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Do I need to update the system in the phone. Is it possible and worth it to update the version of android

Regardless of whether you are a developer or an entrepreneur, the applications that fall under your responsibility should be updated regularly so that users do not get the impression that your business is dead. So it is very necessary to update the application regularly.

In the rapidly developing mobile world Your application will be forced to compete with hundreds and thousands of similar products, many of which are, in fact, garbage, making it difficult for your customers to find the application on the market.

Let's see why it's so important to update the app regularly.

People love new things, the more, the better, so you need to update the application

One of the main ideas of the application is to notify customers about new products, promotions, etc. It is for this, most often, people open the application. What will they think if they log in time after time and see no change. That's right, it seems that the application is abandoned.

Updating the application is a great occasion to send a pop-up notification and remind you of yourself, showing that you care about your customers, remember them. If someone opens the app for the first time and sees that latest news was published 3 months ago, and over the past six months you have not announced a single promotion or discount, then why does a person need such an application? It's rubbish and rubbish.

Down with outdated information, events and news!

Life goes on, something changes, interesting events happen, and you treat the application like with an old chest - one day you stuffed it with incomprehensible rubbish and expect your customers to appreciate your efforts. This is stupid. Make sure you have at least a calendar upcoming events is updated relatively regularly and works correctly.

This is where you can feel the beauty of such systems as iBuildApp. There is no need to frantically edit the calendar in several places. Create a Google calendar, fill it out and paste it into your app. Now you can edit your calendar in one place, and the changes will immediately appear in your application. Conveniently? so you need to update the app!

Include in the application news feed, just like the calendar, it will be updated regularly. The only thing that needs to be updated manually is the design. Feel free to correct what seems outdated or has been done carelessly. This will positively affect the image of the application, and therefore yours too.

Only an actively developing company can have an interesting application

Users can always see when the app was last updated on Google Play or Apple Store. The situation is absolutely similar to the state of affairs in web construction: if your site looks like a legacy of the 90s, you should not expect that you will be taken seriously, because the question arises as to whether you are working or you can be crossed off the list of existing companies.

Mobile strategy and customer base review welcome

iBuildApp provides the ability to collect statistics to understand how popular your application is, whether it is in demand and successful. Perhaps updating the application is not your favorite job, but the need to do it gives other results - you can check the statistics in one go and draw conclusions about whether you need to change something in your mobile strategy.

The statistics are sure to make you think about whether you need to update your product pages or reorganize the application structure. Brainstorm- this is perhaps the most correct description what needs to happen to update the application.

Many users install new applications from Play market to your Android smartphone. It happens that a user suddenly notices that a friend has exactly the same application that does not work the same way as he does. More precisely, in the application, a friend has new features and features, but for some reason our user does not have them. The user has great doubts about what he uses updated application latest version. The question arises, how to update the application on Android?

Rice. 7. Click "Accept" to grant permission to Yandex.Mail to use device resources

Click "Accept", the application update starts, it will take some time.

You can find out which applications are updated and which are not in the Play Market, the "My applications" option, the "Updates" tab:

Rice. 8. Message in the Play Market that the Yandex.Mail application has been updated

Setting up update notifications

It happens that update messages come completely out of place and there is a desire to turn them off. You can turn off the sound that occurs when such updates appear, or block them from receiving them.

To turn off notifications, you need to open the Play Market settings. To do this, follow the steps described above in Figures 1-3. When the “My apps and games” option is opened on the Android smartphone, you need to scroll (scroll) the window down so that the “Settings” appear (Fig. 9):

Rice. nine. Play settings market

Open the "Settings" of the Google Play Market, and click "Notifications" (1 in Fig. 10):

Rice. 10. Update notification settings. Application auto-update settings.

Having opened "Notifications", we check the checkboxes. If you do NOT want to receive notifications about the availability of updates for applications, you must uncheck the box next to "Updates" (1 in Fig. 11). Also in this case, you should uncheck the box next to "Automatic update" (2 in Fig. 11):

Rice. 11. Check / uncheck the checkboxes for update notifications and for auto-update applications

If the checkboxes are unchecked, then notifications about the availability of updates and about automatic update shouldn't come.

Set up auto-update applications to save Internet traffic

Everyone chooses the settings for auto-updates of applications for himself. On fig. 12 "Only via Wi-Fi" is selected. It is convenient to update applications. I already have a sad experience when the limit mobile traffic ends quickly and completely unexpectedly. However, Wi-Fi is not ubiquitous and widespread, so you have to think about the consumption of Internet traffic and choose the appropriate settings.

Rice. 12. Application auto-update settings

Useful information about app updates in compressed form can also be found in Google help:

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. 21 March 2017 32201 views 0 comments

Like all other operating systems, Android needs to be improved, more performance, work optimization. It was all these requirements that became the impetus for the creation official updates that come on mobile device in the form of a small notice. It is worth paying attention to the fact that you can watch the updates yourself (Settings - About device - Software update). Such adjustments are very good and useful for phones or tablets, because with their help the work of the device will be improved. It is customary to distinguish two types of such restorations: large and micro. For the former, more traffic is needed to download from the Internet, while the latter are less demanding and more popular to use, since there are no global changes, but only the optimal stabilization of a real system. Large ones are usually aimed at changing the device to the root, while micro ones will only be corrected by some patches, only minor disadvantages.

OS updates. Main characteristic

New opportunities are always interesting. Presenting the improved operation of the device, the developers do not push us to buy a new smartphone, but offer in turn good updates operating system. But next to all this is big disadvantage- OS security. It's no secret to anyone Android system a decent number of such gaps. This is a defect of the manufacturer, who refuses to provide updates to the unfinished OS by releasing a smartphone. But still, patches are very important for common work devices that only updates can provide us, and it is a pity that not all users have this opportunity. And so it will be until Google finds a way to control the security of smartphones without the participation of manufacturers. Basically, OS firmware includes many important and interesting applications And various programs for comfortable use of the device. Decreased performance in this case excluded, since the update is directed on the contrary to the improvement. But at the slightest doubt about the installation, you should think carefully and look necessary information about new updates to make a decision.

Is there any chance to bring back the old version?

For whatever reason, smartphone users refuse the updated system, wanting to return to the previous version. Unfortunately or fortunately, the device itself does not allow this. But still experienced craftsmen find ways to return to the familiar OS. One of these ways:

We find the official website of the phone manufacturer;

We are looking for the item "Software";

Still, any update is a waste of time and additional hassle. Certainly, updated system may contain as useful programs, and a lot of errors, which in turn create unnecessary worries with the device. This divides people into certain categories: some do not want to waste their own time, others are afraid to take risks and change something, because they are already used to the old version, and some do not even know about the existence of such adjustments, and that they are necessary. But it is worth remembering that the use of old systems is an action against own security. Take five minutes to take the OS update into your own hands. Of course, this is not always possible, but nevertheless, eliminating the shortcomings and making the work more efficient is everyone's business.

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Many smartphone users do not know why update Android. It seems to most that after the purchase it is better to leave the version of the OS that was originally.

But if you want to use new programs (say, for), and also avoid software failures, then you cannot avoid updating.

Top Reasons to Update Android

The main factors which OS should be updated:
  • After installation new version the device starts working several times faster, while you do not change the elements inside the device.
  • Improving the functionality of the system.
  • The errors that appeared in the old version of the OS will disappear.
  • On new versions software games and applications that did not run on the previous software work.
  • After updating the OS, it becomes more comfortable for you to work with the device.

Android updates are of two types :

  1. update .

    Such updates weigh about 500 MB, they are in free access in the Internet. When downloading, make sure you have a stable network connection.

    It is better to use when downloading wired Internet or wi-fi, since with gprs-internet there may be breaks with the network, which in the future will lead to re-downloading.

  2. Micro .

    Such updates weigh about 50 MB, they are aimed at eliminating errors in applications. Most often they are invisible to the user.

    Such updates are aimed at changing some programs, and not at updating the OS as a whole.

Pros and Cons of Android Updates

If you are in doubt about whether you need to update Android on your gadget, then you should know that these actions will lead to an improvement in your device, like programs for, for example.

If you are tired of system glitches on your phone, then you should refresh your software version. This is the main plus of the update.

Cons of updates:

  • Possible disappearance of some icons on the desktop.
  • Installing new programs that are then difficult or not removed at all. This is due to the introduction of certain adjustments by the developers.
  • At home, firmware often fails, and if your device is under warranty, then you can lose it.
In the end, I want to say that you still need to update. This is useful both for the owner of the gadget (i.e. you), and for the system of the device and the performance of the smartphone.

There is no need to be afraid of this and put it off "for later." But at the same time, if you fundamentally do not want to update, you can not do this and use old version OS.

"When will I get an update?" "My friend already has a fresh Android on Xiaomi, but my Samsung is still on Android 7.0." "And on iOS, the update comes to all devices at the same time." The controversy surrounding Android updates has been going on for years. What you need and it is important to know about the features of operating system updates Google systems? We tried to figure it out.

Are you sure you need the latest version of Android on your smartphone? I asked myself this very question long time and firmly believed that I could not live without the latest version of the "sweet" operating system. From KitKat to Lollipop, Marshmallow and Nougat, I've been looking forward to updating my smartphone by regularly checking the update schedule from all sorts of official and unofficial sources.

And now it's 2018 and I'm still happy as a child when the long-awaited update to Android 8.0 arrives on my smartphone. What do the updates bring? android versions? After all, often you don’t even see visual changes in the system, everything happens “under the hood”. So what is the value of the update, in addition to changing the serial number of the system? Especially considering that even flagships like the Galaxy S9 are already outdated version Android 8.0 while devices like Google Pixel flaunt a version of the system with an index of 8.1? Let me share my thoughts on this.

Which smartphone do you prefer - a device with Android 7.1.2 or a device with Android 8.0 on board? I understand that in life the question is not so worth it, and the buyer chooses from more parameters. But other things being equal, it is highly likely that a smartphone with a more recent version of the system will be purchased. Right? So why are not all manufacturers in a hurry to update their smartphones to latest version Android? I'll try to tell based on own experience and observations.

Each new version of Android brings a large number of new functional changes. Some of these changes are coming to smartphones different manufacturers in the form of their own add-ons over pure android much earlier than Google makes them part of the system. For example, the multi-window mode in Samsung smartphones appeared a couple of years before Google made it an Android feature. Therefore, sometimes the transition from version to version does not seem so radical in terms of regular user, because they have been using these "new" features for a long time.

It seems to me that in theory, the average buyer should not care what version of the system he gets out of the box - Samsung, Xiaomi, Huawei, and other companies approach this issue wisely. The user will definitely not be left behind and will receive the most efficient smartphone, even despite the backlog in the operating system number.

Do you need to update your smartphone?

Necessarily. The fact is that each new version of Android, in addition to all the "goodies" for the user, carries a large number of smartphone security updates. Well, then you can get by with simple security patches that Google releases every month, you say. And you will be right, you can. Manufacturers a large number"old" smartphones only do what they roll out security updates, and even then in best case within 1.5-2 years after the release of the device.

But, you must admit, if you are the owner of some expensive flagship Android smartphone, you want more tangible changes than security patches, right? That is why companies are preparing global updates for their smartphones, usually no more than two within life cycle models. I'll give you an example. samsung galaxy S8 came out on Android 7.0, in some markets it has already been updated to Android 8.0. Chances are good that in a year it will also be updated to Android 9.0, but this will most likely end the era of global system updates for this device, and only security patches will fly through the air.

Android P is already presented - when can I expect it on my smartphone?

I don't think any manufacturer has an answer to this question. Firstly, final version systems Google more not presented. There was only a release of the assembly for developers, which gives general idea about upcoming changes to the system. Second, after leaving full Android P all companies in the market will need time to adapt their software to new system as it always has been. This is what leads to such strong segmentation within Android versions. By the way, Android 8.0 reached only one percent of all devices six months after the release (February data). This, it seems to me, suggests that you should not worry about what serial number systems today in your smartphone. Google is taking certain steps in the field of simplifying the process of updating devices for manufacturers, but so far all this is only on paper - the real exhaust of these actions of the company still needs to wait.

What can I do to make my smartphone stop slowing down?

Updating a device to a new version of Android is not a universal magic wand that will cure all the jambs of a smartphone: if the device slows down, it is unlikely to start “flying” after the update. If you want your smartphone to enjoy the speed of work and the life span of a single charge for longer, then you definitely have one official and proven way to achieve what you want.

1. Save all your data, for example, to a memory card or computer (there are a large number quality programs, allowing you to make the process of backup and data recovery as painless as possible).

2. Make full reset smartphone to factory settings.

3. Install the updated update.

4. Recover your data from backup(see paragraph 1). Application passwords will most likely have to be remembered, and cards contactless payment- re-link to the account (in Google Pay this happens automatically).

Thus, in a fairly short time, you will receive a device that is as close as possible to what it was "out of the box". This pleasant feeling of a smart and long-lived smartphone should be enough for 3-4 months of active use. Then the procedure can be repeated if there is a desire and time allows (everything about everything takes about an hour of free time).

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