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General information on how the world wide web works. World Wide Web (WWW)

The history of the creation and development of the Internet.

The Internet owes its origins to the US Department of Defense and its secret research conducted in 1969 to test methods for allowing computer networks to survive warfare through dynamic message rerouting. The first such network was ARPAnet, which connected three networks in California with a network in Utah using a set of rules called the Internet Protocol (IP).

In 1972, access was opened to universities and research organizations, with the result that the network began to unite 50 universities and research organizations that had contracts with the US Department of Defense.

In 1973 the network expanded to an international scale, bringing together networks located in England and Norway. A decade later, IP has been extended with a suite of communication protocols that support both local and wide area networks. This is how TCP / IP was born. Shortly thereafter, the National Science Foundation (NSF) opened NSFnet with the goal of linking 5 supercomputing centers. Along with the introduction of TCP / IP, the new network soon replaced ARPAnet as the backbone of the Internet.

Well, how did the Internet become so popular and developed, and the impetus for this, as well as for turning it into an environment for doing business, was given by the appearance of the World Wide Web (World Wide Web, WWW, 3W, ve-ve-ve, three double) - systems hypertext, which made surfing the Internet fast and intuitive.

But the idea of ​​linking documents through hypertext was first proposed and promoted by Ted Nelson in the 1960s, but the level of computer technology existing at that time did not allow it to be implemented, although who knows how it would have ended if has this idea found application ?!

The foundations of what we mean by WWW today were laid in the 1980s by Tim Berners-Lee in the process of creating a hypertext system at the European Laboratary for Particle Physics, European Center for Nuclear Research ).

As a result of these works, in 1990 the scientific community was presented with the first text browser (browser), which allows viewing hyperlinked text files on-line. This browser was made available to the general public in 1991, but its adoption outside academia has been slow.

A new historical stage in the development of the Internet is due to the release of the first Unix version of the Mosaic graphical browser in 1993, developed in 1992 by Marc Andreessen, an internship student at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), USA.

Since 1994, after the release of the Mosaic browser versions for Windows and Macintosh operating systems, and soon after that - the Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer browsers, the popularity of the WWW began explosively, and as a consequence of the Internet, among the general public, first in the United States, and then and around the world.

In 1995, the NSF transferred responsibility for the Internet to the private sector, and since then the Internet has existed as we know it today.

Internet services.

Services (services) are types of services that are provided by servers on the Internet.
In the history of the Internet, there were different types of services, some of which are no longer used, others are gradually losing their popularity, while others are flourishing.
Let's list those of the services that have not lost their relevance at the moment:
-World Wide Web - World Wide Web - service for searching and viewing hypertext documents, including graphics, sound and video. -E-mail - e-mail - a service for transferring electronic messages.
-Usenet, News - newsgroups, newsgroups - a kind of network newspaper or bulletin board.
-FTP - file transfer service.
-ICQ is a service for real-time communication using the keyboard.
-Telnet - service of remote access to computers.
-Gopher - service for accessing information using hierarchical directories.

Among these services, one can distinguish services designed for communication, that is, for communication, transfer of information (E-mail, ICQ), as well as services whose purpose is to store information and provide access to this information for users.

Among the latter services, the leading place in terms of the amount of stored information is occupied by the WWW service, since this service is the most convenient for users and the most advanced in technical terms. The second place is taken by the FTP service, since no matter what interfaces and conveniences are developed for the user, information is still stored in files that this service provides access to. Gopher and Telnet services can now be considered "dying out", since new information almost does not come to the servers of these services and the number of such servers and their audience is practically not increasing.

World Wide Web - the world wide web

The World Wide Web (WWW) is a hypertext, or rather, a hypermedia information system for searching for Internet resources and accessing them.

Hypertext is an informational structure that allows you to establish semantic connections between elements of text on a computer screen in such a way that you can easily make transitions from one element to another.
In practice, in hypertext, some words are highlighted by underlining or coloring in a different color. Highlighting a word indicates the presence of a connection between this word and some document, in which the topic associated with the highlighted word is considered in more detail.

Hypermedia is what you get if you replace the word "text" with "any kind of information" in the definition of hypertext: sound, graphics, video.
Such hypermedia links are possible, since along with textual information, you can link any other binary information, for example, encoded sound or graphics, So, if the program displays a map of the world and if the user selects any continent on this map with the mouse, the program can here give graphic, sound and text information about it.

The WWW system is built on a special data transfer protocol called the HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol.
The entire content of the WWW system consists of WWW pages.

WWW-pages - hypermedia documents of the World Wide Web system. They are created using the hypertext markup language (HTML). One WWW page is actually a set of hypermedia documents located on the same server, interlaced with reciprocal links and related by meaning (for example, containing information about one educational institution or one museum). Each page document, in turn, can contain multiple on-screen pages of text and illustrations. Each WWW-page has its own "homepage" - a hypermedia document containing links to the main constituent parts of the page. Cover page addresses are circulated on the Internet as page addresses.

A collection of web pages linked together by links and designed to achieve a single purpose is called a web site.


Email appeared about 30 years ago. Today it is the most massive means of information exchange on the Internet. The ability to receive and send e-mail can be useful not only for communicating with friends from other cities and countries, but also in a business career. For example, when applying for a job, you can quickly send your resume via e-mail to various companies. In addition, on many sites where you need to register (on-line games, online stores, etc.), you often need to specify your e-mail. In short, e-mail is a very useful and convenient thing.

E-mail (Electronic mail, English mail - mail, abbreviated e-mail) serves to transfer text messages within the Internet, as well as between other e-mail networks. (Picture 1.)

Using e-mail, you can send messages, receive them in your e-mail box, reply to correspondent letters, send copies of letters to several recipients at once, forward the received letter to another address, use logical names instead of addresses, create several subsections of the mailbox for various kinds correspondence, include in letters various sound and graphic files, as well as binary files - programs.

To use E-mail, the computer must be connected to the telephone network via a modem.
A computer connected to the network is considered a potential sender and receiver of packets. Each host on the Internet, when sending a message to another host, splits it into fixed-length packets, typically 1500 bytes in size. Each packet is supplied with the recipient's address and the sender's address. Packets prepared in this way are forwarded through communication channels to other nodes. Upon receipt of any packet, the node analyzes the recipient's address and, if it matches its own address, the packet is accepted, otherwise it is sent further. Received packets related to the same message are accumulated. Once all packets of one message are received, they are concatenated and delivered to the recipient. Copies of packets are stored on the sender nodes until a response is received from the recipient node about the successful delivery of the message. This ensures reliability. To deliver a letter, the addressee only needs to know his address and the coordinates of the nearest mailbox. On the way to the addressee, the letter passes through several post offices (nodes).

FTP service

Internet service FTP (file transfer protocol) stands for protocol
file transfer, but when considering FTP as an Internet service, there is
not just a protocol, but a service - access to files in file

On UNIX systems, FTP is a standard TCP-based program
always supplied with the operating system. Its original purpose is
transferring files between different computers running on TCP / IP networks: to
one of the computers is running a server program, on the second the user runs
a client program that connects to the server and sends or receives over
FTP files. (Figure 2)

Figure 2. FTP protocol diagram

FTP is optimized for file transfers. Therefore, FTP programs have become
part of a separate Internet service. The FTP server can be configured as follows
in a way that you can connect to it not only under a specific name, but also under
by the conventional name anonymous - anonymous. Then the client does not become available to all
the file system of the computer, but a set of files on the server that
composes the contents of the anonymous ftp server - a public file archive.

Today, public file archives are organized mainly like servers.
anonymous ftp. A huge amount of information is available on such servers today.
and software. Almost everything that can be provided
to the public as files, available from anonymous ftp servers. These are programs -
freeware and demos and multimedia, it is finally
just texts - laws, books, articles, reports.

Despite its prevalence, FTP has many disadvantages. Programs-
FTP clients may not always be convenient or easy to use. Not always possible
understand what kind of file is in front of you - whether this is the file that you are looking for, or not. Not
a simple and universal search engine on anonymous ftp servers - although for
this is what special programs and services exist, but they do not always give
desired results.

FTP servers can also arrange access to files under a password - for example,
to their clients.

TELNET service

The purpose of the TELNET protocol is to provide a fairly general, bidirectional, eight-bit byte-oriented communications medium. Its main purpose is to allow terminal devices and terminal processes to communicate with each other. It is contemplated that this protocol can be used for terminal-to-terminal communication ("binding") or for process-to-process communication ("distributed computing").

Figure 3. Telnet terminal window

Although Telnet sessions distinguish between client and server sides, the protocol is actually completely symmetric. After a transport connection (usually TCP) is established, both ends play the role of "network virtual terminals" (eng. Network virtual terminal, NVT) exchanging two types of data:

Application data (that is, data that goes from the user to the server-side text application and back);

Telnet protocol commands, a special case of which are options that serve to understand the capabilities and preferences of the parties (Figure 3).

Although a Telnet session running over TCP is inherent in full duplex, the NVT should be considered a half duplex device, operating in buffered string mode by default.

The application data passes through the protocol without changes, that is, at the output of the second virtual terminal, we see exactly what was entered at the input of the first. From the point of view of the protocol, data is simply a sequence of bytes (octets), by default belonging to the ASCII set, but with the option enabled Binary- any. Although extensions have been proposed to identify the character set, they are not used in practice.

All application data octet values ​​except \ 377 (decimal: 255) are transported as is. Octet \ 377 is transmitted in sequence \ 377 \ 377 of two octets. This is because the \ 377 octet is used in the transport layer to encode options.

The protocol provides minimal functionality by default and a set of options that extend it. The principle of negotiated options requires negotiation when each option is enabled. One party initiates the request, and the other party can either accept or reject the offer. If the request is accepted, the option takes effect immediately. The options are described separately from the protocol as such, and their support by the software is optional. The protocol client (network terminal) is instructed to reject requests to enable unsupported and unknown options.

Historically Telnet has served to provide remote access to the command line interface of operating systems. Subsequently, it was used for other text-based interfaces, up to MUD games. In theory, even both sides of a protocol can be programs as well as people.

Sometimes telnet clients are used to access other protocols based on TCP transport, see Telnet and Other Protocols.

The telnet protocol is used in the FTP control connection, that is, logging into the server with the telnet ftp command to perform debugging and experimentation is not only possible, but also correct (unlike using telnet clients to access HTTP, IRC and most other protocols ).

The protocol does not provide for the use of either encryption or data authentication. Therefore, it is vulnerable to any kind of attack to which its transport, that is, the TCP protocol, is vulnerable. For the functionality of remote access to the system, the SSH network protocol is currently used (especially its version 2), during the creation of which the emphasis was placed on security issues. So it should be borne in mind that a Telnet session is quite insecure, unless it is carried out on a fully monitored network or with network layer security (various implementations of virtual private networks). Due to its unreliability, Telnet has long been abandoned as a means of operating system management.

Similar information.

World Wide Web The World Wide Web is a hyperlinked information system distributed around the world, which exists on the technical basis of the World Wide Web. The World Wide Web is only 16 years old. The date of birth of the World Wide Web (WWW) is August 6, 1991. On this day, Tim Berners-Lee, who worked at the European Center for Nuclear Research in Geneva (Switzerland), published a short description of the WWW project. Tim Berners-Lee

Web page Access protocol - http Computer name - Directory name - html File name - urok.htm Web page has its own name, by which you can refer to it.

WWW Hyperstructure It is not necessary to browse Web pages in succession, flipping through them, as in a book. The most important property of the WWW is the hypertext organization of links between Web pages. These links operate not only between pages on the same server, but also between different WWW servers. The transition from one page to another occurs through hyperlinks that form a network that resembles a spider web.

Initially, the Internet was a computer network for transmitting information, developed at the initiative of the US Department of Defense. The reason was given by the first artificial Earth satellite launched by the Soviet Union in 1957. The US military decided that in this case, they needed an ultra-reliable communications system. ARPANET was not a secret for long and soon began to be actively used by various branches of science.

The first successful telecommuting session took place in 1969 from Los Angeles to Stanford. In 1971, the instantly popular program for sending e-mail over the network was developed. The first foreign organizations to connect to the network were in the UK and Norway. With the introduction of a transatlantic telephone cable to these countries, ARPANET has become an international network.

ARPANET was arguably the most advanced communication system, but not the only one. And only by 1983, when the American network was filled with the first newsgroups, bulletin boards and switched to using the TCP / IP protocol, which made it possible to integrate into other computer networks, ARPANET became the Internet. Literally a year later, this title began to gradually move to NSFNet, an interuniversity network that had a large bandwidth and gained 10 thousand connected computers per year. In 1988, the first Internet chat appeared, and in 1989 Tim Berners-Lee proposed the concept of the World Wide Web.

World wide web

In 1990, ARPANET finally lost out to NSFNet. It is worth noting that both of them were developed by the same scientific organizations, only the first was commissioned by the US defense services, and the second was on its own initiative. however, this competitive pair led to the scientific developments and discoveries that made the world wide web a reality, which became generally available in 1991. Proponent Berners Lee over the next two years developed the HTTP (Hypertext) protocol, HTML, and URL identifiers that are more familiar to ordinary users as Internet addresses, sites, and pages.

The World Wide Web is a system that provides access to files on a server computer connected to the Internet. This is partly why today the concepts of the web and the Internet are often substituted for each other. In fact, the Internet is a communication technology, a kind of information space, and the World Wide Web fills it. This spider web consists of many millions of web servers - computers and their systems that are responsible for the operation of websites and pages. To access web resources (download, view) from a regular computer, a browser program is used. Web, WWW are synonyms for the World Wide Web. WWW users number in the billions.

Scientific and technological progress does not stand still, but is in constant development, search, improvement. Perhaps the most useful invention of the human genius, the Internet, was invented relatively recently, by the standards of the development of civilization. At its core, it is a unique data exchange tool.

The Internet (Network, Internet) is a virtual environment that guarantees access to information resources, the elements of which are personal computers. They are combined into a single circuit and endowed with unique addressing features using high-speed communication lines with host computers.

The Internet is a huge network of countless devices. It serves to exchange information that exists in this network in various forms. Nowadays, it's not just computers that can connect to the Internet. Mobile phones, tablets, game consoles, other gadgets and even TVs can easily go online at any time.

The importance of this information space is indisputable also due to the amazing possibilities of communication between users of all devices connected to the Network.

Technically, the online space is formed by countless computer devices connected to each other. Billions of PC users living in different countries communicate with each other every day, transmit and receive useful information, download digital data arrays in the form of applications, programs, utilities; watching videos, listening to music.

The online environment has another important property - the unlimited possibilities for storing information. Personal experience is transmitted via the Internet, in addition, it is a unique platform for informing the masses for modern media and a colossal repository of world knowledge.

What is the Internet?

In order for PC owners living on different continents to freely use the services of searching for network resources, trunk cables have been laid at the bottom of the ocean through which useful information is pumped around the clock.

The personal computer is controlled by special protocols. This is a kind of instruction that allows you to establish the rules for communication between devices. The single criterion for building a software protocol is the IP address. Thanks to this structure, any participant receives his own digital address, with the help of which the search and identification takes place.

For example, after entering the name "" into the browser line, in a matter of moments, the client is on a web site that offers help to beginners. Technically speaking, a software robot simply finds the IP address code that is assigned to a specific site.

The machine algorithm includes the following operations:

  1. the request is recorded by the main server, where the name of the required thematic data array is stored;
  2. the name of this resource is found in memory, i.e. discovery of the required IP address;
  3. the client is taken to the website.

There are other protocols as well, such as HTTP. Requests in a different way are carried out with the addition of a prefix http: //

What is the World Wide Web (WWW)

For most of the target audience, it is of great interest to define the Internet service as the World Wide Web in abbreviated form (WWW or simply WEB). Its definition is understood as a set of interconnected web pages, access to which is provided by a limited number of PCs connected to the Internet.

A set of text files, marked up in HTML with links to links, posted on an electronic site, was called a website. You can get acquainted with the content of a particular website by activating the browser to search for the address name.

The web is today positioned as the most demanded and popular service in the online space, i.e. the Internet. Hypertext links are an important element of the WEB. By clicking on the link of the required document or by requesting a unique URL (name code, path) in the browser, a person can view the required array of text.

Addressing system

When you enter an incorrect address name into the search bar or click on a broken link, the browser will promptly signal an error (confirming the absence of the desired page). Often, upon request, a person gets access to an advertising (fraudulent) site.

In this situation, you should correct the inaccuracy in the query string field without trying to examine the advertising website for security reasons. The fact is that these sites can be infected with a virus. If the resource was created for the purpose of fraud, then it will be useful to familiarize yourself with our section, where the most popular methods of fraud on the network are perfectly described.

In the address of any site, the main thing is the domain, which serves for ease of memorization. The domain usually displays the address of the home page. At the same time, it should be understood that for the technical download of the page, the computer device uses IP with the protocol ""... Agree, this combination is much more difficult to remember than the domain name of our site.

It is important to know that entering "http: //" or the prefix "WWW" in the search bar is NOT required at all. It is better to use the services of a search engine, where the mistake will be immediately corrected, and domain entry is possible without a zone causing confusion.

What does the Internet give us?

  • unlimited communication and communication

Many are looking for like-minded people here, communicating on popular social projects and forums. Others like the unique personal communication service using ICQ or Skype. Visitors to the dating website expect to find their other half here;

  • endless possibilities of entertainment and organization of personal leisure

Here you can listen to popular music tracks for free, enjoy the latest filmography of film studios, play various games, including gambling, get acquainted with the works of modern authors and classics of the literary genre, take polls, tests, etc.

  • self-education

In the mass communication environment, you can not only read useful articles, but also participate in trainings, master classes, watch video lessons;

  • creative personality development

Here you can meet rare people, visit their professional projects for creative and personal improvement;

  • purchase of goods and services

Clients of virtual supermarkets can buy goods without leaving their homes. Online you can buy shares of industrial companies, order tickets, book a hotel room, etc.;

  • new ways of earning

There are more types of earnings on the Internet. For example, you can open an online store by creating your own blog (website). For those who are just trying their hand at this field, it is easier to start with freelancing: write articles on order, sell photos, offer services for the creation and promotion of various projects, do web design and programming.

  • much more. The information on our website will help you find out not only all the possibilities of this global network, but also perfectly, being in it.

An increasing place in our life is occupied by the Internet. No human-made technology has gained such widespread popularity. Internet - the World Wide Web, which covers the entire globe, enveloping it in a network of TV towers. It began to gain its popularity back in the relatively distant 1990s. In the article, we will discuss where it came from and why it became so popular.

The Internet is like the World Wide Web

The second name of such a plan was given for a reason. The fact is that the Internet unites many users around the world. Like a spider's web, it envelops the entire globe with its threads. And this is not an ordinary metaphor, it really is. The Internet is made up of wires and wireless networks, the second of which we cannot see.

But this is a lyrical digression, in fact, the Internet is associated with the World Wide Web (www, or Word Wide Web). It covers all computers connected to the network. On remote servers, users store the necessary information, and can also communicate on the Web. Often, this name is understood as a Worldwide or Global Network.

It is based on several critical protocols like TCP / IP. Thanks to the Internet, the World Wide Web, or otherwise the Word Wide Web (WWW) carries out its activities, that is, it transmits and receives data.

Number of users

At the end of 2015, a study was conducted, on the basis of which the following data were obtained. The number of Internet users worldwide is 3.3 billion. And this is almost 50% of the total population of our planet.

These strong performances have been achieved thanks to the proliferation of 3G cellular networks and high-speed 4G. Providers have played an important role, thanks to the massive introduction of Internet technologies, the costs of maintaining servers and manufacturing fiber-optic cables have decreased. Most European countries have faster internet speeds than African countries. This explains the technical lag of the latter and the low demand for the service.

Why is the Internet called the World Wide Web?

Paradoxically, many users are sure that the above term and the Internet are one and the same. This deep misconception that hovers in the minds of many users is caused by the similarity of concepts. Now we will figure out what's what.

The World Wide Web is often confused with the similar phrase "World Wide Web". It represents a certain amount of information based on Internet technology.

History of the World Wide Web

By the end of the 90s, the dominance of NSFNet over ARPANET technology was finally established in the world. Oddly enough, but one research center was engaged in their development. ARPNET was developed by order of the US Department of War. Yes, the first people to use the Internet were the military. And NSFNet technology was developed independently of government services, with almost pure enthusiasm.

It was the competition between the two developments that became the basis for their further development and massive introduction into the world. The World Wide Web of the Internet became available to the general public in 1991. It had to work somehow, and Berners Lee took over the development of the system for the Internet. In two years of successful work, he created hypertext, or HTTP, the famous electronic language HTML and URL. We do not need to go into details, because now we see them as ordinary links for site addresses.

Informational space

First of all, it is an information space, which is accessed through the Internet. It allows the user to have access to the data that is on the servers. If you use a visual-figurative way, then the Internet is a volumetric cylinder, and the World Wide Web is what fills it.

Through a program called a "browser", the user gains access to the Internet to surf the Web. It consists of innumerable server-based sites. They are connected to computers and are responsible for the safety, loading, viewing of data.

Spiderwebs and modern man

Currently, Homo sapiens in developed countries are almost completely integrated with the World Wide Web. We are not talking about our grandfathers and grandmothers or about remote villages, where they don’t even know about some kind of Internet.

Previously, a person in search of information went straight to the library. And it often happened that the book he needed was not found, then he had to go to other institutions with archives. Now the need for such manipulations has disappeared.

In biology, all species names consist of three words, for example, our full name is Homo sapiens neanderthalensis. Now we can safely add the fourth word internetiys.

The Internet is taking over the minds of humanity

Agree, we get almost all information from the Internet. We have tons of information in our hands. Tell our ancestor about this, he would eagerly bury himself on the monitor screen and sit there all his free time in search of information.

It is the Internet that has brought humanity to a fundamentally new level, it contributes to the creation of a new culture - mixed or multi. Representatives of different nations mimic and adapt, as if merging their customs into one cauldron. This is where the final product comes from.

It is especially useful for scientists, there is no longer a need to gather at councils in a country that is 1000 km away from yours. You can exchange experiences without a personal meeting, for example, through instant messengers or social networks. And if an important issue needs to be discussed, then you can do it via Skype.


The World Wide Web is a constituent part of the Internet. Its work is provided thanks to storage servers, which provide information to the user upon his request. The Web itself was developed thanks to scientists from the United States and their enthusiasm.

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