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  • Training in the use of the obs program. Setting up OBS for streaming (live broadcasting) on ​​Twitch

Training in the use of the obs program. Setting up OBS for streaming (live broadcasting) on ​​Twitch

This guide is dedicated to the program Open Broadcaster Software e (further OBS) and its settings for streaming on and So let's start in order.
1. First you need the program itself OBS- for this we go to the site go to the section Download and download the distribution. Install it following the instructions of the installer.
2. Run the program. And make the settings for the stream on
2.1. Next, we need to go to the program settings - Settings -> Settings

2.2. In the menu that appears, we can change the Language, we can also immediately call our profile (Profiles are some settings presets, for example, you can create a profile for streaming on Twitch in 720p quality, and create a profile for streaming on Cybergame in 1080p, and switch between them with just a couple of mouse clicks). First, let's create our first profile. To do this, you need to click in the window to the right of the inscription " Profile:" erase everything that is written there and write your name, for example, I will write "720p Twitch", and press the button Add.

Let's also immediately consider the steps necessary to delete a profile. When you install the program, a profile is automatically created for you " Untitled", now we will delete it with you. To do this, to the right of the line" Profile:" there is a down arrow (drop-down menu) select a profile there" Untitled"and press the button" Delete".

2.3. Go to tab " Coding". In this window, some of the most important settings for your stream, in most cases, the quality of the picture during dynamic scenes will depend on them.
From September 1st began to require streamers to set a Constant bitrate, respectively, put a checkmark next to CBR (constant bit rate) we also check the presence of a checkbox in CBR padding(in the absence - put!).
For streaming on with permission 1280x720 I would advise using a bitrate in the range of 2000-2500 (at 2000 the picture will be less clear, but fewer viewers will complain about friezes, at 2500, on the contrary, the picture will be more High Quality, but viewers may start to complain about the more frequent friezes of the picture). For example, let's take something in between - 2200
Below we see the Audio settings, everything is simple here, set Codec: AAC and Bitrate: 128.

2.4. Broadcast. In this tab, we must select the broadcast service and specify the channel key in it. In our case it will be So we expose:
Mode: Live
Broadcast Service: Twitch /
Server: EU: London, UK(you can another one starting with EU :)
Play Path/Stream Key (if available): here we should insert the key from our channel. To get it, you need to go to the Twitch website, create an account / log in and follow the following link On the right you will see the button " Show Key"

click on it, and copy the key that appears (starts with live_). Be VERY careful and copy the ENTIRE key, a mistake in 1 character will not allow you to start the stream.
Auto reconnect: Checkmark
Auto Reconnect Delay: 10(possibly less given number determines how many seconds after the stream crashes OBS will try to start it again.)
Delay (sec): 0(As a rule, the delay is set on the stream of Company or Special battles, the delay is set in seconds, for example, to set a delay in 10 minutes need to write 600 )

Please note that OBS writes in red, this is just related to the new requirements which came into force on 01.09.2013. (we'll fix it below)
2.5. Tab Video. Here we choose the resolution in which viewers will see our picture. AT Base Resolution: select Custom: and enter 1280 and 720.
Frames per second (FPS): set 30

2.6. Audio. Microphone and sound settings in general. Choose playback device sound (usually Speakers) we also choose Microphone if you want to use the Push To Talk system (so that what you say can be heard on the stream only when you press a certain button), then check the box next to Use "Push to Talk" and to the right, select the window and press the button to which we want to assign this function(for example, I assigned to Q)
NiG latency (ms): 200(if the audience complains that the endings of your phrases often disappear, then you can increase this value (but do not overdo it, I advise you to increase it by 200 and run tests. I personally do well and with a value of 200)
Hotkey On/Off Microphone and Hotkey On/Off sound- you can set hotkeys for these actions (they will turn off the microphone and sound on the stream)
Application gain (multiplier): 1 (this setting increases the sound of all applications, I advise you to leave 1, but if suddenly setting the sound in the game to the maximum, the audience complains that they do not hear the sound, you can change given value(I advise you to add 1 each) (I'm doing well with a value of 1)
Microphone gain (multiplier): 1(this setting increases the sound of the microphone, I advise you to leave it at 1, but if suddenly turning up the microphone volume, the audience complains that they can’t hear you, you can change this value (I advise you to add 1 each) (I’m fine even with a value of 1)

2.7. Advanced tab.
Multi-threaded optimization checkbox
Process Priority Medium
Scene buffer time (ms): 400
x264 CPU preset: Veryfast(for owners of heavy-duty processors, you can put faster or fast, I do not advise, because the CPU load will increase a lot)
Keyframe interval (sec, 0=auto): 2(Twitch requirement)
CFR (Constant Frame Rate) checkbox
Adjust audio to video timing checkbox(there is a rare bug that the sound lags behind the video and this checkbox fixes it, one of our streamers encountered this)

3. Settings for
3.1. Create a profile - for this we go to the tab General. to the right of Profile: write the name of the profile, for example: " 1080p and click Add.

Note! If you have a profile selected (for example, 720p Twitch) and you create a new one, then it completely copies all the settings of the previous profile, and you will only need to adjust it a little.

3.2. Coding. To stream on it is not necessary to use CBR (constant bit rate) but we still use, because We use restream on
Maximum Bitrate (Kbps): 3700(For 1080p streaming on I advise you to use bitrate 3500-4000 (because the service broadcast servers are located in Russia(at coming in Europe) then the bitrate can be set higher, for example, if you stream 720p on Twitch - use a bitrate of 2000-2500, then for the same stream on you can use a bitrate of 2500-3000))
Audio: AAC-128

3.3. Broadcast
Mode: Live
Broadcast Service: Custom
Server: In order to find out the server - you need to log in / register on the website - go to your account using the link select the "Channel" tab and copy what is next to Broadcast settings:(For example rtmp://
Play Path/Stream Key (if available): And here we copy what is next to Stream Name (Path):(but first you need to click the Display button so that numerous asterisks disappear) usually starts with your nickname. (copy from the same page from which the Server was copied)

3.4. Video
because we plan to stream in 1080p, then we write in Custom: 1920 1080
Frames per second (FPS): 30

3.5. Settings Audio and Extended you can take exactly the same as for streaming on

4. Settings scenes and Sources
First, let's understand what is a Scene and what is a Source.
A scene is a profile that contains one or more source(s). Those. for convenience, we can create scenes with the name of the games: "WoT" "WoWP" "CS", etc. and each scene will have its own sources configured, for example, in the "WoT" scene there will be a source with game capture, a source with your webcam, etc. those. Sources are some layers, and the source that is higher in the list will be located on foreground, and the one below is in the back. Well, let's get down to business.
4.1. Initially we have Scene let's rename it to "wot" click for this right click mouse on it and select "Rename"

write "wot" click ok. get a scene with the name WOT
4.2. Next, let's add to this scene source with a picture of the game. To do this, the game must be running!
Right click on empty window Sources: and choose Add -> A game

Enter a name, for example WOT.
We have a window. AT Appendix: we need to find our game in the drop-down menu : WoT Client
also check the box "Stretch Image to Full Screen" and "Mouse Capture" click OK

Also in the sources you can add Slide show(several pictures periodically changing) Image(static picture or gif animation) Text(any text) Device(Webcam).
You can see the result of the image by clicking on the button. "Preview"

You will have a video with your layers. As I wrote above, the source that is above is in the foreground, and the one below is in the background. If you plan to overlay pictures/text on top of the game, then the game should be at the very bottom of the Sources list.

In order to adjust this or that layer (its size or position on the screen) - WITHOUT exiting the Preview mode, click on Scene change and click on the source you want to edit. A red frame will appear around the selected source, by dragging which you can change the size of the source itself. You can also move the source to any place.

We also see red "bars" that will help you adjust the volume balance between the microphone and other sounds (here I'm not an adviser to you, this is very individual and needs to be agreed with the audience.)

Well, the finish line, in order to start the broadcast - stop the preview and click Start broadcast.

It is very important that when streaming you do not have Frame loss. If you have frame drops, then you may have problems with the Internet or you simply do not have enough of your channel for current settings stream. Try lowering the bitrate.

Guide prepared neRRReQuCb especially for ACES TV viewers.

Many people who are just starting to stream on Twitch or other resources, and at the same time looking for which program is optimal for them, often choose based on the following criteria: simplicity, efficiency and, of course, cost. Under all these criteria, the utility fits perfectly. Setting up this program is not as simple as it might seem at first glance, but in fact, all its advantages that such detailed setting, fully compensate for its complexity.

OBS and XSplit

It is immediately worth noting the fact that if we compare this utility with XSplit, then in fact it is not so easy to learn. After all, if the latter does almost everything for us, then when you use OBS, you will most likely have to either figure out all sorts of nuances for a long time or turn to the Internet for advice on Open Broadcaster Software. Setting up this utility is sometimes complicated also because their site periodically crashes, as a result of which users absolutely lose access to it. In this regard, quite often there is such a situation that it is impossible to enter the forum of the site itself.

What are the benefits of OBS?

First of all, considering the advantages of this utility, it is worth noting how simple the interface has Open Broadcaster Software. Setting up this program is difficult only because of its detail, while mastering the main points is extremely simple and understandable. Of course, this interface does not differ in some incredible beauty, but in such things, convenience is much more important.

It is also impossible not to say how few resources Open Broadcaster Software requests. Tuning with detailed summing various options allows you to achieve the maximum availability of streams and the minimum consumption of the resources of the program itself. If you set all the characteristics correctly, then even the most demanding games will run and run without any problems, but for beginners, such a detailed setting is, of course, a problem. Indeed, not everyone will figure it out on their own, because there is huge amount points, as well as the utility itself quite often can impose far from the best configuration for the user's computer.

What do you need to know?

When downloading the utility from the official site, you should carefully choose the version that is right for your operating system. Programs for streaming are offered in two variations - x32 and x64, and a label in this case can be created by default. If you mix up the bitness, then in this case, during the streaming process, the program will “lag” quite strongly or even not work at all. To make it easier for you, it's best to initially just remove the shortcut that is inappropriate for you, so that in the future you will not accidentally launch OBS, which can "lag".

But similar problems are not only a consequence of the fact that people run incorrect labels, some still do not know how to set up Open Broadcaster Software. After all, in fact, when working with this utility, it is very important to pay attention to all the little things.

OBS or Free XSplit?

Many people think that because of the complexity, you should not use OBS, but you can just use, for example, the free version of the XSplit streaming program. But in fact, not everyone understands that free version This utility is fundamentally different from the paid one, it is extremely curtailed, while Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) is perfectly used and does not block us from accessing any characteristics.

In principle, the utility appeared relatively recently, and the developers of XSplit or to this day have not realized that they have a very, very serious competitor(which is unlikely), or they simply continue to be paid by those people who are used to this utility, because for just a few years this area was dominated by a total monopoly of this program, since there were no alternatives to it.

Streams are expensive

But in any case, regardless of which program you will download, you must immediately decide how devoted you will be to streaming, because you will need to invest certain funds here for the development of both the computer and the Internet. . If just for fun, then untitled Open Broadcaster Software is fine, but if you want to secure yourself maximum performance and stability, you can try the premium version of XSplit.

However, most users who use OBS and have experience with paid XSplit say that there is almost no difference.

Downloading the program

Naturally, before using Open Broadcaster Software, we will need to download this program from the official website. While it is downloading and installing on your computer, you can go to home page, select the approximate configuration of your computer, and then click on the Recommend Settings button. Initially, you can use just such a set of characteristics, which during the tests you can already change for yourself.

General program settings

Once installed, you will need to go to the "General" settings tab. For convenience, it is recommended to initially create a profile so that you can switch between several sets of settings at any time.

It is worth noting that initially you are provided with Open Broadcaster Software in Russian, but you can change the language in the settings, if necessary, if it is more convenient for you. Installing a tray icon or minimizing the program is not necessary if you have additional monitor. It's best to have control over the streaming process, rather than annoy viewers by constantly switching between windows. The display of the cursor should be turned off without fail if you are going to show a certain movie or video, but in the case of the vast majority of games, it can be left on, and sometimes even necessary - for more information.


The most controversial feature here is CBR, which maintains a constant bitrate. This parameter forces users to download the broadcast at a certain speed during the entire stream, which ranges from 2000 to 5000 Kbps, which is not optimal in some cases, but in fact, recently setting given parameter is an mandatory requirement on Twitch. Open Broadcaster Software gives you the ability to not only meet this requirement, but to do so completely automatically.

The only drawback of such a constant bitrate is that your stream is not available to those people who use an unstable connection (for example, a 3G modem) or have limited traffic.

We set the quality at the level of 6-8. You should not immediately set the value to 10 to celebrate, since visually you will practically not see any difference, but at the same time, users who will view it may experience all kinds of lags. The maximum bitrate is recommended to be set approximately at the level of 2500-3500. First, streaming services are more high values they are not very willing to accept, starting to "lose" packets, and secondly, the use of a bitrate of more than 3500 is required only if the image is provided in Full HD format. It should also be noted that the value of the limit bitrate should be equal to the size buffer, so you shouldn't even check the box next to "Other buffer size".

In "Audio" select "AAC" codec, as well as "Bitrate 128".


There are two available modes- This is a local recording and live broadcast. Local recording provides a great opportunity to fully evaluate the quality of the future stream before using Open Broadcaster Software in a live broadcast, so that you do not disturb the viewers in the future. At the same time, it is recommended to use this function before starting the stream, and this especially applies to those situations if you are going to hang all kinds of pictures and other extraneous elements on top of the image. Now you will need to specify the path where your test video will be saved and install hot key, after clicking which the broadcast will be launched in the OBS window. Among other things, this option can be used as worthy alternative all sorts of programs like Fraps.

After you are done with your choice optimal settings, you should put back the live broadcast. AT latest versions enough utilities are provided a large number of a wide variety of services through which it will be possible to broadcast, but Twitch and Cybergame, of course, were and remain optimal. The first is the most common portal today. of this type, and the second is more aimed at the Russian audience. It should be noted that both services this moment unobtrusive in terms of monetization, and are entirely dedicated to the gaming theme.

Which server to choose?

For Twitch, you should choose London, Amsterdam or Frankfurt. Quite often there are situations when one of the servers is overloaded, constantly "lags", and for this reason it simply does not receive all packets from us. In this case, you will need to choose another server. If we consider Cybergame, then here special options no - is it a paid or free server.

In order for you to be provided with your own Play Path / Stream Key, you will need to go through the registration procedure on one of the channels, and then create own channel. The services themselves are extremely clear and accessible. In the profile, you will be given an individual key for the channel, which you will need to enter in this field.


AT this section you will need to choose your own video card, as well as the resolution that you consider optimal. In this case, you can simply select a monitor so that the program uses the resolution you choose. Scaling is recommended to be set at 1280x720, since HD is more than optimal for broadcasting video or various games. Full HD will already require more than fine tuning programs, as you will need to find the optimal balance between the bitrate used, as well as the capabilities of the computer and the receiving capacity of the service you have chosen.

It is best to leave the filter bilinear, since other options give practically nothing visually, in addition to the extra load. To set the frames per second value, you should remember exactly what parameters the OBS estimator offered you on the official website. In the vast majority of cases, it is quite enough to set the number of frames per second to 30. It is worth noting the fact that the set FPS is most noticeably responsible for how heavy load the program will give to your computer, and if you notice any slowdowns in the PC during the stream, first of all you should reduce this parameter, but you should definitely not set it below 25 FPS.

To stream we need:

  1. Account on Need to register and go standard procedure confirmation.
  2. Open Broadcaster Software Classic (OBS Classic) program. You need to install and configure the program.

There are other programs that allow you to broadcast online, for example, Xsplit. We chose OBS Classic because it's free, feature rich, and easily extensible: you can write your own plugins for it if you know how to code. In addition, OBS Classic is better optimized and consumes less hardware resources, which allows you to stream on weaker machines. The disadvantages of OBS Classic until recently included some inconvenience and non-obviousness of the interface, but with the release of new versions of the program, this is a thing of the past.

1. Download and install

First, we need to download the program itself. To do this, download by, then install it.

2. Launching and configuring the program

2.1. Launching OBS Classic and go to "Settings" > "Settings".

2.2. General tab which will open the very first one, we can change the interface language and set the profile name. A "profile" in OBS Classic is sort of like a streaming preset: for example, you can create two profiles to stream in 720p and 1080p and switch between them. On this deposit, we need to create a profile. You can set any name; then click "Add". Here you can also check the boxes "Tray icon" and "Minimize to tray" - the first checkbox allows you to quickly launch the program directly from the tray, the second can free extra bed on the taskbar by moving the minimized program to tray.

Here you can delete unnecessary profiles, add and rename. When you install the program, an "Untitled" profile is automatically created. Type your name for example "Twitch" and click "Rename", and when you click the "Add" button, a new profile named "Twitch".

2.3. Encoding tab. Here is the main setting of the stream parameters, from which the image quality will hang.

Twitch puts forward the requirement to set a constant bitrate; therefore, in order to stream on it, it is necessary that the checkboxes "CBR (constant bitrate)" and "CBR padding" are checked.

Set "Maximum bitrate (Kbps)". For twitch, the most optimal value would be 2000-2500. It should be remembered that the higher the bitrate, the higher the picture quality will be, but the friezes will be more frequent, and vice versa. Let's take the average value and set it to 2200, then you can experiment yourself and find optimal ratio speed/quality. The official website also contains information on the bitrate, it is suggested to perform a speed test and set the bitrate value based on this: for example, with a transfer rate of 1.50mbp, it is recommended to set the value to 1000 - 1100 and remember if there is frame loss during streaming, it is best to reduce the bitrate, always pay attention to it.

2.4. Broadcast tab. Here we select the service on which we will broadcast, after which we indicate the key from the channel. We set the following values:

"Mode": Live

Broadcast Service: TwitchTV

For the "Server" parameter, set the server with lowest ping and no packet loss. You can determine the most optimal one, for example, using the program.

"Play Path/Stream Key (if available)". Key is set here streaming from our channel. You can get it by logging into your Twitch account and following the link . There you need to click the "control panel" button. Copy the key that appears and paste it into the appropriate field. Entering the key is not a mandatory requirement, but it helps the system to better understand which server will be the most optimal for your stream. It is recommended to use the key if you want to start streaming seriously, as it makes twitch much easier to work with.

"Auto-reconnect": for the convenience of streaming, check this box.

"Auto reconnect delay". Specifies how many seconds after disconnection an automatic reconnection attempt will be made. We set 10 or any other indicator convenient for you.

"Delay (sec)". We leave 0.

2.5. Video tab. Base resolution: select "Custom" and set it to 1280 x 720. This is the resolution in which the user will see the broadcast. Frames per second (FPS) set to 30.

2.6. Audio tab. Here you can set the settings for the microphone and all sound in general. We set the following parameters:

"Playback device": Speakers

"Microphone": Default

"Application gain (multiplier)": 1. It happens that you need to increase the volume of the game in relation to the microphone, this parameter will help you

"Microphone gain (multiplier)": 1. A parameter that increases the volume of the microphone. Increase if there are complaints from viewers that you cannot be heard.

"NiH Delay (ms)": 200. The number of milliseconds that Push To Talk will run after the key is released.

2.7. Keyboard shortcuts tab We will be interested in the following points:

“Use Push to Talk”: checkbox if you want to use the Push To Talk system - you will be heard in the stream only when you press a certain button. In the field to the right of the checkbox, a key is set, by pressing which the sound will be activated.

"Mute / enable microphone" and "Mute / enable desktop sounds" - here the corresponding keys or keyboard shortcuts are set.

2.8. Advanced tab. We check the box for "Multi-threaded optimization", set the value to "Medium" for "Process priority" and 400 for "Buffer time". These settings allow you to make the best use of the benefits of multi-streaming.

"Preset x264 CPU". Here the load on CPU. Owners of powerful machines can set "fast" or "faster", everyone else can stream on "veryfast".

Keyframe Interval: Twitch requires a value of 2.

Check the boxes "CFR (constant frame rate)" and "Adjust audio to video timing".

3. Scene and Source Settings

First, let's understand what is a Scene and what is a Source.
A scene is a profile that contains one or more source(s). Those. for convenience, we can create scenes with the name of the games: "" "" "CS", etc. and each scene will have its own sources configured, for example, in the “ ” scene there will be a source with game capture, a source with your webcam, etc. those. Sources are layers, and the source that is higher in the list will be in the foreground, and the one below will be in the background. Well, let's get down to business.

3.1. Initially, we have a Scene, let's rename it to "WOT" to do this, right-click on it and select "Rename" write "WOT" press ok. we get a scene called WOT

Right-click in the empty Sources: window and select "Add" > "Game"

Enter a name, for example "WOT".

We have a window. In the Application: we must find our game in the drop-down menu: WoT Client also check the box "Stretch image to full screen" and "Capture mouse" click "Ok"

In order to adjust this or that layer (its size or position on the screen) - WITHOUT leaving the Preview mode, click on Change Scene and click on the source you want to edit. A red frame will appear around the selected source, by dragging which you can change the size of the source itself. You can also move the source to any place.

We also see red "bars" that will help you adjust the volume balance between the microphone and other sounds (here I'm not an adviser to you, this is very individual and needs to be agreed with the audience.)

Well, the finish line, in order to start the broadcast - stop the preview and click Start broadcast.

It is very important that you do not have Frame Loss while streaming. If you have frame drops, then you may have problems with the Internet or you simply do not have enough of your channel for the current stream settings. Try lowering the bitrate.

Properly configuring OBS is not as difficult as it might seem. But if you have difficulties, then read our detailed guide.

Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) is the most popular program to stream on twitch. It is free, has good functionality and allows you to make high-quality streams - what else is needed for happiness?

Getting started setting up OBS for streaming on Twitch

It is best to download the program from the official website, and not look somewhere on torrents and file exchangers. So it is more reliable and guaranteed, you will install a clean program without unnecessary viruses and other dirt.

After installation, we begin the initial setup process. For this in top menu select "Settings -> Settings".

General settings

Here we select the interface language and add a profile for broadcasting. Profile - will store all settings. In fact, we are setting up a profile. Accordingly, there can be several profiles with different settings. This is convenient in order not to change all the settings in the future, but simply switch the profile to the desired one.

Multiple profiles can come in handy if you plan to periodically stream on different platforms, not just on Twitch.


One of the most important points in settings. It is from these values ​​that the quality of the picture and sound on the stream will depend in the future.

Twitch has been requiring streamers to set a constant bitrate for a long time, so both CBR checkboxes must be active.

Depending on what stream resolution you plan to set, you need to enter the bitrate value. Twitch recommends setting the following values:

  • 1080p: 3000-3500
  • 720p: 1800-2500
  • 480p: 900-1200
  • 360p: 600-800
  • 240p: up to 500

The buffer size must be the same value as the bitrate. Keep in mind that the higher the bitrate, the better the picture will be on the stream, but at the same time there will be more load on your computer, the network and the computers of viewers. Not all viewers have enough internet to watch a 1080p stream normally. maximum bitrate. Therefore, this indicator needs to be tested.

Audio encoding is better to use AAC and bitrate within 64-128. This is recommended by Twitch and again we believe him.


Everything is quite simple here. We select the mode “Live”, the service is “Twitch /”, it is better to choose the closest server, but here you need to test and watch. Not always the geographically closest server will show the best results.

Always leave auto-reconnect enabled. It is recommended to set the auto-reconnect delay in the range of 5-10, but everyone sets 10 and the norms.

The delay is a cool thing if you're playing a game and don't want your opponents to burn something important. For example, when playing DotA, it is common to set a delay for the duration of the wards, so that opponents who will quietly shoot the stream do not see where the wards are. But then look and decide for yourself whether to do so or not. Given that the delay is set in seconds, so if you need to set a delay of 5 minutes, you need to write 300 in this field.

Also pay attention to all the lines that OBS writes in red. There are some great tips and comments there.

You can set the rest of the settings as you wish - they do not affect the quality of the stream. For example, you can additionally save the stream to your computer, this will ensure that the stream is saved, because anything happens on Twitch and the record can be deleted. Therefore, if you, in addition to streaming recordings, then upload them to YouTube, it is better to check this box and save everything on your computer. You can always remove the excess.


Here you need to choose the resolution and frame rate for your broadcast, which will reach the audience. You need to rely on the quality of your hardware and Internet connection. Optimal are 720p and 1080p at 60fps. If even 720p lags at 60 frames per second, then set it to 30 frames, the picture will be very good, but still not perfect.

It is better to never turn on scaling, as this cuts the quality very much.


An important section for beginners, because very often on their streams everyone complains not so much about the quality of the video, but about the quality of the sound. So let's try to figure out what to do. So.

We select the device for sound playback (speakers, speakers or your headphones) and a microphone.

Further, if you want the sound to be recorded from the microphone not constantly, but only at the moments when you press a key, check the necessary checkbox and in the field to the right of it, select the key that will do this. You can choose 2 different keys, but that makes little sense.

NiG delay allows you to record audio to a buffer, rather than broadcast it immediately online. This is necessary if the Internet is not very good for you, and the audience complains that the endings of phrases are simply cut off. Here it is best to increase gradually by 100 ms, if the problem is serious and test.

The keys to turn on / off the microphone and sound are understandable.

Default apps amplification 1. You need to increase or decrease this value if you want the stream to also have sound not only from the game and microphone, but also from other applications. For example, from Skype or some music playing in the background. With amplification, you need to carefully, increase by 1 and look. A strong increase will make it much louder, but can also distort the sounds a lot, reducing the quality.

Microphone gain - the same as the previous one, only for your microphone.

Offset allows you to eliminate out of sync in audio and video. Need to test. Someone plays without, someone, on the contrary, without this setting, gets a bad stream. Test, verify, tweak.

Please note that the changed parameters will be used only on the next run. Accordingly, if there are any problems with the sound, then simply changing something in the settings will not work. For them to take effect, you will have to restart the stream. Therefore, it is better to first practice and set everything up well, and then go with your stream to the masses.

Advanced settings

An important point, but here, ideally, leave almost everything by default. Multi-threaded optimization is set to active, buffering time is 400 ms (this is a Twitch requirement). The process priority is Medium.

The default x264 CPU preset is best left to veryfast. But if you have a very powerful top processor, you can lower this value. The quality of the stream will increase, but the load on the CPU will also increase significantly.

Keyframe interval - 2 (Twitch requirement). CFR ticked. The rest can be left untouched.

Someone check the box to fit the sound to the timing of the video, but this is rather optional and not necessary. It is needed only if the sound is far behind or ahead of the picture.

noise gate

Here you can set the limits in which the microphone will work and perceive sound. This allows you to filter out unnecessary sounds and noises that can get into the stream (noise from neighbors, sounds from the street, etc.). You need to test and adjust for yourself, because they stream with different emotions and, accordingly, different sound indicators.

Setting up OBS to stream on Twitch

This completes the basic OBS setup. Further, in order for the streamer to turn out to be normal, you also need to make a scene and , but this is another story and will be discussed in another article. If you have any questions - ask in the comments.

OBS (Open Broadcaster Software) - handy program for stream. In this guide, you will learn how to properly set up this utility.

Start over:

Click " Show key". Your key will appear. Copy it and paste it into the line Play Path/Stream Key in OBS.

Let's continue to set up.

Auto reconnect: check the box.
Auto reconnect delay: You can leave the standard value - 10. This figure shows how long the stream will resume if it has turned off for you.
Delay (sec): set the required value. For example, for Dota 2 games, they usually set 2 minutes (120 seconds).

Click "Apply". If red text appears at the bottom, click Optimize.

2.4. Go to the "Video" section.

Bet desired resolution. Frames per second (FPS) - 30.

2.5. Section "Audio".

Everything is simple here. Select the playback device and microphone. The rest of the settings should not be changed.

2.6. Section "Hot keys".

Much to explain, I think, is not worth it. Assign hotkeys as you like. For example, you can set a key to turn the microphone on / off.

2.7. Go to the "Advanced" section.

We will not focus on these settings for a long time. Install as shown in the screenshot below.

3. Now let's start setting up "Scenes" and "Sources".

"Scene" - a profile that contains one or more sources. You can name the game you are going to stream. For example - "Dota 2" or "Overwatch".

Then, for each scene, you need to set up sources.

Example: In the "Dota 2" scene, there will be a source with a capture of the game itself, then a source with your webcam, a source with a team logo, a source with text, etc.

The sources are arranged in this order: the topmost will be in the foreground, and those below in the background. And so in order.

How to add a scene: in the "Scenes" section, right-click -> select "Add Scene". Give the scene a name of your choice. In our case - Dota 2 Click-Storm.

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