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Low graphics settings fallout 4. It remains only to understand the desired level

Fallout 4 has just been released, so it's easy to understand that you need a pretty powerful computer to run it. However, do not despair if you have not made any hardware updates for a long time, because if you wish, you can always work on the settings to get the desired result even on a weaker computer than the developers require. To do this, you will need this guide, which will tell you how to run the Fallout 4 game on a relatively weak computer. Graphics settings play an important role in this matter, so they will be given maximum attention.

If you follow the directions, there is a chance that you will be able to enjoy this game without too many problems. But do not think that you can run this RPG on a very weak computer - you need to be realistic and understand that this is not an isometric role-playing game of the beginning of the 2000s, but a first-class novelty in Fallout 4. The graphics settings, therefore, will only help those who have at least an average computer. otherwise there is no point in even trying.

Screen resolution

In Fallout 4, graphics settings can be changed at various levels, and first of all, you need to do this through the launcher. Simply put, start the game not through a shortcut, but through a special application that offers you various options, including both the start of the game and detailed profile settings. There you can find graphical settings - that's what you need, you will work with them all the time while you study this guide. So, the first point you should pay attention to is the screen resolution. In order to adjust the graphics for this item, you need to know the optimal resolution for your monitor - it depends on its size and proportions.

Check out the guide, or check it online, and then set the optimal score. Please note that this guide focuses on getting a good picture on the screen without losing the ability to play peacefully. If you just want to spend time in a new game, then you just need to reset all settings to the minimum. But if you still want to enjoy the beauty of the game world, then this guide will help you to properly configure the game Fallout 4. Graphics settings, of course, are not limited to the screen resolution, you still have to change a lot of values.


In Fallout 4, the graphics settings for weak computers must be combined with the settings in the control panel of your video card. Anti-aliasing is one of the most prominent examples. The point is that by default your video card also has an anti-aliasing setting enabled, so if you want to improve performance, you will need to disable it. As for the game itself, here you can set the best anti-aliasing quality, since in the case of Fallout 4 it does not greatly affect performance, but it makes the picture much clearer.

If you still have performance problems with anti-aliasing enabled, you can turn it off - the picture will become more blurry, but performance will increase, which will be very important in battles and in cities in the Fallout 4 universe. Setting up graphics on a weak PS is a delicate matter. so don't hope that you just take all the metrics from this article, use them in your launcher, and everything will fall into place. Naturally, this particular setting will suit someone, but many will have to work a little more on the issue on their own.

Anisotropic filtering

Detailed graphics customization in Fallout 4 requires you not only to deal with points that are more or less clear to everyone, but also to work with concepts that you can see for the first time. For example, few gamers know what it is.But if you want to get good performance and a good picture, you need to have an idea about it. In total, the anisotropic filtering parameter has 16 sampling levels. The lower the level, the less clear the textures in the player's field of view, the higher it is, the better the visibility. This parameter is important, because even if you set the maximum sampling level, the game performance practically does not drop - so feel free to increase this indicator in order to get a pleasant picture and not lose the quality of the gameplay in Fallout 4. Optimal graphics settings in this the game will allow you to get incredible results.

texture detail

If you have a very old video card that doesn't even have one gigabyte of video memory, then you should think about using the minimum graphics settings in Fallout 4 - this will allow you to increase performance. However, if you have at least one gigabyte of memory, then you can start experimenting. The fact is that the detailing of textures can even be set not to the maximum, but to the "ultra" indicator. In some cases, 1GB graphics cards did a pretty good job at this level of detail without significantly impacting performance. As you can see, the graphics settings program can be quite flexible for Fallout 4, so you should keep trying to find the optimal settings. It is recommended to try your configuration in busy cities or during an intense battle - after all, in spaces with a small number of parts and objects, there is no particular load on the computer anyway.

Detail and shadow rendering range

Note that there is a graphics customization utility for Fallout 4 that can make your efforts easier. This application analyzes the capabilities of your computer, adjusting the settings individually for you. However, it should be understood that technology always remains a technique, and it can malfunction or give you greatly overestimated or greatly underestimated forecasts. Therefore, you can try the utility, but it will still be much better to use this guide, since it has a proven set of settings, while the application always generates new sets. So, if we are talking about detailing, then it is worth carefully considering all the points, since there is its own tab specifically for this parameter (as well as for the rendering range, but this will be discussed later). In this case, you should set the average settings, and here's why: the fact is that shadows in this game do not look the best, even at the "ultra" level, when it comes to secondary objects. As for the main shadows, they look good at medium settings, but at the same time they do not degrade performance as much as they would if you had set the ultra settings.

Detailing additional textures

This point is one of the most meaningless, so there is no reason to spend time on it. It's hard to even say what exactly it affects, because, regardless of whether you set ultra-settings or the lowest values, outwardly the game remains the same. And given the fact that ultra-settings have practically no effect on performance, you can safely choose them. You may be able to spot the difference and experience even greater beauty in the details.

Lighting Detail

As for the lighting details, here you will have to reset everything to a minimum, if possible, only the most important setting can be left at an average level. This means that you need to turn off the detail of the sun's rays, set it to the minimum value, and also turn off the volumetric light function. All this significantly affects the performance in the game, so if you do not have a powerful computer that fully meets the recommended requirements, then you will not be able to enjoy the voluminous rays of the sun. But if you do decide to leave these settings at least at an average level, then you may notice an impressive loss in performance, while it will be even more noticeable in enclosed spaces. The reason for this is not the best optimization done by the developers. So it is still highly recommended to turn off what you can turn off, and in other cases, reset the settings to a minimum.


On the detail tab, in addition to all of the above items, which have more flexible options for setting, there are a few more items that you can either turn on or off without any flexibility. More specifically, you can turn on or off reflections in water, display of air humidity, volumetric drops of falling rain, glare and motion blur. All of these items can be safely ticked off, because they do not really affect the overall performance, but they make the picture more pleasant and realistic. The only thing is that you can turn off motion blur, because although it does not affect performance, it is not too pleasing to the eye. But this is already a matter of taste, not graphic optimization.

Rendering range

The draw range tab contains four sliders, each of which is responsible for its own parameters: objects, characters, grass and objects. You can reset the first and third indicators to a minimum, leave characters and objects at a slightly higher level - they can be important for the gameplay. Set the detail of distant objects and the rendering range of details to a low indicator, since all of the above will not give you any particular pleasure (except when looking into the distance through a sniper scope or binoculars), but at the same time in some places it can greatly reduce performance, because the game is constantly will draw the most distant objects and their details.

Deep customization

If none of the above helps you, then you can move on to the next level and examine the contents of the Fallout.ini file. There you can, for example, disable or but for this you need to understand the code contained in this file. If you don't know what to do with it, you better leave it alone.

Not so long ago, a long-awaited event has come true for many gamers around the world. On November 10, 2015, the long-awaited Fallout 4 was released. Fallout 4 has advanced a lot from its predecessor. The plot component pleased many players, but there were also dissatisfied (where without haters). The colorful and open world could not leave anyone indifferent. The world in which the player turns as he wants, makes different chips. If you want, complete all the story quests in order. And if you just want to, out of personal curiosity, finish off the head of the faction giving you the missy (which I personally did, by accident, of course). The game will simply give you another path to the ending. If you are tired of passing and shooting. Just start building your city. Yes, your city did not seem to you. And not even one, supply them with resources, establish trade relations. Straight Sims of the apocalyptic world. What can I say, a good contender for the game of the year. Oh, beware the Witcher.

In general, you should not pass this game by, Fallout 4 sets a good bar. But as we know, the cooler the game, the cooler the system requirements. So Fallout raised the bar at this point, which will not greatly please PC owners. Although the graphics in the game are not the most outstanding that we have seen, but even to play on the minimum system requirements, you need a PC with an Intel Core i5-2300 or AMD Phenom II X4 945 processor and a video card no worse than Nvidia GTX 550 or AMD Radeon HD 7870 , as well as 8 gigabytes of RAM.

Not that these are the biggest requirements, but as we can see, i3 processors are slowly becoming unclaimed.

So how optimally configure the system so that the game Fallout 4 did not slow down on medium and weak computers? Recommendations related to optimizing the operation of the Windows operating system:

1. Reboot so that there is no excess in the RAM.

Fallout 4 is a colorful, vibrant game with great graphics and atmosphere. But not all computers can handle the system requirements. Often, launching the game even at minimum is a whole problem. What graphics settings do you need in Fallout to find your ideal level of picture quality and performance? And what parameters are important to pay attention to? A small guide to setting up the game for any PC.

How to optimize Fallout 4 graphics for your PC

Since Fallout 4 is an extremely demanding game in terms of technical characteristics, you need to properly configure the graphics. In this case, you can run it even on a weak computer. I am glad that Fallout 4 is very flexible. Therefore, it will be possible to adjust the game for any system configuration.

For starters, you should use the standard Fallout 4 tools for automatic configuration. On first launch, the launcher will try to determine the system configuration. Moreover, he chooses not just between several options of settings (low, medium, high and ultra), but adjusts each parameter for the player's PC.

After a few seconds, the optimal graphics settings, according to the launcher, will be found. You can run. Now the most crucial moment: you need to check how much Fallout 4 slows down. If the lags are insignificant or absent altogether, great. You can experiment with the parameters and try to improve the graphics. If there are freezes, freezes or FPS dips, you will have to further lower the Fallout 4 graphics through the "Extras." in the launcher.

But what parameters should you pay attention to? What affects game performance and what doesn't? Let's take a look at the most "voracious" image functions and choose what should be reduced in the first place.

Fallout 4 graphics customization

Some settings, oddly enough, do not affect FPS at all. Let's list what can be improved without sacrificing performance, but to improve the graphics in the game:

  1. Anti-aliasing is worth TAA. Oddly enough, with the maximum effect, this technology "bites off" from the FPS a little. However, the complete absence of anti-aliasing can increase the speed of the game by 5-10 frames per second.
  2. Anisotropic filtering - works quietly at x16.

A weak video card with 1 gigabyte of video memory was able to pull even the ultra-detailed textures of Fallout 4. But it could not cope with rendering shadows above average and with high details of lighting. In addition, it is better to set the minimum rendering distance for everything that is possible.

What settings should be lowered first if the game is not running on the computer:

  1. Character draw range... Has a huge impact on performance. The smaller this value is, the more frames per second will be added. It is not recommended to raise it above 1/10 division for weak PCs. And for very old cars, it is better to set the minimum. More powerful computers can handle 45-65% of the maximum.
  2. Shadow quality... The next "gluttonous" parameter. Better to turn it off completely. Of course, you will have to observe not very beautiful shadows, but the game will not resemble a slideshow. For strong devices, average quality is enough.
  3. Object drawing range. Not a very influential setting that renders cars, trees, houses and other large objects. Reduces performance moderately. We do not recommend raising above 1/4 of the scale if the PC is weak. For more powerful cars, 50-75% of the maximum is enough.
  4. Reflections... Affects the appearance of reflections on surfaces like water, glass, and so on. Calculating this parameter will be an overwhelming task for an old PC, so it is better to turn it off. For medium and powerful machines it is worth leaving.
  5. Shadow rendering distance... The parameter of average "gluttony" is responsible for the presence of shadows where they should be. A low value will show how the shadow moves with the character, as if surrounding him. At the same time, the sun will be visible outside the border of this circle, even if it should not be there. Since it greatly affects performance and quality, it is best to leave at least an average value whenever possible. But if the PC or laptop does not pull, then it is recommended to reduce it to a minimum.
  6. Humidity... Does not affect play in dry weather. But in the rain it can drop FPS by 5-10 frames. Therefore, we recommend that owners of low-power computers disable this option.
  7. Detail of the sun's rays... A parameter that does not affect the quality of Fallout too much. The higher - the better the quality of the light will be on the locations. For players who are not picky about the schedule, it is better to disable it. The increase in FPS will be, but small.

With proper adjustment, you can run the game with a comfortable FPS (25-30) even on a very weak laptop or computer. For example, for the author of this article, Fallout 4 runs at low settings with a GeForce 710M video card (1 GB of video memory), an Intel Core i5-3230M 2.6 GHz processor, and 6 GB of RAM. Try it and you will succeed!

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