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MBOU secondary school №9 Karabanovo



"Cloud technologies"

Completed: Plotnikov M.I

11A student

Chapter 1. The concept of "Cloud technologies"

Chapter 2

Chapter 3 Cloud Product Overview

Chapter 4. Examples of "cloud technologies"

Chapter 5

Chapter 6




Everything is changing, the world does not stand still, and the majority of web users are also changing their attitude towards the World Wide Web. The reason for this is the "cloud technologies" that set the "fashion" for using the Internet and storing files on the Web. It is “behind the cloud” that Facebook, Amazon, Twitter and those “engines” on which services like Google Docs and Gmail are based are now working. All this is good, but so far it remains for the uninitiated only words, pompous and incomprehensible. So how does it work anyway?

Despite the fact that such terms as "cloud technologies" or "cloud computing" have long been heard by many, nevertheless, very few people understand what exactly cloud technology is.

At first glance, it may seem that everything is too confusing to delve into. In fact, this technology is very simple and almost every one of us has been using it for a long time without even thinking about it. For example, all social networks, file sharing services, YouTube, email clients, banking services and much more work on the basis of the cloud.

In simple terms, cloud technology refers to the use of a computer/web application located on remote servers through a user-friendly user interface or application format. Enterprises and companies use various types of applications in the cloud, such as for customer relationship management (CRM), human resource management, accounting, and other organizational needs.

Target: study of the emergence and development of "Cloud technologies".

The work put the following tasks :

  • to form the concept of "Cloud technologies",

  • talk about the main platforms using "clouds",

  • present the positive and negative aspects of the service,

  • highlight the prospects for further development in the world.

Chapter 1. The concept of "Cloud technologies"

Cloud technologies are data processing technologies in which computer resources are provided to an Internet user as an online service. The word "cloud" is present here as a metaphor, embodying a complex infrastructure that hides all the technical details.

Cloud (scattered) computing (English cloud computing, the term Cloud (scattered) data processing is also used) is a data processing technology in which computer resources and capacities are provided to the user as an Internet service. The user has access to his own data, but cannot manage and should not care about the infrastructure, the operating system and the actual software with which he works. The term "Cloud" is used as a metaphor based on the image of the Internet in a computer network diagram, or as an image of a complex infrastructure that hides all the technical details. According to an IEEE document published in 2008, “Cloud computing is a paradigm in which information is permanently stored on servers on the Internet and temporarily cached on the client side, for example, on personal computers, game consoles, laptops, smartphones, etc. .".

Cloud data processing as a concept includes the following concepts:

infrastructure as a service,

platform as a service,

software as a service,

data as a service,

workplace as a service

and other technological trends that share the belief that the Internet is able to meet the needs of users in data processing.

For cloud technologies, the most important feature is the uneven demand for Internet resources by users. To smooth out this unevenness, another intermediate layer is applied - server virtualization. Thus, the load is distributed between virtual servers and computers.

Cloud technologies is one big concept that includes many different concepts that provide services. For example, software, infrastructure, platform, data, workplace, etc. Why is all this necessary? The most important function of cloud computing is to meet the needs of users who need remote data processing.

What is not considered cloud computing? First, it is offline computing on the local computer. Secondly, it is "utility computing" when a service is ordered to perform particularly complex calculations or store data arrays. Thirdly, these are collective (distributed) calculations (gridcomputing). In practice, the boundaries between all these types of calculations are rather blurred. However, the future of cloud computing is still much larger than utility and distributed systems.

Cloud data storage (English cloud storage) is an online storage model in which data is stored on numerous servers distributed over a network, provided for use by customers, mainly by a third party. In contrast to the model of storing data on your own dedicated servers, purchased or rented specifically for such purposes, the number or any internal structure of the servers is generally not visible to the client. Data is stored, as well as processed, in the so-called cloud, which, from the client's point of view, is one large virtual server. Physically, such servers can be located remotely from each other geographically, up to location on different continents.

In order to understand what a “cloud” is, it is worth starting with the history of this issue. It is necessary to understand whether this technology is really in the category of new ideas or this idea is not so new.

Many modern users of computers and mobile devices can no longer imagine life without the Internet, which has firmly established itself in our everyday life. Relatively recently, new cloud technologies have appeared that are quite different from classical models of computer systems, although at some points they work according to similar principles. However, the very concept of "cloud", although familiar to many, still remains incomprehensible. About what it is, read on.

What is cloud technology?

If we talk about the concept itself in simple terms, we can say that technological solutions of this type basically imply the storage and use of information, software or special services without actually using hard drives on computers (they are used only for the initial installation of client software from purpose of accessing cloud services).

In other words, the use of cloud technologies allows you to use only the purely computing resources of a computer terminal or mobile device. This explanation may seem too confusing to many. Therefore, in order to understand what the use of cloud technologies looks like in practice, we can give the simplest example.

Most modern users, one way or another, use e-mail. Often, it is the presence of such an address that is necessary for registering in Internet services, social networks, online games, etc. Any Windows system has a built-in Outlook mail client. When receiving or sending letters, all of them are saved directly on the hard disk in the program folder.

Another thing is when the mailbox is located on a remote server (for example, Mail.Ru, Gmail, Yandex-mail, etc.). The user simply enters the site, enters his registration data (login and password), and then gets access to his mail. This is cloud technology in the simplest sense, since all correspondence is stored not on the user's computer (hard drive), but on a remote server. Actually, a special program for accessing the mailbox is not needed (the most ordinary web browser is enough, which in this case plays the role of a client application).

Thus, the most important thing that distinguishes cloud technologies from standard IT methods is precisely in saving information or some software on a remote server, which at one time was called "clouds", and in the possibility of sharing data or BY. Today you can see a lot of services that are built exactly on the principles of the cloud. But it was not always so.

Development of cloud technologies

In general, talk about the introduction of such models has been going on since the late 60s of the last century. Then there was the concept of using the computing power of computer systems around the world with an organization in the form of a public utility, the authors of which were Joseph Licklider and John McCarthy.

The next step was the introduction in 1999 of the so-called CRM systems in the form of subscription websites that provided access to computing resources via the Internet, which in 2002 began to be actively used by the Amazon online bookstore, which later transformed into a huge IT- corporation.

And only in 2006, thanks to the emergence of the Elastic Compute Cloud project, they started talking about the full-scale implementation of cloud technologies and services in earnest. Naturally, the launch of the now familiar Google Apps service, which took place in 2009, also played an important role in providing computing resources.

Modern cloud services

Since then, the cloud technology market has undergone quite serious changes. And the matter was not limited to the provision of computing resources alone.

New cloud technologies and services began to appear, which today can be conditionally divided into several large categories:

  • cloud information storages;
  • game portals;
  • antivirus platforms;
  • web-based software.

Each of these groups includes many subcategories, but in general they are all built on the same principles.

Mandatory characteristics

According to the generally accepted requirements of the US National Institute of Standards and Technology, there is a single list of conditions that cloud information technologies must meet:

  • independent user service on demand (the ability of the user to determine the degree of use of technological and computing resources in the form of data access speed, server processing time, storage volume, etc., without mandatory agreement or interaction with the service provider);
  • access to a universal level network (access to data transfer regardless of the type of device used);
  • consolidation of computing resources (dynamic redistribution of capacities by pooling resources for a large number of users into a single pool);
  • elasticity (the ability to provide, expand or narrow the range of services at any time automatically and at no additional cost);
  • accounting for services provided to consumers (abstracting the traffic used, the number of users and their transactions, throughput, etc.).

Common classification of deployment models

Speaking about cloud technologies, one cannot fail to mention their division according to the types of cloud service models used.

Among them, there are several main groups:

  • A private cloud is a separate infrastructure used by only one organization or an enterprise that includes several users, or partner companies (contractors), which may belong to the organization itself or be outside its jurisdiction.
  • Public cloud - a structure intended for use by the general public in the public domain and, as a rule, under the control of the owner (service provider).
  • A public cloud is an organizational structure designed for groups of users with common interests or goals.
  • A hybrid cloud is a combination of two or more of the above types, which remain unique independent objects in the structure, but are interconnected according to strictly defined standardized rules for transferring data or using applications.

Service model types

Separately, it is necessary to highlight the methodology for classifying service models, that is, the entire set of tools and tools that a cloud service can provide to a user.

The main models include the following:

  • SaaS (software as a service) is a model of a set of software provided by a cloud provider to a consumer, which can be used either directly in a cloud service from a device, or through access through thin clients, or through a special application interface.
  • PaaS (platform as a service) - a structure that allows the user, based on the provided tools, to use the cloud to develop or create basic software for the purpose of subsequently hosting other software (own, purchased or replicated) based on database management systems, programming language execution environments, software, etc.;
  • IaaS (infrastructure as a service) is a model for using a cloud service with independent resource management and the ability to host software of any type (even OS), but with limited control over some network services (DNS, firewall, etc.).

Blocks of cloud services

Since cloud technologies require minimal user participation in the operation of the entire complex and are models consisting of many technological combinations interacting with each other through the use of middleware, at this stage of consideration of such services, some important components of any software and hardware complex that are accepted call blocks:

  • Self-service portal - a tool that allows the user to order a certain type of service with additional details (for example, for IssA, this is an order for a virtual machine specifying the type of processor, RAM and hard drive, or refusing to use it).
  • Service catalog - a set of basic services and associated templates for creation, which, through the transfer of automation, will be able to configure the created service in real-life computer systems and with a certain type of software.
  • The orchestrator is a specialized tool for monitoring the actions of the operations performed, provided by the template for each service.
  • Tariffication and billing - accounting for the services provided to the user, invoicing for payment to coordinate financial issues.

Additional Methods

Among other things, sometimes for the purpose of load distribution, virtualization technology can be used in the form of a virtual server part, which is a kind of layer or link between software services and hardware (distribution of virtual servers over real ones). This approach is not mandatory, however, cloud technologies in education use this technique quite often.

Antiviruses also look quite interesting, which upload suspicious files not to computers, but to the cloud or "sandbox" (Sandbox), where a preliminary check is performed, after which permission is given to send it to the computer, or it is quarantined in the cloud.

Pros and cons of using cloud services

As for the pros and cons, they certainly exist. On the positive side, when accessing software, storage or creating their own infrastructure for users of such services, the costs associated with acquiring additional or more powerful hardware or licensed software are significantly reduced.

On the other hand, most experts subject the use of cloud services to harsh criticism only because of their low security from outside interference. The issue of storing huge amounts of obsolete or unused data is also on the agenda. Google services are a prime example of this, where the user cannot delete any data groups or unused services.

Payment questions

Naturally, the use of such services is paid, especially if they are cloud technologies in education (specialized libraries, educational platforms), access to specialized software or conventional data storages with large reserved disk space.

But for the average user, the same information storage services like DropBox, OneDrive (formerly SkyDrive), Cloud Mail.Ru, Yandex.Disk and many others make concessions, allocating, depending on the service itself, about 15-20 GB disk space at no charge. By modern standards, of course, not much, but enough to save some important data.


That's all there is to cloud computing. Many specialists and analysts promise them a great future, but the issue of information security or data confidentiality is so acute that without the use of new developments in the field of information protection, such a bright prospect looks very doubtful.

The Internet has become an integral part of people's lives, and new opportunities are regularly emerging that can make it easier to perform various tasks. A novelty is cloud technologies that can be applied in various fields: education, medicine, logistics, and so on.

What is cloud technology?

Let's start with the definition, as cloud technologies imply the user's ability to access data without installing applications on their device, since servers provide all the support. It is important to know that such services can be both free and paid, and it all depends on the requests. To understand what the use of cloud technologies is, you need to analyze their difference from ordinary conditions.

  1. For example, let's take e-mail, when the mail client is installed on the computer and all data is stored on the hard drive. In this case, the user decides what to do with the files.
  2. If we talk about the mail that a person uses through a browser, then this is already a cloud technology. It is clear here that if there are problems with the server, then access to the mail will be lost.

Benefits of cloud services

To begin with, let's dwell on the existing advantages, which include:

  1. To store information, you do not need to buy expensive computers and components, because everything will be stored on the "cloud".
  2. PC performance increases, because cloud technologies in office work and other areas remotely run programs, so there is a lot of free space on the computer.
  3. Every year, service problems are reduced, because the number of physical servers is constantly decreasing, and the software is constantly being updated.
  4. The cost of purchasing software is reduced, since you only need to buy a program for the "cloud" once and that's it, and sometimes you can even order its rental.
  5. Cloud technologies have no limits on the amount of stored data. In most cases, the volume of such services is in the millions of gigabytes.
  6. Programs are updated automatically, so there is no need to keep track of this, as is the case with downloaded applications.
  7. The "cloud" can be used on any operating system, since the programs are accessed through web browsers.
  8. New cloud technologies make it possible to always and anywhere have access to documents, because the main thing is the presence of the Internet.
  9. Good security and protection against information loss, since the sent data is automatically saved and copies are dropped to backup servers.

Disadvantages of cloud technologies

It has a "cloud" and a number of disadvantages that you should know and consider:

  1. Access is not possible in the absence of the Internet, and if it is not, then it will be possible to work only with documents downloaded to the computer. It is worth noting that the Internet must be fast and of high quality.
  2. The cloud service may be slower when transferring a large amount of information than in the case of an installed program.
  3. Rarely is security at a bad level, but in most cases, the Cloud makes backups, so there is no need to worry.
  4. Many are embarrassed that they have to pay for the provision of a number of services, but this is a business project on which people should earn.

Application of cloud technologies

There is a certain classification of cloud services, so there are such categories of "clouds":

  1. public. This is an IT infrastructure that can be used by a large number of companies and services at once. Any company and individual can be a subscriber. Users of public cloud technologies do not have the ability to manage and maintain the "cloud", since only the owner of the service is engaged in this.
  2. Private. Describing the types of cloud technologies, one should dwell on this secure IT infrastructure, controlled and operated in the interests of only one organization. It can be located at the premises of the customer or at an external operator.
  3. hybrid. This type has the main advantages of both previous options. Such a "cloud" is in most cases used by organizations that have seasonal periods of activity, that is, when there is not enough internal IT infrastructure, then part of the capacity is transferred to cloud technologies.

Cloud technologies in education

Computers and the Internet have made their way into the education system, which can improve and facilitate the process of performing a number of tasks. Cloud technologies in the educational process can be used for the following purposes:

  1. Organization of joint work of employees on important documents, for example, an annual plan or program. Everyone is responsible for their part of the document, and if necessary, all users will have the opportunity to leave comments and supplement information.
  2. Shared project work, so the teacher can assign assignments to students, share responsibilities, and check reports with comments.
  3. Cloud technologies can be used to create an electronic diary and transfer any written assignments. This is a great option for kids who are homeschooled or miss classes for whatever reason.

Cloud technologies in medicine

Recently, the "cloud" is actively being introduced into medicine, which raises it to a new level. New technologies offer huge potential for revolutionary changes, because it becomes much easier to maintain and organize medical records. The use of cloud technologies in medicine is important because they help to quickly determine the diagnosis and make a conclusion. At the moment, such a service is just beginning to be introduced, since there are no regulatory mechanisms for maintaining medical secrecy so far.

Cloud technologies in logistics

The cloud has excellent potential in transport and warehouse logistics. With the help of cloud technologies, it is possible to ensure the full interaction of all participants in the chain, that is, the sender, operators, transport company and recipient. All of them can communicate in real time, regardless of location. The use of cloud computing provides the following benefits:

  • conduct open tenders for contractors;
  • determine the most successful routes;
  • control the supply;
  • process and store all transportation data;
  • improve the quality of order fulfillment.

Cloud technologies in the banking sector

The competition among banks is huge and not all are able to survive in times of crisis. These financial institutions are beginning to use innovative technologies to reduce costs. Cloud storage services are aimed at automating financial processes. As a result, there is an increase in the efficiency of the work of credit institutions by reducing the cost of reporting. It is important to note that since there is a threat of attackers infiltrating cloud storage, they do not store customer information.

Cloud technologies for business

Business people use the cloud for the following purposes:

  1. A virtual server is rented, thanks to which the manager can fully control all hosted services, regardless of the provider.
  2. It is easy to create a virtual contact center in the network, thanks to which you can save on renting a room and organizing workplaces. Work can begin two days after the submission of the application to the provider.
  3. Cloud services for business are used to create a virtual office, that is, the workplace will not be tied to a specific computer. The "cloud" reproduces the internal network of the company, that is, it includes disks, folders and programs for planning.

Games via cloud service

In the 2000s, cloud streaming services began to appear, thanks to which users can play “heavy” games over the Internet without downloading or booting their computer. In America and China, this direction is already well developed. Microsoft recently made an official announcement that it will be developing a DeLorean system whereby a person will play through a cloud service, and the system will predict his actions before he presses the keys.

The concept of "Cloud technologies"

Cloud technologies- these are data processing technologies in which computer resources are provided to the Internet user as an online service. The word "cloud" is present here as a metaphor, embodying a complex infrastructure that hides all the technical details.

Cloud (scattered) computing (English cloud computing, the term Cloud (scattered) data processing is also used) is a data processing technology in which computer resources and capacities are provided to the user as an Internet service. The user has access to his own data, but cannot manage and should not care about the infrastructure, the operating system and the actual software with which he works. The term "Cloud" is used as a metaphor based on the image of the Internet in a computer network diagram, or as an image of a complex infrastructure that hides all the technical details. According to an IEEE document published in 2008, “Cloud computing is a paradigm in which information is permanently stored on servers on the Internet and temporarily cached on the client side, such as personal computers, game consoles, laptops, smartphones, etc. etc."

Cloud data processing as a concept includes the following concepts:

  • 1) infrastructure as a service
  • 2) platform as a service
  • 3) software as a service
  • 4) data as a service
  • 5) workplace as a service

and other technological trends that share the belief that the Internet is able to meet the needs of users in data processing.

For cloud computing, the most important feature is the uneven demand for Internet resources from users. To smooth out this unevenness, another intermediate layer is applied - server virtualization . Thus, the load is distributed between virtual servers and computers.

Cloud technologies- this is one big concept that includes many different concepts that provide services. For example, software, infrastructure, platform, data, workplace, etc. Why is all this necessary? The most important function of cloud computing is to meet the needs of users who need remote data processing.

What is not considered cloud computing? First, it is offline computing on the local computer. Secondly, it is "utility computing" when a service is ordered to perform particularly complex calculations or store data arrays. Thirdly, these are collective (distributed) calculations (gridcomputing). In practice, the boundaries between all these types of calculations are rather blurred. However, the future of cloud computing is still much larger than utility and distributed systems.

Cloud data storage-- an online storage model in which data is stored on numerous servers distributed over a network, provided for use by customers, mainly by a third party. In contrast to the model of storing data on your own dedicated servers, purchased or rented specifically for such purposes, the number or any internal structure of the servers is generally not visible to the client. Data is stored, as well as processed, in the so-called cloud, which, from the client's point of view, is one large virtual server. Physically, such servers can be located remotely from each other geographically, up to location on different continents.

In order to understand what a “cloud” is, it is worth starting with the history of this issue. It is necessary to understand whether this technology is really in the category of new ideas or this idea is not so new.

The term "cloud technology" is now on everyone's lips. An active discussion of the possible nuances of working with such technologies is conducted both at the forums of large Internet companies and among novice users. And there really is a lot to discuss.

Every day in search engines, computer owners are increasingly asking the question “what is cloud computing”. This is not surprising, because more and more users are learning about this innovation. A good example is anti-virus software. New versions of Norton Internet Security, Kaspersky and many others in the settings offer to activate the protection from the cloud option. Since curiosity is inherent in human nature itself, it is quite logical that people are becoming interested in cloud technologies.

Alas, something revolutionary should not be expected. In part, these technologies have existed on the Web for a long time, they just lacked an accurate and capacious definition, systematization and understanding of potential opportunities. Cloud computing is a way of processing digital data outside the environment of the initiating computer. Since many people get acquainted with the term thanks to anti-virus applications, let's consider the work of "clouds" using the example of this group of programs.

Let's imagine that an anti-virus application encounters suspicious program code, which is not described in the virus databases. If the user does not know what cloud technologies are and has not allowed their use (tick in the settings), then the antivirus will try to localize the suspicious file until the databases are updated. Everything is completely different if cloud technologies are activated. In this case, information about the strange code is automatically transmitted to the server of the anti-virus program developer, where it is promptly checked by specialists for potential danger. If the threat is confirmed, all computers connected to this resource are sent instructions on how to neutralize the threat. The result is an unprecedented speed of response to the emergence of new viruses. What is cloud technology in this example? The answer lies in processing the suspicious code on the developer's servers, outside the computers of ordinary users. This is the key feature.

Cloud technologies give a second life to low-powered computing devices. Let's assume that we have a calculator that has access to the Internet and is connected to a specialized "cloud" consisting of clusters of high-performance computers. We can perform elementary operations on our own, but what if complex calculations are necessary? In this case, the calculator sends the task data to the cloud service, and in return receives a ready-made solution. For the user, the actions that took place between the set of commands and the receipt of the response went unnoticed. After all, the main thing is the result, and it was achieved. Of course, a calculator is an extreme, but, on the other hand, it is easier to understand the principle of operation.

In addition to such non-obvious clouds, there are special services that largely replace full-fledged applications on a local computer. For example, the user needs to edit a text file in the Word program. To do this, you need to purchase the program itself (and the licensed version is not cheap), allocate free disk space on the media, connect the necessary modules. Of course, all this can be solved, but what if there are a lot of computers (enterprise)? Spend money on a purchase It is much easier to use a cloud service that provides access to certain programs hosted on its sites. The user needs to go to the desired site through a browser, remotely launch Word and open their file for editing. By the way, convenient interfaces are usually implemented in this way.

The benefits of cloud technologies can be listed for a long time. There are fewer cons, but they are significant: reduced privacy and dependence on the work of a third-party resource.

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