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A blank page in a Word is not deleted. Forced page break

Often, when pages are broken, extra sheets appear in documents - there is no information on them, nothing at all. That is why they should be removed - why waste extra paper when printing on a printer. Today we will tell you how to easily delete a blank page in Microsoft Word, and you will also learn how to delete a page with information without losing it. The main thing is that you read everything to the end, and if something is not clear, read the article again, because in large documents you may not notice how you deleted the page that, for example, you needed.

Delete blank page in MS Word

First of all, let's go to the "Home" tab if you have another one open at the moment. There is one very useful tool here - the "Show all characters" button, thanks to which you will see all the characters you typed - down to spaces.

Click on it once and the text will change beyond recognition. Do you see how many dots and different signs appeared that were not there before ?! Dots are spaces. If there are two or more dots in a row, then there are too many gaps and this needs to be corrected. Arrows are Tab keystrokes. Blank pages are also displayed separately in the form of "Page Break" inscriptions. It is this gap that we must remove!

In the screenshot above, you can see the inscription "Page Break", double-click on it with the left mouse button, after which it will be highlighted in black. Then there are two options for the development of events leading to the deletion of the blank page:

  1. Pressing the "Backspace" button;
  2. Pressing the "Delete" button.
Congratulations, the dummy page has been successfully deleted and will no longer bother you while printing the document.

Delete non-blank page in Microsoft Word

We learned how to get rid of blank pages, what about those where there is some information: text, diagram or picture? You can also delete non-empty pages, now we will teach you this.

Move the cursor to any part of the page that you want to delete as soon as possible. Return to the "Home" tab, find the right side of the arrow with the inscription "Select", click on it and select "Select All" in the drop-down menu.

You can also go the other way, hold down the left mouse button and select the part of the text that should be deleted and then proceed according to the debugged scheme - click on one of the above buttons!

Ready! Now you can delete not only blank pages in the Word, but also pages with information.

Correct determination of the cause of the extra pages will help to quickly fix the problem. Regardless of the version of Microsoft Word (2003-2016), there are 4 main reasons for the existence of blank pages at the end of the document:

  1. Unnecessary problems or line breaks.
  2. The presence of hidden symbols.
  3. Transfer of part of the table.
  4. The presence of a transparent or white pattern (rare).

Reasons for a blank page

If, while working on a document during editing, pages appear that do not contain text, most likely there are page breaks or empty paragraphs on it.

Note: If a blank page appears only when you print a document, then the matter is in the printer settings (page between jobs).

Method 1. Removing extra spaces and paragraphs

The easiest way is to delete the extra page using the Backspace or Delete keys, designed to remove characters from the text.

Step 1. Go to the last page of the document and place the cursor on it.

Step 2. Press the indicated keys until the unnecessary page disappears.

Step 3... If there are a lot of empty paragraphs on the page, then the key will have to be pressed several times.

Method 2. Remove hidden symbols

Since the appearance of a blank page usually means the presence of hidden characters on it, in order to remove them, you must make them visible.

Step 1. You need to click on the "non-printable characters" icon, which is located on the main tab. By enabling the display of hidden symbols, you can see the causes of the extra page and eliminate them.

Step 2. Select the extra blank paragraphs and delete them.

Step 3. In addition to blank paragraphs, a manually set forced page break or section break can cause a blank page to appear.

To delete it, place the cursor in front of the break and press the Delete character key - Delete.

Method 3. Edit the table

If you were unable to delete the page using the previous two methods, you probably have a table at the end of your document. In Word, after each table, there is a blank paragraph, and if the table reaches the end of the page, then the paragraph is wrapped to the next. You can't just delete this empty paragraph character. In order to remove a blank sheet, you need to make this paragraph hidden.

Step 1. Show hidden spaces.

Step 2. If the table forms a space on the next page, then reduce the line spacing of the table cells or the font, remove unnecessary line breaks.

How to delete the first page in Word

To remove the cover page in the latest versions of Microsoft Word, you need to follow these steps.

Step 1. Go to the "Insert" tab.

Step 2. Select the "Title Page" menu.

Step 3. Specify the appropriate value - "Delete the current cover page".

In versions earlier than 2007, the title page is the same as any other page in the document, so you use similar methods to remove it.

How to delete a page in the middle of a document

An unnecessary blank page in the middle of a Word document is usually associated with a section break. This function is rarely used in practice and is mostly added to the document accidentally during editing.

Method 1. Remove the section break (method 1)

An extra page in the middle of a text document appears usually due to the setting of a section break. It is removed using the following actions.

Step 1. Position the cursor in front of the break.

Step 2. Press the Delete key.

Note: If you delete a blank page from the middle of a document that is a result of a section break, the formatting may deteriorate after the break is removed. If you need formatting after this page that differs from what was installed before this page, then leave a section break. Otherwise, when you remove a break, the formatting will automatically become the same throughout the document - the same as it was in the text located before the break.

Method 2. Remove the section break (method 2)

Step 1. Go to the "Layout" tab.

Step 2. Replace break type - set "no break".

Now you know how to remove a page in the Word. The listed tips can be applied in all versions of Microsoft Word.

How to delete a blank page in Word - instructions with animation updated: February 15, 2019 by the author: Scientific Articles.Ru

In working with the Word application, everything seems to be clear: you press the keys, type letters, put punctuation marks, periodically format the text using the convenient panel at the top. But there are also pitfalls here. For example, how to delete an extra page in Word? It seems to be a simple question, but when you start to figure it out, you understand that you need to behave differently, depending on how this extra page appeared.

The dependence on the version in the case of Word is not so serious, but there is still a difference in working with the 2003 program and the 2016 application. Therefore, I will cover the different versions of Word, including the Mac OS program and the online editor. It will definitely not be superfluous.

Removing an extra page

If you have an unnecessary page filled with symbols in your document, you can get rid of it using the Backspace or Delete key. But before clicking on one of these buttons, select all the text on the sheet. This can be done in different ways:

  1. Place your cursor at the beginning of the page. Hold down the left mouse button and check the cursor to the end of the fragment to be deleted.
  2. Place your cursor at the beginning. Scroll the page to the end of the section you want to erase. Hold down the Shift key and left-click at the end of the sentence. The text that falls between the two marks will be highlighted.

To erase the selection, press Backspace or Delete. In principle, you can do without highlighting, erasing letters one by one using the same keys.

It will take a little longer, but will lead to a similar result - extra words and sentences will be thrown out of the text, as if they had never been there.

Removing a blank sheet

Why is there a blank sheet? No, this is not an offer from Vord to write more than you intended. The page just contains extra paragraphs, page or section breaks, and other non-printable characters. By default, they are not displayed, which is why it seems that you have a blank sheet in front of you. But if you click on such an icon on the top bar, you can find all the non-printable characters. ...

Note: If there are no extra sheets in the document, but they only appear when printing, check the printer settings. On some models, the options set a separator page to be printed between different jobs.

This is a handy feature that allows you to quickly separate different documents when they are printed in one batch. But if you do not know about its existence, then you will surely be surprised to see a blank sheet, for some reason driven through the printer.

If the extra page is at the very end of the document, go to it using the Ctrl + End combination or simply scroll down the screen. Make sure the cursor is at the very end of the document and press the Backspace key. This will be enough if a blank sheet appeared due to extra paragraph marks or an accidentally inserted break.

Determining the cause

If simply pressing the Backspace key at the end of the document does not solve the problem, try to pinpoint the cause of the problem. To do this, turn on the display of non-printable characters and see what is happening on a blank page. You can do this on the "Home" tab - this is true for both Windows and Mac.

If the reason for the appearance of a blank sheet is extra paragraph marks, then you will see these symbols. They need to be selected and erased using the Delete or Backspace key. If the void is due to the insertion of a break, place the mouse cursor directly in front of it and press Delete. The process is similar on Mac and Word Online.

If a blank page appears after the table inserted into the document, then the whole point is in the empty paragraph mark, which is added by default.

You won't be able to delete it, but you will be able to hide it.

If you do everything right, a blank sheet will surely disappear along with the thoughts that you cannot cope with a simple text editing operation in Word.

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Users' knowledge of the work of computer programs is far from always enough to get out of a difficult situation on their own, and some people often have a question of how to delete a page in the Word.

It is this text editor that is most often used to create, read and edit documents in all areas of activity.

To figure out how to properly remove an extra blank or filled page, saving space and not damaging the entire text, consider a few simple ways.

Method number 1. Delete unnecessary new document

In the case when the document has just been created, and all the information typed in is no longer needed (copied or used, or requires correction), it is very easy to delete all its contents.

To do this, it is enough to close the file, refusing to save the changes.

To continue working in the document, you can simply select all the text (hot keys "Ctrl" + "A") and press Delete or BackSpace.

The last deletion option is also suitable if there is only one sheet in the document.

Method number 2. Removing a blank sheet

In order to delete a blank page, you will need to do the following:

  1. Place the cursor at the desired location;
  2. Select the icon for displaying all characters in the Word 2007 panel (and any other version), or simply press simultaneously "Ctrl", "Shift" and "8".

Now, on the sheet in the middle of the document, the paragraph marks, headers and footers and spaces will appear instead of empty space.

All of them take up space, but can be easily removed by pressing the BackSpace key in turn, and by selecting all invisible characters at once.

Clearing a blank sheet of signs, they seek to remove it automatically.

Method number 3. Removing the last blank sheet

Sometimes at the end of the text you can see the last blank sheet or even several. This increases the printer's print queue and file size, and therefore requires deletion.

To quickly fix the problem, you don't even need to enable special characters.

You just need to place the cursor at the end of the last sheet and press BackSpace until it is deleted with all its formatting.

Method number 4. Deleting a page of text

If you need to delete not an empty part of the document, but filled with text, images or other visible inserts, there are two main options for resolving the issue.

Deletion occurs using the cursor or special Word commands - each method has advantages for its situation.

Second page

Suppose there is a document whose second sheet you want to delete.

The simplest option, suitable for Word 2007, 2003 and even earlier versions, including the 1995 program:

  • Scroll the document to the top of the element to be deleted;
  • Move the cursor over the field opposite the first line and select it;
  • Move with the mouse wheel to the bottom (or the entire text, if you need to delete several sheets) without clicking the text;
  • Press "Shift" and, without releasing it, select the very last line of the deleted part of the document. As a result, all the text on the sheet will be selected.

Now you can erase it, leaving the rest of the document intact and freeing up space of unnecessary information.

In the same way, you can delete several sheets in a row, selecting them from the beginning of the first to the end of the last, and even most of the document.

Although in the latter case, when only a few paragraphs need to be saved from the entire text, and the main volume is deleted, it is easier and faster to copy the necessary information into a new document.

Page within a large document

If you have to delete not the first or the second, but, for example, the 120th or even 532nd page, their search inside a large document may take some time.

To save it, use the following method.

  • First of all, a transition is made to the page that needs to be cleared. To do this, simultaneously press the "Ctrl" and "F" keys on the keyboard, which open the search and replace window.

  • Next, the "Go" tab is selected, and the page number is entered into it.

  • All that now remains to be done for cleaning is to type the command "\ page" instead of its number and click "Go".

Now you can close the search bar (the cross in its upper right part) and easily get rid of the unnecessary page of one of the keyboard keys intended for this.

The method is great for large documents and saves time for users of any version of the text editor, including Word 2013.

It is not always advisable to use it to delete part of a small amount of information.

Advice! Instead of highlighting with commands, it will be more convenient and faster for some users to mark the deleted text with the mouse - in this case, you should use only the first part of the method to find the desired location.

It is quite common for digital text documents to correct, delete or add text or entire pages. As a result of such manipulations, dozens of pages or even blank pages may appear that should be deleted. The most common text editor is the Word program and, based on this, we will consider how to delete a page in Word.

There is nothing difficult in deleting a page in the Word, and any deletion is done only with the "Delete" or "Backspace" keys. But sometimes there are situations in which even a long press of these keys does not lead to anything, hence many people have a question of how to delete a page in the Word.

The problem in this case is the presence of a large number of hidden unprintable characters that should be removed to delete the page itself in the Word. Let's look at an illustrative example. We have a blank page in the Word that should be deleted. Blank pages mainly appear when a page break is applied, mainly used to separate individual chapters of a document. To delete such a page in the Word, you need to place the cursor at the end of the text if the blank page to be deleted will be the next, or place the cursor at the beginning of the text, if you need to delete the previous blank page in the Word. In this case, deletion is performed using the "Delete" or "Backspace" keys.

To see what we need to delete to delete the entire page in the Word, we need to enable the display of hidden non-printable characters. Basically it is a tab and line feed character. You can enable their display by clicking the corresponding icon in the "Home" tab.

Removing a blank page in Word will occur only after removing all these icons, as well as removing the page break icon, which is located at the very end.

If you need to delete a large number of pages, no matter if they are empty or with text, you need to place the cursor in front of the first deleted page, scroll through the pages to the last deleted page, leaving the cursor at the set place, then hold down the "Shift" key and set the cursor at the end of the deleted pages. After such manipulation, all deleted pages in the Word will be selected, and to delete them, it will be enough to press "Delete" or "Backspace".

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