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Domain objects and connections between them. Relationships between sets of objects and their types

1. Basic concepts and terms to the topic

Every civilization has to deal with information processing. As the economy develops and the population grows, so does the volume of interconnected data required to solve business and administrative problems.

@ The model of collection, storage, processing and use of interrelated data for the purpose of the most optimal management of information flows and solving the assigned tasks in a given subject area is called an information system. ... Such a system is primarily designed to facilitate human labor, but for this it must correspond as best as possible to a very complex model of the real world.

@ The core of the information system is the data stored in it. ... In any enterprise, the data of different departments, as a rule, overlap, that is, they are used in several departments or are generally shared. For example, management purposes often require information across the entire enterprise. Parts ordering is not possible without availability of information on stocks. The data stored in the information system should be easily accessible in the form in which they are needed for the specific production activity of the enterprise. In this case, the way of data storage is not essential. Today at the enterprise we can find a traditional type of data processing system, in which an employee manually places data in a binder, and next to it - a modern system using the fastest computers, the most sophisticated hardware and software. Despite their striking differences, both of these systems are required to provide reliable information at a specific time, to a specific person, in a specific place, and at a limited cost.

To understand the process of building an information system, you need to know a number of terms that are used to describe and present data.

@ Subject area is the part of a real system that is of interest for this study.

When designing automated information systems, the subject area is displayed by data models of several levels. The number of levels used depends on the complexity of the system, but in any case includes the logical and physical levels. A subject area can refer to any type of organization (for example, a bank, university, hospital, or factory).

It is necessary to distinguish between the complete subject area (large manufacturing enterprise, warehouse, department store, etc.) and the organizational unit of this subject area. An organizational unit, in turn, can represent its own subject area (for example, a workshop for the production of bodies of an automobile plant or a data processing department of a computer manufacturing enterprise). In this case, workshops and departments themselves may correspond to certain subject areas.

The information required to describe the subject area depends on the actual model and may include information about personnel, wages, goods, invoices, invoices, sales reports, laboratory tests, financial transactions, medical records, that is, information about people, places, objects , events and concepts.

@ Object is an element of the information system, information about which we store. In relational database theory, an object is called an entity.

The object can be real(for example, a person, an object or place) and abstract(for example, an event, a customer account, or a course being taken by students). So, in the field of car sales, examples of objects are CAR MODEL, CLIENT and ACCOUNT. In a warehouse it is a SUPPLIER, GOODS, SENDING, etc. Each object has a certain set of properties that are stored in the information system. When processing data, you often have to deal with a collection of homogeneous objects, such as employees, and record information about the same properties for each of them.

@ Object class call a set of objects that have the same set of properties.

Thus, for objects of the same class, the set of properties will be the same, although the values ​​of these properties for each object may, of course, be different. For example, the object class MODEL properties for each object can of course be different. For example, a CAR MODEL object class will have the same set of properties that describe vehicle characteristics, and each model will have different values ​​for those characteristics.

Objects and their properties are real-world concepts. In the world of information that exists in the programmer's view, one speaks of the attributes of objects.

@ Attribute is an informational display of object properties. Each object is characterized by a number of basic attributes.

For example, a car model is characterized by body type, engine displacement, number of cylinders, power, dimensions, name, etc. The customer of a car store has attributes such as last name, first name, patronymic, address, and possibly an identification number. Each attribute in the model must have a unique name - an identifier. An attribute in the implementation of an information model on any information carrier is often called data item, data field or just a field.

Rice. 1.1. Three areas of data presentation.

@ table is some regular structure consisting of a finite set of records of the same type. In some sources, a table is called a relationship.

We will try to avoid the latter term, since with the development of relational theory, “relationship” along with the term “relationship” often began to call relationships between tables. Each record of one table consists of a finite (and the same!) Number of fields, and the specific field of each record of one table can only contain data of one type.

@ Data values represent the actual data contained in each data item.

The “MODEL NAME” data item can have values ​​such as “Voyager” 96 3.8 Grand ”,“ Continental 4.6 ”or“ Crown Victoria 4.6. ”Depending on how the data items describe the object, their values ​​can be quantitative, qualitative or descriptive Information about a certain subject area can be represented using several objects, each of which is described by several data items. data.

@ A single set of values ​​accepted by data items is called an instance of an object... Objects communicate with each other in a certain way.

@ The corresponding model of objects with their constituent data elements and relationships is called conceptual model subject area. The conceptual model gives an idea of ​​the data flow in the domain.

Some data elements have a property that is important for building an information model. If we know the value that such a data item of an object takes, we can identify the values ​​that other data items of the same object take. For example, knowing the unique model number of the car - 7, we can determine that this is “Voyager“ 96 ”and that the engine displacement for this model is“ 3778 ”.

@ Key element data is called an element by which you can determine the values ​​of other data elements.

Two or more data items can uniquely identify an object. In this case, they are called “candidates” for key data items. The question is , which of the candidates to use for accessing the object is decided by the user or the system designer. Care must be taken when choosing key data elements because choosing the right one will help you create the right conceptual data model.

@ Primary key is an attribute (or group of attributes) that uniquely identifies each row in a table.

Primary key concept is extremely important in connection with the concept of database integrity, which we will discuss in detail at the end of this section.

@ Alternate key is an attribute (or group of attributes) that does not match the primary key and that uniquely identifies an instance of an object.

For example, for the "EMPLOYEE" object, which has the attributes "EMPLOYEE ID", "SURNAME", "FIRST NAME" and "SURNAME", the attribute group "LAST NAME", "NAME", "PATRONY" can be an alternative key in relation to the attribute " EMPLOYEE ID ”(assuming that the company does not have full namesakes).

@ External key is a table attribute that is the primary key of another table.

For example, the "MODEL NUMBER" attribute of a VEHICLE object can be a foreign key to a "MODEL" object.

@ Data recording is a collection of values ​​of related data items.

In fig. 1.2. such items are the unique key and model name, displacement, number of cylinders and engine power. For example, one of the entries - “7 Voyager'96 3.8 Grand 3778 6 164.0”. This string represents the values ​​that the data items of the MODEL object take. Records are stored on some medium, which can be a human brain, a sheet of paper, computer memory, external storage device, etc.



Model name

Working volume (cubic cm)

Power (hp)

GMC Jimmy 4.3


Voyager'96 3.8 Grand



Stealth 3.0

348 Spider 3.4

Figure 1.2. Data records of the MODEL object.

Each record of one table consists of a finite (and the same!) Number of fields, and the specific field of each record of one table can only contain data of one type

@ Data type characterizes the type of stored data.

The concept of a data type in the information model is completely adequate to the concept of a data type in programming languages. Usually, modern DBMSs allow storing character, numeric data, bit strings, specialized numeric data (for example, amounts in monetary units), as well as data of a special format (date, time, time interval, etc.). In any case, when choosing a data type, one should take into account the capabilities of the DBMS with which the physical model of the information system will be implemented.

@ Connection is a functional relationship between entities.

If there is a relationship between some entities, then the facts from one entity are referred to or in some way related to the facts from another entity. Maintaining the consistency of functional dependencies between entities is called referential integrity. Since relationships are contained “inside” the relational model, the implementation of referential integrity can be performed by both the application and the DBMS itself (using declarative referential integrity mechanisms and triggers).

Links can be represented by five main characteristics:

Link type (identifying, non-identifying)

Parent entity;

Child (dependent) entity;

Communication power (cordiality);

Null values ​​are allowed.

The relationship is called identifying if the child entity instance is identified (uniquely identified) through its relationship to the parent entity. The attributes that make up the primary key of the parent entity are also included in the primary key of the child entity. Child entity with an identifying relationship always dependent.

The relationship is called non-identifying if the child entity instance is identified differently than through a relationship with the parent entity. The attributes that make up the primary key of the parent entity are also included in the non-key attributes of the child entity.

Communication power is the ratio of the number of instances of the parent entity to the corresponding number of instances of the child entity. For any relationship other than non-specific, this relationship is written as 1: n.

@ Stored procedures is an application (program) that combines queries and procedural logic (assignment statements, logical branching, etc.) and is stored in a database.

Stored procedures allow you to contain, together with the database, rather complex programs that perform a large amount of work without transferring data over the network and interacting with the client. Typically, programs written in stored procedures are associated with data processing. Thus, the database can be a functionally independent layer of the application that can interact with other layers to receive queries or update data.

@ Rules allow you to call the execution of specified actions when changing or adding data to the database (DB) and thereby control the truth of the data placed in it.

Typically, an action is a call to a specific procedure or function. Rules can be associated with a field or record and, accordingly, be triggered when data in a specific field or table record changes. You cannot use rules when deleting data. Unlike constraints, which are only a means of controlling relatively simple conditions for correct data entry, rules allow you to check and maintain arbitrarily complex relationships between data elements in the database.

@ Referential integrity is ensuring that the foreign key value of the child entity instance matches the primary key values ​​in the parent entity.

Referential integrity can be monitored for all operations that modify data.

@ Normalization of relations is the process of constructing the optimal structure of tables and relationships in a relational database.

In the normalization process, data items are grouped into tables that represent objects and their relationships. Normalization theory is based on the fact that a certain set of tables has better properties for inclusion, modification and deletion of data than any other set of tables that can represent the same data. The introduction of normalization of relations in the development of an information model ensures the minimum amount of physical, that is, recorded on any medium, database and its maximum performance, which directly affects the quality of the information system. Information model normalization is performed in several stages (1st, 2nd and 3rd normal forms).

@ Data dictionary is a centralized repository of information about objects, their constituent data elements, relationships between objects, their sources, values, use and presentation formats.

@ Ensuring integrity database is called a system of measures aimed at maintaining the correctness of the data in the database at any given time.

The costs of checking and maintaining the accuracy of data can represent a significant portion of the total operational costs. For example, in transport companies, to control the correctness of data entry from travel documents, the parallel input of the same data by several operators is practiced. It is believed that the probability of committing the same error in this case will be extremely small and a simple comparison of the results of the input of different operators will help to obtain error-free data. In a DBMS, data integrity is ensured by a set of special offers called integrity constraints.

@ Integrity constraints is a set of defined rules that establish the validity of data and the relationships between them.

An automated data processing system is based on the use of a specific data model or information model. The data model reflects the relationships between objects.

2. The sequence of creating an information model

The information model creation process begins by defining the conceptual requirements of a number of users (Figure 2.1). Conceptual requirements can also be defined for some tasks (applications) that are not planned to be implemented in the near future. This may slightly increase the complexity of the work, but it will help to fully take into account all the nuances of the functionality required for the system being developed, and will reduce the likelihood of its alteration in the future. Individual user requirements are integrated into a single “generic view”. The latter is called the conceptual model.

@ Conceptual model represents objects and their relationships without specifying how they are physically stored.

Thus, the conceptual model is essentially a domain model. When designing a conceptual model, all efforts of the developer should be directed mainly towards structuring the data and identifying the relationships between them without considering the implementation features and processing efficiency issues. The design of the conceptual model is based on the analysis of the data processing tasks being solved in this enterprise. The conceptual model includes descriptions of objects and their interrelationships that are of interest in the considered subject area and that are identified as a result of data analysis. This refers to the data used both in already developed application programs and in those that will only be implemented.

The conceptual model is then translated into a data model compatible with the selected DBMS. It is possible that the relationships between objects reflected in the conceptual model will subsequently turn out to be unrealizable by means of the selected DBMS. This will require a change in the conceptual model. The version of the conceptual model that can be provided by a particular DBMS is called the logical model.

@ Logical model reflects the logical connections between data items regardless of their content and storage medium.

The logical data model can be relational, hierarchical, or networked ... Users are allocated subsets of this logical model, called external models (in some sources, they are also called subschemes), reflecting their understanding of the domain. External model corresponds to the views that users get based on the logical model, while conceptual requirements reflect the perceptions that users initially desired and that formed the basis for the development of the conceptual model. The logical model is mapped to physical memory such as disk, tape, or some other storage medium.

@ Physical model that defines data placement, access methods, and indexing techniques is called the internal model of the system.

From the point of view of applied programming, data independence is determined not by the programming technique, but by its discipline. For example, in order to avoid recompiling the application in any system change, it is recommended not to define constants (constant data values) in the program. The best solution is to pass values ​​as parameters to the program.

All the actual requirements of the subject area and the corresponding "hidden" requirements at the design stage should be reflected in the conceptual model. Of course, every possible use and modification of the database cannot be envisaged. But in most subject areas, basic data such as objects and their relationships are relatively stable. Only information requirements change, that is, how the data is used to obtain information.

The degree of data independence is determined by the careful design of the database. Comprehensive analysis of domain objects and their relationships minimizes the impact of changing data requirements in one program on other programs. This is all-encompassing data independence.

3. Relationships in the model

A relationship expresses a display or relationship between two sets of data. There are relationships of the type " one to one», « one to many" and “Many to many". In the considered problem of automating the management of the work of a car dealership, if a client makes an order for the purchase of a car for the first time, the initial registration of his data and information about the order is carried out. If the client re-orders, only this order is registered. Regardless of how many times a given customer has made orders, he has a unique identification number (unique customer key). Information about each client includes the name of the client, address, telephone, fax, last name, first name, patronymic, legal personality and a note. Thus, the attributes of the CLIENT object are "UNIQUE CLIENT KEY", "CLIENT NAME", "CLIENT ADDRESS", etc. The next object of interest to us is the CAR MODEL. This object has the attributes "UNIQUE MODEL KEY", "MODEL NAME", etc. The third object under consideration is the ORDER. Its attributes are "ORDER NUMBER", "CLIENT KEY" and "MODEL KEY". And the fourth object under consideration is the SELLER. Its attributes are "UNIQUE SELLER'S KEY", "SELLER'S NAME", "SURNAME" and "PATRONALY".

One-to-one relationship (between two types of objects)

Let us mentally return to the days of the planned-distribution economy. Let's say one customer can make only one order at a given time. In this case, a relationship is established between the CLIENT and ORDER objects. one to one", Denoted by single arrows, as shown in fig. 2.2, a.

Rice. 2.2. The relationship between two objects: a) "one to one"; b) "one to many"; c) "many to many"

Rice. 2.3. The relationship between data in a one-to-one relationship.

One-to-many relationship (between two types of objects).

At a certain point in time, one client can become the owner of several car models, while several clients cannot be the owners of the same car. A one-to-many relationship can be denoted by using a single arrow pointing towards one and a double arrow pointing towards many, as shown in Figure 4-2. 2.2, b.

In this case, several records of the second object (child or subordinate) will correspond to one data record of the first object (it is often called parent or main). One-to-many relationships are very common in relational database design. The dictionary is often used as a parent object, and unique keys for accessing the dictionary records are stored in the child. In our example, as such a reference, you can imagine the CLIENT object, which stores information about all customers. When accessing a record for a specific customer, we have a list of all purchases that he made and information about which is stored in the CAR MODEL object, as shown in Fig. 2.4. If there are some records in the child object for which there are no corresponding records in the CLIENT object, then we will not see them. In this case, the object is said to contain lost (lonely) records. This is not permissible, and in the future you will learn how to avoid such situations.

Rice. 2.4. Relationship between data in a one-to-many relationship.

If we look at the records of the CAR MODEL object, then in the CLIENT object we can get data about the customer who bought this car (see fig. 2.4). Please note that we will not receive customer details for lost records.

Many-to-many relationship (between two types of objects).

In this example, each salesperson can serve multiple customers. On the other hand, by purchasing cars at different times, each customer may well be served by different sellers. There is a many-to-many relationship between the CLIENT and SELLER objects. This relationship is indicated by double arrows, as shown in Fig. 2.2, c.

In fig. 2.5 shows a diagram according to which the data will be interconnected in this case. By looking at the data in the CLIENT object, we will be able to find out which sellers served a specific customer. However, in the object SELLER, in this case, we will have to create several records for each seller. Each line will correspond to each customer service by the seller. With this approach, we will face serious problems. For example, we cannot enter a unique key for each seller in the SELLER object, since inevitably one seller will serve several customers, and in this case we will have several records for the same seller.

Rice. 2.5. Relationship between data in a many-to-many relationship

According to relational database theory, storing a many-to-many relationship requires three objects: one for each entity and one for storing the relationships between them (an intermediate object). The intermediate object will contain the identifiers of the related objects, as shown in Fig. 2.6.

Rice. 2.6. Displaying the relationship between data in a many-to-many relationship using an intermediate object

The relationships between objects are part of the conceptual model and must be displayed in the database. Along with the relationships between objects, there are relationships between the attributes of an object. It also distinguishes between one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many relationships.

One-to-one relationship (between two attributes)

We assume that the key (number) of the customer is his unique identifier, that is, it does not change with subsequent orders from this customer. If, along with the customer's number, another unique identifier is stored in the database (for example, a passport number), then there is a one-to-one relationship between these two unique identifiers. In fig. 2.7, a this relationship is indicated by single arrows.

One-to-many relationship (between two attributes)

The customer's name and customer number coexist. There may be many clients with the same name, but they all have different numbers. Each client is assigned a unique number. This means that there is only one name for a given customer number. The relationship "one to many" is indicated by a single arrow in the direction of "one" and a double arrow in the direction of "many" (Figure 2.7, b).

Many-to-many relationship (between two attributes)

Several customers with the same name could be served by multiple vendors. Several sellers with the same name may have received orders from multiple customers. There is a many-to-many relationship between the customer name and salesperson name attributes. We denote this relationship with double arrows (Fig. 2.7, in).




Rice. 2.7. Relationships between two attributes:
a) the relationship "one to one"; b) one-to-many relationship
» c) the relationship "many to many»

Types of data models

Hierarchical and network data models began to be used in database management systems in the early 60s. In the early 70s, a relational data model was proposed. These three models differ mainly in the way they represent relationships between objects.

The hierarchical data model is built on the principle of a hierarchy of object types, that is, one type of object is the main one, and the rest, located at the lower levels of the hierarchy, are subordinate (Fig. 2.8). A one-to-many relationship is established between the main and subordinate objects. In other words, there are several subordinate object types for a given main object type. At the same time, for each instance of the main object, there can be several instances of subordinate object types. Thus, relationships between objects are similar to relationships in a family tree with one exception: there can be only one original (main) object type for each spawned (subordinate o) object type. On the rice. 2.8 nodes and branches form a hierarchical tree structure. A node is a collection of attributes that describe an object. The highest node in the hierarchy is called the root node (this is the main object type). The root node is at the first level. Dependent nodes (subordinate object types) are at the second, third, etc. levels.

Rice. 2.8. Hierarchical data model schema.

In the network data model, the concepts of master and subordinate objects are somewhat expanded. Any object can be both master and subordinate (in the network model, the master object is denoted by the term “owner of the collection”, and the subordinate by the term “member of the collection”). The same object can be both the owner and the member of the collection at the same time. This means that each object can participate in any number of relationships. A diagram of the network model is shown in Figure 2.9.

Figure 2.9. Network data model diagram.

In the relational data model, objects and the relationships between them are represented using tables, as shown in Fig. 2.10. Relationships are also considered as objects. Each table represents one object and consists of rows and columns. In a relational database, each table must have a primary key (key element) - a field or combination of fields that uniquely identifies each row in the table. Due to its simplicity and naturalness of presentation, the relational model is most widely used in DBMS for personal computers.

Rice. 2.10. Relational data model schema.

Types of relationships between objects of the subject area

Multiple relationships can be of four types - one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many, and many-to-one.

A one-to-one (1: 1) relationship exists when one instance of one object is associated with a single instance of another. The relationship is unique from left to right and right to left.


Enterprise Director

A one-to-many (1: M) relationship exists when one instance of the first object is associated with one (or more) instances of the second object, but each instance of the second object is associated with only one instance of the first. The relationship is unique from right to left.

Consists of

City District

A many-to-many relationship (M: M) exists when one instance of the first object is associated with one or more instances of the second, and each instance of the second with one or many instances of the first.

Student (surname, grade book number. Faculty) Subject (name, number of hours)

A many-to-one (M: 1) relationship is similar to a one-to-many relationship. The link is unique only from left to right.

Student surname (M: 1) Group number

Conceptual model... The model of objects with the attributes describing them and the relationships between them is called conceptual model... This model represents objects and their relationships without specifying how they are physically stored.

It is graphically presented in the form of a special diagram proposed by the American database specialist C. Bachman. In Bachmann diagrams, objects are represented by the vertices of a certain mathematical graph, links are represented by the arcs of the graph. Consider, for example, the Purchasing Data Model (see Figure 48).

Rice. 48 An example of a conceptual model

The model consists of three objects: Supplier, Order, Product. The Issued relationship existing between the Supplier and Order objects has a one-to-many cardinality, since each order is made to one supplier, but several orders can be made to this supplier. The relationship between the Order and Item objects has many-to-many cardinality, since an order contains several items and an item can occur in several orders.

All objects are active.

User control of window groups.

Task-oriented window types.

Instant committing of changes.

Dynamic icons reflecting the state of the object.

Direct manipulation.

Combining objects.

Composition of objects and containers.

Multiple consistent view of objects.

The features of graphical interfaces considered above, as well as the DCD technology underlying their implementation, necessitate the use of an object-oriented approach for GUI design. This approach involves the use of analogies between software objects and objects in the real world. From the point of view of the user interface, objects are not only files or icons, but also any device for storing and processing information, including cells, paragraphs, symbols, etc., as well as the documents in which they are located.

Objects, regardless of whether they belong to the real world or have a computer embodiment, have certain characteristics that help us understand what they are and how they behave in certain situations. The following concepts describe the main aspects and characteristics of objects that have a computer embodiment.

Object properties... Objects have certain characteristics or attributes called properties that determine their presentation or possible states (for example, color, size, modification date). Properties are not limited to the external or visible features of the object. They can reflect their internal organization or the current state of the object.

Operations on objects... All actions that can be performed on (or on) an object are considered valid operations. Moving or copying an object are examples of operations. The user can perform operations on objects using one or another mechanism provided by the interface (command control or direct manipulation).

Communication (relationship) between objects... Any object in one way or another interacts with other objects. In many cases, the relationship between objects can be described as a relationship of a certain type.

Types of links between objects.

The most common types of relationships are Collections, Constraints, and Composites.

Kit is the simplest type of relationship, which reflects the presence of some common properties of objects. The results of a query (search by pattern) or operation of multiple selection of objects are examples of using this type of relationship. An important advantage of this type of relationship is that it allows you to specify operations that must refer to a specific set of objects.

An association reflects a closer relationship between objects in which changing an object affects some other object in the set. The simplest example of such a relationship is changing the format of an adjacent page when adding text on the previous page.

Composition takes place when the aggregation of several objects can be viewed as a new object with its own set of properties and allowed operations. A column of cells in a table and a paragraph in a text are examples of compositions.

Another common type of relationship between objects is a container.

Container is an object that contains other objects (for example, a picture in a document or a document in a folder can be considered part of the contents of the corresponding container). The properties of a container often affect the behavior of its contents. This influence may consist in the expansion or suppression of some properties of the objects contained in it, or in changing the list of allowed operations. In addition, the container controls access to its content, as well as the type (format) conversion of the object it includes. This, in particular, can affect the result of transferring an object from one container to another.

The aspects considered above necessitate the assignment of each object to one or another type (class) of objects. Objects of the same type have similar properties and behavior.

The basic types of interface objects constitute the fundamental classes of all objects provided by the operating system. There are three main types of objects: data objects, container objects, and device objects.

Many objects have characteristics that belong to more than one class (for example, the Inbox: container and device properties). Therefore, you need to have a good understanding of the classes of interface objects and their behavior. Objects must meet the expectations of users in terms of the actions they perform, that is, determine which views can display and change it. Container objects must provide views that match other containers, device objects must offer views that are specific to a given device and compatible with others.

Data objects provide information to users. They can represent any type of information, such as text, spreadsheets, images, music, recorded speech, video, animation, or any combination of these. Because data objects are generally product-oriented, design guides do not define specific data objects. This is the job of software designers.


To describe ILM, both analytical (descriptive) languages ​​and graphical tools are used; in the future, a graphical method of displaying the “object-property-relation” model is used. In the subject area in the process of its examination and analysis, classes of objects are distinguished. Object class call a set of objects that have the same set of properties. For example, if we consider a university as a subject area, then the following classes of objects can be distinguished in it: students, teachers, auditoriums, etc. Objects can be real, as mentioned above, or they can be abstract, such as subjects, which students study.

When reflected in the information system, each object is represented by its identifier, which distinguishes one object of the class from another, and each class of objects is represented by the name of this class. So, for objects of the class “STUDYED SUBJECTS”, the identifier of each object will be “NAME OF THE SUBJECT”. The identifier must be unique.

Each object has a specific set of properties. For objects of the same class, the set of these properties is the same, and their values, of course, may differ. For example, for objects of the "STUDENT" class, such a set of properties describing class objects can be "YEAR OF BIRTH", "GENDER", etc.

When describing the subject area, it is necessary to depict each of the existing classes of objects and a set of properties fixed for objects of this class.

We will use the following designations to display objects and their properties (Fig. & 2. 3).


Rice. 2.3 Designation of objects and their properties

Each feature class in the infological model is assigned a unique name.

When building an infological model, it is desirable to give a verbal interpretation of each entity, especially if an ambiguous interpretation of the concept is possible.

Rice. 2.4 Image of an "object-property" relationship

When describing the subject area, it is necessary to reflect the connections between the object and the properties that characterize it. This is simply depicted as a line connecting the designation of the object and its properties.

The relationship between an object and its property can be different. An object can have only one value for a property. For example, each person can only have one date of birth. Let us call such properties single. For other properties, it is possible that several values ​​exist for one object at the same time. Suppose, for example, when describing an "EMPLOYEE", the "FOREIGN LANGUAGE" which he owns is fixed as his property. Since an employee can know several foreign languages, such a property will be called plural. When depicting the relationship between an object and its properties, we will use a single arrow for single properties, and a double arrow for multiple properties.

In addition, some properties are permanent, their value cannot change over time. Let us call such properties static, and those properties, the value of which can change over time, will be called dynamic.

Another characteristic of the relationship between an object and its property is the sign of whether this property is present in all objects of a given class or absent in some objects. For example, for some employees the property “ACADEMIC DEGREE” may exist, and other objects of this class may not have the specified property. Let us call such properties conditional.

When depicting the connection of a conditional property with an object, we will use a dotted line, and to denote dynamic and static properties, we will use the letters D and S above the corresponding line.

Sometimes in an infological model it is useful to introduce the concept "Composite property". Examples of such properties are “ADDRESS”, consisting of “CITY”, “STREET”, “HOUSE” and “APARTMENT”, and “DATE OF BIRTH”, consisting of “NUMBER”, “MONTH” and “YEAR”. We use in ILM to designate a composite property a square, from which the lines that connect it with the designations of its constituent elements originate (Fig. 2.4).

The infological model does not display individual instances of objects, but classes of objects. When the designation of an object is shown in the ILM, it is clear that we are talking about a class of objects that have the described properties. Therefore, in most cases, it is possible not to explicitly introduce a designation for a class of objects into an infological model. An explicit image of a class of objects is necessary only if the software for a given class of objects records not only characteristics related to individual objects of this class, but also some integral characteristics related to the entire class as a whole. For example, if for the object class "EMPLOYEES" is recorded not only the age of each employee, but also the average age of all employees, then in the infological model it is necessary to reflect not only the "EMPLOYEE" object, but also the "EMPLOYEES" object class. To display a class of objects, you can use some specific designation or the same one that is used for objects (Fig. 2. 5).

Rice. 2.5 Image of a class of objects and integral characteristics of the class.

In addition to the connection between an object and its properties, the infological model records connections between objects of different classes. There are links of the type “one to one” (1: 1), “one to many” (1: M), “many to many” (M: M). These types of relationships are sometimes referred to as the degree of relationship.

In addition to the degree of connection in the infological model, to characterize the connection between different entities, it is necessary to indicate the so-called "Class of belonging", which shows whether there can be no connection between an object of this class with any object of another class. Entity class must be either required or optional.

Let us explain what has been said with specific examples. As mentioned above, the infological model is not built for a separate object, but displays the classes of objects and the relationships between them. The corresponding diagram that displays this is called an ER-type diagram (this name is due to the fact that in English the word "entity" is spelled "Entity", and the relationship is "Relationship"). However, sometimes, in addition to ER-type diagrams, ER-instance diagrams are used.

Suppose that the infological model displays a relationship between two classes of objects: "EMPLOYEE" and "FOREIGN LANGUAGE".

Suppose that the subject area is a factory where some of the employees know a foreign language, but none of them is fluent in more than one language. Naturally, there are many languages ​​that none of the employees speaks, and also that some of the employees speak the same foreign language (Fig. 2. 6).

c1. .ya1

c2. .ya2

c3. .я3

c4. .ya4

c5. .ya5

c6. .ya6

c7. .ya7

Rice. 2.6 ER diagram - instances

In this case, the ER-instances diagram will look like the one shown in Fig. 2. 6, and the diagram of ER-types is as in fig. 2.7.

Rice. 2. 7. Diagram of E - R types

Let us further assume that the subject area is an institution, and the “PERSONALITY” object reflects the applicants entering this institution. Each of the applicants must necessarily speak a foreign language, but no one speaks more than one language (Fig. 2. 8). In this case, the ER-instances diagram will look like the one shown in Fig. 2. 8, and the diagram of ER-types is as in fig. 2.9.

Personality Language

l1 i1

l2 i2

l3 i3

l4 z4

l5 i5

l6 i6

l7 i7

Both in the first and in the second considered case, the relationship M is observed between the entities: 1. On the diagram, this is displayed from the side of the "PERSONALITY" object by a double arrow, and from the side of the "FOREIGN LANGUAGE" object - by a single arrow on the line depicting the relationship between data entities.

The difference in the considered situations is that in the first case, the belonging class is optional for both entities, and in the second, for the "PERSONALITY" entity, the belonging class is mandatory. On the diagram (Fig. 2. 9) this is shown by a point in the rectangle corresponding to the "PERSONALITY" object.

Let the subject area be the same as in the previous case, but there are situations when some applicants know several foreign languages. In this case, the link between the objects will be of type M: M.

For such a domain, the ER-instances diagram will look like the one shown in Fig. 2. 10, and the diagram of ER-types is as in fig. 2.11.

Personality Language

l1 i1

l2 i2

l3 i3

l4 z4

l5 i5

l6 i6

l7 i7

Suppose that the subject area is some linguistic institute, in which each and: employees necessarily know several foreign languages, and for each of the languages ​​known to science in this institute there is at least one specialist who speaks it.

In this case, the relationship between the objects will be M: M, and the class of ownership of both entities is mandatory.

(An example could be given, but the point is clear).

Above, we considered objects without delving into their complexity. In fact, there are several types of objects.

First of all, these are simple and complex objects. The object is called simple, if it is seen as indivisible. Difficult an object is a union of other objects, simple or complex, also displayed in the information system. The concept of “simple” and “complex” object is relative. In one view, an object can be considered simple, and in another, the same object can be considered complex. For example, the object “chair” in the subsystem of material assets accounting will be considered as a simple object, but for an enterprise producing chairs, it will be a composite object (including “legs”, “back”, “seat”, etc.).

There are several types of complex objects: compound objects, generalized objects, and aggregated objects.

Compound object corresponds to the mapping of the whole-part relationship. Examples of composite objects are NODES-DETAILS, CLASS-STUDENTS, and so on.

Infological models usually do not use any special conventions to display complex objects. The relationship between the composite and its constituent objects is displayed in the same way as described above. Moreover, the nature of the connection can also be different: for example, “DETAILS” and “KNOTS” are interconnected by a relation of the type M: M, and “GROUP” and “STUDENTS” are connected by a relation of 1: M.

Generalized object reflects the presence of the relationship "genus-species" between objects of the subject area. For example, the objects STUDENT, SCHOOLBOY, GRADUATE, STUDENT STUDENTS form a generalized object STUDENTS. The objects that make up a generalized object are called its categories.

Both a “generic” object and “specific” objects can have a certain set of properties. Moreover, the so-called inheritance of properties is observed, that is, a “specific” object has all the properties that a “generic” object possesses, plus properties inherent only to objects of this type.

Determination of genus - specific relationships means the classification of objects of the subject area according to one or another characteristic. Subclasses can be distinguished in an infological model in an explicit and implicit form. In the first case, a special designation for the subclass is introduced in the graphic representation. In fig. 2. 14 shows a fragment of the infological model, reflecting the generalized object "PERSONALITY" for a higher educational institution. There are several categories for him: TEACHER, STUDENT, STUDENT. A triangle was used to indicate the subclass in the circuit.

Naturally, the classification can be multilevel. So, in the considered example, the generalized object "PERSONALITY" can be divided into two subclasses: EMPLOYEE and STUDENT. EMPLOYEES, in turn, can be classified into TEACHING STAFF, ADMINISTRATION, etc.


Rice. 2.14 Generic object image

The classes of objects selected in the domain can be either overlapping or non-overlapping. To display this information in the infological model, you can use the intersection graph, the vertices of which correspond to the classes (subclasses) of objects, and the edges connect a pair of vertices only if the corresponding classes of objects are intersecting. You can use a weighted graph to display the degree of intersection. In this case, the weight of a vertex will denote the cardinality of the corresponding set of objects, and the weight of an edge - the cardinality of the set that is the intersection of the sets connected by this edge (Fig. 2.15).

Rice. 2.15 Intersection graph

The intersection graph contains additional information about the subject area and does not belong to the class of ER-models.

Aggregated objects usually correspond to some process in which other objects are “involved”. For example, the aggregated object "SUPPLY" combines the objects "SUPPLIER", which supplies products, "CONSUMER", which receives these products, as well as the supplied "PRODUCT". The original object is the “DELIVERY DATE”. An aggregated object can, like a simple object, have properties that characterize it. In the example under consideration, such a property can be the delivery size.

Aggregated objects are usually called verbal nouns (for example, supply-supply, release-release, sell-sell, etc.).

Rice. 2.16 Aggregated Object Image

To display an aggregated object in an infological model, we will use the following conventions:

the aggregated object itself will be represented by a rhombus, next to which the name of the corresponding object is indicated. This diamond must be associated with the legend of the objects that make up this aggregated object. The properties of an aggregated object are displayed in the same way as for a simple object. On the rice. 2.16 shows the aggregated object "PRODUCT SUPPLY".

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Lesson 12
Tabular Models

Tabular Models

Issues under study:

Tables of the "object-property" type.
- A table of the "object-object" type.
- Binary matrices.

Object-property tables

Another common form of information model is rectangular table consisting of rows and columns. The use of tables is so common that no additional explanation is usually required to understand them.

As an example, consider table 2.1.

When compiling a table, only the information that interests the user is included in it. For example, in addition to the information about books that are included in table 2.1, there are others: publisher, number of pages, cost. However, for the compiler of Table 2.1, there was enough information about the author, title and year of publication of the book (columns "Author", "Title", "Year") and information allowing to find a book on the shelves of bookshelves (column "Shelf"). It is assumed that all shelves are numbered and, in addition, each book has its own inventory number (column “Number”).

Table 2.1 - it is an information model of the book fund of a home library.

The table may reflect a certain process taking place over time (Table 2.2).

The readings, which are listed in table 2.2, were taken within five days at the same time of the day. Looking at the table, it is easy to compare different days in terms of temperature, humidity, etc. This table can be considered as an information model of the process of changing the state of the weather.

Tables 2.1 and 2.2 refer to the most commonly used table type. They are called "object-property" tables..

One line of such a table contains information about one object (a book in the library or the state of the weather at 12-00 on a given day). Columns - individual characteristics (properties) of objects.

Of course, the rows and columns in Tables 2.1 and 2.2 can be swapped by rotating them 90 °. Sometimes they do it. Then the rows will correspond to the properties, and the columns will correspond to the objects. But most often tables are built so that there are more rows than columns. As a rule, there are more objects than properties.

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