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Irreplaceable assistant Brobot: we continue to promote pages on social networks. Adding accounts and setting up tasks

How BroBot works

Download, install the application and start promoting your profile on the selected social network. All the functionality of the service is provided free of charge for one questionnaire, you can order additional ones for a fee.

Tariff for 10 questionnaires - 599 rubles per month, unlimited tariff- 1799 rubles per month. When paying for 4 months, a 20% discount.

Like posts and avatars, send emails to events and meetings, filter users by geotargeting, age. Works through a proxy over IPv6 protocol. The program is capable of generating texts, if you specify a set of words, you can use Java scripts for correspondence. There is a built-in browser. V paid mode works simultaneously with all profiles.

Registration in

Go to the website and download the archive. Unpack the archive, run "Bot.exe", wait for the installation of updates for Java. Select a use case: license key or the free version.

Create new profile, enter the data in the field that appears: login, password, if necessary, proxy and user-agate. Each questionnaire with a new line, with a space or a comma. This can be extracted from *. txt file... As a login, indicate the phone number if there is a link to the number. Now you can set up and train the bot.

Create a new task for the questionnaire. Please note that if you select all the checkboxes at once, the tasks will be performed simultaneously. In the "Correspondence" section, you can select only one of the options: manual response, a one-time text autoresponder, use a bot from the site, scripts, personal training. A separate paragraph goes"Answer in Conversations". To start training, select the appropriate section in the "Bot" menu.

In the "Rule Groups" section, you have access to universal phrases to support the conversation, answers to questions, certain types messages, reaction to the coincidence of phrases. A bot may or may not respond to a message, just like a living person, the phrase is generated randomly. You can create an unlimited number of new phrases and set a specific reaction of the robot to them. The correspondence is tracked in real time or in the history window. Bot settings and click the "Run all" button.

Affiliate program and withdrawal of funds

Each webmaster gets the opportunity to make money on affiliate program 10% of the referral's spending. In order to participate in the program, register in the Digiseller service, where you will also be able to withdraw your earned money.

A little about the program itself

Statistics tell us that practically every active resident of Russia has at least one profile on a social network... If you want to tell all these people about your services, sell them some product, or just attract their attention, just use the Brobot VKontakte.

With this program you can automate almost all tasks, significantly increasing the flow of motivated clients to your projects. The functional capabilities of the software allow:

  • work with accounts of the most popular social networks, including: In contact with, classmates, LovePlanet, and Mambu;
  • analyze and simultaneously work with multiple profiles in different social networks;
  • to provide auto add friends by a number of criteria;
  • automate the process of sending invitations to communities by certain parameters;
  • repost records from assigned groups and accounts according to certain criteria;
  • work on the list of id contacts in all social networks available in Brobot;
  • divide users into different segments, thereby concentrating the given target audience;
  • improve safety through the use of proxy servers;
  • quickly view the questionnaires;
  • launch chat bots.

Mastering the program: where to start acquaintance?

Since you have no idea how to use brobot yet, I think that this instruction will not be superfluous for you.

Downloading the program

You can decide for yourself whether to install a paid version for you or get by without free product... By default, the site will offer you to download brobot for free. To make it easier for you to decide, I will say that the economy version of the software works with only one account on the social network... Depending on which operating system installed on your computer, you will need to follow one of the links provided on the site. Choose the one that will take you to the page for downloading the bot, which will work on the basis of your operating system. After the software is downloaded to your computer, you need to:

  1. Unzip the installation file;
  2. Double click on the file bot.exe launch the Bot;
  3. When purchasing a program to work with 10 accounts go to the brobot store , choose a payment method and the number of months to use. Click on "Buy", then enter in the window that opens worker e-mail, to which a letter with a code for activating the application will be sent;
  4. Paste the received key into the activation field and confirm the action.

Create accounts and fill in profiles

Now we need to enter the social network data into brobot, which you see every time you enter VKontakte or Facebook, or any other site.

We enter the data of our questionnaires into the program

To add profiles, you just need to select the social network we are interested in and add logins and passwords to the program from each questionnaire. Don't forget that using imp paid version limits this possibility to one questionnaire. That is, of course, you can test all the functionality of the software, but for effective work you will have to purchase a paid version. When all the questionnaires are transferred, you will only have to activate them by asking each task.

Setting up tasks

Ask each questionnaire a task. To do this, click on the " Configure tasks". A window will open in front of you, in which you can choose what exactly will need to be done for each of the bots.

After that, go to the next window and install filters, by which the program will search for contacts. To assign the same task to all profiles at once, it is not necessary to repeat all the steps from the very beginning, the program will do it on its own at your request.

Configuration example

To make it clearer how a browser works, let's look at one example. We need find new friends for your VKontakte profile... For this we:

The target audience

We set our target audience to the program. In my case, it is filtered by two parameters: geolocation and age. For my example, I set the parameters: Russia - all regions; age - from 21 to 35 years old.

  • To collect the target audience, you need to go to the section " Working with contacts from the list»And download a file with a list of specific contacts id. The id (account number) itself must be collected in thematic groups and the public pages of your niche. This can be done using parsing services. VKParser or ... Such a pleasure will cost 490-700 rubles per month... Here, as elsewhere, you can pay money and save your time. In my opinion, gathering the target audience is not the point to save on.
  • Alternatively, you can collect the target audience by selecting contacts by url from the browser. In the case of Vkontakte, the choice can be made according to the search criteria for the social network itself. To do this, just go to the Vkontakte search page, select in right panel the criteria you need and copy the address bar from the browser to BroBot. After that, the software will start searching exclusively for the segment of users you have specified.

Gather your target audience for your business with

Action List

We set the actions that need to be done: process only online contacts, put likes under the avatars, rate the latest posts on the wall, add as friends.

Adding accounts and setting up tasks

It is required to add all accounts to Brobot and make the necessary tasks.

After that start wrapping!

And now I want to talk with you about some of the nuances that may arise in the process of working with the program, and how to "make friends" with them:

Disable login confirmation

If you are unable to sign in to your profile, simply turn off sign-in confirmation. Most likely, you have enabled on VKontakte two-factor authentication ... To use the program freely, you will have to disable it, since the software cannot bypass such an obstacle. Perhaps in the future this problem will be resolved, but for now we are solving it only in this way. To do this, you need to go on your VKontakte page to the section " Security", Find there" Login confirmation"And click on the button" Disable login confirmation».

There are no groups in the list to invite

The bot can only invite to open groups and in groups in which the profile is owned or assigned by a leader. To prevent the group from seeing 10 profiles in the "contacts" column, hide them in the community settings. Accordingly, only these communities will be displayed in the list, if any, of course.

Binding software to a PC

The paid version works only on the computer on which you entered the activation key... That is why, before entering the code, decide on a working PC that will be used for page promotion.

Promote VK pages and publics using Brobot

Extending the life of an account


To extend the life of your account, try not to get banned by the social network, do not give it a reason to freeze your account. It is enough for this do not use all VKontakte limits to add users to friends or subscribers of a group, and to work as naturally as possible, specifying restrictions in the program settings equal to half of the limits set by the social network.

To invite friends and, as a result, friends to the group, set the value 25 people per day... In the column " Working hours of assignments»Indicate only active time... For example, 12: 00-16: 00, 19: 00-23: 00.


Increase the delays between tasks at least 2 times. The longer the delay, the better. Check the boxes to disable the task when the daily limits are reached.

Bypassing takes

In order not to send the same contact to the same friend and group invitations different accounts, in the tab “ Visit and mailing"Select the column" Processing found contacts", And in it indicate to the software that it can process a contact only on one form.


To work around the problem with captcha, you need to go to " Settings"And select the category" Network". Here you need to enter the purchased on the service anti-captcha key. Of course, you can choose another service, but I recommend this one to you, since I have been using it for 2 years now and I have no complaints about it.


We put a tick in front of the item " Use proxy"And add proxy server data to the file. This can be done by ip: port or in the format login: password @ ip: port. V " Proxy type"It is better to prescribe Socks. I recommend using a proxy from the service .

Feedback on the brobot program

As far as I understand, this program is a kind of heir to the vk pro software. A couple of years ago, he was the market leader. It was actively used by a huge number of users interested in. In the process of writing of this review I started studying software in parallel, actively tested its functionality in order to personally make sure of its professional suitability in practice. I really want to note that everything has been done quite comfortable, pleases the absence unnecessary settings for which you do not know what exactly should be done or changed. All settings for delays between tasks and limits are already set initially, the maximum that can be done is to correct them to the values ​​that I wrote about in the "Tips" section. Pleased me and efficiency of technical support, as well as the fact that the program website has a section “ Forum", In which everyone can find answers to their questions. If the list standard problems you will not find yours, then you can always contact the service directly technical support... In chapter " Articles»I found a FAQ and many articles with cases of successful promotion and sales, written by users of the program.

The undoubted advantage of the bot can be considered its availability- support free version a program that, using the example of a single account, allows you to test all the functionality of the software and understand whether it is suitable for work or not worth spending money on buying a paid version.

It's nice that the administration listens to the comments and wishes of users, is constantly working to improve the software functionality. I came to this conclusion when I studied questions I did not understand. Quite a lot of people in 2015 wrote what they would like to implement in the program. Since I have used latest version software, I can safely say that all their recommendations were taken into account and implemented. In a word, the program is top-end, everyone who decides how to make money on a group on a social network should use it!


Finally, I want to tell you that as the basis for the operation of your robotic account, you should choose only those groups and communities that will most interesting to your target audience... Take care of its quality and quantity, and entrust the rest to Brobot. We wish you successful promotion without bans and freezes, prosperity and immense popularity to your groups. Do not forget to subscribe to blog updates and write your impressions of working with Brobot in the comments under this post. Stay tuned for news updates and see you soon!

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Irreplaceable assistant Brobot: we continue to promote pages on social networks

3.9 (77.14%) 7 votes

BroBot is one of best programs designed to promote pages in popular social networks. Like other similar tools, this bot is able to collect a target audience for promoted services and goods based on interests, geographic location, age and other factors. In addition to collecting a list of potential customers, BroBot also knows how to "make friends" with potential clients: lapse posts, leave comments, do reposts, invite users to communities, and so on. In addition, the program can act as an answering machine, which is allowed to independently teach how to communicate with clients. But let's talk about everything in order.

Main functionality

The application works with social networks Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Mamba, LovePlanet, Facebook and Instagram, but the largest number functions from the BroBot arsenal are available for the first two "social networks". For example, they have the functions of inviting users from certain communities, parsing address bar etc.

However, all the most necessary features of the bot I work in one way or another in all services. These include sending messages, adding "Like" marks, sending invites to an event or invitations to a group, reposts, and so on. Any manifestations social activity taught by BroBot can be customized to suit your own needs. For example, it is allowed to set a time frame for adding likes or enable "reposting" of random posts.

From the most important advantages the program is worth noting that it works through a proxy and allows you to add an unlimited number of profiles for parallel promotion.

The bot tries to create the appearance that it is not a "robot" but a real person who is hidden behind the promoted page. So, the program can conduct quite meaningful dialogues with users of social networks. In the "Learning Center" section, you can independently create patterns for responses to certain phrases containing the specified keywords.

Key features

  • promotion of pages in all popular social networks;
  • convenient tools for searching and filtering target audience;
  • manifestation of all types of social activity (likes, reposts, comments);
  • work through a proxy;
  • an advanced autoresponder that you can train yourself.

On the Internet, you can find quite a few various programs for cheating subscribers, likes on vkontatka. And every day, their functionality and ability to work with social networks for which they are designed to increase and improve.

But today it will be about a completely new tool for a webmaster, more precisely, about new program, which was recently published, but won many positive feedback to the program reputation basket. VKontakte promotion program has a simple, memorable name, BroBot.

BroBot program has a rather interesting and understandable design that any person who is going to promote their page, group or public VKontakte will understand.

⇒ Vkontakte (likes, reposts, subscribers, friends, people in a group)

⇒ Odnoklassniki (classes, reposts, subscribers, friends, people in a group)

⇒ Mamba (likes, reposts, subscribers, friends, people in a group)

As you can see, managing the added accounts is as easy as shelling pears, all the profiles that you have included in the program are on one page. So you can't get lost anyway. V brief information profiles are all important information according to the tasks assigned to them, as well as several function buttons, such as: "Start task" and "Configure buildings", in the second case you will be taken to the menu from which detailed setting tasks to complete.

This version has only a limit on the number of questionnaires added to it, all the rest of the functionality is the same as for the paid versions, that is, it is not limited by anything. Which is pretty good for those users who just want to try all the functions of the program without paying for it, or for those who have recently been in SMM sphere and those who are not yet ready to invest in their own business, but tries to do everything on the sly and independently.

Paid version of BroBot.

In the paid version there is only one difference from the free version, this is the number of profiles from different social networks that you can add to the program. If in the free version you can add only one profile from all social networks. Then in the version, for example, for 479 rubles a month, you add as many as 10 profiles, and for 1450 rubles a month, in general, the number of profiles you add to the program is unlimited.

The paid version of BroBot is activated using a key, which you can buy directly on the official website of the program.

BroBot Key you need to enter in the main settings of the bot in a special field. V free access you will not find the keys, because they are all disposable, that is, once activated key no one can activate the second time.

BroBot grunted you will not find it on the Internet either. All this is due to the fact that the license for the program is stored on the developers' servers, and even if a crack comes out on this bot, after the update it will fly off, and the program updates are quite frequent.

BroBot has simply great amount reviews in which professional users recommend this program for use. And the number of these reviews is growing every day. Developers actively listen to users, take into account comments and suggestions for improving the program, fix bugs.

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