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low frequency request. Types of search queries: long tail, low-frequency, mid-frequency and high-frequency queries

From the author: promotion on low-frequency requests provides a number of advantages. The most important thing is the ability not to spend a large budget on website promotion. Let's talk in detail about the promotion of low-frequency speakers today.


But before you start a conversation, you need to decide what a low-frequency request is. In general, search queries are divided into HF, MF and LF. Moreover, people determine in different ways which group the request belongs to. In any case, a low-frequency query is one that is entered in the search line less often than a mid-frequency one. Promotion under the bass is considered the easiest, because there is the least competition.

Usually, LF includes all queries that are entered into the search engine no more than 300-1000 times a month. If you read various articles on this topic, then most likely you can see other numbers there.

But this is not so important. We can see the frequency of each specific request. The most important thing to understand about low-frequency keys is that they usually always have less competition.

It's just an obvious fact. Agree that many more companies and webmasters will want to promote popular queries in order to get more traffic. And many beginners make the mistake of writing exclusively under HF. The competition for such requests is huge.

Hundreds, and in some cases thousands and tens of thousands of sites will compete for places in the search results, of which there are only 10. After all, practice shows that if a page is outside the TOP-10, then you should not expect much traffic to it.

For example, in Moscow alone there are hundreds of firms that install plastic windows. Accordingly, if you want to get into the top for the query “installation of plastic windows in Moscow”, then moderate your ambitions. You will have to compete with many other companies. Moreover, they will most likely be able to allocate a large budget for promotion and SEO specialists, and you?

The essence of promotion for low-frequency queries

It’s worth paying attention to low-frequency requests, if only because they allow you to still receive small, but traffic. Let's look at 2 sites that have chosen different promotion strategies. Now there will be no specifics, just examples.

They decided to promote 1 young site on HF, the other - on LF. Time passes, and the second project gets traffic from the search. Most likely, it will be small, in the region of 10-100 people, but it will be. The first site may not even take a position in the top ten, let alone reach the first 3 places. Most likely, you will have to spend money to promote the site.

The key difference is that in the case of promotion under the HF there is always a risk, even if you spend good money, you will not promote the site and not get traffic at all, or it will be minimal, because few people click beyond the 5th position in the search.

If you optimize and sharpen the content for low frequencies, then you practically do not risk anything. Over time, if there are no serious errors on the site, its pages will appear in the top. And let it bring much less traffic, it will be stable.

What are the other benefits of moving under the bass?

In general, you do not need to buy any links to the site. You can forget about it. It is possible and necessary to reach the top in low frequencies due to high-quality texts and good internal optimization. The only thing is that links can be obtained manually if you know how.

You can not spend money on a website promotion specialist if you are ready to learn a little yourself. Promotion is not such a complicated science. All you need is to get at least a little knowledge in this area. Understand concepts such as keyword occurrence, relevance, uniqueness, nausea, duplicate pages, etc.

If you have a site on wordpress, then it will be even easier for you, because today hundreds of webmasters in their free articles give a bunch of useful tips on how to promote the site, as well as how to properly set it up technically. In this article, I will not talk about those. setting, because this is a separate topic. But you must clearly understand for yourself that there is nothing complicated in this, and you will be able to carry out basic optimization, even if you are still a complete teapot.

HF promotion is a completely different matter. There can be no guarantees even if you hire a specialist.

How to identify and collect bass phrases

In general, this is done by a person who makes up the semantic core. In a simple way, this is a list of key phrases under which the site will be promoted. It is he who is familiar with all the necessary tools for this. But still, I will tell you about some basic tools that are useful to use.

For example, I myself promote my sites. And just 2 years ago I didn't know anything about it. Absolutely nothing. And the promotion is going well. And it happens because I choose basically only mids and lows.

Okay, let's move on to how to find such keys. For starters, you should know about a service like WordStat. This is already a legendary service for the selection of keywords.

For example, I entered the phrase “how to assemble a computer yourself” here.

As you can see, Wordstat showed the number of impressions for this query per month - 996 times. But here you need to understand that it shows the so-called wide frequency. A simple example: if you enter the word “kitchen” in wordstat, it will show a huge number - it seems, several million impressions per month.

But let's think, is it really possible? More often than not, people are looking for something more specific. Someone is interested in repairing the kitchen, while someone is just looking for the series of the same name. In general, these millions of impressions include all queries in which the word “kitchen” is used, and in different cases.

So, in order to find out the exact frequency of a word or phrase, you need to write the entire text in quotation marks, and put an exclamation mark before each word. Like this: "! how! assemble! a computer! yourself"

As you can see, now WordStat shows reliable information. This phrase is accurately entered into the search engine 216 times a month. Of course, these statistics change every month, but these are approximate numbers that you can focus on.

So, can this request be considered low-frequency? Of course, because it has less than 300 searches. It would seem that everything is fine - the request is low-frequency, it remains to write an article for it and traffic will go over time. But we do not take into account another important detail - competition. The fact is that it can be high even at low frequencies.

How to check the competition

Here I suggest using 2 services. Both allow you to clearly see the level of competition.

The first is free, the second is paid if you plan to check more than 10 phrases per day. Let's deal with free first. This service allows you to check the competition in Google and Yandex. In particular, we are more interested in Yandex.

Enter the key in the field. If it consists of several words, then the phrase must be enclosed in quotation marks, this is prompted by the service itself. Next, check the InTitle box and click the check button. InTitle means that Yandex will give you pages that have the specified keyword in the title.

Let's enter our phrase and see the result:

As many as 1000 pages whose title is optimized for this phrase. This suggests that it will be difficult to reach the top for this query. And from this conclusion: Not all low-frequency keys are low-competitive!

You can make and optimize better than others

If in doubt, see point 1)

You must understand that nothing is impossible. Getting into the top with a lot of competition is difficult, but possible. And even without a budget. A lot depends on you and your desire to learn, as well as the quality of your texts.

For example, it is obvious that by this request a person is looking for the most detailed and understandable instructions for assembling a computer. If you provide him with all the details and photos, you will get a great chance of reaching the top.

But still, in this case, our phrase for promotion is not optimal. Here I can advise you the following: it is better to spend several hours looking for a great key phrase than to write an article for unpromising keywords for several hours. That's it.

Okay, let's find it, this optimal phrase, and at the same time try the second service - Mutagen. In general, you need to register in it before you start using it for free, but I already did it, so I just insert the phrase that interests me:

The mutagen shows the exact frequency. As you can see, it is equal to 215, which is about the same as the previous phrase. In addition, the service immediately shows the level of competition.

This value is calculated according to the classification of the service itself, where 1 is the least competition, and 25 is the most. Thus, we need to try to find keys with less than 10-15 competition. It is under such phrases that there is a chance to advance without additional costs.

Our key has only 5 competition! This is very good, let's test it in another free way:

As you can see, there is only 1 result! What does it say? The fact that the competition on demand is very low, it is practically non-existent. This means that even minimal optimization on your part for this query will lead to the fact that it will be possible to move to the top for it. Naturally, if you have a site of the corresponding subject.

So, we have found our optimal phrase. To be honest, I found it at random. You can also help:

Tips for the search engine when entering queries

wordstat hints

Well, they are also in the mutagen (tips)

In general, this way you can quickly find phrases for which there is little competition. I will also say that the longer the phrase, the less competitors it probably has. Because low-frequency queries mostly consist of 3-7 words.

How to optimize a site and a separate page for low-frequency queries

Okay, with the search for low-frequency keys, everything is more or less clear. What to do next? Take and write text under them. On each promoted page, it is worth using 1-3 LF keys, and you should single out one as the main one (for which there are more searches). It must be entered in the title, if possible in the description, and also mentioned in the text. Preferably as close to the beginning as possible - somewhere in the first paragraph.

Also, if possible, you should find additional low-frequency keys, for which there are fewer searches and it makes no sense to write an article for them. You can include them in text. For example, how do you like this key:

In general, you can find many such keys. Your main friend in the selection of such requests is your head. Think about the main topic of the article and try to imagine what else people are interested in about this topic. For example, if they are interested in learning how to assemble a computer from components, then they will certainly be interested in replacing individual parts of the computer.

In one article, you should not use too many keywords. There is such a rule - the larger the text, the more keywords you can insert into it. For a small article, you do not need more than 1-3, for a large one you can try more than three.

The written text needs to be checked for nausea in order to accurately determine if you overdo it with optimization. Also, for each article, you need to write a unique title and description, where to enter the main key. In general, there are people who manage to insert organically several keys. But here it is important not to overspam, it is better to write for people than for search robots. Moreover, robots are able to detect deception.


Okay, I thought that I could write in this spirit for a long time, but the main thing is to understand the main essence, and you will consolidate the rest in practice when you select keys and write texts for them (or order articles from copywriters).

In this article, I tried to convey to you what the promotion of LF requests looks like. If you repeat the general principles, you get something like this:

LF key is dialed 0-300 times a month

We are primarily interested in the exact frequency of each phrase, and not the broad

The fact that the key is low does not mean that it will be easy to move under it

To search for optimal keys and determine competition, use the services indicated in the article

Optimize each article on your site for one or more keywords.

You just have to try and observe the result. It is not so difficult to promote a resource for low-frequency phrases, today thousands of webmasters already do it. Apply the tips and you will succeed! And to be guaranteed to become a guru in matters of promotion, you can look at ours. If you have such a blog, then you can eventually bring it to an income of 20 thousand rubles, if you use the chips that are described there.

/ Date: 2014-07-30 at 22:35

Hello friends. In this article, I will tell you about what LF, MF and HF are, how these letters are generally deciphered in the Seo environment, and how frequency is generally determined.

The topic of site promotion touches on a lot of important points that every novice webmaster should be familiar with. One of these moments is the keywords, which are an important component of each site.

Keywords, also referred to as keys and keys by some webmasters, are words and phrases that users typically type into searches to find information on a given topic.

I mentioned them many times in previous articles, introducing you to the basics of SEO, so it's time to tell you about keywords in more detail, teaching you how to work with them.

Why is it important to optimize your articles for CS?

I also talked about the fact that the site should be optimized for key queries. Each site has a lot of pages, this is the main page, and sections of the site, as well as articles posted in these sections, and all of them must be optimized for a certain key.

Let's stop at this point and try to understand why it is so important to optimize all content on the site for certain keywords. I will try to explain this with a specific example.

Let's say you have a site on the construction topic, which has an article "How to build a house out of bricks", optimized for this key. In this article, you describe in detail the process of building a house.

Will the user get an answer to their question? Yes. And now the situation is different. The same article, optimized for the same key, but talking about a company that builds brick houses.

Will the user get an answer to his question in this case? No, and most likely he will immediately close your site, and the reason for this will be the wrong keyword. And then the search engines, noticing that visitors have no interest in this article, will conclude that your article does not belong in the TOP, lowering it in the search results.

It is for this reason that you need to correctly select keywords for each article on the site. Therefore, try to write articles for certain key queries and reveal the whole essence of this issue.

Also, do not optimize the article for several keywords at once, as this will not achieve anything. Choose 1-2 key queries, but related to the content of your article, and that will be enough.

What types of key queries exist (LF, MF, HF), how they are deciphered and how they differ from each other.

I also said already that keywords can be classified into low frequency, midrange And high frequency.

High-frequency queries (HF) are the most popular queries that are searched by a large number of users. I'll give you an example. The key phrase "do-it-yourself construction" is a high-frequency request. It does not carry any specifics and is for informational purposes only on this topic.

The keyword “building a house with your own hands” can be attributed to the mid-frequency query (MF). This query is more specific, but far fewer people search for this query.

If users want to get more specific information, then they enter low-frequency questions (LF), for example, the key phrase "building a house from bricks with your own hands."

The differences between each of these types of keys are obvious: the lower the frequency of the request, the less competition, and the shorter the key, the higher its frequency.

As for the articles, as a rule they are written for low-frequency requests, since the main goal of each article is to give the user specific information on the issue of interest to him.

Midrange keywords can be used to optimize sections of a site, as they provide more detail on what the section is about, but still don't provide specifics. Well, high-frequency keywords, in turn, can be used to optimize the main page by informing search engines and visitors about the theme of your site.

And to make it more clear to you, for clarity, I drew the following diagram:

How to determine the frequency through Wordstat yandex and Allpositions

The next thing I would like to tell you about is the definition of keyword frequency. This is necessary in order to select the most frequent queries for your site. I will tell you how to determine the frequency of keywords using the example of services such as Wordstat yandex and Allpositions.

Let's start with wordstat. I enter the keyword I'm interested in and see the following:

Many beginners believe that the number 38565 is the frequency of this key. But this is not the case, and wordstat just uploaded us general statistics for all keywords in which this phrase occurs. To find out the exact figure for the frequency of our request, you need to put it in quotes:

The number 112 is the real frequency of this key. At first glance, it would seem that a high-frequency request in fact turns out to be completely different. In this way, you can filter out keywords when compiling a semantic core.

It will also be possible to make a selection by region if you are promoting a site in a particular region or city.

Now let's move on to the service. Allpositions. In fact, this service is designed to check the position of your site in the PS, but you can also find out the frequency there. First you will need to register.

I will not dwell on this step, since registration is quite simple. After registering and logging in, you will be prompted to create a project:

Enter your website address in the URL field and click add. After that, you will need to create a report:

It will not cause you any difficulties. There you will need to enter the site address again, select the search engines and regions under which the site will be promoted and set the time at which the positions will be checked. After the report is compiled, you need to add the keywords for which the site is being promoted:

Enter the keys you have collected and add them. After that, you will see the following sign in front of you:

In fact, there is another column in which keywords are entered, but since I used them from my site, I will not advertise them. Wait for some time until the report is updated, after which you will see statistics for each keyword:

So in the frequency column, the frequency of each key is displayed.

How to use query languages ​​correctly in Wordstat yandex

And the last thing I would like to talk about is the query languages ​​in Wordstat yandex. I have already mentioned one of the query languages ​​above, talking about checking the frequency of a key query in wordstat, so I will start with it.

Quotes. They are needed in order to find out how many times a particular request was entered. The quotes help you exclude other queries that contain your keyword. If you need to exclude a word and collect keys that do not contain it, then this can be done using a minus sign. Note:

These are requests without a minus, but here is how the statistics will change if you add it:

Since there is a minus request, then, probably, there is a plus request as well? Yes, there really is such a request, and it is intended to ensure that requests with prepositions and conjunctions are taken into account in statistics:

As you can see, in the second case, only those queries are displayed that contain the phrase "for home".

Another request is an exclamation point "!". It is necessary in order to select all requests in which the key you need is present:

And the last of the operators in the query language is for grouping keywords. It is indicated by brackets "()" and a vertical bar "|" inside brackets between words:

That is, we made a request that wordstat gave us the keywords for the queries "home repair" and "home construction".

Here we have considered everything that is important to know for working with keywords. I hope this article will be useful for you, and it will become much easier for you to select keywords for your site. Bye everyone and see you soon.

Sincerely Shkarbunenko Sergey

07.09.2018 Reading time: 5 minutes

Search queries and their frequency. How to determine the frequency of the request?

The search query is the query that the user enters into the search:

The frequency is largely due to the subject and business area, as well as the region, seasonality and search engine.

You can check the frequency using Yandex.Wordstat.

Types of search queries by their frequency

  • How to choose low-frequency queries? Take everything that Wordstat shows, up to 1 show per month. The more low frequencies at the start of work, the more traffic there will be.
  • How to promote low-frequency queries? These are the simplest and most undemanding queries, they do not need to be backed up with links - you just need to create relevant content: write articles, news, product cards that will most meaningfully and accurately answer the user's question.
  • Traffic for such requests will start to grow immediately, but perhaps slowly: the requests are low-competitive, the results may not be impressive at first, but the more such requests are introduced to the site, the higher its traffic will be in the end.

There are highly competitive low-frequency requests, but rarely - mainly in narrow commercial niches with high competition. That is, there are very few people who enter such requests, it will not be easy to bring the site to the top, but if a user comes to your site, then most likely he will become a buyer.

Mid-frequency requests, their concept and features

Mid-frequency queries - how much? Mids are a little more popular than lows. Mid-frequency and low-frequency queries are the basis of website promotion, because there are the most of them. Using both groups of requests, you can achieve optimal attendance at a low investment.

It is more difficult to promote a site on commercial midrange than on informational ones, and this must be taken into account: commercial requests are selling, and the competition for them is higher. For mid-frequency requests, the number of offers corresponds to the level of demand: there are really a lot of sites that are promoted mainly by mid-range. For example, on the Internet, more than one company offers "buy cheap plastic windows", so be prepared that work on the site in this case may take a lot of time.

High-frequency queries, their concept and features

What queries are considered high frequency? Those that users enter in the search most often - more than 1000 times a month, for example:

High-frequency queries are an arbitrarily wide variety and total number of options: there are not only informational and commercial, but also brand queries, which receive very large traffic. But such requests are extremely highly competitive, so the highest-frequency requests are the most expensive in all respects.

Another disadvantage of high-frequency queries in Yandex and Google is not the highest conversion: it is not clear what the user wants when entering a query in the search bar "laptop screen". Does he need care information, addresses of workshops where he can be repaired or replaced, or some technical specifications? And the content of the page may not be what he is looking for at all.

  • How to determine a high-frequency request or not? Use the same Yandex.Wordstat.
  • How to promote high-frequency queries? Long and expensive. To get to the top of the search results, you will have to work long and hard on the site, impressively investing, including financially. It should be borne in mind that, in particular, the highest-frequency queries (Yandex or Google - it doesn’t matter) are a huge flow of audience, including non-target ones, and extremely high competition.

What queries are best to choose for promotion?

What queries - low-frequency, medium- or high-frequency - should be collected for search engine optimization of your Internet site? Ideal queries for promotion are low-frequency and highly competitive, but this is rarely a dream come true for the optimizer and the client. Therefore, which queries are better to choose for your site depends on the site itself.

If SEO has not been done before, the site is not optimized and you are only at the beginning of the journey, then you need to first take on the low frequencies and work on them, gradually connecting the midrange and high frequencies.

If the site is maximally optimized for mids and lows, take on the highs.

According to the optimization vector, you can also select queries for promotion:

  • if the site is developing for demand in a direction or area as a whole, use HF;
  • if you need to attract targeted visitors who are looking for one or more areas of your company's work, use more midrange;
  • if you need high conversion and sales growth, focus on low frequencies.

The keywords that are included in the semantic core of any project have keywords that may change the priority of their promotion or use in their materials. One of these characteristics is the frequency of the request.

What is Request Frequency?

Query frequency is the number of times a user entered a given query into a search engine string in a certain period of time. One of the most popular and affordable services for checking the frequency of search queries is the Yandex service - Yandex.Wordstat ( Accordingly, the more frequent requests we use in our materials and articles, the more traffic we will receive. However, not everything is so simple, and first you need to understand the types of frequency requests and their application.

Types of request frequencies

In SEO, it is customary to classify queries by their frequency. It is believed that the higher the request frequency, the more traffic it will bring(If you look purely at the numbers).

The frequency types look like this:

    High-frequency requests, they are also HF requests.

    Mid-frequency requests, they are mid-range requests.

    Low-frequency requests, they are low-frequency requests.

This classification is used by SEO specialists in their work. For example, when communicating with colleagues, in order to indicate the traffic potential and the difficulty in promoting a particular group of requests.

Request frequency as a relative value

Frequency is not an absolute value. She reflects user demand for certain goods or services in a specific niche. It turns out that if we take all queries in the "laptops" category and sort them by frequency, then the first place will be a one-word query with a frequency of 5,295,645 impressions per month (conditionally). If we are talking about the "cat food" niche, then the upper threshold there can be much lower, about 249,968 impressions per month.

From this it follows that we will assign the type of request based on the upper threshold of frequency in the subject. As a result, we will get 3 groups, for each of which a frequency threshold will be assigned for the phrases that are included in this group.

For example, for the theme "trampoline for children" the borders will be as follows:

  • HF - anything above 20,000 impressions per month
  • MF - from 3,000 impressions per month
  • LF - up to 3,000 impressions per month

You should not be strongly attached to the boundaries and spend a lot of time classifying queries by type, because this segmentation is rather conditional and has no practical value.

High frequency requests (HF)

High-frequency queries (HF) are queries that have the highest frequency rates among all queries in our chosen niche. As mentioned above, RF query can be either 5,295,645 hits or 27,811 hits, as shown in the example below. In some topics, for example, a request less than 5,000 is no longer high-frequency.

Almost alwayshigh-frequency queries are marker queries, single-word, or the so-called .

An example of such requests can be “computer”, “car”, “apartment” and other general requests.

Photo 1: An example of a super-HF request for a niche with stable, heated demand.
Photo 2: According to statistics, cars are the second most popular topic for discussion among men.

An example of narrower, but high-frequency queries could be the following phrase (only if our niche is express weight loss courses):

Photo 3: Weight loss, weight loss - this is perhaps the most urgent problem for women. The frequency of the request signals that there is a clear demand in this topic.

The request is not one-word, but the semantic meaning or intention of the user is clear from it, in contrast to the request “car”, when it is not known whether to show him a site for car repair, washing or sale.

High-frequency queries have the advantage of potentially high traffic. The difficulty lies in the fact that there is unrealistic competition in high-frequency queries and it takes a lot of time and effort to break into the top for them.

Important! Do not try to promote a young resource exclusively on high-frequency requests, it will be much more profitable to focus on the promotion of mid-range and low-frequency requests for the rapid growth of the project.

As practice shows, high-frequency queries make up no more than 5% of the semantic core of the project. There are times when one common (HF) request covers 50% of the frequency of all other phrases from the core. This is a normal situation.

We can understand the relative difficulty in promoting a particular keyword by looking at its competition index. You can create the index yourself by analyzing the issue, or you can use the Mutagen service, which will calculate the index using its own formula. For example, if we see that according to Mutagen the competition of the phrase is 25, then we will not advance along it soon and it is better to focus on other, less competitive phrases.

Mid-Frequency Requests (MF)

Mid-frequency requests (MF) are a group of requests following the HF requests. For different topics, midrange requests can start from 1,000 or 50,000 impressions per month.

Mid-range requests are usually (but not always!) less competitive than high-frequency requests. In them it is possible to find requests with a longer “tail” and less competition. In addition, the midrange query in most cases contains more words. Thus, it is easier for us to understand the intention of the user who entered this request and show him an article with a solution to his problem or offer a product.

Photo 4: Such requests make up about 10% of the semantic core of the project.

MF requests are easier to promote than high-frequency ones (for the most part) and it can take less effort and time. However, in this case, it will also be relevant to look at the competition of requests in order to build the right strategy for promoting documents (pages) on the site.

Low frequency requests (LF)

Low-frequency queries are queries whose frequency is less than 1000 or 100. It is this type of queries that is most interesting to SEO specialists and semantics, because they can make up 80-90% of the entire semantic core.

Why are there more such requests? Everything is simple. Many people, when they drive a search query into a line, for example, Yandex, know in advance what they need.

Interesting fact! People are learning to work with search. According to a study conducted by Yandex, in 2016 people entered 30% more phrases consisting of 7 words than in 2015. Thus, the "tail" of requests will continue to grow, and the user will detail his request more and more.

Example. There are 2 people - Petya and Masha, both want to buy a slow cooker. Petya is an amateur in this business and does not know what types of multicookers are, so he wants to see all possible options. Therefore, his request may look like a high-frequency one - “multi-cookers”.

Photo 5: As a first step Petya decides to just see what he has to deal with.

Masha, on the other hand, consulted with her friends and knows what kind of goods to take. Therefore, her query might look like “polaris pmc 0347ad crock-pot”.

Photo 6: Masha found out everything from her friends a long time ago and immediately went to compare prices.

Moreover, in this case, there can be several options for writing a request - “polaris multicooker”, “polaris pmc multicooker”, “buy polaris multicooker” and so on. If we assume that each person tries to find the multicooker model he is interested in, then at least 100 requests will be collected.

In some topics, requests may appear due to lack of knowledge or names of any things, diseases, products. Differences in knowledge, vocabulary, experience of people who enter queries into the search bar generates a large number of low-frequency queries.

For example, one user drives in a query: “How to grow a money tree?”, And the second user, who has more knowledge, writes “How to grow a fat girl?”. In fact, these requests are about the same thing, however, the second request will have lower competition and frequency than the first one.

The competition for low-frequency queries is usually small and it is not difficult to advance on 95% of them.

In no case should you ignore low-frequency requests. It is not uncommon for a large number of low-frequency requests to account for 80% of the project's traffic due to quantity, while HF and MF requests the remaining 20%.

Another characteristic feature of low-frequency queries is the "long tail" of the query - that is, a query of a large number of words. For example:

Photo 7: And also + free + without registration + without SMS.

Having collected groups of similar low-frequency queries led by the 1st marker

Photo 8: Tails "do it yourself" and "home conditions" are twin brothers. Usually, if you see one in a request, then sooner or later you find the second :).

We will get a full-fledged group of requests and will be able to write good material that will advance on low-frequency requests and gradually, increasing the trust of the project and the document, will rise to the TOP and on high-frequency requests.


We have considered the main types of HF, MF and LF requests. Summarizing the main part, the following recommendations can be distinguished:

    Do not focus on RF requests. If our core consists mainly of high-frequency queries, then there will be difficulties with its implementation and promotion. It is better to supplement it with mids and lows and then implement it. In this case, it will be much easier to promote the project.

    If we want to move on high-frequency requests, then it is better to first evaluate the competition of each of them in order to better understand where the result will be faster.

    Do not ignore low-frequency requests. It is they, due to the number and total frequency, that help to cover all the semantics and desires of users and, as a result, get traffic to the site.

    Before the introduction of the SA, it should be analyzed for the number of HF, MF and LF - this will help determine how complete the core is in front of us. If HF requests are 50%, MF - 30%, and LF - 20%, then there is a potential for expanding SA at the expense of MF and LF. .

Yes, yes, these incomprehensible letters from the title will be the topic of this chapter :-)

Three key issues in compiling the semantic core of the site are frequency, competitiveness and conversion.

Request frequency determines how many times during the month people search for a given phrase. The higher the frequency, the more visitors we will get when we hit the TOP.

Query concurrency determines with whom we will have to compete for a place in the issue.

Conversion answers the question - what percentage of visitors for this phrase will become buyers, i.e. bring us some financial return.

Traditionally, requests are divided into high-, medium- and low-frequency ones. And denoted by the letters HF MF LF.

The same is true for competition. VK SK NK denote high, medium and low competitive requests, respectively.

Very conditionally, the frequency of requests can be divided into the following gradations:

High frequency - more than 10,000 requests per month
Midrange - 1000 to 10.000
Low frequency - less than 1000 hits per month

Frequency of queries in the semantic core . The frequency and level of competition are not linearly related. Those. in most cases, a higher frequency request is in turn more competitive, but not always. The reverse is also true. There are low-frequency, but very selling requests, for which there is a real battle in the TOP.

High-frequency requests at first glance seem to be the most "delicious". Wow, how will we get to the top for the query "air conditioners" - something will begin in life!

In fact, such keywords often become a trap that inexperienced webmasters fall into. The advantages of such requests are obvious - a large influx of visitors. Consider the cons:

High-frequency queries, as a rule, are very blurry, fuzzy. I have already given an example with air conditioners - it is not clear what exactly a person is looking for by the word "air conditioners". Accordingly, the conversion and financial return will be very low.

The TOP for high-frequency queries is often full of such “monsters” that it is almost impossible for a young site to compete with them.

In any case, it may take two years to get into the top ten for very frequent and competitive queries. Therefore, even if you have every opportunity to "push" your competitors, expect that this will not happen immediately.

In total, an attempt to immediately focus on very high-frequency queries can lead to a “drain” of the budget for promotion without achieving any results.

However, I will tell one small secret how to use HF requests even for a young site a little lower.

midrange requests. This is what most commercial websites should be guided by. As a rule, they are already more specific and provide a good conversion. Competition is also feasible, other resources will be about your level.

low frequency requests. And here the most interesting begins. There is a term in seo called “long tail” or “long tail” of queries.

Beginners will be surprised, but 70-80% of visitors come to the site for low-frequency and ultra-low-frequency queries. It is even surprising sometimes how people formulate their thoughts. Phrases like " rent a one-room apartment in Alushta on Lenin street 28 near the market with parking” meet once every five years, but their diversity is so great that they make up the lion's share of traffic.

It is unrealistic to specifically optimize the site for such requests, and it is not necessary. But in the process of moving along the midrange, the “long train” will pull itself up.

And this is where I turn to VC HF requests. Let's take "website promotion" - the request is very popular and definitely thematic for me. But firstly, it is geo-dependent, and I have a site “without a regional reference”, secondly, it is somewhat blurry, and thirdly, the TOP is full of mega, just mega-promoted offices. Ingate, Ashmanov, BdBd, etc. They have been promoting for 20 years, and what budgets are “swelled up” in order to firmly sit in the TOP-10, it’s even scary for me to imagine.

There are truths and miracles, for example, the old version of this textbook has been holding stable 1st place in Yandex.Moscow for many years for the query “site optimization”. Not a penny was invested in the promotion of this request, and the page "pressed" by an order of magnitude stronger competitors. But this is rather an exception.

So, I won’t break into the top for the phrase “website promotion”. But I will certainly use the words “promotion”, “promotion”, “optimization” in the textbook. And with this I will collect the very “long train” of search queries. Here's a tip for you - use high-frequency keywords in your texts, but do not make them the main goal.

Estimation of possible traffic. Google and Yandex have their own keyword selection services that allow you to view query statistics. They allow you to estimate the approximate traffic that our site will receive when it reaches a particular place in the TOP.

First of all, I give a table of CTR (click-through rate) depending on the place in the TOP.

Position CTR
1 place 30%
2nd place 20%
3rd place 12%
4th place 9%
5th place 8%
6th place 5%
7th place 5%
8th place 4%
9th place 4%
10th place 5%

As you can see, even only a third of visitors go to the first site in the search results at best! At first glance, this is disheartening. You take some target phrase, look at the competition, evaluate the financial costs ... and then you count the number of possible visitors and all you have to do is cry :-)

But not everything is so sad. Let's take a phrase with a popularity of 1000 queries per month according to Yandex statistics (Google has its own service, but it's more familiar and convenient for me to work with Yandex, and its data is enough).

Let's calculate the flow of visitors for the 5th place. Achieving TOP-1 is unpredictable, for some requests the site occupies it easily, and for others, even pushing with a bulldozer does not work. We consider the 5th place as a good, real result.

1000 requests * 8% = 80 visitors per month. It seems to be not so hot. But there is also Google. Its popularity is slightly inferior to Yandex, but for a rough forecast, I simply multiply the resulting figure by two. Let's round up and get 150 visitors. Well, then the most important thing - remember what I said about the "long train". The traffic for our particular keyword, which we have chosen and diligently promote, will be only 20% of the total number of visits. We multiply 150 by 5 and we get a traffic forecast of 750 people per month.

The accuracy of the estimate is plus or minus a kilometer, but you get the idea. The CTR is frighteningly low, but the “long trail” is surprisingly long.

My book is published in hard copy. If this textbook turned out to be useful for you, then you can thank me not only morally, but also quite tangibly.
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