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  • Nigma rf chemistry. Interview - Vladimir Chernyshov, CTO of the intellectual search engine Nigma.RF

Nigma rf chemistry. Interview - Vladimir Chernyshov, CTO of the intellectual search engine Nigma.RF

What unites all the search services of the Runet? They do not allow you to filter the output.

To date, even the most venerable search services do not allow you to customize the relevance of a query as flexibly as a search engine with a cute spider on its logo (the family name of which served as an alphabetic identifier for the search engine).

Besides, nigma is the only search system, which got on the slippery slope of finding music and torrents, so ardently disliked by copyright holders.

In its issuance, you can listen and download any songs. Against the backdrop of copyright hype, this looks at least bold. In any case, "not caught - not an artist."

Another radical difference is the ability to solve chemical equations right in the search bar. To do this, you just need to enter an example, and the search engine will independently solve it, show the conditions and features of the chemical reaction.

Search engine features

Nigma has relatively small human resources (several dozen employees) and appropriate funding. Your own index base is small, but the use of public databases of other services allows you to significantly expand your search capabilities.

Moreover, each of the seven services can be turned off at any time. In this case, the search results will not contain results indexed by the disabled search engine.

Thus, you can use the usual search engine (the same Google, for example), but with convenient system relevance settings.

Issue clustering

The search engine generates from the issuance individual groups(clusters). Thus, information, commercial and entertainment resources are separated. The user can filter out the results that he does not need.

The filter on the right side of the screen allows you to fine-tune the search results, excluding the marked keywords.

Enough opposite the right requests put a “bird”, and opposite unnecessary ones - a cross and click the “Filter” button so that only the results of interest to the user remain in the search results.

Smart Hints

However, interesting things begin even before search query will be finalized. The search engine gives answers to some questions, such as “the capital / currency of such and such a country”, before issuing a drop-down menu in the query string.

This allows you to receive necessary information without even visiting the pages (hence without having to deal with the advertisements placed on them). Most of this information is taken from the free encyclopedia, next to each result there is a link to the source.

Hovering over the result will show a little help with basic information. In most cases this will be sufficient. The display of advertising is organized in the same way.

Selection of official sites

At Google help or Yandex, it is sometimes completely impossible to find the official website of a particular company. The issuance is filled with the fruits of the labors of CEOs from all over the world, but there is nothing necessary in it. Nigma overcame this "sore" as well.

In its issuance, the official resources of companies are noted special badge"thumbs up".

search engine services

Apart from interesting opportunities search on the Internet, Nygma has many other additional services. Search by music and torrents, computing capability in the search bar and an advanced currency converter. See below for more details on each of the services.

Computing tools

Among the sadly small audience of the search engine, there are many schoolchildren and students. Such popularity of the service is due to excellent computing abilities.

Their presence is natural, given that the project was created by a student at Moscow State University and has the support of Stanford University. To solve an equation, just enter it in the search box.

If necessary, the nigma search engine will show the sequence of actions to solve mathematical equation. In addition to linear equations, Nigma is able to solve systems of equations.

A complete list of features is available at the link "List of solved tasks" located under the answer.

And if writing formulas is inconvenient, then you can type an example directly in text

It was Nigma-mathematics. The same possibilities are available for solving physical and chemical (inorganic and organic) formulas.

Nigma search system chemistry allows you to enter formulas not only with the help of notation of chemical elements, but also with their names.

At the same time, a converter works between systems of quantities that can be indicated in words and used in formulas.

There is also a built-in currency converter that perfectly recognizes jargon names of currencies.

We must give credit to the small group of people who are developing such useful features resource. I would like to believe that in the future the search engine will "shoot" like its "senior colleagues" Google or Yandex.

Search form constructor

Anyone can place a search form from Nigma on their site. For this, a special constructor. The whole process takes place in three easy steps. First you need to choose the design of the form itself and the search query button.

Then assign possible places and types of search.

Click "Get Code" and copy the code that appears in the form to your website. search form ready for use. Computing functionality is not available in it, but it is organized quite well.

We all know how important search engines are for Internet users. Most of the time, we use only one of them every day. The most popular: Google, Yandex, Yahoo, Bing. Ordinary users have never heard of other systems. And yet there are many of them.

search sites

Thematic search engines for air tickets and hotels, real estate, goods and services are increasingly being used. At large companies working in the field of telecommunications and information technologies, has its own search engines. Microsoft has MSN Search, Rostelecom has Sputnik. In total, more than 1700 search programs are used. There are about 45 in Runet. Recently, the Nigma search engine has been launched. Feedback on this development of Russian specialists exceeds all conceivable expectations.

A bit of history

To understand what we are dealing with when searching for information on the Internet, let's look at what a search engine is in general. Initially, when sites could be counted on the fingers, their list was simply laid out on one of the web pages. By 1993, there was a need to automate the search. Just think the first search program simply downloaded all the files from anonymous, accessible FTP servers. The search was conducted only by the name of the file, without taking into account its contents.

Work principles

Later search engines were improved. Modern Google takes into account the number of links to your page placed on third-party sites. Based on this, the program places the page in a certain place in the search results. The principle is simple - if the site is interesting, others should see it. There are other search algorithms. The basis of most search engines is the so-called robot.

Campaigns that came up with convenient and fast search engines, earn by selling a place in the ranking and advertising on their sites. In addition to search, they offer users a free mail server, own browser, an instant messaging program.

Search engines in Russia

As of 2014, the following search engines were used in Russia:

  • Google (39.0%).
  • Bing (0.7%).
  • Yahoo! (0.2%).

Multilingual search engines:

  • Yandex (51.7%);
  • (7.0%);
  • Rambler (0.6%);
  • Nigma (0.1%) - all these are search engines that limit their search circle to Russian-language domains.

Search engine "Nigma"

The last search engine in the list is "Nigma" - the result of the work of students and employees of Moscow State University. The search engine was created in 2009. The development team consists of 25 people. At first search engine created for the purposes of the university itself. Then she overstepped the bounds educational institution, and a new search engine appeared in Runet. "Nigma" (Nigma) is the name of one of the orders of arachnids.

The advantage of the system is that when you enter words in the search bar, you immediately see a tooltip with its meaning. Thus, there is no need to waste time opening a web page just to find out the translation or meaning of a word.

"Nigma" uses search query clustering. This means that from the already selected pages you can choose the ones you need. For example, to exclude data on online stores from the search for documents. You can also select pages with music files or sites related to certain topics. The system creates clusters automatically, based on the most frequently occurring words on the page.

Russian language is the head of everything

This is the first search engine located in the Russian-language domain zone. Enough to type in address bar"nigma. rf". Intelligent search engine is concise, the interface takes into account the main areas of interest Russian user. Is there a TV program here? Russian channels, all popular social media And full list job search sites. Unlike other portals that contain all conceivable and unthinkable services in themselves, the Nigma search engine simply redirects the user to the most popular resources in Russia. You can get any information on "nigma. rf". The search engine will redirect you to another search engine, or provide search results for it. Permalinks to them are located at the very top. home page search. There are almost no advertisements in Nigma. Below the search bar, as examples, there are three key phrases. If you click on one of them, you will get a complete list of links to the query of interest.

Russian-language morphology is very important. Before the main search engines began to support it, Russian search programs had to translate the request, redirecting it with a similar request to English language. In this case, some of the results were lost. Nigma has implemented such a translation mechanism, in which the number of pages found increases.

Search features

"Nigma" finds and structures the search results of all polar systems. The request can be supplemented with certain conditions. In advanced search, you can exclude or add search engines. Intellectually search system "Nigma" works with the majority of Boolean operators. That is, in the search you can find exact phrase, one or more words from it, exclude certain words, get information only from certain pages the Internet.

How often does our desktop or start page browsers are crammed with various links, icons or widgets. Each is useful in one way. All this can replace the site Nigma. RU. An intelligent search engine already contains all the information you need.

For science

Apart from separate page to search for pictures or media files, in "Nigma" you can use a special built-in calculator. In the "Mathematics" section, you can ask for advice when solving an equation, enter a formula in the window and calculate it, find examples of solutions. "Nigma" can solve quadratic equations, graph functions and find logarithms. The same assistant is waiting for lovers of chemistry.

There was an impression that, by helping to solve problems, the Nigma search engine indulges laziness and cheating among schoolchildren. Perhaps this is the reason for such a small popularity of the search engine. Teachers and parents simply do not recommend this site to children.

There is another point of view. The portal created for the needs of Moscow State University is a reference book, not a cheat sheet. "Nigma" is a search engine, mathematics will not suffer at all from its presence. Detailed explanations, the possibility of communication and exchange of experience only fuels interest in science and education. IN free time You can, without leaving your home, expand your knowledge beyond the scope of the school curriculum. Following the prompts, you can go from the solution standard tasks to more complex ones. Intellectual search system "Nigma" turns learning into a hobby.

File search

A nice addition to the site is a torrent search. This does not mean that with the help of "Nigma" you can get unlicensed media products. Despite copyright law, torrents remain fast and convenient way exchange valuable information. Intellectual search engine "Nigma" will help you get completely legal torrent links.

Every day, entering the expanses world wide web Internet, we use a variety of search engines. Google and Yandex have long been world leaders, but there are many others in parallel with them. popular search engines: Rambler, Yahoo, Bing. All of them, not without reason, acquired their fans, but none of these systems can boast of the same high-tech and intelligent search algorithm as

What is

Nigma is an intelligent search system that appeared on the web in the spring of 2005, thanks to the efforts of students, graduate students and former students of Moscow University, the Faculty of Computational Mathematics, Psychology and Cybernetics. In addition, representatives of Stanford University also worked very fruitfully to improve this system.

At first glance, it may seem to you that this search engine differs from its competitors only in a nice design, but it works on the basis of innovative method clustering. By entering a search query in, you will certainly receive information that best suits your requirements, due to the thematic grouping of search results.

In many sources, the site is called not an independent search engine, but a modern add-on over other search engines. The thing is that Nigma is equipped not only with its own personal search robot that actively indexes Runet, but also receives data from public databases of popular search engines. You can choose from the drop-down list of search engines exactly those items that you need, or get rid of unnecessary ones. By default, uses data from all systems.

You can always use special filters to weed out inappropriate results. For example, remove online stores from the search. As a result, find necessary information can be not only easier, but also much faster.

The programmers who created based the work of this site on their developments in the field of creating artificial intelligence. Modeling of intellectual activity is carried out through modern computing machines. The creators of the project plan to organize not a simple search engine, but smart system, which will give the user not a link to the site, but provide him with an answer to question asked. Ideally, it will select the most appropriate data based on the analysis of the request and the existing documentary base.

Features of the system

Recently, this search engine has become available to its users not only at, but also through Cyrillic domain Nigma.rf. Unlike other search engines, Nigma has rather modest human resources, as well as limited financial resources. It is known from official sources that has only a few dozen employees, but this does not prevent the resource from developing at a fairly rapid pace.

Clustering, which underlies the operation of the system, actually arranges the issue on the shelves, so that it is much easier for the user to sort the received data. Sometimes it is quite difficult for search engines to understand what exactly a person wanted to find. Each of them deals with this problem in their own way. Yandex employees came up with a technology called Spectrum, but it only partially copes with the solution of the given problem. That is why Nigma was equipped with special filters that make it possible to designate specific clusters or remove certain items from the search results.

Left working panel The search engine displays a list of filters. You can exclude all unnecessary items, and then re-include them in the search if necessary, or reset the settings and start over. As a result, just a few clicks will help you quickly weed out a lot of inappropriate results and achieve the highest relevance of the query.

From the history of creation

It was this idea that formed the basis for the creation of the innovative search engine Nigma.rf. The author of the concept was a certain Lavrenko, who at that time worked at The project was implemented by Vladimir Chernyshev, a student of the cybernetic faculty of Moscow University. It took specialists a year to launch the project, and already in 2005 users were able to try it out in practice.

At first, its creators wanted to compete with other search engines, but by that time the main competitors had already reached a serious level of development and did not want to stop there. Yandex and Google have reached foreground and firmly entrenched there. Significant financial investments in the development and improvement of these systems continue today, rapidly gaining momentum. Then Google more could not boast of taking into account Russian morphology, but Nigma did not use even this advantage to receive dividends. In addition, in a short time this topic has already lost its relevance.

This forced the specialists from Nigma to work hard to create something that no other search engine had. special attention deserves a search add-on Nigma mathematics and chemistry. In addition, there is separate search by torrents and musical compositions.

Nigma Mathematics, Chemistry and Music

Do you urgently need to calculate the discriminant, square a number, multiply by PI, or calculate the cosine of an angle? The Nigma search engine will do everything for you. To do this, it is enough to write a query in the search bar, and then admire not only the result of the solution, but also its progress. I think this is especially true for schoolchildren and students, but it can also be useful for engineers.

Enter text description and we get not only right kind equations, but also its solution. Even if you write an equation with errors, special module Spell checker will correct them immediately. Nygma Mathematics can easily solve such and more complex problems.

Nigma Chemistry will visually show you what chains of chemical compounds look like, working even with complex formulas of organic or inorganic chemistry. IN this case the request can also be entered in plain text.

Built-in player in the system Nygma Music allows you to not only find the desired song or artist, but also listen to musical composition or get a direct download link.

While listening to the found composition, you will be able to get acquainted with the sites where you can download the song with a specific bitrate. By registering on the site, you will also be able to replenish the musical database of Nigma with your own works. Torrent search through Nigma will help the copyright holders of a particular software or video to track down the sources of violation of their legal rights.

Nygma hints for relevant search

The Nigma search engine was created in order to simplify the life of Internet users. That is why special prompts with several query options work in the system. Sometimes you can get an answer to your question even without looking at the search results.

The converter of physical quantities in Nigma understands its users perfectly, so it is not necessary to worry about the literacy of the entered query.

The Nigma search engine has many more interesting search tools in store for you. To decipher the abbreviation, it is not at all necessary to go to specific sites, since you can get all the necessary information in the description. This search engine always designates the official websites of companies with a special icon.

Nigma is improving every day, so in the near future we can expect other useful innovations from it.

The Nigma search engine is very easy to use. This system is especially convenient for schoolchildren and students, because there you can find answers to school curriculum and not only. What's in this moment there are some difficulties with entering this program, the explanation is quite simple. Has begun academic year, number active users increased, so the system can not cope. Just try to come back later, I'm sure you will succeed.

The intellectual search system Nigma collects information from various search engines, it is convenient for schoolchildren and students, because it can find answers to almost all educational questions. And therefore, when the influx of students increased, the search engine stopped coping, it began to malfunction. In addition, cardinal changes are about to occur in the system, and therefore it will periodically not work.

Why does Nigma 2017 not work? What happened to the nigma ru search engine

It is quite possible that the developers of this search engine are simply finalizing it. After all, quite recently, in mid-September, there was information that

Such changes do not pass painlessly in 90 cases out of a hundred. Therefore, you need to be patient and wait a bit until the developers polish this search engine to a shine.

The name change is written on the 3Dnews website. This site has been on the Internet for 20 years and there is no reason not to believe its information.

Indeed, many users noted that in September the search engine stopped working. The search engine itself is not entirely in demand, but still some people use it, since the information here is well sorted and the search engine gives out everything you need. There is no explanation for this on the internet.

On transition it says:

ip-address (from which you accessed the Internet), access to services is temporarily blocked. We apologize for the temporary inconvenience.

So most likely the server is overloaded due to a large influx of users, especially students, or a system failure. Perhaps in time everything will work.

from other search engines, this system allowed you to find exactly what you need, bypassing various Internet slag. Thus, there was no need to look for information, climbing all the sites. For pupils and students, this was generally a godsend. But not so long ago, access to the Nigma site was closed.

I think it's all because of the large influx of users and the server just can't cope.


Nigma searches both in its own index and in Google , Yahoo , MSN , Yandex , Rambler , AltaVista , Aport .

The error correction system corrects gross errors (Yurey Lushkof), typos, offering the user a choice of not one, but several correction options. Fixed bugs related to incorrect keyboard layout selection fibgrf - bug, (including combinations with other bugs). The dictionary of the intelligent search engine has been expanded with names famous brands, which the user can type in the query string even in Russian, since Nigma automatically expands the search with an alternative spelling of the brand.

Explanation of abbreviations has a service for deciphering abbreviations. Abbreviations are entered into the search bar, and in parallel with the search for documents, a search for transcripts of abbreviations is carried out. Transcripts that have received confirmation in the found documents are included in the list of clusters. And those transcripts that have not been confirmed by documents fall into a special pseudo-cluster “Abbreviations”. Examples:

  • IMHO, and also like this IMHO

Services and tools


The Nigma system allows not only to perform the simplest arithmetic transformations, but also to solve mathematical problems of varying degrees of complexity. Nigma also recognizes more than a thousand physical, mathematical constants and units of measurement, which allows you to perform operations with many quantities (including solving equations with them) and get an answer in the required units of measurement. In addition to equations, the system solves all the problems that are typical for search engine calculators and currency converters. However, Nygma knows how to count in fractions and knows commonly used synonyms for currencies. So, for example, you can calculate how many wooden ones are in a dollar. Using the new service, users will be able to solve various mathematical problems (simplify expressions, solve linear and quadratic equations, systems of equations, equations with units, convert currencies, calculate the modulus of a number, simplify trigonometric expressions, reduce fractions, and much more), entering them directly into search string in the form of strict or non-strict (plain) text.


In response to a query, users will see the three most recent news directly on the search results page.

Developers have indexed and processed data from more than 3500 media rss feeds and popular blogs. The site also has a form through which users themselves can add news resources to the search engine index. The news database is updated every 5 minutes. δ


Search bar autocomplete

Firstly, the system offers options based on previous requests from users.

Secondly, the most relevant sites related to the user's query are displayed opposite the suggested autocomplete examples. Now you can go to the desired site without even entering the request to the end, but only by selecting it from the list and pressing the “right” key, or simply by clicking on the link with the mouse. If the desired site is in the first place in the tooltip, then you can not select it, but go to it only using the "right" key. For example, if you enter two letters: "to" and press the "right" key, the site gismeteo will open.

Thirdly, the developers have simplified the transition to the most popular sites among users as much as possible. For example, earlier, in order to get to the Odnoklassniki website, you had to type 13 letters, press Enter, wait search results, and then click on the first result. Now users, holding down the "O" key for a few seconds, and then releasing it, will immediately get to the Odnoklassniki website. The same will happen when you press the keys: "in" (the user will be taken to the site "in contact"), "u" (""), "z" ("hare. no"), etc. Moreover, the user no need to switch the language - instead of "o" you can click on "j", and it will also be redirected to the site of classmates.

improved version

In the improved version, the search engine answers the user's questions before he fully enters his question into the search bar. The system offers filling options, taking into account the popularity of previous user requests. To the right of the option is the answer to the question. For example, if you enter short request, then the system itself will select similar query options, immediately offering an answer. For start new version automatic filling the developers used a knowledge base consisting of 12 million questions and answers, which was compiled on the basis of information from Wikipedia.


When choosing desired option V search hint the user can see the definitions of the concepts and words they want to find. The database contains 340928 definitions. The information is taken from Wikipedia. It is expected to connect other sources of information.

»We are working to ensure that the user does not need to click the "Find" button, select a site, search for information on the site. The search engine must be able to provide an answer to the question even before it is fully typed.

Music file search

Through the "Music" tab, Nigma users will be able to find and immediately listen to their favorite song right on the search results page ("Vivaldi Seasons"). Search robot finds on the Internet music files and indexes the tags contained in these same files.

When a user searches in the "music" tab, Nigma finds music files, and the user receives direct links to them as results. The search engine has now indexed 1,600,000 audio files. The developers plan to expand the base next year 2009.


  • April 12, 2005 alpha version launched
  • September 26, 2005 Nigma provided

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