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A sample of filling out a subscription agreement tricolor. How to terminate the contract with Tricolor TV and return the money

What awaits the subscribers of the operator "nsk" in the new year?

At the moment there are several major operators satellite broadcasting in the territory Russian Federation and the “biggest” of them is the “nsk” operator.
This year, the operator at the end of the year decided to make a "gift" to all its subscribers, "FIPS code: 393962" showed all subscribers and the whole country its new "subscriber agreement" five days before the end of the year.
Let's see what awaits subscribers in 2015 right from 01/01/2015. Let's dwell on several points of the new agreement between the operator "FIPS code: 393962" and the subscriber. 1. “1.3. Subscriber agreement is considered concluded and acquires the force of the contract of accession from the moment the Subscriber (and/or the person acting on behalf of and on behalf of the Subscriber) performs the actions to sign the Subscription Agreement and the Subscriber's Registration, as well as the payment for the NSC Services.

And now it has happened, now there is a clear understanding from what point the relationship between the subscriber and the operator begins.

2. “1.4. The location of the NSC is considered to be the place of conclusion of the Subscription Agreement. An integral part of the Subscription Agreement are the Terms of Service "FIPS Code: 393962" and the Tariffs for the "*****olor TV" Services permanently posted on the Site."
Here there is incomprehensibility for the subscriber, the address of the company is located in Moscow, and on the website it is in St. Petersburg and it looks like “© CJSC National Satellite Company“ St. Petersburg, 197022, PO box 170 ".

Where this mythical place is and why the company violates the subscriber's rights by not posting a full-fledged address remains a mystery.

3. “1.5.1. Services for broadcasting (distribution) of TV programs, including providing access to viewing the Package on the terms and conditions stipulated by the Subscription Agreement.
Here we can observe how the agreement is tied to the subscription agreement, but with what version of it remains a mystery.
4. «1.5.3. Services "Teleservice "FIPS Code: 393962" - services for providing the Subscriber with access to the network "FIPS Code: 393962" for broadcasting TV channel packages. "

This is new in the operator's history "FIPS code: 393962", the operator's managers are already actively offering to connect to this service, but they do not say what it is and what the price of this service will be.

5. “1.6. The provision of Services to the Subscriber is subject to availability technical feasibility from the NSC to provide Services to the Subscriber, as well as if the Subscriber has serviceable activated software, the original of the Subscription Agreement is available at the NSC, activated Service, enough Money on the Personal account for payment for NSC Services "
How do you like that point - if the subscriber loses his copy of the contract, then he will automatically become in the category of potential "disabled". It also clearly shows that the operator can turn you off even tomorrow, referring to the fact that they do not have the "technical ability" to broadcast television channels to you.

Owners of equipment DRE 4000, DRS 5000, DRE 5001, DRS 5003, GS 7300, GS 8300, GS 8300M can now start the morning with the fact that their set-top box will simply become a useless thing in the house.

6. “2.3. The Subscriber is obliged to keep the documents confirming the execution of the Payment (including the Card) during the entire period of provision of the relevant Service by the NSC. "
At this point, the operator again makes it clear to the subscriber that having lost the payment receipt, he no longer has the right to ask the operator to broadcast a television picture, a strange attitude towards subscribers who pay for packages to the operator's cash desk.
7. «2.6.3. transfer by NSC to third parties (including the Dealer) of the Subscriber's personal data specified in the Subscriber's Card in order to properly provide the Services under the Subscription Agreement. This consent of the Subscriber is valid for the entire term of the Subscription Agreement and is used by the NSC solely for the purpose of providing and promoting the NSC Services on the market. "

Of course, no one wants their data transferred to one side to be gone, it’s not clear where and it’s not clear to whom. But here the operator immediately warns that he can transfer or sell your data to almost any person without your participation.

8. “2.7. The Subscriber undertakes to notify the NSC in writing of any changes in any information specified by him in the Subscriber's Card within one calendar month from the moment such changes occur. "
Well, the subscriber changed the phone and changed the installation address - but how can the operator notify the operator in writing if there is no normal address? Where and to whom should I write or send a copy of my new passport? It is obvious that the operator's lawyers have included a clause in the contract that is contrary to the laws of the Russian Federation.
9. “3.2. The NSC undertakes to provide information and reference services to the Subscriber and the User on the website FIPS code: 393962, according to email address(e-mail) NSC: [email protected] FIPS code: 393962 or according postal address: 197022, St. Petersburg, PO Box 170, ZAO National Satellite Company

How do you like this item? The operator undertakes to inform you by sending letters to your address in the city of St. Petersburg and the fact that whether you took this letter to this address or not is your difficulty.

10. "3.4. In case of non-receipt by NSC for reasons beyond NSC's control of a completed and signed copy of the Subscription Agreement by the Subscriber (clause 2.2 of the Service Agreement Code FIPS: 393962"), NSC has the right to:
3.4.1. suspend the provision of the Services after one month from the date of the initial activation of the Service, provided for in clause 1.5.1 of the Service Agreement "FIPS Code: 393962", notifying the Subscriber through his Personal Account;
3.4.2. terminate the Subscriber Agreement in unilaterally after 90 (ninety) days from the date of the initial activation of the Service, provided for in clause 1.5.1 of the Service Agreement "FIPS Code: 393962", by notifying the Subscriber in writing. "

As you can see, it turns out very interestingly, the company gives the address “to the village of grandfather” and at the same time threatens the future subscriber that if they do not receive a letter with the original of his data, then they will simply turn it off. Naturally, at the same time, they do not bear any responsibility for the convenience delivered to the subscriber.

11. “4.2. The NSC has the right to unilaterally change the Terms of Service “FIPS Code: 393962”, Tariffs, other terms of interaction between the NSC and the Subscriber. In this case, the NSC undertakes to notify the Subscriber of the planned fact of the change at least seven calendar days (of changes in tariffs - ten calendar days) before the date such changes come into force. The specified information is communicated to the Subscriber and the User in any form, including, but not limited to, posting a notification on the air of the Infochannel and / or on the operator's website "

This item was a long time ago and therefore the operator has already lost the trial. But they stubbornly transfer it from treaty to treaty. Maybe they are waiting for mass statements from subscribers? It's hard to talk about it now. Apparently they have their own thoughts and they think. That the costs of the courts are not so high now. To act according to the law of the Russian Federation.

12 . Here we come to important point for the main fleet of receivers of "old subscribers"
“4.3. The provision of the Services may be suspended:
4.3.1. at the initiative of the NSC - without any compensation in the absence or insufficiency of funds on the Subscriber's Personal Account to pay for the NSC Service, which provides access to the Basic package of TV channels; "
As they say, there is nothing to add here if you are the owner of the receiver and do not pay for paid package, you can be completely safely turned off and it will be within the framework of the contract (we did not come up with this, read the text yourself, everything is written here). It turns out that the company crossed out the slogan "People's Television"? By this occasion draw your own conclusions.
« 4.3.2. at the initiative of the NSC - without any compensation, in cases of violation by the Subscriber or User of the requirements provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, and / or if the actions of the Subscriber or User pose a threat to the normal functioning of the "FIPS Code: 393962". "

This is generally a masterpiece in the performance of the operator, they can accuse you of creating a threat and turn you off for it! How can a receiver damage a satellite? Brad - you say. But that's what the new one thinks general director nsk operator, he signed it. And it doesn't matter that even the president of the country has repeatedly said that our country is civilized and everything is determined by the court. But apparently once again the operator shows that they are above the law.

13. We go further, and what we see is that again the operator claims that he has the right to turn off the subscriber at any time.
“4.5. NSC has the right to terminate the Agreement unilaterally without reimbursement to the Subscriber of any compensation and return to him of unspent funds in the following cases:
4.5.1. non-payment by the Subscriber for the Service providing access to the Basic package of TV channels within 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of suspension of the provision of the Service "
What is this reminder or fixation in the minds of subscribers, what do they want to do very soon? Time will tell, and judging by the persistence, it's "soon" now, now it will come to everyone who watches the main package.
14 . There is another interesting point that deserves your attention:
“4.5.6. withdrawal by the Subscriber in writing of consent to the processing of his personal data in the manner prescribed by clause 2.6 of the Agreement for the provision of services "FIPS Code: 393962"; "

How do you like this? The operator gets you spam! Or someone will get spam with the knowledge of the operator! You do not have the right to simultaneously remain a subscriber and ask the operator to disable the processing of your data. He gave you this point to understand - choose!

This is what it looks like new treaty between the operator "FIPS Code: 393962" and the subscriber. Think! Read all the contracts and draw your own conclusions! That you are not signing a contract with a store or a dealer! With the operator and all further relationships between you and the operator "FIPS code: 393962" in this case and you.

Good luck watching your favorite TV channels!

The full text of the agreement is here, you can download it for free.

To be continued …… stay with us!

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The most important part of receiving any services is the conclusion user agreement without which it is impossible to count on quality service. The Tricolor satellite company, which provides television services to customers on the basis of an agreement, was no exception. Therefore, when a user urgently needs help or important information, an agreement number may be required. But not all subscribers know how to find out the Tricolor TV number if it was lost or the agreement was signed by registering on the official website. In such situations, you should take a few minutes and clarify everything existing methods obtaining this combination, so as not to encounter difficulties later.

Watching satellite TV requires the purchase of appropriate equipment and the conclusion of a service agreement. At the same time, the second is directly related to the first and depends on the place of purchase of equipment chosen by the subscriber:

  • when purchasing a dish and a receiver at official points of sale, the user receives required documents simultaneously with the equipment;
  • Turning to independent distributors, the client must register on the official website of the provider.

In the second case, it is registration that will mean acceptance of the terms of use and the legalization of the agreement. Additionally, it should be noted that a sample document can be found on the site by simply going to the appropriate section.

It is important to clarify that the terms of the signed agreement, it must be sent to the address of the provider. If this is not done, the agreement may be terminated.

How to find out the number of the subscription agreement for Tricolor TV

The most simple and convenient way find out the exact number of the concluded contract - just look at the documents available to the subscriber. In situations where an agreement was concluded during registration or when the necessary papers were lost, you just need to go to your personal account on the official portal of the provider.

All the information and combinations that users need are in the section with personal information or a subsection describing connected options.

Separately, it should be clarified that the subscription agreement can be printed or re-requested at the office of the satellite company if it has been damaged or lost. But you need to apply for a copy of the document in the same department where the equipment was previously purchased.

How to find out the Tricolor TV contract number by last name

When going to the sales office seems inconvenient, and there is no Internet access for various reasons, it remains to use last option obtain the desired combination of numbers. To clarify the Tricolor TV subscription agreement number, you need to call the contact center by phone 88005000123. Additionally, Skype calls are allowed.

The caller should prepare a passport in advance so that the support operator can identify the caller. In some cases, you may need a smart card, but this is unlikely.

After making sure that the caller is a client of the company, the specialist will tell him the exact combination and that's it. necessary information for full use television services.

How to terminate the contract with Tricolor TV and return the money

The only way to terminate the agreement with the operator in 2019 is to write and send a corresponding application to the address of the company. In the same application, you will need to indicate the need to return funds to the details specified by the subscriber.

It is important to know that you can only get back the amount that was not spent by the client. At the same time, the application itself must be written 15 days before the planned television shutdown.

To find out the exact and correct procedure for canceling the services provided, you can call contact phone. Operators are obliged to advise the caller and explain to him the correct course of action.

Tricolor TV - return of equipment

Having dealt with the peculiarities of concluding, using and terminating the contract, you should pay attention to the return of purchased equipment. AT this issue the law is not on the side of users, therefore, it will not be possible to refuse the equipment and return the money. An exception will be cases of malfunctions that occurred during the warranty period. But they must be caused by reasons beyond the control of the buyers, otherwise the warranty will end ahead of schedule.

Connection satellite television is impossible without concluding an agreement with Tricolor TV, since it is the agreement signed by the subscriber that secures the right to receive telecommunication services for him. But for this you need to learn how to properly formalize your own relationship with the provider. In addition, it is important to figure out in advance what a correctly completed document looks like in order to prevent ridiculous errors and inaccuracies.

Worthy of special attention are possible consequences typographical errors or the absence of papers signed by both parties. The operator directly says that he cannot provide own services and guarantee quality service without properly executed documents. At the same time, he requires that all the necessary papers be in his head office, which is extremely difficult to call convenient. In a word, even the most insignificant nuances require detailed study.

Conclusion of an agreement with Tricolor TV

There are several ways to conclude a Tricolor TV subscription agreement:

  • contact an authorized dealer;
  • buy equipment from an authorized dealer (in this case, he will do everything on his own at the time of purchase of the dish, receiver and smart card);
  • send a letter to legal address telecommunications company.

It is important to emphasize that filling out the required form via the Internet will not work, since the provider does not recognize virtual agreements. At the same time, registration on the official website, during which you need to provide information from your passport and contact details, remains mandatory, and sending a printed paper agreement is the last part of the connection.

It is important to emphasize that users are required to provide papers with a personal signature within 60 days from the date of initial activation of the television.

Download contract form

The easiest way to print a contract with Tricolor TV is to download the required form from our website using a special link. After that, it remains to fill in all the items in it (being careful and not making mistakes) and send it to the address 197022, St. Petersburg, PO Box 170 of the National Satellite Company.

If you cannot print the agreement, you should carefully consider the papers attached to the equipment. They often include a self-copying template that can be completed and mailed to the address above.

How to fill out a Tricolor TV subscription agreement - sample

The most important part of the Tricolor TV subscription agreement is its header, which contains basic information about its filler. Subscribers will need to write down:

  • surname, name and patronymic (in full, abbreviations and initials are not allowed);
  • the exact address of registration (coinciding with the information in the passport);
  • the exact address of the equipment installation;
  • contact phone (home and mobile);
  • email;
  • series and number of the passport;
  • the branch that issued the passport and the date it was received.

In the main part of the form, you will need to re-enter the last name, write down the ID or subscription number and tick the appropriate action (registration or suspension of service).

The final touch will be the date and signature.

How to find out the subscriber agreement number

There are several ways to find out the exact agreement number:

  • by looking at the form filled in by the dealer (if the equipment was purchased from official distributors);
  • visit the official website and go to your personal account;
  • find out the Tricolor TV contract number by last name by visiting the nearest office of the company or dealer from which the equipment was purchased.

In the most difficult situations, you can try to contact company representatives by calling the contact center 88005000123. They will explain what to do and tell you how to recover the loss. But it is worth preparing for the fact that they will need the subscriber's passport data in order to identify his personality and avoid confidential data falling into the hands of strangers.

How to terminate the contract with Tricolor TV and return the money to yourself

The easiest way to terminate the contract is to simply stop paying for services. But, if such an approach turns out to be inconvenient, you should send an application to the provider to terminate the subscription agreement. The cap for it should be taken from the sample described above, and the main part is indicated in free form. It should also be indicated here the exact date termination and ask to recalculate and return the money, indicating the exact details for receiving them.

It is worth adding that when changing personal data, it is worth sending a new Tricolor TV contract form to the provider.

The most important condition for obtaining any services is the conclusion of an appropriate agreement, which will indicate all the rights and obligations of the parties, as well as important conditions and provisions governing the relationship between the parties. There is a similar agreement when connecting satellite television, but not all subscribers know this. But this document can be extremely important, so users should find out the Tricolor TV contract number in advance. Moreover, it is advisable to download it if it was concluded through the official website, or write down the number so that it always remains at hand.

Features of concluding an agreement with Tricolor TV

There are 3 various ways conclusion of a Tricolor TV subscription agreement:

  • through the official website;
  • from official dealers;
  • by calling the contact center at 88005000123.

It is important to emphasize that it is preferable to use the services of dealers, since in similar situation they will do almost everything on their own, and subscribers will only have to provide information about themselves.

It is more difficult to self-register through the official website. The main difficulty that clients who choose this approach will face is the need to send one copy of the contract to main office provider. This is due to the fact that the satellite company is required to have a document with the user's personal signature. At the same time, if it does not have a form signed by the client, the company reserves the right to terminate the agreement unilaterally.

Tricolor TV agreement - form: sample

Registration on the official website is used when purchasing equipment for the provision of television services in chain stores and supermarkets. In this case, a sample filling is not required, since it will be enough for the user to fill out the registration form. It will have to include:

  • ID (12 or 14 digits located on the smart card or sticker on the receiver);
  • receiver model (indicated on the front panel of the device);
  • serial number of the set-top box (23 digits located on the sticker on the receiver);
  • individual code (on a smart card or scratch card);
  • surname, name, patronymic and date of birth;
  • passport data;
  • address of installation of equipment and residence of the user;
  • home and mobile phone;
  • email address;
  • confirmation code that will be sent to the previously specified mobile after sending the corresponding request.

Additionally, you will need to check the box confirming your agreement with the rules (it is advisable to read them) and click the "register" button. After that, it remains to download the Tricolor TV contract form by clicking on its number.

Conditions for changing the contract for the provision of Tricolor TV services

If any registration data is changed, users are required to make the appropriate amendments to the questionnaire filled out during registration. To make changes to the subscription agreement, you will need to go to the help section and open the registration page. In it, you should switch to the tab that offers to change the information and click the appropriate button.

next step will be filling out a questionnaire, which will then need to be printed. The next step is to scan the printed application and several pages of the passport (allowing you to identify the client by last name and registration). Scanned copies must be attached to the previously completed application, after which it remains only to send it. Additionally, the provider requires sending the original application and a copy of the passport pages mentioned above to the legal address of the company.

How to terminate the contract with Tricolor TV and return the money

The easiest way to terminate the contract with Tricolor TV is to stop using the company's services. Additionally, you can write a statement with a request to terminate the agreement.

You can return the money remaining on your personal account through your personal account or by calling the contact center and informing the consultants about your desire. It will not be possible to return money for previously purchased equipment.

Satellite TV is convenient because the connection is fast. You can immediately pay for broadcasting and watch programs for a whole year. This is where the catch lies: when it comes time to contribute subscription fee, it may turn out that you do not know or have lost data under the contract, and without them you will not be able to activate the package. But there is no need to panic and run to re-register the equipment. Let's figure out how to find out the Tricolor TV contract number, even if you bought everything from hand.

What you need to restore the number

First of all you need to know Subscriber ID, for this it is enough:

You will also need the data of the person in whose name the contract was registered. If this person is you, then it will be enough to call hotline Tricolor: 8-812-332-34-98. You will be contacted by the manager, and it will be possible to ask questions and find out all necessary information. If you do not want to spend money on a call, you can contact the employees via Skype. To do this, just go to the site and at the very bottom of the page select the item "call us on Skype".

If you have never registered on the operator’s website, then you will first need to create a “Personal Account”, after which you will have access to all information about connecting and providing services to you.

How to get into your account

If you are official user Tricolor TV, then your registration is automatic and all information, including the login password, is written in the contract. Even the loss of a document will not interfere with data recovery, you just need to enter the "Personal Account". If you can't remember your password, that's not a problem either. Follow the instructions below:

It is very important, before trying to enter, turn on the receiver and TV on one of the TV channels so that the system can identify you as a subscriber. After sending the request, the password will be sent to your receiver, you will need to write it down. Use it to enter the "Personal Account". There you can easily find your personal account.

AT recent times the password is not always sent to the TV screen. It can be sent via SMS to the phone or email that were specified when drawing up the contract.

Registration procedure

Today, not all Tricolor subscribers are official. Some simply did not have the opportunity to get into the office and connect directly. For those who bought the equipment "on hand", registration may not have been carried out, which makes it difficult to gain access to information. First of all, you need to independently go through the entire assignment procedure " Personal account»:

  1. Enter the ID code of the smart card.
  2. Specify the equipment model and serial number.
  3. Enter the "Individual code" of eight characters with reverse side smart cards (if you have a receiver with external card) or eleven characters from a scratch card (if the receiver is solid).
  4. Indicate your last name, first name and patronymic, date of birth and passport information (series, number, when and by whom issued).
  5. Write down the address, phone number and other contact details.
  6. Rewrite secret code from SMS and click "Register".

After that you will become official client companies. The contract number will appear on the screen. You can download the entire document and save it on your computer or print it, or view the data from the "Personal Account". In the same place, you can immediately pay Tricolor bills or print a payment order and take it to the bank.

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