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  • Take your time with the purchase of DVB-T2 tuners. What gives the consumer the transition from the traditional analogue broadcasting, familiar to us, to the DVB-T2 standard? Analog antenna or satellite dish

Take your time with the purchase of DVB-T2 tuners. What gives the consumer the transition from the traditional analogue broadcasting, familiar to us, to the DVB-T2 standard? Analog antenna or satellite dish

Surely many Russian users interested in terrestrial television have already heard about the gradual transition to digital broadcasting throughout the country. Many viewers have no idea what needs to be done to switch to digital TV, whether it is necessary to purchase additional equipment or not. In this article I will try to answer all the questions of users planning to use digital TV on their televisions, because the digital television standard thanks to information technology is being transformed into a new service for the viewer.

Advantages of digital TV and disadvantages of analog

The main disadvantage of an analog signal is poor protection against interference, as well as a rather wide bandwidth of the radio frequency spectrum required for broadcasting one channel. Therefore, on air we were limited to a maximum of two dozen color channels, and on cable networks, on average, 70. With an analog signal, it is quite difficult to provide a service that is convenient for the user and operator (for example, to implement the ability to quickly connect and disconnect channel packages). In addition, analog TV needs high power transmitters with a large coverage area.

The digital signal is free of these disadvantages. The main advantage of digital TV is that the signal can be compressed using modern algorithms (for example, MPEG). By compressing the signal on the frequency range of one analogue television channel, you can fit up to 10 digital channels with approximately the same picture quality. How exactly to encode and compress a signal is determined by a single standard. Today in Europe and Russia the main family of standards is DVB - a product of the international consortium DVB Project. The family includes standards for satellite, terrestrial, cable and mobile television, differing in the degree of compression, noise immunity and other parameters (depending on the transmission medium used).

Benefits of digital TV

  • noise immunity, the possibility of compression;
  • improved picture quality (digital signal is less sensitive to interference than analog);
  • more terrestrial channels compared to analogue broadcasting.

World standards of digital TV

In America, the ATSC standard developed by the Advanced Television Systems Committee is widespread, ISDB (Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting) is rapidly developing in Japan, Russia has followed the European path, adopting the DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting) standard as a basis.

Moving on to "digital"

The massive transition to digital television broadcasting standards in the world took place in the early 2000s. In our country, state-owned terrestrial channels began the transition to digital in 2009 as part of the federal program "Development of TV and Radio Broadcasting in the Russian Federation for 2009-2015". DVB-T2 was chosen as a single digital broadcasting standard, which allows placing more digital channels on the frequency band than its predecessor DVB-T, but this does not mean an increase in the resolution of the broadcast picture. We should expect HD-quality on air only in the distant future. Today, DVB-T2 transmitters are already operating practically throughout the country. Somewhere so far only the first multiplex (a package of 10 digital channels) is on, in other areas the second is already available. This means that if you have an appropriate TV or an additional set-top box, you can receive and watch 20 channels for free in decent quality and almost without interference. The program for the development of digital television in Russia implies updating only the distribution and transmission equipment. Viewers have to think about replacing receivers on their own, because to receive a digital terrestrial television signal, DVB-T2 TV tuner, and a similar one is provided only in. To receive a signal with old devices, viewers will have to purchase and install a set-top box at home.

Video compression formats in DVB standard

DVB standard is not a complete description of the digital television format, but a method for a specific broadcast implementation. Various video coding systems (MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, etc.) can be used within this standard, but not all of them are backward compatible. The most common compression formats are MPEG-2 (the best picture quality) and MPEG-4 (the best compression). Russian digital TV will use MPEG-4 compression. TVs that support the MPEG-4 standard can work with MPEG-2, but not vice versa, since MPEG-2, in turn, is used by cable operators that are not limited in the frequency band and the picture compressed with this codec is much better.

Analog antenna or satellite dish?

The principle of operation with a satellite dish... You need to buy and install a set of equipment that receives a signal: a "dish", an access card to satellite channels and a set-top box (satellite receiver), which transforms the received digital signal into an analog one that is understandable to the TV. Satellite receiver is a device that transforms a signal from DVB (various decoding systems) into a format that can be perceived by a consumer TV. To such a set-top box, you can connect a cable operator's wire or a familiar terrestrial television antenna. Intermediate equipment may not be needed, since many modern TVs support the standard DVB-T, which means it is compatible with MPEG-4 compression, and no special antenna is required to receive digital signal.

In order not to change the TV, there is an alternative - CAM module... It is a kind of expansion card that is inserted into the TV and gives it the functionality of a set-top box, but to use this component, the TV must have a CAM interface. I will tell you more about the CAM module in the section on digital cable TV.

Satellite platforms officially operating in Russia use DVB-S and DVB-S2 standards. For reception, you need a properly installed antenna (the diameter of which depends on the geographic location of the subscriber and the selected satellite), a receiver with a valid access card and a TV set.

DVB-T2 - a new standard for digital television

DVB-T2 standard is the second generation of the European DVB-T digital terrestrial broadcasting standard. It is intended to improve the capacity of television networks by at least 30% compared to DVB-T with the same network infrastructure and frequency resources.

Advantages of the DVB-T2 standard:

  • increase in the number of channels of the broadcast package;
  • the possibility of organizing "local" broadcasting;
  • the possibility of developing high-definition television;
  • release of etheric frequencies.

The use of the DVB-T2 standard in subscriber devices creates a technological basis for the provision of additional services and HDTV through digital terrestrial television networks. In the future, it is possible to introduce a new interactive technology, thanks to which the capabilities of a familiar TV set will become an analogue of Smart TV. So when buying a TV, pay attention to support for the DVB-T2 standard.

Image resolution in digital television

Regular television signals are “standard definition” ( Standard Definition,SD), there is also a variant of the improved quality signal ( "Increased clarity") - 480p, 576p, 480i or 576i. The number denotes the number of pixels in height, and the letter denotes the scan type interlace (i) or progressive (p). The number of pixels in width depends on the aspect ratio of the picture, which leads to the existence of several more types of high-definition signal. In modern analog TV, there are at least four variants of SD. If your TV is DVB-T capable, there will be no compatibility issues. Cable and satellite operators usually offer some form of "high definition" image. At the moment, the DVB-T standard is considered obsolete and has been replaced by DVB-T2. In Russia, digital terrestrial broadcasting is carried out in DVB-T2 standard with support for the MPEG4 video compression standard and the Multiple PLP mode.

High Definition TV (HDTV) - best quality at the moment. HDTV comes in two flavors - 1080i and 720p. The 720p format has a resolution of 1280x720 pixels and progressive scan, while the 1080i format has an image resolution of 1920x1080 pixels with interlaced scanning. Formally, the number of pixels in a 720p image is two times less than in 1080i, but in 720p, a whole frame is formed in one pass, and in 1080i, half. 1080i is more suitable for footage with a minimum of movement and a maximum of detail, while 720p is on the contrary, for this reason there is no need to compare them.

Digital cable television

In parallel with the transformation of terrestrial television, cable operators also thought about optimizing the frequency spectrum and developing services. In the field of cable television, a typical development path is the launch of broadcasting in the DVB-C format (the version of the DVB standard for cable networks has a lower compression ratio and less noise immunity compared to the terrestrial standard, which is quite acceptable in a "cable"). When switching to digital, operators get the opportunity to flexibly manage content, for example, allocate channel packages, open and close access to them for users, etc. To decrypt encrypted channels from the subscriber's side, so-called access cards are used. Each coding system has its own, but the standard provides for a universal connector for connecting to a TV or set-top box of a CAM module for a certain type of coding, into which an access card is already installed.

Like DVB-T2, the cable version of digital TV supports high definition (HD) content. But whether or not to enable HD channels in its network, each operator decides independently. It should be noted that almost all cable networks in Russia, where digital television is launched, offer HD channels. Some even experimented with 3D channels.

Equipment for receiving DVB-T2 and DVB-C

To view the digital signal of cable networks, you need equipment that accepts the appropriate standard. TVs and set-top boxes with DVB-C support appeared on sale back in 2007, so if you have changed your TV receiver in the last few years, then you most likely have support for the cable version of the DVB standard. Ideally, to connect to cable digital television, the owner of such a TV just needs to purchase a CAM module from the operator and install an access card there. But since each operator himself determines the policy of the service, CAM modules are sometimes not offered, and then subscribers need to purchase an intermediary device - a set-top box with support for the conditional access system (DAS) used by the operator. Most often, such devices are "sharpened" only for one COURT.

If the cable operator offers HD channels, then the equipment must also receive HD resolution in order to view them. In general, support for DVB-C (DVB-T / T2) does not at all mean support for Full HD (picture resolution 1920 × 1080 pixels for both TVs and set-top boxes). The situation is similar with 3D channels.

The fact that the TV supports the cable version of the DVB standard does not mean at all that it decodes the on-air version of "digital". Deliveries of equipment with support for DVB-T2 to our country began only in 2012. So it is safe to say that if your TV was purchased earlier, then it will not "understand" the DVB-T2 standard. Cable set-top boxes also rarely accept DVB-T2. If your TV set does not allow receiving on-air "digital" by default, it is not necessary to change it. You can limit yourself to buying a set-top box for DVB-T2. Digital TV tuners of this standard are available in various designs, including compact accessories for tablets and computers with a USB connector.

Television over the Internet

An Internet channel is also used to transmit a digital television signal between the telecom operator and the viewer's TV. Globally networked television projects can be divided into IPTV and OTT. Although OTT is a subset of IPTV, they are usually viewed as different services. It is generally accepted that IPTV is a service within the operator's network that provides broadcast channels in real time, and OTT (Over The Top) is any video service (not only broadcasting channels, but also a cinema, that is, video on demand) provided via the Internet. ... Many common carrier platforms support both options within the same service, so it makes no sense to talk about a rigid separation of IPTV and OTT.

Equipment for IPTV or OTT

To date, TV manufacturers have yet to agree on a unified IPTV service standard (OTT). Therefore, while viewers are forced to choose between several available options for watching TV over the Internet:

  • - operators provide applications to connect the service. It is important that you cannot use a third-party solution here: the only one who can release such a program for a given specific network is the operator providing the service.
  • - the ability to connect an IPTV to a TV is determined by the presence of connectors for connecting a set-top box. The cost of such devices, however, is slightly higher than that of terrestrial set-top boxes. There are even universal devices that work in networks of different operators (reconnection may require changing the firmware of the gadget, but at least not buying new equipment), as well as acting as a home media center (for example, Dune HD).
  • watching channels on a computer - often the "computer" package is smaller and HD channels are rarely found there.
  • television on mobile devices.

Note that IPTV can broadcast HD-, 3D- and even -channels. But to view them, you need a set-top box and a TV that support these standards and resolutions.

Television on mobile devices

The idea of ​​mobile TV was spread by combining high-speed mobile Internet and IPTV. Its advantage in comparison with terrestrial, cable and satellite digital standards is that potentially a television signal can be received not only on specially manufactured devices, but also using any mobile device, including a smartphone or tablet. This is used by many telecom operators who have previously deployed IPTV (OTT) projects. To work with encoded content, telecom operators release applications for mobile gadgets. Moreover, such programs often allow you to manage your subscription to channels or a home set-top box. Recently, many projects have appeared that are not associated with any telecom operator or provider at all, but only offer video content for smartphone users, such as Amediateka, free IVI, etc.

I hope you now understand the differences between the varieties of digital TV: cable, internet, satellite, and terrestrial.

With the advent of the era of digital terrestrial television, many cable and satellite subscribers began to think more and more about connecting free broadcasting... Indeed, according to the FTP, on the development of the digital broadcasting network, more than twenty television channels in excellent quality absolutely free. Which includes the compulsory federal television channels.

The question arises - how to connect digital terrestrial television at home?

This is not difficult. To receive digital terrestrial television, you will need any subscriber equipment of the standard DVB-T2 / MPEG-4 with mode support Multiple PLP and decimeter antenna ( UHF) range. The antenna can be either collective (installed on the house, it is also called common in the house) or individual, installed directly in your house or apartment. Depending on the distance to the transmitting center, it is necessary to select the desired antenna. They are divided into active (with an amplifier) ​​and passive. When buying an antenna, you can first check the power of the transmitting equipment installed in your region and the distance to the transmitting center. Based on the data received, select an antenna.

Approximate coverage radius of transmitting stations:
10 watts- about 3 km;
50 watts- about 5 km;
100 watts- about 15 km;
500 watts- about 25 km;
1 kW- about 30-35 km;
2 kW- about 35-40 km;
5 kW- about 40 - 50 km.

Let's go directly to the equipment for receiving. There are three main groups: TVs with a built-in DVB-T2 tuner, set-top boxes of the same standard and digital computer DVB-T2 tuners. Their setup is similar, if not the same.

Check if your TV can receive a DVB-T2 signal

Video: how to set up digital terrestrial television DVB-T2

It is best to connect a digital terrestrial set-top box according to the manufacturer's instructions, it is almost impossible to make a mistake there. Also, you can watch the official video from RTRS:

Several recommendations, also from RTRS:
connect the plug of the antenna cable and, if necessary, the digital set-top box to the TV;
connect autosearch of channels - the TV will tune to the corresponding digital terrestrial channel, when tuning to a channel in manual mode, you must specify the channel frequency (for example, 35 TV channel, 685 MHz);
Most digital TVs (and set-top boxes) have a built-in signal level and quality indicator, which will allow you to optimally tune your antenna to receive a digital terrestrial signal (see the instruction manual for your TV).

On TVs with a built-in DVB-T2 tuner, all manipulations are carried out through the TV menu. Difficulties should not arise there either.

We recommend updating the software of your subscriber equipment to the most current one. This can be done in specialized services, or on your own (if you are confident in your abilities). The software can usually be downloaded from the manufacturer's official websites.

Frequencies of digital channels DVB-T2:

21st television channel- receiving frequency 474 MHz;
22nd television channel- receiving frequency 482 MHz;
23rd television channel- receiving frequency 490 MHz;
24th television channel- receiving frequency 498 MHz;
25th television channel- receiving frequency 506 MHz;
26th television channel- receiving frequency 514 MHz;
27th television channel- receiving frequency 522 MHz;
28th television channel- receiving frequency 530 MHz;
29th television channel- receiving frequency 538 MHz;
30th television channel- receiving frequency 546 MHz;
31st television channel- receiving frequency 554 MHz;
32nd television channel- receiving frequency 562 MHz;
33rd television channel- receiving frequency 570 MHz;
34th television channel- receiving frequency 578 MHz;
35th television channel- receiving frequency 586 MHz;
36th television channel- receiving frequency 594 MHz;
37th television channel- receiving frequency 602 MHz;
38th television channel- receiving frequency 610 MHz;
39th television channel- receiving frequency 618 MHz;
40th television channel- receiving frequency 626 MHz;
41st television channel- receiving frequency 634 MHz;
42nd television channel- receiving frequency 642 MHz;
43rd television channel- receiving frequency 650 MHz;
44th television channel- receiving frequency 658 MHz;
45th television channel- receiving frequency 666 MHz;
46th television channel- receiving frequency 674 MHz;
47th television channel- receiving frequency 682 MHz;
48th television channel- receiving frequency 690 MHz;
49th television channel- receiving frequency 698 MHz;
50th television channel- receiving frequency 706 MHz;
51st television channel- receiving frequency 714 MHz;
52nd television channel- receiving frequency 722 MHz;
53rd television channel- receiving frequency 730 MHz;
54th television channel- receiving frequency 738 MHz;
55th television channel- receiving frequency 746 MHz;
56th television channel- receiving frequency 754 MHz;
57th television channel- receiving frequency 762 MHz;
58th television channel- receiving frequency 770 MHz;
59th television channel- receiving frequency 778 MHz;
60th television channel- receiving frequency 786 MHz;
61st television channel- receiving frequency 794 MHz;
62nd television channel- receiving frequency 802 MHz;
63rd television channel- receiving frequency 810 MHz;
64th television channel- receiving frequency 818 MHz;
65th television channel- receiving frequency 826 MHz;
66th television channel- receiving frequency 834 MHz;
67th television channel- receiving frequency 842 MHz;
68th television channel- receiving frequency 850 MHz;
69th television channel- receiving frequency 858 MHz.

At present, Russia (like other countries of the world) is switching to digital broadcasting (DVB-T and DVB-T2). Russia began much later to digitalize broadcasting, due to which it passed the stage of the first DVB-T standard and immediately introduced a new, more advanced DVB-T2 standard. It uses MPEG-4 compression instead of MPEG-2 (most European countries). MPEG-4 compression allows, with low signal quality loss, to provide a significantly lower bit rate, which allows a much larger number of programs to be placed in one package (multiplex) and even to use high definition television (HDTV).

What gives the consumer the transition from the traditional analogue broadcasting, familiar to us, to the DVB-T2 standard?

Excellent signal quality. The digital signal has a very characteristic feature - either it has excellent (original) quality, or it is not at all. The analog signal has a smooth transition from excellent to poor reception quality.

Increased number of channels with the same frequency resource. Physically, this means that in one physical channel with a bandwidth of 8 MHz, several programs are simultaneously broadcast (from 6 to 18). A set of programs located in one physical channel (8 MHz) are called a "package" (they are, as it were, "packed" into one single digital stream) or a "multiplex".

Simplified admission conditions. Physically, this means that where previously analogue channel reception was difficult or impossible, DVB-T2 reception becomes a reality. DVB-T2 signals are perfectly "read" when they are very noisy. This is their feature.

Absence of repeated pictures on the TV screen... A very important factor in practice. Now, the presence of multiple reflected signals does not affect the reception quality in any way (of course, within reasonable limits).

The ability to broadcast high definition channels (HDTV). As a rule, such programs are necessarily present in any of the broadcast packages. Anyone who has seen the quality of HDTV signal, he no longer wants to watch even the quality of DVD signal from DVD players. HDTV quality can really be enjoyed. There are no fundamental restrictions on the broadcasting of 3D programs (currently there is little interesting content in 3D).

Reception of programs not available on satellite broadcasts. As already noted, satellite (SAT) broadcasting is characterized by the peculiarity that not all the desired programs are broadcast from this satellite. In addition, SAT broadcasting is paid, while state broadcasting is free, which also plays an important role. It is also important to add that the image quality at DVB-T2 broadcasting is much better than SAT broadcasting due to the increased transmission rates.

The ability to receive on the move. Standard DVB-T / T2 was formed initially with such a characteristic feature. Now it can be taken reliably and stably in a car, plane, train, etc. The maximum speed of movement depends on the broadcasting format of the DVB-T / 2 signal and usually lies in the range of 220-440 km / h. Thus, almost every motorist can now install a small flat panel TV (powered by a battery) in his car and enjoy high-quality digital signal reception (reliable reception is observed even in short tunnels).

Moscow is DVB-T2 channel broadcast room 30, room 24 and room 34(see frequency grid). The digital packages broadcast both free standard definition (SD) and paid high definition (HD) channels.

Our company will select (and, if necessary, install) a small antenna for high-quality reception of DVB-T / T2 signals.

We can also supply you with an economical tuner (STB) DVB-T2 - HDTV / MPEG-2/4 for receiving digital channels.

If necessary, we can distribute the digital signal to several rooms (according to the number of STBs), or the already received demodulated signal to several rooms (no additional STBs are required, but all TVs will show only the same programs received by a single tuner).

The most economical way is for you to install one or another set recommended by us for DVB-T2 broadcasting. At the same time, only 1 UHF range antenna.

Moreover, if you already have a shared cable network, then we will help you "mix" digital packages into the cable network without any damage to you. Naturally, we can also mix satellite (SAT) broadcast signals into your home network. In this case, all signals will be broadcast over one single cable.

There are many options for solving a particular problem, and everything is determined by the wishes of the Customer and his financial capabilities.

Free digital TV became generally available in early 2015, but many users continue to watch analogue TV broadcasts.

The transition to digital broadcasting is hampered by the limited capabilities of TVs that do not support DVB-T2 technology. A signal of this format can be received by modern models with a built-in DVB-T2 tuner. Other TVs will be able to switch to "digital" only with the help of additional equipment - an external tuner T2.

The Zenobund operator decoded 32 channels at the request of the government, which plans to turn off analogue broadcasting by the end of June 2017. Today, 95% of the territory of Ukraine is covered by digital broadcasting.

Popular questions about DVB-T2 digital set-top box

The experts of the online store "Foxtrot" answered the most common questions about DVB-T2 receivers presented on the site

1. Why isn't the digital TV receiving a signal?

Many digital TVs have a built-in first generation DVB-T tuner, the predecessor to DVB-T2. This tuner does not decode MPEG4 signal.

2. What doestuner T2?

A digital set-top box is a receiver with a decoder that processes the encoded signal with the MPEG-4 compression algorithm. The set-top box extracts image and sound data from the transport digital stream and converts the signal into an analog format that can be seen by the TV.

3. How to go digital?

To switch to "digital" you will need an external DVB-T2 set-top box and a regular indoor decimeter antenna. Experts recommend purchasing a special antenna of the DVB-T2 standard if the TV is located at a considerable distance from the transmitter. The set-top box is connected to the TV using a triple tulip cable or HDMI.

4. How to digitize multiple TVs?

The optimal solution is to purchase a separate set-top box for each TV. Receivers with an HF modulator can be connected to several TVs, organizing a single network: in this case, all connected TVs will play one channel, selected using the receiver.

5. What is the difference between some T2 prefixes from others?

The main difference is functionality. Among the latter are recording to external media, deferred viewing (TimeShift), HF modulator, Wi-Fi. The models also differ in the number and set of connectors (RCA, HDMI and USB).

6. How many channels are available digitally?

Today, 32 channels are broadcasted in digital format, including 10 HD channels. With the help of the set-top box, you can watch any paid channels, access to which is provided by various operators of digital broadcasting. Access is provided by special cards that are installed in card readers or CI slots of the tuner.

The Geneva Convention of 2006 approved that the transition to digital broadcasting should take place before 2015, which will entail the shutdown of analog TV.

As of 2011, the National Digital Television Network was built and launched in Ukraine, which covers about 95% of the country's settlements. By 2015, it is planned to turn off analogue broadcasting in the country.

There are three broadcasting formats for terrestrial TV:

  1. DVB-T / MPEG2
  2. DVB-T / MPEG4
  3. DVB-T2 / MPEG4

It was DVB-T2 / MPEG4 that was introduced in Ukraine - the newest broadcasting format. The digital broadcasting format has greater noise immunity than the analogue one. This means that the coverage will be greater, and the signal itself will be available where it was not previously, while maintaining the quality of the image and sound.

It also entails a reduction in the size of the antenna, all other things being equal reception conditions. Receive excellent quality video with an indoor antenna? Watching high quality TV outdoors or in the car has now become a reality!

With all this, transmitting stations that broadcast in digital have less power than analog ones. Consequently, they consume less electricity and are more environmentally friendly.

The system assumes the presence of basic 32 channels: 28 national + 4 regional and local. Viewing all 32 channels is free. At the moment, all channels broadcast in SD quality (standard), but the project assumes that 22 channels will be in SD format, the remaining 10 - in high definition HD.

Preliminary list of HD channels:

  • MTV-Ukraine
  • Ukraine
  • Kinotochka
  • Inter
  • Bank-TV
  • Enter music

Digital broadcasting offers a number of additional possibilities. Along with the old teletext, various additional information is transmitted: current program, next program, channel names, current time, subtitles and their language (if any), etc.

In turn, the tuners themselves are able to receive the new software version (firmware) centrally, directly from the air.

From theory to practice

No matter how attractive DVB-T2 looks, it is not yet full-fledged in Ukraine. The fact is that Zeonbud receives a signal from TV companies in MPEG-2 format at a bit rate of up to 2.5 Mbps, and then converts it to MPEG-4.

However, this should be seen as a temporary solution, since not all TV companies are able to quickly switch to MPEG-4. If Zeonbud limited itself only to MPEG-4, thus it would create great difficulties for TV companies.

The digital TV receivers themselves, as well as their market value (~ 550 UAH), leave much to be desired. Well, hopefully, over time, all these nuances will be eliminated.

The very fact of Ukraine's transition to digital broadcasting should already please.

In the next topic, we will talk about the regional features of digital broadcasting in the Transcarpathian region.

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