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There is no telephone connection. Rostelecom domestic telephony services: telephone line repair and provider's phone number

Customer service for telecommunications operators is associated with the provision of equipment, connection to a complex technical network and further maintenance. Not a single consumer of such services, including users of urban communications, is insured against the possibility of a software failure or failure of one of the system components. In this article, we will consider the question: “Rostelecom’s phone does not work, where to call?”, We will identify the probable causes of the malfunction and ways to contact technical support in 2019.

Home phone broke: what to do?

The largest telecommunications operator in Russia, Rostelecom, provides its services in the field of access to broadband Internet connection, television broadcasting, mobile and home communications. The use of city telephone services does not lose its relevance, which makes it necessary to develop a technical support service in this area. In order to answer the question: “Rostelecom’s landline phone does not work, where should I call?” Let's first identify the most common faults:

  • breakdown of telephone equipment, which requires additional consideration by a specialist;
  • a new Internet channel is being laid, which contributes to the replacement of equipment and may cause temporary malfunctions in the operation of fixed communications;
  • the telephone line is damaged, which causes problems with urban communication in the whole area;
  • communication services are not paid, which contributes to blocking the possibility of calls.

Each of the issues requires additional consideration, which will be the subject of this material.

Breakdown of telephone equipment: where to call

Dealing with the problem “Rostelecom’s home phone does not work, where to call?” One of the common causes of a malfunction is equipment failure. Telephone equipment is issued free of charge upon conclusion of a service agreement and has a warranty card. In this case, a call to the Rostelecom support service is necessary for the company to send a specialist to your home to diagnose the equipment.

The support number depends on where you live, however, the company is actively introducing a shared phone number 8-800-100-0800 , allowing you to connect to the voice number.

By complying with the conditions, you will be able to connect with an operator who will connect you with a qualified consultant from the relevant department.

If the specialist reveals that the breakdown is related to a warranty case, the equipment will be replaced completely free of charge. Otherwise, you will have to pay some part of the cost, in accordance with the official agreement.

Why the home phone does not work: where to call

If the failure is not related to the equipment, you can also contact the support service to clarify the circumstances. By calling 8-800-100-0800, the employee will inform you about ongoing repairs, equipment replacement and line laying. Having reported the problem, support will try to fix it as soon as possible. Such malfunctions do not depend on the subscriber.

Be sure to check the balance of funds on your personal account, as communication services are blocked if the balance is negative. You can view the balance of funds on the main website of Rostelecom in the appropriate section or use your personal user account. To search for such information, it is enough to enter the account number, after which all the necessary data about the current tariff plan and the balance of funds will be displayed on the screen.

You can learn more about active services, change the tariff plan and connect additional functions in the user control panel. Complete the authorization process and open the active services menu. Intuitive interface will not create problems when working with the system.

Information on the question “Why is Rostelecom’s landline telephone not working, where to call?” located in the corresponding technical section on the official website. A convenient search will allow you to quickly find the problem and ways to solve it yourself.

If you are unable to call the operator, you can contact the support service using a special page on the Rostelecom website, where you must specify:

  • Contact details;
  • service region;
  • type of connected service;
  • contract number;
  • a brief description and description of the problem, on the basis of which the support service specialists will give a detailed answer;
  • as an additional opportunity, it is proposed to attach a photo or screenshot with a malfunction;
  • number for feedback.

The company is actively expanding the capabilities of the support service, gradually adding new features to solve common problems. Follow Rostelecom for updates by subscribing to the official email newsletter.


Rostelecom is one of the largest providers providing communication services in Russia. Several million people use the company's services, and everyone may encounter a problem: Rostelecom's landline phone does not work. Before calling support, the most common obvious problems should be checked and fixed. In this article, Rostelecom subscribers can find out why Rostelecom's home phone may not work, how to fix them, what numbers to call if you can't deal with the problem on your own.

Technical problems in the equipment

Doing a technical check of the equipment yourself will save time, and you may not need the help of technical support.

If there are no beeps in the tube, you should make sure that the wiring is intact - this is the first thing to do by conducting a visual inspection.

The reason for the lack of connection may be a non-working landline phone connected to Rostelecom, so before contacting the operator directly, you need to check the line by connecting another device.

You also need to make sure that the problem does not coincide with the repair work carried out on the line in the house.

Rostelecom customer support numbers

If the check for technical malfunctions did not give results, and Rostelecom's home phone is still not working, then you can find out from the contract concluded when activating the service where to call.

If the subscriber does not have an agreement with him, then the current service support number can be found on the official website of the company.

Having opened the main page of the site, you need to go to the "Communication Services" tab, and then "For Yourself". To the right of it, under the inscription "Support" is the required number.

When a problem arises with a home phone, subscribers often have a question: How to call Rostelecom from a mobile phone and how much will it cost? Mobile phone calls to fixed numbers are very costly. But, this does not apply to hotlines, since there is no call charge on them.

The Rostelecom hotline is available around the clock, works without holidays and weekends, so you can solve the problem with telephony at any time.

Rostelecom service numbers:

8-800-100-08-00 - sales service, here you can order a connection;

8-495-727-49-77 - information support. Information support of fixed communication services. Information support on long-distance and international communications.

8-495-727-49-77 - automatic information service. Virtual office is a system of automatic customer service of the Capital Branch.

8-800-100-25-25 - information service.

How to call a master from Rostelecom?

Rostelecom technical support numbers for residents of Moscow and the region to resolve problems with home telephony - 8-800-450-01-50 or 150.

  1. Having dialed the number, and, having waited for the answer of the operator, you need to tell about the problem. Also, the subscriber must tell in detail about what personal checks of the technical side were made. This is necessary because of the universality, since the service serves customers in all areas of services provided by the provider.
  2. The operator will verify information such as the name of the subscriber, address and phone number with which there was a problem. In some cases, you just need to indicate the contract number, it contains all the necessary information.
  3. Next, you need to specify the time the problem occurred. If the operator cannot provide assistance remotely, then it will be proposed to make an application to call the master to the house.

After filling out an application to eliminate the problem, the operator will set the day and estimated time of arrival of the provider's employee. At this time, it is necessary that someone be at home to provide access to the equipment.

If a Rostelecom employee has identified a malfunction in the wiring or equipment directly in the apartment, the call and work to fix the problem will need to be paid. In case of problems in the entrance or house, the work carried out by the master will be free.

If problems were diagnosed on the line outside the apartment, then the operator will call to confirm their elimination. The call will go to a phone number that did not work before the work was done.

Where to call if Rostelecom's phone was turned off for non-payment?

If the Rostelecom phone does not work and the presence of technical malfunctions is excluded, you will need to use the subscriber's "Personal Account", which stores all information about the connected service.

Perhaps the subscriber simply forgot to pay the fee for fixed-line services in a timely manner, and the provider automatically turned off access. In this case, you need to call the single support number 8-800-450-01-50.

The operator will explain how to pay off the debt, where to find the nearest office to write an application for the resumption of the service.

It is worth knowing that when reconnecting the communication service, the subscriber will need to pay a fine for late payments.

The main purpose of Rostelecom's unified customer support service is to provide comprehensive assistance to its customers. Not so long ago, the population of all regions of the Russian Federation communicated via long-distance and international telephone communications with the help of Rostelecom. To date, the number of services provided by the company has increased significantly. Including, in addition to the usual, wired communication, high-quality and uninterrupted telephone communication is now available to subscribers using new technologies - IP telephony.

However, equipment still has the ability to sometimes fail and the occurrence of a breakdown cannot be ruled out. What should the subscriber do in this case? What if the landline phone stopped working?

If there is a problem with communication services, a person needs to contact the company's technical support service or contact the local Rostelecom repair bureau. For a unified technical support service, this is the phone number 8-800-1000-800. To contact the Rostelecom repair service, you can find the phone number on the official website or see your service agreement, in which it must be indicated.

Turning to the operator, it will be necessary to explain the essence of the problem, and then draw up a request for repair. After considering your appeal, a team of fitters from the Rostelecom repair service will arrive at the address you specified. Specialists will check the technical components of the network, determine the cause of the malfunction and immediately begin to repair the telephone line.

The main reasons when the phone does not work

  1. Reason #1. The first and often the main reason is a mechanical malfunction of the phone itself. You can also check the functionality of the phone yourself. To do this, connect another device to the line and check if it works. If so, you need to repair the old one or buy a new telephone set. Note: Rostelecom specialists do not repair faulty telephone sets.
  2. Reason number 2 - this is an ordinary arrears for the use of telephone services. In this case, the subscriber can check his personal account to clarify the issue of debt. This can be done using the "Personal Account" on the website or get information at a Sberbank ATM.
  3. Reason number 3 - a short circuit of the wires in the telephone line itself can lead to a malfunction. Before the fitter arrives, if you wish, you yourself can inspect the telephone wire within your apartment for evidence of damage. If you notice that in some place the cable is frayed, broken and two strands of the wire touch each other - insulate them to avoid a short circuit. Perhaps such an independent method will solve the problem with the lack of communication.
  4. Reason number 4 - broken telephone line. In this case, the repair of the telephone line should be carried out by a Rostelecom specialist.
    Troubleshooting will begin with measuring the indications of the communication line at the CROSS. CROSS is a switching and distribution equipment of communication systems. Calling the line, the specialist checks for the presence of a response signal from the station. If no such response is received, the fitter will check the lines between the MOCs and the junction boxes. If there is no signal at the CROSS, check the safety elements at the ATS station. If the fuses are faulty, they are replaced or restored. Thus, along the chain, a Rostelcom specialist, if necessary, will check all CROSS - from the exchange station to the subscriber's apartment.

The arriving specialist will definitely find a breakdown and, having assessed its nature, will go out on the way to fix it. In the event that a person has found the cause and wants to fix the breakdown with his own hands, he should still contact the technical support service. Here he can make an application for the repair of a fixed telephone. Such a step will allow the subscriber to recalculate the volume of actually used services and not pay for communication during the period when the telephone was out of order.

The fixed landline telephone is still an actual means of communication. Despite the popularity of cell phones, it is a reliable alternative to mobile communications. A significant number of people without a working landline telephone will not be able to contact their relatives and friends. But, where to call if Rostelecom's home phone does not work or does not perform its functions correctly, how to solve this problem? There are several ways to figure it out on your own and with the help of specialists.

Before asking for qualified help, you can try to figure it out on your own. If Rostelecom's home phone does not work, there may be several reasons for this problem. Below are the most common breakdowns and how to solve them:

Attention! In the event of a breakdown of the telephone set, Rostelecom specialists do not carry out work to repair it. Contact the phone manufacturer's service center.

Support call

If your Rostelecom home phone does not work, and checking the device revealed its serviceability, call the technical assistance hotline.

To find out how to call Rostelecom:

  • open the contract, it contains the number for feedback;
  • go to the official website of the provider company. Open the support section, which contains the current company phone number.

Attention! Do not worry about the cost of a call to a landline phone. There is no charge for calling from a mobile phone.

Current phone number Rostelecom 8 800 1000 800, calling there, an answering machine will answer you and indicate further actions depending on the purpose of the call. The hotline is open 24/7, your call will be answered at any time. A call from a mobile phone can be made to 150.

By calling, you will be able to contact a specialist of the unified technical support service. The operator will ask you to specify:

  • contract number,
  • residential address.

Describe in detail the essence of the problem. The operator will try to solve the problem and suggest all the necessary actions to set up the equipment.

Attention! For a prompt solution to the problem, indicate its essence in as much detail as possible.

You can also leave a request for service assistance on the company's website:

  • Please enter the city where you live.
  • At the bottom of the page, click on the feedback section.
  • A window will open in which you will need to specify your personal data, cell number, email.
  • Specify the service for which the question arose and the subject of the appeal.
  • Submit. After processing the application, the company's specialists will contact you.

Payment for services

A simple and obvious reason for the lack of communication may be the disconnection of your number for failure to pay for services on time, in accordance with the connected tariff. In order not to get into such a situation, control your personal account in your personal account on the official website. Using the login and password specified in the contract, you can always log in to your personal account, pay for communication in it, without leaving your home. First of all, when the Rostelecom phone does not work, contact the support service and check your balance.

In the event of disconnection for non-payment, you will need to write an application for the re-provision of services, having paid off the debt before this. You will be told more about this by the hotline number, personal account or at the Rostelecom office. But when you reconnect, you will have to pay a fine for late payment of bills.

Master's call

In a situation where a telephone conversation fails to resolve the problem, the manager will issue an application for the departure of a specialist. After completing the application, he will indicate the date and time of arrival of the technician. At the appointed time, it is required that someone be at home.

Upon the arrival of the master on the call, he will check all possible causes of problems. And, if the breakdown is associated with damage to the cable wiring inside the apartment or private house, you will have to pay the master to call and perform the work. But in the event of a cable break outside your home, the master will perform all the necessary work for free.

Upon completion of the repair work, a call will be made to your phone from the service department to check the operability of the line. As already mentioned, depending on the type of breakdown, you will have to pay for the work of the master, according to the price list provided by the company. In any situation, you can visit the nearest Rostelecom office. And place an application to call the master there.

In many cases, the departure of the master to the call is not required. Many issues can be resolved remotely. Specialists will come, check the quality of communication and correct any errors. After that, they will make a test call to your number to prove the repair of the operability and close the application.

The city telephone, although it has outlived itself for a long time, still remains on duty with many subscribers. But the problems associated with the lack of communication or the quality of the work of city communications have not disappeared anywhere. They both were, and are, and there can be quite a lot of reasons for this. What to do for those people whose home phone is broken or simply stopped working. Where and how to turn for help in such cases

Despite the fact that many subscribers who use mobile communications simply refused to use their home phones. All the same, many users prefer to use this type of communication as an alternative communication option.

On the one hand, this is right, because it is not always possible to use mobile communications, and calls to landline numbers are quite expensive. But this did not make the city connection better, and telephone sets also continue to break down. In this regard, quite often there are questions related to how to determine the cause of the breakdown, if Rostelecom home phone not working, and eliminate it yourself, and if this is not possible, how to call the master of Rostelecom.

home phone not working

So, the first thing you need to determine - what is the problem in your case - in the telephone set or in the line. This is easy enough to do if you have neighbors with a home phone. Enough to ask if they have a city connection or not. The absence of beeps may indicate that there is a break on the line - this can happen quite often in bad weather.

In big cities, the telephone cable has long been hidden underground, in special telephone shafts - but rats can work there too. So this happens quite often. But it's not a fact that the problem is in the line, see if the phone is connected to the connector and how tight it is to hold on there. If it is possible to borrow another telephone set from a neighbor to check its operation on your line, then do it. So you will know for sure the problem is in the phone or in the provider's line.

Telephone line problem

Perhaps this is the problem that occurs most often. There can be many reasons that are often found in everyday life. Here are the most common of these reasons:

  1. Line cable break
  2. Turning off the phone due to company repair work
  3. Maintenance or replacement of equipment

These are the main reasons why your phone may simply not work. In this case, the first step is to call the company's customer support service and establish the reason why your home device does not work. The employee will provide you with information about all routine maintenance and the timing of their implementation. Unfortunately, the company does not warn users about such work in advance and you will have to take care of yourself.

Non-payment for telephone use

The most interesting thing is that many subscribers simply forget to pay for communication services, which is why they are disconnected from the provider's network. In this case, you just need to replenish your account. But you can always check your balance, and in general, control the balance of funds in your account right in your personal account. There is no need to leave the house for this.

If you have access to the Internet, then you can always check it directly through the self-service system. The verification is quite simple, you need to log in, if you have already used this service, then you must have a username and access password.

How to top up a landline phone

If you have a problem with the lack of funds in your account, then you should replenish your balance. To do this, you need a personal account - it is indicated in your contract, which you concluded when connecting a landline phone. The replenishment itself can be performed using a bank card directly on the company's website, in which case it will be without commission. For information on how to pay for a home phone using a personal account, see the address indicated.

How to call the master or call the company's support

If you yourself could not determine the cause of the malfunction, then you should seek help from the company's employees. In this case, there are several ways to contact them.

  1. Call mobile support number 150
  2. Call the operator's landline 8 800 100 08 00
  3. Use the feedback form on the company's website
  4. Contact the nearest company office

Calls to the indicated numbers should be made during business hours, only calls to the number 150 can be taken at any time of the day. You can also always visit the company's office, all available representative offices in your city can be found on Google maps.

Rostelecom landline phone does not work, what should I do? - 2.6 out of 5 based on 13 votes

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