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Continuous operation of the laser pointer. Application use of laser pointers

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Laser pointer power, beam visibility, burning abilities

  • Tell me, how much does the brightness of a laser pointer beam depend on its power?

A beam with a power of up to 20-30 mW is rather poorly visible even at night, but from 50 mW the situation changes dramatically and in the future the increase in power no longer gives such stunning indicators. Those. if you had a 5 mW pointer and you changed it to 50 mW, then your joy and surprise will be much greater than if you change the 50 mW pointer to 200 mW. And although 50 mW and 200 mW do not differ so much in beam brightness, in terms of their incendiary, incendiary and other similar abilities, 200 mW should not be compared with a 50 milliwatt pointer.

  • Tell me, how much does the power of pointers written on them correspond to the real state of affairs?

It often happens that 200 mW is written on the pointer, and when measuring power, it turns out that it gives out 100 somehow .. Such situations happen quite often. The Chinese are very fond of gluing stickers with a power that is obviously higher than it actually is. Moreover, it is very difficult to distinguish the power of 200mw from 100mw with the naked eye and is possible only if you put two pointers side by side - 200 and 100 mW. If you just turn on a 50 mW pointer, give it to a person and say that this pointer is 100 mW, everyone will believe it. Here we must rely on experience.

  • On the Internet, many stores sell these pointers. How are they different from yours? And why are your prices suspiciously cheaper than others?

When in any store they tell you - "Our laser pointers are the best!" - do not believe this because in China (where these pointers come from), the laser diodes used in these pointers are made at the same factory. And all manufacturers of laser pointers (and there are a lot of companies selling them in China) buy these diodes for their products from one manufacturer, and metal cases do not matter much in these devices. Therefore, our pointers are no better and no worse than in other stores. Absolutely the same. All pointers are the same!

Regarding the price - the sale of laser pointers is not our priority, so we do not set ourselves the goal of making as much money as possible on these laser pointers.

  • Tell me, is the beam of your green lasers visible completely or only a point?

During the day, from any pointer, the beam is not completely visible! Only a point is visible, the brightness of which, however, depends entirely on the power of the laser diode. But with the onset of twilight, it all depends on the power of the pointer. The higher the laser power, the earlier in the time of day it will be possible to enjoy this spectacle - a bright juicy beam. Starting with a power of 50 mW, the beam from the pointers will be visible already in early twilight, and in the dark it will seem like a thick green rope and surf the sky within a radius of several thousand meters. At a power of 150-200 mW, the beam will rest against distant clouds, and from 300 mW it will go for many tens of kilometers.

  • What is the continuous operation time of the laser? Well, i.e. you press the button and it's on.

Firstly, it all depends on the power of the laser pointer, and secondly, on the type of batteries or accumulators used. Thirdly, in any case, the manufacturer does not recommend using the pointer continuously for more than 2 minutes, because the laser diode gets very hot during operation and its performance deteriorates, and fourthly, the current flowing through the diode is quite large, and therefore the battery will be very discharged. soon if you shine the pointer continuously.

The recommended mode of operation is as follows: We shine for 30 seconds - we rest for 20 seconds. or we shine for 20 seconds - we rest for 7-10 seconds, so that during this time the diode has time to cool down, and the battery to restore performance. In the mode, we shine for 5-6 seconds and then rest for 1-2 seconds - the work is continuous until the battery is completely discharged. It is this mode that will be the most interesting and optimal for you.

  • From what power do "burning" and "incendiary" abilities begin?

Pointers with a power of up to 100 mW do not burn or set fire to anything. In reality, these properties are manifested on laser pointers with a power of 200 mW or more. But keep in mind that the farther the distance to the object, the weaker these properties. A green laser from 300 mW, and a violet laser from 200 mW already burn through and set fire to objects of dark and red color. Keep in mind that you cannot set fire to white objects with any laser pointer! The white color reflects the laser beam and you will get nothing but a bright spot of light.

  • How much pointer power is required to burn wood?

If the tree is painted black, red (or a very dark color), then with a power of 200 mW you will already be able to burn through the tree, and from 300-400 mW - the smoke will go immediately as soon as you start shining on a piece of wood.

Ways to use and use lasers, laser pointers in life

A laser pointer is an inexpensive handheld laser that is similar in appearance and size to a regular pen.

It is superior to older pointing aids, since only a laser pointer can be used at a distance of several hundred meters, producing a bright spot of light that is very visible to the human eye.

Laser pointers are widely used in offices at various meetings. Now the speaker does not have to get up and go to the board on which the slides are displayed.

In some schools, teachers use laser pointers instead of traditional wooden ones.

In many institutes, lecturers use only laser pointers in lectures, because the board at the institute is much larger than at school.

Green laser pointers have been used in planetariums for a long time so that even a person who is not versed in astronomy can show any star and constellation.

Laser pointers are commonly used in educational institutions and business presentations instead of regular pointers.

Red laser pointers can be used indoors and in the evening in open spaces.

Green laser pointers can be used in the same conditions, but green laser pointers, unlike red ones, are clearly visible on the street during the day and at long distances.

The spot of light produced by a laser pointer attracts cats (and dogs), causing a strong urge to catch it, which is often used by humans when playing with these pets.

Green laser pointers can be used for amateur astronomy. On a moonless night, a green laser pointer beam can be used to point to the stars and constellations.

A precisely positioned laser pointer can be used as a laser sight to aim firearms or airguns.

Laser pointers are used in their designs by radio amateurs as an element of communication within sight.

The pointer with the collimator removed is used in home holography. This is the only known application of the laser in everyday life, where the most valuable property of the laser is used, which fundamentally distinguishes it from the LED - the monochromaticity of the radiation.

Psychologists have long proven the influence of a color stimulus on decision making, it is the green color that will create calmness and harmony.

Your presentations will become spectacular and effective, you will easily surpass your competitors.

This handy and elegant item in a beautiful case can also be a good present for your loved ones or partners.

The compact laser pointer consumes very little battery power and has a long lifespan of 3000-5000 hours.

As we see in our time, laser pointers are used everywhere.

Usage and issues

A variety of ways to use laser pointers in real life. Laser pointers - questions and answers.

Varieties of pointers

Theoretical foundations of semiconductor lasers. Variety of laser pointer colors.

Details »

Hazard classification

Hazard classes of lasers and laser pointers. Danger of laser radiation for humans and vision.


Safety precautions when working with laser pointers and lasers. Laser terrorism and laser bans.

Demonstration of pointers

A selection of interesting videos about laser pointers - burning abilities, power, beauty!

Application of lasers

Types of pointer lasers

Hazard classes

The danger of lasers

Video about lasers

Application use of laser pointers

There are a lot of options for using a laser pointer in life!

The laser pointer is a fashionable modern gadget of the 21st century!

There are a lot of options for using a laser pointer in everyday life:

  • A laser pointer is an inexpensive handheld laser that is similar in appearance and size to a regular pen. It is superior to older pointing aids, since only a laser pointer can be used at a distance of several hundred meters, producing a bright spot of light that is very visible to the human eye.
  • Laser pointers are widely used in offices at various meetings. Now the speaker does not have to get up and go to the board on which the slides are displayed.
  • In some schools, teachers use laser pointers instead of traditional wooden ones.
  • In many institutes, lecturers use only laser pointers in lectures, because the board at the institute is much larger than at school.
  • Green laser pointers have been used in planetariums for a long time so that even a person who is not versed in astronomy can show any star and constellation.
  • Laser pointers are commonly used in educational institutions and business presentations instead of regular pointers. Red laser pointers can be used indoors and in the evening outdoors. Green laser pointers can be used in the same conditions, but green laser pointers, unlike red ones, are clearly visible outdoors during the day and at long distances.
  • The spot of light produced by a laser pointer attracts cats (and dogs), causing a strong urge to catch it, which is often used by humans when playing with these pets.
  • Green laser pointers can be used for amateur astronomy. On a moonless night, a green laser pointer beam can be used to point to the stars and constellations.
  • A precisely positioned laser pointer can be used as a laser sight to aim firearms or airguns.
  • Laser pointers are used in their designs by radio amateurs as an element of communication within sight.
  • The pointer with the collimator removed is used in home holography. This is the only known application of the laser in everyday life, where the most valuable property of the laser is used, which fundamentally distinguishes it from the LED - the monochromaticity of the radiation.
  • Psychologists have long proven the influence of a color stimulus on decision making, it is the green color that will create calmness and harmony. Your presentations will become more impactful and effective, and you will easily outperform your competitors.
  • This handy and elegant item in a beautiful case can also be a good present for your loved ones or partners. The compact laser pointer consumes very little battery power and has a long lifespan of 3000-5000 hours.

As we see in our time, laser pointers are used everywhere.

The most frequently asked questions and detailed, accurate answers to them:

Question : Tell me, how much does the brightness of a laser pointer beam depend on its power?

Answer : A beam with a power of up to 20-30 mW is quite poorly visible even at night, but from 50 mW the situation changes dramatically and in the future the increase in power no longer gives such stunning indicators. Those. if you had a 5 mW pointer and you changed it to 50 mW, then your joy and surprise will be much greater than if you change the 50 mW pointer to 200 mW. And although 50 mW and 200 mW do not differ so much in beam brightness, in terms of their incendiary, incendiary and other similar abilities, 200 mW should not be compared with a 50 milliwatt pointer.

Question : Tell me, how much does the power of the pointers written on them correspond to the real state of affairs?

Answer : It often happens that 200 mW is written on the pointer, and when measuring power, it turns out that it gives out 100 somehow .. Such situations happen quite often. The Chinese are very fond of gluing stickers with a power that is obviously higher than it actually is. Moreover, it is very difficult to distinguish the power of 200mw from 100mw with the naked eye and is possible only if you put two pointers side by side - 200 and 100 mW. If you just turn on a 50 mW pointer, give it to a person and say that this pointer is 100 mW, everyone will believe it. Here we must rely on experience.

Question A: There are many stores selling these pointers on the Internet. How are they different from yours? And why are your prices suspiciously cheaper than others?

Answer : When in any store they tell you - "Our laser pointers are the best!" - do not believe this because in China (where these pointers come from), the laser diodes used in these pointers are made in one factory . And all manufacturers of laser pointers (and there are a lot of companies selling them in China) buy these diodes for their products from one manufacturer, and metal cases do not matter much in these devices. Therefore, our pointers are no better and no worse than in other stores. Absolutely the same.All pointers are the same! Regarding the price - the sale of laser pointers is not our priority, so we do not set ourselves the goal of making as much money as possible on these laser pointers.

Question : Tell me, is the beam of your green lasers visible completely or only a point?

Answer : During the day, the beam is not completely visible from any pointer! Only a point is visible, the brightness of which, however, depends entirely on the power of the laser diode. But with the onset of twilight, it all depends on the power of the pointer. The higher the laser power, the earlier in the time of day it will be possible to enjoy this spectacle - a bright juicy beam. Starting with a power of 50 mW, the beam from the pointers will be visible already in early twilight, and in the dark it will seem like a thick green rope and surf the sky within a radius of several thousand meters. At a power of 150-200 mW, the beam will rest against distant clouds, and from 300 mW it will go for many tens of kilometers.

Question : What is the continuous operation time of the laser? Well, i.e. you press the button and it's on.

Answer A: Firstly, it all depends on the power of the laser pointer, and secondly, on the type of batteries or accumulators used. Thirdly, in any case, the manufacturer does not recommend using the pointer continuously for more than 2 minutes, because the laser diode gets very hot during operation and its performance deteriorates, and fourthly, the current flowing through the diode is quite large, and therefore the battery will be very discharged. soon if you shine the pointer continuously. The recommended mode of operation is as follows: We shine for 30 seconds - we rest for 20 seconds. or we shine for 20 seconds - we rest for 7-10 seconds, so that during this time the diode has time to cool down, and the battery to restore performance. In the mode, we shine for 5-6 seconds and then rest for 1-2 seconds - the work is continuous until the battery is completely discharged. It is this mode that will be the most interesting and optimal for you.

Question : From what power do "burning" and "incendiary" abilities begin?

Answer : Pointers with a power of up to 100 mW do not burn or set fire to anything. In reality, these properties are manifested on laser pointers with a power of 200 mW or more. But keep in mind that the farther the distance to the object, the weaker these properties. A green laser from 300 mW, and a violet laser from 200 mW already burn through and set fire to objects of dark and red color. Keep in mind that you cannot set fire to white objects with any laser pointer! The white color reflects the laser beam and you will get nothing but a bright spot of light.

Question : How much pointer power is required to burn wood?

Answer : If the wood is painted black, red (or very dark), then with a power of 200 mW you can already burn the wood, and from 300-400 mW - the smoke will go immediately as soon as you start shining on a piece of wood.

You can imagine what it is, but often the question arises: Why are they needed at all?

To answer this question, first of all, it is necessary to understand which groups of people may theoretically need laser pointers. After all, the range of use of these devices is very wide. They are used in presentations by various lecturers and storytellers, DJs, astronomers, climbers, travelers, fishermen, miners and just people who want to enjoy and surprise others with the power of this gadget of the future.

Let's consider each of these groups in more detail.

The first and most obvious is the various lecturers, storytellers, guides. Imagine what a powerful tool for controlling the attention of their listeners these people have with the purchase of a green laser pointer. Now you no longer need auxiliary words like "top right", "center left" and the like, which distract and relax. Now it is enough to turn on your pointer for a couple of seconds and all listeners, without exception, will look where the narrator is pointing.

Everyone has been on field trips. How often have you had to mentally lengthen the guide's arm in order to understand where he is pointing? I think regularly. But if your guide would have bought a green laser pointer in advance or given it to him, then how much faster, clearer, more informative and interesting the street tour would become!

The second and less obvious, in view of the improbability of such an assumption, the group is astronomers and simply lovers of looking at the starry sky. Why "incredibility"? Because you can’t believe it right away (until you try it) that powerful laser pointers can shine for 20, 30 and even 50 kilometers! And this is more than the thickness of the atmospheric layer of our planet. And, therefore, when pointing at the sky at night, you see how your laser beam pierces the sky and goes into the distance, to the stars! You seem to be pointing straight at a star! Again, no more words like "To the right", "To the left", "Under the big dipper" are needed. How difficult it was for astronomers of the past without such a device.

Laser pointers are portable devices that have emitters that generate waves of electromagnetic coherent and monochromatic origin in the visible range in a beam form. The emitters can be laser diodes or full-fledged solid-state lasers.

There are several types of laser pointers that differ in the types of emitters and come in the following colors:

  • Red;
  • the Greens;
  • Blue;
  • Turquoise;
  • Blue;
  • purple;
  • yellow;
  • Orange.

LU red

These LUs are the cheapest and most common. They work from a conventional button-type battery, based on red laser diodes with an emission spectrum of 650-660 nm. They are equipped with driver boards that manage power. For radiation in the form of a narrow beam, lenses convex on both sides, called collimators, are used.

Red LUs are mostly low-power up to 1-100 mW. Their characteristic feature is that the red diodes “burn out” rather soon, reducing the radiation intensity, which is why most of these pointers, after a couple of months of operation, begin to shine worse, regardless of the battery charge.

LU green (green laser)

During the day, the human eye is more sensitive to green colors than to red ones (about 6-10 times). Thanks to this, the green laser shines more brightly. However, at night the opposite is true.

Green laser diodes are extremely expensive, so solid-state lasers with diodes are used to create green lasers. They are not as expensive as green laser diodes, but more valuable than red ones. The green laser wavelength is 532 nm, with an efficiency of approximately 20%. Green LUs are more energy-intensive than red ones, as a result, it is difficult to select units powered by button batteries.

LU blue

They began to be produced in 2006, the scheme of action is similar to green laser. The wavelength of blue is 490 nm, turquoise is 473 nm, and blue is 445 nm. The emitter is a solid-state powerful laser. Blue LUs are very expensive, diodes are not so expensive, but are not widely used. The blue radiation of the laser is extremely dangerous for the eyes. Efficiency approximately 3%.

LU yellow

The wavelength of yellow LUs is 593.5 nm. There are also their orange "colleagues" with a wavelength of 635 nm. Efficiency - a little more than 1%.

LU purple

LU with violet laser diodes have a wavelength of 400-410 nm. This is near the limit in the range that the human eye perceives, so this light is seen as dim.

The light from violet lasers causes fluorescence, and the brightness of luminous objects becomes more intense than in the laser itself. The LU series was launched with the advent of a drive for the Blu-ray optical media, in which a laser diode with a wavelength of the corresponding radiation was used.

LU: application

  • LU is often used by educational institutions, for example for physical experiments, as well as for presentations;
  • The light point that the laser beam forms attracts the attention of pets. Especially cats and dogs react to them, which often leads people to play with these pets;
  • Green LUs are used in both amateur and professional astronomical research. Green LEs are used to determine the directions of stars and constellations;
  • LU are used as laser designators, for accurate aiming of firearms or pneumatic weapons;
  • LU are used by radio amateurs as a communication element within visible boundaries;
  • Red LUs with detached collimators are used to create amateur holographs;
  • Laboratory practice uses LU (especially green ones) to detect impurities or suspensions of mechanical origin in liquids, gases or any transparent substances in small quantities, which are invisible to the naked eye.

Laser Safety

Laser radiation is dangerous if it gets into the eyes.

Ordinary LUs have a power of 1-5 mW, they are classified as 2-3A hazard classes. They can be dangerous if the beam is directed into the eyes of people for quite long periods or with the help of optical instruments. LU with a power of 50-300 mW is classified as 3B-class. They are dangerous causing severe damage to the retina, even with short-term exposure to a direct laser beam.

Be aware that low power DPSS green pointers use significantly more powerful IR lasers and do not guarantee adequate IR filtering. These types of radiation are not visible and, as a result, are much more dangerous for the eyes of people and animals.

In addition, LUs can have exceptionally irritating effects. Especially if the beam gets into the eyes of drivers or pilots, which can distract their attention or even lead to blindness. In some countries, such acts are criminalized. For example, in 2018, an American was sentenced to almost two years in prison for briefly blinding a pilot in a police helicopter with a powerful laser.

In recent years, there have been more and more numerous "laser incidents" in developed countries caused by requirements to limit or prohibit drugs. Currently, the legislation of New South Wales provides for a fine for possession of a license plate, and for committing a "laser attack" - imprisonment of up to 14 years.

The use of LU is prohibited by the rules during football matches. For example, the Algerian Football Federation was fined 50,000 Swiss francs for blinding Russian goalkeeper Igor Akinfeev with a laser pointer during the 2014 World Cup.

The most powerful laser pointer

Not so long ago, it became known about the appearance of the most powerful pocket laser, the “king” of the LU or the “Jedi sword”. A small, powerful laser can burn through thin plastics, blow up balloons, set paper on fire, and blind people. The device of the Chinese manufacturer Wicked Lasers only briefly resembles popular LUs, but has a larger body.

Often a laser pointer with a tiny cylinder that emits a red laser beam is used by children for play or for presentations at school. However, the Wicked Lasers new generation pointer for children will not be a toy. And this is no coincidence, because the output power of a Chinese laser pointer is tens and hundreds of times more significant than that of ordinary inexpensive LUs.

Surprisingly, the Chinese "green supermodel" with a beam power of 0.3 watts reaches an "exposure range" of up to 193 kilometers.

If you have any questions - leave them in the comments below the article. We or our visitors will be happy to answer them.

The proposed design can be useful for protecting non-permanent openings - windows, doors, passages - or installed along the perimeter of an open object. The principle of operation is triggered by the interruption of the laser beam by the intruder. Despite its simplicity, the system turned out to be quite reliable and economical, and the red laser operating in the short pulse mode is almost invisible to the intruder.

Figure 1. Scheme of the transmitter of the laser security system

The transmitter, the circuit of which is shown above, consists of a short pulse generator and a current amplifier loaded with a laser pointer, which is easy to find in almost any stall. The generator is assembled on the elements DD1.1, DD1.2 and, with the ratings of the frequency-setting circuit indicated in the diagram, operates at a frequency of about 5 Hz. Next, the signal is fed to the C2R3 differentiating circuit, which generates short pulses with a duration of about 10 μs. This not only makes the device economical (one six-volt 476 battery is enough for more than a year of continuous operation of the transmitter), but also invisible to the intruder.

Next, the pulses are aligned in shape and amplitude by the elements DD1.3, DD1.4 and fed to an amplifier assembled on a transistor VT1. The amplifier is loaded on a laser pointer, which is being finalized - the batteries are excluded and the cone-shaped tip is removed. Resistor R7, connected in series with a resistor “imprinted” into the laser flashlight board itself (its value is about 50 ohms), is a current-limiting one for the laser LED, the SA1 toggle switch turns on the continuous operation of the emitter, which is necessary to align the transmitter-receiver system.

For greater savings and frequency stability, the DD1 microcircuit is powered by a voltage reduced to 3-4 V, the excess is quenched by resistor R6. The average current consumption by the transmitter does not exceed 10 μA, the LED consumes about 20 mA per pulse, so there is no power switch. The transmitter remains operational (of course, with a decrease in range) when the supply voltage drops to 4.5 V.

The receiver, the circuit of which is shown in Figure 2, is assembled on an integrated circuit DA1, the sensing element is a photodiode FD263-01. When replacing it, it is necessary to take into account the length of the illumination pulses - the response time of the LED to illumination should be 5-10 times lower than the duration of the laser pulse.

In its place, for example, FD320, FD-11K, FD-K-142, KOF122 (A, B) and many others will be able to work. In response to each burst of the transmitter, the receiver generates a high-level pulse with CMOS amplitude at the output. It can be used for further processing. To exclude external illumination, the photodiode must be installed in an opaque tube that acts as a hood.

Setting up the system is reduced to its alignment. This is done visually, pointing the laser beam at the photodetector as accurately as possible. To do this, the switch SA1 includes a transmitter for continuous radiation. After the alignment is complete, both the receiver and the transmitter must be firmly fixed. In principle, such a system does not require “micron” adjustment. During the experiments, it worked reliably when the photodetector, located at a distance of 50 m from the transmitter, was in a radiation scatter circle with a diameter of 30 cm.

Based on the materials of "Radio" No. 7, 2002

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