If you are registered with Webmoney, you can create a WMX account for cryptocurrencies there. 1 WMX=0.001 BTC. Required formal certificate with verified personal information. For transfers within the system, the standard 0.8% is taken, but the WMX purchase rate and withdrawal commissions are quite high.

Mobile applications

A new bitcoin wallet can be created in the app at mobile device. They are not full-fledged clients and work with simplified verification without downloading the full chain of blocks each time. But they allow you to pay for goods and services directly through a QR code on the screen or NFC technology.

You can create a wallet for free in applications:


Bitcoin hardware wallet small device, connects to a computer via USB and stores access keys. Reliable solution to store a significant amount of cryptocurrency without third-party services.

Most popular devices:

  1. Trezor is the most popular. FROM OLED display, PIN code protection, remote wipe at loss.
  2. Ledger Nano - on the platform of a banking smart card.
  3. KeepKey - each transaction must be confirmed by touching a button on the display.

How to use

Let's figure out how to open and how to use a bitcoin wallet using the example of a popular blockchain site. It is easy to transfer deposits from mining, income from faucets and HYIPs to it.


How to register a bitcoin wallet:

  1. Let's go to the official Blockchain website .
  2. Select "Create your wallet".
  3. Enter a valid address on the form Email, come up with a password - at least 8 characters.
  4. An email with a link will be sent to the mail, follow it to confirm the address, the entrance to the Personal Area blockchain wallet.

On the home page bitcoin wallet after registration, you will see a greeting from the developers, after performing operations, an activity feed will appear here - a list recent actions: sending and receiving money, internal transfers between your bitcoin addresses.

Under "Settings" you will see general information- your identifier in the system, the code for pairing with mobile application. In the "Preferences" subsection, you can set the local currency in which your balance will be evaluated. We use the functions of the “Security” subsection to increase reliability - create a recovery phrase, a second password for controlling expenses, two-step verification with additional code. In the "Addresses" subsection, you can organize funds by creating separate accounts for different purposes.

We get

Registration of a bitcoin wallet is over, you can get money for it. Open your personal account, on the main page, click "Get". You will see new address– copy the line with its code or QR code. Specify it to accept income from the faucet with payout to the wallet or replenish the balance in the HYIP.

The blockchain wallet automatically generates a new address for every transaction. By clicking on the "Customize" button, you can request a certain amount - after entering it, the barcode will be corrected, and create a label for the address - it will be visible only to you.


To transfer bitcoin, click "Submit" on the main page. Choose from which section of the wallet to withdraw funds from, insert the recipient's address, the amount in the BTC or USD field (it is automatically converted to BTC), optionally enter the purpose of the payment. The "Advanced send options" function allows you to change the amount of the commission for the operation and send coins to several addresses at once.

The speed of the transaction depends on the size of the commission - the larger it is, the faster the money will come. If you set the custom fee too low, the funds may get stuck and return to the sender after a few days. When this parameter is changed, the system shows the recommended value and displays a warning if the fee is too low.

We open next step, check the entered data and send funds. When the transaction gets 3 confirmations from users, the money will be transferred.


How to withdraw money from Blockchain to Yandex Money or Qiwi? You will need an exchange site - it is convenient to select a resource with a profitable commission at Or an exchange, a list of them is available at

WebMoney users can exchange currencies within the system. You need to create a WMX wallet, enter it and select the "Buy Bitcoin" item. In the window of the exchanger, select the direction WMX-WMZ or WMX-WMR.


We figured out how to start a bitcoin wallet in Russian, which bitcoin wallet is suitable for storing funds from, and which one is for receiving income from faucets. Register a personal account in the selected program, do not forget about security - create complex passwords and store them not in the computer, but in the usual paper notebook, as well as fallback phrases.

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