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General overview of delta television antennas.


The topic of this article is inspired by the Delta H311-01A antenna (active with an amplifier) ​​received for repair. The design of the antenna is such that if you remove the vibrators to receive the meter range (which will significantly reduce its dimensions), then it can only be used as an antenna for the decimeter range.

Delta H311-01A is a version of the Delta 311-01 antenna without an amplifier. An all-wave television antenna, with a broadband amplifier, is used in conditions of poor reception in the MV and UHF bands. Receives signals of analog and digital TV broadcasting, in the frequency range 48.5-890 MHz and consisting of a decimeter antenna and a vibrator in the meter range. The antenna has a uniform gain over the entire frequency range.

The antenna design is quite simple and therefore it is quite accessible for repetition. The main elements of which the antenna consists are: decimeter part; vibrator MV; matching board and signal amplifier. The complex elements include: a matching board and an amplifier, but you can do without them by installing a SWA type amplifier.

The decimeter part is a log-periodic antenna with 20 vibrators.

A log-periodic antenna (LPA) consists of two pipes located one above the other, to which the arms of the vibrators are attached alternately through one.

The cable is connected to the LPA without a special matching device as follows. A 75 ohm cable is inserted into the bottom pipe at one end and exits at the other. The braid of the cable is soldered to the end of the lower pipe and the center conductor to the end of the upper pipe.

Depending on the wavelength of the received signal, several vibrators are excited in the antenna structure, the dimensions of which are closest to half the signal wavelength. At a given signal wavelength, only one triple of vibrators is excited, and the rest are out of tune and do not affect the operation of the antenna. The antenna gain drops slightly, but the bandwidth is much wider.

It is useful to know that the smoother the surface of the conductors from which the antenna is made, the higher its quality indicators (higher quality factor).

The MV range antenna is designed very simply - these are two vibrators 110 cm long, attached to the protective case of the amplifier.

The matching board and amplifier are hidden in a sealed case.

The balun is used to match VHF and UHF antennas with an amplifier.

Dimensions (edit)

For those who want to make a copy, here are the dimensions of the UHF and MV antenna.

All antenna dimensions are in millimeters. The diameter of the tubes is 12 mm, the diameter of the vibrators is 4 mm, the size of the gap between the tubes is 6 mm. At the beginning of the antenna, the tubes are fixed with plastic; at the point of attachment to the mast, the tubes are soldered.

The antenna gain can be further increased by adding a reflector behind the antenna mount.

For confident reception television programs an antenna is required. Since the beginning television broadcasting constantly developed Various types receiving antennas. Thanks to the accumulated experience in the theory of radio signal reception, the improvement of the antenna calculation method, several types of receiving devices are now widely used, which differ in amplification, directivity, and frequency range.

Antenna requirements

All TV antennas must meet certain requirements, which are often contradictory, but non-observance leads to the fact that the antenna turns into a useless design:

The most problematic parameters are gain and directivity. In most cases, increasing the gain narrows the directivity. On the one hand, this is good, since it excludes the possibility of receiving an interfering signal from the other direction, a reflected signal or interference. On the other side, narrow beam antenna requires fine tuning to the transmitting station, and slightest deviation from given direction, for example, in strong winds and a high mast, dramatically reduces the quality of reception.

No less important parameter- frequency range. The vast majority of antennas have the highest gain within a narrow frequency band corresponding in a particular case to one television channel. The broadening of the operating range occurs by reducing the gain. And since television broadcasting is conducted in wide range frequencies, the design of a universal antenna becomes a very difficult task.

The frequency range of television broadcasting is divided into two sub-bands:

  • from 1st to 6th channel - meter range (49-250 MHz);
  • from 21st to 69th channel - decimeter range (474-858 MHz).

The difference in wavelengths of the meter and decimeter ranges has led to the fact that devices for receiving meter and decimeter programs have different design features mainly related to size.

Digital television operates in the decimeter range. Stable reception of decimeter waves is possible only in line of sight from the transmitting antenna. On long distances it is required to either increase the height of the antenna, or increase the gain.

VHF signals can bend around the ground, so the coverage area is much larger.

Antenna types

The most widely used antennas are of the "Wave channel" type. They have a narrow radiation pattern and high gain, which are directly related to the number of elements and, accordingly, to the length of the structure. But, as the length increases, the weight increases, and the mechanical strength of the structure decreases. The frequency range is also narrowed.

A log-periodic antenna is less overall. It has a somewhat similar design, but differs in a different operating principle.

Both types of antennas require compliance with high precision, which increases with the number of elements. The most widespread wave channel and log-periodic antenna were obtained for operation in the decimeter range. They are unsuitable for the meter range, since they will have unacceptable dimensions.

For meter waves, the most commonly used half-wave dipole. Its main advantage is ease of manufacture and low requirements for manufacturing accuracy. Such antennas have a directional pattern in the form of a figure eight. That is, they can receive a signal from two opposite directions... By bending the elements in one direction, one of the lobes of the diagram can be weakened and the gain in the direction of bending of the elements can be increased.

Universal Delta

Many enterprises have launched the production of a universal antenna Delta, which is designed to receive signals in almost the entire range, from meter to decimeter.

This antenna, both external and indoor, has several versions and, accordingly, some difference in parameters. The main difference for indoor and outdoor versions is overall dimensions and the number of work items. It goes without saying that the indoor indoor antenna will have more worst parameters than outdoor, but, due to its compactness, it is quite acceptable when located near the transmitting center.

Delta antenna design

This device is a combination of a half-wave dipole for receiving VHF and WAV channels and a log-periodic antenna for the high-frequency range of decimeter waves.

Both parts are coordinated with each other in such a way as to minimize mutual interference and improve the quality of reception. It is important that only one cable is used for both bands.

Outdoor antenna Delta has the following average characteristics:

  • frequency range - MV, UHF;
  • gain - 3-14 dB;
  • coefficient of protective action - 12 dB;
  • the characteristic impedance of the cable is 75 Ohm.

The protective action shows the amount of attenuation of the signal coming from the rear side opposite to the main direction of reception. This value applies only to the decimeter part of the antenna. The spread of the coefficient shows the difference in gain for different channels since it is impossible to create universal device with a linear characteristic. The minimum gain here falls on the MV channels, broadcasting on which tends to decrease.

The best values ​​of the protective action in the UHF range have devices equipped with a reflector located between the meter and decimeter parts. The reflector is a grating that attenuates the signal from the rear lobe of the directional pattern, while slightly increasing the gain.

The parameters given refer to passive antennas that does not have a signal amplifier. Thus, their scope is limited to those areas where there is a line of sight to the transmitting station.

The use of an amplifier, structurally located in the immediate vicinity of the antenna, makes it possible to increase the overall gain in the UHF range to 20-27 dB. Outdoor antenna with such gain makes it possible to receive television programs in almost any area.

The narrow directivity range, high gain make Delta antennas attractive for digital TV, which is broadcast mainly in the decimeter range.

How to connect the antenna correctly

The Delta antenna is connected to a TV or tuner in the same way as other antennas. At the cut end of the cable, you need to connect a regular plug if the antenna is passive, or the power supply adapter if an active antenna with an amplifier is used. When connecting the cable and plug, it is important to ensure that the shield and the center conductor are not jumpered.

The cable is connected according to the requirements of the antenna manufacturer's instructions. The connection diagram must contain a connection diagram. The design should provide for the sealing of the place of entry and connection of the cable. Otherwise, you should perform the sealing yourself, based on the capabilities of the design. Moisture on the amplifier will almost instantly disable it, and the cable shield, due to the capillary effect, sucks in water over almost the entire length of the cable. It is impossible to dry a wet cable, and in the very near future it will fail due to corrosion of the shielding braid.

Important! The main reason for the inoperability of the receiving device or Bad quality signal consists in improper cutting and fastening of the cable, when the central core is in contact with the conductors of the shielding braid.

Antennas are usually not supplied with a cable, so you have to purchase it separately. When choosing a cable, you need to pay attention to the characteristic impedance. Pluggable tv cable has a resistance of 75 ohms. Any other type of antenna cable is not suitable. The shielding must be tight and uniform, otherwise interference can be induced. Choosing between cables of different thicknesses, preference should be given to a thicker one, since it introduces less attenuation, which can be critical when great distance to the antenna (for example, mounted on a high mast).

Important! TV cable is not easy electrical wire... It should be solid, so it is better to purchase it with a margin, since you can always cut off or hide the excess, and when building up a short one, signal losses greatly increase, since it is important that there are no discontinuities in the conductors and insulation. The biggest problem with a spliced ​​cable is that a reflected signal appears in it, which leads to ghosting and blurring of the image on analog TV or a dropout of the digital signal.

How to save money on a purchase

More precisely, it’s not about how to reduce costs when buying an antenna, but how not to pay more. Many manufacturers offer modified wave channel elements in the Delta antenna. There are various variations of zigzag conductors, even cut lengthwise and spread apart.

We can safely say that these tricks are nothing more than a marketing ploy designed to attract a buyer at the expense of appearance... It is doubtful that the manufacturer, who reworked the calculated structure, carried out strict measurements. Any actions with the shape of the elements do not lead to an increase in the gain. On the contrary, the calculation even conventional antenna extremely difficult, what can we say about the openwork designs that can be found in stores or on the market. Such antenna designs are heavier and less mechanically robust. When making them, it is more difficult to accurately maintain all sizes, so their characteristics are likely to have little in common with those stated.

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Antenna Delta

Delta Television Antenna

Television antenna delta, produced by the scientific and production association of equipment and communication systems, has been in deserved demand among users in Russia and the CIS countries for many years.

The product range includes devices of the meter range, decimeter range and broadband, amplifying signals in both ranges - MV and UHF; collective antennas and antennas for personal use; outdoor and indoor, log-periodic

and a wave channel.

TV Antenna Delta

The table shows the characteristics: customized outdoor broadband delta tv antennas.

All of them are designed for reception from 1 to 60 TV channels and are designed for viewing both analog and digital transmission... The letter A means that it is active Delta antenna with amplifier... Some models, for easy connection antenna cable, are equipped with F-connectors and are designated with the letter F.

and log-periodic UHF

and log-periodic UHF

and log-periodic UHF, F-connector

Delta antenna with amplifier

The purpose of the receiving television antenna is the individual reception of television broadcasting signals horizontal polarization in the frequency range from 48.5 MHz to 790 MHz from 1 to 60 television channel. Antenna Delta H311 provides viewing of television programs in the zone of reliable reception, an active antenna Delta H311A with a built-in amplifier is used in the zone weak signal from the television center. The range and quality of reception depend on the installation site and the height of the receiving antenna, the power of the television transmitter, the terrain and the level of radio-electronic interference.

Delta antenna with amplifier tuned to receive television signals in accordance with the frequency table television channels terrestrial television given in the Terrestrial Television Channels section.

Antenna device Delta H311

Delta Television Antenna H311 is an antenna module - a log-periodic antenna of decimeter waves and two vibrators for receiving VHF waves. The device is mounted on a mast and oriented to the telecenter using the attachment point. The antenna box contains a matching board, or an antenna amplifier of the Delta H311A model.

The order of assembly and installation of the antenna for the TV Delta H311

Antenna Delta H 311-01 connection diagram. First of all, in the delta TV antenna, vibrators of the meter range are assembled and connected to the antenna box. Next, you need to connect the antenna cable, for which you need to remove protective shell, braided shield and inner insulator, loosening them by 10 mm. Connect the delta antenna: remove the cover of the antenna box by unscrewing the nut securing it, insert the cut end of the antenna cable into the central hole of the antenna box and connect it to the matching board. Install the n311 delta antenna on the mast and fix it at a height sufficient for line of sight to the TV tower. Rotating the device in one direction or another, along best image define optimal angle orientation and fix the antenna completely. Fix the antenna cable to the mast, connect the ground wire to the nut on the grounding stud located on the attachment point.

Indoor antenna Delta

Delta indoor antennas designed for receiving television signals, their design and modifications are described in the section "indoor antennas with an amplifier".

Types of services

Indoor antenna Delta K131 is an analogue of the simplest passive log-periodic antenna Delta, which is very popular with the consumer due to its small size and ease of use. The difference between them is in the stronger and more shock-resistant design of the Delta K131 model. The device receives television signals in the UHF range from 21 to 60 frequency channel and has an average gain of 4 dB. A cable length of 2 m is sufficient for installing and orienting the Delta K131 indoor antenna in the immediate vicinity of the TV.


How to install a TV antenna correctly

Image defects can be caused both by an insufficient signal level (snow) and an insufficiently high signal-to-noise ratio, as well as by inter-channel intermodulation, that is, a situation when some or some channels are issued by the system to the network with an unacceptable different levels... Intermodulation usually manifests itself in the form of "crosses" in the picture or shadows, when a picture of the channel shines through the picture of one channel, which just spoils the entire range with its harmonics.

The minimum levels that must be obtained from antennas without an amplifier:

MV1 (1-5 channel) 74 dB

MV2 (6-12 channel) 60 dB

UHF (21-69 channel) 50 dB

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If the levels are lower, you need to either change the antennas to more powerful ones or raise them higher.

Accordingly, the task of setting up any system for receiving terrestrial TV is:

1) Correct aiming of the antenna complex at the television transmitting center. We have one television center in St. Petersburg, located on the Petrograd side. Pointing is best done along the antenna with the narrowest radiation pattern, that is, along the UHF antenna, and along the very weak channel in the range. Connect the cable from the UHF antenna to the level meter and measure the signal level to achieve the maximum. If you do not have a meter - achieve the best visibility on the TV.

2) Alignment of levels between ranges. Unfortunately, it is practically impossible to do this without a device. The first range is usually very strong and quite often requires the introduction of an attenuator into the circuit. Channel 8 (Russia) broadcasts strongly in the second band, which usually requires a channel 8 notch, possibly adjustable. Further, we similarly level the decimeter range using notch filters, perhaps a UHF preamplifier may be needed.

3) Next, cables with prepared ranges are connected to a multi-band (multi-input amplifier), where they are summed, leveled using the range controls and amplified to the level required for feeding into the network. In this case, it must be borne in mind that from 60 to 90 dB should be suitable for the TV, and gains over 100 dB can lead to intermodulation (over amplification).

If you did not manage to tune the antenna yourself, order the tuning in our installation service at 448-60-13.

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How to connect an antenna to a TV?

Satellite TV is one of the most popular home entertainment options. Unlike analog or terrestrial digital television, the satellite dish gives great quality images, a huge range of programs and wide channel selection. That is why many are so much interested in the question: how to connect an antenna to a TV. However, such instructions will also be needed for those who are going to connect a conventional decimeter antenna - this is undoubtedly easier and faster.

What determines the quality of the decimeter antenna signal

Delta H311 is one of the most common decimeter antennas... Such popularity is due to good quality reception terrestrial channels and the relatively low cost of equipment. Moreover, usually the installation of such an antenna can be handled independently and without unnecessary effort.

When choosing a place for installation, you should focus on the place from where the better reception... You can determine it in the direction of the nearest TV tower. Delta H311 is quite sensitive, however, the reception quality may depend on:

In some cases, in bad weather, the quality of the signal from the TV tower may deteriorate. This does not mean that the TV antenna was installed incorrectly. Also, with multi-storey buildings, you should try to place the antenna as high as possible - on the lower floors, the quality of the connection will leave much to be desired.

Features of the installation of the antenna Delta H311 and its modifications

Connecting an antenna is usually pretty straightforward. To do this, when buying new TV equipment, you should pay attention to the instructions that come with it. Here are a few of the Delta connectivity features:

  • The TV antenna is attached to masts with grounding of any height (depending on the signal quality). Usually they are metal pipes 4-5 centimeters in diameter.
  • Can be attached to a window, wall, balcony, under or above the roof of the house
  • The direction of the TV antenna is determined arbitrarily - depending on how good the signal level is. However, it is not recommended to change direction by more than ten degrees relative to the horizontal axis.
  • When installed under a roof, it is best to provide equipment with high-quality protection against moisture and precipitation.
  • Additionally, Delta should be equipped with meter vibrators, which you can install yourself

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Delta connection features

The connection diagram of the TV antenna Delta is quite simple. In fact, the main difficulty in connecting the antenna is attaching the drop cable. This requires:

  • Remove the cover from the Delta antenna (to do this, unscrew one plastic nut)
  • Pass the cable through special hole on the case
  • At the end of the wire, the insulation should be removed (in the area of ​​1.5-2 centimeters)
  • Connect the braid to the unmarked contact
  • The core itself should be connected to a contact with a plus sign
  • Replace cover and secure

Steps for installing satellite TV

Installing a satellite dish with your own hands is a more complex and painstaking process. Many users do not really understand the essence of antenna tuning and do not know where it is best to install it. Usually, installing a TV antenna involves several basic steps:

  • Support mounting
  • Assembling the antenna itself
  • Installing it on a support

Many people prefer to assemble parts of the satellite dish directly on the mount. However, this is not entirely correct - only in horizontal position all petals will be maximally balanced during assembly, which will have a positive effect on the quality of the TV signal.

Choosing a location for the antenna

It's no secret that satellite dishes they receive a signal not from TV towers, but directly from a satellite in earth orbit. Therefore, when choosing a location, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  • The direction of the satellites is from southeast to southwest. To install a TV antenna of any package (Tricolor, NTV, Viasat and others), the windows must be located in the same way
  • If the window faces north, then you need to mount the antenna on the roof of the building
  • Make sure that there are no natural barriers - other buildings, trees, etc.
  • The cable should run downward to avoid damaging the connector. If necessary, make a loop at the entrance to the apartment to drain precipitation that can drain along the wire

For a more accurate determination of the direction of the antenna Tricolor TV or others satellite packages, you should refer to geographic coordinates and azimuth. It's pretty difficult task, therefore, it is best to contact a specialist - you can find a master on the Yuda website.

When assembling and installing any TV antenna yourself, you should strictly follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer. Only in this way the installation and subsequent operation will be as simple and efficient as possible.

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Main technical characteristics

A An outdoor antenna for individual use, designed to receive television signals on television sets of black-and-white and color images in the zone of uncertain reception of television signals of the MVDMV range, since it has only a built-in amplifier.
A The antenna is designed to operate in the temperature range from minus 40 ° С to plus 50 ° С and limit value relative air humidity 100% at a temperature of 25 ° C.
R working range: MV, DMV.
P Received channels: 1 - 5, 6 - 12, 21 - 69.
WITH Average value of the gain: not less than: 20, 20, 25.5 dB.
TO Standing wave ratio for voltage, no more: 5, 4, 2.
TO coefficient of protective action, not less: 0, 0, 12 dB.

Directions for use

A Antenna requires additional assembly, installation of meter vibrators.
A Antennas are attached to masts with obligatory grounding (there is an M 6 bolt on the antenna for connecting the ground). It is recommended to use a metal pipe with a diameter of 40-50 mm as a mast. It is allowed to install the antenna on a balcony, window frame or wall, as well as change its position in space, if necessary, within a range of NOT MORE than 10 ° relative to the horizon. When the antenna is located under a roof that provides protection from precipitation, the position of the antenna can be arbitrary and is determined by the user based on maximum quality TV signal reception.
P ri self-connection of the drop cable to antennas with an antenna box, unscrew the plastic nut and remove the cover from the antenna box housing. Pass the cable to be connected through the hole in the housing, remove the insulating sheaths at the end of the cable over a length of 15 - 20 mm, twist the screening braid into a bundle and connect it to the contact without marking. The core of the cable - to the contact of the board, marked with a "+" symbol. At the end of the installation removed cover install in place, aligning the joint of the rubber seal with the recess on the box body. Secure with a nut.

Antennas for digital television DVB-T2 different manufacturers In one place. TV antennas REMOs, compatible with the new DVB-T2 format, act Free Rolsen Antennas and indoor antennas Rexant - a new generation digital antennas, specially adapted for new format reception terrestrial digital tv. External antennas Locus, including new aluminum models with amplifier... Delta antennas - universal options, including the dmv antenna and the mv antenna, more than 70 models in total.
You can of course do homemade antenna DVB-T2 it's not difficult, but why? If here you can choose and buy any option that will most likely work better than a do-it-yourself antenna.

FAQ for DVB-T2 antennas:
1. DVB-T2 antennas and UHF antennas are actually the same thing. The ranges are the same.
2. Outdoor antennas perform better than indoor antennas in most cases.
3. "Active antenna" is an antenna model with a TV signal amplifier. The amplifier ALWAYS requires power. Either from a 220V network, or from a digital DVB-T2 set-top box.
4. Best antenna for DVB-T2 it is a myth. In each specific case, it is advisable to select an antenna.
5. Antenna setup for DVB-T2 does not represent anything difficult. You can and should do it yourself. It is enough to turn the antenna towards the transmitting center.
6. Terrestrial antennas DVB-T2 can take television signal at a distance of up to 50-70 km from the TV center, it depends on the reception conditions, the power of the TV center and the TV amplifier in the antenna. Reception at a distance of 100-200 km is NOT POSSIBLE... To watch digital television, in this case, it is advisable use a satellite dish.

This article is about the popular family television antennas Delta the well-known St. Petersburg enterprise ZAO NPP "OST". Antenna production plant CJSC NPP OST produces various indoor and outdoor, all-wave and band television terrestrial antennas for 17 years. Agree, 17 years is a considerable period for an antenna enterprise, and only this fact characterizes Delta antennas as reliable, proven terrestrial television antennas. The St. Petersburg specialized shop for the sale of antennas notes a steady constant demand for Delta antennas and other products of JSC NPP OST.

Outdoor antennas Delta made of steel and finished with durable powder paint. The use of steel as a material for the manufacture of outdoor terrestrial antennas, allowed the antenna enterprise ZAO NPP "OST" to reduce prices for antennas, make them more affordable for potential buyers while maintaining high technical characteristics antennas that determine the quality of television signal reception.

    For systematization purposes, we divide wide range Delta antenna families into the following categories: Indoor television antennas

Indoor television antennas

First of all, let's focus on indoor television antennas Delta. Historically, the first antenna with which the enterprise ZAO NPP "OST" began its victorious march on the antenna market at that time Soviet Union, there was an indoor antenna for the UHF range, which was simply called. Until now, this is the only antenna of the OST enterprise that does not have any alpha-numeric index. During the formation of the antenna market, this antenna, due to its compactness, quickly became a hit of the season, since it was very convenient to transport. However, full dismantling of the antenna carries with it negative side: Antenna vibrators have a bad tendency to break off when dropped. Therefore, it was replaced by another model of the room UHF antenna. Delta K131... The letter "K" means that this antenna is indoor, but what the number 131 means will remain a deep secret of the developers. Having the same price as Delta just her "little sister" Delta K131, although partially collapsible, it is sturdy and resistant to drops. In accordance with the spirit of the times, the modest compact box of the good old Delta was replaced by a bright colorful, but huge box Delta K131.

If the spectrum of indoor UHF delta antennas actually ends with these two models, then the list of broadband (MV + UHF) indoor antennas is quite wide. It is also headed by one of oldest models indoor broadband. As well as just Delta, this antenna is completely collapsible and very compact, which still determines its popularity. Along with the passive version, this antenna has an active modification (with an amplifier and a power supply unit). The active modification is called (the letter "A" at the end means that the antenna is "active", ie it has a built-in amplifier and a power supply in the kit). The range of all-wave indoor antennas includes two modern models and, respectively, their two active options and. Like the Delta K131, these antennas are housed in huge colorful boxes, making them less convenient to transport, but more salable, since the modern consumer attaches greater importance product packaging. The Delta K331-03 series, along with a beautiful box, has and modern design, which makes it very popular among indoor all-wave MV + UHF antennas in the store.

Outdoor individual television antennas

Let's go now to outdoor individual television antennas. All outdoor antennas are available with and without cable. Moreover, in the latter case at the end of the name of the antenna, the suffix "b / c" appears. At the same time, the length of the antenna cable of the brand RK-75-2-11A (which is recommended to be replaced with a well-known high quality antenna) based on some complex calculations engineers of ZAO NPP "OST" for different antennas Other. Therefore, a store selling antennas ANTENNA SUPERMARKET sells all outdoor antennas Delta without cable. In connection with the identity of the antennas, we will give the names of the antennas without the addition of "b / c".

Historically, the first antenna in this model range can be called ( initially, however, it was simply called Delta N311, then ZAO NPP OST decided to save money and reduce the number of vibrators on the herringbone - but this experiment was not understood by buyers and as a result, only one modification, Delta N311-01, remained). Introduced over 15 years ago outdoor all-wave antenna Delta Н311-01 is still the best-selling antenna in the Delta family. The time-tested, reliable and inexpensive Delta H311-01 antenna has gained universal fame and recognition and has become a "popular antenna". Outdoor broadband antenna Delta N311-01 has two active modifications: with amplification in the MW and UHF range (suburban version) and with amplification only in the UHF range (active urban version). The similarity in lettering has occasionally led to confusion in these antennas.

Brothers 311

Most of the remaining outdoor antennas are in various variations base antenna Delta H311-01. First of all, by dividing the Delta H311-01 broadband outdoor antenna into a meter and decimeter part, two various antennas: outdoor antenna MV range and an individual outdoor antenna for the UHF range, and the second one also has an active (with an amplifier) ​​version Delta Н111А-01... An external antenna with a higher gain in the UHF range was obtained by lengthening the decimeter part from the base Delta N311-01. Broadband antenna Delta H341 and its active modification Delta Н341А are still among the top-selling antennas in the summer season.

If, in the transition from the Delta H311-01 antenna to the Delta H341 antenna, the antenna grew in length, then in the transition to the antennas, the antenna growth is observed not only in length, but also in width. Due to this, all-wave broadband antennas Delta H351 and Delta H361 have good gain in the range of 6-12 channels. These antennas have worked well for their suburban installation and are constantly at the peak of store sales. ANTENNA SUPERMARKET in the summer season. Along with the passive version, these antennas also have an active (with a built-in amplifier and power supply included) modification: Delta H351A and Delta H361A.

Naturally, by cutting the meter part from the Delta H341 antenna, an external UHF antenna Delta H141, and from antennas Delta H351 and Delta H361 broadband antennas 6-60 channels Delta H421 and Delta H441 respectively. Modifications Delta H421 and Delta H441 are often used by installers as part of antenna complexes together with an antenna of the MW range, which is a professional antenna for the first MW subband (1-5 TV channels).

All the antennas considered above used the same log-periodic scheme and in the end, expanding the range of outdoor antennas, the designer of JSC NPP "OST" decided to use the wave channel scheme. This is how broadband antennas appeared. Delta H381(passive), Delta Н381А(active in the MV and UHF range) and Delta Н381А1(active in the UHF range) and an outdoor individual UHF antenna Delta H181... To increase the gain in the UHF range, the antenna boom can be increased by screwing on the so-called lens.

The last outdoor antenna in the Delta family that belongs to the individual is an all-wave broadband antenna. This is a combined antenna, in which two antennas are combined in a single design: one is a band symmetrical dipole of the meter wavelength range and the second is a broadband log-periodic UHF antenna.

Outdoor antennas for collective reception

The range of collective outdoor television antennas manufactured by the OST enterprise includes the following models:

ATKG-2.1.1,3.1(1-3 channel)
ATKG- channel)
ATKG- channels)
ATKG-4.1.6-12.1 (6-12 channels)

Of the collective outdoor antennas, ATKG- (1-3 channels) and ATKG-4.1.6-12.1 (6-12 channels) are in constant and steady demand in the ANTENNY SUPERMARKET store.

Other antennas (antennas for cellular communication, VHF antennas, etc.)

List of other non-television antennas of ZAO NPP "OST" includes three models:

broadcasting VHF antenna called "donut"
outdoor radiotelephone 900 MHz antenna Delta N900-01
indoor radiotelephone 900/1800 MHz antenna.


Thus, the leading antenna enterprise ZAO NPP "OST" produces a wide the lineup various television, VHF, radiotelephone antennas that can satisfy the requirements of the most picky buyer.
Materials (edit) of this review were prepared on the basis of summarizing the many years of experience in a specialized store for the sale of antennas and antenna equipment.

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