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Not a stable yota 4g signal. Weak Yota signal

Yota is a federal wireless operator. The shareholder of the telecommunications campaign is Megafon OJSC. According to the data of the first quarter of 2015, the Yota subscriber base was 1.2 million users. In March of the same year, the operator launched 4G networks in 39 regions of Russia.

Mobile Internet from "Yota"

The broadband 4G Internet from Yota operates in the LTE standard - this technology provides high-speed access in cases where the use of digital DSL lines is technically impossible or economically impractical.

At the moment, access to the Internet from "Yota" can be provided by the following devices:

Yota modems

4G LTE Modem

These are compact USB devices weighing about 50 g and providing high-speed network connection. Modem The modem can be connected directly to a laptop or computer, or be installed in router with USB port... The last scheme is used to distribute the Internet from one modem to several computers.

4G LTE + WiFi Modems

The same USB modems, but with a WiFi network function. They replace the router, that is, to distribute the Internet, such a modem is not connected to the router, but simply to any 5V USB power supply, incl. the USB socket of the car radio will do.

Pocket routers Yota

4G / WiFi hotspot with built-in 3G and LTE support. The router is equipped with a battery and works in an autonomous mode up to 8 hours, it is possible to use it outdoors. When connected to a PC, it can be used as a USB router.

Yota Internet centers

Internet center with connection to 3G / 4G networks. Supports connection of consumer clients via both wired LAN ports and WiFi. A number of models have an RJ-11 telephone jack for connecting a landline phone and making calls via a SIM card.

4G antennas - amplifiers

Due to its design and increased size (25-50 cm), they amplify the carrier signal and thereby increase the speed and stability of the Yota Internet.

Repeaters amplifying Yota 4G


Despite the similarity to light, microwave radiation has a slightly higher penetrating power. It is able to pass through objects that are opaque to visible light, provided that they do not conduct an electric current. On the other hand, due to the significant wavelength, the usual metal mesh-netting, which traps only a small part of the visible light, can become an almost insurmountable obstacle for microwave waves. This also applies to metal rods in reinforced concrete. If you are in a reinforced concrete house, and even more so in a construction trailer, sheathed with solid sheet metal, bring the modem to the window, and the reception will noticeably improve. If the modem is directly connected to the computer, use a USB extension cable, but not any one, but one that meets the requirements of the USB 2.0 standard, otherwise the data transfer speed will be slightly slower.

Microwave radiation can also be delayed and even re-reflected by large objects such as neighboring houses. Re-reflection is capable of creating a so-called interference pattern, consisting of minima and maxima. signal... To find the maximum, also use a USB extension cable. Since the signal strength indicator reacts to changes in reception conditions with some delay, move the modem around the room slowly, both horizontally and vertically. Sooner or later, you will find a place where the signal strength will be significant. Note that since the human body is electrically conductive, moving people around the room can change the shape of the interference pattern.

If the reception quality changes unexpectedly and abruptly, do not be lazy to go to the kitchen and see what is happening there. The reception may deteriorate during periods when the microwave is used. It works in a close part of the range, but with much higher power, and if it affects the work of WiMax- modem(and common WiFi devices), this means that there is radiation leakage in it. This is hazardous to health and such a stove must be repaired immediately by a workshop.

The longer wavelengths the electromagnetic radiation is, the rougher the surface is suitable for focusing it. That is why satellite dishes do not polish to a mirror finish. For the Yota-modem, you can also make a semblance of a parabolic antenna by placing it in the focus of an ordinary metal basin. Only it will have to be directed not to the satellite, but to the base station, having previously found out exactly where the latter is located.


  • enhance yota signal

The use of the mobile Internet is an innovation that has already been appreciated by many people throughout Russia. The operator, providing broadband Internet access in several cities of the Russian Federation using the WiMax communication standard, quickly gained popularity. But the signal quality is far from always high, the reception is often poor, and sometimes it is completely absent. You can try to improve the reception of the Yota modem by choosing the optimal location for it, but a more effective method is to buy a signal amplifier antenna that can work even in a car.

You will need

  • USB extension cable
  • Sucker
  • WiMax signal amplifier antenna


Despite the fact that Yota connects to the USB port of the computer, if you use it at home, then do not rush to stick it. Better to get a USB extension cable that does not degrade signal quality and has good bandwidth. This is important, because if you had a bad connection before purchasing it, now it can be slowed down by the poor quality of the extension cord.

So, several weeks of experimentation are behind us. Screwdrivers, wrenches and a drill rest on the shelves, and harmony reigns in the house, since all its inhabitants, as it should be, hid in their rooms, plunging into social networks, weather forecast services and electronic encyclopedias in search of long-awaited information- a narcotic substance that is constantly lacking in our brain, which is ready to absorb all this into its endless accumulator with irrepressible curiosity.
This article will focus on how, in the area of ​​very weak signal reception, Yota managed to achieve a fairly good Internet access speed. I do not pretend to be unique in the technologies and approaches used. The purpose of this publication is to show how a WiMAX modem can be made to work more efficiently at low cost, at home.

Historical event in Sochi

How did it all start? Of course, with the arrival of Yota in Sochi. Until that moment, the Internet for me was a real luxury, and Squid with a system for collecting statistics of incoming traffic, a method of saving and controlling Internet costs.
WiMAX changed everything. Now I was not tied to a specific address, the access speed became higher, and most importantly, there was a feeling of inner freedom (I didn't have to think about traffic anymore). Only the fact that all this worked in an office in the city center turned out to be a fly in the ointment, but at home on the outskirts, the Yota modem did not want to catch the network at all, and if it sometimes succeeded, then it did not last long (RSSI: less - 80dB, CINR: 4dBm or less). All the fault was the forest blossoming in the spring, which stood as a wall between the house and the alleged location of the base station.

I had to look for a solution and I thought to do the following:
1. Purchase a D-Link DIR-320 Wi-Fi router and flash it with an official firmware that supports Internet connection via a Samsung WiMAX modem from Yota
2. Design a capacity ("barrel") into which this router with a modem could be installed
3. Fix this container with equipment inside on a high mast
4. Connect, turn on, configure and check the result

We managed to do everything in one day off. The router with the modem was raised to a height of about 8 meters. The signal level doubled, the Internet began to work stably, but the average speed did not reach 50Kb / s. The result could hardly be called long-awaited, but still it was the result. And now, at least, the problem of combining all devices at home into a local network was solved, in which, moreover, there was, though not high-speed, but still stable access to the Internet.

The next step was to buy a WiMAX antenna with a pigtail, but I was confused by the fact that after connecting it, the "whistle" without an external antenna can no longer be used (since the internal antenna is cut off forever), which is not good. Another thought came to my mind (which I managed to get on the Internet earlier) - to focus the signal on the "whistle" with the help of an ordinary satellite "dish" (which at that time was lying under a layer of dust in the attic waiting for its finest hour). And so he did. He lowered the "barrel" with the router from the mast and began to make the first upgrade of the system (in the slides below).

There is one green forest around, which is great, but a signal cannot pass through such a wall.

What if you go higher?

To do this, we will disassemble the converter and insert the Yota modem into its case (in the previous photo on the right - everything is assembled)

The platform with the clamps will securely hold the router to the mast.

We install the router on the platform (do not let the "whistle" confuse you, it is actually attached to a plate - see the photo above)

Above the platform with a router from rain and sun will be reliably covered by a bucket with a cap.

We fix the "barrel" with the router and the plate on the mast.

As a result, the speed of Internet access has increased by an order of magnitude, up to almost one megabit per second, CINR has increased to 22dBm, and RSSI to -55dB.
Now my sister will be able to find material for her thesis at lightning speed, dad and mom can watch the weather directly on TV through the service, and I can read Habr in a blooming garden on Eee.

In general, everyone was happy!

Thanks to the reader for your attention, ...

Wireless technologies are far from perfect, so many users are faced with a weak radio signal, as a result of which the Internet speed drops or disappears altogether. Therefore, many users want to know how to amplify the Yota signal. Of course, you can buy special equipment to amplify the signal, but this pleasure is very expensive. Therefore, you can try to amplify the Yota signal with your own hands by assembling a special antenna. This is not difficult to do.

How to amplify Yota signal?

Yota is one of the operators that connects users to the wireless Internet. This provider is popular among the residents of the Russian Federation, but many of its clients may experience inconvenience due to the imperfection of the provider's equipment. Problems arise even in areas where the signal needs to be clear due to the availability of coverage. Therefore, manufacturers are also looking for a way, as they produce special amplifiers to improve the signal. However, their price can be higher than the modem itself. For example, a branded Wimax amplifier costs around 3.0-3.5 thousand rubles. And this despite the fact that the cost of the modem itself is below three thousand rubles. You have to pay twice for Internet access.

But this is the simplest way, suggesting how to amplify the Yota signal, so many users resort to it. But we will go the other way and will not overpay big money.

It is not always appropriate to give money for connection and then pay for equipment to amplify the signal. So, craftsmen came up with the idea to do it on their own. Users claim that they amplify the signal by 7 times, which is why the access speed increases noticeably. You can use these antennas not only with the Yota operator, but also with any other.

Types of antennas for the Yota modem

There are many options for antennas that are made from different materials. If you single out the basic and simple types, then you must definitely name the following: canned (made from an ordinary metal can), omnidirectional (look like a pencil), pseudosatellites (like satellite dishes, such antennas have a large reflecting area).

The simplest one is a canned antenna, to create which we need a tin can, an N-socket, a copper wire and a couple of screws. If someone is trying to find out on the forums how to strengthen the Yota signal, then they will first of all be advised to make a can antenna.

It all looks simple, but calculations are needed to create a device. We will write about how to make such an antenna below.

We will not write about an omnidirectional antenna, since its manufacture will require knowledge that you most likely do not have. But homemade pseudo-satellites are often used. Here, kitchen utensils (a saucepan, for example), foil and household items (for example, an umbrella or a metal grill) are used as a reflector.

Search for the nearest base station

Knowing like Yota is not enough. First of all, you need to understand where the nearest BS is. Even if your home is listed by an operator in the coverage area, the signal may not be available. Therefore, we are looking for the direction of the nearest BS and determine how difficult the visibility is. In other words, we must understand if there is any possibility of connection with or without an amplifier.

The fact is that in the city, the BS can guarantee good quality of communication, being at a distance of 200-300 meters from the house. And in a village, the distance can be at least 20 km, and the quality of communication will be excellent. Network utilization plays an important role, and in poorly populated areas it is always low.

Before amplifying the Yota signal, we determine where the BS is. We call the operator (support service) and ask for help to install the antenna correctly. The provider's forum can also help you do this. You just need to provide your address. There are even special sites where you can get this information. And if none of the methods helps, just try to find what interests you on the Internet.

Setting up a homemade antenna

Making an antenna is not all. It is important to configure it correctly. Here, the correct direction of the amplifier plays the most important role, taking into account the vertical and horizontal deflection. It is also worth remembering that the signal tends to bounce off surfaces, so sometimes it can be caught from an unexpected direction. You do not need to worry especially if you cannot immediately catch a strong signal. Perhaps, in search of it, you will have to walk around with a laptop and an antenna. If you live in a private house, then it is worth climbing onto the roof of the house.

Visually, the signal strength is determined in a special program from Yota. You will have it after purchasing the modem. On average, it will take you an hour to set up and search for a signal. Approximately the same amount will have to be spent on making the antenna itself.

Making an antenna to enhance the Yota modem signal

It is assumed that you have the calculations. They will not be shown here, since this is a completely different profile.

We will need: a high tin can (for example, from pineapples) made of tin, a regular N-nest, which is also called “mother”. You also need a copper wire with a cross-section of 2 mm and a few screws.

So, we take a jar with a diameter of about 8-10 cm and a height of about 13-14 cm. Leave the upper part, you do not need to cut it off. Have a plastic cover in there. Now we screw our N-connector to the bank somewhere in the center of the wall and solder a copper piece of wire (about 3.5 cm long) to it, which will act as a waveguide. If there is a plastic lid to the jar, then use it - close the jar. If not, then it is advisable to apply something else (for example, film). This will protect the structure from the effects of the external environment. But first, test your creation without a lid.

If you did everything correctly (and pre-made the correct calculations), then only then can you close the jar with a lid. If after this the signal becomes worse, then use another cover or do not use it at all.


Before you make an antenna yourself and try to amplify the Yota signal, you should make sure that you really need it, and you can't just buy an amplifier. If the calculations are incorrect, there is a small chance of just ruining your modem. As a result, you will be left at a loss.

If you don't want to risk it, then just buy a ready-made amplification kit for the signal. Judging by the feedback from users, the signal is significantly amplified and the download speed rises to the one declared by the provider.


Now you know how to amplify the Yota signal, and you can try to do it yourself. You don't have to spend a lot of money on equipment, although, admittedly, it usually helps a lot. If you are a little familiar with radio technology, then you can cope with this task without any problems. As a last resort, if you have a radio electronics repair shop in your city, ask there how to strengthen the Yota modem signal and offer to help you. An experienced craftsman will cope with this task and will not give up part-time work. In any case, it will be cheaper than buying a new amplifier or antenna.

Externalyota antenna - a simple solution to a big problem

The Yota amplifier, as you might guess from the name, is nothing more than an external (installed outside the case) transceiver module, made in the form of an outdoor or indoor antenna, compatible with Yota-branded modems and routers. It takes over the functions of their regular low-power antennas, increasing the integrity and data rate.

Wireless Internet from Yota is such a thing ... often it does not reach the speeds promised by the operator. It is not surprising that Yota amplifiers are in such great demand among the population, which not only remains unchanged over the years - it is steadily increasing. Indeed, for many, Yota signal amplification has become a real "headache" - a problem that seems insoluble.

However, exactly until they visit the e-shop site, where you can always buy an antenna for Yota, and not just buy it, but do it at the best price in the city! The solution to the long-term problem with the Internet, as practice shows, will certainly not take you not only a lot of time, but also money. This problem turned out to be not so serious, if you look ...

How not to be mistaken with the choice of antennaYota

However, you should not assume that absolutely any Yota antenna you purchased from the metro can solve it. Such purchases are rarely successful, and therefore you shouldn't pin high hopes on them.

What do we mean by good? This is such a signal amplifier for Yota, which will be equally effective both within the city, where neighboring buildings block the radiation of base stations, and outside, where the base stations are far away. Problems with wireless Internet use are popping up everywhere, but you no longer need to worry about them - they no longer concern you!

By giving preference to the online store site, you are guaranteed to receive an effective Yota signal amplifier, since there are simply no others in our range. All that is left for you to do is to decide on the technical characteristics, which directly depend on the technical characteristics of the Yota device you are using (modem or router).

Objective signs of a good antenna for Uota

Not the least important are the materials from which our amplifiers for Yota are made. An external antenna, even if it is used indoors, and if in an open space, in particular, should be made of high-quality weather-resistant, but not interfering materials. Otherwise, the yota amplifier will not only fail to provide adequate efficiency, but it will not work for a long time either.

Distinctive features of antennas forYotaLTE

External antennas designed to amplify the Yota LTE (Yota 4G) signal have become widely demanded relatively recently. Fourth-generation wireless networks, which came to large cities in Russia, did not do it to the full, which is why many subscribers were not able to enjoy the traffic and connection stability promised to them.

By its design and principle of operation, the antenna for Yota LTE does not differ at all from the antennas intended for use in networks of previous generations. The difference lies in the data transmission standards it supports, which are more demanding on both the receiving and the radiation capabilities of the antenna, as well as in the technologies and devices developed for them.

However, to the same extent as the external Yota antenna, this applies to cable products and connectors used to connect it to modems and routers of the same name. An LTE amplifier for Yota, if it was connected using low-quality cables and connectors, can lose up to 15% of received and transmitted signals, thereby negating all the advantages of its use ...

On the dangers of low prices for antennasYota 4G

But let's return directly to the Yota LTE signal amplifier. All of them are developed taking into account the most modern achievements in the field of wireless communication and therefore do not cause any complaints. They are developed by many companies from the USA, China and some other countries, because according to international experts, LTE is the future, and its commercial use is a great benefit!

The situation is spoiled by small manufacturers who, wishing to reduce the cost of their products as much as possible (including Yota LTE antennas), use completely unsuitable materials that can turn any, even the most ingenious project into an “unviable monster”. There are thousands of examples of this. The lion's share of them are antennas made in China, designed for use in conjunction with USB modems.

External antennas for Yota (to amplify the signal of the said operator) are very widely represented on the territory of Russia. It is not a problem to buy a Yota 4G amplifier today, it is different - in his choice! The latter is hampered by the innumerable variety of trade marks, among which there are very few trustworthy ones. Often the buyer has to choose between bad and ... bad, which in our opinion is unacceptable.

Amplifier for modemYota at a bargain price

Fortunately, you are on the site of an electronic store, a site whose customers, who decide to purchase one or another device for Yota (signal amplifier, for example), do not face similar problems. The external Yota LTE antenna purchased here will certainly not let you down, providing perfect reception and transmission of data, regardless of the distance from the base station.

However, this is not the only strong point of our antennas for amplifying the 4G Yota signal - their favorable cost also worries many, attracting more and more new buyers to the site. It is profitable, but not underestimated; this, let me tell you, is not the same thing! We do not deal with cheap antennas made by someone who knows who, and we do not recommend it to you!

The same antennas for amplifying Yota LTE, which you can see in the catalog of this site, are sold at the best prices in Moscow, which we rightly call profitable! These antennas were not here by chance - they are made of high-quality metal alloys and modern polymers, with the strictest observance of the requirements of the LTE standard and related global standards.

Strengthening the modem signalYota by technologyMIMO

Antennas that support the Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) technology, which have recently appeared in the line of external devices for Yota, deserve a separate word. MIMO antennas are distinguished by a more complete use of the bandwidth provided by the LTE standard, which became possible due to the division of the transceiver into two parts - receiving and transmitting.

The MIMO-compliant Internet signal booster for Yota, therefore, is not one, but two antennas that must be installed so that they do not interfere with each other, creating frequency correlations. Such antennas for the Yota LTE modem provide at least twice the data transfer rate, and this is without any changes at the standard level.

Today, the MIMO signal amplifier for the Yota modem is the best solution to problems when using radio frequency communication channels of the LTE standard. Its disadvantage, and even then a small one, is considered only the need to install two antennas instead of one, but it is also successfully eliminated thanks to the use of frequency selectivity technology (by connecting these antennas in one housing).

Your choice - antenna and modem (router) in one set

An antenna for a 4G Yota modem, as well as an antenna for another popular yota-device - a router, you can purchase from us not only separately from the modem (router) itself, but also together with it. After all, the electronic store site sells not only a variety of antennas, but also other devices designed to work in the Yota operator's wireless network, as well as accessories for them.

Buying a yota modem with an antenna is, without a doubt, the right decision. One way or another, you will have to purchase an antenna - not now, then later, having spent a certain amount of time selecting it for the characteristics of the modem, which is not at all as simple as it might seem at first. It is better to do this in advance by purchasing a Yota modem with an antenna included! By the way, this is not only more convenient, but also cheaper.

Pay attention - antennas with a built-in Yota modem are also sold here. Such antennas are mainly indoor (intended for use in rooms with normal humidity and temperature); they are optimal for use with laptops and tablet computers, at home, at work, outside the city, on the road - there are no restrictions!

Sale of antennas for modemYota and not only

We are engaged not only in the sale, but also in the installation of Yota antennas. This service is one of our most demanded: it was used by more than 80% of those who bought these antennas from us at one time. Considering how well the specialists of the online store site understand Yota devices, installing antennas does not seem such a difficult task for them.

Here it is necessary to clarify that they are far from always compatible with each other - the Yota modem and an external antenna. Many modems of this brand, as well as many of its routers, do not have connectors for connecting such antennas at all, which pushes their owners to experiment with a soldering iron. How can all this turn out? Apart from losing the warranty on the device, nothing ...

You can not only purchase modems and routers from us, but also modify them by adding the ability to connect external Yota antennas. Buying a signal amplifier and not being able to connect it to a modem is, of course, unpleasant, but not enough to ruin your mood. Just contact us and we will fix this annoying mistake made by the modem manufacturers.

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