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Callback - a great overview of callback services. Video on setting up the "Customer Generator"

About 10% of visitors to the Callibri website, among many other ways to contact the company, choose a call back. Despite the fact that in Lately many prefer communication not related to voice communication, telephone conversations remain one of the most effective sales tools. 20% of people perceive information mainly through hearing. And there are definitely such people among your clients.

Working principle and callback functions

“To buy or not to buy?” - this is the idea with which visitors study the site of an online store. The phrase shown in time: “Leave your phone number and we will call you back” can push a potential buyer to take action. Principle of operation " callback» simple: the site visitor fills out a form with the obligatory indication telephone number, the system automatically connects the manager of the company and the client, and for both subscribers the call will be incoming.

The main task of the callback is lead generation. If a site visitor left his contact details and went to communicate with the company, then with a high degree of probability he will become a client. Moreover, communication takes place while the visitor is still “warm” and has not left the site (except for cases when the client indicates a convenient callback time). The site simply informs about goods or services, and in live communication the manager sells them.

For the buyer, the benefits of a “callback” are obvious:

  • no need to look for seller contacts
  • no need to spend money on a call
  • no need to waste time dialing and waiting to be connected to the manager

Who needs a callback

How more options links you offer to site visitors, the more often they will communicate with you. The effectiveness of a particular tool depends on the type of business, and on personal features clients.

Let's figure it out what method of communication customers choose. When the buyer can clearly and accurately formulate his need or request, he prefers to chat. But if a site visitor has not finally decided what he wants, or he needs a serious consultation on a product or service, a “callback” will be more effective than an online consultant. Moreover, both types of buyers come to the same site. You can draw an analogy with buying in a regular store. There are those who immediately go to the shelf with the right product, and there are those who will use the help of a consultant. When shopping online, the first category is likely to clarify the details via chat, and the second category is more likely to order a “call back”.

But besides the psychology of the buyer, there is business specifics. "Callback" works great on the sites of car services, companies selling furniture, installing windows and ceilings, and renovating apartments.

Business related to finance requires extensive consultation. In the process of communication, the client has more and more questions, because he is never completely sure that he received full information. Therefore, a call back to potential customers will be more interesting than chatting.

For businesses operating across the country, the "callback" function will be one of the most requested by site visitors. The user will not think about how much it will cost him to communicate with the company. For firms operating in the northern regions, where mobile and telephone rates are higher than in the whole country, the presence of a callback button on the site will help attract buyers.

But for online stores selling goods of daily and regular demand, the callback function is not so important. Usually flowers, tea or food are ordered through the form on the site, and small nuances are clarified in the chat. For a business that provides complex services, such as website development and promotion, a callback will also not be an effective tool.

Choosing ways of communication between the company and the client, you should not be limited to one thing. How more possibilities contact you will provide potential buyers the higher the sales. And what kind of tools will bring you customers depends on many factors.

The reaction of site visitors to the button

Pop-ups annoy most site visitors. And they are not shy about voicing it.

Therefore, it is best to make the callback button stationary. User attention is distributed as follows: the most prominent left top corner, then - the upper right, in third place the lower left and the corner, and the lower right corner attracts the least attention. Therefore, if you want to make an “aggressive” callback button, then place it at the top of the page. If your goal is not to annoy site visitors, then it is better to place the “callback” in the lower corners. If the popup cannot be opted out, then it should not cover the entire screen.

Such a call is more likely to force you to leave the site than to leave your number.

How not to piss off a potential buyer?

  1. The pop-up window should keep the visitor on the site, and not just inform him about something. Successfully choose the time of the show will help the analysis of the recording of the webvisor.
  2. Don't impose. Offering to request a callback once per session is better than every 30 seconds.
  3. The opt-out button or the cross that closes the pop-up window must be clearly visible.

How to set up a callback

There are many free and paid services callback. Which one to choose - each company decides for itself. Services differ somewhat in functionality, but they have common principles of operation.

So, what do you need to do to get the callback to appear on the site.

  1. Nothing needs to be invented to on the site there was a button, it is enough to install a ready-made script. The universal script is installed on the site, and which callback button the visitor will see depends on the settings.
  2. In Callibri the callback function is "hardwired" into the widget. So you can connect it only when you connect the widget. When clicking on the widget tab, the visitor is offered all possible ways communications, including call back. Without a click, no buttons appear and do not annoy anyone.

You can configure the widget so that the site appears separate button"Request a call back" When you click on this button, a callback tab will automatically open. Also, the form can open when you click on a word, and it optimal size and does not overlap the information on the site.

3. Set up the dialing order.

  • First dial to the site visitor, then to the operator. The visitor leaves the number on the site, the system calls him and only after he picks up the phone, starts calling the manager. In fact, it turns out that the client is waiting for someone to pick up the phone. This option is suitable for those who work with large corporate clients. As a rule, such clients have their own mini-PBX and the process of connecting with a subscriber takes a long time.
  • Dialing to the operator, and then to the site visitor. Most often they are configured according to this scheme. The option is suitable for those who work with ordinary consumers. A person receives a call, picks up the phone and immediately begins to communicate with a representative of the company.

4. Choose, at what time the callback will be available on the site and when it disappears. When a business is asleep, customers will not call into the void. In the Callibri settings, all the time is working, because we work around the clock, 7 days a week.
5. Set up an online call- the ability to call directly through the browser using a headset or built-in microphone. By the way, you can try all this on our website.

Here is how the callback setting looks in the Callibri account:

Getting rid of "empty" calls

The main task of the "call back" button is to bring to communication potential client. Ideally, every conversation should end with a sale. There may be several reasons why this does not happen:

  • Little information on the site. When a visitor doesn't find something, he orders a call not to buy something. To help deal with this problem:
  1. Good site navigation. If it is convenient for the user to search and find information on the site, then it will not occur to him to call you; if nothing can be found on the site, then he will contact the manager for the missing information.
  2. The FAQ section makes life much easier for users. Here you can find answers to all “what, how, why and why”. If the goal of the “call back” button on your site is to sell, then it is worth giving as much comprehensive information as possible on the site so that visitors do not distract operators with stupid questions.
  3. Online consultant where you can clarify small details. How more ways communication, the more often potential customers will communicate with managers. According to statistics, most prefer chatting, so if you provide this opportunity, there will be fewer “empty” calls.
  • The visitor orders a call back because he was offered this, but does not understand why. It may be worth clarifying why you need a “call back”: we will tell you about the conditions of the promotion, help you choose desired model, calculate the project estimate, etc.

Callback issues

The main callback related issues can arise solely due to human factor. There may be several situations:

  • The callback is not really a callback. In this case, after the person left his number on the site, the manager receives a letter. That is, not involved here automatic system, but just a notification that the customer wants to be contacted. The manager may not see the letter in time or simply not call back. The result is a lost client.
  • The callback is configured so that the system first calls the user, and then the manager. And now he speaks on a different line, drinks tea, hangs out on the Internet or even went for a walk, in general, he cannot pick up the phone. The result is the same - a lost client.

There is another problem that can be encountered when using the callback function - pampering, revenge and trolling. The site leaves the phone number of the person they want to annoy, and the manager calls the unsuspecting subscriber. If such a situation arose, then it is better to add the number to the “black list”. Perhaps the “jokers” will leave the number many times, and with your callbacks you will drive the person crazy and cause negativity to the company.

Evaluate the effectiveness of the "callback"

The effectiveness of any tool can be tracked and calculated. And the callback is no exception. Who orders a callback, where did these visitors go to the site, what percentage of leads become customers - the answers to these and many other questions will help you understand whether the callback works on your site or not and how much profit it brings.

Callibri callback, as well as any other way of communication with the client, allows you to collect complete information about the site visitor:

  • Jump source
  • The address of the site from which the visitor came
  • Advertising campaign and specific ad
  • Search query
  • Town
  • UTM tags
  • Landing page

You can evaluate the effectiveness of a callback according to several criteria:

  • Demand. Obviously, if you are booked 2 callbacks per month, then this is not the most effective tool sales.
  • Conversion. It is necessary to evaluate not only the number of calls, but also their quality. Therefore, it is worth analyzing how many callbacks led to sales. Sales conversion is one of the main performance indicators of the tool.
  • Advertising. Analysis of targeted calls will allow you to understand which advertising platforms work, and which ones bring empty traffic and spammers to the site.
  • Regionality. Where do they most often order a call back from, customers from which regions buy from you, and which goods and services are most in demand.
  • callback recording is a valuable source of information for analysis. First, you need to carefully consider the questions that customers ask. Perhaps it is worth optimizing the site or adding some missing information. Secondly, you can understand the needs of your target audience. Thirdly, to identify errors and miscalculations in the organization of the company's work. For example, a TV manager starts giving advice on refrigerators instead of switching to a specialized specialist.

Statistics in one window - the most convenient option for analytics and performance evaluation various channels. You will clearly see how many callbacks they give real clients, and see if this button works on your site. And if the results are unsatisfactory, then you can always fix something and reconfigure it so that the callback tool starts working to increase the conversion of your site. In Callibri, all this is displayed in

How to make a call back effective

  • Set the time of the function in accordance with the work of managers.
  • Choose a mode in which the call is answered first by the manager, and only then by the client. Yes, the client will wait longer for a call, but it's better than holding the phone and not waiting for an answer.
  • Realize that OC is just another form of communication. He is not the only one and not the main one. Some categories of citizens are interested in it. It is not necessary to pin hopes or concentrate on it, it just has to be and work.
  • Offer other modes of communication that will save the client money: federal numbers 8800 and 8804 as well as online call.

The callback service connects the site visitor with the operator within a few seconds. The site owner places a widget on the site calling to contact the manager for a consultation. When the button is clicked, the user sees a pop-up window with a field for entering a phone number. If the user leaves a phone number, the service picks it up and makes two calls, to the operator, and after the manager picks up the phone, to the client. For both connections are incoming.

In the struggle for customers, firms are trying to become more and more convenient. That's the whole point of marketing. recent years. The callback service carries a non-verbal message - we will do everything for you, just to make you feel comfortable. Special smart settings make sure that the offer does not look intrusive, does not frighten, does not lead to the opposite effect.

Why is it so important to use a callback service in Russia

The mentality of a resident of Russia is inextricably linked with openness. Even in the 21st century, in the era of innovative IT technologies, our people are still used to calling. Among all communication services, the majority will prefer the telephone. Our person finds it easier to voice his thoughts and want to get an answer right away. Unfortunately, numerous messengers do not provide such an opportunity.

Callback has many advantages over other services.

  1. The client spends a minimum of time formulating a request.
  2. The client receives an immediate response. Even if the manager could not fully disclose the question of interest to the client, on the other end of the phone they will be glad that they did not have to spend time formulating the question in the messenger.
  3. You reveal yourself to the client in other aspects and quietly deserve their love and recognition. We are talking about such things as: the information menu of the call center, the greeting of the employee, the quality of the manager's responses, the quality audio message(more than once we came across technical support who advised in the subway, you could literally hear how the cars were going :).
  4. Most clients will prefer to work with a company whose technical support will do everything for them. When the choice of contractors is huge, it makes no sense to cooperate with those who do not bother with modern, client-friendly communication methods.

Over the years of work, you can’t even imagine how much we communicated and communicate with the services technical support. All of them are very different and form a different impression in the client, who will not spend much time forming an opinion. He will simply go to another contractor who will serve him better, faster and more conveniently.

Dynamics of demand for callback services

Until the spring of 2014, there was little talk about callback services. Until CallBackHunter appeared with its promotions, cases, reviews of live customers. And today everyone knows about technology. Prices for services have risen, the first customer dissatisfaction has appeared. The callback service has firmly established itself on thousands of Runet sites.

As you can see, the demand for the service is growing rapidly and steadily. Inquiry "back call" even more popular online.

List of popular callback services

On the wave of demand, many entrepreneurs began to create callback services, but we decided to consider the most popular ones. To write a review, we personally tested each service, paying attention to the percentage of dial-up, call quality, behavioral settings, site interface, tariffs and other nuances.

Today in our lens are the following services:

Comparison of characteristics of callback services in tabular form

Specifications Callback hunter Callbaska LeadHacker Perezvoni Pozvonim CallBackKiller Red Connect Stream wood Uptocall
Dialer testing
Percentage of successful connections 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Percentage of successful connections by extension number 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Answering machine audio quality Good Excellent Good Good Good Good Excellent Good Excellent
When a call is received, the client sees on the screen Operator number Operator Number / Manager Number Operator Number / Manager Number Operator Number / Manager Number Operator Number / Manager Number Operator number Manager number Operator Number / Manager Number
Actual call time 8 seconds 27 seconds 20 seconds 4 seconds 10 to 20 seconds 10 to 15 seconds 30 seconds 26 seconds 15 seconds
Tariffs, rubles
The cost of the cheapest fare 1849 790 2990 1327 (minutes)
1770 (leads)
Single tariff - 750 rubles per month + payment for calls (4 rubles for landline and 2 rubles for Sip-telephony) 900 2000 360
The cost of the most expensive tariff 4999 18990 24990 659070 (minutes)
358000 (leads)
see above see above 25010 25500 6400
Average cost of a minute of conversation at the cheapest rate - 60 19,9 20,5 4 rubles standard telephony, 2 rubles - Sip-telephony Not included in the monthly fee - 20 9
Average cost of a minute of conversation at the most expensive tariff - - 15,6 20,4 see above see above - 17 5,3
Average cost of one call at the cheapest rate 6,60 - - 118 - - 60 - -
Average cost of one call at the most expensive tariff 6,67 37,98 - 69 - - 41 - -
SMS payment Free SMS not included Free Free Free Free SMS not included 1.5 rubles per SMS SMS not included
Time limit Month Month Month No limits Month Month Month - for the cheapest; For the rest - no restrictions Month Month
Smartphone support + + + + + + + + +
Ease of use on a smartphone Conveniently Conveniently Conveniently Conveniently Conveniently Conveniently Conveniently Conveniently Conveniently
SMS with missed call number and site name + - + + + + - + -
Own application + - - - - - - + -
Available functions
Call recording + + + + + + + + +
Listening to calls personal account + + + + + + + + +
Ability to work with additional number operator + + + + + + + + +
Selecting a dialing option + + + + + + - + +
Setting "lines" + + + + + + + - +
Geolocation + + + + + + + + +
Geotargeting (selection of the region for display) + + + + - + + + +
Black list of numbers + - + + + - - -
IP Blacklist + + In all tariffs except Bronze + + + - - +
Restriction of output by addresses + + + + + + - - +
Limit output by labels + + + - + + - - +
SMS alert + - + + + + - + -
Email notification + + + + + + + + +
Limit on the number of sites Missing Missing Available in all plans except Platinum No limits + Missing Missing Missing Missing
Number limit Missing Missing Missing No limits Up to 15 Missing Missing Missing up to 20
2 15 Infinite quantity 10 Infinite quantity Infinite quantity Infinite quantity Infinite quantity Infinite quantity
2 2 1 1 2 2 1
Correction of inscriptions - + + + + + + + +
Ability to make your own button + - - + - - - - -
Widget for mobile devices + + - + + + + + +
Display algorithms
Show after X seconds + + + + + + + + +
Display when user is idle + + + - + + + + +
Display after viewing X pages + + + - - - + - +
Limitation on impressions to one user - + + + + + + - +
Impression after X visits + + + - - - - - +
Displayed when trying to leave the site + + + + + + + + +
Test period
minutes for the test Not limited 30 minutes 25 minutes 20 minutes 50 minutes 3 minutes 30 minutes 20 minutes 20 minutes
Calls for a test Not limited Not limited Not limited Not limited Not limited Not limited Not limited Not limited Not limited
Time for a test 7 days 30 days 14 days Not limited 7 days Not limited Not limited 14 days 30 days
Functionality Complete Complete Not complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Not complete

RedConnect and Streamwood have the most disadvantages in terms of functionality and display algorithms, because such ratings for functionality and display algorithms:

Overview of the design component of callback services

As they say, they are greeted by clothes. We decided to analyze the “clothes” of services. Which service designers have done a good job, and who needs more work?


An absolute plus is that the site looks modern. Minus - black. After a while, the eyes begin to tire. A huge difference between CallBackHunter and other services is its 100% openness. Feeds from the social networks VKontakte and Facebook are displayed on the main page. This is rare in RuNet. Everything suggests that Callbackhunter is not afraid of negative reviews and strives for excellence..

callback killer

The site design leaves much to be desired. Almost all information is displayed on the main page. On the one hand, after reading the entire page, you will learn almost everything about the service. On the other hand, reading is not very convenient due to the large font and one background. Confuses a lot of calls to register in the service. However, in general, the site is not bad. In the reviews section, you will see feeds from social networks VKontakte and Facebook.


Plus design - a sense of humor and an original approach. I was also pleased that all the information is compactly displayed on the main page. Liked the light color. The downside is that not everyone will appreciate a sense of humor and want to trust a company that feels more fun than proud of the product.


Again a modern transparent design. Again black. Despite these two similarities, CallBackHunter and LeadHacker look very different. A big plus is that you can immediately see successful cases. In general, the site is excellent: informative, fashionable, convenient.

Website from nice design. Nothing new, but nothing repulsive either. You can look at the history of the company in several companies, but it is not very informative. The information is divided into understandable, convenient sections. The website lacks a reviews section.

Most informative site. On the home page clearly describes the benefits of using the service, key features, nuances demon paid version, principles of work, reviews. Thanks to the light background, the site is easy to work with. However, there is a moment that makes it difficult to perceive information - large infographics.


Design Streamwood pleased with its convenience. Everything looks good, compact, clear. At the bottom of the page there are contacts of people who can ask a question about the service. But from the point of view of modernity and ergonomics, everything is sad. Too much and looks outdated.


The most pleasing design. Clean graphics + color accents did their job. RedConnect immediately announces its main advantage - CoBrowse technology. The information is convenient and clear.


Very good site. An original approach to design. Great graphics. The information is presented conveniently. You can read the reviews right away. If I could see the tape here social networks, then the site would not have a price.

The best in this paragraph in our opinion are CallBackHunter , Uptocall ; the worst is Streamwood.

Widget design

Design CallBack-Hunter Callbaska LeadHacker Perezvoni Pozvonim CallBackKiller Red Connect Stream wood Uptocall
Widget icon color scheme 2 15 Infinite quantity 10 Infinite quantity Infinite quantity Infinite quantity Infinite quantity Infinite quantity
Number of button options 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 (seven subspecies) 1 2 (standard widget and side panel)
Correction of inscriptions - + + + + + + + +

Not only settings determine the appearance of the service. What is important is the “base” from which you start. Here's what we think about it.

The CallBackHunter widget seemed to us the most attractive widget. Another huge plus is the choice between just a widget and a panel.

Test period

Specifications CallBack-Hunter Callbaska LeadHacker Perezvoni Pozvonim CallBackKiller Red Connect Stream wood Uptocall
minutes for the test Not limited 30 minutes 25 minutes 20 minutes 50 minutes 3 minutes 30 minutes 20 minutes 20 minutes
Calls for a test Not limited Not limited Not limited Not limited Not limited Not limited Not limited Not limited Not limited
Time for a test 7 days 30 days 14 days Not limited 7 days Not limited Not limited 14 days 30 days
Functionality Complete Complete Not complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Not complete

Comparison of prices for callback services

Companies offering per-minute billing are Uptocall, LeadHacker, RedConnect, Streamwood, Pozvonim.

Callbaska, Perezvoni offers both billing options.

Payment per average minute Uptocall has the most low, Callbaska has the most high.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the Pozvonim service. They offer original way billing - payment for functionality + payment for the cost of calls upon use (4 rubles per minute - standard telephony; 2 rubles per minute - sip-telephony). If the total number of conversations with customers is 150 minutes, then Pozvonim is more profitable than Uptocall only taking into account the discount that is given to customers who paid for 12 months. If the number of calls is 2, 3, 4 times more, then Pozvonim is much more profitable even without a discount. For example, the Uptocall Premium tariff is 800 minutes, 4500 rubles. Pozvonim 800 minutes will cost you without a discount - 3950 rubles. Monthly savings will be 550 rubles.

CallBackKiller is the twin of Pozvonim in terms of tariffs.

Pay per customer at

In this article you will find an overview the best services callback for sites. V pivot table the main functions of the tools are indicated. The information will help evaluate the capabilities of popular callback services and choose the best option.


After installing the code, a callback widget will appear on the site.

When a site visitor activates the widget, a callback form opens.

Settings, features, features

By default, the form displays an offer to call back in 28 seconds. The potential client can choose to call me immediately or the "Call me back later" option. To set up a widget, go to the appropriate section in your personal account.

In the "Widget - Design" menu, after choosing a paid plan, you can customize the appearance of the widget. It is possible to choose the design and position of the button, change the design of the widget, the background and use arbitrary styles for the design.

In the Widget - Phrases and Algorithms menu, you can set the display mode and select the phrases that the user will see when interacting with the site and the widget. These settings govern the scenarios for activating Pozvonim service widgets. In the "Managers and branches" menu, you can distribute calls to branches or specify extension numbers.

Impression scenarios determine how proactive callback widgets are. By setting up scenarios, the administrator adjusts the balance between the effectiveness of lead generation tools and the comfort of site visitors.

In additional settings, you can integrate a smart widget with CRM. Currently, the service works with Bitrix24 and amoCRM. Also in the advanced settings, you can manage blacklists of users, use the API to integrate the Pozvonim service with the site, and target widget impressions by region. Additional settings available after paying one of the commercial tariffs.

In the "Callback" menu, you need to specify the main widget settings. The choice of the country, the mode of receiving reports is available. You can specify which phone numbers potential clients and your managers will see: Pozvonim system numbers or numbers of managers and clients, respectively. You can also choose the method of calling: regular and SIP. In the main settings, you should add phone numbers and names of managers. If necessary, you can check the connection using test call. To do this, the account balance must be positive.

In the "Communication channels" menu, the functionality of the callback widget can be expanded: add a contact form through instant messengers and social networks, and also enable the online consultant widget. You can connect a mobile and mini callback widget and specify the contact details of the organization with a location map.

The "Statistics" menu section provides detailed data with which you can analyze the effectiveness of callbacks. The Events section has information about delayed calls.

Managers can interact with clients through the operator's office. To set it up, select the appropriate menu in the "Projects" section.

In the settings, you can integrate your account with CRM, add managers and set up the distribution of dialogs, track event notifications. To work with the online consultant widget and instant messengers, you can connect the Slack application.

Please note that the use of the operator's office is paid separately. The cost of one workplace per month is 750 rubles. The callback function can also be used without connecting an operator's office.

The Pozvonim service is distinguished by its versatility. In parallel with the callback function, you can add a chat with a consultant to one widget through a form on the site or instant messengers. Pozvonim is favorably distinguished by the low cost of calls. But you will have to pay for access to the full functionality of the smart widget and operator cabinet.

Important. Callback services are constantly updated. Tariffs and design are changing, functions are being supplemented. The price shown in the article at the time of writing is subject to change.

What is callback?

This is a callback widget on websites. Button jumping in the lower right corner of the screen (or anywhere else). When clicked, a window opens with a form in which the client enters a phone number. The program calls the operator of the company, then calls the client and connects them.

The thing is very useful. Firstly, such a widget does not allow a lazy operator to call back requests in an hour (day). Remember, when you left a request on some site, how long did it take you to be contacted? The 30-second response from the salesperson still evokes a wow-reaction "how quickly you called me." Secondly, the callback can offer a feedback form in right moment: when a person leaves the site or when he thinks too long. This feature is called a "lead catcher". And she works so that they don’t talk about “windows jumping in the face.”

There is one "but" - the price. The widget itself can cost an average of 300-1000 rubles per month, depending on the service. It's quite inexpensive. Many have limited rates to use the callback widget for free. Connection price issue...

The connection price is formed from 2 parts: payment for connecting the server with the operator, and payment for connecting the server with a potential client of the company who left a request for a call back. In addition, the cost may vary by phone (landline or mobile), region, and of course, from the package of purchased minutes: the more you buy, the cheaper.

Some charge the client by the minute. For instance:

  • Newton — from 21 rubles/minute of conversation
  • WestCall - 5 rubles a call to a user on a mobile phone, 4 rubles a call to a manager at 812 = an average of 9 rubles / minute of conversation. (cheaper for westcall numbers)
  • UpToCall - about 10 rubles / minute of conversation
  • Envybox (ex. CallbackKiller) - 4 rubles a minute (we use this particular service, below is a link to the review)

Others charge the client for each connection, calling it lead generation. For instance:

  • CallbackHunter — on the phone, the manager reported prices up to 300 rubles per lead.
    Update: hunter switched to per-minute billing.
  • RedConnect - from 50 rubles per client
  • F1call — price per lead is not specified, there are unlimited tariffs

You can find 20 more such services. Here I included the first ones that caught my eye. All prices are indicative. As I wrote above, they differ from tariff package, region numbers and so on.

Callback buttons design:

The capabilities of callback services are generally the same. Paid versions can be customized in appearance. Both in the paid and free versions, you can set the parameters for working with site visitors: on which devices to show the button, after what time to call the visitor, for which regions not to call, and other important options. Of course, for “free” tariffs, the callback is very modest in terms of settings.

Some services have distinctive features, for example, CallbackHunter operates with a big date, F1 makes it possible to measure the results A-B testing directly in the service and so on.

How to get free billing.

The main task of callback widgets is to connect the client with the operator as quickly as possible. The free versions have one unpleasant feature, they just send a notification to the manager's mail. And mail is checked, as we know, not always. The callback role itself is abolished. Therefore, I came up with several solutions for free use callback services:

Method 1 - little traffic.

Almost every service offers its new users free minutes or requests when they get started. If you have very little traffic, you will be able to hold out on these gifts for the first 1-2 months until the first profit, for which you will reward a good callback service with the purchase of paid minutes.

There are so many callbacks on the market that you can always jump from one to another, getting nice bonuses as free minutes connections, it turns out for a month or two. You always have a free callback without charging. At the same time you will try different variants in battle.

Method 2 - SMS and E-mail notifications.

Most of the widgets in the free version are able to send notifications about applications using mail (E-mail). Set your phone to normal mail client which will send you a push notification. You can quickly respond to it.

The RedConnect service in the free version sends an SMS notification about a request for a call from the site. This is also a good way to quickly contact customers.

Method 3 - SIP telephony

SiP telephony is a way to make the operator's connection to the callback server free of charge, it will go through the Internet, without charging. Will pay only for minutes of connection with the client.

Describe in detail about cloud PBX I won’t go now, this is a topic for a separate article. The bottom line is that the provider provides an account and a number, the account is connected to the client's software or hardware phone. This allows you to record calls, set up an audio greeting and, what is important for us now, connect callback in the server-to-server format.

For these purposes, we chose the EnvyBox by CallbackKiller callback widget - here you can read detailed review review and to get nice bonus on account.

It works with SIP - telephony, the cost of a minute of connection for a site user will be 2 rubles. It's almost free! It is unlikely that you will find cheaper. At the same time, all the possibilities of call tracking, call recording, statistics accounting, etc. remain. What will not happen with other savings options.

You can implement a turnkey SIP + call back system through the following services: CoMagic, mango office, WestCall, but the billing for the callback services of these companies is not very cheap. As a telephony operator, we use Zadarma, which also provides its own call back. We decided to connect Envybox to it, as a more functional, nice design and fine-tuned tool.

Here you can read a full review of the arsenal of tools and get 750 rubles on Envybox.

Method 4 - Call back customers

In this method, you will not allow the server to connect to the operator's phone. Simply put, you will drop the call from your side, and then call back on the displayed number.

At this method many shortcomings. If the callback service has a rating system, your site may get a bad score. The widget can respond with a "operator busy" notification to the client. The declared term of the call will expire, which is usually counted on the site, and so on.

To avoid these disadvantages, you can use a service that sends a call to the operator's phone without a connection - Perezvonok. It does not have to pay for minutes or calls, only subscription fee 120-190 rubles / month. Which is not much at all.


Look at popular dialers from the article, compare rates, appearance, functionality of the call itself and additional features. Which by the way can be very different from service to service. Now you know how to make a free callback for a website. Well, almost free.

By creating landing pages, online stores, sites that present your products / services on the Internet, everyone wants more orders and sales. Money is spent on maintenance, promotion, purchases, employee salaries and other expenses. And even "bringing" a potential client to your site, a huge part of them is lost for various reasons. For example, they did not find a suitable product, did not notice current promotions, did not call to clarify due to another operator telephone communication, did not get through, and simply did not “flash” the idea to call and ask.

In this article, I will share my experience of choosing and testing callback services from the site (also online stores, landing pages).

You will learn :

  • What are the models of callback services;
  • which callback service from the site is the most effective - on average 2-3 times more calls(my opinion, after lengthy tests);
  • how to connect callback to the site (video instructions for different CMS);
  • how you can additionally increase the number of applications several times - widgets "capturers of clients" (free of charge), "generator of clients", online consultant.
  • get bonus codes.

By the way, the button itself on the free version looks like this (you can also change it as you wish):

What happens after pressing it can be viewed on the service website itself, so it will be clearer.

Background - do you need a callback service at all?

Perhaps it’s worth starting with the fact that at one purposeful company (online stores for goods and services for the home) task to increase the number of applications practically no cost. In the header of the site there are phone numbers of the main operators, including the landline number. Also callback order forms and feedback. But the conversion of the number of visitors to the number of applications and calls was extremely low. Although mostly goods and services, buying which you need expert advice. That is, in the beginning calls, consultation (assistance in resolving all issues), sales.

At first it seemed that everything necessary for the convenience of the client is there. AND for a long time the decision to set the callback as a service was delayed. Especially after looking at their rates.

In total, it was tested on 3 sites of different subjects and a landing page of 7 callback services (here you can see an overview of the 3 best ones). Among them were also subscription fee, and without, and with pay per conversation (pay per lead).

And even paid versions (the cost of which, like a monthly budget for the promotion of one site) were added to best case+10-12% call orders. We were ready to stop using such services.

And then I saw the appearance of the callback service (at that time) Callbackkiller. The service is developing very actively, on this moment in addition to the callback, the widgets “Customer Invaders” (free of charge) and “Customer Generator” were added, and the other day “Online Consultant” ( online chat). It's more like an internet marketer's case. All in one cabinet, and you can selectively connect any combination of widgets to the site using one code.

At that time, we were attracted to it by the flexibility of tariffs - from completely free to quite reasonable cost(Russia 4 rubles / min., Ukraine 2.5 UAH). And I especially liked the effectiveness of its use. Though while we use far not all counters and opportunities.

Answering the question “do I need a callback service?«:

  • It is necessary, but not just any, but high-quality (you can use different ones, and think that there is no use in others);
  • especially useful is the callback service for resources with low and medium traffic (on average 2-3 times more orders);
  • widgets "Customer Grabbers" (free), "Customer Generator", and "Online Consultant" can be useful on resources with high attendance(+ additional clients);
  • the average cost of a product or service on the site should preferably be higher than at least 500 rubles. (when using paid versions).

These are notes based on more than six months of tests of the callback service at myself and with friends whom I recommended the service to.

Callback service from the site without a monthly fee

Widgets to increase the number of customers and sales from the site

Recently, functionality such as " Customer Invaders" (free) and " Client Generator". I have already tried out the client hijacker and I can say that I am very pleased with the results (the nuances of new features can easily be drawn to a separate article).

Photo 8. To activate and configure them, go to the "Sites" section:

Photo 9. By clicking on "Add Widget" you can add:

Customer Invader Widget

Capturing customers at certain visitor behavior starts simulating typing a message by your employee, which you can write personally at will. It creates the impression of an individual approach. You can add a photo of your manager to increase trust (also for a callback), write a proposal that push to order a call.

There are many settings and they are clear, you can easily do it to when you click on the message, a callback order form appears etc. You can beat many situations on how to use it to attract a buyer.

Photo 10. Setting up the client invader widget.

Video on setting up and operating the "Customer Captor":

Widget is free. And the benefits are significant.

Sometimes there are such cases: a client calls and says “Yura, hello! What are your suggestions for me? You wrote here on the site

For example, you can set the action that will be performed after clicking on the message:

  • Open the callback order form;
  • follow the link;
  • execute JavaScript code;
  • open a third-party widget (from the list).

Photo 11. This is how the client generator widget looks like.

With a customer generator, you can easily make your customers know What promotions do you currently have?. If the buyer is interested in the offer, he will leave his contact details. A bunch of individual settings appearance, behavior, and everything is very clear how it works.

Video on setting up the Client Generator:

Price: 12 rub. one application (payment for the result), or 750 rubles. per month (by contacting support, you can get a significant discount).

Tip: it's better not to load this widget at the beginning, it's better with a delay.

Online consultant (online chat)

A good point of contact with customers who are not keen on talking on the phone.

Default Button View

Photo 12. This is how the client sees the chat menu.

In this article, I will not describe the functionality in much detail. But what is worth noting:

  • two rates: profitable for small companies (4 rubles per dialogue) and for resources with high attendance 750 rubles per month (a discount is possible);
  • there are also many individual settings, display conditions, etc. (included for any tariff);
  • the ability to add files and photos;
  • auto invites- similar to the "Customer Captor", but with its own chips.

Video of the work of an online consultant

Another bonus code

For blog readers, the site was provided promo code "bonus-javdele" for an additional 10 minutes of calls. Just enter it in the "Payment" section in the "Enter promo code" field. This way you can get to know better.


This is one of the few ways to quickly and efficiently raise new level the number of applications. After the tests various services callback, I can see, it's actually a little strange to spend money on business development and customer acquisition, and not add callback buttons to the site at all. Or put, but with the inscription "free version" which does not "hook" the client in any way, unless vice versa.


  • In fact, among the callback services it works best (test 7 services for half a year);
  • it is noticed that when using the service, the number of regular calls increases (probably tips from the service predispose people)
  • price from completely free to 750 rubles. per month(with discount or payment on long term much cheaper, + often promotions);
  • support service on the highest level — within a few minutes I solve almost all issues;
  • when using IP telephony, the cost of a minute is several times cheaper;
  • the ability to receive applications from customers completely free of charge;
  • Mutual integration of widgets and callback further increases the number of requests even more.


  • On the free version, when scrolling, the callback button "moves" a little to attract (turns off if desired in the paid version). Perhaps a certain percentage of visitors may not like it. You can disable the feature and track ticket performance. Updated

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