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Drivers are not installed on the video card. Can't find (file)

From time to time, our computers give various errors: some programs or files stop opening, the restart mode itself turns on and other problems arise. In this article, I will explain why the message “Cannot find (file). Please check if the name is correct and try again ”and what to do to solve the problem.

We are looking for a solution to the problem

Let's see why a message is displayed on our computer screen stating that the file cannot be found and we need to check the name. The system in brackets indicates the path to the file that cannot be found, and advises us to check if the name is correct and try again.

Users agree that this problem is caused by the antivirus. More precisely, the virus itself, traces of which were found, and the file infected by it was deleted or moved to quarantine. Also, an error appears if the program is incorrectly installed or uninstalled. Of course, you can always reinstall Windows, but this is an extreme measure, after all, no one wants to demolish working programs. Therefore, we will first apply less categorical measures - we will consider the different types of files and determine the ways to fix the error.

Solving the problem when it is impossible to open exe-files

There are several ways to solve the problem of opening exe files. Let's consider them in order.

Reinstalling software

If a file is deleted by an antivirus program, then there is no need to pull it out of the storage, it was not in vain that it was moved there. Even if we can get it out of there, it is already damaged and will not be able to function as it should.

In this case, the exit is a complete uninstallation and installation of the program, which cannot be started. It is best to uninstall software not through standard Windows tools, but using special software - Revo Uninstaller or AIDA64. They not only uninstall the problematic program, but also "clean up" all unnecessary residual files.

Changing Steam Settings

It happens that the message about the inability to open a specific exe file "Cannot find ... Please check if the name is correct and try again" appears when you start the game. In this case, we apply the following algorithm of actions:

  • Click on the Steam folder with RMB and select "Properties";
  • go to the "Security" tab;
  • in the first window “Groups or users” select the line “Users”;
  • if for some reason this line is absent, then just below click “Change” and in the next window “Add”;
Selecting a user in the Steam folder
  • in the window “Enter the names of the objects to be selected” we drive in the username and click “Check names” (the name can be taken from the “Administrators” line or use the guest name registered on this PC);

Enter the names of the selected objects
  • after successful verification of the name, click on OK;
  • make sure that all the “Allow” items are checked for the selected user and click OK;
We assign permissions for the "Users" group
  • we are waiting for the completion of the input of all the changes made and restart the game.

Registry Editor and Task Manager to Help

  1. You can try this method as well. Right click on Start (in Windows 10) and look for the "Run" line.
  2. We enter regedit. The Registry Editor opens.
  3. We pass the following path - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run - look for the problem line here and delete it.

Delete the file in the Run folder

Disabling startup of an application that generates the "Cannot find (file)" error can also help. Open the Task Manager (in the Start button), LMB select the desired program, then right-click on it and select “Disable”.

Solving the problem with opening Excel

If you cannot open the Excel workbook and a message appears stating that you cannot find (the file) - you need to check if the name is correct and try again, then you need to do the following. Since the cause of the error in this case may be the prohibition of accepting DDE requests from other applications, it must be cleared. To do this, uncheck the box next to “Ignore DDE requests from other applications”. In Excel 2007, this string is found in Advanced Options in a Microsoft Office Button. In Excel 2003 and earlier, in General Options on the Tools menu.

Error in Local Group Policy Editor

In the process, we may face the fact that when the local group policy editor is launched, a window appears with a message stating that the gpedit.msc file cannot be found. We are not in a hurry to look for this file on our computer, but remember or see which version of Windows is installed on the PC. If basic or home - they simply do not provide an LHP editor.

In this case, we act in two ways:

  • we are looking for another way where we do not need editor functions (they help to more easily manage system settings by entering changes into the registry);
  • we reinstall the OS to corporate, professional and other versions with a narrow specialization.

We have reviewed the main ways to solve the problem that occurs when Windows cannot find the file you need. I hope that this information will help everyone who encountered a similar error.

In contact with

with options (11)

I am trying to compile my program and it returns this error:

Usr / bin / ld: cannot find -l

in my makefile I am using g ++ command and a link to my library which is a symbolic link to my library located in another directory.

Is there any option to add to make it work please?


Check the location of your library, for example


If it is not in the / usr / lib folder, enter the following:

Sudo cp yourpath / / usr / lib

This error can also be thrown if the symlink is in the .so dynamic link library, but for old reasons - -static appears among the link flags. If so, try uninstalling it.

My problem was that I renamed the parent directory of the program I was running (mpicc from MVAPICH) and that somehow messed up the binary. Even the LD_LIBRARY_PATH doping was insufficient and I had to recompile it the right way.

The library I was trying to link with turned out to be a non-standard name (i.e. there was no "lib" prefix), so they recommended using a command like this to compile it -

gcc test.c -Iinclude lib / cspice.a -lm

There seems to be no answer that addresses the very common newbie problem of not being able to install the desired library in the first place.

On Debianish platforms, if libfoo is missing, you can often install it with something like

Apt-get install libfoo-dev

For -dev, the -dev version of the package, even trivial development like compiling source code to link to a library.

The package name sometimes needs some embellishment (libfoo0-dev? Foo-dev without lib prefix etc.), or you can just use your distribution's batch search to find out exactly which packages provide a particular file.

(If there are more than one, you will need to figure out how they differ. Choosing the coolest or the most popular is a common shortcut, but not an acceptable procedure for any serious development work.)

For other architectures (notably RPM), similar procedures apply, although the details will be different.

To find out what the linker is looking for, run it in verbose mode.

For example, I ran into this issue while trying to compile MySQL with ZLIB support. During compilation, I was getting an error like this:

/ usr / bin / ld: cannot find -lzlib

I did some Googl "ing and kept running into various problems of the same type where people would say that the .so file actually exists and if not, then create a symlink to the versioned file like zlib. So.1.2.8. But when I checked the DID exists, so I thought it might not be a problem.

I came across another post on the internet that suggested running make with LD_DEBUG = all:

LD_DEBUG = all make

Although I got a TON of debug output, it was actually not very useful. This added more confusion than anything else. So, I was going to give up.

Then I had an epiphany. I decided to check the help text for the ld command:

Ld --help

From this I figured out how to start ld in verbose mode (imagine):

Ld -lzlib --verbose

This is the output I got:

================================================== attempt to open /usr/x86_64-linux-gnu/lib64/ failed attempt to open /usr/x86_64-linux-gnu/lib64/libzlib.a failed attempt to open /usr/local/lib64/ failed attempt to open /usr/local/lib64/libzlib.a failed attempt to open /lib64/ failed attempt to open /lib64/libzlib.a failed attempt to open /usr/lib64/ failed attempt to open / usr / lib64 / libzlib.a failed attempt to open /usr/x86_64-linux-gnu/lib/ failed attempt to open /usr/x86_64-linux-gnu/lib/libzlib.a failed to open / usr / local / lib / failed attempt to open /usr/local/lib/libzlib.a failed attempt to open /lib/ failed attempt to open /lib/libzlib.a failed attempt to open / usr / lib / failed attempt to open /usr/lib/libzlib.a failed /usr/bin/ld.bfd.real: cannot find -lzlib

Ding, ding, ding ...

So, to permanently fix this, I could compile MySQL with my own version of ZLIB (not bundled):

Sudo ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/

Compile time

When G ++ says cannot find -l , this means that G ++ was looking for the lib (nameOfTheLibrary) .so file, but it could not find it in the shared library search path which by default points to / usr / lib and / usr / local / lib and somewhere more.

To fix this problem, you must either provide the library file (lib (nameOfTheLibrary) .so) in these search paths, or use the -L command. -L (path) tells G ++ (actually ld) to look for library files in the path in addition to the default paths.

Example. Assuming you have a library at /home/taylor/ and want to link your application to that library. In this case, you must provide G ++ with the following parameters:

G ++ main.cpp -o main -L / home / taylor -lswift

    Note 1: -l gets the name of the library without lib and .so at the beginning and end.

    Note 2: In some cases, the library file name is followed by its version, for example In these cases, G ++ also cannot find the library file. A simple workaround to fix this is to create a symbolic link to called

lead time

When you link your application to a shared library, it is required that the library remains available whenever you start the application. At run time, your application (actually the dynamic linker) looks for its libraries in LD_LIBRARY_PATH. This is an environment variable that stores a list of paths.

Example. In the case of our example, the dynamic linker cannot find in LD_LIBRARY_PATH (which points to the default search paths). To fix the problem, you must add this variable using the path.

Export LD_LIBRARY_PATH = $ LD_LIBRARY_PATH: / home / taylor

If your library name is and it is located in the path, say:

/ home / user / myDir

then link it to your program:

G ++ -L / home / user / myDir -lxyz myprog.cpp -o myprog

First, you need to know the lxxx naming convention:

/ usr / bin / ld: cannot find -lc / usr / bin / ld: cannot find -lltdl / usr / bin / ld: cannot find -lXtst

lc means, lltdl means, lXtst means

So it is lib + lib-name + .so

Once we know the name, we can use locate to find the path to that file

$ locate /home/user/anaconda3/lib/ #<-- right here /home/user/anaconda3/lib/ /home/user/anaconda3/lib/ /home/user/anaconda3/lib/ /home/user/anaconda3/pkgs/libiconv-1.14-0/lib/ /home/user/anaconda3/pkgs/libiconv-1.14-0/lib/ /home/user/anaconda3/pkgs/libiconv-1.14-0/lib/ /home/user/anaconda3/pkgs/libiconv-1.14-0/lib/

If you cannot find it, you need to install it on yum (I am using CentOS). Usually you have this file, but it doesn't link to the right place.

Link it to the desired location, usually / lib64 or / usr / lib64

$ sudo ln -s /home/user/anaconda3/lib/ / usr / lib64 /

When compiling with g ++ via make, specify LIBRARY_PATH if it might not be practical to modify the Makefile with the -L option. I put my additional library in / opt / lib so I did:

$ export LIBRARY_PATH = / opt / lib /

and then run make to compile and link successfully.

To run a shared library program, define:

$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH = / opt / lib /

before executing the program.

Your ubuntu definitely has a fairly recent version of g ++. Flag used: -std = c ++ 0x.

An error starting the game occurs when starting Warface in the file D: \ GamesMailRu \ Warface \ Bin2Release \ Game.exe. The error text itself can be different: access is denied, the device does not recognize the command, there are not enough system resources to complete the operation, one or more arguments are invalid, the specified file cannot be found. In each case, the solution may differ. First of all, we recommend:

  1. Run Warface as administrator. Right-click on the shortcut with the game and select "Run as administrator". This solution helps in cases with an error related to access to executable files.
  2. Reinstall or update Microsoft Visual C ++, Microsoft .NET Framework, and VCredist. how to do it read below or follow the link: How to update MS Visual C ++, MS .NET, VCredist. The solution often helps with the error: one or more of the arguments are wrong.
  3. It is also possible that files are damaged by antivirus programs. Try reinstalling the game completely.

Not enough system resources error

The reason for the error lies in the lack of system resources. Perhaps there is not enough memory on the hard disk, not enough RAM, or the paging file is full. Free up hard disk space and increase the size of the windows paging file.

Error "the specified file cannot be found"

In this case, we can say with confidence that the game files are damaged. It is necessary to reinstall the Warface game completely.

I am having trouble booting my Linux machine.

During the boot phase when running the script / it complains that it could not find mount. My PATH is set to / sbin and / bin.

I tried calling / bin / mount directly, which also failed, stating that it doesn't exist.

Then I included find. which was found and showed that / bin / mount was actually available.

I'm not sure what to do about it. I read that the initramfs is basically a busybox shell, so could the problem be there?


It seems that mount is the only command / file not found. I started working in the boot process; on the tab the installation is complete and found via find.

However, when I tried to execute it, I got a "not found" error as shown below.


I solved the problem temporarily by replacing every mount instance in my / init with / bin / busybox mount. This is how it works.

2 Solutions collect form web for “/ init cannot find / bin / mount, but can find / can?”

You saved your script in DOS (windows) mode, that is, there is an extraneous return character at the end of each line.

The easiest way to fix this is probably to load the file into vim, change the mode with: set notx and then save the file, for example: wq.

It is possible that / bin / mount is a broken symlink. This can be found by find. because this displays all directory entries, but if you try to run this program it won't work as there is no file at the end of the rainbow. BusyBox assemblers are usually links to the BusyBox executable: mount -> busybox or mount -> / bin / busybox (if busybox is in / bin).

Another possibility is that the mount binary is one from your live system. This binary is a dynamically linked library that uses a dynamic loader that may not be present in the initramfs. See Getting a "Not Found" message when running 32-bit binary on a 64-bit system for an explanation of a similar case.

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