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New smartphone platform. Sailfish OS features are

When choosing a new smartphone, the user inevitably has to take into account a lot of technical parameters: camera resolution, battery capacity, processor power, display type and resolution, and so on. But first of all, it is important to decide under which operating system the smartphone will work.

The decision in favor of a particular operating system depends on how the new device will meet the user's expectations in terms of performing various tasks, whether he will be able to install specific applications or will have to be content with analogues, how the new gadget will interact with other mobile and stationary electronic devices.

And of course, the operating system largely determines the cost of the device.

In our article, we will consider 3 main operating systems for smartphones, which by 2017 have become the most popular and in demand in the world:

  • android;
  • Windows phone.

Sales volumes

According to NetMarketShare portal analysts, software products from Apple and Google remain the main players in the mobile OS market in 2017. Windows Phone every month loses a tenth of a percent in sales. According to some forecasts, by 2020 the OS from Microsoft may completely leave the market due to the fact that not only users, but also mobile application developers are losing interest in it.

As can be seen from the graph, Android remains the leader in sales, despite the fact that Apple's operating system has shown steady growth over the past six months. However, it is possible that the balance of growth between Google and Apple will change towards Android in the coming weeks, given the emergence of a large number of interesting new products based on this OS, which were announced at the last MWC 2017 in Barcelona.

Now let's compare each OS separately and try to figure out which operating system is best for a smartphone.


Apple products are a closed ecosystem. That is, one company is both a manufacturer of smartphones and tablets and a software supplier. Therefore, "Yabloko" can guarantee the highest quality and reliability of their devices, which, in turn, affects the price. Thus, the cost of the latest model from Apple IPhone 7 ranges from 1.5 thousand to 2 thousand dollars.


  • Simple and thoughtful shell interface
  • Spectacular design
  • Closed development environment for high-quality professional applications
  • No viruses
  • Constant updates


  • The high cost of gadgets
  • Inability to customize the operating system for yourself
  • Small selection of apps compared to Google Play
  • Extremely limited user choice of devices
  • You have to synchronize with a PC and manage multimedia files through a separate program

There is an opinion that by choosing an iOS device, the user buys not so much a device as an introduction to a fashion brand. However, the high price here is fully justified by the excellent quality.


The popularity of the operating system from Google is explained by the fact that a huge number of devices are based on it, not only smartphones and tablets, but also watches, bicycles and even cars. Android is both unique and diverse - each user can very finely customize the original shell on their device.


  • Open source. Anyone who understands programming can write an Android application and put it on Google Play
  • In this regard, more than 1.5 million programs for all occasions, available for both paid and free downloads
  • One personal account gives access to all Google services, many of which are very tightly integrated with each other
  • Convenient synchronization with other devices via wireless modules or USB cable without additional software
  • Convenient and intuitive operation
  • High performance and multitasking
  • Huge selection of manufacturers
  • Wide range of prices. An Android device, depending on the configuration, can cost both 2,000 and 32,000 rubles.


  • High vulnerability to hacker attacks and viruses
  • Among the free applications there are a large number of frankly low-quality software.
  • A huge number of settings, which are sometimes difficult to understand for an unprepared user

An Android smartphone or tablet is ideal for both those who have just started to master mobile technologies and confident users. Given the combination of pros and cons of the OS, we can confidently say that Android is the best operating system for a smartphone.

Perhaps the main thing here is to keep track of what and how you install and download, and not delve into complex settings without the appropriate skills.

Windows phone

Microsoft, unlike its competitors, who sometimes spy on each other's technological solutions, is trying to go its own way. As a result, the Windows Phone operating system has a unique design and work specifics. And yet, gadgets under the Windows Phone OS, to put it mildly, are not swept off the shelves.


  • Single OS for mobile devices and PC
  • Low system requirements
  • Windows Phone is annually recognized as the most secure operating system in the world.
  • Spectacular tiled interface
  • Quality Applications


  • A small number of applications in the branded Marketplace store (about 300 thousand)
  • Incompatibility with popular applications. For example, there is no version of Instagram for Windows Phone. We have to use rather inconvenient analogues
  • Limited choice of gadget manufacturers
  • Lack of customization
  • Cumbersome system for transferring Windows Phone contacts to another OS
  • Errors in the system
  • The inconvenient built-in Edge browser, which in this regard has become a direct successor to Internet Explorer

As a rule, smartphones under Windows Phone are recommended for businessmen who can process various types of documents in one Microsoft Office software environment. At the same time, it is quite difficult to choose a gadget for Windows Phone, for example, for a student.

As mentioned above, one of the main advantages of the Android OS is the pricing policy of smartphone manufacturers that use this “OS”. For an affordable price of up to $150, a user can find a gadget running the current OS version with reliable and powerful hardware.

One of the most prominent manufacturers of smartphones, which perfectly combines modern technology, quality, reliability and affordability. If you prefer the accessibility and simplicity of the Android OS to other systems, and also choose a powerful and inexpensive smartphone for yourself, we recommend that you pay attention to the products of the British company Fly.

Why Fly

Since 2003, Fly has been producing mobile gadgets designed for the most mass consumer. Any user can find his best smartphone for any requests and tasks, regardless of profession, age, social status and earnings. Businessman, student, schoolboy, athlete, builder, rescuer, traveler - everyone can find the perfect Fly for themselves.

Fly Cirrus 9 and Fly Cirrus 12 are among the latest models that combine the full range of Android features with high-quality and reliable technical components, spectacular case design and a pleasant price.

Fly Cirrus 9

The gadget is an LTE phablet with a large 5.5-inch screen on an IPS matrix and HD resolution. On such a screen, it is incredibly convenient to work with a variety of Android applications, watch movies, read books and process documentation. A fast 1.25 GHz quad-core processor is responsible for speed and multitasking.

Fly Cirrus 9 is a great answer to those who complain that Android is draining the battery in a matter of hours. Thanks to the excellent optimization of the system, hardware and a capacious 2800 mAh battery, the smartphone will work stably for up to 10 hours of talk time and up to 280 hours of standby time. Add to this a high-quality 8 and 2 megapixel cameras, a nice glossy back panel design, and we get a great smartphone with a nice price tag - only $ 100.

Fly Cirrus 12

The LTE-smartphone Fly Cirrus 12 will be chosen by those who like to take great photos with their smartphone. 13 and 5 megapixel cameras on a CMOS matrix were inherited from the early model Fly Cirrus 7, which at one time was called a “camera phone” in many reviews. The 5-inch IPS screen offers a great tactile experience thanks to 2.5D technology, which allows you to create screens with nice rounded edges.

The combination of the Android 6.0 operating system and a powerful 1.3 GHz quad-core processor is responsible for stability, convenience and performance in the smartphone. And 8 hours of talk time and 150 hours of standby time will provide a capacious 2600 mAh battery.


We have analyzed which operating systems in smartphones are the most popular in the world. When choosing a smartphone for a particular OS, consider the combination of advantages and disadvantages of each system and proceed from your own requests. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with an overview of the main characteristics of smartphones, which will help you choose the most suitable model for yourself.

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Publication date: 01/31/2012

Since the advent of touchscreen phones and other mobile devices, a lot has already been written both in terms of criticism (not always constructive) and in terms of all kinds of praise. I am not writing this article to point out all the features of operating systems for mobile platforms (OS). Therefore, if you want details, then read Wikipedia or the official forums. In this article, I set myself the goal of explaining “what-is-what” in an understandable language.

Apple iOS

This is the most hyped and fashionable OS. But that doesn't mean it's the best...
This OS is installed on all Apple devices: iPhone, iPad, iPod touch. Most users liked this OS - it is simple, beautiful, convenient. The motto of Steve Jobs was the words "Simplify", and therefore the simplicity and ergonomics of this OS is a good plus. Accordingly, the minimum of basic settings alerted experienced users. After all, the OS is not a beautiful appearance, but the functionality itself, the ability of the OS to work with the latest technologies, as well as the preservation of confidential information from intruders. We'll talk more about iOS and Apple products in one of the following articles, but for now, let's summarize.

- The most fashionable operating system (for some, this is a minus);
- Clear and easy to use (for most users, this is the main thing);
- A huge number of applications in the App Store;
- The ability to create your own applications and sell them (for developers);

- The minimum number of settings (which means that in order to run an unlicensed application on your device, you will have to contrive a lot);
- Works only on Apple devices (for some, this is a plus);

Google Android

Honestly, in my opinion, this is the best OS at the moment. It, of course, has its drawbacks, but compared to other operating systems, Android surpasses them in functionality.

You need to start with the fact that Android is built on the Linux kernel. In addition, Google today offers us a large number of free features and utilities that only Google has (voice technology, smart translator, maps, etc.) In addition, unlike iOS, Android can be configured very finely and painstakingly, thereby changing your device beyond recognition. This means that every user can turn their smartphone into a powerful media station. At the same time, the abundance of settings does not complicate the use of Android. Android has its own alternative to the App Store - called the Android Market. Those. you can install the same applications on your smartphone as in the App Store. After all, most application developers (especially popular ones) make their games and applications cross-platform. And some developers do this - they take and post free applications for which they have to pay on the App Store. For example, for your Android, you can download the popular AngryBirds for free.

- Advanced OS;
- A large number of free applications;
- The ability to create your own applications and sell them through the Android Market;
- Possibility of fine tuning;

- For some users, however, it will be a problem to customize their Android.

WindowsPhone 7

Surprisingly, Microsoft was too late to realize the creation of a mobile OS. When the touchscreen smartphone boom began in 2007, Microsoft didn't have much to offer. At that time, Microsoft only had Windows Mobile, but it was far behind the competition. But in 2010, Microsoft released Windows Phone 7. At first, the market share was small, but Microsoft's way of promoting its products eventually brought Windows Phone 7 to the top three in the market. Unlike competitors, Microsoft designed its OS from the ground up. This OS also has its own application store - Marketplace. At first, the number of applications was modest, but now that Microsoft has contracts with Dell, HTC, LG, Samsung, and others, the number of applications has increased dramatically.

But the main news was the deal between Microsoft and Nokia.

Now Nokia on some of its smartphones and tablets will install OS from Microsoft. This means either that Microsoft has a lot of money, or (most likely) Nokia understands that their Symbian OS is gradually rotting.

- Convenient interface design;
- Simple and clear settings;
- Support for a large number of devices;
- themes for nokia - the ability to download and install any pictures and stories on your phone as a screensaver.

- Not enough available applications;
- As with all Microsoft products, Windows Phone7 has its flaws (actually, who doesn't have them...).

Windows 8

But with this OS from Microsoft, which is still in beta, there are a lot of problems. Microsoft, suddenly, decided to create an OS that could work equally well on PCs and mobile devices. Those. the idea is good - one system for all devices, but so far the implementation is bad. Well, let's see what they can do in the near future...

Symbian OS

Symbian is gradually losing its power. At first, Symbian was in the lead in the mobile market. But due to the incompatibility of applications between new and old versions of the OS, due to the tactical mistakes of the Symbian Foundation, Symbian is no longer listed on the mobile OS market. In a year or two Symbian will disappear altogether...

- A large number of devices that support Symbian (however, over time, all companies except Nokia left the Symbian Foundation);
- Many additional programs;

- Confusing settings;
- Inconvenient touch interface;
- Lack of support;


"Blackberry" - this is how the name of this OS is translated. A very good and high-quality OS, but it did not gain popularity among ordinary users, as it is aimed at a clear audience - business people who solve business problems. The company RIM (Research in Motion) came up with BlackBerry as a convenient system for businessmen. That is why the main applications that can be bought or downloaded in a special App World store are aimed at solving business problems (currency rates, ratings, statistics, etc.). In the US, most corporations prefer BlackBerry phones. All BlackBerry phones have a comfortable QWERTY keyboard. In Russia, devices with BlackBerry are also sold ...

- A good tool for solving business problems;

- Few games and other entertainment applications (OS for serious people);
- It is poorly distributed on the Russian market (you have to choose not from a number of models, but what is on sale);

Means "ocean" in Korean. "Korean Ocean" was presented to the public in 2009. Bada is installed only on cheap phones and only by Samsung. At the same time, almost all Samsung smartphones and devices run on Android. Why do they need a second OS?
Maybe Bud is needed by the company "just in case" ... Or they will soon promote this OS, and a new leader will appear on the market ... In general, time will tell. In the meantime, this "embryo" is in its infancy, it makes no sense to talk about its pros and cons. Although Samsung has already announced Bada 2.0.

And in short, pros:
- Clear and user-friendly interface;
- Built-in application store;

- Few applications;
- And to be honest, have you ever seen a phone with Bada OS on the shelves ??? And I didn't see it either. Even though I didn't really look at it...

Thank you for reading the article to the end.

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Until recently, we did not even think that phones could have an OS, but today every child knows what mobile operating systems are.

But the whole problem is that there are a lot of these same systems and not everyone will be able to choose what suits him best. Therefore, we will analyze the 10 most common operating systems for mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) today, as well as the features of each of them and the selection criteria.

Surely, all this will help you install the OS that suits you the most. Go!


Android can rightfully be called the most popular operating system for mobile devices.

In addition to smartphones and tablets, this OS can be seen on e-books (cropped versions), all kinds of players, watches, game consoles, netbooks, smartbooks, even glasses and many other similar devices.

The Android kernel is Linux modified via Java.

The features of this operating system are:

  • own application store;
  • full Google support (in fact, all work in Android is done using a Google account);
  • the ability to install your own firmware and modify the system as the user wishes;
  • Apps can be installed from a large number of stores (not just Google Play).

Choosing Android is for the most ordinary users who do not need to perform any special tasks, and who just want to have a convenient smartphone, tablet, and so on.


iOS is Android's main competitor. This operating system is the brainchild of Apple. Accordingly, you can see it only on the iPhone, iPad and other devices of this company.

It’s impossible to just take and install iOS on a smartphone where Android used to be. To use this system, you must first buy an iPhone. Everything is quite simple. Accordingly, this is associated with rather large expenses.

As for whether iOS devices are worth the money, there is no unequivocal opinion on this matter. Someone says that this is the best system of our time, others say that there is no need to pay more in this case.

iOS features are as follows:

  • has its own App Store (you can also download applications from other sources, but here it is a little more complicated than on Android);
  • the interface is based on the so-called "direct interaction concept";
  • there are own controls - sliders, switches, icons, and so on;
  • iOS is based on OS X combined with Darwin components.

There is only one factor that can affect the choice of iOS - your financial condition. That is, if you have money to buy Apple products, use this OS. There is nothing here that could block Android.

3. Windows phone

To date, 80% of the mobile platform market belongs to Android, 15% to iOS, and only 1% is occupied by Windows Phone. Another 4% is reserved for all other operating systems, most of which we will consider below.

Windows Phone is distinguished by its unusual interface - the so-called "tiles" of different sizes, in which icons of various applications are located, are liked by many users.

The interface of this OS strongly resembles Windows 8 for personal computers. The same "tiles" are also used there.

Windows Phone also has its own app store, and installing apps from third-party sources is much more difficult here than in the two above-mentioned operating systems.

There is a set of unique applications, for example, Windows Live Messenger, which displays all messages from all social networks in one window, as well as SMS and MMS.

Other features of Windows Phone are:

  • text input occurs with an instant spell check (it is also possible to insert so-called "emoticons" when typing - something like stickers from VK);
  • work on the Internet takes place using Internet Explorer Mobile, which is done much better here than on a PC;
  • a unique phone book with detailed information about each contact;
  • full synchronization with social networks;
  • With Xbox Music and Xbox Video, you can sync with your PC.

A lot of people don't like the tiled interface. But if you're interested in using it, you can buy a Windows Phone device.

4. Blackberry OS

The same can be said about this operating system as about iOS. BlackBerry OS is only for certain devices, specifically the BlackBerry Phone.

There are also tablets with this OS. At the same time, there are special services that allow you to convert an application designed for Android.

Since version 2.3, everyone has the opportunity to install any .apk file (app extension for Android).

Among the features worth noting is an increased degree of security. Otherwise, we can say that BlackBerry OS has the same features as Android, but they are made in a special way.

Here are some more features of BlackBerry OS:

  • many unique applications, such as BlackBerry Balance, which allows you to separate work and personal information;
  • widespread use of multi-touch gestures;
  • voice search, web surfing and many other functions are made in the same way as in Android.

If you really liked some phone or tablet with BlackBerry OS, then you can buy it - the price allows it.But if you're choosing between this OS and Android or Windows Mobile, there's no point in choosing BlackBerry OS.

Now more and more services simply stop working with this platform.

5. Cyanogen OS

Cyanogen OS was created as an alternative to Android. Initially, this OS was released as a mod for the same Android and it was called CyanogenMod.

It was intended for those who wanted to customize the operating system "for themselves" as much as possible. But then the developers decided to create a full-fledged OS. This is how Cyanogen OS was born.

The main feature is that there are indeed many times more customization options. This applies to the interface, all elements, screens, and so on.

Yes, at first glance, Cyanogen OS is no different from standard Android. But try opening the settings or even just swipe up and you will see how many unique features there are.

So the user has the ability to quickly turn off the search bar, adjust wallpaper scrolling, grid size, enable animation, and so on. And this is just the tip of the iceberg!

Therefore, if you are tired of Android, and you want to be able to customize everything that is possible, install Cyanogen OS. This is a very unusual and, it should be said, successful project!

6.Fire OS

And again, we are dealing with an operating system designed for certain models of smartphones and tablets.

In this case, Fire OS was built for the Fire Phone, Kindle Fire, and other devices on the Fire TV. The founder of this entire family is Amazon. At the same time, again, all applications here are the same as in Android.

Yes, there are some unique services of their own, but, whatever one may say, it is still clear that the very idea is taken from Android.

Yes, Fire OS has its own, albeit small, share of the mobile device market.

Here are some other features of this OS:

  • support for HTML5 applications;
  • the interface is made in the form of a carousel with application icons;
  • applications can be installed from the Amazon store (in addition, all programs with the .apk extension will do);
  • there is a “Mayday” button, which gives access to the device to support specialists within 15 seconds (after that, they are already involved in solving all sorts of problems).

If you have the opportunity to buy Amazon products (it is quite difficult in the CIS), you can try using Fire OS. In other cases, it makes no sense to switch to it.

7. Flyme OS

Flyme OS is a fairly original open source project. The developers are specialists from Meizu. And the basis is the Android Open Source Project from Google.

Initially, it was also just a firmware for Android, and now it has all turned into a full-fledged operating system. It is worth saying that the developers of Flyme OS could not completely move away from Android.

Here are some features of this OS:

  • the ability to use Flyme OS in guest mode;
  • interface logic is designed in the same way as in iOS;
  • ample opportunities for customizing the desktop;
  • wide use and customization of gestures.

Today, quite a lot of smartphones have Flyme OS installed initially, so if you like one of them, you can purchase it. There are no super-special moments that could prompt an ordinary user to switch from Android to Flyme OS.

8 FirefoxOS

Also quite an interesting project, which was developed by Mozilla Fundation. Yes, yes, these are the guys who created the Mozilla Firefox browser.

In 2015, the development of an operating system for smartphones was discontinued, but even today many people use it on their devices.

Interestingly, Firefox OS is also an open source project, so if you're a mobile app developer, you'd do well to practice with this OS.

Here are some features of the latest version of Firefox OS available:

  • Initially, the development of Firefox OS was led by the need to create an engine for processing PDF using HTML5 and JavaScript;
  • the same Android is used in the kernel;
  • Firefox OS can only be used on devices where the CPU is at least 800 MHz;
  • Firefox OS uses only those programs that are based on web languages.

In general, only developers should use Firefox OS, and then only as an experiment and a means of gaining experience.

9Sailfish OS

The basis of Sailfish OS is Linux, but in this case, everything is much more interesting than it seems at first glance. This OS is based on several open source projects at once, but it also has elements that are closed for editing.

In 2012, Finnish developers from Jolla began to develop Sailfish OS, and since 2016 they have been assisted by the Russian Open Mobile Platform team. It is worth saying that these are quite well-known and good teams that have already been awarded more than one award.

The latest version of this OS was released in 2016, but so far there is no official information about the closure of the project.

The features of Sailfish OS are as follows:

  • Sailfish OS is a combination of the Mer operating system and the Qt libraries (it's worth saying that the combination turned out to be quite successful);
  • the interface is based on QML (all applications are also created using this programming language);
  • Sailfish OS runs most Android applications;
  • full support for Intel architecture.

In general, Sailfish OS is quite an interesting project, and if it seemed interesting to you, you can try using this OS. But this is relevant only for geeks, and ordinary users do not need all this.


In short, this is a full-fledged Ubuntu operating system, only for smartphones and tablets. Yes, the project is not finished yet and it is still a long way to support all Ubuntu functions of this OS, but the developers are doing their best to achieve this goal.

Ubuntu Touch is based on Ubuntu for computers, not Android like the other operating systems mentioned above.

Here are some features of Ubuntu Touch:

  • the interface is a fairly successful combination of Unity, Qt and QML;
  • programs are received through repositories (as in Ubuntu on a PC);
  • Ubuntu Touch will only run applications that are originally adapted to the small screen of a smartphone;
  • Developers can write applications for Ubuntu Touch using tools such as HTML5, Qt, and more.

If you like Ubuntu, be sure to try Ubuntu Touch on your smartphone or tablet!

Below you can see an overview of the three most popular operating systems for mobile devices today.

We continue the line of articles on the right choice of a good smartphone. You can read about how to choose the case material and smartphone screen. We turn to the topic of choosing the best operating system.

Current gadgets in their functionality are as close as possible to the capabilities of a full-fledged computer. In the near future, they will be able to make a worthy competition. What is the difference between a large "piece of iron" and a pocket one? Software, nothing more. Of course, technical specifications are important, but it is a high-quality operating system that is able to establish a proper course of work. The industry is ready to offer such operating systems, and each of them is capable of serving a mobile device in its own way. Let's figure out how and which operating system to choose for a smartphone, that it was a pleasure to work with the gadget.

Mobile operating systems: where it all began

The very term mobile operating system entered the vocabulary of users through the efforts of Nokia. Their Symbian-based device at that time, and it was 2001, was considered really advanced and advanced. A little later, all phones with their own operating system began to be called smartphones. For example, Android is considered one of the most popular systems today, with over a billion supported devices behind it.

No less famous is the Windows Phone OS, now produced by Microsoft. She is not in such wide demand as the past, but has her loyal fans. Fast work, stability and a simple interface are the three pillars on which the Windows Phone operating system rests. And do not forget that it was assembled on the basis of another well-known system for computers. Another popular operating system is Apple's iOS. The main highlight lies in its closeness. "Apple" software is not available to the average user and does not lend itself to viruses, which provides the most comfortable conditions for work and use.

In addition to them, there are many other "OSes" for smartphones, which are much worse distributed on the market. These include, for example, BlackBerry, popular in narrow circles.

Obviously, it is important to have at least a general idea of ​​the most popular operating systems, to know their characteristics. So, iOS is considered the most expensive and promising. Today you can learn about the grace and potential of the same iPhone even from a child. You can understand the operation of the operating system without further ado, everything is clear intuitively. Paying for convenience is the excessive exclusion of iOS from the rest of the world. It is especially felt during the use or transfer of content, which is possible only with other similar gadgets. It is also said about the high cost for a reason: not everyone can afford Apple gadgets due to their high cost. Additional programs not from the Internet, but from the official store, also cost money. In exchange for all costs, iOS is ready to offer Swiss watch quality, speed, performance, grace and style.

Devices running on the Android operating system are considered much more affordable. Unlike the previous version, here the owner can customize everything completely for himself and in the smallest detail. Most of the applications are free, the library contains an uncountable number of programs for every taste, and the smartphones themselves are presented in a wide price range. Like the operating system for Apple smartphones, Android is remarkably well suited to work with the flow of information, in many ways even better and more practical. However, behind all this there are high probabilities of catching a virus or confusion in your own settings. Sometimes even ordinary icons, which can be quite an impressive number, are confusing.

Windows Phone is more suitable for all lovers of minimalism and a sort of classicism. The operating system for smartphones is in many ways similar to its older brother, both in its simplified form and in its capabilities. Data transfer and subsequent work with them is quite clear and easy to organize, which prevents the occurrence of unplanned failures as much as possible.

Regarding BlackBerry

She was mentioned earlier. This operating system failed to fully deploy a total confrontation with other competitors, which is why not everyone has heard of it. The OS is popular not only on touchscreen phones, but also on push-button phones with a minimalist qwerty keyboard. A feature of BlackBerry is the full support of services from the "developers" company. Absolute confidentiality of work on the Internet and its own encryption method. It is not for nothing that the operating system for smartphones is used mainly in the circle of well-known communities. The application library has over 70,000 copies. The capabilities of the system allow, for example, converting programs to the whims of Android. Among other things, the BlackBerry interface is quite simple and convenient, allowing you to easily work with documents. Settings with their flexibility are more similar to the capabilities of Android.

The main disadvantage of the operating system can be considered poor functionality in terms of media. Listening to music, games, full use of messengers - all this passes by. Actually, the system was originally created for the purposes and development of business, which is emphasized by the reliable and stable operation of the rest of the "stuffing".

Smartphone communication issue

Undoubtedly, the “Communication” item is the most important, since a developed system without the ability to get in touch is no good. Fortunately, a smartphone is different from an ordinary phone. In this regard, iOS and Android are on a par in terms of comfort. The first operating system even has its own Do Not Disturb feature that can control notification sounds. Windows Phone also allows you to make calls, but it uses its own system for instant messaging. It is worth noting that the same famous iMessage from Apple often works with delays (and only with other devices of the company), which cannot be said about Windows. With BlackBerry, everything is much simpler, since its capabilities have already been discussed: it does a great job with messages.

Until relatively recently, in order to get through to another subscriber, it was necessary to be at home. Sometimes they were rescued by devices standing on the street. And a little earlier, we had to contact the girl who was heard on the other end of the line, as soon as we picked up the phone. Her main business was to connect with the right subscriber. Not very practical, mind you. But in the 21st century, we have absolutely no communication problems. With the advent of mobile phones, wherever we are, we are always available to people who know our number. And it seems that if a person does not have a mobile phone, then he is cut off from life and progress.

Tons of features in a small gadget

Today, such a device does not surprise anyone at all. After all, conventional mobile devices have been replaced by smartphones - smart phones. With the help of such a device, you can not only call or write SMS messages. These gadgets provide a lot of amazing features. You can listen to music, watch videos and even whole movies, surf the Internet, visit social networks, use a navigator, an alarm clock, a calculator, a flashlight and many other useful and interesting things. In the world of modern technology, almost everyone has a smartphone. Most often, the capabilities of the device depend on the model or manufacturer. But the operating system plays a much larger role for the user. for smartphones allow us to unlock the full potential of the gadget. The quality of its use depends on them. In the article we will talk about for a smartphone and look at their main versions.

Types of operating systems

The operating system has another name - "firmware". When talking about installing an operating system, they use the term "reflash". But these words are used rather when talking about versions of operating systems, and not their types.

There are three most popular, well-known and used operating systems for smartphones, namely Android OS, iOS and Windows. There are others, but they are quite rare and mostly on Chinese models of dubious origin. An experienced user can determine the quality of the product even at the first glance at the operating system.

The operating systems that we have named are constantly competing with each other. Smartphone owners note that developers copy OS elements from each other.

In addition to the three main competitors in the operating system development market, there are also those that are created for a specific company or gadget model. For example, Blackberry OS for Blackberry phones or for Nokia.

Now let's talk more about the three giants. So, the main operating systems for smartphones.

Windows Phone OS

This "OS" is simply recommended for people who strive to try something new. Let's say right away that there are much fewer smartphones based on this platform than on Android or iOS, but it can also please its owner. For example, in comparison with the same "Android", the system works much faster and more productively, but if we compare it with IOS, then the products are much cheaper. Yes, and the usual interface of the last two systems is already a little fed up with users.

Advantages of Windows

The second advantage of WP is apps in their own store. The fact is that Android has the Google Play app store under its patronage, IOS has the App Store, but the brainchild of Windows is the Windows Phone Store. The number of applications in the latter is relatively small, but because of this, it is much easier to understand them. Android smartphone owners have access to thousands of paid and free applications, and sometimes, when it is necessary to find important software, they simply drown in the abyss of applications offered. But with Windows Phone it's much easier. Yes, and there are much more high-quality free applications, but their counterparts in competitor stores are quite expensive.

Moreover, almost all software is working and devoid of system errors. In this case, we see a vivid example of when quantity does not mean quality at all. This operating system has a lot of "native" applications, and therefore it is sometimes not necessary to download any add-ons at all. Windows is a closed independent and self-sufficient platform that will appeal to many users. They will also like the speed of the device based on this OS.

It's all about intellectual work with RAM. The system is programmed to unload the apps you don't use much and keep the ones you use a lot active. Therefore, everything loads very quickly and almost does not slow down. Another beauty of this OS is the tiled interface. The interface of the other two operating systems has a similar structure, but tiles have a radically different approach to the rational use of the screen.

So, Windows 8, designed for computers, is rightfully considered a failed operating system, and for the most part this is due to an impractical interface. Not all users are used to clicking on the tiles on the screen, and few, in general, understood this idea. But for phones, such a system is perfect. But which operating system is best for a smartphone? Let's understand further.

Smartphones with Android operating system

The most famous operating system for gadgets in the world. This operating system was initially doomed to popularity. The fact is that Google owns all the rights to Android and is also developing it. Perhaps everyone who has smartphones is familiar with this operating system. is the undisputed leader in its category. Other smartphone operating systems can't even come close to Android's performance. So, according to recent studies, about 75% of smartphones released over the past year have this "firmware" and even such a popular brand as IOS is content with its 15 percent.

Disadvantages of "Robot"

Among the shortcomings of the operating system, it can only be noted that it has become boring for everyone for a long time, and even despite the fact that updates and new versions of the system are regularly released, its interface itself and the “little green men” on the screen are rather annoying. Plus, users too often complain about lags and system errors. It is not perfect at all, although the developers have made sure that updates come out quite often, respectively, they fix errors and errors.

This system is also highly susceptible to attack by various viruses. To avoid this, you have to download additional antivirus programs. The cause of this problem is most often applications ordered from unverified sources, and even the brainchild of Google - Google Play, does not always thoroughly check its products. Now it remains to discuss only the advantages of the system.

The best operating system for a smartphone

We can safely say that Android has eclipsed almost all mobile operating systems. A smartphone on this OS perfectly reveals its capabilities. The first thing to do if you decide to install Android is to create your Google account. This is not difficult to do: it is enough to have only Gmail mail, specify a password and payment information. Another advantage of your own account is that it is the same for all Google services, and if you want, for example, to synchronize your smartphone with other devices, it will not be difficult at all.

Google Play is a great app store where you can find everything you like. It breaks records in the number of quality and free applications than Android and has won the hearts of many users.

Versions of operating systems for smartphones based on Android proudly bear the names of sweets, and experienced users know where to find the Easter eggs hidden in each of these systems.


All owners of Apple products are familiar with this name and, despite all the shortcomings, are devoted to this operating system. The fact is that it is of excellent quality, hence the price of gadgets. The system is not familiar with such a concept as lags and does not know what “slow down” means. Yes, exceptions sometimes happen, but they are so rare that no one pays attention to them. The OS is very fast and understandable, which won the owners of iPhones. But now for the bad. If, for example, there are more than enough variations of models and manufacturers of phones for Android, then Ios is sharpened strictly for “apple products”, that is, no one has the right to use this OS for other equipment.

For Apple users

It is quite obvious that the system has not gained momentum in popularity due to the high cost of Apple products. This "OS" is not tormented by viruses thanks to its unique Linux-based program code. All Apple devices are perfectly synchronized with each other, however, working with other operating systems for IOS is difficult. It is also very difficult to install the operating system yourself. A smartphone on Android can even be “reflashed” at home, but with Apple it is almost impossible to do this.

All operating systems for smartphones have their advantages and disadvantages, but the choice is always yours.

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