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Do I need to power on lnb. Ground fault

Digital television, through consoles from different companies, can equally fail. One of the most common errors is Warning LNB short. It does not allow you to tune channels and, accordingly, view them. The notification flashes on receivers from BBK.

What does the error mean

Warning LNB short literally translates as receiver block short. The error itself is caused by several reasons:

  • closure of the braid and central core;
  • debris falls on the main transmission rod inside the cable;
  • inconsistent settings for active antennas;
  • technical damage to the TV, or the tuner board burned out.

How to fix the problem

We have collected all the points that should be checked first, starting with the simplest and most common reasons.

Ground fault

The telecommunication cable from the antenna to the set-top box can be punctured by the ground. This means that the outer metal braid is somehow in contact with the inner core (core), which should never be allowed.


Double-check that all settings are correct. Some users note that the "Warning LNB short" error is resolved by switching antenna modes. By default, the set-top box menu contains an item that provides connection through an active antenna, so if you do not have one, then you should disable this function... Choose a connection method via a passive antenna.

For BBK, an option in the Menu will be listed as turning off the power to the antenna input - look.


Try turning off the power to the antenna. In general, power is needed for active antennas with a current of 5V. For analog antennas it is not required.


I hope our tips will help you understand what this Warning LNB short notice means and how to remove it from your TV.


    Tuner setting
    To scan channels in the receiver, you need to perform initial setup tuner - select the satellites that you receive and specify the necessary settings in their parameters.
    Let's consider tuning the tuner using the example of two satellites Eutelsat 36B / Express AMU1 36.0 ° E and Hotbird 13.0 ° E. In the example DiSEqC settings the switch will not be used, i.e. the receiver must be connected with a cable to a converter installed on a dish tuned to the corresponding satellite. For tuner settings, open Menu-> Settings-> Search for services-> Tuner settings-> select the model of the installed tuner by pressing the "OK" button.

    In our case, Tuner A: Alps BSBE2 (DVB-S2) is installed.
    After clicking the "OK" button, we get to the tuner settings menu "Reception Settings", in which we indicate the necessary settings.
    For the Hotbird 13.0 ° E satellite, the settings will be as follows:
    "Configuration Mode" / "Configuration mode": select - "advanced" / "advanced" (selected using the remote buttons "left" / "right")
    "Satellite": - "Eutelsat Hotbird 13B / 13C / 13E (13.0E)"
    "LNB": select the converter number - in my case it is "LNB2"

    "LOF": choose a use case universal converter- "universal LNB" / "universal LNB", such converters are used to receive a signal in linear polarization

    "Increase voltage": in the case of using a short length of coaxial cable, select - "no", otherwise specify - "yes", which allows you to compensate for the voltage drop across coaxial cable long length

    For satellite Eutelsat 36B / Express AMU1 36.0 ° E settings will be as follows:
    "Satellite" / "Satellite": - "Eutelsat 36B / Express AMU1 36.0 ° E"
    "LNB": select the converter number - in my case it is "LNB4"
    "Priority" / "Priority": leave "auto" / "Automatic"
    "LOF": select the option of manual setting of parameters - "User-defined"
    Note the three parameters below, they are used for this satellite, the converter must be set to Circular.
    LOF / L: - 10750
    LOF / H: - 10750
    "Heterodyne": - 10750

    "Voltage Mode": leave the value - "Polarization"
    "Increase voltage": "no"
    "Tone mode" / "Tone mode": leave the value - "Band" / "Range"
    "DiSEqC mode" / "DiSEqC mode": select the option without using DiSEqC - "no" / "none"

    We save the settings that we have set.

    Scanning channels.
    Let's consider an example of how to manually scan the channels of the NTV + package, which comes from the Eutelsat 36E satellite. The package description indicates the transponders from which the package channels work. Take the 11785 R 27500 FEC 3/4 DVB-S2 / 8PSK transponder as an example. To scan it, go to Menu-> Settings-> Search for services-> Manual search

    Set scanning parameters:
    "Scan type": - "User defined transponder"
    "System": - "DVB-S2"
    "Sputnik": - "Eutelsat 36B / Express AMU1 36.0 ° E"
    "Frequency": - "11785"
    "Inversion": - "Auto"
    "Flow rate": - "27500"
    "Polarization": - "Circular Right" (R- Circular Right, L- Circular Left)
    "FEC": - "3/4"
    "Modulation": - "8PSK"
    "Roll-off factor": - "0.35"
    "Pilot": - "Auto"
    "Scanning the network": - "no"
    "Clean up before scan": - "no"
    "Free only": - "no"

    Then press the "OK" button on the remote control or the green button to activate the transponder scan. The same actions will need to be performed with all transponders specified in the package description.



    I'll make a reservation right away that the settings are the same on different receivers on the E2 and the description is suitable for them as well. To connect the receiver to computer network you need to connect it with a direct LAN network cable to the router or DSL modem configured in router mode. There are two options for the settings, this is the receipt of settings by the receiver via DHCP and manual setting... In the first option, the router or DSL modem must be enabled DHCP server(usually it is enabled by default), which will automatically "distribute" devices to home network required parameters local network.
    Receiving settings by the receiver via DHCP.
    As mentioned above, this option requires a DHCP server, which can be a router or DSL modem (in most of these devices this feature is implemented), configured in router mode. After connecting the LAN receiver with a cable to the router, open Menu-> Settings-> System-> Network and network connections->
    Use interface: - Yes
    Use DHCP: - Yes

    After selecting these settings, press the OK button on the remote control, answer "yes" to the question "Are you sure you want to activate this network configuration?" and wait for the activation of the network configuration. If the addresses of domain name servers - DNS are not registered in the router or DSL modem, then you will need to specify those used by your Internet provider in the Dreambox, they are set in Settings-> System-> Network and network connections-> DNS settings. The receiver allows you to enter up to two DNS addresses servers. Can be used alternative DNS servers, for example the same Google: and
    Setting network parameters manually.
    If you do not use a DHCP server on your router, DSL-modem, or they do not work correctly, then you need to select a free IP address from your local network, which will be assigned to the Dreambox and register the necessary parameters in the receiver's network settings. To do this, open Menu-> Settings-> System-> Network and network connections-> Configure adapter. Activate the following parameters with the arrows to the right / left:

    Use interface: - Yes
    Use DHCP: - No
    IP address: - here we indicate a free address in your local network (it should not be used in other devices on your local network), in my case I indicated
    Subnet mask: - specify the subnet mask, in most cases - is used, but there may be another.
    Use Gateway: - Yes
    Gateway: - here you need to specify the IP address of your router / DSL modem
    To be sure if you have specified the correct mask and gateway, you can look at them in the settings network card computer, if it is connected to the same router as the Dreambox, or open the command line of the computer and issue the ipconfig command, where after this command you can see this data in the adapter parameters.
    In the same menu, by the blue button, you can go through and change DNS settings servers

    Click the OK button to save the DNS settings and adapter settings. After that, you can do a network test and make sure that we did everything right. To do this, open Menu-> Settings-> System-> Network and network connections-> Network test, press the green button on the remote control, after which the receiver will display parameter tests, if everything is done correctly, you will see a similar picture:

    Use the red button to exit this menu. Now you can test the availability of the receiver on the local network and the access of the receiver in global network.
    Checking the availability of the receiver in the local network and access of the receiver to the global network.
    To produce simple check the availability of your receiver on the network, you must ping the receiver from your computer. To do this, on a computer with operating system Windows press the Start button, in the "Run" line, type cmd.exe, click on cmd.exe and enter in the window that opens ping command, ​​where instead of we indicate the IP address of the Dreambox receiver, which was allocated by the DHCP server or you entered it manually. After that, press the Enter / Enter button and observe the exchange of packets between the receiver and the computer.

    In case you get an error - "The waiting interval for request has been exceeded" instead of exchanging packets, you will need to check the connection network cable to the receiver, the operation of the DSL modem or router, the correctness of entering the IP address of the receiver, and also to double-check network settings receiver, if you entered them manually and did not receive them through the DHCP server.
    To check the receiver's access to the global Internet network, you need to connect to the receiver using the telnet protocol. In Windows XP, the built-in telnet client is activated by default, but in Windows Vista and Windows7 needs to be activated.
    Using Windows7 as an example, let's look at a couple of ways to do this:
    Turning on telnet method 1:
    Start - Control Panel - Programs and Features - Enable or Disable windows components- Telnet client (check the box)

    Turning on telnet method 2:
    Run the command line as administrator (Start - type cmd - in the window that appears, right-click on the cmd.exe application -
    run as Administrator):

    And we give the command: dism / online / Enable-Feature / FeatureName: TelnetClient

    We are waiting for the activation process to complete
    For a connection with a telnet receiver, open a window command line and give the command: telnet ip address of your receiver, in my case it is telnet and click Enter

    When prompted for a password, specify root and press Enter

    When prompted for a password, type dreambox (Carefully! The password will not be displayed) and press Enter

    After connecting to the receiver using the telnet protocol, you can check the ping, for example, to and make sure that the receiver has access to the global Internet, for this we give the command ping

    If you see the exchange of packages between the receiver and the server, then the network settings on the receiver can be considered complete and you can proceed to further setting up the receiver.

When faced with setting up receivers and DVB-cards for the first time, even experienced computer specialists sometimes give up. No, they cope with the installation of drivers, and with the struggle with the spacing of interrupts, etc. The difficulty is caused by the settings for a specific transponder. Questions like: What are the frequencies 9750, 10600, I entered everything correctly, why are 50 channels scanned for a friend, but I only have 20? There is nothing complicated here, just the settings of satellite receivers have some peculiarities.

As you know, for satellite radio systems in the downstream direction (satellite - ground), a frequency range from 10700 to 12750 MHz is allocated, called the Ku-band. The width of the range, respectively, Fcu = 12750 - 10700 = 2050 MHz. Electromagnetic vibrations such frequencies experience strong attenuation in cable lines, therefore, in the receiving device (converter), not only amplification of vibrations occurs, but also a range conversion (frequency lowering). For this, a process called heterodyning is used. Its essence is as follows: when multiplying the received frequency and the frequency of the reference oscillator, called the local oscillator, many new spectral components (harmonics) arise, of which we are interested in two components, the difference and the total: Fget * Fc = F (get-c) + F ( het + c) (first order harmonics). The total harmonic F (het + s) is suppressed by filters. Difference frequency F (get-s), called intermediate frequency (IF), is allocated by a band-pass filter, amplified and fed into the cable.

Note that in the case of receiving the C-band, the frequencies of which lie in the range of 3400 - 4200 MHz, the local oscillator frequency is higher than the received one and is usually equal to 5150 MHz. In this case, the expression takes the form Fget * Fc = F (c - het) + F (c - het). The essence of this does not change - the total frequency is choked by filters, and the difference frequency is amplified and fed to the receiver.

For the converted satellite signal, a range from 950 to 2150 MHz is allocated, called the L-band. The width of this range, respectively, FL = 2150 - 950 = 1200 MHz. As you can see, this band is two times narrower than the Ku-band (2050 MHz). Note that the entire C-band fits into the allotted band.

Let's go back to the Ku-band. To get around this limitation, the Ku-band was split into two sub-bands - upper and lower. The lower one is from 10700 to 11700 MHz, the upper one is from 11700 to 12750 MHz. Accordingly, for each band, the converter uses its own local oscillator, with frequencies of 9750 MHz for the lower and 10600 MHz for the upper sub-bands. In this case, the IF values ​​lie from 950 to 1950 MHz (950 = 10700 - 9750 and 1950 = 11700 - 9750) for the lower, and from 1100 to 2150 MHz (1100 = 11700 - 10600 and 2150 = 12750 - 10600) for the upper subranges. Accordingly, the bandwidth is 1000 MHz for the lower and 1050 MHz for the upper sub-bands. As you can see, these bands are narrower than the L-band (1200 MHz). Indeed, the upper bound of the lower sub-range is 9750 + 2150 = 11900, and the lower bound of the upper sub-range is 10600 + 950 = 11550.

Thus, in the frequency band from 11550 to 11900 MHz, the upper and lower sub-bands are superimposed and signal reception is possible in both of them. This explains the fact that the crossover frequency (Switch), which is usually equal to 11700 MHz, is chosen conditionally and can be changed based on the quality of signal reception lying in the overlap region. Indeed, the stability of the heterodyne corresponding to this frequency range, possibly narrow-band interference in the IF cable, may require a forced change in the crossover frequency in order to activate another local oscillator and, accordingly, obtain a different IF.

Technically, switching the local oscillators in the converter is very simple. The tuner of the DVB receiver, together with the supply voltage (13 V or 18 V), can also feed the converter a signal with a frequency of 22 KHz and an amplitude of about 1 V. The presence of such a signal informs the converter about the need to switch to the upper sub-band of 11700 - 12750 MHz.

Why do you need frequency conversion?

Any radio signal receiver, in addition to sensitivity, also characterizes the most important parameter selectivity. It shows how the receiver is able to distinguish the desired signal and to reduce the effect of interference. We are talking about frequency selectivity, which characterizes the ability to distinguish signals that are closely spaced in frequency. Historically, given node formed on bandpass filters. It would seem easier to place a bandpass filter at the input of the device. However, firstly in the field high frequencies it is impossible to form a bandpass filter of the required bandwidth and (most importantly) with the required slope of the characteristics in the absorption region (ideally, a "P" -shaped filter), secondly, it is even more difficult to create a tunable filter with an invariable transmission characteristic (we also need tune the frequency).

That is why frequency conversion is used in receivers. Assuming that the difference frequency (IF) is unchanged (it is to this frequency that the bandpass frequency is tuned selective filter), changing the frequency of the local oscillator, we rebuild the receiver. Those. the equality Fгet - Fc = Fпч is always observed. Thus, the tuner of the DVB-receiver contains one more (but not the last) generator, which (and precisely it) must also be tuned to receive the desired frequency.

What is LNB?

LNB stands for Low Noise Block. This unit is installed in front of a satellite dish, which receives very low signal, and amplifies it, changes the signal to more low frequencies and transmits them via cable to the receiver.

The expression Low Noise refers to the quality of the first preamplifier of the transistor. The quality changes in units known as "noise temperature" or "noise figure". The lower the noise temperature, the better. So, an LNB with a noise temperature of 100 K is twice as good as - 200K. C-band LNBs tend to have the lowest noise temperature and Ka-band LNBs tend to have the highest.

Block refers to the transformation of a block of microwave frequencies received from a satellite into lower frequencies. Satellite broadcasting generally occurs in the 4 to 12 or 21 Hz range.

The diagram shows an input wave tube that is connected to the collecting feed or horn. As shown here, there is a vertical pin on the wide side of the wave tube that extracts vertically polarized signals as electric current. Satellite signals first pass through a bandpass filter that only passes ultra-high frequencies... The signals are then amplified by the LNA and then transmitted to the mixer.

In the mixer, everything that goes through the filter and amplifier captures the local oscillator and produces wide range distorted outgoing signals. This process includes generating the required signal types. As a result, the mixer produces the required input signal and local oscillator frequencies. The second type of signal goes through a filter and is sent through an L-band amplifier and cable.

Typically, the outgoing frequency is the input frequency minus the LO frequency. In some cases, the opposite is true. In this case, the output spectrum is inverted.

Input frequency band from satellite waveguide

Input band GHz

Local Oscillator (LO) frequency

Output L band into cable.


inverted output spectrum

Invacom SPV-50SM

Invacom SPV-60SM

Invacom SPV-70SM

Inverted Saorsat

These are all examples of simple LNBs with one LNA and one LO frequency.

There are also more complex LNBs, especially for receiving satellite TV where people want signals different frequencies or alternative polarization.

Two-way LNB

They will typically have two opposite LO frequencies, such as 9.75 GHz and 10.6 GHz, with the ability to receive higher frequencies using a 22 kHz tone fed through the cable. Such LNBs can be used to obtain 10.7-11.7 GHz using the lowest LO frequency of 9.75 GHz or 11.7-12.75 GHz using the highest LO frequency of 10.6 GHz.

LNB dual polarized

This type has one cable going to the wave tube - it picks up the vertical polarization. If the incoming wave tube is circular, then it is possible to support two polarizations, and it can be positioned so that the two input probes are at right angles, then this will allow two opposite polarizations to be selected. Dual polarized LNB can be switched on remotely using different voltage nutrition direct current... For example, 13 volts - vertical polarization and 19 volts is horizontal.


If both input probes have their own amplifier, then you actually have two converters in one module, which will have two output cables, one for each type of polarization. There are many options for this design. For example, Quad LNB has 4 outputs for two lanes. This design is convenient for apartment buildings.

Satellite TV antennas in Marinek online store

Company Marinek offers modern satellite fixed, ship and mobile TV antennas with high-performance LNB, which can be used to solve serious organizational problems satellite TV broadcasting on one or another mobile or stationary object. Satellite dishes famous brands are the basis for creating comfort when driving and parking, possess the highest quality and are able to create additional cost as part of the provision of services and creating additional comfort.

Specialists offer satellite TV antennas of the most reputable brands.

Tricolor TV offers to watch many channels via satellite, in excellent quality... And to find out which frequencies correspond to which channels, you need to use special tables.

This is a high quality satellite connection, which operates over a vast territory (including Siberia), and includes many interesting channels, even such as TNV, which is quite rare in packages. However, to be able to enjoy all the benefits of this offer, you need to be able to properly configure it.

Setting up broadcasting (all channels, including TVN, and throughout the entire territory, including Siberia) is possible if you have:

  • Receiver for receiving TV channels (including TNV).
  • Antenna of the required diameter (namely, 90 cm).
  • Two converters - linear and circular polarization.
  • Multifeed.

The broadcasting package from Tricolor TV is becoming very popular, and everyone can connect it. This can be done even without the help of specialists. It is enough just to know what settings need to be set. Of course, the list of channels (Siberia) is not perfect (although it includes TNV). There may not be many channels you need, but this is not a problem, since you can watch them on other satellites.

Customization features

Before learning about the frequencies of Tricolor TV, you need to correctly connect and configure all the equipment. You need to start from the location of the antenna. To receive all channels, including TNV. Later, you will need to get acquainted with large quantity settings, including lnb and others. When placing the antenna, make sure that it faces south, and that there are no high obstacles there. Ideally, there should be a clear horizon in front of the antenna. Then the customization will pay off.

It's great if you can adjust the position of the cymbal during operation to get a cleaner signal. This setup is not only flexible, but also justified by operational needs.

The instructions will indicate how to assemble the antenna, after which you will need to move on to the next step - setting up the broadcast and the channel table.

You will come across lnb when setting up a multifeed. For everything to work perfectly, the lnb value must be "single". If lnb is assigned a different value, adjustment to Tricolor is not possible.

Many settings are made manually and cannot be adjusted automatically. So, you will need to independently configure your entire system to receive a specific satellite, and it all starts with system setting... Here the value of the Number should be 1. It is important to observe the value of the lower line 10750, the upper line 10750. They may be different by default. However, you need to bring these frequencies to such a single form. Change the values ​​manually if necessary.

Next, configure manual settings... Select antenna number and frequency as instructed in the instructions. V in this case 1, Eutelsat W4, 12226. Select the flow rate 27500. This is the optimal value with which it is convenient to work. After these simple manipulations, you need to look for a signal and navigate by the light indicators. There are no particular difficulties at this stage, but make sure that the mirror has full overview and you didn't block it.

Once you have acquired the satellite signal, it will be very easy to tune the channels.

What channels are there?

To connect the channels themselves, just select the channel search in the menu. The receiver itself will find all the channels that are provided by this direction communication. Of course, you can also do everything manually if you enter the details of each channel yourself. This way you can achieve excellent signal quality. Below is a table of frequencies.

This table lists all the channels that might interest you.

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