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Cloud technologies and services. Cloud technologies - what is it and what is their application? What is cloud technology

Despite the ubiquity of this technology, the phrase " cloud technologies "(eng." cloud technologies") remains for many very confusing and strange. And although almost every owner of personal computers and smartphones uses these" benefits of civilization "in practice, few people know: how it works and how it works!

What is cloud computing?

Cloud technologies is a model for providing ubiquitous and convenient network access to a common pool of configurable computing resources (such as: servers, applications, networks, storage systems, etc.) that can be quickly provisioned and released from minimal effort on management and the need to interact with the provider.

Sounds confusing? Let's try in one sentence: cloud technologies are data processing technologies in which computer resources are provided to the Internet user as an online service.

Explaining "cloud technologies" on the fingers: more recently, ubiquitous on computers for reading Email the program was used Microsoft Outlook(mail client). Today the program itself is on remote server and the user can use it just by logging into the browser () from any device. This is, of course, the simplest generalized example. In fact, the scope of cloud computing and computing is much broader.

One example of work " cloud computing"

On the benefits of cloud technology

Using " cloud "(as the common people call" cloud technologies "), an ordinary user wins: all computational operations take place not on the side of his computer, but on powerful servers in the network, in other words, it can use hardware and software, tools and methodologies not available for technical characteristics his computer.

So, no need to worry about the performance of your PC, you don't have to think about free space on disk, you don't have to worry about backups and transferring information from one computer to another. These and other questions disappear on their own with the use of cloud technology.

An important advantage - savings when buying licensed software... When using "cloud technologies", no license is paid (there is no need to buy whole product), but only a service - specific functions of a product in which the user is interested. Generally speaking, in the "cloud" many paid programs have become free or much cheaper web applications!

Naturally, you also there is no need to follow the release of software updates: you always use the most latest version programs (all these worries fall on technical support"clouds").

And how not to mention " general access "?! With the help of" cloud technologies "opens the possibility of simultaneous access to information, one and the same information can be viewed and edited simultaneously with different devices different users, you can share information with loved ones or partners from anywhere in the world.

On the disadvantages of cloud technologies

However, things are not so rosy in some specific situations. There are also disadvantages:

  • Confidentiality... You fully agree with the safety of user data on the side of the company that provides you with "cloud technologies" (however, this has already become a controversial norm: no one is embarrassed by the preservation personal mail on third-party servers);
  • Security... The safety of your data cannot be guaranteed by anyone (for example, when using the cloud Windows relevant viruses and system vulnerabilities), however, the "cloud" itself is more reliable system than a personal computer;
  • Software customization... The user does not have actual access to the software (has limitations in the software used) and sometimes does not have the ability to customize it for his own needs;
  • Constant and stable Internet. Access to cloud services requires permanent connection with the Internet (however, in our technological age, this is not a significant problem).

Examples of cloud technologies known to all

Many of us use "cloud technologies" without even knowing it. Do you know file storages, such as SkyDrive, Dropbox, Google drive or Yandex.Disk? At the disposal of the user is given some space on " virtual disks", where they can store and" share "photos, music, documents, etc., synchronize information across devices.

All popular software already has its own web representations: Office 365, Skype, word processing, audio, photo and video programs.

Most good example many services and tools from Google for a wide variety of needs (scientific, educational, cultural, custom, etc.)

Cloud technologies in business

In 2006, Amazon introduced its Web Services Infrastructure, which not only provides hosting but also provides the client with remote computing power. Thus began the modern era of "cloud computing" in business.

Among the most popular models cloud computing in a business environment can be called:

  • Virtual server rental;
  • Backup;
  • Disaster Resilience (DRaaS);
  • Hybrid "cloud";
  • Virtual contact center;
  • Application rental;
  • Private cloud;
  • Virtual office;

Paid "cloud computing" is a fairly common phenomenon in the West. In the Russian-speaking segment, they are not yet so noticeable, here they are not yet so accustomed to paying all bills. Meanwhile, at present in Russia for small and medium-sized businesses, a number of cloud services, including: solutions based on 1C, "Office" in the cloud, storage and backup information, rent cloud applications, IT outsourcing, etc. An example of representatives of "cloud technologies" on Russian market the company "Smart Office" () can serve.

Analysts predict a "good future" for widespread use cloud technologies for both personal and business purposes. They are referred to in no other way as the "gold mine" of the IT industry, so the investor's bet on the development of these technologies is a very chaste decision.

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MBOU Secondary School No. 9, Karabanovo


In informatics

"Cloud technologies"

Completed: Plotnikov M.I.

11A student

Chapter 1. The concept of "cloud technologies"

Chapter 2. History of the emergence of cloud technologies

Chapter 3. Cloud Products Overview

Chapter 4. Examples of "cloud technologies"

Chapter 5. Pros and cons of cloud technologies

Chapter 6. Prospects for the development of cloud technologies




Everything is changing, the world is not standing still, and the majority of Internet users are also changing their attitude towards the world wide web. The reason for this is “cloud technologies”, which set the “fashion” for using the Internet and storing files on the Web. It is “behind the cloud” that Facebook, Amazon, Twitter and those “engines” on which services like Google Docs and Gmail are based now work. All this is good, but so far it remains for the uninitiated only words, pompous and incomprehensible. So how does it work?

Despite the fact that such terms as "cloud technologies" or "cloud computing" have long been heard by many, nevertheless very few people understand what exactly cloud technology is.

At first glance, it may seem that everything is too confusing to delve into it. In fact, this technology is very simple and almost every one of us has been using it for a long time, without even thinking about it. For example, all social networks, file hosting services, YouTube, work on the basis of the cloud. email clients, Banking services and much more.

In simple terms, cloud technology implies the use of a computer / web application located on remote servers through a convenient user interface or application format. Businesses and companies use different kinds applications in the cloud, such as customer relationship management (CRM), human resources, accounting, and for other needs of organizations.

Target: studying the issue of the emergence and development of "Cloud technologies".

The work delivered the following tasks :

  • to form the concept of "Cloud technologies",

  • talk about the main platforms using "clouds",

  • present positive and negative sides service,

  • illuminate perspectives further development in the world.

Chapter 1. The concept of "cloud technologies"

Cloud technologies Are data processing technologies in which computer resources are provided to the Internet user as an online service. The word "cloud" is used here as a metaphor for a complex infrastructure that hides all the technical details.

Cloud (scattered) computing (cloud computing, also used the term Cloud (scattered) data processing) is a data processing technology in which computer resources and capacities are provided to the user as an Internet service. The user has access to their own data, but cannot manage and do not have to take care of the infrastructure, operating system and the actual software with which it works. The term "Cloud" is used as a metaphor based on the image of the Internet in a diagram computer network, or as an image of a complex infrastructure, behind which all the technical details are hidden. According to an IEEE document published in 2008, “Cloud computing is a paradigm in which information is permanently stored on servers on the Internet and temporarily cached on the client side, for example personal computers, game consoles, laptops, smartphones, etc. ”.

Cloud data processing as a concept includes the following concepts:

infrastructure as a service,

platform as a service,

software as a service,

data as a service,

workplace as a service

and other technological trends, which all share the belief that the Internet can meet the processing needs of users.

For cloud technology itself main feature is the unevenness of the request for Internet resources by users. To smooth out this unevenness and apply another intermediate layer - server virtualization... Thus, the load is distributed between virtual servers and computers.

Cloud technologies Is one big concept that includes many different concepts that provide services. For example, software, infrastructure, platform, data, workplace, etc. Why is all this needed? The most main function cloud technology is to meet the needs of users in need of remote data processing.

What is not considered cloud computing? First, it is autonomous computing on local computer... Secondly, it is "utility computing", when a special execution service is ordered. complex calculations or storing bulk data. Thirdly, it is collective (distributed) computing (grid computing). In practice, the boundaries between all these types of computation are rather blurred. However, the future of cloud computing is still much larger than utilities and distributed systems.

Cloud storage is a model of online storage, in which data is stored on numerous servers distributed over a network, provided for use by clients, mainly by a third party. In contrast to the model of storing data on our own dedicated servers, purchased or leased specifically for such purposes, the number or any internal structure servers to the client, in general case, is not visible. Data is stored, as well as processed, in the so-called cloud, which is, from the client's point of view, one large virtual server. Physically, such servers can be located geographically far from each other, up to locations on different continents.

In order to understand what a "cloud" is, it is worth starting with history. this issue... It is necessary to understand: is this technology really in the category of new ideas or this idea is not so new.

Many modern users computers and mobile devices can no longer imagine life without the Internet, which has firmly established itself in our everyday life. Relatively recently, new cloud technologies have appeared that are quite different from classic models computer systems, although in some respects they work according to similar principles. However, the very concept of "cloud", although familiar to many, still remains incomprehensible. About what it is, read on.

What is cloud computing?

If we talk about the very concept simple language, we can say that technological solutions this type basically means the storage and use of information, software or special services without actually engaging in computers hard disks (they are used only for initial setup client software to access cloud services).

In other words, the use of cloud technologies makes it possible to use only the purely computing resources of a computer terminal or mobile device... This explanation may seem too confusing to many. Therefore, in order to understand what the application of cloud technologies looks like in practice, we can give the simplest example.

Most modern users use e-mail in one way or another. Often it is the presence of such an address that is required for registration in Internet services, social networks, online games, etc. In any Windows system there is a built-in mail Outlook client... When you receive or send letters, all of them are saved directly on your hard drive in the program folder.

It's another matter when the mailbox is located on a remote server (for example, Mail.Ru, Gmail, Yandex mail, etc.). The user simply enters the site, enters his registration data (login and password), and then gets access to his mail. These are cloud technologies in the simplest sense, since all correspondence is stored not on the user's computer (hard drive), but on a remote server. Actually, and special program to access mailbox not needed (the most common web browser is enough, which in in this case acts as a client application).

Thus, the most important thing is how cloud technologies differ from standard methods IT, consists precisely in storing information or some kind of software on a remote server, which at one time was called "cloud", and in the possibility sharing to data or software. Today you can see many services that are built exactly on the principles of the cloud. But it was not always so.

Development of cloud technologies

In general, talks about the introduction of such models have been going on since the end of the 60s of the last century. Then the concept of using the computing power of computer systems around the world with an organization in the form of a public utility appeared, the authors of which were Joseph Licklider and John McCarthy.

The next step was the introduction in 1999 of the so-called CRM systems in the form of websites provided by subscription, which provided access to computing resources via the Internet, which in 2002 began to actively use the online bookstore Amazon, which later transformed into a huge IT- corporation.

And only in 2006, thanks to the emergence of the Elastic Compute Cloud project, they started talking seriously about the full-scale implementation of cloud technologies and services. Naturally, the launch of a familiar service to all today played an important role in the provision of computing resources. Google Apps held in 2009.

Modern cloud services

Since then, the cloud technology market has undergone quite significant changes. And the matter was not limited to the provision of computing resources alone.

New cloud technologies and services began to appear, which today can be conditionally divided into several large categories:

  • cloud information storage;
  • game portals;
  • anti-virus platforms;
  • web-based software tools.

Each of these groups includes many subcategories, but general outline they are all built on the same principles.

Mandatory characteristics

According to the generally accepted requirements of the US National Institute of Standards and Technology, there is a single list of conditions that cloud information technologies must meet:

  • independent user service on demand (the ability of the user to determine the degree of use of technological and computing resources in the form of data access speed, server processing time, storage volume, etc., without obligatory agreement or interaction with the service provider);
  • access to a universal network (access to data transmission regardless of the type of device used);
  • pooling of computing resources (dynamic reallocation of capacity by pooling resources for a large number users into a single pool);
  • elasticity (the ability at any time to provide, expand or narrow the range of services in automatic mode and at no additional cost);
  • accounting of services provided to consumers (abstraction of used traffic, the number of users and their transactions, bandwidth etc.).

Common classification of deployment models

Speaking of cloud technologies, one cannot fail to mention their division according to the types of cloud service models used.

There are several main groups among them:

  • A private cloud is a separate infrastructure used by only one organization or a multi-user enterprise, or partner companies (contractors), which may be owned or outside of the organization's jurisdiction.
  • The public cloud is a structure intended for use by the general public in free access and usually run by the owner (service provider).
  • Public cloud - organizational structure designed for groups of users with common interests or tasks.
  • A hybrid cloud is a combination of two or more of the above types, which in the structure remain unique independent objects, but are interconnected according to strictly defined standardized rules for data transfer or application use.

Service model types

Separately, the methodology for classifying service models should be highlighted, that is, the entire set of tools and tools that a cloud service can provide to the user.

Among the main models, the following are distinguished:

  • SaaS (software as a service) is a model of a set of software provided by a cloud provider to a consumer, which can be used either directly in the cloud service from a device, or through access through thin clients, or through the interface of a special application.
  • PaaS (platform as a service) is a structure that allows the user, based on the provided tools, to use the cloud to develop or create basic software for the subsequent placement of other software (own, purchased or replicated) based on database management systems, runtime programming languages, binder Software, etc .;
  • IaaS (infrastructure as a service) is a model for using a cloud service with independent resource management and the ability to host any type of software (even OS), but with limited control some network services (DNS, firewall, etc.).

Cloud service blocks

Since cloud technologies imply minimal user participation in the operation of the entire complex and are models consisting of many technological combinations interacting with each other through the use of middleware, at this stage of considering such services separately, we can single out some important components of any software and hardware complex that are accepted call blocks:

  • Self-service portal is a tool that allows the user to order a specific type of service with specification additional details(for example, for IssA this is an order virtual machine specifying the type of processor, volume random access memory and hard disk or refusal to use it).
  • Service Directory - Set basic services and related templates for creation, which, through the transfer of automation, will be able to configure the created service in real-life computer systems and with a certain type software.
  • Orchestrator is a specialized tool for controlling the actions of the operations performed, provided by the template for each service.
  • Billing and billing - accounting for services provided to the user, invoicing for payment to coordinate financial issues.

Additional methods

Among other things, sometimes in order to distribute the load, virtualization technology can be used in the form of a virtual server part, which is a kind of layer or bundle between software services and hardware (distribution virtual servers for real). This approach is not mandatory, however, cloud technologies in education use this technique quite often.

Antiviruses that download suspicious files not to computers, but to the cloud or sandbox, where preliminary check, after something, permission is given to send it to the computer, or it is quarantined in the cloud itself.

Pros and cons of using cloud services

As for the pros and cons, of course there are. The positive aspect is that when accessing software, storage or creating their own infrastructure for users of such services, the costs associated with the purchase of additional or more powerful equipment or licensed software are significantly reduced.

On the other hand, most experts criticize the use of cloud services only because of their low security against outside interference. The issue of storing huge amounts of obsolete or unused data is also on the agenda. A prime example of this are Google services, in which the user cannot delete any data groups or unused services.

Payment issues

Naturally, the use of such services is paid, especially if these are cloud technologies in education (specialized libraries, educational platforms), access to specialized software, or conventional vaults data with large reserved volumes disk space.

But for an ordinary user, the same storage services like DropBox, OneDrive ( former SkyDrive), "Cloud Mail.Ru", "Yandex. Disk" and many others make concessions, allocating, depending on the service itself, about 15-20 GB of disk space without payment. By modern standards, of course, not much, but enough to save some important data.


That's it for cloud computing. Many experts and analysts promise them a great future, but the issue of information security or data confidentiality is so acute that without the use of new developments in the field of information security, such a rosy prospect looks very dubious.

The definition of cloud computing is at first glance very confusing: it is a model for providing ubiquitous and convenient network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (for example, servers, applications, networks, storage systems, and services) that can be quickly provisioned and released with minimal management effort. and the need to interact with the provider.

In order to better understand what cloud computing is, a simple example can be given: formerly user to access e-mail, he resorted to certain software (messengers and programs) installed on his PC, but now he simply goes to the website of the company whose e-mail services he likes, directly through the browser, without using intermediaries.

But this example is more suitable for private clouds. We are interested in these technologies in business. The modern implementation began in 2006. Amazon then unveiled its web services infrastructure, which not only provides hosting, but also provides the client with remote computing power.

Three models of "clouds"

Recall that there are three cloud computing service models:

Software as a service (SaaS, Software as a Servise). The consumer is provided with software - provider applications running on the cloud infrastructure.

Platform as a Service (PaaS, Platform as a Service). The consumer is provided with the tools to deploy consumer-generated or purchased applications on the cloud infrastructure that are developed using the provider-supported tools and programming languages.

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)... The consumer is provided with data processing, storage, networking and other basic computing resources on which the consumer can deploy and execute arbitrary software, including operating systems and applications.

Benefits of cloud services

Last year, the total volume of the global market in the field of cloud technologies amounted to about $ 40 billion. Some experts predict that by 2020 this figure will reach $ 240 billion. Russia ranks 34th in the introduction of cloud computing into business with an indicator of $ 250 million.

There are several advantages associated with the use of cloud technologies.

Availability. Anyone who has a computer, tablet, or anyone can access information stored on the cloud. mobile device connected to the Internet. This leads to the following advantage.

Mobility. The user does not have a permanent attachment to one workplace. Managers can receive reports from anywhere in the world, and managers can monitor production.

Profitability. One of important advantages called reduced cost. The user does not need to buy expensive computers and software that are large in terms of computing power, and he is also freed from the need to hire a specialist to maintain local IT technologies.

Rent. The user receives required package services only at the moment when he needs it, and pays, in fact, only for the number of purchased functions.

Flexibility. All necessary resources are provided by the provider automatically.

High manufacturability. Large computing power that is available to the user, which can be used for storing, analyzing and processing data.

Reliability. Some experts argue that the reliability provided by modern cloud computing is much higher than the reliability local resources, arguing that few enterprises can afford to purchase and maintain a full-fledged data center.

Google Apps for Business highlights these same benefits, but adds that when using their cloud computing, the company protects environment, explaining this by the fact that Apps services run on a data center basis Google data which are ultra-low power, so their carbon and energy costs will be significantly lower when using local servers.

How much does it all cost?

The cost of Google Apps for business, according to the company, is $ 5 per user per month, with free space on cloud disk 5 GB (if you wish, you can buy another 20 GB to 16 TB at a price of $ 4 to $ 1430 per month, respectively).

Also, the user can purchase Google Apps with a safe for $ 10 per month, which includes standard package services plus archiving of important business data, collection of data for legal purposes, search and export of any corporate data. Providing domains - for a separate cost. It is worth noting that one email account is considered a user.

Microsoft is also fighting for its share of cloud computing. They are based on Office 365. It focuses on an end-to-end CRM solution, claiming that Microsoft Dinamics CRM includes marketing, sales, and customer service management blocks. That is, using this function, it is possible to solve a range of relationship management tasks, from attracting customers to cross-selling.

Also highlighted are "smart" analysis, role-based interface and high mobility.

Purchasing Office 365 offers several options: Office plan Professional Plus 2010 - 555 rubles. per month per user. Subsequent tariffs cost 250, 300, 525 and 750 rubles. per month for each user, respectively. By the way, Office 365 is free to try.

Despite all positive reviews, there is also some criticism of cloud technologies.

The main criticism is that when using virtual software, information automatically falls into the hands of the developer of this software. So says Richard Stallman, founder of the free software movement.

The problem of data integration with both internal corporate and cloud services other suppliers.

Experts point to the problem of uncontrolled data: information left by the user will be stored for years without his knowledge, or he will not be able to change some part of it. For example, on services Google user unable to delete services not used by him and even separate groups data.

Despite this, most experts are of the opinion that the advantages of this technology outweigh its disadvantages.

How fast progress is marching, just by leaps and bounds, not otherwise. The technologies that will be discussed have already entered our lives. " Clouds"Call them in the common people, and the AI-TISNIK say cloud technologies. I propose to deal with this interesting and promising technology.

  • What is the concept of cloud computing?
  • What can be cited as examples of cloud technologies?

Of course, our level of solutions is ordinary users... Let's touch on the theory on affordable level and practice. In a word, I will try to systematize the basic information on the topic and, if possible, sort it out on the shelves.

The use of cloud technologies

The topic is quite popular on the Internet. There are many solutions on the market. However, not everyone understands this know-how and why we need it. If we touch upon the above-mentioned theory of cloud computing, then its essence is in distributed data processing.

You can put it differently. Cloud technology is when the user is provided with Internet services, various hardware and software tools, methodologies and tools to realize his goals, objectives, projects. An example is. It is a completely cloud-based service.

The structure of cloud technology can be represented as follows. These are the servers hard drives and other "hardware". On this structure, as on a platform, various services are created and offered. And only then the software that users get access to.

Changing the summer wheels (disks with rubber) of my car for the winter ones, I left them right in the service storage. This service reminded me of a trend in IT as well. All my photos from my phone to Android base are automatically posted on Picasa (now the same as in G +) the same happens with the photo filmed by the camera Canon. Files in google folder The disk of my computer, automatically synchronized with the service folders Google drive.

Currently the concept cloud systems can offer many types of services. Services are provided as a service, this is the essence of the concept. Storing your data as a service. Those. set yourself Google drive for example, and abandon old storage technologies on disks and flash drives.

This is also working with a DBMS, i.e. database as a service. The concept allows you to save on “ computer hardware»And even competently use the DBMS in your organization. It is also possible to provide software with Internet access. For example Google docs, Google calendar like cloud technology google.

As a service from the cloud, security as a service is already being offered. Those. cloud security technologies that enable users to save on maintaining their own system security.

Cloud applications

Cloud computing is also plentiful. This is access from any computer, work with your information from other devices such as tablets and phones. It is also not important in what operating system you work and how many people work simultaneously with the same information. It's easy to share, and it's easy to integrate yours with information from people around the world.

Your information is not stored on your devices and is thus protected from loss. Not only is there a lot paid programs replaced by free web applications, always the latest version at your service.

Cloud technologies examples:

Let's review the solutions, services, application software already available on the market. Cloud Google technology recently issued Google service Play. The corporation allows us to host our movies, music, books and various applications.

Apple provided its iCloud service... This service stores all your content and delivers it to any device via Push technology... Gaming services OnLive and Xbox Live offer games as a service.

But the situation is more interesting with software... Instead of boxed programs, Google Corporation (Microsoft did the same) provided an opportunity to work with google docs Disk. It is about storing, editing and sharing files.

Pure services Dropbox storage and Windows Live SkyDrive... Dropbox lets you store up to 2GB of data for free. Up to 7GB allows you to store the SkyDrive service.

And so, the cloud is guaranteed and secure access to your information. The ability to synchronize your computers, not to burden yourself with flash drives, disks and wires. Technologies are in great demand and new items in the IT field will of course be associated with them.

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