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  • JSC "satellite system" messenger "Possibilities of using the satellite communication system" messenger "in regions with limited radio coverage of cellular communication systems.

JSC "satellite system" messenger "Possibilities of using the satellite communication system" messenger "in regions with limited radio coverage of cellular communication systems.

Messenger (satellite communication system)

"Messenger"- Russian multifunctional personal satellite communication system (MSPSS), built on the basis of low-orbit spacecraft. The purpose of the system is to provide communication services on a global scale. The system is being developed by order of the Federal Space Agency of Russia. The main developer is the operator and the operating organization - OJSC "Gonets Satellite System".

System composition

At present, the Gonets-D1M system is in trial operation. The space segment is a constellation of 5 low-orbit spacecraft (2 1st generation vehicles "Gonets-D1" and 3 2nd generation vehicles "Gonets-M"). The ground infrastructure consists of a system control center and four regional stations in various regions of Russia (the European part, Southern Siberia, the Far North and the Far East). In 2011-2015. it is planned to deploy the Gonets-D1M system, which includes up to 16 spacecraft and 7 regional stations. An increase in the number of spacecraft in the system will significantly improve its tactical and technical characteristics, such as the waiting time for a communication session and the time for delivering information.

At the moment, it is planned to launch 8 Gonets-M vehicles with 3 launches. The first launch is scheduled for February 15, 2013 (3 Gonets-M vehicles # 14, 16, 17). The next satellites are planned to be launched in Q1 2014.

The Gonets-D1M system is being created within the framework of the Federal Space Program of Russia for 2006-2015. At JSC "Information Satellite Systems" named after academician M.F. Reshetnev "ordered 8 new satellites" Gonets-M ". The next generation of Gonets-M1 satellites will also be developed there.

Purpose of the system and services based on it

The main purpose of the "Gonets" system is both the transfer of packaged data between the system subscribers and the provision of communication between subscribers and public networks. The equipment and software of spacecraft and subscriber terminals are designed in such a way that the system does not require continuous presence of subscribers in the radio visibility zone of the spacecraft. In the absence of radio visibility, the message is buffered in the subscriber terminal or in the spacecraft and transmitted as soon as possible. At present, the following services have been implemented on the basis of the Gonets system:

  • data transmission globally
  • determination of the location of a mobile object and transmission of coordinate information
  • personal communication between subscribers of the system on a global scale
  • transmission of circular messages to subscriber groups
  • collection and transmission of telematic information
  • construction of departmental communication subsystems

The subscriber terminals of the system are produced in stationary and mobile (for installation at a mobile facility) execution. The main weight and size limitation of the subscriber equipment is the size of the antenna, which in the mobile version has a round body surface with a diameter of 216 mm.

In the event that the sender and recipient of a message are within the coverage area of ​​the same regional station, data is transmitted directly between their terminals by means of a spacecraft. If the sender and the recipient are in different regions, the data is transmitted from the sender through the spacecraft to the nearest regional station, then through the ground communication channel to the recipient's regional station, and then from there through the spacecraft to the recipient's subscriber terminal. It is also possible to transfer data to an Internet address.

The delivery time of a message currently ranges from one to two minutes, if the sender and the recipient are in the field of view of one spacecraft, up to 6 hours. With the further deployment of the orbital constellation, the maximum information delivery time will decrease.

Applications and consumers

The use of the Gonets satellite system is typical for mobile satellite communication systems:

  • communication in remote regions
  • transport monitoring
  • monitoring of environmental and industrial facilities
  • disaster communications
  • communication in the interests of various departments and ministries

The main users of the "Gonets" system at present are both state structures (Border Troops of the FSB of Russia, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Navy, etc.), as well as commercial organizations and industry enterprises (JSC "Roshydromet", FSUE "SNPO" Eleron " , Research Institute of the Arctic and Antarctic, State Institute of Applied Ecology, Sakhalin Environmental Company LLC, etc.).

Typical application of MSPSS "Gonets-D1M" is the collection and transmission of sensor information from stationary or mobile objects in hard-to-reach areas (for example, monitoring of drilling rigs, meteorological stations, transport), the transfer of confidential information between remote subscribers, as well as the collection and transmission of information about the location of mobile objects (transport). System-based services are provided globally.


Technical characteristics of spacecraft

Orbital constellation composition

Launch date Name Machine type No. in grouping Notes (edit)
19.02 . Messenger D1 No. 1 1996-009A 23787
19.02 . Messenger D1 No. 2 1996-009B 23788
19.02 . Messenger D1 No. 3 1996-009C 23789
14.02 . Messenger D1 No. 4 1997-006A 24725 Withdrawn from the system in 2000
14.02 . Messenger D1 No. 5 1997-006B 24726 Logged out
14.02 . Messenger D1 No. 6 1997-006C 24727 Withdrawn from the system in 2000
28.12 . Messenger D1 No. 10 2001-058D 27058 Withdrawn from the system in January 2004
28.12 . Messenger D1 No. 11 2001-058E 27059 Logged out in December 2008
28.12 . Messenger D1 No. 12 2001-058F 27060 Logged out in May 2006
21.12 . Gonets-M No. 1 2005-048A 28908 Was not put into service due to repeater failure
08.09 . Gonets-M No. 12 2010-043C 37154 In operation
28.07 . Gonets-M No. 13 2012-041B 38734
28.07 . Gonets-M No. 15 2012-041D 38736 In operation (from 20.11.2012)



Currently, the constellation consists of 5 satellites. A fully deployed Gonets-D1M system should consist of 12 satellites. Each of the 4 orbital planes should contain 3 satellites. ...

System Gonets-D1 Gonets-D1M
Number of satellites
PC. total (planes * satellites on a plane)
6 (2 * 3) 12 (3 * 4)
Maximum / average waiting time for a communication session, hour 2.5/1.5 1.3/0.8
Information transfer rate, kbit / s 2.4 up to 9.6 "up"; up to 64 "down"
Frequency range, MHz 259.5-265.2 300-400
Error probability per symbol 10 −4 10 −5
Coding Block Convolutional (k = 7, r = 1/2)
Access protocol TDMA ALOHA
System throughput, Mbit / day 10 2 10 3
Positioning accuracy GPS / GLONASS / autonomous, m 100/-/- 10/10/800


Additional Information

The Gonets-D1 satellite is a civilian analogue of the military Strela-3.

Links, sources

  • "JSC" Information Satellite Systems "named after Academician MF Reshetnev"
  • Shortening distances for a moment (overview of LEO satellite communication systems)
  • Lisov I. Launched "Gonets-M" and "Cosmos-2416" (Russian) // «


MULTIFUNCTIONAL SYSTEM OF PERSONAL SATELLITE COMMUNICATION "GONETS-D1M" Multifunctional system of personal satellite communication and data transmission from spacecraft in low orbits MSPSS "Gonets-D1M" is being created as part of the activities of the Federal Space Program of Russia until 2015, approved by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 22, 2005 635 as amended on December 19, 2007 897, on September 15, 2008 683 and on March 31, 2011 235. Customer: Lead contractor: Operator and operating organization: Federal Space Agency of Russia JSC "Information Satellite Systems" im. ac. MF Reshetneva "OJSC" Satellite system "Gonets" 2

PURPOSE MSPSS "Gonets-D1M" MSPSSS "Gonets-D1M" provides: - SC "Gonets-M1", "Gonets-M", "Gonets-D1" Height, km Inclination, degrees 82.5 Number of planes 4 Number of spacecraft in a plane 3-4 Orbit type circular, bipolar Exchange of messages between subscribers of the system on a global scale; Transmission of data on the location of objects obtained using the GLONASS system; Exchange of messages between subscribers of the system and subscribers of external networks on a global scale; Broadcast transmission of messages to a group of users; Transmission of telemetric (sensor) information from monitored objects to monitoring centers. 3

FIELDS OF APPLICATION MSPSS "GONETS-D1M" Independent control of the location and condition of mobile objects, including cargo; transmission of the route to the dispatch center Collection and transmission of environmental and industrial monitoring information Communication in emergency situations (floods, earthquakes, fires, volcanic eruptions, accidents at hazardous industries) Communication with remote users in hard-to-reach areas Communication in the interests of various ministries and departments 4

MAP OF THE COVERAGE OF RUSSIA WITH A CELLULAR COMMUNICATION OF THE GSM STANDARD The overwhelming part of the territory of the Russian Federation is currently not covered by a continuous field of radio coverage by mobile radiotelephone communication of the GSM standard. 5 - coverage areas of terrestrial GSM networks in Russia

6 The radio visibility zones of 4 ground stations MSPSS "Gonets-D1M" (Moscow, Zheleznogorsk, Tiksi, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk) provide 100% coverage of the territory of Russia, including the exclusive economic zone and the Arctic region. MSPSS "GONETS-D1M" AS AT II KV, 1 SC "Gonets-D1" and 6 SC "Gonets-M" provide global communication. Moscow, pos. Tiksi, Zheleznogorsk, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk

TESTS OF THE "GONETS" SYSTEM IN THE KRASNOYARSK REGION 8 Transmission of coordinate information and alarm messages from school buses * All objects and points from which the transmission was carried out were located in the regions of the Krasnoyarsk Territory with existing problems with coverage by terrestrial communication networks. Tasks solved in the tests: Transfer of information from infomats to the portal of the electronic government of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Communication with remote settlements of the Krasnoyarsk Territory (message transfer) Data transmission from remote polling stations of the Krasnoyarsk Territory - coverage areas of terrestrial GSM networks in the Krasnoyarsk Territory

EXPERIMENTAL ZONE ON TRANSMISSION OF COORDINATE INFORMATION, MESSAGES AND DATA OF DIFFERENT TYPES FROM REMOTE PLACES OF KRASNOYARSKY KRAI Dispatch center Communication with remote objects was carried out according to the "point-to-point" scheme. Gonets terminals were deployed at the facilities and in the dispatch center in Krasnoyarsk. 9

MAIN CONCLUSION ON THE RESULTS OF TESTS OF MSPSS "GONETS-D1M" IN KRASNOYARSKY KRAI 10 Quantitative indicators of complex tests: Successfully transmitted and received: more than 1000 tags with vehicle coordinates; 210 alarm and text messages from vehicles; 120 text messages from remote settlements; 7 information blocks from infomats in remote settlements; 6 information blocks from polling stations in remote settlements. The probability of bringing information to the dispatch center is 100%. The test results showed the possibility of creating a single navigation and communication space on the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory without white spots of coverage.

USE MSPSS "GONETS-D1M" IN DIFFERENT AREAS OF ACTIVITY IN THE TERRITORIES OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION WITH LIMITED GSM COVERAGE 11 Dispatch center RS ​​Moscow RS Zheleznogorsk RS pos. Tiksi RS Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Objects of industrial and environmental monitoring Various types of transport and mobile groups Distributed network of infomats, polling stations, stationary objects, communication in emergency situations

DIAGRAM OF INFORMATION IN THE GONETS SYSTEM 12 When a subscriber is in the service area of ​​terrestrial GSM networks (purple zone), communication is carried out via the GSM channel.

TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF SUBSCRIBER TERMINALS MSPSS "GONETS" OF THE RANGE 0.3 / 0.4 GHz Main characteristics of AT D2 Transmitter power, W Stationary, transportable - no more than 10, wearable - 5 messages for blocks of 500 kbytes) Type of transmitted (received) information Text messages, files, short messages (SMS), messages with location data, user data packets Accuracy of determining the location of a moving object up to 10 m using the GLONASS system Connection of user terminal devices Mobile (transportable ), stationary - RS-485 or 100Base-TX, wearable - USB 110/220 V 50 Hz, the transmit / receive unit can also be powered from a DC power source, including 12 V Wearable - from an AC power source 110 / 220 V 50 Hz, from its own battery Power consumption, VA Stationary, mobile - no more than 36 VA Additional features transportable) terminal 13 Mobile АТ Transportable АТ ОЕМ-module Frequency range, MHz in the "Space - Earth" line 387 - 390 in the "Earth - Space" line 312 - 315 Transmission speed, kbit / s in the "Cosmos - Earth" line 9, 6; 38.4; 76.8 in the line "Earth - Space" 2.4; 4.8; 9.6

COMMUNICATION WITH MOBILE AND STATIONARY OBJECTS ON THE WHOLE TERRITORY OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Port control center anywhere in Russia 14 coordinate information GLONASS orbital group Orbital group Gonets RS Gonets telemetric alarm information telemetry messages text messages RTW to Governments Orbital group Gonets RS Gonets Data transmission from SC to RS Electoral committee, other departments Orbital group Gonets Industry monitoring centers anywhere in Russia Data transmission from SC to RS RS Gonets Various types of transport Industrial and environmental monitoring objects Distributed network of infomats Water resources Soil Atmosphere Remote settlements, polling stations, emergency communications communication with the network various messages information from polling stations

Russia, Moscow, st. Baumanskaya, 53/2 +7 (495), JSC "SATELLITE SYSTEM" GONETS "THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION!

Based on the Closed Joint Stock Company (CJSC) "Satellite System" Gonets ", formed in 1998.

The company is engaged in the development, production, management, operation and provision of communication services of satellite systems, including the sale of terrestrial telecommunication equipment, the implementation of scientific and technological achievements in the field of communications,

OJSC "Satellite system" Gonets "is the operator and operating organization of the multifunctional personal satellite communication system (MSPSS)" Gonets-D1M ".

The ground infrastructure of the system consists of the System Control Center, the Communication Complex Control Center, central and regional stations, the Flight Control Center, and the Ballistic Center. Ground stations MSPSS "Gonets-D1M" are located in Moscow, Zheleznogorsk (Krasnoyarsk Territory), Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and on the Tiksi Peninsula.

The diameter of the radio visibility zone of each regional station of the system is about five thousand kilometers, which makes it possible to provide 100% coverage of the territory of Russia, as well as most of the territory of Europe and Asia.

Work under the program of a personal satellite communication system based on low-orbit spacecraft of the "Gonets" type was started in 1991. In July 1992, two spacecraft of the Gonets-D demonstration project were launched and a network of ground subscriber stations was deployed. This made it possible for the first time in the world to demonstrate a working prototype of a communication system on low-flying spacecraft.

In 1998, on the initiative of Rosaviakosmos, the head organization for the creation of the Gonets NSPSS was established - the Gonets Satellite System CJSC. The deployment of the system was carried out in order to demonstrate the possibilities of transmitting various kinds of information in the interests of government consumers using LEO satellites.

After the successful launch of three spacecraft (SC) in December 2001, nine SC "Gonets-D1" function in orbit.

The control of the orbital constellation of the spacecraft and the functioning of the communication complex are provided by the subdivisions of OJSC "Satellite system" Gonets "and its branches in Moscow, Zheleznogorsk of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. Since 1998, cooperation with enterprises of Kazakhstan has begun - a project to create a Kazakh segment of the NSPSS" Gonets ", within the framework of which a regional station of the "Gonets" system was deployed near Alma-Ata.

To complete the construction of the constellation, it remains to put three satellites into orbit, the launch of which

By the decision of the Federal Space Agency dated December 30, 2011 on the organization of work on the control of spacecraft of the Multifunctional Space Relay System (SC MKSR) "Luch" JSC "Gonets" Satellite System was involved as a co-executor for work with the SC MKSR "Luch". Together with JSC "Information satellite systems named after academician M.F. Reshetnev "company performs the functions of the system operator and develops and provides services based on the system.

Structurally, the Gonets-M1 spacecraft consists of the following main elements:

  • service systems module (platform) - developed by JSC "ISS";
  • payload module (PN) - developer THALES.

The structure of the spacecraft body - non-hermetic design is made in the form of a rectangular prism. The power base of the spacecraft body is four longitudinal struts and honeycomb panels. The panels located along the + ОZ and -ОХ axes are the spacecraft payload panels; they are used for the devices and equipment of the repeater and the antenna module, respectively. The rest of the panels house the equipment of the spacecraft service systems. Since the spacecraft orientation is organized in such a way that the spacecraft XOY plane coincides with the Sun-object-Earth plane, and the spacecraft axis (ОХ) coincides with the radius vector, the spacecraft body planes located along the + ОZ, -ОZ axes are constantly in shadows, which creates the most favorable conditions for their use as radiation surfaces for the release of heat located on them onboard equipment. On the panels located along the + ОZ and -ОZ axes, the equipment of the service systems and the equipment of the repeater with a large heat release are installed.

The spacecraft has the following composition of antennas:

  • 1 antenna D1;
  • 6 antennas D2;
  • 1 antenna D3;
  • 2 C-band antennas;
  • 4 KIS antennas;
  • 4 NAP antennas.

D2 antennas are placed on reclining structures made of honeycomb panels, which transfer them from the starting position to the working one. The transmitting antenna D1 and two C-band antennas are installed permanently on the upper plate of the PN. Antenna D3 is installed permanently on the central tower (structural element of the PN). The KIS antennas are located in pairs on the upper panel of the PN and the lower panel of the instrument compartment. NP antennas are located on the lower panel of the instrument compartment. The solar battery consists of two wings, each of which is mounted on a rotary device, which provides, for orientation of the solar battery to the Sun when the spacecraft is operating in orbit, its rotation around an axis parallel to the axis OZ of the spacecraft. The propulsion system of the correction system is installed in the software along the -OY axis, the line of thrust action passes through the center of mass of the spacecraft. The thrust vector is directed along the -OY axis of the spacecraft, which, when issuing a correction pulse, is oriented in the spacecraft's orbital plane. The optical devices of the attitude control system are placed in such a way as to ensure the required location of their fields of view: POZ - to the Earth, POS - along the -OY axis and + ОХ SC, DMDS along the axis (-OY SC). The magnetometer is mounted on a hinged bar.

Spacecraft equipment matrix



Quantity, pcs.




SC "Gonets-M1"




AFU PN (antenna module)


Antenna D1


Antenna D2


Antenna D3


C-band antenna




Filtering devices



Brackets, stowage elements





Receiving antenna


Transmitting antenna




Filtering devices



Onboard control complex



CJSC STC "Module"




NP (with antennas)

FSUE NPP "Radiosvyaz"

Orientation and stabilization system



17M23 (KA 14F31)

Angular Velocity Measurement Unit

ZAO NPP "Medicon"

Sun orientation device

NPP "Geofizika-Cosmos"

Earth orientation device

NPP "Geofizika-Cosmos"

Electromechanical actuator

UDM DM-1-10

SPC "Polyus"

Electromagnetic device


Static type sun sensor

JSC NPP KP Kvant).






Thermal control system

Heat pipes



SC "Glonass-K", "Luch-5A",

Electric heaters



KA 17F13, 14F132

EO pipelines SK



SC "Hals", "Express-A", "Express-AM"



SC "SESAT", "Express-AM",



SC "SESAT", "Express-AM", "Amos-5"

Correction system

Correction block


FSUE OKB "Fakel"

SC "Luch-5A"

KB "Himmash"

Checking neck


FSUE OKB "Fakel"

SC "Yamal-300", "Amos-5"

Interblock pipelines SC



Power supply system

JSC "Saturn"

JSC "Saturn"

SPC "Polyus"

Radiation monitoring system

Mechanical systems


Separation device



Spacecraft design

Body (with elements of the general assembly)


Qualification as part of ICM, SI


Fuel (hydrazine)

"OSCh" or GHCh-3

Cable network



Balancing weights



Qualified as part of the ICM SC


Mass (payload (including AFU PN)), kg Weight (dry), kg Spacecraft mass (maximum), kg Spacecraft mass (at the design stage), kg Platform PDS power (for payload (on the whole loop)), W SEP power (KA), W Constructive execution
# CharacteristicMeaning
1 125,5
2 216,5
3 450
4 430
5 1x Express-500
6 400
7 2000
8 Leaky

Orbit characteristics

CAC, year
# CharacteristicMeaning
1 10

Satellite personal communication system "Gonets"

The Gonets-D1M multifunctional personal satellite communications system (MSPSS) was created by order of ROSCOSMOS as part of the activities of the Federal Space Program of Russia. In December 2015, the State Commission put the system into operation.


The main purpose of MSPSS "Gonets-D1M" is to transmit data and provide mobile satellite communication services to subscribers on a global scale using a constellation of communication spacecraft in low orbits.

The Gonets system allows monitoring any type of transport, as well as providing mobile personal communications, operational control and management regardless of the location of the facility. The satellite system "Gonets" is used in the transport, oil and gas, and fishing industries. It provides satellite communications in regions with vast territories and environmental monitoring.

Also, Gonets mobile satellite communication channels are used in M2M networks, where there is a need to transmit telematic data from remote locations not covered by terrestrial communication networks.

Orbital constellation

The orbital group MSPSS "Gonets-D1M" consists of 12 low-orbit spacecraft (SC) "Gonets-M".

Spacecraft "Gonets-M"

Ground infrastructure

All ground infrastructure of MSPSS "Gonets-D1M" is located on the territory of Russia. The composition of the ground infrastructure of MSPSS "Gonets-D1M":

  • System control center (Moscow),
  • Communication complex control center (Moscow),
  • Central (Moscow) and regional stations (Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk), Tiksi settlement (planned)
  • Flight Control Center (Zheleznogorsk),
  • Ballistic Center (Zheleznogorsk).

The diameter of the radio visibility zone of each Regional Station of the system is 4500 km, which allows providing 100% coverage of the territory of Russia, including territorial waters and the exclusive economic zone, as well as most of the territory of Europe and Asia.

  • The lead developer is Academician MF Reshetnev Information Satellite Systems JSC.
  • The single operator of ROSCOSMOS State Corporation for communication, broadcasting and retransmission systems is Gonets Satellite System JSC.
  • The contractor in terms of creating a communication complex - JSC "Research Institute of TP".
  • Subscriber equipment developer - Geonavigator LLC.

Detailed information about the "Gonets" orbital system and the services provided -

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