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New social technologies in the field of culture. Modern information technologies and management in the field of culture

The global goal of the functioning of culture, art and mass media (mass media) is connected not with the priority of economic effect, but with the moral idea of ​​educating a spiritually rich and harmoniously developed personality. Focusing on such a goal, social institutions organizing cultural activities produce an artistic product to meet the corresponding needs of individuals, their social groups, society as a whole; it is a common truth that music, literature, painting, and theatrical creativity are enjoyed not only by individuals, who bought tickets to cultural performances, and not only the creators themselves, but all members of society. To improve the quality of life in a free market, all states in which art and culture are developed provide them with assistance and support, regardless of external benefits. Art is not only a public good, but also a commodity that is a national dignity.

The product of socially organized creative labor, for example, in the performing arts does not have a material form, is inseparable from the place of incarnation (production), and in combination with the conditions of consumption it becomes a type of cultural service. Despite the predominantly collective nature of the consumption of cultural services, their purpose by the method of transmission for the aggregate of individual consumers, the individuality of the perception of an artistic product prevails.

Cultural institutions and individual artists are sellers of spiritual goods, both in the domestic and international markets. As producers of these goods, they become consumers of those material resources that are necessary for everyday creative activity.

Thus, culture is woven into the fabric of market relations, along with such phenomena of the socio-cultural sphere as education, health care, physical culture and sports, and social security.

Three articles are assigned to these socio-cultural (non-production) subsectors in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. One of them (41st) says that "medical assistance in state and municipal health care institutions is provided to citizens free of charge at the expense of the corresponding budget, insurance premiums, and other receipts."

Another article (43rd) guarantees everyone the right to education, as well as "the availability and free of charge preschool, basic general and secondary vocational education in state or municipal educational institutions and enterprises." Everyone has the right, on a competitive basis, to receive a higher education free of charge in the aforementioned educational institutions and enterprises.

As for Article 44 on culture, in it the state guarantees each of us freedom of "literary, artistic, scientific, technical and other types of creativity, teaching", as well as the protection of intellectual property by law. There is no mention of free of charge. It only says: "Everyone has the right to take part in cultural life and use a cultural institution, to have access to cultural values."

The market for cultural values ​​is unpredictable, and only a flexible cultural policy, close attention to the changing needs of people provide an opportunity for business to stay afloat in culture.

The basis for identifying the strategic goals of the State Department of Culture are the rights of citizens in the field of culture, art and information guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as the priorities of state policy in the field of culture associated with the need to ensure these rights. A fundamentally new approach to the choice of priorities for the development of the cultural sphere is needed, based on the relevant provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

The main task of the cultural policy of the Russian Federation is to pursue a unified state policy in the field of culture, art, the corresponding sectoral education system, protection and use of cultural heritage objects (historical and cultural monuments) on the territory of the Orenburg region. To carry out this task, the following legally enshrined powers are required:

  • 1) implement state policy in the field of culture;
  • 2) create conditions for the preservation, development and improvement of professional art;
  • 3) assist in the realization by citizens of the rights to freedom of creativity, cultural activity, satisfaction of spiritual needs in the field of culture and art;
  • 4) to coordinate the activities of state, regional organizations of culture and art in the country;
  • 5) to promote the development of the sphere of leisure, to ensure the diversity of cultural and leisure activities of the population;
  • 6) to exercise powers in the field of protection and use of cultural heritage objects, including the implementation of state registration of cultural heritage objects and ensuring their safety;
  • 7) interact with public associations of cultural workers and creative unions (associations) operating in the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • 8) organize the holding of festivals, exhibitions, shows and competitions in the field of professional and amateur (amateur) artistic creativity, including in the field of children's amateur (amateur) artistic creativity;
  • 9) organize the holding of congresses, conferences and seminars on the problems of cultural activities;
  • 10) ensure the functioning of the system of special vocational education in the field of culture;
  • 11) ensure, together with the authorized executive body of state power in the field of education, the creation of conditions for universal aesthetic education and mass primary art education;
  • 12) organize the participation of creative teams and individual figures of literature and art in competitions, exhibitions, festivals at regional, regional, Russian and international levels;
  • 13) organize training, retraining and advanced training of cultural workers;
  • 14) provide conditions for the preservation and development of national and cultural traditions, including support for regional and local national and cultural autonomies;
  • 15) control, develops and implements programs in the field of culture, art, protection of historical and cultural heritage, participates in the development and implementation of relevant federal and regional programs;
  • 16) organize library services for the population through the creation of state libraries, support state museums;
  • 17) exercise other powers in accordance with federal and regional legislation.

The strategic goals are:

  • 1. Ensuring the rights of citizens to access cultural values;
  • 2. Ensuring freedom of creativity and the rights of citizens to participate in cultural life.

The first strategic goal "Ensuring the rights of citizens to access cultural property" is aimed at the implementation of the corresponding right of citizens of Russia, established in Article 44 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation (paragraph 2).

Free access to cultural values ​​and familiarization with the country's cultural heritage is the most important tool for the formation of public consciousness and an integral system of spiritual values ​​that affect all spheres of state and public life, especially the younger generation.

The provision of this right is carried out mainly through the creation of an opportunity for citizens to gain access to cultural values ​​(historical and cultural monuments, museums, library funds) by ensuring their preservation, replenishment, presentation and use.

Achieving the first strategic goal involves solving two tactical tasks:

  • 1.1. Preservation of historical and cultural heritage;
  • 1.2. Preservation of museum funds;
  • 1.3. Creation of conditions for improving the access of citizens of the region to information and knowledge.

According to part 1 of Article 72 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the protection of historical and cultural monuments is the subject of joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation. On this subject of joint jurisdiction, the Federal Law of June 25, 2002 No. 73-FZ "On objects of cultural heritage (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation" (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law) was issued. In accordance with the Federal Law, the Laws of various regions "On objects of cultural heritage (monuments of history and culture) in the" N "region" (in accordance with the articles of which the powers of the Government of the regions are the preservation, use, popularization and state protection of objects of cultural heritage of the regional , local (municipal) significance, identified objects of cultural heritage).

The RF law sets itself the task of ensuring the preservation of cultural heritage sites located on the territory of the country by creating appropriate conditions for their preservation and determining specific measures for the protection of historical and cultural monuments.

One of the main directions of state policy in the field of preservation of cultural heritage is conservation, restoration, preservation of historical and cultural values ​​stored in the funds of museums.

exposition dedicated to the XX century. An inventory of the archaeological funds of local history museums will allow organizing the storage of the richest archaeological collections accumulated over the centuries and organizing scientific, cultural and educational work. In addition, the exhibition complexes “require annual conservation and restoration of samples of military equipment, since they are located in an open exhibition area.

The current directions of state policy in relation to museums, which are social institutions involved in the preservation and use of cultural heritage, are:

  • - the formation of an appropriate image of the museum, making it attractive, capable of influencing the development of the socio-cultural situation and the solution of social problems;
  • - expanding the range of services provided by museums, expanding the variety of forms of activity and its actualization in accordance with the identified interests and needs of real and potential visitors;
  • - ensuring the adequate development of informatization processes associated both with the digitization of the most significant museum items and collections, and with the acquisition, accounting and storage of museum funds, etc.

Solving the problem of creating conditions for improving citizens' access to information and knowledge presupposes the development of librarianship.

In accordance with the Law "On Librarianship", every citizen, regardless of gender, age, nationality, education, social status, political convictions, attitude to religion, has the right to library services on the territory of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with this law, the development of librarianship should be carried out in accordance with the principles guaranteeing the rights of a person, public associations, peoples and ethnic communities to free access to information, free spiritual development, familiarization with the values ​​of the national world culture, as well as cultural, scientific and educational activities.

In order to ensure free access to cultural values ​​and information, it is planned to create a qualitatively new system of information and library services for the population of Russia, to ensure the modernization of libraries. It is necessary to expand the range of tasks facing libraries, to objectively strengthen their role in society. The task of libraries is to ensure information and cultural integrity, the unity of the regions and the center.

The objectives of the state policy in the field of librarianship are to promote the creation and functioning of a library service system capable of providing citizens with the fastest, complete and free access to information, the implementation of their constitutional rights to free access to information and knowledge, as well as the preservation of the national cultural heritage stored in libraries.

The priority areas for this task are:

  • - organization and stimulation of the process of modernization (reforming) of libraries and librarianship in general;
  • - assistance in the creation of the infrastructure of librarianship, the development of professional consciousness in line with global trends and values ​​of a democratic society, the development of professional communications.

The second strategic goal "Ensuring freedom of creativity and the rights of citizens to participate in cultural life" is aimed at realizing the rights of citizens to participate in cultural life and use cultural institutions.

The activities of the Department within the framework of the implementation of this goal in the planning period will be aimed at:

  • - preserving the best traditions of Russian theatrical art;
  • - ensuring freedom of literary, artistic, scientific, technical and other types of creativity;
  • - creation of conditions for ensuring the possibility of citizens' participation in cultural life and the use of cultural institutions;
  • - ensuring the further development of the training system for creative personnel and specialists;
  • - preservation and development of a continuous system of arts education;
  • - expansion of humanitarian and mass primary art education and aesthetic education.

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on culture", everyone has the right to all types of creative activity in accordance with their interests and abilities. Professional creative workers are guaranteed the provision of copyright and related rights, the right to intellectual property, the protection of the secrets of craftsmanship, freedom to dispose of the results of their work, and government support.

Stimulating the creative process is one of the main methods of supporting the development of the cultural industry. This is the direction of expenditure of budgetary funds, according to which the result is clearly expressed, which consists in the direct creation of a cultural product.

The priority directions of state policy in the field of theatrical and musical arts within the framework of this task are:

  • - the consistent formation of relations of social partnership between the state, society and theater and concert organizations, and the provision of state protectionism to the stage and music arts;
  • - the introduction of new organizational and legal forms of non-profit organizations that meet the specifics of theatrical and musical business and ensure social partnership;
  • - the introduction of a financial mechanism of management that meets the specifics of creative activity and allows you to combine guaranteed state support and contract financing of the state social order;
  • - the introduction of wages in theaters that meet the specifics of creativity;
  • - state support of individual workers of literature and art and creative teams through a system of grants, creative scholarships, awards, state social and creative orders;
  • - legislative consolidation of guarantees of state support for theatrical and musical arts and social protection of employees of theatrical and entertainment institutions of the region;
  • - development and implementation of programs to strengthen the material and technical base of theater and entertainment institutions;
  • - repair and reconstruction of theater buildings and concert venues, equipping them with equipment.

Against the background of increasing globalization and the developing market environment, the continuity of the reproduction of creative personnel is of particular importance, the task is to preserve and develop the educational institutions of the industry functioning in the region. The rapid development of society also presupposes the opening of new, demanded specialties in educational institutions, the introduction of new pedagogical technologies and interactive training programs into the educational process, the publication of modern methodological and educational literature.

Within the framework of solving the problem of strengthening a single cultural space, it is important to develop art, artistic creation, which implies:

  • - expanding the use of the potential of art in the formation of development policy at all levels;
  • - paying great attention to the role of artistic culture as a means of solving social problems (drug addiction, crime, social inequality, etc.);
  • - development of a system of grants on social issues;
  • - expanding the use of artistic culture as an instrument of political influence.

Within the framework of this direction, the main goal is to create conditions for the development of competition and the growth of consumer demand through the development and implementation of a set of measures aimed at organizing and supporting the holding of national, folklore festivals, reviews, supporting national cultural centers, and expanding cultural exchange.

Cultural enterprises are distinguished by the diversity of types and forms of activity, which is associated with the economic diversity of organizations and the results of cultural activities.

An enterprise, unlike a closed economy, produces goods and services to meet the needs of other manufacturers and the population, including the world market. The basis of material production in the national economy is made up of industrial enterprises: (industrial, agricultural, mixed). They are joined by infrastructure enterprises that provide various types of services (transport, trade, banking, insurance, advertising companies), as well as service sector institutions (tourism and hotel business, restaurants, cafes, ateliers, etc.), education (preschool institutions, schools, colleges, universities), culture (creative enterprises, institutions, organizations) and sports.

In the Russian Federation, enterprises and organizations based on the organizational and legal forms provided for by the legislation can be created and operate:

¦ on federal property;

¦ property of the republics within the Russian Federation, other subjects of the federation;

¦ property of local government bodies, public associations, religious organizations, international organizations, foreign states, legal entities and individuals, including foreign citizens and stateless persons;

¦ on mixed ownership.

The relationship of the founder (founders) and the enterprise is governed by an agreement that defines the mutual obligations of the parties, the conditions and procedure for the use of property, the procedure for financing activities, the material responsibility of the parties, the grounds for termination of the agreement, and the solution of social issues.

Summing up chapters one and two of this thesis, it can be emphasized that in modern society, the main groups of enterprises in the socio-cultural sphere have formed.

I. Theatrical and entertainment cultural institutions (theaters, concert organizations, sports and entertainment complexes, circuses, cinema), focused on demonstration, broadcasting of samples, cultural values, on updating the cultural fund in the audience, in direct contact with it, sometimes mediated by technical means ...

II. Museums are research and educational institutions that have a museum collection as a subject of work and are focused on education, enlightenment of the population, different social groups, the formation of reference cultural environments, by creating, expanding museum funds, fixing them, studying, museum items, documents, materials related to the historical past and present of national, world culture. Museification covers various aspects of culture: art, history of countries and peoples, production and everyday life, natural and artificial environment (see appendix).

III. Libraries, mass and specialized, are independent scientific and informational, cultural and educational institutions that contribute to the actualization of cultural potential. They collect, store funds of printed materials, carry out their special processing, distribution, organization of use in society with the aim of educating readers, developing their skills in working with printed publications, periodicals, informing them all-round, creating conditions for human self-development. The subject of their work is the book fund.

IV. Parks as natural and cultural formations are intended for active, recreational and entertainment, developmental recreation, individual and group, for festivities, sports and other games, holidays, etc. The park is focused on the recreational and health-improving direction, its functions are related to the natural basis, the natural environment as a subject of labor and are carried out through the inclusion of a person in the park environment, landscape, park architecture, decorative design, etc.

V. Club establishments are multifunctional, personality-oriented and work on a different subject-content basis (demonstration of films, performances, concerts, creative meetings, lectures and other "rental" activities), which creates conditions for the implementation of socio-cultural activity of the population, various types of amateur performance , including artistic, for public interpersonal communication, initiative associations, supported by the joint activity of club members.

Vi. Organizations that implement the principles of self-organization and self-development, such as associations, unions, societies, unions, partnerships, centers, clubs, laboratories, etc., flexible and more mobile responsive to changes in the modern socio-cultural context, requests, interests of members of different social groups ... These organizations are divided into single-profile, focused on one or more related activities (rock club, rock laboratory, house of crafts, house of folklore, theater workshops, amateur song club, environmental union, center for contemporary art, art gallery, small business literary translation, Sunday schools of national diasporas, etc.), and multidisciplinary, combining various subject areas and activities (creative centers of musicians, associations of artists, associations of writers, hobby centers, the association of pop art workers, the union of universities of culture and arts and etc.). The structure of such organizations often includes a library, an archive, a background and a video library, a museum exposition, a sports and recreation center, paid language courses, production units, taking into account the price situation for products of national crafts, but they, as a rule, do not have administrative and command forms of management.

Vii. Institutions of the educational complex in the field of culture (universities, colleges, colleges, gymnasiums and lyceums), which are an integral part of the training of specialists in the fields of science and culture.

The social functions of these institutions appear in the form of a complex, multi-level structure included in an equally complex and contradictory space formed by such entities as culture, society, and personality.

Legal entities that are commercial organizations pursue profit-making as the main goal of their activities. They can be created in the form of business partnerships and societies, production cooperatives, state and municipal unitary enterprises.

Legal entities that are non-profit organizations can be created in the form of consumer cooperatives, public or religious organizations (associations) financed by the owner of institutions, charitable and other foundations, as well as in other forms stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Non-profit organizations can carry out entrepreneurial activity only insofar as it serves to achieve the goals for the sake of which they are creatures, and is consistent with these goals.

It should be noted that one should be warned against such types of organization as offensive-destructive, dramatic, depressive, schizoid, paranoid and coercive, defined as a pathological type, to which psychopathological criteria applied in relation to individuals are transferred.

The offensive-destructive type of organization is based on the ethics of force, on leadership based partly on fear, partly on selfish interests. Enterprises of this organizational type are characterized by such characteristics as irresponsible personal arbitrariness from above, usurped or entrusted power in the middle, and anarchy throughout the structure.

Dramatic organizations are characterized by hyperactivity, impulsiveness, ease, for them the drama of activity, courage, risk, independence is more important than the result. Moral norms are artificial and calculated on the external impression, as well as the halo of a person at the head, playing the title role in the enterprise, as on the stage. There is no systematic and measured work, medium and long-term strategy of the enterprise, sooner or later doomed to bankruptcy.

Depressive organizations are characterized by a desire to stay in today's market at the expense of yesterday's goods and services, in a knocked-out direction, to maintain the status quo in a vacuum of cardinal decisions, in the absence of a consciously pursued strategy and confidence in the future, simultaneously with the illusion of somehow holding out in a regulated market, without significant competition.

In the future, schizoid organizations are doomed to stagnate, because their leaders, like a "man in a box," are deprived of contacts, helpless in everyday matters, closed. In the absence of clear guidelines, the leadership gap is filled by middle managers with personal goals; jealously guarded "appanage principalities" are created, information becomes an instrument of power.

Paranoid organizations are characterized by a cold, emotionless, rational climate of excessive control and mistrust. They are dominated by reactive strategies, people show conservatism for fear of appearing too much for invention. Reality is often perceived in a distorted form, the calculation is made mainly for protection, the strategic management style is reduced to the formula: we will somehow get out.

In compulsory organizations everything is prescribed, systematized, approved; nothing is left to chance or foresight. Unwillingness to be dependent on circumstances or someone else's favor is the driving force behind leadership and requires deep control. It is almost impossible to deviate from the once planned plan. The decisive role is played by the hierarchy and, as a consequence, the relations of subordination along the career ladder. For fear of making a mistake, decisions are difficult to make, but they are postponed with great willingness, as a result of which the dominant idea is often lost in such firms.

Entrepreneurial success is ensured not only by the rejection of the pathological type of organization, but also by the development of medium and long-term prospects for the development of production, value ideas and considerations, which, ideally, should be implemented in everyday practice. Success is accompanied by such factors as the development of positive norms of an entrepreneurial culture, increased cooperation, multilateral support, the development of programs and projects of new working methods that can improve indicators such as profit, turnover, quality, scale of production.

An enterprise of high organizational culture is a productive and creative organization. It is characterized by the following principles: precisely set ideals or goals; common sense:

  • 6. competent advice;
  • 7. discipline;
  • 8. fair treatment of personnel;
  • 9. fast, reliable, complete, accurate and constant accounting of market conditions;
  • 10. reward for creative and financial performance.

Note that there are also some variants of character classification, which were originally developed for the purposes of economics. According to one of the gradations, leadership styles can be divided into three types (autocratic; democratic; liberal), and leadership styles - into two types (focused on work and focused on the person).

Any enterprise in market conditions must ensure the efficiency of its functioning, which is expressed by the ratio of the useful result to the cost of obtaining it. At the present stage of development of science and technology, information technology contributes to the dissemination and promotion of culture among the broad auditor masses. The global computer network Internet takes over the bulk of the dissemination of culture, cultural values ​​and news. The results of the work of cultural workers are mainly manifested in the process of forming and meeting the spiritual needs of a person, in the harmonious development of the individual. The modern audience (mainly young people and adolescents), for a number of reasons, wants to receive information quickly. In this regard, information technology fulfills its educational task in half of the cases faster than traditional printed literature.

The introduction of a person to the values ​​of true culture, along with many other factors, affects the main spheres of his life: work, leisure, family relations. This impact is manifested in the development, movement of a person's personal potentials, interpreted as indicators of socio-economic efficiency.

The organization of an enterprise with a high culture is a productive and creative organization. Combining certain principles: achieving precisely set goals, containing common sense, having competent consultants, observing the strict discipline that provides for fair management of personnel, high-level marketing work, and, finally, provides for worthy remuneration of employees for creative and financial performance.

In the process of updating social and cultural activities, it is of great importance to comprehend and follow clearly set goals and objectives of social and educational technologies as a set of leading provisions on the content and methodological side of activity. The principles determine the nature of the requirements, the observance of which is a prerequisite for optimal educational influence on the audience.

Let's highlight the basic principles of the activities of sociocultural institutions. The main principle of this activity is the principle of historicism. The renewal of all spheres of society's life makes it possible to actively and creatively apply the principle of historicism in the activities of sociocultural institutions, to open up historical and contemporary topics that were previously inaccessible to visitors. Without respect for the intellectual and cultural heritage of our country, for the history of mankind, historical memory is impossible, and without this - the rise of spirituality, the restoration of the authority of goodness, justice in socio-cultural activities and society as a whole.

Social and cultural activities are based on the principle of scientific character. Science has enriched its theory and methodology, developing methods of systems analysis, comparative analysis, cybernetics, etc. The principle of scientific character is inextricably linked with the principle of truthfulness, which ensures the implementation of truthful information and educational activities that objectively reflect the phenomena of social life in their dialectical development.

The principle of syncretism has a special pedagogical value in social and cultural activities. Any informational neoplasm created in a sociocultural institution is a combination of old, propaganda, and new elements that unite science, art, and life.

In the practice of sociocultural specialists, didactic principles are also used: originality of information, novelty, persuasiveness, which determine the effective assimilation of knowledge by a person. New information poured down by the mass media on the consciousness of the individual, the employee of the club, library summarizes, systematizes, evaluates, raises them to the level of theoretical comprehension.

In modern conditions of informatization of society, information, knowledge are becoming a subject of mass consumption for people.

Specialists in the socio-cultural sphere, carrying out their information and educational task, first of all, perform three main types of activity:

  • 1. Production of information, the creation of new information, taking into account the different age and professional characteristics of the population. It includes the activities of a specialist in a sociocultural institution; lecturer giving a public speech; participation in the preparation of documents, scripts, curricula, preparation of materials for printing; literary creation, invention, arts, technical creativity, amateur film production, etc.
  • 2. Consumption of information, coinciding with various forms of audiovisual, etc. receiving existing information: reading newspapers, magazines, books, watching TV, listening to the radio, visiting circles, studios, schools for self-education and development in the club, using a computer, the Internet in socio-cultural institutions.
  • 3. Transfer of information, reference and consulting work, broadcast of professional knowledge, social experience, the use of technologies of distance education, theater, museum, library, media education, carried out by the media and communication.

For modern information and educational activities, a tendency is inherent in the combination of ideas and methods of various fields of knowledge, growth, mastering new ideas designed for the intellectual abilities of everyone. A library, museum, clubs can provide considerable assistance in meeting the urgent educational needs of people, involving various societies and the Internet in the dissemination of scientific, technical, economic knowledge. By introducing users to specialized literature and sources, libraries create favorable conditions for the replenishment and optimal assimilation of knowledge by a person, his active participation in life. IN AND. Vernadsky believed that in the dissemination of knowledge it is important to provide the people with practically necessary information, both in everyday affairs and in life, to try to direct his thought and convince the people of his strength.

Renewal and deepening of human knowledge in conditions when the intellectual potential of society is most fully realized, the value of knowledge increases sharply, and requires optimization of the information and educational function. Socio-cultural activity only then achieves its humanistic goal, prompting people to take action, when it takes into account the specific problems that a person lives with: socio-political, economic, environmental protection, adaptation, social rehabilitation, civil peace and harmony, freedom of conscience. It is known how large the amount of information received by a person through the mass media is. Often there is no commentary on it, and in some cases it is distorted. This inevitably leads to deformation of the spiritual sphere of human activity. The task of sociocultural specialists is to select the necessary information, to summarize the most significant in the events taking place, commenting on them using the example of facts close to a person of his life.

A specialist can provide a wide range and versatility of the content of social, cultural activities, create favorable conditions for informing and developing the individual, her communication with various social, national, professional, age groups of people, helping the individual to adapt to market conditions and thereby reduce the severity of social tension. The librarian, taking into account the requests of the reader, gives him the information contained in manuscripts, books, periodicals, on magnetic and electronic media. The user receives knowledge from funds about the culture of the past and present, about the life of individual countries, peoples and all of humanity. An important advantage of employees of a cultural institution is that their socio-cultural activities take place in conditions of direct contact between people, interpersonal relations, while information in the media is often directed to an invisible audience.

In order for a person to develop a correct attitude to reality, sociocultural specialists in their technological process carry out an educational and developmental function that contributes to the formation of certain behavioral skills, an active life position. Social norms and values ​​determine the position of an educated person, for whom it is impossible for a discrepancy between word and deed, humiliation of human dignity, and conscience is the measure of all actions. I. Kant compared education with art, "the use of which should be improved by many generations." Each generation, in his opinion, possessing the knowledge of the previous one, can more and more carry out such upbringing, which expediently develops all human abilities and in this way leads the entire human race to its destination.

One of the most pressing goals of social and cultural activities is a return to the foundations of universal human values, morality, restructuring of people's relations, their spiritual appearance and spiritual qualities necessary in civil society.

In the activities of a sociocultural institution, there are tasks associated with the communicative and organizational function, which manifests itself in the organized interaction of people, their social activity in communication, exchange of scientific and social information, the organization of their recreation and entertainment. The content of the communicative and organizational function is changing in modern conditions, when opportunities arise for social work, for self-realization of a person in society. In a social and cultural institution, communication of visitors with each other is used as an active form of recreation. Communication on a holiday, on days of celebrations, at a party, communication between representatives of different generations, different nationalities and nationalities is very important for a person. Sports clubs for family recreation with gymnastic and athletic equipment, health and fitness sections are opening, local tourist routes are being organized using modern technologies, cultural services, where a sociocultural specialist shows the ability to communicate with various social groups of people. One has to abandon the previous stereotyped approaches, frozen methods in organizing recreation, A.S. Kovalchuk in his book "Social and Cultural Activity as a Phenomenon of Social Education." The more actively a sociocultural specialist manifests himself in communication, the more attractive he can become, the brighter his creative, business and personal qualities can be manifested.

The way a specialist of a sociocultural institution organizes his relationship with a visitor determines their mutual respect, community and, in general, the effectiveness of the pedagogical process. The inclusion of a person in this process helps her to show social properties, value attitudes, an aesthetic attitude to reality. The next task is to fulfill the aesthetic and creative function. The specialists of the club, library, museum, park set themselves spiritual, creative, emotional and personal tasks in social and cultural activities, provide aesthetic pleasure and experiences, contribute to the formation of the value orientations of the individual, helping her in the development and reproduction of reality. Failure to fulfill aesthetic and creative functions by specialists of sociocultural institutions leads to the loss of talents, impoverishment of thinking, rampant pornography, destruction of culture and nature, and, as a result, to human degradation. The search for the ideals of spiritual culture, culture of activity, the development on this basis of universal values ​​of thinking, providing an active position of the individual, constitute the basis of the content of all socio-cultural activities.

Specialists of sociocultural institutions also perform recreational and hedonistic functions (organizing holidays, youth parties, organizing leisure activities in order to enjoy art, restore human strength expended in the labor process). In this case, specialists from cultural and art institutions pursue the goal of raising the artistic taste of young people in their recreational and hedonistic activities.

Carrying out conciliatory functions, sociocultural specialists participate in the coordination of subsidies, intermediary activities between state, municipal institutions, public organizations and the population in the provision of social services. Of particular importance in the socio-cultural activities of specialists are research functions, their fulfillment of the task of studying and taking into account the interests and needs of groups or collectives, as well as individuals who find themselves in a difficult life situation.

The main aspects and results of the activity of sociocultural institutions are determined by the naturally conditioned process of its development in breadth and depth. They include information from all branches of knowledge and social experience, necessary for the education and socialization of the individual.

One of the tasks in the implementation of the activities of sociocultural institutions that make up a single complex of interrelated elements is civic education, which forms a worldview, develops the civic activity of people so that they consciously participate in public life. In a sociocultural institution, the moral meaning of upbringing in this direction is seen in the fact that the personalities of the educator and the person being brought up in their cooperation acquire specific security, high feelings are filled with real content.

The development of civic engagement in people is associated with the formation of economic thinking, the acquisition of the skills of a person to work in a market economy. New socio-economic relations are being born in an atmosphere of stratification, rising prices, rampant crime, and low appreciation of creative work. As a result, another important aspect of social and cultural activity is the labor education of people. This activity is subordinated to three main tasks: increasing the production and economic knowledge of the audience through the dissemination of scientific and technical, agricultural, economic information, new forms of management; vocational guidance of young people, their education on the labor traditions of the people; increasing labor activity, creative attitude to work.

A responsible direction of social and cultural activity is the formation of a personality with high moral consciousness and behavior. For decades, a command-administrative system of arbitrariness, humiliation of man, perversion of moral norms, when morality was subordinated to politics, which made it possible to evaluate everything from the point of view of benefits for the nomenklatura, equalize good and evil, honesty and meanness, justice and dishonor, took place in our country. ... In the context of the spiritual improvement of society, the restoration of enduring universal human values, the content of socio-cultural activities associated with the functioning of information and practical experience, reflecting the inner, spiritual world of the individual, changes. In the material of moral content, the creative potential of universal human morality is most fully revealed, based on spiritual experience, norms of life behavior, enshrined in traditions, customs, on fidelity to humanistic ideals kept by people for millennia. The growing role of social education in moral education is due to the growth of the moral factor in the life of society, the expansion of democratic reforms.

The upbringing of morally healthy people is facilitated by a system of social and cultural activities based on the highest spiritual values, respect for the law, and the culture of democracy. At the same time, in the process of personality development in cultural institutions, little attention is paid to legal education - the development of the legal consciousness of the individual, the formation of his legal culture. The objective conditions for this are the formation of the rule of law, the implementation of a broad legal reform, the implementation of legal protection of the individual.

Organizing social and cultural activities on legal education, clubs, libraries involve lawyers, court officials, prosecutors, and police. This approach allows you to take into account the interests, needs of the individual, his age, individual, psychological characteristics.

The current state of the technological process of education in RAS organizations needs more qualified personnel, widespread use of information technologies, a more sensitive approach to individuals, and the ability to harmonize interpersonal relationships. The upbringing of a person is not just the formation of certain moral norms, views, character traits, but the development of a person as a person in the aggregate of all its aspects. A person sensitive to good and evil, irreconcilable to the ugly and ugly in life and art, seeks to bring his share of beauty into the world around him. When developing a personality, it is important to take into account her ability to correctly understand the beauty in all the variety of its manifestations. Therefore, one of the main aspects of social and cultural activity is the aesthetic education of a person. Its goal is to develop the ability to evaluate, perceive and affirm the beauty in life and art from the universal human point of view of the spiritual heritage. Sociocultural institutions set a strategic goal - to develop aesthetic views, feelings, tastes, to shape the activity of an individual in the process of mastering artistic culture and under the influence of their own artistic creativity. They are engaged in explaining the foundations of aesthetics, various types of art that develop aesthetic feelings, spiritual needs of the individual. Literature and art are means of enlightenment, as they reflect reality in all its aesthetic diversity, and the means of communication and education of people, familiarizing them with the cultural and historical experience of peoples.

The sociocultural worker sees his educational tasks in showing vivid examples of the culture of production, the achievements of world civilization in the growth of labor productivity, and in improving the quality of products. The exchange of best practices can influence the growth of the culture of a particular workplace, improve its organization, develops courage, innovation, enterprise, which allows you to achieve high performance in an individual, family, rental enterprise, farm.

The methods (technologies) used in the educational process are the mechanisms for the implementation of the theory into the practice of social and pedagogical activity.

By now, technologies developed in the field of culture and leisure have acquired general social significance and have turned into social technologies. It seems legitimate to define social technologies as a means of exchange of human abilities and needs, between spiritual and material production. An example of the historically first social technologies can serve as national traditional ritual and ritual forms, and in modern socio-pedagogical practice - experimental school programs (D. Kabalevsky, B. Nemensky, etc.), complex programs of aesthetic and artistic education, the development of folk art, protection monuments of history and culture, organization of family leisure, etc. The activities of many modern socio-cultural institutions are the basis for the creation of progressive social technologies. They are formed or designed, as a rule, situationally, depending on a number of factors, in particular the presence and composition of existing centers of education, culture, art, sports in a given territory, the nature of public leisure initiatives of the population and the conditions for their practical implementation, socio-demographic, economic, ethnic and other situations in the region.

The development of social technologies in the field of culture and leisure is associated with certain difficulties, since this area itself is dynamic, has a socially open character, it has a large "number of diverse social institutions with their own specific" "features. social technology of using self-supporting mechanisms in the practice of cultural and leisure centers The concrete result of the implementation of this technology was the creation of various entrepreneurial, commercial structures, territorial funds of culture and art at the level of the republic, region, region, district, city.

First of all, it is necessary to have an idea of ​​the essence of the general technology of socio-cultural activity and its relationship with functional, private and sectoral methods.

General technology covers the basic patterns of development and use of tools, forms and methods in general, the most typical conditions and universal methods of social and cultural activities.

In the process of social and cultural activities, many methods are used, with the help of which the leisure environment is formed and intensively mastered. These include economic, legal, organizational, pedagogical, psychological and socio-psychological methods. Socio-cultural technologies are based on the target-oriented principle. The formation and implementation of these technologies is determined by the social order. The social order makes it necessary pedagogically correct formulation and "instrumentation" of the goals and objectives of social and cultural activities. The goal acts as a way of integrating various actions and efforts of various subjects of leisure in a certain sequence. Since social and cultural activity is multifunctional, it is difficult to isolate its goals and objectives. Here they resort to building hierarchical levels ("goals tree", "goals pyramid") in setting goals and objectives of the activity. The goals are put forward from the point of view of specific tasks facing the region, taking into account the specifics and capabilities of a particular socio-cultural institution, the needs and interests of socio-demographic groups of the population, the nature of their labor activity and working conditions, taking into account the coordination of efforts with other social structures and institutions , certain time cycles: daily (morning, afternoon, evening), weekly (daily and Sunday), vacation time.

Knowledge of technology is dictated by the multi-subjectivity of socio-cultural activities. In addition to government agencies and specialists professionally involved in this area, numerous public and religious organizations, informal groups and initiative movements, various commercial, cooperative, small and other enterprises act as its permanent subjects. In many cases, social and cultural activity is a concrete result, an obvious consequence of private, individual initiatives and initiatives.

All this mass of subjects involved in the leisure sphere selectively uses socio-cultural technology. Here, therefore, it is appropriate to talk about a variety of technologies with specific, characteristic features.

Functional (sectoral) methodologies contain an extensive bank of technological data, know-how information for certain types / developing socio-cultural activities in the field of education, creativity, outdoor activities, sports and entertainment.

Socially differentiated (or private) methods cover the technological blocks of organizing cultural and leisure activities of various socio-demographic groups of the population.

The methodology (technology) of socio-cultural activities as a whole, as a set of general, functional and socially differentiated methods, is constantly replenished and enriched by both historical and modern experience accumulated in the field of culture, education, everyday life and leisure of the peoples of many countries and continents.

A significant source of enrichment of this technique is also creative interaction and exchange of experience between socio-cultural institutions: institutions, organizations, foundations, movements, mass media, schools, etc. ...

The clarification of such basic concepts of the methodology as means, forms and methods is of fundamental theoretical and practical importance.

The complex of means of ideological and emotional impact, which, as a rule, are used as a single unit primarily in developmental, informational and educational activities, include the oral (living) word, which has great emotional power; printed word - scientific, informational and other texts; visual aids - genuine objects and phenomena (for example, various exhibits, relics, etc.) or specially made, reproduced (reproduction), conveying specific images to the viewer, various types of art - theater, music, choreography, cinema, painting, etc. place is occupied by special psychological and pedagogical means - communication, amateur performances, games, shows, entertainment, etc. In practice, all of these funds are used not in isolation, but in close cooperation with each other.

Strengthening and transformation of traditional possibilities of influence are facilitated by auxiliary means: technical (sound recording, sound reproducing, projection, lighting ^ and other equipment), means of symbolism, ritual actions, documentaries, fragments from literary works.

Methods are usually understood as well-grounded methods, certain actions aimed at the most rational achievement of the goals of socio-cultural activities: cognitive, _taorche, recreational.

In socio-cultural institutions, educational methods are used (presentation of material, demonstration of objects or phenomena, exercises aimed at consolidating knowledge, practicing skills); educational methods (persuasion, example, encouragement and its antipode - censure); methods of organizing recreational activities (putting forward a creative task, training, organizing "creative community and distribution of creative duties, establishing creative competition; methods of recreation (involving

in an entertaining activity, displacing low-value entertainment with useful ones, organizing a game competition).

Finally, in the practice of social and cultural activities, concepts such as complex leisure programs and forms are widespread.

In its broadest form, a leisure program or form can be viewed as a large independent complete socio-pedagogical, socio-cultural action, which is conditioned by a social order, reflects social reality and at the same time has a certain influence on it. Programs and forms provide for the solution of independent pedagogical problems and the use of appropriate methods of organizing people's activities (mass, group or individual). Programs and forms are based on the use of a complex of various means, methods, techniques that contribute to the most effective solution of social and pedagogical goals.

The choice of topics and the development of social and cultural leisure programs and forms are dictated by the state, social order, the needs of various categories of the population, the practical tasks of organizing leisure, development and self-development of people living in the region. The content of the developed programs is drawn from the vast and dynamic "problem field" of the modern socio-cultural sphere.

The consistent transformation of social tasks into specific pedagogical ones acquires fundamental methodological significance for programs. This allows you to give programs an educational, developmental and recreational focus. The requirements of cooperation pedagogy are also fundamental for their implementation.

We can talk about the existing typology of leisure programs and forms. Among them, there are programs related to the creation, development and pedagogical use of a certain cultural environment, including historical and historical and cultural monuments, memorial complexes, ecological zones, art exhibitions and other informational, entertainment, educational programs for homogeneous and mixed audiences, including weekend programs for the population, customized programs for collectives of enterprises, educational institutions, cooperatives, etc .; group or individual training programs of various profiles, implemented on the principles of cost accounting and self-sufficiency.

Diagnostics and forecasting of the socio-economic, psychological effect of the implemented programs and forms are a necessary condition.

16. Functional and private techniques

The basis of functional methods of organizing social and cultural activities in areas is an organic unity

culture, education, information, creativity, recreation, sports, tourism and entertainment. etc.

Let's start the characteristic of functional techniques with the method of organizing information-cognitive, educational activities and self-education.

Such features of this activity as greater accessibility, free nature, its independence from rigid curricula and programs, the widespread introduction of popularizing methods based on the synthesis of scientific and artistic material, the ability to flexibly respond to changing interests, are intensively used. requests and needs of the audience, the ability to set a single pedagogical goal in informational, educational-circle and individual-consulting work.

The most striking manifestation of the essence of developing, information and cognitive technology is dialogue. The dialogue organically entered the political, socio-economic and spiritual life of people, the sphere of their leisure, along with the concepts of democratization, openness, pluralism. Dialogue in all its forms and manifestations acts as an effective means of developing democracy and glasnost, asserting progressive changes in the minds of people. As a social phenomenon, dialogue is inherent in the subject-subject, partnership relations of people in the field of free time. Thanks to him, the opinion is not declared, but is developed collectively, most often in an open discussion. In the dialogue, new thinking is formed and realized, a decisive rejection of dogmatism. Dialogue reveals the creative potential of the individual, thanks to it, issues are boldly raised and resolved in all spheres of activity of modern leisure centers.

The dialogue itself, like the varieties of dialogue programs, acts as an obligatory element of socio-training for people of different ages and professions. Dialogue forms (lectures, dialogues, interviews, round tables, discussions, etc.) are based on mutual communication. Dialogue forms exclude authoritarianism in the discussion of problems, develop close relationships and cooperation of both organizers and direct participants in the dialogue.

The combination of leisure and household elements within the framework of information and educational programs is becoming pronounced, the utilitarian and practical orientation of education is strengthening. Cultural and leisure activities are becoming an important factor in stimulating and guiding the mass self-education of adults. The main objects of the socio-cultural sphere (clubs, houses of culture, libraries, etc.) are moving to a more intensive use of new media, including video and computer equipment. One of the important tasks is the development of media education, preparing young people for a more in-depth perception

film, television, video programming and other media.

The range of information services is expanding. Express universities, vacation schools, counseling centers, community centers for continuing education, thematic schools and self-supporting courses are developing. The need for timely information about current events, for discussing topical issues, and for forming a well-grounded public opinion on them is sharply increasing.

The cultural and leisure sphere is becoming an important factor in the implementation of the principles of transparency and freedom of speech. Here, genuine pluralism and competition of ideas, the opportunity to express and defend any point of view are provided. Leisure centers are organically included in an open information system designed to use the entire array of information without any restrictions.

The range of the information process is expanding. Along with the delivery of information, it includes the discussion, exchange and production of new information. Not only messages passing through the media circulate freely, but also information and assessments of a local, regional nature. Information and educational activities are built with the expectation of a complete rejection of one-dimensional thinking and monopoly on truth, on the establishment of civilized forms of contacts between people. A wide range of opinions develops, respect for the alternative is established. Free access to information is provided through the organization of independent libraries, collection, storage and distribution of alternative publications, holding meetings with people holding extraordinary positions, etc.

Innovative approaches to leisure technologies related to the organization of social and cultural activities of children, adolescents and adults are best mastered in small groups. The conclusion once again confirms the regularity established in practice: a medium-sized structure always responds more quickly to the emergence of new cognitive, creative needs, to the search for new information, unconventional methods of action, reacts sharply to possible breaks in the social environment, to negative situations, an unfavorable psychological atmosphere, a deficit communication and social trust. It is well known how dear the social alienation of a group or an individual is for society.

Information and cognitive activity of any small group or leisure community represented by an amateur association, minicircle, initiative group, interfamily company actively contributes to the process of shifting the interests of the audience from the sphere of direct consumption to the sphere of socio-cultural activity, in which a person is able to show free will and choice , the approval of their value system.

Serious changes are taking place in the methodology of cultural and creative activity. In the new socio-cultural situation, it is essential

the range of creative activity of the masses is expanding. Along with the further development of amateur performances, new impulses are received by scientific, technical and applied creativity, and above all various types of socio-political activity.

The enrichment of the technology of artistic and creative activity is observed. Collecting, analytical and research work in the field of culture and art is developing. There is a growing interest in creativity, and in the first place in the author's. The prestige of theater studios, theaters - journalistic, variety, miniatures, working on local material is increasing. In the field of amateur music, there is a special interest in the author's song, rock creativity, collecting, processing and recreation of musical folklore.

The work on the revival of the lost artistic and everyday traditions is being intensified. Amateur art, which for many years functioned mainly in spectacular and stage forms, is returning to the people. Interest in the traditions of everyday music-making is growing, and family activities are revived. Mass amateurism is enriched when celebrating holidays and rituals. Amateur art is becoming the basis for reviving folk festivals, get-togethers, relaxation evenings and other traditional forms of mass leisure.

There are growing purely studios, workshops, creative laboratories, artistic and creative associations. Differentiation of artistic needs and interests of the population leads to the emergence of numerous club schools, courses, amateur associations, centers of aesthetic education.

The clearly manifested tendency towards the synthesis of culture and everyday life becomes the basis for the creation of such groups as studios and circles for artistic modeling of clothes, studios for textile creativity, carpet weaving, embroidery, macrame, artistic processing of wood, stone, metal, bone, etc.

The importance of amateur art in the development of various subcultures is increasing. As part of this process, a stable local culture is actively formed, differentiated in accordance with the presence of certain groups of the region's population.

The forms of management of amateur creativity are changing significantly. The natural mechanisms of its development are put into action. Its self-regulation factors are activated. The nature of planning, accounting and reporting is simplified. Tight control over the repertoire, exhibition and concert activities is canceled. The system of registration of amateur associations and clubs of interest is being simplified. Cultural and leisure centers are beginning to pay great attention to non-institutional forms of amateur performance at the place of residence. The scale of amateur performances, developing outside the framework of cultural institutions, is expanding.

In the system of amateur art, a departure from direct duplication of the structures of professional art is being implemented.

There is an intensive growth of amateurism focused on folklore and original types of modern folk art. The emphasis is shifted to cultural processes in an open social environment. The principle of artistic pluralism becomes the main principle for the development of amateur performances. The confidence in the productive capabilities of the amateur grows. There is an active convergence and intersection of professional and non-professional structures. The legal status of masters of folk art is legally established. Tolerance towards previously rejected artistic phenomena is being asserted. Opens the scope for free creative search in circles, studios, laboratories, workshops, associations and other amateur groups. The right to create an author's school and the right to an artistic experiment are widely implemented.

The main thing is becoming a set of active recreational activities associated with end-to-end leisure programs, which are relatively long and involve consistent participation in entertainment, games, health-improving, ritual-festive and other leisure activities. The involvement of specialists in this work allows us to adopt the methods of bioenergetic recovery, eastern health systems, cosmobioenergetics, rebirthing, shaping, musical healing, etc.

The use of specially equipped rooms for psychological relief includes in the content of their sessions autogenic training, interpersonal training, suggestion, rest-hypnosis, and psychocorrection. The specific possibilities of music-mediation and theatrical health-improving programs, the use of conversational psychotherapy, bibliotherapy, psycho-gymnastics are implemented.

There is every reason to believe that in the near future non-traditional forms of recreational and health-improving activities, carried out by professional doctors, psychologists, and sports coaches, will be more actively mastered. This will include, first of all, schools of extrasensory bioenergetics, aimed at opening up energy centers, biofield diagnostics, correction of the biofield structure of a person; courses on teaching methods of muscle relaxation and mental self-hypnosis, helping people to control their physical and mental activity in order to increase the effectiveness of activities that are significant to them; collective meditation centers, whose activities are aimed at eliminating extreme emotional manifestations and bringing the psyche into a state of relaxation; groups of free breathing, helping to master psychotechnics, which allows a person to maintain clarity of thinking in stressful situations, quickly restore emotional balance, and fully realize their creative potential; special health-improving public catering enterprises, the cuisine of which is based on the use of commonly available sedatives that cause relaxation and soothe the nervous system, etc.

In organizing mass recreation, the traditions of the revived folk culture are actively used. Leisure institutions take an active part in the restoration of the system of folk holidays, ceremonies and rituals, traditional forms of organizing youth leisure time, such new holidays as humor, laughing days, sports and tourism, flower holidays, literary and artistic, Russian tea, cities, etc. .d.

1In a number of recreational and health-improving technologies, a significant place is occupied by a large-scale play activity. The game has well-known psychological, organizational and methodological advantages. It allows you to significantly reduce the time for the accumulation of the necessary information, the acquisition of certain skills and abilities; promotes the imitation of various types of social activity, expands the sphere of contact of the individual with various social groups, organizations and movements, with many genres of art and literature. By intensifying the self-reflection of the personality, the game is an effective tool for deepening-r? E ^ lKPa ™ 4HOCTJI general " cooperation, social dialogue. Differentiated (private) techniques socio-cultural activities focused on work, with separate, mainly age, population groups. They have a number of "features associated with the initial principles and functions of socio-cultural ( activities. At the same time, each of the techniques has characteristic) peculiarities due to socio-psychological, physiological and> logical and other characteristics of age groups - adolescent children, youth, adults and the elderly.

Differentiated (private) methods are based on different socio-cultural, leisure programs, profiled for individual socio-demographic groups.

The organizer of social and cultural activities very often has to deal with the methodology of family leisure - the study of the preference for leisure forms of individual-family choice of leisure activities, the creation of conditions for professional programming and the implementation of alternative types and forms of organizing the free time of family communities.

The same close attention is demanded by the methods designed for children and adolescence, dynamic youth categories, middle-aged and elderly people. Technological aspects are discussed in detail in special courses.

Diagnostics, forecasting and design of socio-cultural processes. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of sociological research for the development of the theory and practice of socio-cultural activities, replenishment of the necessary bank of information, data on current trends and patterns of leisure. The content and methods of sociological research in the socio-cultural sphere are analyzed in detail in the corresponding course.

Technologies of socio-cultural activities fundamentally need competent diagnostics, forecasting

the initial conditions and content of the leisure needs and orientation of the inhabitants of society, the content and forms of activities in the field of free time, which are most preferred by children, adolescents, youth, middle-aged and elderly people.

Diagnostics and forecasting serve as the basis for the development of socio-cultural projects and programs. The methodology of socio-cultural design is considered in a separate course.

Chapter five

One of the most important areas of information technology application at the present stage is organizational culture. The level of use of information technologies and resources is the most important sign of the development of both the organization itself and its organizational culture. And the mastery of a specific specialist in information technology and access to information resources is a measure of his value for the organization and involvement in the organizational culture.

Information technology is a ready-to-use scientific and technical product obtained as a result of the joint work of mathematicians, programmers, economists, managers and other specialists, that is, representatives of different organizational cultures, and this product has a very high degree of universality, due to which interpenetration occurs through it and cross-fertilization of different organizational cultures. As modern society develops, which sociologists define as postindustrial, these processes are only intensified, accordingly turning society into informational... Such a transformation will require serious structural changes both in society as a whole and in its individual organizations.

While futurologists are trying to predict what the information society will be like, several main directions along which information technologies are being introduced into organizational culture are outlined below.

First of all, we define that Information Technology is a systematized set of methods, means and actions for working with information. The list of actions for working with information can be quite large: search, collection, processing, transformation, storage, display, presentation, transmission, etc. It should be noted that for the last four decades, the phrase information technologies have been most often used together with the word new or modern - the abbreviations NIT or SIT (New or Modern Information Technologies). This is primarily due to the automation of the process of receiving, processing, storing and transmitting information using computers and telecommunications. The abbreviation KIT (Computer Information Technology) is also found in the literature.

Some of the most important are methods, programs and technical devices for word processing - the so-called word processors(editors) and desktop publishing systems that allow you to carry out all kinds of operations with texts in electronic form, and to automate the input of information and translate it into electronic form, scanning and character recognition systems, as well as speech input systems, are used. Their main functions are input and presentation of textual information, its storage, viewing and printing. An example of the most famous word processor is MS Word from the MS Office suite of programs.

The need to create pictures, diagrams, graphs, diagrams and other graphic products led to the creation GPUs... These are specific software tools that allow you to create and transform graphic images. Information technologies of commercial graphics provide graphical display of information from table processors, databases or individual graphic files in the form of diagrams, graphs, histograms. Illustrative graphics information technology provides the ability to create illustrations for various documents. Information technologies of scientific graphics serve the tasks of cartography, presentation of scientific calculations. The use of graphics processors is especially effective for on-line preparation, that is, immediately, instantly graphic images of various industrial, financial, commercial, social and other processes. This allows managers, also on-line, to make management decisions, preventing significant losses of various resources.

The most important role in modern information processes is played by the group of information technologies for data processing.
Most of the public document flow is made up of tabular documents. Complexes of software tools that implement the creation, storage, editing, processing and printing of spreadsheets are called tabular processors... A spreadsheet processor allows you to solve problems such as budgetary and statistical calculations, forecasting in various fields, creating databases with convenient tools for working in them. An example of the most famous spreadsheet processor is MS Excel from the MS Office software package.

Database management systems (DBMS) are designed to automate the procedures for creating, storing, processing and retrieving electronic data. The main functions of a DBMS are creating, structuring, organizing the extraction of data for various purposes and formats. Many existing economic, information and reference, banking, software systems are implemented using DBMS tools. An example of a DBMS is MS Access from the MS Office software package.

The next direction in applied software packages is associated with the preparation of special slides shown on a computer monitor to accompany all kinds of performances. For such purposes, systems have been developed preparation of presentations, an example is MS PowerPoint, also from the MS Office software package.

Statistical processing systems allow you to carry out statistical calculations in various fields: sociology, economics, ecology, production, etc. An example is the SPSS package.

Financial and production programs, realizing calculations related to financial and production activities and accounting. Examples can be programs "Production", "Warehouse", "Store", "Transport", "Accounting", "Bank" and others from the package of application programs "1C".

Hypertext technologies are ways of converting text from a linear form to a hierarchical form. The use of hypertext technology (in comparison with the presentation of information in a regular book) allows you to radically change the way you view and perceive information. So, reading a text in a book, a person looks through it sequentially, page by page. And if in the process of reading, he came across a term whose meaning was explained earlier, then in this case he will have to turn the pages of the book in reverse order until we find the necessary definition of an incomprehensible term. The use of hypertext technology can significantly simplify the work with text and find the desired definition in a matter of seconds. Currently, hypertext technology is widely used to build subsystems to help users when working with interactive computer programs, as well as to build various reference books and encyclopedias.

Dialogue programs. The essence of this technology is that a special program, when a person addresses it, asks him a counter question. Having received an answer (usually "yes" or "no"), the program analyzes the situation and either offers a final answer, or again offers to clarify something in the dialogue mode, after which it offers a final answer. Such cycles "question - answer" can be repeated many times, leading in the end the person who has addressed to any rational answer. Dialogue technologies allow a person with little knowledge of a specific field of activity to quickly get the desired answer.

An important place in the process of integrating information technologies is occupied by network information technology... They represent a combination of technology for collecting, storing, transmitting and processing information on a computer with communication and telecommunication technology. With the advent of personal computers, local networks arose, which made it possible to increase the efficiency of the use of computer technology, improve the quality of information processing. They made it possible to raise production process management to a qualitatively new level, create new information and communication technologies. The combination of local area networks and global networks has opened access to world information resources. One of the most popular and promising network technologies is WWW technology, which is a distributed system of hypermedia documents, a distinctive feature of which, in addition to an attractive appearance, is the ability to organize cross-references to each other. This means the presence in the current document of a link that implements the transition to any document WWW (World Wide Web, World Wide Web) that can be physically located on another computer on the network. Using a special WWW document viewer (browser), a web user can quickly navigate links from one document to another, traveling across the world wide web.

The most widespread communication technology in computer networks has become e-mail - the technology of a computer method for sending and processing information messages, which provides operational communication between people. E-mail (E-mail)- a system for storing and sending messages between people who have access to a computer network. Any information (text documents, images, digital data, sound recordings, etc.) can be transmitted via e-mail over computer networks. It performs functions such as editing documents before transmission; their storage; forwarding of correspondence; checking and correcting transmission errors; issue of confirmation of receipt of correspondence by the addressee; receiving and storing information; viewing received correspondence.

One of the network technologies for the exchange of information between people united by common interests is a teleconference.
Teleconference- an online forum organized for discussion and exchange of news on a specific topic.
Teleconferencing allows you to post messages of interest to dedicated computers on the network. Messages can be read by connecting to a computer and choosing a topic for yourself. Further, if you wish, you can reply to the author of the article or send your own message. Thus, a network discussion is organized, which is of a news nature. The presence of audio and video equipment (microphone, digital video camera, etc.) connected to the computer allows organizing computer audio and video conferencing.

One of the most important networking technologies is distributed data processing... Personal computers are located at workplaces, i.e. at the places of origin and use of information. If they are connected by communication channels, then this makes it possible to distribute their resources to separate functional areas of activity and change the technology of data processing in the direction of decentralization. Advantages of distributed data processing: a large number of interacting users performing the functions of collecting, registering, storing, transferring and issuing information; removing peak loads from a centralized database by distributing the processing and storage of local databases on different computers; providing an information worker with access to the computing resources of a computer network; providing data exchange between remote users. The most complex systems connect to various information services and general-purpose systems (news services, national and global information retrieval systems, databases and knowledge banks, etc.).

An extremely important technology implemented in computer networks is automated information retrieval technology... Using specialized tools - information retrieval systems, you can quickly find the information you are interested in in world information sources.

Through their efforts, about 30 regional cities of Russia were able to provide free Internet services to teachers, students, workers in the field of culture and art. This work has the goal and tasks to find out the features of the influence of information technology on art, to consider the specifics of the interaction of art and science, the product of which is new technologies at the present stage and to characterize the results of the interaction of information technology and art ...

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If for ordinary programs the problem of representing the algorithm data is determined at the level of the programming language, then for FIS the representation of knowledge translates into a complex problem: what is knowledge, what knowledge to store in the system in the form of a knowledge base and in what form how to replenish it, etc. What prompted the specialists to introduce a new term You can indicate at least four reasons that allow us to speak not about data but about knowledge used in computers. A true interpretation of the problem being solved and the data that for this ...
Opening perspectives of mastering information, on the one hand, make it possible to broaden the horizons of each specific individual, to get an answer to any question of interest, to raise the level of development of science and education, to cope with the increasing pace of life in the context of globalization of the processes of civilizational development.
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Information processes, collection, processing and transmission of information have always played an important role in the science of technology and the life of society. Gathering information is the activity of the subject during which he receives information about the object of interest. The collection of information can be done either by a person or with the help of technical means and hardware systems. The task of collecting information cannot be solved in isolation from other tasks, in particular the task of exchanging information transfer.
Economic information is understood as a set of information that reflects the state or determines the change and development of the economy and all its elements. Economic information is an important part of management information, the main resource of organizational and economic management.

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Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

Higher education

Altai State Institute of Culture and Arts

Faculty of Information Resources and Design

Department of Informatics

"Information technologies in the social and cultural sphere"


Student gr. SKTiD - 142

Kuleshova A.V

Checked by: Ph.D., associate professor

Department of Informatics

L.A. Grinevich

Barnaul 2014

  • Introduction
  • 1. Information technology
  • 2. Multimedia technology
  • 3. Use of multimedia technologies in ACS
  • Conclusion


Every year in the world there are more and more new technologies, more advanced than the previous ones. A person introduces some of the technologies into various areas of his life, in an attempt to improve and improve it.

Multimedia surrounds us everywhere - through various screens a modern person comes into contact with virtual worlds, the influence of which is becoming more and more significant. Almost all spheres of activity - science, culture, education, business, today are inconceivable without multimedia products. The range of audiovisual means used in this is quite wide - computer 2D and 3D graphics, photography, animation, video, music, voice, sound special effects, etc.

1. Information technology

computer education telecommunications multimedia

Information technology (IT, from the English information technology, IT) is a wide class of discipline in areas of activity related to technologies for creating, storing, managing and processing data, including using computer technology. Recently, information technology is most often understood as computer technology. In particular, IT deals with the use of computers and software for creating, storing, processing, limiting the transmission and reception of information. Computer technicians and programmers are often referred to as IT Professionals.

According to the definition adopted by UNESCO, IT is a complex of interrelated scientific, technological, engineering disciplines that study methods of efficiently organizing the work of people involved in processing and storing information; computing technology and methods of organizing and interacting with people and production equipment, their practical applications, as well as related social, economic and cultural problems. IT itself requires complex training, high upfront costs, and knowledge-intensive technology. Their implementation should begin with the creation of software, modeling, and the formation of information storages for intermediate data and solutions.

ICT tools used in education.

The main ICT tool for the information environment of any education system is a personal computer, the capabilities of which are determined by the software installed on it. The main categories of software are system programs, application programs, and software development tools. System programs, first of all, include operating systems that ensure the interaction of all other programs with equipment and the interaction of the user of a personal computer with programs. Utility or service programs are also included in this category. Application programs include software that is a toolkit of information technology - technologies for working with texts, graphics, tabular data, etc.

In modern education systems, universal office applications and ICT tools have become widespread: word processors, spreadsheets, presentation preparation programs, database management systems, organizers, graphic packages, etc.

With the advent of computer networks and other ICT tools similar to them, education has acquired a new quality associated primarily with the ability to quickly receive information from anywhere in the world. Through the global computer network Internet, instant access to world information resources (electronic libraries, databases, file storages, etc.) is possible. The most popular resource on the Internet - the World Wide Web, has published about two billion multimedia documents.

Other common ICT tools are available on the web, including e-mail, mailing lists, newsgroups, chat. Special programs have been developed for real-time communication, allowing, after establishing a connection, to transmit text entered from the keyboard, as well as sound, images and any files. These programs allow remote users to work together with a program running on a local computer.

With the advent of new data compression algorithms, the sound quality available for transmission over a computer network has significantly increased and began to approach the sound quality in conventional telephone networks. As a result, a relatively new ICT tool - Internet telephony - began to develop very actively. With the help of special equipment and software, audio and video conferencing can be carried out via the Internet.

To ensure an effective search for information in telecommunication networks, there are automated search tools, the purpose of which is to collect data on the information resources of the global computer network and provide users with a fast search service. With the help of search engines, you can search for documents of the World Wide Web, multimedia files and software, address information about organizations and people.

With the help of ICT network tools, it becomes possible to have wide access to educational, methodological and scientific information, to organize operational consulting assistance, to model research activities, to conduct virtual training sessions (seminars, lectures) in real time.

There are several main classes of information and telecommunication technologies that are significant from the point of view of open and distance education systems. Some of these technologies are video recording and television. Videotapes and related ICT tools enable a huge number of students to listen to the best lecturers. Videotapes with lectures can be used both in special video classes and at home. It is noteworthy that in American and European training courses, the main material is presented in printed publications and on videotapes.

Television, as one of the most widespread ICTs, plays a very important role in people's lives: almost every family has at least one television. Educational TV programs are widely used around the world and are a prime example of distance learning. Thanks to television, it becomes possible to broadcast lectures to a wide audience in order to increase the general development of this audience without the subsequent control of the assimilation of knowledge, as well as the ability to subsequently test knowledge using special tests and exams.

A powerful technology that allows storing and transferring the bulk of the studied material is educational electronic publications, both distributed on computer networks and recorded on CD-ROM. Individual work with them gives a deep assimilation and understanding of the material. These technologies allow, with appropriate refinement, to adapt existing courses for individual use, provide opportunities for self-study and self-examination of the acquired knowledge. Unlike a traditional book, educational electronic publishing allows for the presentation of material in a dynamic graphical form.

2. Multimedia technology

Multimedia is the interaction of visual and audio information under the control of interactive software using modern, technical, and software tools, they combine: text, sound, video, photo, graphics, in one digital representation. The term multimedia is also often used to refer to storage media that allow you to store large amounts of data and provide fairly quick access to them (the first media of this type were CD compact disk). In this case, the term multimedia means that a computer can use such media and provide information to the user through all possible types of data such as audio, video, animation, images and others, in addition to traditional methods of providing information such as text. The definition given above is actually a user definition, that is, a general simplified definition of multimedia for a computer user to understand. The scientific and technical definition of multimedia is somewhat different. Multimedia are multiple information environments - interfaces that provide input / output of information of various types to a computer, computer creation, processing and display of information of various levels and structures for perception by various human senses at the same time. Multimedia is a set of information environments, channels, each of which knows its own specific form corresponding to its level and purpose. The main environments, ordered in ascending order of level, are as follows: binary environments, including processor instructors, binary programs and data files. Contact media, which are tactile, strain-gauge electro-contact, capacitive and other sensory media used to enter mechanical, code and other space-dependent information;

Text environments, which are textual data for people, program texts for the work of interpreters, and other textual information;

Audio streams, which are sound files, series of digitized sound, sets of audio note data, and other types of digital sound;

Graphical environments, which are files of drawings, photographs and other two-dimensional graphical information;

Video streams, which are video files, rows of dynamic graphic information;

Virtual reality, which is an interactive 3D video stream. The use of multimedia ensures the ease of perception of information by a person, since a person has means and methods of information processing that are significantly different from a computer and have a form of perception that is convenient for a person. If a computer is characterized by binary-discrete forms of information with electrical transmission of information signals (1/0), then for a person - multimodal-analog forms of predominantly non-electrical nature (light, sound, pressure, etc.) Without the creation of such environments, the perception of computer information by a person is extremely difficult, and even more difficult to transfer multimodal information from one person to another through computer means. Therefore, the technology and technique of multimedia includes a wide range of different interfaces, both input interfaces (sensors - video camera, microphone, touch screen, etc., converters - ADCs, special processors for converting external information), and output interfaces (displays, sound sources etc.). Multimedia can be divided into linear (no feedback) and interactive environments. The analogue of the linear presentation method can be cinema. The person viewing this document cannot influence its conclusion in any way. An interactive (non-linear) way of presenting information allows a person, programs, a network to participate in the display of information, interacting in any way with a means of displaying multimedia data. The participation of two or more parties in this process is called “interactivity”. This way of human-computer interaction is most fully represented in the categories of computer games. The interactive way of presenting multimedia data is sometimes called “hypermedia.” As an example of linear and interactive ways of presenting information, one can consider such a situation as giving a presentation. If the presentation was recorded on tape or in a video file, and is shown to the audience, then those viewing this presentation have no opportunity to influence its course. In the case of a live presentation, the audience has the opportunity to ask the speaker questions and interact with him in other ways, which allows the speaker to move away from the topic of the presentation, for example, by explaining some terms or highlighting controversial parts of the report in more detail. Thus, a live presentation can be presented as an interactive (non-linear) way of presenting information.

3. Use of multimedia technology in ACS

Art, as the most important component of spiritual culture, has accompanied humanity since its inception. And today it does not lose its significance, on the contrary, with the improvement of computer technologies, which are an integral part of the 21st century, new types of art appear in this area. The development of multimedia technologies plays a direct role in this. Multimedia is a set of computer technologies that simultaneously use several information media: graphics, text, video, animation, soundtrack. Art is one of the forms of social consciousness, the most important component of spiritual culture; a special kind of spiritual mastery, cognition of reality in all the richness of its manifestations, one way or another connected with a person. At the junction of the areas presented above, at the end of the 20th century, a new type of art is emerging - computer art, involving the creation of works of art using a computer. One of the important features of this type of creativity, according to the authors of the works themselves, is the openness of the artistic space, which presupposes the use of their own means of creation, goals and laws.

To date, several types of computer art have emerged, including computer graphics, computer animation, computer music, interactive computer performance, Net Art.

Computer graphics is a technology for creating and processing graphic images by means of computer technology. Artists who are directly involved in the presented form of creativity consider only those works that cannot be created using ordinary materials as a real work of computer graphics. They are a combination of high computer technologies and have their own color, lighting, texture and movement, if the artist wants it, which is unusual for any real-life object or person.

Computer animation is the art of creating moving images using a computer by sequentially showing slideshows from pre-prepared graphic files, as well as computer simulation of motion by changing and redrawing the shape of objects or showing sequential images with phases of movement, prepared in advance or generated during animation ...

Computer music is a field of musical and technical activity in which musical works are created with the help of a computer based on special programs. Computer music has a number of significant advantages: high-quality sound reproduction - stereo and surround sound, the ability to record music on your own computer, and the use of editor programs for writing music. One of the pioneers in the field of creating computer music is considered to be Bernard Parmegiani, who received the Golden Nickname in this area at the Ars Electronica festival in 1993 for the composition "Entre temps" ("Meanwhile"), which the author himself saw as "a link between the past, present and future, connecting them together. " Interactive computer performance is an art form that allows the viewer (user) to participate almost on a par with the author in the creation of a work of art. It is not an enclosed space that can only be observed, but an environment that allows active intervention. A performance is a certain set of images, sounds, words; it is an artistic world in a computer network, where the user can participate in its creation and change. Involving the user in communication with the work reduces the role of the artist and relieves him of some of the responsibility; the work becomes infinitely mobile, the former viewer gets the opportunity to "create".

Net Art (net-art) - network art - works created on the Internet, for the Internet, exhibited, existing and functioning on the Web.

A work of network art is most often not functional: such a Web page is an artistic work and is a collection of visual images, animation, text, graphics, coordinated activities of various kinds of applications and programs designed to embody the author's intention, which can be of a very different nature - from storytelling "Film" before playing with the audience, demonstration of the "broken" page, etc. animation, text, graphics, coordinated activities of various applications and programs designed to embody the author's intention, which can be of a very different nature - from telling a "film" to playing with the viewer, demonstrating a "broken" page, etc. One of the main features of net art is the proclamation of a focus on communication, not representation, i.e. the artist's goal is not to impose his own vision, personal position, but to communicate with the viewer, to involve him in a creative dialogue. The contribution of each participant turns out to be not a product, but an element of the general communication field, which can be used and transformed by any subject who finds himself in the communication network. Its other characteristic feature is proclaimed freedom - from government regulations, from orders. Other features of net-art that call for not revealing the principle of "work" of this or that work are unexpectedness, attractiveness and absurdity.

“Art in art” can be called cultural heritage Web sites, as many Web sites in this category, in turn, are in themselves works of art created using multimedia technologies. There are a number of large resources on the Russian Internet covering many areas of culture. Each of them is unique in its own way, each has its own audience. But this has both pros and cons. On the one hand, Web-creations of amateurs create information noise that prevents the user from finding high-quality information and navigating the abundance of various network projects. Sites are very different both in terms of technology and content. On the other hand, many of the cultural sites are deeply meaningful in terms of relevance, information relevance, freshness and diversity of ideas. Thus, in the field of culture, the following Internet resources can be distinguished: government, public, research and non-profit institutions and organizations in the field of culture and art, museums, music, art news (press), encyclopedias, theater, cinema, architecture, library archives. Summarizing the above, we come to the conclusion that multimedia in art is a kind of artistic creation by new means, it is not so much a product of a "technological revolution" as a digital embodiment of ideas that are present in different types of art and activities over the millennia. In addition, multimedia technologies give rise to new forms of artistic creation.


Today, multimedia technology is firmly entrenched in many areas of activity. Many programmers, screenwriters, designers are working on the creation of more and more new projects. Summing up, we can note the possibilities and areas of application of multimedia products and technologies. The main purposes of using products created in multimedia technologies (CD-ROM with information recorded on them) are:

· Popularization and entertainment (CDs are used as home libraries for art or literature).

· Scientific and educational or educational (used as teaching aids).

· Research - in museums, archives, etc. (used as one of the most advanced media and "repositories" of information).

According to the CIA news agency, a global technological revolution is scheduled for the next 15 years. Bio-, nano- and information technologies (including multimedia technologies) will become its foundation. The industry will begin to apply qualitatively new technological solutions. Rapid prototyping based on advanced multimedia computer-aided design (CAD) systems will allow you to quickly create and analyze models of future goods and devices (for example, cars) without a long design cycle. The process of customer service is maximally individualized. The prospects for nanotechnology (the assembly of arbitrary objects by nanorobots from any available materials) look even more tempting, but less certain. The most likely emergence of high-performance processors and computer storage devices developed with the help of nanotechnology and the creation of single trial versions of quantum computers, which in turn will entail the emergence of multimedia technologies to an unprecedented level.

Self-assembly technology will make it possible to produce goods from materials that change the internal structure at the molecular level depending on the properties of the environment and adapt at the atomic level to the conditions of use. On their basis, smart buildings and clothing, multifunctional products, and virtual reality systems will be developed.

Information technologies will become the fundamental and connecting link of all these technologies, but the situation with them is difficult to predict. For example, it is almost impossible to predict what the Internet will be like 15 years from now. One thing is clear that in the near future multimedia technologies will become an integral part of every person's daily life.

List of used literature

1. Vlasova, EZ Information technologies [Text]: textbook. allowance / E.Z. Vlasova, T.Yu. Ilyina, A.V. Kopyltsov; Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, Government of Leningrad. region, Leningrad state region un-t them. A.S. Pushkin. - Saint Petersburg. : LGOU, 2002 .-- 164 p.

2. Voronkova, OB Information technologies in education: interactive methods [Text]: textbook. allowance / O. B. Voronkova. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2010 .-- 314p.

3. Golovko, T. G. Information technologies in education [Text]: textbook. allowance / T.G. Golovko; State educational institution add. prof. education "Rostov region. Institute of advanced training and retraining. education workers." - Rostov-on-Don: Publishing house of the Rostov region. IPK and missile defense, 2010 .-- 119 p.

4. Dzyubenko, A. A. New information technologies in education [Text]: textbook. manual / A.A. Dzyubenko. - Moscow, 2000 .-- 103 p.

5. Zakharova, IG Information technologies in education [Text]: textbook. allowance / I.G. Zakharova; Grew up. Federation, Ministry of Education and Science, FGBOU VPO Tyumen. state un-t, Institute of distance. Education, Institute of Mathematics, Natural Sciences. sciences and inform. technologies. - Tyumen: Publishing house of the Tyumen State University, 2012 .-- 331 p.

6. Kiseleva, N. A. New pedagogical information technologies in education [Text]: monograph / N. A. Kiseleva. - Nizhnekamsk: Chishme, 2004 .-- 91 p.

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8. Monakhov, S. V. Computer information technologies in education: Lecture notes / S.V. Monakhov, A.A. Polyakov, V. Ya. Tsvetkov; Moscow state University of Geodesy and Cartography. - Moscow: Max Press, 2004 .-- 94 p.

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