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  • No sound signal when turning on the computer: possible causes, expert advice. Top 5 Causes of No Sound on Your Computer

No sound signal when turning on the computer: possible causes, expert advice. Top 5 Causes of No Sound on Your Computer

Today we're going to look at a common problem. Often, when you turn on your computer, there is no squeak, which should symbolize problems with RAM. Why is that?

The system is programmed with all sorts of BIOS signals that tell us about a particular problem with the hardware.

First of all, when you turn on the computer, a RAM test occurs, which is characterized by a short squeak. If you do not hear this squeak, then your RAM has not passed the test. What to do?

First you need to open the system unit and get the RAM sticks.

Very often, dirt and small oxidation accumulate at the ends of the RAM sticks, which prevent the normal functioning of the RAM sticks.

First of all, it is necessary to clean the RAM strips from such contaminants. This is done with a simple stationery wash. Just clean the contacts with an eraser...

Having done the above work, install the RAM sticks into the slots and turn on the computer.

If nothing has changed, try starting one by one with one of the RAM sticks.

If this does not help, then you need to find a working bar of RAM and test your computer on it, most likely your bars are no longer suitable for work and must be replaced.

All the best!

The most common reason for the lack of sound is turning it off or setting the minimum volume. If audio is not playing on the computer, hover over the speaker icon in the tray (right corner of the taskbar). The tooltip will indicate the current volume value. If the sound is not playing in a separate application, check its settings. If it is enabled in the settings, audio playback in a particular program may be limited in the mixer. To check, right-click on the speaker icon and select "Open Volume Mixer". There you can turn on the sound and adjust the volume level for each program running on the computer.

Check the volume on the playback devices themselves: headphones or speakers. When using speakers, also make sure they are connected to power and the power button is in the active position. Checking speakers or headphones is pretty easy. To do this, just connect any other device instead of a computer to the audio output: a smartphone, a player.

Important! Also check your speaker settings. To do this, go to "Playback devices", and in the context menu of speakers or headphones, click "Properties".

Incorrect operation of audio drivers

Another common reason why your computer may not have sound is missing or corrupted audio drivers. To identify this problem, hover over the audio icon in the tray. If the message "Audio output device not installed" appears, then the problems are caused by the sound drivers.

To resolve these difficulties, right-click on the same icon and select "Detect sound problems" from the context menu.

As a result, a window for finding and fixing problems will open. Wait while your computer runs audio diagnostics. Depending on the speed of the device, the process can take from a few seconds to a couple of minutes. If the determination of the cause of the malfunction stops at one place, click "Cancel".

When the audio diagnostics is completed, the system will prompt you to choose which device you want to troubleshoot. In this case, it is necessary to mark the device used based not on its type, but on the location of the audio input. For example, if your speakers are connected through the audio input on the front of your computer, check the second box even though it says headphones.

In the event of a hardware failure, the diagnostic result will be the following window. It may indicate damage to the speakers or headphones, but the most common cause of difficulty in the operation of audio devices is a broken or damaged connecting cable.

At the last step of sound diagnostics, the result of its execution will be displayed. If the issues are resolved, close the troubleshooter. If the diagnostics did not help, click "View additional features". You can also view help information about the causes of problems by clicking on the link "View additional information".

Incorrect connection or installation of the device

Sound may not work due to improper connection or installation of sound devices. To resolve this issue, check that the correct input is selected to connect the device to the computer. Speakers or headphones may be connected to the microphone input and will not work.

Go to "Control Panel -> Device Manager" and check the status in the "Sound, game and video controllers" menu. If a yellow mark with an exclamation point is displayed next to the name, the cause of the problems is incorrect installation or malfunction of the device

Note! If the sound hardware does not appear at all in the manager, update the configuration in the Actions menu.

Right-click on your audio hardware and select "Properties", then click the "Driver" tab in the window that opens. To update the configuration, click the Update button. Here you can also remove the driver for its subsequent reinstallation.

In the next step, choose where you want to search for sound drivers. Two options are offered: automatic search, which includes searching on the computer and the Internet, and a simple search for drivers. It is recommended that you select the first option for detecting drivers.

Important! If the sound card is outdated and its driver is on a separate disk, first copy it to your computer.

Scanning will take about 20-30 seconds, after which a message will be displayed in the search window about the successful installation of new audio drivers. If the latest driver available for the device is already installed, the configuration will not be updated.

In the event that updating the drivers did not bring the desired result and the device still does not work, it is recommended to remove it from the system. To do this, right-click on the name and select "Delete". Confirm the deletion in the dialog box by clicking OK.

After that, in the "Action" menu, you need to update the list of equipment. It will search for devices connected to the computer. If the desired device does not appear after searching, restart the manager.

When the speakers are found, their installation will automatically begin. This process may take several minutes. When finished, a message will appear indicating that the speakers have been successfully connected and are ready to use.

Damage to connecting cables

Standard 3.5 mm jacks can fail as a result of mechanical damage. Typically, a breakdown occurs at the base of the connector - at the junction with the audio cable. The break can also be on the cord itself. The cause of damage is most often pinched by furniture (table legs, chair wheels). Pets can also gnaw through the cable. You can diagnose a breakdown visually or by connecting another cable to the speakers.

Physical failure of audio equipment

There may be no sound on the computer if the speakers or headphones you are using fail. It is not difficult to determine this - just connect another audio device to the same audio input. If it works, it's because of broken speakers, not computer settings.

Disabled Windows Audio Service

Another common reason for no sound is turning off the Windows Audio service. This background process is responsible for processing audio data and is always running on a running computer by default. But when you make changes to the system settings, incorrect Windows Audio settings may be specified. Also, the service can be disabled by malware.

After you press the computer's power button, a characteristic beep is heard. It is supplied by the BIOS system upon successful completion of the self-test test. This signal "says" that everything is in order with your PC, the system is ready to work. But what if there is no beep when you turn on the computer? Let's take a look at the causes of the problem together, consider the advice of specialists to fix the problem, and also take a closer look at the BIOS signals - how they report a particular malfunction with their sounds. Shall we start?

Characteristic signs of a problem

There is no beep when the computer is turned on. Trouble, as they say, does not come alone. The problem itself rarely manifests itself. Most often, it is accompanied by a black monitor - there are no images on the screen.

At the same time, you can hear how the computer coolers work properly. What could these signs mean?

What happened to the computer?

When you turn on the computer, there is no sound signal, and the device itself looks "dead" and does not react in any way to your manipulations?

Here is the consequence of the fact that the PC did not pass the self-test test. If you have not opened the system unit before, then only one thing can mean everything: you have "covered" BIOS - the heart of the whole system. To deal with the problem, only a professional computer master can solve it.

But in any situation there are exceptions. Perhaps the problem is not so serious. Therefore, if there is no sound signal when you turn on the computer, you should not immediately rush to carry the PC to a service center. First you need to conduct a self-diagnosis for more easily fixable problems.

Bad contact

Why is there no beep when I turn on my computer? Perhaps it's a bad contact in one of the connections. So check carefully:

  • Are the computer mouse and keyboard well connected to the system unit.
  • Is the monitor connector firmly screwed on, etc.

In itself, bad contact is no joke. Such a problem can lead to rather sad consequences. It is a bad connection that can provoke the following troubles: your processor, motherboard or monitor will burn out.

Video card malfunctions

Does your computer beep when you turn it on? The system may not be able to pass the self-test due to some kind of graphics card problem. Unfortunately, computers have not yet learned how to properly respond to all possible component failure scenarios. Therefore, such a sad answer may come out.

The text of the BIOS self-test was conceived in such a way that a sequential check of all system components is carried out. And the video card is just at the very beginning of this list. Checking that the root of the problem lies precisely in it is simple: carefully remove the element from the system unit. Try turning on your computer after that.

If, in response to these actions, the BIOS deafens you with a squeak, then the problem is correctly defined - the video card is faulty. You can solve the problem by replacing it with a similar serviceable device.

It is much more difficult to deal with the problem if your computer has an integrated graphics card. Indeed, in this case, one cannot do without a second device. If, after installing the second video card, the computer began to turn on normally again, then the problem is clearly defined. Its root is in the integrated regular system.

However, such a problem is not at all a reason to say goodbye to a computer that has a working motherboard and a perfectly functioning processor. As practice shows, with an external video card, a PC can last up to ten years to the user!

Incorrect installation of equipment

When you turn on the computer, the BIOS sound does not turn on? Perhaps the source of the problem was your careless actions. This applies to those cases when you yourself replaced any components in the system unit.

How to understand that this is the problem? Turn off the computer, then remove the newly installed hardware from the system unit. If, when turned on, the characteristic squeak of the BIOS reappeared, then the point is in your actions. Most likely, the new board is either defective or not compatible with your computer.

BIOS update

Missing sound when you turn on your computer? Let's look at more rare, but still occurring cases. Sometimes the root of the problem is in the BIOS itself, namely, in updating it. You may have equipped your PC with a new BIOS that is incompatible with your device.

How to avoid such trouble in the future? Pay attention to the test program, which is usually supplied with each BIOS equipment. Feel free to run it on your PC.

Is the new BIOS fully compatible with the components of your computer? Do not rush to install it right away. First of all, protect your computer from a sudden power outage. Help you with this UPS - uninterruptible power supply.

Why is this needed? If the power supply stops at the time of updating the BIOS on your computer, there is a 99.9% chance that the device will never turn on.

No internal speaker

How to make a BIOS sound when you turn on the computer? The user himself can configure this characteristic squeak, cannot activate it. The only thing that is possible is to turn on the melody when greeting "Windows". But OS interface settings have nothing to do with our problem.

So, you do not hear the characteristic BIOS signal when you turn on the computer. Moreover, the splash screen with the name of your motherboard did not appear, there is no report message with the results of checking the system status. But at the same time you see the greeting of the operating system, the PC boots normally.

What it is? Your computer is functioning properly! Before us is a "false signal" of alarm. The problem is that the PC does not have an internal speaker. This does not prevent him from functioning normally, but can become a source of problems in the future. After all, it is through this speaker that the BIOS reports on normal operation or certain system problems. With such an omission, you should contact the assembler of your system unit. Most likely, he simply forgot to install the beepper.

What is POST?

Let's now get acquainted with the test, the successful passage of which is evidenced by this signal. Power-On-Self-Test is a system self-test diagnostic program that is stored in BIOS ROM.

POST is designed to check all the most important components of the system:

  • CPU;
  • RAM;
  • motherboard chips.

Information about passing the test, respectively, is announced through the internal speaker of the system with a certain sound signal. If any of the components is inoperable, then a certain series of long and short beeps will be issued. After that, most likely, the computer will turn off automatically.

What should be done in this case? Listen carefully to the signal and remember, write down the sequence of short and long beeps. If you did not have time to do this, then turn on the computer 30 seconds after its automatic deactivation. The signal will repeat.

What to do next? Refer to your motherboard manufacturer's instructions. Most likely, it will contain a table with the decoding of the BIOS signal. Such information is also available on the official websites of motherboard manufacturers. Decoding the signal will help you find out for yourself what is wrong with your computer, which of its components is faulty.

IBM BIOS Signals

Each of the motherboard models usually has its own decryption table. Universal, unfortunately, does not exist. For example, we will present the most common - IBM BIOS. Sounds when turned on are as follows:

  • One short beep - test passed successfully.
  • There is no signal - the power supply is damaged.
  • Continuous beep - the power supply is damaged.
  • Repetitive short beeps - problems with the power supply.
  • Long and short beep - motherboard malfunction.
  • A short signal, coupled with a black screen - the video card is damaged.
  • Long beep and two short ones - problems with the video system.
  • Long beep and three short ones - problems with the video system.
  • Two short beeps - no monitor connected.
  • Three long beeps - the motherboard is faulty, a keyboard controller error has been detected.

The habitual squeak of the internal speaker when you turn on the computer is an important signal that your PC is working and ready to go. If there is no such sound message, then this may indicate both a problem with the BIOS and other malfunctions that we also considered. We advise you to find a table with signals on the motherboard manufacturer's website in order to identify the problem in time and solve it.

  1. What does the computer tell us when turned on? Does he say something? Have you noticed that when you turn on the computer there is a beep? The computer wants to tell you that everything is fine, I'm booting up, or if a sequence of many beeps and possibly not stopping, indicates that the computer is not working. These signals can be used to understand and carry out, let's say, superficial computer diagnostics. Beep tables and manufacturer name delivered below bios/ AWARD, AMI, IBM, AST, Phoenix, Compaq, DELL, Quadtel
  2. If there is no beep?

  3. If there is no beep when you turn on the computer? There are several possibilities why this might happen:
  4. 1.) There may not be a speaker through which your computer tells you post code beeps.
  5. 2.) Bios is damaged.
  6. 3.) In this case, you should judge by other visual actions of your computer. Say, as an example, does it turn on at all? =)
  7. If you do not have a sound signal when you turn on the computer, let's see why this happens? Write in the comment at the bottom of the page, what actions does the computer perform when it is turned on? What errors occur when you turn it on? Describe in more detail in the comments and your message will come to my phone, I will answer your questions.

    Help on how to understand the information in the tables below:

  8. Beep codes are represented by a sequence of beeps. For example, 1-1-2 means 1 beep, pause, 1 beep, pause, and 2 beeps.
  9. AWARD BIOS beeps

    Signal Value (Error description)
    1 short POST completed, no errors found, system boot continues.
    2 short A non-critical error has occurred that can be corrected using the BIOS Setup settings. The signal may be accompanied by a message describing the error and a message prompting you to enter BIOS Setup.
    3 long Keyboard controller error. It is recommended to restart your computer. If the error recurs, the problem lies in the motherboard.
    1 short, 1 long RAM error. It is recommended to restart the computer, remove the RAM modules from the slots, insert them back. If the error persists, you will need to replace the RAM modules.
    1 long, 2 short
    1 long, 3 short
    1 long, 9 short The error occurs if there are problems reading the BIOS or if the BIOS chip is faulty. Often, the solution to this problem is flashing the BIOS.
    Repetitive short The power supply is defective. PSU needs to be replaced. The error also occurs when there is a short in the power circuits.
    recurring long RAM error. The signal may occur if the RAM modules are installed incorrectly (or one of the RAM modules is faulty)
    Continuous The power supply is defective. PSU needs to be replaced.
    No signal The power supply is defective or not connected to the motherboard

    AMI BIOS beeps

    Signal Value (error description)
    1 short POST completed, no errors detected, system boot continues
    2 short RAM parity error. It is recommended to restart the computer, remove the RAM modules from the slots, insert them back. If the error persists, you will need to replace the RAM modules.
    3 short Error of the first 64 KB of RAM. It is recommended to restart the computer, remove the RAM modules from the slots, insert them back. If the error persists, you will need to replace the RAM modules.
    4 short The system timer of the motherboard is faulty. If the error occurs every time you turn on the computer, you need to replace the motherboard.
    5 short Processor problems. It is recommended to restart your computer. If the problem persists, the CPU must be replaced.
    6 short Keyboard error. It is necessary to check the quality of the connection between the keyboard connector and the connector on the motherboard. The signal may occur in case of a malfunction of the keyboard or motherboard.
    7 short Motherboard error. It is recommended to restart your computer. If the problem persists, the system board needs to be replaced.
    8 short Video adapter not detected or video memory error. Check the quality of the video card installation in the expansion slot. If the video card is integrated, the motherboard may need to be replaced.
    9 short BIOS checksum error. The signal may be accompanied by a message describing the error. The problem can be solved by updating (firmware) the contents of the BIOS.
    10 short Error writing to CMOS memory. It is recommended to restart your computer. If the problem persists, you need to replace the motherboard or CMOS chip
    11 short External cache error (this is the memory that is installed in the system board slots).
    1 long 2 short
    1 long 3 short Video adapter not found. The error may occur if the video adapter is not connected or it is defective. Check the quality of the video card installation in the expansion slot. If the problem persists, the graphics card will most likely need to be replaced.
    1 long 8 short Video adapter not detected or video memory error. Check the quality of the video card installation in the expansion slot. If the video card is integrated, the motherboard may need to be replaced. The signal may occur if a monitor is not connected to the video card.
    No signals The power supply is defective or not connected to the motherboard.

    IBM BIOS beeps

    Signal Value (error description)
    1 short Successful POST
    1 beep and blank screen Faulty video system
    2 short Faulty video system
    3 long Faulty motherboard (keyboard controller error), non-contact RAM
    1 long, 1 short Faulty motherboard
    1 long, 2 short Faulty video system (Mono/CGA)
    1 long, 3 short Faulty video system (EGA/VGA)
    Repetitive short Faults are related to the power supply or motherboard
    Continuous Problems with the power supply or motherboard
    Missing Faulty power supply, motherboard, or speaker

    AST BIOS beeps

    Signal Value (error description)
    1 short Error while checking processor registers. Processor failure
    2 short Keyboard controller buffer error. Keyboard controller malfunction.
    3 short Keyboard controller reset error. Malfunction of the keyboard controller or system board.
    4 short Keyboard communication error.
    5 short Keyboard input error.
    6 short System board error.
    9 short BIOS ROM checksum mismatch. Faulty BIOS ROM chip.
    10 short System timer error. The system timer chip is defective.
    11 short System logic chip (chipset) error.
    12 short Power management register error in NVRAM.
    1 long DMA controller 0 error. Faulty channel 0 DMA controller chip.
    1 long, 1 short DMA controller error 1. Faulty channel 1 DMA controller chip.
    1 long, 2 short Error damping the reverse motion of the vertical scan. The video adapter may be defective.
    1 long, 3 short Error in video memory. Faulty video adapter memory.
    1 long, 4 short Video adapter error. Faulty video adapter.
    1 long, 5 short Memory error 64K.
    1 long, 6 short Failed to load interrupt vectors. BIOS was unable to load interrupt vectors into memory
    1 long, 7 short Failed to initialize video subsystem.
    1 long, 8 short Video memory error.

    Phoenix BIOS beeps

    Signal Value (error description)
    1-1-2 Processor test error. The processor is defective. Replace processor
    1-1-3 Error writing/reading data to/from CMOS memory.
    1-1-4 An error was detected while calculating the checksum of the BIOS content.
    1-2-2 or 1-2-3 DMA controller initialization error.
    1-3-1 Error initializing the RAM regeneration scheme.
    1-3-3 or 1-3-4 Error initializing the first 64 KB of RAM.
    1-4-1 Motherboard initialization error.
    1-4-4 Write/read error to/from one of the I/O ports.
    2-1-1 An error was detected while reading/writing bit 0 (in hex) of the first 64 KB of RAM
    2-1-2 An error was detected while reading/writing the 1st bit (in hexadecimal representation) of the first 64 KB of RAM
    2-1-3 An error was detected while reading/writing the 2nd bit (in hexadecimal representation) of the first 64 KB of RAM
    2-1-4 An error was detected while reading/writing the 3rd bit (hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
    2-2-1 An error was detected while reading/writing the 4th bit (in hexadecimal representation) of the first 64 KB of RAM
    2-2-2 An error was detected while reading/writing the 5th bit (hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
    2-2-3 An error was detected while reading/writing the 6th bit (in hexadecimal representation) of the first 64 KB of RAM
    2-2-4 An error was detected while reading/writing the 7th bit (in hexadecimal representation) of the first 64 KB of RAM
    2-3-1 An error was detected while reading/writing the 8th bit (hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
    2-3-2 An error was detected while reading/writing the 9th bit (in hexadecimal representation) of the first 64 KB of RAM
    2-3-3 An error was detected while reading/writing the 10th bit (in hex) of the first 64 KB of RAM
    2-3-4 An error was detected while reading/writing the 11th bit (hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
    2-4-1 An error was detected while reading/writing the 12th bit (hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
    2-4-2 An error was detected while reading/writing the 13th bit (hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
    2-4-3 An error was detected while reading/writing bit 14 (hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
    2-4-4 An error was detected while reading/writing the 15th bit (hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
    3-1-1 Error initializing the second DMA channel.
    3-1-2 or 3-1-4 Error initializing the first DMA channel.
    3-3-4 Video memory initialization error.
    3-4-1 There were serious problems when trying to access the monitor.
    3-4-2 Cannot initialize video card BIOS.
    4-2-1 System timer initialization error.
    4-2-2 Testing completed.
    4-2-3 Keyboard controller initialization failed.
    4-2-4 Critical error when the CPU enters protected mode.
    4-3-1 Memory initialization error.
    4-3-2 Error initializing the first timer.
    4-3-3 Error initializing the second timer.
    4-4-1 Error initializing one of the serial ports.
    4-4-2 Parallel port initialization error.
    4-4-3 Math coprocessor initialization error.
    Long, incessant signals The motherboard is faulty.
    Siren sound from high to low frequency The video card is faulty, check the electrolytic tanks for leaks or replace everything with new ones that are known to be good.
    continuous signal The CPU cooler is not connected (faulty).

    Compaq BIOS beeps

    Signal Value (error description)
    1 short
    1 long + 1 short CMOS BIOS memory checksum error. Possibly the ROM battery is dead.
    2 short global error.
    1 long + 2 short Video card initialization error. Check if the video card is installed correctly.
    7 beeps (1 long, 1 s, 1?, 1 short, pause, 1 long, 1 short, 1 short) AGP video card failure. Check if the installation is correct.
    1 long standing RAM error, try rebooting.
    1 short + 2 long RAM failure. Reboot via Reset.

    DELL BIOS beeps

    Quadtel BIOS beeps

    I repeat, each BIOS manufacturer has its own sound signals
  10. At the end of the article I would like to offer you a computer repair service in Podolsk

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