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Unknown Error 50. iTunes Errors (Causes and Solutions)

Almost every user iTunes faced with the fact that the program refused to perform any action and showed a pop-up window with the number of the error that occurred ...

What do these iTunes errors mean and how to solve the problems that have arisen - more on that below ...

Cause of error 1: The iTunes version is too old or the firmware does not match the device.

Solution for error 1: Update iTunes to latest version, download the firmware again (make sure you are downloading the correct firmware version).

Cause of error 2: The downloaded firmware is not packaged correctly.

Solution for error 2: Most likely, you are trying to install custom firmware (not the original assembly). Just download original firmware, or use third party software for custom settings firmware.

Cause of error 3: This error the user can observe the completion of the iPhone, iPad firmware, which may indicate a faulty modem inside the device.

Solution for error 3: In fact, the error is similar to error -1, and if the latter is corrected by recovery mode, then error No. 3 can only be solved at the service center by replacing the modem.

Cause of error 5: The firmware is not installed in the mode for which it is intended. (DFU Mode/Recovery Mode).

Solution for error 5:

Cause of error 6: Firmware installation error due to corrupted Boot/Recovery logo (occurs when installing custom firmware). Solution for error 6: Download the original firmware, or try to install in different modes(DFU Mode/Recovery Mode).
Cause of error 8: iTunes can't install firmware because it doesn't fit this device(for example, install firmware from iPod Touch on the iPhone).

Solution for error 8: Download the original firmware for your device model.

Cause of error 9: Kernel Panic. Critical kernel error. Analog blue screen Windows. It may occur when data transmission over the cable is interrupted at the time of installation. Or when using poorly assembled custom firmware.

Solution for error 9: Check USB port and connector for iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch.

Cause of error 10: No LLB found in the firmware ( low level Bootloader), installation is not possible.

Solution for error 10: Rebuild custom firmware or use the original one.

Cause of error 11: Some of the files were not found in the firmware.

Solution for error 11: Rebuild custom firmware or use the original one.

Cause of error 13: The cable or USB port is damaged. Or beta version You are trying to install iOS from under Windows.

Solution for error 13: Change USB and cable. May also help disabling usb 2.0 in BIOS.

Cause of error 14: Broken firmware file. Or a problem with the cable or USB port.

Solution for error 14: Disable your antivirus. Change USB and cable. Try the original firmware.

Cause of error 17: Trying to update non-original firmware (custom).

Solution for error 17: In this case, you need to restore the device from DFU or Recovery Mode.

Cause of error 20: The device is in Recovery Mode.

Solution for error 20: In this case, you need to enter DFU Mode.

Cause of error 26: Errors when compiling the firmware.

Solution for error 26: Download another firmware.

Cause of error 27 and 29: An iTunes error that occurs in older versions of the program.

Solution for error 27 and 29: Update iTunes to the latest version.

Cause of error 28: Malfunction of the 30-pin/Lightning cable or connector in the device.

Solution for error 28: Repair at a service center or replace the 30-pin/Lightning cable.

Cause of error 34: There is not enough space to install the software (on the hard disk).

Solution for error 34: Free up some space for installing the software (on the drive where iTunes is installed).

Cause of error 35: Incorrect folder permissions (the problem occurs on Mac OS).

Solution for error 35: In enter:
sudo chmod -R 700 /Users//Music/iTunes/iTunes Media
, where is the username.

Cause of error 39: The error occurs while syncing photos.

Solution for error 39: Several of your photos cause this error, you need to find them using the exclusion from synchronization method.

Cause of error 40, 306, 10054: Problems connecting to the server.

Solution for error 40, 306, 10054: It is necessary to disable anti-virus software, proxy, clear the browser cache.

Cause of error 54: Occurs when purchases are transferred from the device to iTunes.

Solution for error 54: You can try a number of things:

  • iTunes > store > Authorize this PC
  • Delete C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes\SC Info
  • Exclude music from synchronization by deleting the folder (then you can return the folder to its place)
Cause of error 414: The content is intended for persons over 17 years of age.

Solution for error 414: Agree to such policies or change your date of birth in your account settings.

Reason for error 1004: Temporary problems with the Apple server.

Solution for error 1004: Flash later.

Reason for error 1008: Apple ID has invalid characters.

Solution for error 1008: To avoid such an error, you must use only Apple ID letters and numbers.

Cause of error 1011, 1012: iPhone/iPad modem problem.

Solution for error 1011, 1012: Hardware problem, needs repair.

Cause of error 1013, 1014, 1015: When checking the firmware, after updating, a mismatch error occurred.

Solution for error 1013, 1014, 1015: You need to download the TinyUmbrella utility. Use the Kick Device Out of Recovery function in it.

Reason for error 1050: Servers Apple activation temporarily unavailable.

Solution for error 1050: Activate the device after a while.

Reason for error 1394: The operating system files of the device are corrupted.

Solution for error 1394: Restore the device or try to jailbreak again if the error appeared after it.

Cause of error 14**: Cable communication error.

Solution for error 14**: Either the firmware file is broken (you need to download another one), or the usb cable is broken.

Cause of error 1600, 1611: The error occurs when installing custom firmware via DFU mode.

Solution for error 1600, 1611: Try to install via Recovery Mode.

Reason for error 1609:

Solution for error 1609:

Reason for error 1619: iTunes is too old for your device.

Solution for error 1619: Update iTunes to the latest version.

Cause of error 1644: The firmware file is accessed third party programs.

Solution for error 1644: Restart your computer, turn off antiviruses if you are not working with the firmware file yourself.

Cause of error 2001: The error occurs on Mac OS. Problem with drivers.

Solution for error 2001: Update MacOS.

Reason for error 2002: Third-party processes work with iTunes, thereby blocking access.

Solution for error 2002: If it's not an antivirus, then restart your computer.

Cause of error 2003: Problems with the USB port.

Solution for error 2003: Use a different USB port.

Cause of error 2005: Problems with the data cable.

Solution for error 2005: Use a different data cable.

Cause of error 2502 and 2503: Installer errors due to limited access to temporary files. Found on Windows 8.

Solution for error 2502 and 2503: The problem is solved by adding full user access to the C:\Windows\Temp folder. This is done as follows:

  • press right click mouse over the folder C:\Windows\Temp;
  • go along the path "Properties - Security - Edit" and select your user;
  • tick the box next to Full access”, then you need to save the changes.
Cause of error 3000, 3004, 3999: Error accessing the Apple server.

Solution for error 3000, 3004, 3999: Access blocked by some program. For example antivirus. Disable them, reboot.

Cause of error 3001, 5103, -42110: iTunes can't download the video due to hash errors.

Solution for error 3001, 5103, -42110: Update iTunes
Delete the SC Info folder:

  • Win7 - C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes
  • Vista - C:\Program Data\Apple Computer\iTunes
  • Mac OS - /users/Shared/SC Info
Reason for error 3002, 3194: There are no hashes stored on the server. (Apple or Saurika).

Solution for error 3002, 3194: Update to stable version firmware. Remove line: from hosts file in:

  • Win - C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
  • Mac OS - /etc/hosts
Turn off antiviruses, try to restore via shift. Also, an error may occur when trying to rollback to previous version iOS. IN Lately downgrade is not possible, feel free to update to the latest version of iOS. A complex error, the explanations for which were highlighted in a separate article -.
Cause of error 3123: Problems authorizing a computer in iTunes.
Reason for error 3195: Error receiving SHSH.

Solution for error 3195: Try updating the firmware again.

Reason for error 5002: Payment refusal.

Solution for error 5002: Look for errors in the completed bank card details.

Cause of error 8008, -50, -5000, -42023: The firmware download session has expired.

Solution for error 8008, -50, -5000, -42023: Delete Downloads folder in your iTunes folders media.

Cause of error 8248: The problem occurs if plug-ins for iTunes are installed that are incompatible with new versions of the program.

Solution for error 8248: Remove iTunes plugins. It often happens that the problem is in the Memonitor.exe process, close it.

Cause of error 9006: Something is blocking the download of the firmware.

Solution for error 9006: Download the firmware from another place, or solve the problem with antiviruses.

Reason for error 9807: Something is blocking verification of signatures and certificates.

Solution for error 9807: Solve the problem with antiviruses.

Reason for error 11222: Access blocked.

Solution for error 11222: Disable your firewall and antivirus.

Cause of error 13014, 13136, 13213: Something gets in the way work iTunes.

Solution for error 13014, 13136, 13213: Update iTunes, restart your computer, turn off your antivirus software. The problem should be gone.

Cause of error 13001: The media library file is corrupted.

Solution for error 13001: Delete iTunes library files.

Cause of error 20000: An error may occur when using a non-standard windows themes.

Solution for error 20000: Install default theme Windows.

Reason for error -39: iTunes cannot download music from iTunes Store.

Solution for error -39:

Cause of error -50: I'm having trouble connecting to the server.

Solution for error -50: Update iTunes. Relogin your account. Turn off your antivirus software.

Reason for error -3259: Connection timeout exceeded.

Solution for error -3259: Update iTunes. Check if you have an internet connection. Delete pending downloads, logging out/logging in might help iTunes account. If it doesn't help, try restarting your computer.

Reason for error -9800, -9812, -9815, -9814: The system time and date are incorrectly set.

Solution for error -9800, -9812, -9815, -9814: Set, in the system settings, correct date and time.

Cause of error 0xE8000022: damaged iOS files.

Solution for error 0xE8000022: Restore firmware.

Cause of error 0xE8000001, 0xE8000050:

Solution for error 0xE8000001, 0xE8000050: Reinstall the AppSync tweak from Cydia.

Cause of error 0xE8008001: The problem occurs when installing applications on a jailbroken device.

Solution for error 0xE8008001: Install the AppSync tweak from Cydia.

Cause of error 0xE8000013: Synchronization error.

Solution for error 0xE8000013: Synchronize your device again.

Cause of error 0xE8000065: Mistake in operating system.

Solution for error 0xE8000065: Restart your computer, use a different USB port. If it does not help, then the problem is in iTunes and you will need to restore the firmware.

If you did not find the answer to your question or something did not work out for you, but there are no comments below suitable solution ask a question through our

If when using Apple devices iPod You're getting error 50 iPod, which means something has gone wrong. Typically, this problem is caused by an error that occurs after the request timed out (waited). If you understand what can cause this error, you should pay attention to such software products like Braurdman, Firewall, AD filters, Antiviruses.

To solve the problem you need, firstly, find out what programs you have installed. If among them are those that we have listed above, then you need to configure them so that iTunes can normally communicate with and

It is also possible that, during firmware, error 50 iPod occurs when trying to download video content. When fixing this situation, you first need to delete the video download cache, which can be located in one of the following files:

  1. Mac: ~/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/Downloads Note: The tilde (~) refers to your Home directory.
  2. Windows Vista: \Users\username\Music\iTunes\iTunes Music\Downloads\
  3. Windows XP and 2000: \Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\My Music\iTunes\iTunes Music\Downloads\.
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Then you need to find the downloaded video file. It can be determined by the extension, it will be the following - TEMP (*.tmp). Then try downloading again from the beginning.

If again during recovery it issues Unknown error 50 iPod, you can try the second method. To do this, you need to delete the folder located in the iPod itself, which is located in /private/var/mobile/Media/iTunes_Control (do not forget about backup). You should then run Tuna and define your device as new. At the end, we synchronize our applications, after which the device should work.

The ideal option, of course, would be to contact a specialized service center. This will save you from various difficulties that arise when an unknown error 50 iPod occurs during the firmware.

But for everyone who wants to independently correct the malfunctions that have arisen during the firmware, we advise you to follow our recommendations. They can be applied to such models as Touch 5, 4, Nano 7, 6, Classic.

Recovery, flashing and synchronization should be carried out with the latest version of iTunes. If it does not exist, it is advisable to update it.

If after that you get an unknown error 50 iPod when syncing and updating, try disconnecting the device, then reconnecting it and trying again (firmware).

Also, disabling the use of iPod devices as external drive and then retrying. If this does not help and you get an unknown error 50 iPod when connecting and flashing, try re-enabling the use of your iPod as an external drive and update again.

The next step is to try disabling other USB devices connected to the computer, while the mouse and keyboard should be left in working condition, that is, connected.

If your iPod is still showing an error in the firmware, try using a different USB port, ideally if it is on the back system block. Restarting or using a different computer can also save the day.

In any case, if errors occur during firmware, synchronization, or recovery, you can try to fix the problems yourself. If the result is negative, you should trust the help of specialists. Our service center will help you quickly solve your problems. In doing so, you will spend a minimum of time and money. We will be glad to help you!

Due to incorrect installation application functionality and iPhone settings 5S can be seriously violated. Often, if the phone is frozen, the only solution to return the health of the device from Apple is to conduct standard procedure recovery. Let's describe how to completely return the previous functionality to the "apple" device.

Device recovery methods

In the iPhone, various kinds of problems can occasionally occur - glitches appear, the phone does not respond to button presses, or the wait is too long. Recovery methods in these cases may differ, however, if the problem is serious, often when using more “soft” methods of resetting parameters, failures occur 47, 14, 4014,4013, 4005, 3194, etc.

Normal reboot (Soft Reset)

When a gadget is frozen, sometimes you can bring it out of this state by rebooting:

  1. Simultaneously press and hold power buttons and Home for about 10 seconds;
  2. Release the keys when the apple logo appears.

It is possible that glitches in iPhone operation 5S will then disappear.

Reset via the settings menu

iPhone 5S recovery is activated, including through standard means gadget:

Here, out of the six proposed points, only two can interest us:

  • “reset settings”, which returns the phone to its original state while saving all user data;
  • "reset settings and content" - all existing data is destroyed, only factory settings are returned.

Waiting for such a reset should last less than a minute, but if the device freezes tightly and the described recovery methods do not suit you, you will have to act through iTunes.

We use the standard Recovery Mode

Make sure you're all set to reset in Recovery mode:

  • itunes updated,
  • USB cable connected to the computer.

If all the preparatory steps are completed, you can restore the iPhone 5S.

Reset sequence

The sequence of actions for restart iPhone 5S in Recovery mode is as follows:

The process will go to automatic mode. After a maximum of 3 minutes, you will receive the corrected settings and saved user information.

Update in DFU mode bypassing iOS phone

Unlike the one discussed above, updating in this mode will destroy user information on the iPhone 5S, so it is advisable to make a backup before performing it. But such a reinstallation of the OS often helps to avoid failures with codes 50, 47, 14, 3014, 3194, 4005, 4013, 4014, etc. Do not forget to download through the site Apple support the latest version of iOS for your phone. For this:

  • go to and select the name of your device in the corresponding field;
  • in the The Model drop-down list, specify the device model;
  • select the iOS version (for iPhone 5S, it cannot be lower than the seventh one);
  • click Download and get ready to download a multi-gigabyte file.

The update itself is performed as follows:

  1. Connect your device to your computer via a USB cable.
  2. Put the gadget into DFU mode, for which follow following settings:

○ hold down the Power and Home buttons;

○ after the screen goes blank, release the Power key while continuing to hold Home (the wait will take 10 seconds);

○ if you have logged in to DFU correctly, iTunes computer will notify you that the device is in the appropriate mode, while the device itself will remain turned off, nothing should be displayed on the display.

If backup copy missing, it remains just to disconnect the device from the computer. It should be noted that updating the device in DFU mode due to formatting the memory and installing the OS already in its cleared area, it passes more correctly, while failures 47, 3194, 4005, etc. occur quite rarely. Therefore, in case of serious problems, if the gadget freezes and conventional ways do not help, you need to restore it through DFU.

Errors that prevent updating the firmware and how to fix them

Sometimes due to different reasons it is not possible to complete the process of flashing the phone due to the occurrence of errors, each of which has its own code - 50, 47, 14, 3194, 4005, 4013, 4014, etc. Consider the error codes, as a result of which they occur and how to fix them.


Error 50 occurs due to the lack of a response to the application from the server. At number 50, it occurs not only during the firmware, but also when downloading any content from the iTunes Store. Usually the cause is the antivirus software settings.

To solve the problem when code 50 appears, do the following:

  1. Log out and log back into your iTunes account;
  2. Disable everything antivirus applications;
  3. Try to re-download iOS for the device;
  4. To solve the problem with the appearance of fault 50, you can also try to remove iTunes and reinstall it.

It is not always that performing these actions leads to the fact that code 50 stops interfering with updating the phone. Sometimes the 50th error is the result of the actions of viruses that delete files associated with iTunes. Therefore, if there is no result, scan your PC for viruses and get rid of them if found.

Sometimes error 50 disappears after cleaning the system of garbage (temporary folders and files) with the appropriate software when updating drivers. Can check system files OS sfc command/scannow (in the Run window field, run as administrator) - important Windows data, including those associated with the appearance of code 50.


Error 3014 occurs when there is not enough free space to the HDD when updating. Firmware during the update takes up a lot of space, so error 3014 is often fixed by freeing up disk space. To do this, simply delete unnecessary music and movies, trash, etc.


You may be dealing with a storage chip hardware issue when you see Error 47. This is even more indicated by the lack of information about the modem firmware version and IMEI in the About device section. Code 47 also appears when moisture enters the modem. The case is serious - they can get rid of No. 47 only in the service by replacing the microcircuit.

Sometimes Windows itself throws Error 47 even though it seems to be an iTunes error. This is due to the fact that the OS cannot use the device, since it is prepared for safe shutdown, but not yet disconnected from the computer. Then, to eliminate failure 47, it is enough to remove the device from the socket and reconnect it.


Error 14 may not allow you to reset the settings and update the phone for several reasons at once. First, code 14 will cause a crash due to corrupted firmware files. Often error 14 occurs when trying to install non-original iOS on an iPhone. The solution to problem 14 during installation is to download the archive from the support site again.

The 14th error often occurs due to problems with the equipment, in particular with the USB port or the cable itself. To eliminate No. 14, it will be enough to replace the cable or connect a gadget for iOS updates to another port. Sometimes the problem arises due to false positive antivirus - change settings or disable applications - error 14 may disappear.


In the very simple case code 3194 indicates that iTunes version, with which you are trying to flash the iPhone 5S, is outdated. To fix Error 3194 in this case, just reinstall this software on the computer.

Also, the appearance of code 3194 during the update indicates that the Apple server does not have SHSH hashes for this firmware together with your gadget. Therefore, go to this version iOS you can't- error 3194 fixed after download current version OS for the gadget.

You can also try removing the data from the hosts file. The file is located:

  • C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts (Windows);
  • /etc/hosts - (Mac OS).

Try to remove the code 3194 disable the security software. On the iPhone 5S, fault 3194 also occurs when you try to roll back to old version OS - in modern iOS such Downgrade is not possible.


The device issues code 4005 when a critical error occurs while updating the device. It may occur in Recovery mode. Therefore, in order for Error 4005 for any systemic reasons did not interfere with the recovery process, run it in DFU mode. Also try using a different USB cable. Also, sometimes disabling the antivirus helps to eliminate the 4005 update failure.

Problem 4005 may also be the result of not the most fresh versions ON. Try downloading the latest firmware, reinstall iTunes, and then flash your phone in DFU mode. As a last resort, try to avoid crash 4005 by moving your work to another iTunes computer. If this does not help, error 4005 is probably the result of hardware problems that can only be fixed in the service.

2005, 2009

Codes 2005 and 2009 usually indicate problems with the data cable. In order to be able to reflash the device and avoid crashes in 2005 and 2009, disconnect USB devices on the PC, leaving only the keyboard with mouse and the gadget itself. Perform a restore again.

If the problems with the appearance of Error 2005 and 2009 could not be solved, try disabling antivirus applications and scan the PC system files for damage.

4014, 4013

The appearance of codes 4013 and 4014 during the recovery process indicates the occurrence critical errors and that the device cannot upload the firmware file. The first problem with Error 4013 can be solved by flashing in DFU mode.

Failure 4014 may be able to be fixed if you try to reflash the device from another PC. In both cases, it is advisable to use a different USB cable.

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    Sister kills second iPhone in a month. I drowned the first one, it dried up and works, but it shines ominously with a flash of a third of the glow, all the time. The second allegedly covered itself, according to her assurances, rolled into, we have already gone through this.

    Briefly - cellular communication no, writes Search even with it taken out SIM card. Everything else is working fine.

    The iPhone could not be restored. unknown error occurred (50)

    Last time, the case ended with the replacement of the tube under warranty, so I had no big illusions, but I did everything that was available to me.

    1. Reload. Haha. It didn't help, of course.
    2. Update iOS. I tried, especially since version 10.3.2 was offered just. The system is downloaded over the air, the update process ends somewhere near the end.
    3. Reset network settings. Reset. In order not to clutter up the list, I dropped everything in sequence, up to the complete erasure of content and settings, that is, to the factory state. The picture has not changed.
    4. Update from using iTunes. Tried. This is where error 50 appears for the first time.(not -50), the most mystical bug I've come across. The difference with the over-the-air update is significant, while the phone is “corrupted”, the system does not boot, it needs to be connected to a computer for recovery.
    5. Subsequent attempts to restore or update the system through iTunes ended in exactly the same way. It is advised to change the USB port, cable, computer, update iTunes, restart the computer. Sounds stupid, but I did all this, to no avail.
    6. Everything, none regular ways nothing left to do. A couple of citizens with a similar problem reported that they managed to overcome error 50 by heating the phone during the recovery process with a hairdryer. Well, I also tried to do this, 3 or 4 times - it did not help.

    Bottom line - none of the methods helped me, but some help others, it happens, that's why I put it all together here.

    The initial problem seems to be “iron”, contacts are lost somewhere on (or in) the modem chip. They say that for a short time, for a week or two, it is treated with heat, but either I didn’t heat it enough, or the case is serious. Further - to the service, to "roll the modem" or something like that. In simple terms - they solder, solder, in short, someone with a soldering iron and skills is required.

    He took it to the nearest service, the master there, somewhere behind closed doors, spoke and delivered a verdict - someone had already repaired the phone, and in such a way that it would not be possible to fix it again. It's funny, but this phone was really repaired, just in the same service.

    The result - the corpse of the iPhone 5 is in my hands. Of course, I will take it to another workshop to get an alternative conclusion, but most likely it will be a khan. It is unprofitable to repair it at a high price, “fives” are now selling for $150 or something like that.

    If I had known the outcome in advance, I would not have tormented him, let him remain on duty as an "ipod".

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