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New os from google fuchsia. Will Android die now? Can you download Fuchsia already? Google's Secret Plan

Until last year, information about Fuchsia was almost absent, then the image of the home screen of this system appeared. Now the new "operating system" is running on Pixelbook devices. It is believed that in the end Fuchsia may become the only Google system.

The attention to Fuchsia OS in the press is huge - it's time to systematize information about this platform.

What Fuchsia looks like

Logging into the system, you will notice that its interface looks unusual. Fuchsia uses own program Rendering Escher, which specializes in shadows. Windows, notifications, buttons, pop-up menus have clear layers, all images differ in depth. The wallpaper looks like a window view rather than a flat image behind icons.

Fuchsia now has 2 options: a modern mobile codenamed Armadillo and a more traditional Capybara desktop. Armadillo lacks app list and shortcuts, but merged view is available recent applications, quick settings and google feeds... Capybara is still on initial stage development and contains only a taskbar, a place for quick settings and something similar to the "Start" button.

How Armadillo looked last year can be seen in the video:

Each application opens in its own card, they can also be combined into a common card. The user will be able to run two programs in one card and access more action. Armadillo's interface doesn't look like traditional home screen because the emphasis is on tasks and not on separate applications.

How the system works

From the very beginning, Fuchsia was designed to work with Google assistant... All the contents of the screen, everything that you do and can do, is displayed in the assistant. By at least, so it says in the system documentation.

V Android assistant examines the contents of the screen if you hold down Home button but Fuchsia gives it deeper access. You can be in the browser and read the restaurant review, then open the calendar to check the date, say “OK, Google, invite Marina to dinner,” and the assistant will know what to do.

The assistant is given access to objects such as contacts, places, objects, events, concepts displayed inside the Fuchsia platform.

What devices will it work on

V modern world most users have not one device, but several - such as computers, smartphones, tablets, laptops, smart watches. Given the current state of Fuchsia, it seems like Google wants to make the system work on each of these devices.

The main problem with this approach is maintaining progress in work. The user comes to the rescue software solution Ledger. Thanks to Ledger, apps automatically save their state to different devices as soon as the user enters account... Google describes Ledger as a distributed storage for Fuchsia. Naturally, all data is stored in the "cloud".

The idea is simple: close Chrome on your smartphone and open on your laptop - the tabs will be the same. If you forgot to save a document before exiting on your computer, open Docs on your smartphone and save. Did you run out of battery while you were working on a project? Log in from your computer and continue.

Since Fuchsia is the same on both a computer and a smartphone, it is not at all necessary to have both devices. You can place your smartphone in a docking station, such as a Samsung DeX, and work on big screen with a desktop analog.

Are there architectural differences from Android and Chrome OS

Android and Chrome OS are based on Linux, which is approaching three decades old. Android problem is that before the Treble project appears, the Linux kernels depended on the device manufacturers, and very few people wanted to do this. Even a few months after the release of Treble, some manufacturers are reluctant to add its code to their devices. Because of this, Android remains potentially vulnerable to new exploits, the patches for the closure of which have already been released, but they did not have time to reach many devices.

Fuchsia overcomes this shortcoming with its custom Zircon kernel, which was built with an eye to upgradeability. Fuchsia apps are isolated and deprived of direct access to the Zircon core. This creates an additional layer of security that prevents the incompatibility of applications with the device after the update. operating system what Android suffers from.

What is Fuchsia's advantage for developers

At all stages of the development of the operating system, Google was mindful of the needs third party developers... Most of the user interface elements are written using the Flutter framework in the Dart language, which will probably seem familiar to JavaScript and Java programmers. The Google Go programming language is also supported. System developers will be able to use the Rust language, for system developers Apple iOS support of the Swift language is provided.

Many of these languages ​​are interchangeable. Using the FIDL protocol, the Dart interface can interact with the code written in the Go language. Other combinations are available. Thanks to this, developers have the opportunity to expand their toolkit and choose the language that they know best and which is suitable for solving a specific problem.

When the system reaches users

It's a difficult question. Fuchsia looks good in its current state, but its functionality remains to be developed for a long time. There is not even a full-fledged browser on the OS, although work is underway on porting Chrome.

It's not worth waiting for Fuchsia to appear before 2019. Google is in no hurry to share information about the new OS, so there is little confirmed data - experts can only make assumptions. Fuchsia is likely to change dramatically by the time smartphones with this OS hit the market.

In this post - the future.

Let's be honest and step on our throat. Smart gadgets for home - complete bullshit... Almost without exception.

The Internet of Things market is full of disgusting stuff that a normal person won't buy twice. It would seem, where does Google.

What kind of Fuchsia is this

Fuchsia(Fuchsia) is, of course, a strange name for an OS from a large company. Its code and documentation was found yesterday on GitHub, a well-known developer site, here.

Operating systems do exist, but at a very early stage of development. This is confirmed by the developers from Google, the details are not disclosed. New system not built on Linux, unlike Android - it is actually work from scratch... In the last 5 years, this is the first news of any new OS from Google, so the situation deserves attention.

Fuchsia's main focus is on minimum requirements to the gland. Basically, all.

Many wondered: how is it, really in Google decided to gnaw off the feeding hand and create potential android killer? Or is it just another puff, which the company does a lot and often, then quietly closes?

I'll answer that question, explain what might be going on - and why Apple needs to be afraid.

Will Android die now? Can you download Fuchsia already?

The general answer is: not yet. But the emphasis is on "bye."

Fuchsia as it is now is not even an "alpha" version. It's simple base code and general documentation... That is, proof-of-concept, the first laid stone of gigantic work in the future. To write a full-fledged mass OS together with a kernel and drivers, without using Linux as a base - cosmically difficult task even for google.

Now the system is "loaded" on minicomputers Intel and a single laptop model - Acer Switch Alpha 12 for which there are no ready-made drivers yet. Later they will try to run Fuchsia on the Raspberry P, a super-cheap computer on a single board especially for enthusiasts.

Everything about smartphones is discussed only in the documentation and only as a "possible application".

Therefore, Android will not die tomorrow, no one will replace it, and the dominance of the Google operating system will continue for many more years. Unfortunately for some of us. But this is only one side of the coin.

Another thing is important. Where exactly is Google going to go with Fuchsia. And there Android days really numbered.

Google's secret plan. How Fuchsia will beat HomeKit

In fact, this is not just a bunch of code. This is an exciting thing when looking at current trends.

What's happening: « smart House And Internet household utensils are knocking on apartments more and more, but they will not enter in any way. From remote boil kettles to iPhone lighting and electrical control systems, the Internet of Things (IoT) nonsense has proliferated.

Nothing did not fire, did not become "an iPhone in the world of smart technology."

Remember the beginning of the 2000s, when smartphones and communicators bred like rabbits. Everyone made them their own way and rewrote the concept from scratch with each new model... An ordinary user looked at this chaos, did not know where to go and was left with a dialer.

Then the iPhone came as the gold standard, Google spied on and created a new concept for an Android smartphone based on it. The world was no longer the same.

The story of the Internet of Things is exactly the same.

The main problem with the Internet of Things? In 2016, each IoT gadget works inside its own own system: Standalone applications, complex setup procedures, lack of compatibility with products from other companies, terrible service and support.

Example: two smart lamp from different manufacturers will not work together, only after 2 different programs... The former may be compatible with Siri, the latter may not. Each has its own work procedure. Even the first tomorrow may be abandoned, and that's it, you are left with unnecessary junk. What kind of smart home can we talk about if, in the end, all gadgets are very stupid and sit in different corners of the "ecosystem"?

The common people tried this chaos, got burned and stopped buying IoT. Everything has stopped, a different approach is needed.

To understand the difference, I’ll pose a question: how to make all “smart gadgets” really smart and interact with each other if they are produced by different companies?

Apple's answer: don't change anything, just force manufacturers to support the HomeKit protocol for iOS. Make an add-on for what is already on the market. That is, to allow you to continue to sit in your corner, but throw the coded pieces of paper into the basket in the middle of the room.

Google answer: make a new OS with an emphasis on interaction and maximize low requirements to productivity, so that all manufacturers want to supply it " smart gadgets". Bring the entire IoT industry to one platform. And to collect juicy data from it for targeted advertising, of course.

So it turns out Fuchsia.

How Google will make money on Fuchsia (on you and me)

Thanks to Fuchsia, Google will have a chance to beat Apple in the promising IoT market. And not only on the technical side, but also purely strategically.

Plan simple: make an easily deployable OS and distribute it to manufacturers virtually free of charge. Conquer the market and make your product the standard.

Doesn't it look like anything? That's right, this is a word for word Android strategy that has proven to be effective. It remains to saturate Fuchsia with anonymous data collection systems, and that's it, you can sell even more targeted advertising.

It was very cold in your apartment yesterday. Would you like a heater? And the light bulb in the hall burned out. Order this one here, it "works longer".

Nothing personal just business. But we will also benefit from Fuchsia.

What good can Fuchsia bring us?

Here I will hit on analytics, but it really lies on the surface.

1. Order in the smart home market and creating a unified ecosystem. One common platform for IoT will by itself solve the issue of compatibility and interaction of gadgets with each other. Producers will be motivated to use ready-made google solution, and Google will take over the standardization of device operation. As a result, we will see devices for the home many times more useful than now - and we will know specifically how they will fit into our life.

2. Emergence of anti-burglary standards, security and privacy. Now this is the most pressing issue in the IoT market. Manufacturers just scored on data encryption, on the use of closed protocols and therefore hack many " smart homes"And the accompanying technique can be a student without special knowledge. They spy on video cameras, turn off sockets, play with teapots and steamers - who in their right mind would want to buy such a "Trojan horse"?

If Google came to this market with a partially closed OS, complete control on security and confidentiality, operational "patches" for vulnerabilities and audit of the quality of work of others IoT devices, the industry would receive a powerful boost and regain lost trust. Otherwise, the "smart home", as it was a hacker's paradise and hell for everyone else, will remain so.

3. A powerful impetus to the development of the entire IoT industry. I really miss him. Whatever you say, there are few truly smart coffee makers, refrigerators, doors, toasters and toilets on the market. Only the light bulbs, and that is often miserable.

All this is for a reason: selling smart household appliances low, the people are afraid of her as of everything new, and the media scare them with hacks and a capitalist attitude towards personal data. The spread of Fuchsia will spur a wave of bold innovations from large companies- they are more willing to risk releasing a good product in a category new to itself, hidden behind the power of the Google brand. And there the ecosystem is ready, and security, and everything is free.

All this is cool, but now what?

Now we will rise and be silent in tribute to the memory of a hundred cool Google projects who died in embryos for unknown reasons.

Google is known for its habit of ditching anything halfway through. If Fuchsia remains a line of code on GitHub, no one will be surprised. But the world will gain nothing from this.

You can be Apple fans until the very end and say that Google has gone far. But keep in mind that it is the competition, not the Steve Jobs spirit, that drives Apple to be better. Putting out really good stuff, not just gold stuff.

Therefore, I believe in Fuchsia and advise you to do the same. Will you?

P.S .: you can forget the tales about the "confidentiality" of your data. No more privacy in 2016. And it won't. If you don't let the smart home in, the smartphone will tell you everything about you. If not him, then the computer. Or an internet service provider. Or a cozy and very honest daddy in the archive.

Undoubtedly the most popular Google operating system. In addition to her, the search giant is also developing Chrome OS for computers. And recently, more and more messages about the third OS - Fuchsia - began to appear on the Web. The operating system, not yet presented to the public, was launched on a computer without an emulator, and the first impressions of its use appeared.

Fuchsia from search engine giant google Is another operating system developed by the company besides Chrome OS and Android. It is noted that Google has been working on this OS since 2016, but hasn't said anything about her new project. Ron Amadeo on the resource pages in an illustrated note reviewed the new OS running on the Pixelbook.

To date, users are aware of two developed by Google - Android and Chrome OS. But the company is also developing a third operating system called Fuchsia. In May 2017, a message appeared about it on the Web, and then it was simply called "OS". It was about a software interface that sits on top of Android and functions as an application. The user interface assumed multi-window mode work.

Fuchsia's user interface is written using the "Flutter" cross-platform SDK. Fuchsia features a Vulkan based graphics stack and no emulator supports the new graphics APIs. The only way start a new OS turned out to be using compatible devices which are Intel computers NUC starting in 2015 and Acer Switch Alpha 12.

Following the announcement that the Fuchsia development team has also provided support for the Google Pixelbook, which usually runs under Chrome control OS, it became possible to launch a new operating system. And not just software interface on top of Android, but the operating system itself Fuchsia systems.

There are several features provided that are likely to target developers. Blue Fuchsia logo on the right upper corner allows you to switch between two modes - "laptop" and "phone". There are also several commands for hardware buttons. Button " Caps lock"(Which is technically called the" launcher "button on the Pixelbook keyboard) will allow you to switch between graphical interface user and mode command line... In command line mode, moving the volume control down will toggle between different modes command line, one of which involves displaying debug information on the screen.

The browser seems to be far from being a finalized application. As noted, he could not fully display even the site Ars Technic... At the same time, the site booted fine. Provided in Fuchsia OS - "Mozilla / 5.0 (Fuchsia; Intel Fuchsia)". Is it about Intel having something to do with Fuchsia, or is it just a post about the current platform computer device, meaning that the operating system is running on a PC whose processor architecture is x86?

The operating system desktop has several hidden settings... For example, we allow you to select a time zone by tapping on time, although the list “freezes”.

As Scott Adam Gordon additionally notes on the resource pages, the Fuchsia operating system is characterized by a user interface called "Armadillo" and is based on Google's own "Zircon" core. Unlike Android, it is not Linux-based. As noted, new platform intended for " modern phones and modern personal computers with fast processors ".

The operating system already supports trackpad, keyboard, touch screen and USB ports... The use of a mouse connected to the device is also supported. It should be noted that Wi-Fi, like many other features, is not yet working, because the new platform is in the early stages of development.

There is not much content on the desktop of the new operating system yet - the battery and Wi-Fi indicators, which are familiar to users from Android phones, as well as the date and time. There are no app icons yet. The use of the modern application menu is provided. It provides for the use of "live" thumbnails of applications recently used on the device. This approach is similar to that of Android.

The current development stage of the Fuchsia operating system shows that it may be years away from its release. And it is possible that user interface"Armadillo" by the time of the debut of the new OS will be significantly changed. After all, it has yet to appear in the application buttons and system settings.

Google has definitely managed to change the world forever by making it much more digital. However, she is not going to stop there, doing everything possible to conquer new heights. As we found out today, July 21, 2018, the leadership of the "search giant" approved the release date of the Fuchsia OS operating system, which will replace Android in the foreseeable future. There are several reasons to take this step.

In September 2018 operating Android system will be 10 years old, during which thousands of developers from the most different countries the world. Nevertheless, the potential of this OS has already almost exhausted itself, because it is devoid of any problems that could be solved, but two are still present in it. In particular, this software extremely poorly protected from malware, as well as hacker attacks but this is not the main reason.

For the whole world to move forward, people must quickly use the latest software, however Android framework does not allow it to be done. This operating system is extremely complex in structure, so the release process new build accompanied by a lot of difficulties. It is simply impossible to solve this problem, because it is like trying to replace the engine in some sports car, that is, in this case, everything else will have to be changed.

That is why Google has been actively working on Fuchsia OS for two years now. It is this operating system that will begin to be installed on smart speakers, set-top boxes and the like in 2021. electronic devices... Then, two years later, that is, in 2023, this OS will completely replace Android, and the search giant will simply abandon the development and support of the latter forever, making it a part of history.

According to Bloomberg, google guide approved the timing of the release of the Fuchsia OS operating system to the market, and it will become available to everyone in 2021. This very year everyone can start using it, but only within the framework of alpha testing. The first smartphones based on it will appear on the market right out of the box in 2023, that is, two years later. When the new OS is fully ready, it will replace the current Android.

Earlier, Google released the most desired application... His .

Until March 10 inclusive, everyone has a unique Xiaomi opportunity Mi Band 3, spending only 2 minutes of his personal time on it.

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