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About incorrect names of musical compositions. Music for the soul

The lesson is intended for mastering the topic “Means of musical expression” in the second grade of a comprehensive school. A fragment of the student's "Workbook" corresponding to this topic has been developed for the lesson materials (Appendix 1).

  • education of emotional and valuable attitude to art; artistic taste of students;
  • development of figurative and associative thinking and imagination, creative abilities in various types of musical activity;
  • enrichment of knowledge about the art of music; mastering practical skills and abilities in educational and creative activities.

Learning objectives:

  • emotional-figurative perception and characterization of E. Grieg's play “Solveig's Song”;
  • expressive performance of the songs “Chunga-changa” by V. Shainsky and “Goodbye, autumn!” A. Kudryashova;
  • comprehension of the concepts “noise and musical sounds”, “vocal and instrumental melody”, “melodies-images”;
  • determination by the sound of the direction of movement of the melody, as well as the musical image created by the composer.

Lesson equipment:

  • presentation “Melody is the soul of music”;
  • presentation of the song by V. Shainsky “Chunga-changa”;
  • presentation “Song of Solveig”;
  • presentation of the song by A. Kudryashov “Goodbye, autumn!”;
  • presentation "Quiz";
  • presentation of the crossword "Melody".

Technical support:

  • a computer;
  • CD player;
  • projection system;
  • musical instruments: button accordion, guitar, violin, piano, drum, tambourine, metallophone, maracas, triola, triangle, etc.

During the classes

Teacher. Hello guys! Today our lesson is dedicated to melody. It is from her that music begins for each person. When a mother sings a lullaby to a baby, no one plays musical instruments with her. But for a small person, there will be no better music for a long time than this melody. The topic of our lesson is “Melody is the soul of music”. (The teacher demonstrates the presentation “Melody is the soul of music”. Appendix 2.) These words belong to the great Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. What is a melody?

Children. (Give their guesses.)

Teacher. The Greek word "melodia" means singing a song and comes from two roots - melos (song) and ode (singing). The melody helps a person convey his feelings and creates various images.

I got an old manuscript from my grandfather, which, apparently, refers to the melody. I suggest you decipher it. Perhaps then we can understand the mystery of music. So, suppose that the word “melody” is written in the central spot of the manuscript, this is indicated by the picture. What is written in the pink spot? Listen and tell me what you hear? ( On Click the sounds of the forest with the voices of birds are reproduced.)

Children. The birds are singing.

Teacher. And now? ( On Click a melody is played by an oboe.)

Children. This is music.

Teacher. Yes, birds make sounds, and musical instruments make sounds too. But are these sounds the same?

Children. No.

Teacher. Let's read E. Koroleva's poem about different sounds. Pay attention to the highlighted lines (After each line read on click an image corresponding to the text appears.):

“All children in the world know
Sounds are different.
Cranes farewell scream,
Aircraft loud murmur

The rumble of cars in the yard,
Barking dog in a kennel
The sound of wheels and the noise of the machine,
Quiet breeze.

These are noise sounds.
There are only others:
Not rustling, not knocking -
There are musical sounds.”

Children. Sounds are different - noise and musical.

Teacher. That's right. What sounds are needed to make a melody?

Children. Musical sounds.

Teacher. Right. (On Click an inscription appears in a pink spot: “Musical sounds”.) How do musical sounds differ from noise sounds?

Children. Noises make noise, and musical ones play music.

Teacher. May be. Let one of you try to play the melody of the song “There was a birch in the field” on the drum, and the other on the metallophone.

Children. It doesn't work on the drum.

Teacher. Why?

Children. The drum beats all the time the same sound.

Teacher. Right. Every musical sound has a certain pitch. “It is she who distinguishes one musical sound from another and any noise from a musical one.” You can compose and sing a new melody, raising your voice higher or lower at will. These will be musical sounds. They can be written down. Look at the musical instruments that are in the cabinet. What do you think, on which of them you can play a melody, and on which you can’t?

Children. On a tambourine it is impossible, on a ratchet, on spoons. And on the piano - you can, even on a pipe, on a button accordion.

Teacher. Right. It's time for us to figure out what is written in the yellow spot. See how many pictures here are tips. What do you see and how can you explain it?

Children. From above, one person plays the drum, and the boy plays the violin.

Teacher. Yes, apparently, and the music they get is different.

Children. Yes, the uncle plays loudly, and the boy plays quietly.

Teacher. Okay. Do not forget that we are solving the manuscript about the melody.

Children. So, the melody is loud and quiet.

Teacher. Right.

Children. In the middle - one muzzle smiles, and the other is sad. The melody is also happy and sad.

Teacher. Well done!

Children. Below, the snail crawls slowly, while the shark swims fast. The melody is fast and slow.

Teacher. Right. Melody is one of the expressive means of music. It is closely connected with other expressive means: mode, tempo. The melody can be loud and quiet, it can be cheerful and sad, it can be fast and slow, it can happen, it can happen, it can happen... So what is written in the yellow stain of an old manuscript?

Children. That the melody is different.

Teacher. Right. ( On Click an inscription appears in the yellow spot: “The melody can be different.”) The next spot is green. What do we see?

Children. Cards with arrows, steps, waves.

Teacher. Listen carefully to the melody and think about what it looks like: waves, steps up or down, arrows up or down? (On click the melody of a waltz from the ballet by P.I. Tchaikovsky's "Sleeping Beauty"

Children. To the waves.

Teacher. Right. We listen to another tune. (On click sounds “Hut on chicken legs” M.P. Mussorgsky.)

Children. Down arrow.

Teacher. Right. We listen to the third melody. (On click sounds like June. Barcarolle” P.I. Tchaikovsky.)

Children. Up the steps.

Teacher. Well done! So, what is written in the green circle?

Children. Maybe “Where is the tune going?”

Teacher. Okay. ( On Click in the green circle appears the inscription “Melody moves differently”.)

Let's try to decipher the inscription in the blue circle. (On click a picture “a pianist plays the piano” appears and motor music sounds. On the second click the picture “singing woman” appears and the song “Chunga-changa” sounds. On Click the sound stops.) What do you think about these two melodies?

Children. The man plays music on the piano, and the woman sings the song "Chunga-changa".

Teacher. So, one melody was composed in order to be sung, and the other ...

Children. To play.

Teacher. Right. A melody that is comfortable for singing is called a "vocal" melody. A melody played on musical instruments that is not meant to be sung is called an "instrumental" melody. So what two tunes have we just heard?

Children. Vocal and instrumental.

Teacher. What is written in the blue circle?

Children. Vocal and instrumental melody.

Teacher. Well done! (On click the inscription “Vocal and instrumental” appears in the blue circle.) By the way, an instrumental melody can also have a vocal character, if it is convenient to sing it. After all, we often sing fragments from instrumental works at music lessons.

It remains for us to figure out what is written in the purple circle. What do these two pictures tell us?

Children. Two artists paint pictures.

Teacher. Yes, and it looks like they have different pictures. (Automatically the video fragment “Dance of swans” by P.I. Tchaikovsky. On Click the sound stops and automatically the inscription “Melody-portrait” appears.) Whose portrait does the melody draw for us?

Children. Portrait of swans.

Teacher. Right. We listen further. (Automatically recitative music sounds. The picture on the slide is a speech by an ancient Greek speaker.) Isn't it true that this melody seems to “talk” to us. (On click a picture appears - the speech of a modern person behind the podium.) This is another image - “human speech”. (On click the inscription “Melody-speech of a person” appears.)

We listened to various melodies that told us about something or someone: “Melody-portrait”, “Melody-speech of a person”. What is encrypted in the purple circle?

Teacher. These are image melodies. As artists draw different images in their paintings, composers draw different musical images with the help of melodies. (On click the inscription “Image Melodies” appears in the purple circle.)

So, we have completely deciphered the old manuscript and unraveled some of the secrets of the melody. You are great! Let's perform together our favorite song by V. Shainsky "Chunga-chang" with dance movements and create an image of a carefree life on a desert island. (The teacher demonstrates the presentation of the song “Chunga-changa”. Appendix 3.)

Teacher. Continuing the conversation about the musical images that can create melodies, I suggest you listen to Edvard Grieg's music “Solveig's Song”. A woman named Solveig has been waiting all her life for her loved one to return to her. And he traveled for a long time to different countries and returned to her already gray-haired. Listen to the music and try to use the information that you received by deciphering the old manuscript. Observe how the melody moves, what is its character, what image did the Norwegian composer Grieg create? Complete Task 1. in the Workbook. Underline the words that correspond to the nature of the melody: “mockingly, calmly, playfully, sadly, cheerfully, lightly, smoothly, lingeringly, festively, solemnly.” (The teacher demonstrates the presentation “Song of Solveig”. Appendix 4.)

Children. (Listening to music and doing the task).

Teacher. Okay. (On slide 3. the teacher after the children's answers on click highlights the correct answers: “calmly, sadly, smoothly, lingeringly”.) Tell me, please, is the melody of a vocal or instrumental nature in this work and why?

Children. Vocal, because Solveig seems to sing it.

Teacher. Right. And this work is called Song Solveig". (Teacher changes slide). Consider carefully the drawing by Nicholas Roerich, which is called “Solveig's House” and tell me what the movement of the melody looks like? Explain your answer.

Children. The movement of the melody is like mountains, like a river. Because the melody goes up and down, wavy.

Teacher. I agree with you. What image does this melody draw, what is this work about?

Children. About Solveig's sadness, about the fact that she is waiting for her loved one.

Teacher. Yes. The melody of Solveig's song is sad. In what way is it written?

Children. In minor.

Teacher. Right. The melody of the song "Goodbye, autumn!" also sad. Let's sing this song, creating an image of farewell to the beautiful autumn. (The teacher demonstrates the presentation of the song “Goodbye, autumn!” Appendix 5.)

Children. (Perform a song with movements).

Teacher. Well done. You have acquired the necessary knowledge about the melody and skillfully use it. I invite you to participate in a quiz. I think that it will not be difficult for you to answer the questions. (The teacher demonstrates the presentation “Quiz”. Appendix 6.)

1. A piece with a clear, energetic rhythm, which is convenient to follow in the ranks.

2. Beautiful rhythmic movements to the music.

3. A performance in which music and dance are combined.

4. A performance in which everyone sings and tells a story through singing.

5. Russian folk dance, in which the girls walk in a circle, holding hands.

6. Composition for orchestra, consisting of 4 parts.

7. A simple piece of music that combines music and poetry.

Children. (Solve the crossword.)

Teacher. Let's check together. (After each answer the children on click the correct answer appears in the cells of the crossword puzzle. You can complete the crossword puzzle collectively according to the same principle: after the children answer, the correct answer is displayed on the screen. This will allow the teacher to reduce the time for solving the crossword puzzle.) All the words of the crossword puzzle are associated with a melody. There are a lot of melodies in three of them. List these three words and explain your answer.

Children. Ballet, opera and...

Teacher. Symphony.

Children. There are many dances in ballet, and each has its own melody. Many people sing in the opera, they all sing their own tunes.

Teacher. There are also many melodies in the symphony. Among them, there may be melodies similar to a march, a dance, a song.

So, today we got to know the melody better, learned a lot about it from an old manuscript. Please remember what the Russian composer said about the melody and give his last name.

Children. Melody is the soul of music. The composer's name is Tchaikovsky.

Teacher. Yes, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. What is the melody?

Children. A melody is made up of musical sounds.

Teacher. That's right. What are the melodies?

Children. Melodies are different: funny and sad, fast and slow, loud and quiet.

Teacher. Okay. How is a vocal melody different from an instrumental melody?

Children. A vocal melody is suitable for singing, but an instrumental melody is not suitable. It is played on musical instruments.

Teacher. Right. Do you think the melody of the Russian folk song “There was a birch in the field” moves “up the steps” or “leaps”? (The teacher hums the first phrase of the song.)

Children. On the steps.

Teacher. Yes. What musical images created by melodies do you remember in today's lesson?

Children. A woman who has been waiting for her fiance all her life.

Teacher. Solveig from Edvard Grieg's play Solveig's Song. What else?

Children. "Flight of the Bumblebee".

Teacher. Don't forget the songs.

Children. “Chunga-changa”, “Goodbye, autumn!”.

Teacher. The image of a happy life on the island and the image of autumn. Well done boys! You did a good job in class. (The teacher evaluates the work of the most active students). Read your homework in the workbook. You have to restore all five entries about the melody from memory. The lesson is over. Goodbye!


  1. Mikhailova M.A. Development of children's musical abilities. A popular guide for parents and educators. Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1997.
  2. Mikheeva L.V. Musical vocabulary in stories. M., Soviet composer, 1984.
  3. Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Musician. /Comp. Medushevsky V.V., Ochakovskaya O.O. - M .: Pedagogy, 1985.
  1. 200 songs. Disco for little ones ©&®OOO “Tsvetomir”, 2008.
  2. Alexander Kudryashov. "Naughty Notes". Songs for children © A. Kudryashov, 2005.
  3. Library of vector images, part 1. LLC "Elkom", 2004.
  4. Collection of animated gifs for web. ART. D56771.
  5. “Favorite Songs of Childhood” © 2005 V. Shainsky, E. Uspensky, G. Gladkov, Y. Entin. S. Kozlov, Gr. Gladkov, E. Krylatov, A. Timofeevsky. M. Tanich.
  6. Music collection SONATA. Not only classics © Institute of New Technologies Ltd. 2004.
  7. Encyclopedia of classical music. © Cominfo, 2002.

About misinformation in the names of musical compositions, or What is "Music of Angels":

"Some evil genius persists in labeling popular music recordings with random beautiful titles. The authors also indicate classical composers who never wrote these works. "Music of Angels" has become probably the most popular question on the music search forums. So, the debunking list:

1. Mozart - Music of the Angels is a wrong title, did Yiruma write this melody? and it is called “River Flows in You”, a rarer replacement is Jan Kaczmarek - Goodbye (from the film Hachiko). Another melody from the film Hachiko can be found under the name Wilhelm Richard Wagner - "Spring Waltz".

2. The composition "Melody of Tears" (or "Tears of Rain") Beethoven never wrote. VKontakte flaunts an erroneous name that ignorant people came up with. This composition was written by a South Korean pianist under the pseudonym The Daydream.
Original song title: Tears.

3. “Mozart W. A. ​​Pure Symphony. Closer to the Dream” is an erroneous title, in fact this composition was written by the Secret Garden team and it is called The promise.

4. The music for the film "Requiem for a Dream" was written by Clint Mansell, but not WAGNER or MOZART! (Wikipedia contains an error in the article about the film).

5. "Chopin Frederic - Spring Waltz (or Autumn Waltz) (4:27)" Chopin never wrote this either, the composition Mariage D'amour with a duration of 4:27 belongs to the composers Paul de Senneville and Olivier Toussaint. The performer is Richard Clayderman.

6. Wagner - Wedding March / A Midsummer Night's Dream / Overture - the composition is incorrectly called VKontakte, the music was written by Yann Tiersen and it is called Yann Tiersen - Comptine d'un autre ete: L'apres midi. Wagner has a wedding chorus from the opera Lohengrin. The second version of Hans Günter Wagener - Sommernachtstraum.

7. D. D. Shostakovich - Symphony No. 5 (Symphony of the Soul) or else it is called the prelude - the name is incorrect, this composition belongs to the Secret Garden team and is called Song from A Secret Garden.

8. "Chopin Frederic - Spring Waltz (1:31)" - another incorrect name, a melody with a duration of 1:31 was written by Jan Tiersen and is called Yann Tiersen - Mother's Journey. It is worth noting that Tiersen, no matter how they are called, human imagination is limitless.

9. "Chopin Frederic - April Dream" - the real name of Yanni Hrisomallis - One Man's Dream.

10. Strauss - Romeo and Juliet is not Strauss, but Nino Rota, who wrote the soundtrack to the movie "Romeo and Juliet", called What Is a Youth?

11.Wilhelm Richard Wagner - Trdne (Wagner - Tear) - the wrong name, in fact it is Dmitry Malikov - Farewell, cruel world

12. Verdi - Sicilian Vespers - the wrong name, the composer of the title theme for the film "The Godfather" is still the same Nino Rota.

13. Strauss - Slow Waltz - Real name Secret Garden - Dreamcatcher

14. Puccini - Tosca (violin), also attributed to Verdi, Vivaldi and Vanessa May - all of these are incorrect names, the true composer Edvin Marton, who processed the melody from Cavaradossi's Aria.

16. Richard Wagner - Requiem for love; Diesses Leben; Life is a misnomer, it's actually Secret Garden - Awakening

17. Beethoven - Silense - wrong name, actually it's Ernesto Cortazar - Beethoven's Silence

18. Claude Debussy - Heroic lullaby is a misnomer, it's actually Carter Burwell - Bella's Lullaby.

19. Albinoni's "Adagio" is a famous myth, in fact, the composer is Remo Giazotto, not Albinoni.

21. Clou - Listening to silence is a misnomer, it's actually Origen - Dance of the Clouds.

22. Johann Sebastian Bach - Prelude No. 13 - this is actually Ketil Bjornstad Prelude 13 (from the movie Loneliness in the Net).

23. Mozart - UEFA Champions League Anthem - Mozart didn't write the Champions League anthem.

25. Johann Pachelbel - "Canon in D major" - sometimes attributed to J.S. Bach.

26. The soundtrack to the film "Schindler's List" by John Williams is attributed to Frederic Chopin.

27.Wilhelm Richard Wagner - Himmelfahrt Schön is a misnomer, it's actually Jonathan Cain - Bridal March.

28. Richard Wagner - The Embodiment of Love - (3.33), actually Toni Hulji - Croatian Rhapsody.

Potemkina Oksana Nikolaevna
Musical entertainment "Melody is the soul of music". Senior group.

Melody is the soul of music.

Target: Awareness melodies as the basis of a piece of music.


Give an idea of ​​expressiveness melodies.

Formation of an emotional relationship with music based on her perception.

Formation of a conscious attitude towards music.

Formation of an active attitude towards music in the course of its execution.

Security: Multimedia installation, projector, computer, music Center. Application - presentation.

Course progress.

Slide number 1. Under music children enter the hall, form a circle.

Musical director: Hello guys. Let's say hello to you too. Listen carefully and repeat.

There is a finger speech game.

I say hello everywhere. At home and on the street

Even "Hi" I say to the neighbor's chicken. Shows "wings".

Hello golden sun! Shows "Sun".

Hello blue sky! Shows "sky".

Hello little oak tree! Shows "oak".

Hello free breeze! Shows "breeze".

Hello Morning! Gesture right.

Hello Day! Gesture left.

I greet. He puts his hands on his chest.

Don't be lazy! Raises arms to sides.

Musical director: So we said hello.

Under music the children sit down.

Musical director: Guys, what do you think it can tell about music? About nature, about mother, about mood. She says a lot, and our main task is to learn to hear her intonations, moods, character. Tell me, guys, what does each grow out of musical composition? Melodies. Music thanks to its capabilities, it opens up a whole peace: takes you to distant times, tells about heroes, tells fairy tales, draws pictures of nature. And at the heart of every work « melody» . P. I. Tchaikovsky said: « Melody is the soul of music» . These words will be the topic of our lesson. And what is melody and why is she a soul music?

Children: Sounds.

Musical director: I play sounds (I play separate sounds in random order, this melody?

Playing instrument notes in discord.

Children: No, sounds in melodies must be connected somehow.

Musical director: Sounds melodies it's like individual letters and words in our speech should be linked into sentences, they should tell us something. That's why melody is thought expressed in sounds. Word « melody» comes from the Greek word melodia, "meloc", which means singing, melody. What are melodies?

Children: Funny, sad, tender and rough, fast and slow, fragile, languid and energetic.

Slide number 2. Musical director: Also the melody is rising, descending and undulating.

The story is accompanied by a show melodies.

Musical director: I.e the melody conveys something to us, expresses. That's why melody- the main means of expression music. Composer via melody conveys his thoughts, feelings, experiences, that is, it reveals its inner world, its soul. Therefore, it can rightly be said that melody is the soul of music.

Music- this is a person's love for life, for nature, for other people. More A. Pushkin said: "And love - melody» . Today we will listen to the tale of creation melodies. Slide number 3.

Children are listening "The Tale of Creation melodies» . Slides #4-22.

Musical director: To further consolidate our acquaintance with melody Let's solve riddles. Slide number 23.

Children guess riddles on the screen.

Repeaters - fasteners.

Musical director: Look at the picture and find those animals that do not occupy their register. Slide number 24.

Musical director: Guys, let's remember the basics with you music is three whales in music.

What is "three whales" in music? These are the three foundations upon which all music. It is song, dance and march. The main thing is to hear the difference in character march music, dance and song.

Let's play a game "Guess the Whale". Hearing the dance music, you clap your hands, you march - you march, and you sing a song.

Under music children form a circle.

The game is being played "Three whales".

Under music the children sit down.

Musical director: The song is one of the most important and main whales in music because the song is the most ancient kind musical art, and the most important part of the song is - Melody! Before we start learning the song, we need to prepare your voices, and for this we will first do breathing exercises.

Respiratory charge. Exercises A. Strelnikova "Pump", "Hug your shoulders".

Breathing exercises.

Elements of breathing exercises by A. N. Strelnikova. The proposed technique was developed by the vocal teacher Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova. The exercises of this therapeutic breathing exercises not only restore breathing and voice, but also have an extremely beneficial effect on the body as a whole. They restore disturbed nasal breathing, improve the drainage function of the bronchi, have a positive effect on metabolic processes that play an important role in blood supply, including lung tissue. They increase the overall resistance of the body, its tone, improve the neuropsychic state of the body.

The exercise "Hug your shoulders". Inhale on chest compressions. Initial position: stand up straight. The arms are bent at the elbows and raised to shoulder level with the hands facing each other. At the moment of a short noisy breath through the nose, we throw our hands towards each other, as if hugging ourselves by the shoulders. It is important that the arms move parallel to each other, and not crosswise. Hands should move in parallel, their position cannot be changed during the entire exercise.

The exercise "Pump". Initial position: stand up straight, hands down. Lean down slightly towards semi: the back is round (and not straight, the head is lowered - looks down at the floor, do not pull or strain the neck, arms are lowered down. Take a short noisy breath at the end point of the bow ( "smell the floor"). Slightly rise, but do not straighten completely - at this point it is completely passive out through the nose or mouth. Bend over again and at the same time take a short noisy breath. Then, while exhaling, straighten slightly, releasing the air through your mouth or nose. "Inflate the tire" easy and simple in the rhythm of the marching step.

Musical director: You and I will learn a morning song.

Let's see the cartoon in which she sounded. Look and tell me what is the name of this cartoon?

Video viewing "Morning Begins" from the cartoon "Scarecrow-Meow".

Vocal and choral work. Learning goes on phrases, with multiple repetitions, with new tasks that correct the nature of the sound. Let's start learning the song with the chorus. Children are more likely to memorize repeated words and chorus melody, the chant performs music director. It is necessary from the very beginning of work on a song to look for an expressive sound, to strive to ensure that the phrasing is logically justified, meaningful pronunciation of the text, to strive to emphasize genre features during performance, choosing the necessary strokes, dynamics, and timbre of voices.

Song learning "Morning Begins" from the cartoon "Scarecrow-Meow" words by M. Yasnov, music I. Kosmacheva.


Musical director: Guys, today we met one of the main musical means of expression melody. I am sure that after today's lesson, you will all remember that music also has a soul - MELODIA. Melody conveys feelings, thoughts, experiences, the inner world of a person. See you again.

Under music children leave the room.

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Lesson 5

The purpose of the lesson: understand that the melody is the main idea of ​​a piece of music.

Music material:"Sweet Dream", P. Tchaikovsky; "March of Wooden Soldiers", P. Tchaikovsky, "Waltz", P. Tchaikovsky; Pas de deux from the ballet The Nutcracker, P. Tchaikovsky; "Merry song" G. Struve, V. Viktorov.

Lesson problem: Why does music need a melody?

Additional material:spread of the textbook-notebook "The soul of music is a melody".

During the classes

1. Organizing time.

  • Guys, Muse sent us a letter: “Help me figure it out. Why does music need a melody? Muse". She'll have to help. Yes, we'll figure it out.(slide 1)
  • Let's sing the song "Leaves are falling, falling." (The authors recommend "Struve's cheerful song, but it seems to me that it is better to sing a familiar song, the one that has already been sung).
  • Who sang the tune? ( Horus).
  • And who played the accompaniment?(Teacher).

2. The development of the theme of the lesson.

  • Let's remember a situation that often happens to each of us in life - some musical motive, the melody does not leave the memory, it relentlessly follows us. We begin to hum this melody, “purring” it “to ourselves”, because we remember it and fell in love with us, without thinking about what kind of music it is, who composed it.
  • What do you think, what is the name in music that we sing?(Words. Song. Melody).
  • You have expressed different opinions. But those who called the word "melody" turned out to be right.
  • Now several melodies of songs will sound, and you try to recognize them.(Melodies of popular songs sound, songs that they learned in music lessons, children name and sing them).
  • You have done well in this task. Now listen to two pieces - a march and a dance. Can you tell when the march was and when the dance?

The melodies of the "March of the Wooden Soldiers" and "Waltz" from the "Children's Album" by P. Tchaikovsky sound. Children determine that the first is a march melody, and the second is a dance. This dance is called "waltz".

(slide 4. All music is inserted on the slide, animation is set up, if the music will not play, you need to re-adjust the links to the music or re-insert the music).

  • By what signs did you determine where the melody of the march sounds, and where - the dance?(The melody of the march sounded clear, abrupt. Its sounds seemed to depict steps, tread. This melody could be played by a drum).
  • In the march, soldier fingers can march on a table or on their knees, children can play the rhythmic pulsation of a piece on imaginary drums. Under the "March of Wooden Soldiers" you can organize an exciting game - a toy parade: the girls "perform" the pulsation of the march with the movement of the hands of the "toy dolls" bent in the palms, the boys play the drums. The conductor leads the parade with a "baton" (pointer) in his hands. - Right!
  • How did you learn the waltz?(The melody in it is smooth, beautiful. It seemed to spin in a dance. You can count “to yourself” - one, two, three). (Children can gently sway rhythmically to the left and right to the waltz music).
  • And now you will hear a little play. It was composed by a composer with whom we have already met in our lessons. Music will remind you of his name.

The melody "Pas de deux" from the ballet "The Nutcracker" by P. Tchaikovsky sounds. (This is the music of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky).

  • Right. This is a wonderful Russian composer(show the portrait of the composer).He composed an album of pieces that young musicians around the world know. This is a children's album.(show playbook)."Children's Album" - a cycle of 24 piano pieces - P.I. Tchaikovsky wrote in 1878 and dedicated it to his nephew Volodya Davydov.
  • Now sit back, as if you were in a concert, and tune in to hear the piece from this album. Attentive listeners will be able to determine whether this is a song, a dance, or a march.

Sounds "Sweet Dream" P. Tchaikovsky performed by the teacher.(This is a song. But no one sings it. This is a song without words).

  • You're right. And why did most of you decide that this is a song? How did the music sound?(Singing, smoothly. Slowly. Affectionately. Thoughtfully).
  • I will now play you the main melody of the piece, and you, with a gentle movement of one of your hands, convey its character.(Students do the task).
  • Well done! You very expressively conveyed the character of the piece with hand movements. What mood did you get after listening to this music?

(Pensive. Calm. Dreamy. Sad. Light). . (The melodic line of the song "Sweet Dream" can be played with children on an imaginary violin, with melodious extended movements of the "magic" bow).

  • Right. The composer called this piece "Sweet Dream". A daydream is a dream, a memory, a thought about something pleasant, dear, kind.
  • Well, now let's watch a cartoon in which music from the "Children's Album" by P. I. Tchaikovsky sounds, watch and listen to "Sweet Dream", and then tell the fairy tale that you saw in the cartoon.

Output: So, we helped the Muse find out why music needs a melody. After all, the melody is the main idea of ​​any piece of music, its face, essence. Melody is the soul of music. From the melody we recognize songs, dances, and marches.

When meeting with music at home, memorize the melodies of the pieces and try to hum them.

We often say “soulful music”, “soul sings”, on a subconscious level, quite accurately defining both the essence of a piece of music and its impact on us.

The bright images, born of the melody, the song, find a lively response in us, and we feel how we are gradually freed from the burden of accumulated worries and problems, how our shoulders straighten, our breath becomes light, our heart warms. And then we are seized with an incomparable feeling of Spiritual flight.

All these beautiful images have a very real basis. After all, a person is a multi-structural, multi-layered energy system (matryoshka), and any sounds, having a wave nature, have one or another effect on us. Everything matters - both the timbre of the sound, and its volume, and the information that it carries, and the emotional mood and which energy centers the musical series acts on.

Music for the soul touches our most delicate strings. It adjusts to a harmonious mood, has great healing power, gives a feeling of joy and peace. It is diverse in its style, content, emotional image, tone, mood. On our site, it is represented by the widest range.

Here you can listen to folk songs and other spiritual music in a variety of performances, accompanied by traditional and modern instruments. This is a choral performance, and ensembles, and works by individual authors. Ancient harp, songs to the accordion, ancient wind instruments - this is an incomplete list of the song and musical diversity deployed on our resource. The Cossack song is especially widely represented (Cossack choir, Cossack song ensembles). The best examples of modern rock music, especially folk rock, are also given.

Let us dwell in more detail on various types of musical works affecting the Soul and Spiritual centers.

Music for the soul includes a variety of musical styles. It differs, first of all, in that it is able to influence the higher energy centers of a person.

Folk (ethnic) songs and melodies correspond to the highest stage of development. So that this statement is not unfounded, let's mention the Slavic energy system, which includes 9 main centers or channels (7 chakras in Eastern systems is a truncated version). Many researchers consider the word "chakra" to be Slavic-Aryan in origin, others replace it with the concept of "chara", but the essence of this does not change. It is in these 9 centers that the most powerful vortex energy flows are concentrated (the word "vortex", by the way, is the same in meaning and sound, which is in Sanskrit and in Russian). These channels, in turn, are divided into 3 parts (each of which has 3 centers). The lower centers are responsible for physical development. The next three correspond to the Soul realm. The upper energy centers ensure the spiritual development of a person. Depending on which energy centers are open, people perceive certain vibrations to a greater extent. If only 3 lower chakras are developed, then musical preferences will be appropriate.

Folk music does not just radiate at the level of the 3 upper centers (Rodnik, Chelo, Mouth), it directly affects the Spirit and Soul, due to which absolutely all centers of a person come into balance. Therefore, musical folklore should be considered and understood as a source capable of harmonizing all human centers. No wonder it is considered the highest point of development of any nation.

Church hymns follow folk music.

They affect the Soul sphere, which also harmonizes the rest of the energy centers.

Classical works (symphonic) affect one of the upper chakras (Mouth or Mouth). The classics not only help a person to develop comprehensively, but also can heal many diseases and disorders. Now it is widely used in various areas of therapy.

Rock music also touches one of the Soul Channels (the creative center, Percy, located at the level of the solar plexus). This is especially true of classic rock styles, folk rock and ballads.

Jazz affects the energy channels that are responsible for the physical body, hence its deliberate sexual coloring. It was reworked into ragtime, from which later various directions of rock music arose.

Pop music (popular ephemeral music) is almost at the bottom of this list. Separately, it should be noted electronic works created by means of synthesizers.

They act on certain centers, but they lose their imagery, because they are not performed on live instruments.

Rap, techno, tam-tam - the lowest level. The impact is exclusively on the lower chakras. There is nothing wrong with activating the lower centers, but a purposeful and constant influence on them through psychorhythm blocks the development of higher energy-information centers. This means that it hinders the development of a person as a whole.

It is difficult to list all the musical directions and genres - there are a great many of them. It is important that any piece of music is a certain radiation that affects both consciousness, and thinking, and all our organs. Folk melodies heal (that is, lead to original integrity) our Spirit and Soul, it is no coincidence that they say that while folk songs are alive, the Soul is alive and the Spirit of the people is invincible.

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