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  • Acer laptop freezes and does not respond. Strong fan noise, but the screen does not show signs of life

Acer laptop freezes and does not respond. Strong fan noise, but the screen does not show signs of life

If your laptop freezes, then a number of factors can be the cause of this problem. Usually it is possible to fix the problem at home, but in order for the laptop to work without failures, you must first find the cause of the breakdown.

Causes of the problem

Possible causes of laptop freezing can be divided into two categories:

  • Hardware - problems with the hardware, for example, overheating of components.
  • Software - errors in the operation of Windows, viral infection etc.

If the device freezes at Windows boot, then it is most likely a hardware failure. If the system starts up, works for some time, then you need to pay attention to the state of the operating system, although there may be exceptions, which are described below.

Stuck on turning on and off

If the laptop freezes tightly when turned on, then you should look for the cause first of all in the physical state of the components. What problems lead to this situation:

  • Plank problems random access memory- it’s unlikely that you can fix them yourself, you need to disassemble the laptop.
  • Crashes in work hard disk - you can check the status of the disk using bootable flash drive with the Victoria program.
  • Laptop dirty and components overheating.

If the laptop slows down at the system boot stage, and before that it turns on normally, then try starting Windows in safe mode. On Windows 7, you can select safe mode through the menu that is called by pressing F8 when you turn on the computer. If the system boots in safe mode, then you need to clear the startup list - one or more programs slow down Windows startup normally.

On Windows 8 and Windows 10, the F8 key does not work, so you have to wait until the system starts up. To clean autoload:

If no programs in Windows autorun loads fine, then just don't let the apps load with the system. Once again, open the startup list and check only those programs that are vital - antivirus, applications for managing a video card. All other applications can be started manually.

Another unpleasant situation is that the laptop works fine, but at the end of the work it starts to slow down terribly and does not turn off for a long time. This is usually caused by a program or process that the system cannot terminate. At shutting down Windows 10, a window always appears with a message about which applications are still running. You can return to the system, start the task manager and kill stubborn processes manually.

At the same time, check the system with an antivirus - there may be processes that prevent the computer from shutting down normally, otherwise harm the system.

Freeze during operation

If the laptop freezes a few minutes after turning it on, then try to detect some kind of systematic problem in the appearance of problems. For example, Windows hangs after launching a game or program, which means that the problem is in the software that you are trying to launch. Reinstall it or uninstall it if the laptop can't work with it.

Another reason may be incompatible drivers. If the problem occurs after connecting new hardware and installing software, then you should stop using this equipment or look for other drivers. If, for example, the mouse or other equipment freezes, and not the entire system, then you should also pay attention to the drivers and the physical state of the device.

There are no such obvious indicators - you will have to spend a small self-diagnosis laptop. If you wondering how to restart the machine to start the diagnostics, the answer depends on whether the laptop responds to your requests. If you can open the Start menu and click Restart, then use this restart method.

Laptop freezes up and doesn't respond at all? Then you will need knowledge on how to turn off a frozen device. Press and hold the power button until the screen turns off. If this does not help, then unplug the laptop from the mains and remove the battery from it - this is an extreme measure.

After turning it on, first check the laptop with an antivirus. Use not only installed anti-virus software, but also free utility Dr.Web CureIT downloaded from the official site of the developer. By the way, if you bet on old laptop modern powerful antivirus, then it will also mercilessly slow down due to lack of resources.

The cause of braking or freezing of the system can also be an overcrowded HDD. Open "Computer" and see how much space is left on system partition. If the bar turns red, then you have dangerously overfilled the disk. Try to clean it off extra files and programs. Also, remove temporary data:

Unfortunately, sometimes the cause of a laptop freezing is not only such a trifle as temporary files. The reasons may also be of a hardware nature. If the laptop turns on and works for a while, then freezes and no longer turns on, and then turns on again after a while and works for a while, then you definitely have overheated components. To eliminate this drawback, you need to disassemble the laptop, clean it from dust and check the cooling system.

Problems may arise at work hard drive, motherboard, RAM. You can independently check the temperature of the components using programs like Speccy or run RAM and hard drive tests in MemTest and Victoria. But it is difficult to diagnose a problem in such cases on your own, so it is better to contact service center to avoid more serious problems.

Now it is impossible to imagine life without our constant companions: computers, laptops, tablets and phones. This technique is in almost every home, and at times we have to fight with it. If there are crashes and problems in operation, your laptop cannot tell what is bothering it, it reacts in its own way - it turns off or freezes. How to restart the laptop if such a nuisance happened?

Why is my laptop frozen?

It may freeze for the following reasons:

  • program failure;
  • failure of the operating system;
  • filling problems: motherboard, memory, video card, processor, etc.

Ways to reboot a laptop

Since it will not work to restart the laptop from the keyboard with one button, as you would do it from the "Reset" button on system unit, for this purpose you will have to use other methods.

The first way is software

Using the start panel of your operating system

We execute the following sequence of commands: "Start" - "Shutdown" - "Restart". If at the moment of freezing you stopped moving, try switching to your laptop (touchpad) using the + F7 combination.

Using Task Manager

Before restarting the laptop, it is worth trying to close the program or process that caused the hang using the task manager. It can be opened with the key combination CTRL+ALT+DEL. Then choose desired program and click the "End Process" button. If this action is not possible, you can only reboot the entire system

Using the command line

To call it, press then in the command line enter "cmd" and press Enter key, and then we type the command "shutdown -r -t 0" - it means to restart the laptop immediately. But suddenly your How to restart it if it does not respond to commands, and does not move? Then the second method will help you.

The second way is mechanical.

Shutdown using the "Power" button - the button to turn the laptop on and off. Hold it down for a few seconds, this will force close everything open programs and turn off the laptop. To resume work, press this button again. It is better not to resort to this method of rebooting often, since the main breakdowns of all electrical appliances occur precisely at the moment of turning on and off, when there is a power surge. But how to restart the laptop if it does not respond to the “Off” button either? Try the third way.

The third way is de-energization

If you have a laptop connected to the network, unplug it and remove the battery, this will de-energize it and it will turn itself off. Wait a few minutes, then put the battery back or plug the laptop into the mains. By pressing the "Power" button you will start it again.

What to do if the freeze repeats?

If the freeze repeats with a certain frequency, then this is already a serious problem, and your laptop may need repair. First of all, pay attention to the nature of the freeze and what program was open at that moment. If that's the case, you'll have to remove it and reinstall it. Perhaps reinstalling the operating system will help you, especially if you have not done this for a long time. But if all else fails, call the wizard or bring the laptop in for repair.

Alas, braking and freezing of a laptop is a fairly common situation. What to do and how to restart the laptop if it hangs? On laptops, there is no reset button, and therefore the operation is carried out differently.

How to standardly restart a laptop if it freezes for a long time?

A simple method is to access the capabilities of the Start button. This menu cannot be found in Windows system 8, and therefore there will have to use other solutions.

In the system of the seventh version do the following:

  • touchpad or mouse launch the start menu
  • click on the arrow on the left side of the button with the completion of the work in order to open an additional menu
  • select the restart message

In the eighth version:

  • on the right edge of the monitor at the top, move the cursor down
  • a panel should appear, and there you should click on the sign with the image of a gear
  • the shutdown button is activated and the menu item is selected to restart

For the tenth version:

  • click on "Start"
  • in the panel click on the completion of the work
  • in the menu that appears, look for a reboot

Keyboard reboot

This method of restarting the device is used when the laptop crashes, the mouse (touchpad) fails, and there is no special button for restart.

Restart is also possible using the keyboard:

  • single pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del. From this mode it is possible to go to the Task Manager to stop the program or game. No need to start the device
  • in the window, use the arrow buttons to move the accent to the power icon
  • Enter is pressed and the reboot process is selected

When the problem is simple, after restarting the touchpad and mouse will function as usual.

Holding down the power button

Certainly, this option restart is not correct, but sometimes it also needs to be applied. It involves holding the button for a few seconds. The device will then turn off and the button can be released to press again.

If a message pops up that the system has shut down abnormally, you need to select the normal boot mode and continue booting.

Command line reboot

The most advanced way to restart a device is to use command line capabilities. To use it, you have to press Win + R, and then type Shutdown / r in the window and press the Enter key.

The reasons for the device freezing can be different commands, but the most common problem is a virus. Often there are failures in the operation of the operating system, mismatch of the configured parameters, software reset.

We hope that our article and video will allow you to successfully and quickly cope with the task.

Minor laptop glitches can often be fixed by rebooting. But what if it freezes up and the usual methods of restarting the system do not work, or the touchpad does not respond to your requests? You can try to reboot using the keyboard. The main thing is to know which buttons to press to restart the laptop.

Standard reboot

First you need to make sure that the laptop is frozen and restart it in a standard way fail. Standard reboot done through the start menu or Charms bar if you have Windows 8.

  1. Open the start menu.
  2. Click on the arrow next to the "Shut down" button and select "Restart".

On Windows 8, the order is:

If the laptop does not respond to the actions of the mouse or touchpad, then most likely it is frozen. Although there is another option: you may have accidentally turned off the touchpad by pressing a key combination on the keyboard (for example, Fn + F7 on ASUS laptop). If a Touchpad does not work or the laptop really freezes, try restarting it using the keyboard.

If the laptop is not responding, then it really is frozen. Wait a bit, the computer can start working again on its own. If it continues to "hang", try other methods of rebooting the system.

Other ways to restart

You can call the "Shut down" window not only through the "Start" menu. If I press the combination Alt + F4, then I will first close active windows, and then a list of completion options will appear Windows work. You need to use the arrows to highlight the "Reboot" item and press Enter. The laptop will restart if, of course, it still responds to requests from the keyboard, and does not freeze completely.

Another combination that will help restart the laptop if it works with errors is Ctrl + Alt + Delete. If you press these buttons at the same time, a blue screen will appear with available options further behavior of the laptop. What can be done here:

  1. Blocking the computer is not suitable, it is already frozen.
  2. Change user - may help if there is another Account with administrator rights.
  3. Sign Out - effective way, helps to correct small errors in the work.
  4. Change password and start task manager - in this case almost meaningless options, although through the dispatcher you can see which process loaded the laptop so much that it hung.

If you want to restart the system with blue screen, then use the arrows or the Tab key to highlight the shutdown button in the lower corner. You can just turn off the laptop, and then turn it on again. If you don't want to, highlight the arrow next to the shutdown button: there is a "Reboot" option in the drop-down menu.

If the keyboard works, you can restart the system via command line. To do this is simple:

There may be other ways to restart the system from the keyboard, but if the methods listed do not help you, then there is no point in using other keyboard shortcuts.

Emergency stop

If the laptop freezes and you cannot restart the system using the keyboard, you can perform an emergency shutdown. You can do it in two ways: by long pressing the power button or complete shutdown laptop from all power sources. Both methods should be used only as a last resort, when other methods have been tried and found to be unsuitable for solving the problem.

To perform an emergency reset, press and hold the power button for about 5 seconds. You should keep it until the laptop screen turns off and its coolers stop making noise.

When you are sure that the laptop has shut down, press the power button again to turn it on (pressing once, as usual, does not need to hold anything). Reboot through a long hold of the power button is implemented at the hardware level, so even if the laptop freezes tightly, in this way you will be able to turn it off.

Laptop freezing at the most inopportune moment is quite a common thing. But what to do, how to quickly rehabilitate your device and restore the device to working capacity? There are several effective methods system reboot. Unlike a desktop PC, a laptop does not have a special button to enter reboot mode, however this operation performed in a slightly different way.

At the moment when you are sure that your laptop is frozen and it is impossible to continue your usual work, try rebooting the system using the primitive and most common method. Click "Start", then hover over the arrow on the "Shutdown" panel and select "Restart" from the pop-up menu. If the cursor is not draggable and no element can be opened, proceed as follows:
  1. Press the combination CTRL + ALT + DEL;
  2. You should have a task manager open, where you can successfully close the problematic program that caused the freeze;
  3. Select the processes you need to close with the mouse and click "End task";
  4. If the task manager refuses to execute your command, click the "Shutdown" button, then "Restart".

This method of restarting the laptop is somewhat similar to the "Reset" button on the system unit. If the Start menu, like other programs, does not work, the task manager does not start, then gently press the power button on the device until it stops and hold it in this position until the laptop turns off.

The above method should work in any case, since holding down the power button is programmed to crash the laptop if it fails to reset the process in another, more gentle way. If the problem is so significant that the laptop is completely paralyzed and all attempts to reboot the system fail, then you need to resort to more radical way. Remember this method- this is a critical condition, when all the above attempts are over and there is no reaction. If the computer is connected to a network, unplug the power plug, and then remove the battery.

The reasons why a laptop may hang are very diverse. Common Precursor similar problems is a virus on your device. There are also frequent failures in operating system, software reset, laptop parameters mismatch required by the program.

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