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New firmware for gs 8306 receiver. Tricolor tv receiver firmware for free viewing

HD Digital Satellite Receiver

IMPORTANT!!! The Stingray firmware for this receiver model with a weak processor is very unstable - possible problems:

  • loss of picture and sound
  • flickering when turning on electric devices and lights
  • freezing and slow channel switching
  • spontaneous reset to factory settings when the power is turned off
  • loss of signal from the antenna

It will not be possible to restore the previous version of the software via USB. PS (Only by soldering flash memory and flashing it in the programmer)

Before updating, read the instructions in the archive.

Unofficial software:

Compared to previous versions software:

  • The operator selection menu has been modernized.
  • Implemented new interface menu "Status", which simplifies the work with this menu.
  • improved general work receiver.
  • Appeared information block, containing a description of the main methods of payment for Tricolor TV services.

According to the comments of the user vale9041 from the forum

Now it is possible to remember the settings of the receiver through the standby mode, even if it was disconnected from the power supply.

The procedure is as follows:

If you have just created favorites and turned off the receiver with the power cord, then turned it back on, the receiver will go to the tricolor channel, button return with two circular arrows (the so-called LAST ) we will be on the first channel created in the favorite.

If, when viewing a favorite, we transfer the receiver from the remote control to standby mode, then turn it on again, then later, when you disconnect the res from the network with a cord and turn it back on, the return button will return it to the favorites of the channel at which you switched it to standby mode from the remote. That is, the standby mode serves as a memorization.

The same can be done with the volume ... If you set the volume to the maximum, and transfer the res to standby mode, then the next time you turn on the res, the maximum volume will be. But this is on condition that you will later turn off the res with a cord from the outlet.

the same can be done so that the receiver remembers the general list of channels in one column or three columns in width (view)... that is, the standby mode is remembering what we want ...

Past releases

Compared with previous version GS8306 receiver software / GS8305, version 1.0.49 has the following changes:

  • The algorithm for automatic search of Tricolor TV channels has been improved.
  • Removed the ability to delete the list of TV and radio channels that are generated by default in the "All TV" and "All Radio" lists.
  • At initial setup channel number "0" is displayed.
  • Removed indication of pressing buttons in StandBy mode.
  • When switching to the list of radio channels for the first time, the receiver is switched on on the radio channel number "0".
  • Optimized EPG performance
  • Implemented work with right polarization.
  • TV Mail Service. The Delete Mail button has been renamed to Delete Mail.
  • Channel list. The "Width" function button has been renamed to "View".
  • Fixed incorrect inscription in HDMI mode"Volume bar timeout". In version 1.0.049, the inscription looks like: "Time to display the volume scale."
  • Confirmation dialog boxes are implemented from left to right ("YES" -- "NO", default cursor is "NO").
  • Improved the work of the service "Cinema halls "Tricolor TV"
  • Improved receiver compatibility with TVs when connected to them via HDMI interface

Receiver firmware via USB service port

GS-8306 does not have an RS-232 (COM) port, but it has a service USB, through which it is flashed. For the firmware we need regular USB flash drive, and the latest version of the firmware file for the GS-8306 receiver, which you can download above .

You can check which version of the receiver software you have installed in the Main Menu

DRE Info>Status

Firmware order:

1. File ssu_gsc_stb.upg copy to usb flash without renaming.

2. Insert USB flash into the receiver and reboot the receiver by power, you can do this by pressing the button "stand by" on the front panel of the receiver. As soon as the power is turned on, the firmware process will begin, this will be indicated by a corresponding message on the TV screen.

Now it remains only to wait for the end of the process. When the firmware is finished, a message about the successful firmware will appear on the TV screen.

3. After the permission message appears on eject usb flash on the TV screen, remove the USB flash.

IMPORTANT! It is not recommended to remove the USB flash drive before the appropriate permission message appears on the TV screen, otherwise the receiver will fail.

Rollback to early version is not possible, you can replace the software in the receiver with either current version or a newer one.

If the firmware does not go, then:

We format the flash drive in FAT or FAT32 with any utility, for example from HP for flash drives, but not in Windows, such as a click right click mouse on the flash drive and the format may not help.

We upload the file to a flash drive.

We insert it into the included receiver, wait a minute as little as possible and turn it off with the button on the device, you can immediately turn it on with the same button.

After 10 seconds, maximum 30, an inscription will appear that the firmware is in progress.

If the inscription does not appear and the standby indicator starts to flicker, then the firmware has not started.

Software update for GS 8305 and GS 8306 receivers via satellite

On March 11, 2013, a software update for the GS8305 and GS8306 receivers will be launched from the Eutelsat W4/W7 (36A/36B) satellites, aimed at improving and improving the performance of this receiving equipment. Tricolor TV subscribers will be able to update the receiver software at any time from March 11 to April 8, 2013.

Before starting the update, write down the current software version by going to "Menu" -> « DRE Info" -> "Status". When the update is completed, the receiver software version should change to 1.1.001 . The new software will be downloaded from the air.

ATTENTION! Do not turn off the power of the receiver until the end of the update procedure! Otherwise, the receiver may be damaged!

To update the receiver software, follow these steps:

1. Unplug the receiver's power cord from the outlet, and then plug the receiver back into the mains.

2. Switch the receiver to the TV channel "Infochannel" Tricolor TV ".

3. After a few seconds, a message will appear on the screen asking you to update the receiver software in the following form:

When this message select the option "YES" press the "OK" button on the remote control.

Attention! If a message about the need to update the software does not appear on the TV screen within 5 minutes, you need to reset the receiver to the factory settings (“Menu” - “Settings” - “Factory settings” - “OK”).

4. After agreeing to update, service messages about the process of updating the receiver software will begin to be displayed on the screen. The message type is shown below. The software update takes about five minutes.

Attention! Do not turn off the power of the receiver during the software update! Otherwise, the receiver may be damaged!

5. Upon completion of the software update, the receiver will reboot and turn on in the “Setup Wizard” mode.

6. At the first step of the Setup Wizard, you will be prompted to select the language of the menu and the operator. You must select "Tricolor TV Center", only after that you can proceed to the next step.

7. After finishing the search for Tricolor TV TV and radio channels, you need to make sure that the receiver software version has changed to 1.1.001 . To do this, go to « Menu» -> « DREInfo" -> "Status" and check the value in the third line. If the receiver software version has not changed, you need to turn off and turn on the receiver on the Tricolor TV Infochannel and repeat the update procedure.

8. This completes the receiver and module software update, your receiver is ready for further work.

You can watch a training video about updating the software on the air of the Teleinstructor training channel and in the Video Instructions section on the Tricolor TV website.

Description of the new software version:

New software is designed to increase the level of security receiving equipment and ensure the stability of its work, as well as make its operation when watching TV channels and using additional services"Tricolor TV" more convenient.

A new functionality has been added to the software in the interface of the "Tricolor TV Cinema Halls" package. Some buttons have received additional functions, for example, pressing the Red button brings up a description of the selected movie, Green - options for sorting the list of films (alphabetically, by genre, by nearest screenings, by novelty in the schedule), Yellow - a list of films for which it was installed timer, Blue - a list of films that will be available for viewing when next update repertoire.

For the convenience of subscribers, the Status menu has been redesigned. After the update, the subscriber will have two options for displaying information:

Brief (contains the most frequently used data, including information about the ID number) - is displayed when you go to the "Status" menu item;

Extended (contains all information about the receiver) - called by pressing the Red button ("F1" or "i") on the remote control while in the "Status" menu.

Frequently asked Questions:

Question: Why do I need to update the software?

Answer: The new software release for the GS8305 and GS8306 receivers introduces a new, more user-friendly interface package “Cinema halls “Tricolor TV”, the menu “Status” has been redesigned, and changes have been made to system settings receiver, which increases the stability of its operation.

Question: Why information window"Status" began to look different? Where did some of the items that were before go?

Answer: For the convenience of subscribers, the Status menu has been redesigned. Now you have two options for displaying information: short (contains the most frequently used data, including information about the ID number) and extended (contains all information about the receiver).

Q: Why did they change function buttons in the interface of the package "Cinema halls" Tricolor TV "?

Answer: The new version of the software has implemented additional features interface of the package "Cinema halls "Tricolor TV". Now, by pressing the Red button, you can read the description of the selected movie, the Green button - select one of the options sorting the list of films (alphabetically, by genre, by nearest screenings, by novelty in the schedule), Yellow - see the list of films for which the timer has been set, Blue - see the list of films that will be available for viewing the next time the repertoire of the "Cinema halls" package is updated Tricolor TV. Also, the new version of the software implements the ability to display the interface of the “Tricolor TV Cinema Halls” package on the screen when you click on the “Order Movie” or “Split File” button when watching / listening to any TV or radio channel, and not just, as it was before , when watching the TV channel "TV.Poisk".

Broadcasting the signal of the Tricolor TV operator on the TV screen is carried out through receivers. These receivers are designed to decode satellite signals. Them correct work depends not only on the serviceability of the equipment, but also on the software, which needs to be updated periodically.

And since Tricolor TV's GS 8306 receiver is the most popular, it is worth considering in more detail, as well as the software update process on it.


The Tricolor GS 8306 receiver began to be sold back in 2012, but even after years it remains one of the most frequently purchased devices. It provides high quality broadcasts, allows you to connect different models TVs, and also supports all options and packages of the operator, including packages, and others.

Regarding the advantages, users distinguish the following:

  1. Ease of repair;
  2. Small power consumption.

There were also some drawbacks:

  1. It may be difficult to determine the TVs connected to the receiver, as a result of which you have to manually configure;
  2. No digital screen;
  3. You can't connect to other carriers.

Software Update

As with other gadgets, the GS 8306 firmware needs to be updated periodically. This is required to achieve the following goals:

  1. Elimination of probable problems with past software.
  2. Achievement maximum efficiency functioning of the equipment.
  3. Adding new codes and functions to the system.
  4. Inspection of old software for errors, etc.
  5. Improved user experience.

If you do not update the GS 8306 Tricolor TV receiver, this may lead to interference in the broadcast, and they will occur more often. Therefore, updating the GS 8306 firmware is mandatory if the system indicates that new receiver software is available.

Execution of work

You can install new software in one of 2 ways.

  1. By connecting to a satellite;
  2. Using a distribution kit previously downloaded to a flash card.


On the one hand, this option is easier for an ordinary Tricolor TV client. On the other hand, in the process of updating, difficulties arise much more often.

AT this case updating the firmware of the GS 8306 Tricolor TV should be done according to the instructions.

  1. Implement new search channels and save them;
  2. Remove the plug from the socket and plug it in again, thus turning off the receiver, and then turning it on again.
  3. Turn on channel 333;
  4. Wait a little while the receiver checks for a software update - the pop-up message will also indicate the software version;
  5. Click on the "Yes" icon;
  6. Wait for the download to complete;
  7. Wait for the completion of the II stage of the update;
  8. Wait for the receiver to reboot;
  9. When the receiver reboots, the Setup Wizard will appear on the TV screen - you need to select the region, language, operator and set the time;
  10. Find channels again.

On this self update firmware GS 8306 Tricolor TV from satellite is completed and the new software will be reflected in the "Status" tab.

Note! During the software update process, it is forbidden to turn off or restart the receiver. Otherwise, an incomplete update and lack of access to viewing channels are likely.

Distribution kit from a flash card

To upgrade the receiver, you first need to know latest version Software, and then activate the search for the availability of updates.

It is on it that there is official software for the receiver, and therefore it is necessary to download it from here.

The software needs to be downloaded to a flash card in the root directory. The flash drive must be formatted in FAT32.

Note! It is not allowed to change the names of files.

After turning on the receiver, you need to look at the lit LEDs around the power button. Both LEDs should start flashing, after which one of them will go out, and the top one will continue to light. In the future, the top one will light up, while the bottom one will blink. This means that the update process is currently taking place.

Note! It is necessary to follow the indicators, since nothing will be displayed on the TV screen.

The duration of the GS 8306 Tricolor TV software update is about 5 minutes. You need to wait until both LEDs go out. When this happens, it is recommended to wait 10-20 seconds. and only then remove the flash card.

It remains only to unplug the receiver from the socket, and then, after 15 seconds, plug it back in.

After that, the installed software will be displayed in the menu.

IMPORTANT! The GS 8306 Tricolor TV receiver will not be able to return the previous software if a new one is installed.

As you can see, updating the firmware of the GS 8306 Tricolor TV receiver is not difficult. You just need to follow the instructions.

On the website of the manufacturer of equipment for Tricolor appeared The new software for the GS 8306 receiver is firmware version 1.9.160.

This firmware was intended to replace software version 1.2.001, released several years ago. I must say that firmware version 1.2.001 for the GS 8306 is exactly the software with which the GS 8306 receiver began to work more or less normally and stably - it did not freeze, the picture practically did not catch a freeze, the channels switched quite quickly. With firmware 1.2.001, only one sore remained uncured for the GS 8306 receiver - an external 12v, 2A power supply could fail, but the problem was solved by purchasing another unit at a price of 500-700 rubles. And even this problem is not very common with the GS 8306 model.

And now, after several years of successful operation of the receiver with a proven and proven firmware, for some reason it was necessary to release new software - version 1.9.160.

Well, they released a new firmware and released it. Usually, after a software update, Tricolor receivers start to work more stably. There was a calculation that after the firmware to 1.9.160 everything would be fine.

The GS 8306 manufacturer's website lists the following: characteristics new firmware(see screenshot below):

Changes compared to the previous version of the software:

  1. Modern GUI Stingray Software
  2. Improved receiver stability
  3. Added functionality manual search channels
  4. Improved operation of the application "Cinema halls "Tricolor TV"

Description of the characteristics of the new version of the software for the GS 8306 receiver - version 1.9.160 Picture - screenshot of the page at -

I would like to draw Special attention to paragraph 2 of the description of the new firmware - the stability of the receiver has been improved !!!

In practice, we have encountered following issues when flashing and after flashing the GS 8306 receiver to version 1.9.160
  1. the receiver is sewn over the air and if you confirm the firmware, then it may not be successful - the firmware process hangs and the receiver remains in an unflashed state. In this case, the old firmware has already been erased. That. the receiver turns into a brick. Its further restoration is possible only by soldering the flash-memory chip, flashing it in the programmer and re-sealing it into the receiver. This is a relatively expensive procedure.
  2. Another problem with flashing is the long duration of its execution. People are starting to get confused about whether the firmware has already been completed or whether the procedure is still ongoing. Confused and unable to stand it, many of them impatiently disconnect the receiver from the power supply, and if the firmware has not yet been completed, then the receiver again turns into a brick.

Those subscribers who are lucky and whose receiver, after a few hours, still successfully updated to 1.9.160, will have to face other problems in the operation of the receiver that previously worked stably.

  1. The message "no signal" appears intermittently when watching channels. After such a message, you can switch to another channel, watch it a little, return to the channel on which the “no signal” message appeared and continue watching the selected channel again for a while. But only until the next “no signal” message appears.
  2. From the description of the new firmware, it can be seen that it received a "modern graphical interface for Stingray software." So the needs of this very Stingray exceed, according to our subjective feelings, the capabilities of the processor and memory of the GS 8306 receiver. This leads to the fact that now the channels are switched much longer than before - not old firmware 1.2.001.
  3. When switching channels, especially when switching channels of different thematic packages, some receivers simply reboot.
  4. Pink tint image after turning on the receiver. Some users really faced the problem that after the firmware all their channels are shown in pink color. Although, maybe it's good to look at the picture in pink in our 21st century. The problem is eliminated by overloading the receiver with power.
  5. The picture on some channels can be terribly frozen. On our test receiver, the Match HD channel is especially frozen - number 103 in the channel list.
  6. If after the firmware the receiver has not turned into a brick and continues to function at the very least, then sew it through USB port back to stable firmware 1.2.001 will not work - there is a blocking
  7. Periodically, the receiver reboots by itself even without any action, such as changing the channel
  8. Periodically there is a desynchronization of the audio and video tracks
  9. Periodically, the receiver simply freezes, especially when it experiences some kind of load, for example, when switching channels.

These are, perhaps, the main points that the owners of the GS 8306 receiver will face on the new firmware 1.9.160. And in our opinion, again, subjective opinion most of these problems are due to the fact that the hardware capacity of the GS 8306 receiver is not enough to satisfy all the needs of the new Stingray software.

In light of all the identified operational problems with the new firmware 1.9.160, one can only guess what kind of increase in the stability of the receiver the software developer is talking about.

Now about how to continue operating the receiver on firmware 1.9.160

This is what we personally did with our own GS 8306 receiver to improve its stability. This is the method that was advised by colleagues who encountered and dealt with the problems of firmware 1.9.160 before us - to increase the stability of the receiver with the received signal, you need to set the frequency (lower and upper) of the local oscillator 1 MHz higher than the standard value - 10751 MHz versus the standard 10750 MHz

After the local oscillator frequency was set to 10751 MHz, the receiver stopped displaying the “no signal” message when viewing channels and began to work more stably when viewing and switching channels. It's hard to do anything more.

What else you need to know when operating the GS 8306 on firmware 1.9.160

The new firmware has changed the mode of operation of the receiver. Now the receiver automatically determines which video output is connected to the TV connection cable. Depending on which video output the firmware detects the connection cable, it will send a video signal to that video output. In the event that 2 cables (HDMI and 3RCA) are connected to the receiver at once, confusion may arise and the receiver will not understand which video output to send the video signal to. Therefore, at one time we connect only one video cable to the receiver.

Another point is light indication on the receiver. If earlier the upper burning indicator meant activity HDMI output set-top boxes, then on firmware 1.9.160, the glow of only the upper indicator means that the receiver is in standby mode and to start viewing it must first be turned on. And after turning on, the receiver will automatically send a video signal to the detected video output.

Download firmware 1.9.160 for GS 8306

If you really need it, then the “wonderful” firmware for the GS 8306 receiver can be downloaded from the official website of the manufacturer of this receiver at

P.S. - After long troubles with the development of a new firmware for the 8306 receiver, a number of questions arose:

  1. why was it necessary to write new software for the receiver, if the old one worked stably and practically flawlessly
  2. when new software will appear that will fix all the problems and bugs in version 1.9.160

Click! gs 8306 after update, repair!

Gs 8306 stopped turning on completely after the update. Maybe both LEDs are lit on the display and then the receiver hangs. All this suggests that the receiver has lost boot sectors simply broke. If, as a result of the diagnostics, it was confirmed that the matter was in the flash memory, then we are doing the procedure to restore our receiver to working condition.

We disassemble the receiver, we prepare our main board for repair.

gs 8306 stopped turning on after the update.

If necessary, we clean the main board from dust and other contaminants.

We are repairing Gs 8306.

We take a flux, apply microcircuits to the contacts. All contacts must be covered in order to make it easier to remove our microcircuit from main board.

Gs 8306 remove the flash drive.

Turn on soldering station, we take a hair dryer and begin to warm up the element that we need to remove. In this repair, we are interested in W25Q128BV.

W25Q128BV programming

After we removed the microcircuit from the main board, we proceed to programming. To do this, we need a programmer and a corresponding socket - an adapter.

Repair W25Q128BV on 8306.

We insert into the programmer, turn on the program. We look for the device to recognize our flash drive.

programming W25Q128BV on chipprog 48

If everything is in order and the contact is good, then you can upload a new dump to the memory of the microcircuit. ChipProg-48 during operation will show what state it is in, if there is an error, the red indicator will light up.

ChipProg-48 programming 8306

After everything has been flashed, we mount the microcircuit on the board. First we apply the flux.

We do 8306 after an unsuccessful update.

When everything is soldered, we wait until everything cools down. We take the front panel, connect the power. Our receiver is starting to work! We check our receiver in all modes.

If you still have questions, you can watch our video, in which we showed everything clearly! The main thing - remember, if you are not confident in your abilities, then take the broken receiver to the service center!

Each company always strives to improve the quality of the equipment and content provided by technical updates. For receivers (set-top boxes) this is no exception, so they can also be updated for better performance.

How to update

The current firmware version for the Tricolor GS 8306 receiver is 1.9.160, which was released in the last quarter of last year and continues to operate in 2017. Thanks to each new update, the work of the GS 8306 Tricolor moves to a new, higher level.

For firmware you need:

  • in no case turn off the set-top box during the software update;
  • the update takes about twenty minutes in two stages, during which it will automatically update itself;
  • to follow step by step instructions to avoid technical errors that can lead to damage to the receiver and forced flashing.

Step-by-step update procedure (all steps must be followed carefully):

  1. Search for channels in manual mode, through the item in the Tricolor TV menu.
  2. After that, be sure to turn off the receiver cable from the power supply, and turn it back on after a few minutes.
  3. Turn on the information channel on the TV under No. 333.
  4. On the screen you should see information alert that a new version is available and an offer to upgrade.
  5. Remote control remote control select the “Yes” option, after which a new window will open with the firmware process and service messages about it.
  6. At the end of the first stage, the receiver will reboot itself, after which the second part of the update will begin.
  7. After the second part, you will see a window indicating the completed update and the need to set the data (language, time), and also search for channels again.
  8. As a result, you can personally go into the setup wizard to make sure that the equipment has been updated and is ready for full-fledged work again.

Upgrading equipment brought new opportunities in the field satellite television. First, there is a new and modern graphical interface for the Stingray software. Secondly, the stability during the operation of the receiver has improved significantly. To automatic search channels also joined and manual version. A pleasant moment touched and special application"Tricolor TV cinema halls", which has also been updated and improved.

For those who wish, the option is also available how to update the Tricolor TV set-top box GS 8306 using USB stick. To do this, you need to move the files necessary for the process, connect it to the receiver and update it. In addition, the completion of it will be fixed by two LEDs, which will go out for a while.

Possible problems after firmware

At first, after the update, there was a stage when many people complained about technical errors their receivers, which they noticed after the firmware on the most new version. The company itself did not recommend updating until they themselves fix the released update.

However, there were those who managed to do this, and they were divided into two parts:

  • those for whom everything worked properly;
  • and those who, due to the transition to a new version of the software update, received a large number of problems with your equipment.

There were several solutions for this. For example, apply to service center per qualified help to change the firmware version. It was considered the most the best option, because the client does not need to change something himself, and the company does not need to replace the old equipment with a new one due to its own mistake. The second version was not so good, because customers had to wait for the update version to be fixed and reflash the receiver themselves according to the scheme. And most difficult option there was one in which people themselves could roll back the version of the update at home. However, it was practically not recommended, because for this the user must have special equipment(blowtorch and programmer) and the material and technical knowledge base of how to flash, so as not to make critical errors during the procedure.

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