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New computer words and their meaning. Dictionary of Computer Terms and Slang

Automation- procedure for checking the length of the combination of the logical identification name and password (or only the password) entered by the user in the Internet.
Admin- the administrator, managing the position in the computer world. Network administrator, databases, website ...
Aka, aka, aka- (from the English Also Known As) combination of two nicknames (or names). For example "Batman aka Vasya" where "Batman" is a nickname, "Vasya" is a name.
Accaynt- account - login (username) (login) and password (password).
Anti-virus- a program that provides and removes viruses.
Antileech(from English antileech) - a system for protecting files from direct download. To download files from a leecher-protected website, the user must first go to that site. See also Lich.
Apach- one of the implementations of http-servers, intended for use in managing the UNIX operating system. The program is a virtual server that you can install on your computer. With the help of it, it is possible to imitate the existing Internet server (from the English Apache).
Upgrade- modernization of the computer hardware, expansion of capabilities, improvement of its functional characteristics, as well as improvement of the software
Upgrade- update something.
Aplet- an independent application written in the Java language and intended to be included in the html-document as an element of the web-page.
Aplod- the process of downloading files to the remote computer. (from English Upload).
Apxivator- a program that will allow you to compress information by eliminating excess (spaces, repeats, etc.). Compression happens with loss and without. You can squeeze anything you want: text, music, video, photos, etc. Moreover, the more uniform information, the better it is compressed.
ICQ (ICQ)- a comunicational program for the Internet, allowing you to exchange short messages (pager analog), as well as send files, photos, etc. One of the means of communication in the Internet.
Attach- attached file.

Bug- error, error in the program. From (from the English bug) beetle, insect. Electric lamps of large and ancient computers often burned because of beetles and motes flying in the light and heat, and the machine went out of the window. So they began to blame all the flaws on the beetles ...
Byte- 8 bit, information unit. The same as the "bit", only 8 times larger. There are also the following units of measurement: kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, terabyte, petabyte, exabyte.
Ban, send to the bath- to deny access rights to something, for example, to a forum.
Banner- a promotional image of a fixed size, as a rule, containing an animation that performs the role of a hyperlink to that or another period of the Internet.
Bathhouse attendant- the person dealing with banners.
Browser (Browser) is a special client program designed for viewing the content of web sites and displaying HTML documents.
Baton- any key on the keyboard (example: trample loaves) (from the English Button).
Back up- make a backup.
Bebeska, bBizba, bibisA, bibisina, bibiesina, bordA, biba- BBS (bulleten board system), a bulletin board of the Fido era, a prototype of modern websites.
Bit- the minimum unit of information measurement (0 or 1).
Blank- CD.
Adventurer- browser or computer game. V
Varese- free, "pirate" software (from the English Ware - products).
Windows, vindovoz- the same as "Mazdai".
Screw, broom- hard drive, hard drive.
Rope- wire, cable, channel of connections to the Network. G
Gamer- a person who cannot imagine himself without toys. Gamble - play.
Guestbook- guestbook (from English Guestbook). Home book - a section of the web site, with a special and interactive format, with the help of one of the visitors of the given cycle, you can use it to rewrite the
Glitch- an incomprehensible failure in the program (if it is repeated, then this is already a Bug). Glitches - works with errors.
Gig- the same as "meg", only 1024 times more.
GIFs- familiar from GIF.
Bang- delete something, erase from the disk.
Guru- a respected person, an experienced craftsman. D

Danload(download) - the process of copying files from a remote network computer (server) to the calling computer (client). Ha common technical fire, this procedure is sometimes called "download".
Tree- directory structure.
Defaults- values ​​set by default.
Directory- a folder (and not a colony, as one might think).
Domain- This is commonly referred to as an articulate Internet address. (Take Here “.ru” is the first-level domain, “.design” is the second, “www” is the third).
Firewood- drivers.
Driver- a program that controls any external or internal computer device (scanner, mouse, keyboard, disk drive ...). The driver is an intermediate link between the iron (device) and the operating system. Having changed or added a device, you need to change or install its driver and the operating system and programs will be able to work with this device. The program or the operating system must not be changed. F, Z
Iron (hardware)- filling the computer (processor, hard disk, memory).
Redneck packed- an archive compressed first with tar, and then with gzip.
Fill- upload the file to the server.
Release- to officially release the finished software product.
Save- save (from the English. Save).
Add- to install the program or set the system configuration. (from English setup)
Zip- use zip archiver.
Shl- post scriptum (afterword). It's just that on the keyboard, the letters Z and Y are in the same place as P and S. Too lazy to change the layout ... (from the English P.S. abbreviation for Post Scriptum) AND
UPS (UPS)- a source of uninterruptible power supply (prevents the computer from failing in the electrical network and unexpected power outages). Has a rechargeable battery, calculated for operation from several minutes to several hours when the mains voltage 220 V is turned off.
Ignop- abbreviation from the word "ignore", a special programmatic order of relation to individual chats or members of the forum, when applied, messages do not pass to the addressee. Ignop is private and general (total).
IE, IE- Internet Explorer, bpayzer from Microsoft.
IMHO- "in my humble opinion" - (from the English In My Humble Opinion). Expressing this phrase, a person expresses his opinion, trying not to offend anyone, as well as True Opinion.
Installation- installation of the program on the computer. The programs are distributed in the distributive - its own kind of package. Before starting work, most programs require installation. At this they copy the necessary files to the hard disk of the computer and are registered in the operating system.
Seeker- search engine (eg Yandex). TO
A rock- processor.
Quoting- quotation (from the English quote).
Kilo, Kb, Kb- kilobyte. KilO "- the same as" byte ", only 1024 times more.
Klava- keyboard. Trample claudia (loaves, i.e. keys) - work with the keyboard.
Client- a computer (or program) that is serviced by the server.
Standard line- the interface, in which the interaction with the system is operated by the input of commands and parameters to them, in response to some ineffectiveness. It has less visibility for playing in contrast to the program icons that are displayed on Windows. In the case with the command line on the monitor on the background of the black screen, there is a line that is not understood by the usual user.
Comp(wheelbarrow, apparatus, number gnaw) - computer, PC.
Root- the first directory in the tree (root directory).
Cracker- a person who breaks into a system with a critical purpose: the rooting of information, computation, redemption. Not to be confused with a hacker.
Crack, crack- (from the English crack), which means to break. Usually it is a Key-generator or a small program that allows you to use a licensed program without a paid registration.
Crack, crack, hack, pluck- open any software and change the data in it at your own discretion.
Connect- connection to the Internet or connection to the server.
Kyki- from the English "cookies" - the cookie. THIS IS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION REGARDING YOUR IP, YOUR SETTINGS ON THIS SITE OR ANOTHER SITE. On the one hand - this is very convenient, because, for example, you do not have to constantly enter the password on the site of your provider. However, these cookies can be used for other purposes.
Kyler- from the word "cooler" - fan. There are some coolers that cool the processor, power supply unit and other device: a graphical accelerator, etc. So there can be several coolers in the computer (usually at least two).
Caching web pages- the process of saving html-docs and graphical files downloaded from the Internet to a special folder on a hard disk using a video clip When re-accessing the site, the browsers open this web page from the hard drive, which will allow you to significantly reduce the time of its reading. L
Lol- (from the English Laughing Out Loud) what does it mean to laugh loudly, to laugh, etc. There is a corresponding emoticon.
Lamer- a complete idiot, fool, kettle, dumbass. Not to be confused with the novice user. Lamer is dangerous to himself and to those around him.
Sheet- mailing list, used to notify the broad masses in one simple letter (from the English. Mailing List).
Lich (lich, leecher)- indicate a direct link to an object on someone else's server (from the English leech - leech). Personalization is considered bad form on the Internet. For example, someone posted a downloadable file on their website. Licher does not upload it to his server, does not indicate the address of the site on which this file can be found, but gives the specific address of the file, thereby using other people's traffic and labor. The same applies to pictures. In the case of warez, this creates additional problems, since the authors of the programs, in the case of the lack of screenshots from the offsite, can track where and on what resources they were used and at the same time find unlicensed copies of their programs.
Holders of serious resources are fighting against lechery, checking the referrer, installing antileech - a system for protecting files from direct download. To download files from a leecher-protected website, the user must first go to that site.
Login- the identifier used to log in to the system (for example, to a website or forum).
Lokalka- a local network, not necessarily connected to the Internet.

A Brief Dictionary of Computer Terms.

The computer has long been transformed from a high-tech device into a personal machine. There are almost no non-computer industries left in the world. To keep up with the modern world, you have to understand the computer. Without knowing computer terms and concepts, you will stay away from the technological world. Even when booking a place in the cinema, you must be able to use The Internet... At work and at home, everywhere you need the Internet. USB drives are in vogue today, not CD / DVD disks. Let's start with basic computer terms and concepts.

Computer is a computing device capable of using programs, that is, a sequence of given commands.

Program is a sequence of commands launched directly from the computer, with the support of the operating system.

Operating system is software that interacts with a computer at the primary level. Serves as a user interface and allows you to allocate memory for necessary tasks and processes. A computer cannot function normally without an operating system.

Team are step-by-step instructions that guide your computer to perform the required actions.

CPU, also known as microprocessor... It is the central part of the computer, its brain. Allows you to perform software tasks and allocates memory space to receive information entered directly from input devices.

Desktop- a place directly displayed on the monitor allows you to quickly access the files and documents you need.

File is a logical unit for storing information, which includes: text documents, music, audio, spreadsheets, etc. Each file is saved with a unique name.

Folder is a one-stop place for organizing files, themes, and projects on your computer. Similar files in the folder will be grouped together. A folder is like a bookshelf in a closet if you think of files as books.

HDD is a device that allows you to store data on a computer, unlike RAM, it saves data even when it is turned off.

Hardware- a system that consists of a monitor, keyboard, mouse, system unit, printer, scanner, etc. Often also referred to as computer hardware. Enter into direct communication when the computer starts up.

Hyperlink- a program that allows you to go from one web page to another, most often marked as. If you hover over it, you will see that it has changed, which means that with a click of the mouse you can go to another site.

Internet- a worldwide network created for the exchange of data, information and opinions.

Monitor- computer screen, its display. Brings up a program interface to the user. Allows you to interact with your computer using a keyboard and mouse.

Mouse is an external input device that allows the user to quickly and conveniently interact with files and programs.

Keyboard is a peripheral device for interacting with a computer by entering characters using keys. You can see the result of the input on the screen.

RAM- a device for storing temporary information, when the programs are closed, the information from the RAM is deleted. The amount of memory affects the number of programs that you can run at the same time.

Browser is an application that helps to transform the source code of the world wide web into a simple and user-friendly form. Simply put, the browser is used to surf the Internet. Microsoft Internet Explorer Is the simplest and most famous example of a browser.

Periphery- peripheral input devices, information output outside the system unit. For example, a printer, scanner, mouse, keyboard, game joysticks, etc. are considered peripherals. Some of the peripheral devices play an important role and without them the stable operation of the computer is impossible.

Net- this is the connection between computers for the exchange of information. Exists wired and wireless networks... The best example of a web is the Internet.

Software are instructions for a computer that allow it to complete a task step by step. The computer cannot function without software.

It was a set of terms to help children begin to understand the computer. Helping beginners to master the computer. Computers have become an integral part of our life, without which we will not be able to function normally in today's constantly changing world. Learning to use a computer is as important for a person as learning to read and write. Today, people are increasingly dependent on software.

By popular request from readers of this blog, I publish a dictionary of computer terms and jargon. Since everything flows and changes, and what I managed to find on the Internet is already hopelessly outdated and sour ... I decided to create a new modern dictionary of computer terms with all the ensuing consequences ... clubs, and the dictionary will turn out to be mixed with profanity. How many of you have a desire to add - as always, unsubscribe in the comments. I would be very grateful to the authors' assistants. Let's put together the most complete and up-to-date explanatory dictionary of computer terms!

So let's get started ...

Abuse- a complaint about the site Also used: abuse, abuse. ActiveX- A software component that can be embedded in a web page to provide additional functionality such as animating images, calculating spreadsheets, etc. Also used: Active-x AGP- a type of specialized bus (connector) for video cards with a built-in graphics accelerator, which is already considered obsolete and is practically not used. Also used: AGP, Ai-gi-pi, AZhP, Ay-gi-piha. AFAIK or afaik(rare) - Abbreviation for "As Far As I Know" (English). Translated as "as far as I know." It is mainly used for online communication (forums, chats, etc.). AFAIR or afair(rare) - Abbreviation of the English "As Far As I Remember". Translated as "as far as I remember." It is used primarily when communicating on the Internet. aka or aka- Abbreviation for Also Known As. Pointer to the person's alias (nickname), "Chris Kaspersky aka Myshkh ". Anti-aliasing- Since digital images are basically a matrix of points, the lines of this matrix, when drawn not strictly horizontally or vertically, draw the object with uneven, jagged lines (this effect is also called stairstepping). The most common method to combat this effect is to fill the pixels in the teeth with a color that is a mixture of the color of the line itself and the color of the background. The edges of the line are thus softened and the line looks cleaner, free from jaggies. Also used: Anti-aliasing, anti-aliasing Doorway- a site optimized for a specific search query, in gross violation of the rules established by search engines. Often a site that does not have any semantic meaning, made for search robots and not for people. Also used: Doorway, Door. DMOZ- - on this moment one of the most authoritative site directories. Also used: DMOZ. IHHO or INHO(rarely) - "in his humble opinion." In the case when they speak for someone, in the opinion of a stranger, they may be nearby. From the English. "In him humble opinion". IMHO or IMHO, imha- in my humble opinion. Abbreviation for "in my humble opinion" (eng) INHO or INHO(rarely) - in an immodest opinion. From the English. "In Not Humble Opinion". Ppc- (PPK) model of relationship with the advertiser, in which the advertiser pays for the specific fact of the user clicking on a link on the site. Abbreviation for English. "Pay-per-click" - "pay per click" ROFL or ROFL- an expression that characterizes something funny. For example, "ROFL, this guy can't play at all!" RTFM or RTFM(rare) - Referring the reader or the asker to the documentation. From the English. "Read The Following (Fucking) Manual" SERP- page for issuing search results of a search engine. It is an abbreviation for Search Engine Result Page. Also used: sickle. Ava- cm. Avatar Avatar - A picture or photograph (static or animated) that the user chooses as a "face". It is mainly used in forums, blogs and social networks on the Internet. Also used: ava, avatar, avatar, avik, avchik, userpic. Avatar- cm. Avatar Avatar- cm. Avatar Avik- cm. Avatar Avchik- cm. Avatar Autogluck or Outgluck Is a derogatory name for the Microsoft Outlook mail client program. Also used: onion(rarely). AGP - cm. AGP Adult or Adult, Adult- The subject of discussion belongs to the category "from 18+", for example, erotica or pornography. From English adult - adult. Admin, Administrator- A specialist responsible for the design, installation, configuration, control, management and maintenance of networks (for example, local in your office or educational institution), computer systems, etc., or the owner, founder of a website on the Internet, participating in its creation and development. Also used: sysadmin, adminis. Adob- the abbreviated name of the Adobe Systems company - one of the leaders in the development of programs in the field of creation and processing of graphic information and desktop publishing systems. The most popular products are Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Acrobat Reader. Also used: Adobe, Adobe Account, Acc- Personal section of a member of a forum, mail service, blog or social network. Also used: accounting, profile, ac. Accelerator(outdated) - from English. Accelerator, Accelerator. A type of video adapter that was once developed by 3DFX (called Voodoo) and contained its own processor to improve the performance of a standard computer video card. Today this term is practically not used, since each video card has its own, built-in accelerator. Unlim or Unlimited- No restrictions on the amount of information downloaded from the Internet for the user. Also used: Unlim. Antivirus- a program for detecting and destroying malicious software. Antivirus - cm. Antivirus Antivirus - cm ... Antivirus APVS(rare) - Acronym for "Why are you asking?" Upgrade- (from the English. Upgrade) Updating the computer hardware, which consists in replacing or adding a new component or updating a program that has new functionality. In case of updating the licensed program, only part of the cost is paid for the new version. Update(from English Update) - Free, as a rule, update (modification) of a licensed program. The version number of the program remains the same, the release date changes. In the updated versions, the found errors (bugs) have been fixed. Upload(from English Upload) - Copying (uploading) a file from a user's computer to a server on the Internet. Applet- (from the English Applet). A small program, an application in Java (for example, there are the following applets: calendar, imitation of reflection in water, and many others). On the Internet, you can find ready-made applets on special collection sites of various programs for the web. Watermelon- cm. Browser. Asechka or Asya- Internet pager (instant messaging program). It can be either ICQ or any other analogue, for example QIP. Also used: ICQ, Aunt Asya(rarely). Attach- Attached file. Most often we mean a file attached to an e-mail message. For example, you can say - “in the letter I attached(a) photographs ", or" see pictures in attache«. Author- Author. The word originally appeared in the slang of the so-called "padonks" as one of the words of the "Bobruisk language" (see, for example,, and after that it began to be used by many other Internet users. Babit - cm. Ban, Ban. Bug(from the English. Bug - beetle) - An error in the program, leading to its malfunctioning or abnormal termination. Catch bugs- means to find and fix bugs in the program. Also used: glitch, bug Bynet- Belarusian or Belarusian-speaking part of the Internet (bynet, from .by). Ban- a ban on any actions. For instance, ban a user on the forum prohibits him from writing (and sometimes reading) messages; ban site in the search engine prohibits the participation of the site in the search. Also used: Bath. Ban, Ban- Introduce a ban for the user to perform any actions (write new messages, view them, etc.). Also used: To hammer. Baner, Banner- (from the English Banner - banner) A static or dynamic image on a web page, usually of an advertising nature. Contains a hyperlink to the advertised page. Bath- The bat mail program! Bash- Applied in relation to the quotation book, or in relation to the Runet quotation book Also used: Bor, Basorg Basorg - cm. Bash Boron - cm. Bash. Accordion- An old, bearded story or theme. Usually not true. The expression is mainly used by Internet users. Also used: Murzilka. BB code- Special reserved character sequences used in forums and other public scripts for text decoration (bold, italic, etc.). They appeared and are used due to the fact that for security reasons, all html tags in incoming messages on most forums are filtered (removed). bb codes- these are the same html tags, only they contain the symbols “ Back- see. Backlink Backlink- back link. Most often used in relation to external links to the site. Also used: Back. Binary(file), or binary- Binary file. Information written in the binary number system. Binaries also called executable files of programs. (with the extension .exe, .com). Bq- Role-playing online game "fight club". Also used: TOombats. Vomit, Vobla- Forum script vBullitin, written in the server programming language php. The official site of the script is The official Russian website is Also used: Bulka. BMP(obsolete) - Abbreviation for "Without the Slightest Clue". Means “I don’t know”. Borda- the name comes from the Angian board (literally - "board"). In the context of the Internet, it is most often used in relation to forums. Less often - to notice boards. Has origin, as a synonym for an abbreviation BBS(obsolete) - an electronic bulletin board, the predecessor of the site on the Internet. From the English BBS (English bulletin board system). Also used: BBC, BBC, BBC, Bibisiha. Browser, Browser - A program for viewing web pages. Also used: Adventurer(rarely). Adventurer(rarely) - see Browser Varese- Software, multimedia and any other content that is illegally distributed on the Internet. Vareznik- a site that distributes content in violation of copyright. Web1) Internet. Acronym for the English World Wide Web - World Wide Web. Also used: No, Inet, Tyrnet 2) The abbreviated name of the well-known antivirus Dr. WEB Also used: Weber, Weber, Drweb. Vector- (from the English Vector) or Vector graphics- this is when the image is presented in the form of line segments, vectors. The difference between a vector image is easy scalability while maintaining all proportions. Vika- Wikipedia (the free encyclopedia). Located at Also used: Pedivikia. Windows- A derogatory name for the operating system of the Microsoft Windows family Also used: Take out, Windows, Windows, Window vents, Mastday(from the English Must die - "Must die!") Winduzyatnik- a fan of the operating system Microsoft Windows, or a Windows user in the circles of fans of free software. Hansa- site Guest- Guest book. A script that allows site visitors to leave their replacements and wishes about it. The name comes from a distorted transcription of the English title Guest Book. Also used: Gostevukha. Govnosite, GS- 1) a site that has no semantic meaning 2) Doorway 3) A site made by a non-professional webmaster or designer with serious flaws and errors. 4) The site on which there is a clear excess of advertising. GPPCS(outdated. rare) - Ready to Subscribe Under Every Word. Thunderbird- Mozilla ThunderBird rss client. Named after its name, as ThunderBird can literally translate "Thunderbird". Gogol - cm. Google Google- Google search engine. Also used: google, google, google, google, google, gogol Google - cm. Google Googol - cm. Google Google - cm. Google Google - cm. Google Google - cm. Google Google- Search for any information on the Internet using the Google search engine. Design- Design. Usually applied in relation to the design of a particular site. In the Concept "(Web) design as a whole" is used quite rarely. Also used: Diz Diz- see Design Dialup- Outdated technology for slow dial-up dial-up connections over a telephone line. Also used: dialup, dailup, dailup, dailup. Diarrhea- blog service DTKZ- an abbreviation for "For Those Who Know". DTKP- an abbreviation for "For Those Who Understand". EVPOCHIA- an abbreviation from "If You Understand What I Am About". Burn- To say something awkward or powerfully laugh it off. That is, the expression "zhzhosh" is equivalent in meaning to the phrase "well, you give." For the first time the word appeared in the lexicon of the so-called "bastards", and then spread all over the Internet. Fat muzzle- the main page of the site, which has good indicators TC and PR LJ- Livejournal. It is applied either in relation to the service itself (, or to a specific blog on this service. Synonyms: jojo, zhyzha. Zhmylo- the mail service Gmail from Google. Synonyms: bumblebee. Buzz- make an entry in LJ (your blog on the service Used in two opposite ways: 1. write something hot that will get a lot of comments from other users
2. write about something that is not interesting and annoying to others. Example: “Maybe stop buzzing about how you ate and went to the toilet? Tired of it! " Trapper - cm ... Antivirus ZZY- the equivalent of the P. P. S. abbreviation (in the form of PPS or PPS :, from Lat. Post Post Scriptum, "after after the signature") - postscript. The appearance of the letter combination is caused by the ratio of the English and Russian keyboard layouts. Sometimes when printing people forget to switch the layout, and instead of "PPS", "PPS:" they type "ЗЗЫ", "ЗЗЫЖ", respectively. Synonyms: zzyzh. Shl- the equivalent of the abbreviation P. S. (in the form of PS or PS :, from the Latin Post Scriptum, "after the signature") - a postscript. The appearance of the letter combination is caused by the ratio of the English and Russian keyboard layouts. Sometimes when printing, people forget to switch the layout, and instead of "PS", "PS:" typed "ZY", "ZYZH", respectively. Synonyms: zyzh. Ignore- a label applied by a chat participant (multi-user or instant messenger) to another participant, in which the system ignores messages from the second to the first. Or simply ignore messages. From the English. ignore - ignore. Internet- Internet. Synonyms: no, network, raccoon. Irka- system of on-line communication IRC (Internet Relay Chat). Ass- see. donkey Donkey- Internet browser Microsoft Internet Explorer. It was named so, presumably, in honor of Eeyore's donkey from the book "Winnie the Pooh and All, All, All", since the abbreviated name of the browser is IE, as well as because of the dislike of many users to this browser. Synonyms: donkey, donkey IE. Other meaning:
Donkey- eDonkey2k peer-to-peer network. From the English. donkey - donkey. Kaznet- the Kazakh or Kazakh-speaking part of the Internet (kaznet, Capitalize- writing messages in uppercase is highly discouraged in chats without special need. The term comes from the name of the "Caps Lock" button, which allows you to write in upper case without pressing the "Shift" key. Captcha- A picture for recognizing the characters depicted on them by a person. It is used as protection against automatic registrations and spambots. Contact- Social network Vkontakte Also used: vkontakte Content- Text content of the site (for example, articles). Konfa- conference, forum, sometimes used as configuration (programs). Red-eyed- A dismissive nickname referring to ardent fans of the Linux operating system and free software in general. Cthulhu- an octopus-like monster from the works of Howard Lovecraft. Satanic underwater god. A very popular character on the Internet. Ku- a greeting (most often used in chats or forums). Taken from the film "Kin-dza-dza!" ku - "Re" typed in Russian keyboard mode - from "Response" - the answer (English). When replying to an email, the subject line is "Re: previous email subject." If the user does not use this substitution, he can write this expression manually. He may forget to switch the layout (or not to switch on purpose :)), and the result will be "Ku". May also mean "Respect" cookies- a small piece of service information placed by the web server on the user's computer. It is used to save data specific to a given user and used by the web server for various purposes. Synonyms: cookies. Cabapees- see. kbps KBPS- kilobits per second (to indicate the speed of a network connection or the bitrate of a multimedia file). From the English. kbps - kilobits per second. Synonyms: kbps. Lamer- Beginner, naive and carefree computer user, not thinking about security. Also used: Kettle. Eraser- internet service Lemming - cm. Shkolota Link- Link. The name comes from the English Link (literally - "link"). Synonyms: link. Fox- Internet browser Mozilla FireFox, derived from the Mozilla browser, in turn derived from the Netscape Navigator (NN) browser. The official website is Named so in honor of the name itself (Fox - a fox (eng)). Synonyms: fox, ogelis, chanterelle. Leecher- a useless member of the file-sharing network who only downloads without giving anything in return. Or a distribution participant who downloads pieces of files and distributes them to other users (participants), having downloaded the file completely becomes a seeder (distributor). From the English. "Leech" is a leech. Logoff- log out of the system, being authorized in it before. From the English. "Log off" - exit. Lol- the personification of loud laughter. Typically used to compliment the other person's sense of humor. It is often used in disputes as an expression of disrespect for the arguments of the opponent. To enhance the effect, the middle letter "o" is often multiplied, for example "looooooooooooooooool". lol stands for Laugh out loud. Lol- designation of ridicule or laughter caused by the absurdity of someone's actions. From the English. lol - "Laugh out loud". Synonyms: lolka. Lore- site The expression is formed as an abbreviation for the site address. MB- short for "maybe". It is used mainly in chats and computer games. Mail- e-mail address (E-mail box). Synonyms: soap, emelya, soap, soap dish. Small soft- A dismissive name referring to Microsoft Corporation and its employees, formed by a loose translation of the word Microsoft (from the Greek. Micro - small, small and English. Soft - soft). Also used: Melkosoft, Bill's office Murzilka- see. Accordion Soap- send a message by e-mail Synonyms: soap. Soap- see. mail
Mail- e-mail address (E-mail box). Synonyms: mail, email, email, soap dish. Necropost- post in a forum thread that has long been inactive and abandoned. Not- see. internet
Internet- Internet. Synonyms: internet, network, raccoon. Nickname- see. Nick
Nick- nickname, pseudonym. Most often used on the Internet. Synonyms: nickname. Overquoting- Excessive quoting in response to a message in an echo conference or forum. Negl. "Over quoting" OINCH- short for "Unsubscribe and Don't Read". Most often used when communicating on the Internet. Online- the state of the subscriber "online", or communication "in real time" (icq, irc). From the English. "On-line" - "on the line" Donkey- Internet browser Microsoft Internet Explorer. It was named so, presumably, in honor of Eeyore's donkey from the book "Winnie the Pooh and All, All, All", since the abbreviated name of the browser is IE, as well as because of the dislike of many users to this browser. Synonyms: donkey, donkey IE. Donkey- eDonkey2k peer-to-peer network. From the English. donkey - donkey. Synonyms: donkey, donkey. Losloset- see. donkey Log out- log out of the system. Offline- the state of the subscriber is “offline”, or communication “upon reading” (e-mail, echo conferences, newsgroups, forums, mailings). Recently, it has acquired a new meaning - the meeting of the participants of the forum, conferences, etc. in person. Synonyms: offline, offline. Offline- see. offline
offline - the subscriber's status is “offline”, or communication “upon reading” (e-mail, echo conferences, newsgroups, forums, mailings). Recently, it has acquired a new meaning - the meeting of the participants of the forum, conferences, etc. in person. Synonyms: offline, off. Offtopic- Mainly applied to topics and forum posts. Indicates the message "Off topic". That is, the author deliberately violates the object (topic) of the discussion. More often than not, this is discouraged. Synonyms: Offtopic, offtopic, offtopic. Ochepyatka- the word misprint, written with a misprint, which symbolizes the meaning of the misprint. Paga- Internet page. From the English. "Page" - "page". Stick- Payment system PayPal. Pedivikia- see. Vika Ping- Use the ping command to check the health of the remote server. PMSM- Abbreviation for “In my opinion? Modest Opinion ", an analogue of the expression" IMHO ". Search engine- a search engine that searches the Internet. For example, Yandex or Google. Synonyms: searcher, bloodhound, ps. Half shaft- Operating system OS / 2 from IBM (Nowadays practically forgotten and not supported) Also used: Axis, Halved Fast- post in an electronic conference, forum or blog. Post- write a message in an electronic conference, forum or blog. Pohape- see. pkhp
Synonyms: pkhp, pohape, puff-puff. PPKS- "I Subscribe Under Every Word." Prank- a joke, a joke, as a rule, stupid and evil. Most often it means jokes on the phone. The expression comes from the English. "Prank". Preview- several times reduced picture for convenient preview. The expression comes from the English. "Preview" - "preview". Synonyms: thumbnail. Priv- short for "Hello". Uses when communicating on the Internet. Also used: hitch, hi daroff Signature- the distorted word "signature". Puzomerka- a dismissive name for various counters and ratings of sites on the Internet. PCP Is a server-side interpreted scripting programming language PHP. Synonyms: pohape, pohape, puff-puff. puff-puff- see. pkhp Frame- Russian search engine Rambler ( Rapida- file-sharing service Rapidshare ( or Turnip- Reputation or rating level on some sites with social elements, for example, torrent trackers Turnips- (abbreviated from Repositories) - Sites are sources for downloading and updating free software in the Linux operating system, as well as other open source operating systems. Subject- topic or subject of conversation. Also the topic on the forum or the subject of the letter. From the English. "Subject" - "subject" Net- see. Internet SZOT- short for "Sorry for offtopic". Seeder- a file-sharing network user who has a file ready for distribution. He usually initiates the distribution. Slu- short for "listen." Uses when communicating on the Internet. THX- short for "thank you". Uses when communicating on the Internet. Smile- A combination of different punctuation marks or letters, indicating the mood of the external similarity. For example, a smile: a colon, a minus sign, and a closing parenthesis. - 🙂 Also used: Emoticon. Emoticon- see. Smile Spam- unsolicited advertising messages. Spammer- the person sending Spam. Spam- send out Spam. Srach- a heated and emotional debate on the Internet, usually on the forum. Most often, the subject of the dispute is directly related to national issues. The concept has subspecies: Gogisrach- between Russians and people from the Caucasus; Pshekosrach- between Russians and Poles; Bulbosrach- between Russians and Belarusians. Khokhlosrach- between Russians and Ukrainians. Twink- the second, third, fourth and further accounts on the forum, used in the event of blocking the main account, as well as in order to hide your identity Aunt Asya- see. Asya TC- shorthand for "You are cool" Topic- Topic. Most often used in relation to forum topics. Troll- a provocateur on the Internet. Although the concept is most often applied on the Internet, it is sometimes also applied to offline provocateurs. Troll- to provoke. Most often used in relation to Internet provocateurs. Trolling- the implementation of provocations on the Internet. Tyndeks(rarely) - see Yasha You are tube- see. Youtube Tyshlang- see. Youtube Tube- see. Youtube Oneet- Ukrainian or Ukrainian-language part of the Internet (uanet, File washer- a network server with resources open to public access, on which anything is saved. FAK- Russian pronunciation of the word (English FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions), answers to frequently asked questions. Fake- forgery, falsification. Typically used on the Internet in relation to any information, images or video. Flame- uninformative messages or long ineffectual disputes. Applies to online discussions. Flood- Lots of messages on the forum, chat or other public place that do not make sense. Respectively Flood- write a large number of identical or almost identical messages. Fox- see. Fox Forward- see. Forward Forward- forward a letter from one e-mail box to another. Also used: F orward. Forum user- an active and permanent member of the forum. Hamster- see. Homepaga Homepaga- Home page - someone's personal website on the Internet. Also used: hamster. Shkolota- pupils). Used in a disrespectful context in hacker jargon, as a synonym for stupid, underdeveloped and overconfident young people. Moreover Lemmings and Hamsters- are called naive users of social networks, mainly from among Shkolota... Also used: Lemmings, Hamsters, Pioneers. Userpic- see. Avatar Youtube- Internet service Also used: you are tube, tube, tyshlang. Yaha- see. Yahu Yahu- search engine Yahoo ( Also used: yakha. Yasha- Russian search engine Yandex ( Also used: tyndeks(rarely).
Computer slang

Upgrade- PC upgrade
Bug- error
Loafs- designation of keys.
Blank- blank CD, DVD disc.
Varese- stolen Windows programs
Spinner- hard drive, hard drive.
Weight- file size
Vidyuha- video card.
Wizard- an experienced programmer.
Windows- OS Windows.
Windec- abnormal termination.
Vir- computer virus.
Giga- gigabyte
Glitch- a crash in the program.
Device- some kind of device.
Directory- folder.
Board, Klava- keyboard.
Firewood- hardware drivers.
Emelya- address, e-mail.
Iron- boards, computer hardware.
Fill- upload files to the server
Internet- the Internet.
Source codes- source codes of programs
Ass- Internet Explorer browser
A rock- processor
Carlson- fan
Click- press the mouse button.
Rat- mouse
Rattrack- mousepad
Crack- cracker program.
Lamer- a loser who considers himself a genius.
Loser- inept user.
Mother- motherboard.
Messaga- message, letter
Meter- megabyte.
Muzzle- home page of the site
Soap- E-mail
Note- notebook
Wallpaper- desktop background.
Stump- Pentium class processors.
Pisyuk- IBM PC computers.
Fuck- make a photocopy.
Prog- program
Puzomerka- indicator (counter)
Frame- RAM
Cutter- food drive
Swears- error messages
Roulez- the highest approval.
Saxon-the highest degree of disgust.
Sysadmin- System Administrator
Slot- connector for controllers
Emoticon- dynamic drawing
Jet- jet printer.
Tablet- hacking program
Toilet- basket
Hamster- Homepage
FAQ- FAQ (Answers to questions)

To create a site, you need a text editor. In extreme cases, you can use Notepad from standard Windows programs, but it is better to immediately download a text editor designed for creating sites, for example Notepad.

You must have the main browsers Internet Explorer, Opera, Google, Firefox installed on your computer, a graphics editor must be installed to process graphics, for example, free Photoscape.

To upload files of your website to hosting, download and install an FTP client, for example free Filezilla.

Also install a simple animation program.

It is worth paying attention to the safety of your computer. The presence of your website presupposes frequent use of mail on the site, incoming letters to your mailbox, visiting various resources on the Internet, so update antivirus programs constantly.

Clean and defragment hard drives often. Check and fix registry errors once a month.

Sooner or later, but almost every modern person begins to master the computer. Nowhere without him. And if someone wants to have a normal job with a decent salary, then computer literacy is one of the conditions for this. We don't talk about young people at all, since already from school, most of them are from PC to "you". Where do you need to start? The answer is simple - to learn computer terms, the basis of all subsequent education.

Submission of information is impossible without special expressions, phrases, phrases, even when explaining to "dummies". And so you need to learn and memorize them on the sly. Here are some common computer terms as an example.

For general development, computer terms of a narrower purpose are presented below.

  1. The format of the subscriber digital Internet line, ADSL - data is transmitted up to 1 Mbit / s, received - up to 8 Mbit / s.
  2. Advanced Technology Attachment, ATA - this is the designation for a bus for connecting various drives, for example, hard drives.
  3. Basic Input / Output System, BIOS - a set of programs for checking the operation of PC hardware at startup.

You should not be afraid of incomprehensible names, in the process of mastering computer terms are gradually remembered, and over time you will no longer get confused in them.

In fact, all this is not a matter of one day, and in order to successfully master this task, you will need: a computer / laptop itself, a self-study guide for working on it, and the Internet. Unless, of course, you enroll in specialized courses, but continue to master the computer on your own.

Initially, it is advisable to at least read the tutorial or even part of it, and you can start your device. After downloading, open the Help and Support section and pay attention to it. Fix what you read in practice. So things will go on little by little. Over time, you will notice that you no longer need to look at the prompts every time to perform any action.

As you master the computer, you can purchase more complex literature or a self-study disc, and do not hesitate to ask friends or work colleagues. You can learn the basics without a device, but it gets harder. And remember that theory without practice is quickly forgotten.

In conclusion, I would like to note: despite the fact that most of the computer equipment in our country is still imported, companies that produce Russian computers are gaining momentum. This could be seen at the recent exhibitions in the Expocentre complex, where visitors were shown domestic personal computers, new processors, laptops, and other various electronics that operate on components and software of their own production. All this is intended not only for the military departments and the civilian production industry, but also for business and civilians, that is, for you and me. And, frankly, there is something to see. So master the computer and enjoy all the benefits of civilization!

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