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Wps does not work on the router. Reassigning the WPS Button

Most likely, most users do not even know that their routers have such technology as WPS (or QSS). In short and in simple language, WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) is a technology that is specially designed to simplify the connection of devices to a Wi-Fi network. Using WPS, you can connect devices to a Wi-Fi router without having to enter a password for a wireless network. Which is very convenient.

Almost every modern router has a WPS button. The same section is in the router settings. And many are interested in the question, why is this WPS button needed, what is it in general, and how to use this technology. We will consider all these issues in detail in the article.

I will show you how to connect different devices to a Wi-Fi network without entering a password (laptops, Android mobile devices), and how to configure (enable or disable) WPS on different routers (TP-LINK, ASUS, D-LINK, ZyXel).

What is the WPS button on the router for and how to use it?

The button is needed to activate the WPS technology. There is such a button on almost all routers. It is signed as a rule WPS... It looks something like this (on an ASUS router):

Not infrequently, the button is combined with the reset function of the router. This is very common on TP-LINK routers.

Be careful not to hold down the "WPS / RESET" button for a long time. After holding it for about 5 seconds, the settings of your router will be reset to factory defaults.

And on new routers from ZyXel, the WPS function enable button looks like this:

In any case, it is not at all difficult to find such a button on the body of your router. Well, if it is not there, then go to the settings of the router, and look for the corresponding item in the control panel (below in the article, I'll show you how to do it).

The function is activated at the touch of a button. In the case of my ASUS router, you need to hold the button for 1 second. When the WPS function is activated, the indicator on the router will most likely start blinking. The power indicator on the ASUS router is blinking. Some routers have a separate indicator, usually in the form of a padlock. The function is activated for a while, then the indicator stops flashing. It can be reactivated simply by pressing a button.

How to connect to Wi-Fi without entering a password via WPS (QSS)?

We figured out the activation of the technology on the router, let's now look at the process of connecting different devices.

Ways to connect to a Wi-Fi network without entering a password (via WPS):

  • When there is a WPS button on the router and on the device that you are connecting. For example, an external USB Wi-Fi receiver, it is enough to press a button on both devices, and the connection will be established.
  • If the device that you want to connect to Wi-Fi does not have a mechanical button, but it is not on laptops, smartphones, tablets, etc., then WPS is activated by a button on the router, and on a computer, for example, the connection is automatic. On mobile devices, in the settings, we simply select the connection using WPS. It all depends on the specific device.
  • There are some models of routers that do not have a WPS button. But, this does not mean that the technology is not supported. In any case, you can activate this technology through the settings of the router.
  • Connection using a PIN code. In the settings of the WPS function, a special PIN code is set, with which you can also connect devices. Simply by choosing the appropriate connection method and entering the code.

To connect to Wi-Fi using the methods described below, the WPS function must be enabled on your router. It is enabled by default, but it was disabled on my D-LINK. So if you haven't turned off anything, then everything will work. If something does not work out, then you need to check the settings. How to do this, I will write below in the article.

We connect to Wi-Fi a computer (laptop) on Windows 7, 8, 10 via WPS

Everything is very simple here. Open the list of networks available for connection on the computer, select the required network, and click on the "Connect" button.

A password entry window will appear. And below, there should be a message "You can also connect by pressing a button on the router." You may have to wait a couple of seconds for this message to appear.

Now, press the WPS button on the router, and the computer will connect to Wi-Fi without entering a password.

That's it, you can use the wireless internet connection. You do not need to disable anything on the router.

If you have an adapter with a WPS (QSS) button

For example, I have a WPS button on my ASUS router, and a QSS button on TP-LINK.

Go, when you press the button on both devices, a connection should be established. It is, but as far as I understand, the proprietary utility of the Wi-Fi adapter must be installed on the computer. It is located on the included disk. You can also download it from the official website for your adapter model.

WPS connection for Android smartphones and tablets

To connect to Wi-Fi without entering a password on Android, you need to go to Wi-Fi settings, select advanced settings, then select a connection using WPS, and press a button on the router. The smartphone or tablet will automatically connect to the Wi-Fi network.

On different devices, these settings may look different. But the procedure will be the same. There you can also choose to connect via WPS using a PIN code.

Even with, WPS technology can be used.

As for iOS (iPhone, iPad, etc.), as far as I understand, there is no WPS support there. If I'm wrong, if you know, then write me in the comments.

How to enable, disable and configure WPS (QSS) on a router?

Let's take a look at the basic settings for Wi-Fi Protected Setup on routers from different manufacturers. There are practically no settings there. Basically, it's a technology shutdown (since it is enabled by default), and changing the PIN code.

On TP-LINK routers

Go to the router settings and go to the "WPS" tab. If you do not know how to enter the control panel, then see the instructions.

WPS management on ASUS routers

If you have an ASUS router, then go to the "Wireless network" - "WPS" tab.

Quick Wi-Fi setup (WPS) on ZyXEL Keenetic

It is enough to open the "Wi-Fi network" tab in the settings. There you will see the required settings.

Wi-Fi Protected Setup on D-LINK

We go to, go to the "Wi-Fi" - "WPS" tab. By the way, as it turned out, this technology is disabled by default on D-LINK routers. Therefore, it must be turned on.

Well, don't forget to save your settings.


With WPS (QSS), you can really quickly connect your device to Wi-Fi without entering a password. The technology works and is very easy to use. Personally, I have only used this feature a few times. There is no need to frequently connect new devices, and the password is not difficult to enter.

By the way, if you do not use the WPS function, then it is advisable to disable it. Honestly, I don’t know why, but I’ve already met information several times that it is advisable to disable it for security purposes. Although, I think this is complete nonsense. The main thing is that it would be convenient for you to use the wireless network, connect new devices, etc.

If you bought a new router, then while examining it from the outside, you most likely noticed that it has a small WPS button. What it is? Three letters WPS Is an abbreviation for Wi-Fi Protected Setup or translated into Russian: Wi-Fi Protected Setup... This technology was invented by the global Wi-Fi Alliance, which promotes wireless technology and certifies related technologies.
The WPS button enables a special router mode that makes it easier to connect third-party devices - phones, tablets, Smart TVs, etc.

What is WPS and is it different from WPA?

In layman's terms, WPS is a wireless networking standard that helps you connect other wireless devices to your router faster. A WPS connection between two devices is created only when the user physically presses the WPS button, first on the router, then on the connected device. However, many users often confuse WPS mode with WPA and WPA2 security standards. Here, WPA stands for Wi-Fi Protected Access. At the same time, WPS and WPA / WPA2 are technologically different. WPA / WPA2 security protocols use encryption technology to connect Wi-Fi devices. WPA uses older technology that can be easily hacked, while WPA2 uses secure encryption technology. WPS, on the other hand, does not use encryption technology and is unfortunately more vulnerable to attack by hackers.

How does WPS mode work?

While WPA technology requires the user to select a specific network to connect to, as well as enter a password to connect devices, WPS mode simplifies the connection process. It offers two ways to connect devices - WPS Push Button and Unique PIN Method.

Where is the WPS button on the router and how does it work ?!

Most modern routers have a WPS button located on the back of their case, usually next to the Ethernet ports, or on the bottom of the case. Sometimes the WPS button is located on the side. It is usually marked with a logo with arrows:

When you press a button on your router, it starts looking for other devices within the range of its wireless network. Now all you need to do is press the WPS button on the connected device - phone, tablet, TV, Wi-Fi printer, etc. After that, the new device will connect to the wireless network without any problems and will exchange data with its other clients. The WPS pairing system works as a Bluetooth connection and does not require a password. In the future, you will not need to press the WPS buttons for the same devices to connect to the same network.

Connecting to a router via WPS PIN code

Another method for WPS mode to work requires a unique PIN to create a connection between the router and the client device. This is usually done if the router does not have a WPS button, but supports this mode. The PIN is usually an eight-digit number printed on a sticker, which can be found either on the bottom or on the back of the device. To connect to a wireless network, the user will have to enter this PIN, which will act as a password as it is randomly generated and cannot be changed by users.

Is WPS technology dangerous?

Recently, in connection with the massive hacking of wireless networks, WPS technology is considered potentially dangerous. This is not entirely true. Only the WPS mode using a PIN code is dangerous. Firstly, because the code can be picked up - it is numeric and consists of 8 digits. Secondly, because some wireless routers that connect devices using the PIN method check the first four numbers when creating a connection. This makes them vulnerable to brute force coding. This method is called WPS PIN Hack. With the help of several programs, an attacker can crack a PIN in a maximum of 48 hours and use your system. Routers that have no limit on the number of trial passwords are especially susceptible to this.

Therefore, routers with a WPS button are more reliable, as a hacker must have physical access to the WPS button on the router to be hacked.

Summary: WPS mode is essential and useful, it makes your life easier by quickly and reliably connecting your Wi-Fi enabled devices to your home network. In this case, you can use only that version of the technology, which implies pressing the WPS button on the devices to connect them!

The abbreviation WPS on a router is an abbreviation for “Wi-Fi Protected Setup”. The technology was created to simplify the connection of various devices to the network. It is supported by almost all routers. Its main advantage is that you do not have to enter a password on your phone or laptop to connect. This is especially true when you have forgotten your Wi-Fi password, and it is not possible to look in the router settings. The article will describe in detail the functioning of this technology, as well as give instructions on how to use it.

How WPS Mode Works

When we have found out what WPS is, it is worth talking about the algorithm of this technology. To create a wireless network, the user needs to configure the access point of the router and connect to the local network of his device with the security password.

WPS greatly simplifies this procedure. The controller generates an arbitrary password automatically, and then transmits it to a device that connects to the network via Wi-Fi Protected Setup. Thanks to this, you do not have to independently search for your network among others and manually enter the password

The WPS protocol is supported by Windows operating systems and most Android mobile gadgets. On those operating systems that do not have built-in utilities, you can download a special driver that expands the functionality of the system.

Using WPS (QSS) on a router

You can connect devices to the router using WPS both hardware and software. It all depends on the gadget you are connecting to the wireless network.

Hardware connection: what it is and how it is used

The first option provides only two steps: you need to press the buttons with the appropriate designation on the router and on the connected gadget. The WPS button on a router is usually located on the back of the device.

In some cases, the button is combined with the RESET function. If you do not want to reset the router to factory settings, do not hold it for more than 5 seconds. The activation of the WPS function will notify you by the corresponding indicator light on the front panel of the router.

Mobile phone / tablet software connection

The Android operating system includes a WPS connection function. To use it, follow the instructions below, namely:

If everything is done correctly, the smartphone will connect to your local network.

Connecting a Windows device

You can use Wi-fi on your laptop after establishing a connection with the router via WPS. To do this, follow several steps:

If you need to disable this protocol on routers, just press the button (if it is not there, you can disable WPS on the router only through the settings).

What to do if the router does not have a WPS button: examples of enabling

Many models do not provide hardware enablement of the Wi-Fi Protected Setup protocol. This means that the connection is made via the WEB interface. To do this, you need to do the following:

After completing these manipulations, you can use Wi-Fi without any problems. Often, the eight-digit PIN combination is indicated on a sticker that is affixed to the case of the modem.

There is an alternative option for connecting mobile devices:

If the correct combination is entered, the mobile phone or tablet will be connected to the network. With this function, you can connect to Wi-Fi any devices that support this protocol.

How to disable WPS through settings

To deactivate, you need to click the "Disable" button in the appropriate section of the router or select the Disabled item.

These days, wireless Internet connection using Wi-Fi technology is gaining immense popularity. This is due to the fact that the user becomes completely independent from the web of cables and wires, now there is no need to be tied to the workplace. If you wish, you can move your laptop to any point in the apartment or go out with it to the courtyard of your house without breaking the Internet connection. However, the development of these technologies has raised the issue of protection and After all, most users do not have the necessary knowledge. Therefore, manufacturers of wireless equipment have developed a special WPS protocol. It allows you to automate the process, which saves inexperienced users from unnecessary trouble.

WPS - what is it and what is it for?

This abbreviation stands for Wi-Fi ProtectedSetup. This standard was developed by an alliance of manufacturers of wireless Wi-Fi devices, the main goal of which was to simplify the setup process, and This technology allows even an inexperienced user to simply, quickly establish a wireless Internet connection without delving into all the intricacies of Wi-Fi encryption protocols. Thanks to WPS, the device is able to automatically set the network name, as well as the encryption that will be used to protect against attempts. Previously, all these procedures had to be done manually.

Configuring Wireless Networks Using WPS

What is Wi-Fi ProtectedSetup and what it is for, we found out. Now let's figure out how you can set up a wireless network. What is needed for this? We need a personal computer (preferably with Windows 7 operating system) and an access point that supports WPS mode. The setup process for this system is the same for all devices that support this technology, regardless of model and manufacturer. So, let's start describing the procedure. The first step is to turn on the router. We update the list of available wireless networks on the computer. Our router model appears on the monitor. Click the "Connect" button. Since the wireless network in question does not yet have security settings set, the computer's operating system will offer to configure the access point. Click "OK" and continue working. In the next step, the WPS-wifi system will ask for a PIN code. You can find this information on a special sticker on the router case. The factory code is usually eight digits long. If desired, it can be changed in the device settings. The code should be entered into the pop-up window and click "Next". A window with the configurations of our router will appear on the monitor. The operating system will offer to assign the basic parameters of the created wireless network, namely: name, encryption type, security key. That's all, the WPS setup is complete, the access point is ready for use.

Connection setup features

1. To date, this technology is fully supported in Windows VistaSP2 and Windows 7. However, if an earlier version of the operating system is installed on your computer, do not despair, you can use a special utility to configure this system. It can be found on the disc that came with the wireless LAN access point.

2. The system developers recommend that when connecting to a wireless network that does not yet have security settings set, configure it. However, you can opt out of this procedure and connect to the network without prior configuration. To do this, you must click "Cancel", thereby bypassing the procedure for selecting parameters.

3. When configuring the network, system security can be left at the default. It is better to replace the PIN code, and the more complex it is, the better. Pay special attention to the name of the network. It is very important that it does not contain spaces and is written in Latin letters.

Connecting new devices to Wi-Fi

If you have a laptop, smartphone, tablet, then they can also be configured to work with the created wireless network. To do this, we search for available connections. We select the name of our network from the list and connect to it. The system will ask you to enter a security code or press the WPS connect button on the router. We enter the password, and the device is ready to work. As you can see, we were able to configure the access point without going into the instrument's web interface. This is how convenient it is - WPS technology. What is a button on a router and what is it for, we will consider further.

How is WPS implemented in the access point?

This function is present in most modern routers. WPS technology allows you to set a name for your home network, as well as configure encryption protection against hacking and unauthorized access completely in automatic mode. This process is carried out using a special request, in which the necessary parameters are transmitted from the router to the device controller. Further, the WPS system performs as well as all subsequent connections of new devices to the newly created Wi-Fi network. Such a request is made using a dedicated WPS button. almost every user of wireless networks knows, but only a few will answer what this button is for. So let's take a look at this question.

WPS button on the router

This functionality is most often located on the front panel of the device, less often on the back or side. The location depends on the manufacturer of the router and the model of the device. Sometimes the manufacturer can combine the wireless settings button with a factory reset. Therefore, you should be extremely careful when using this function. In this case, the choice of the button is determined by the duration of its holding. To turn on the wireless network setup mode, the press time is 1-2 seconds, and to reset all settings - 5-7 seconds. As you can see, the main thing is not to overexpose. If the element in question is absent on the router case, it means that the parameter transfer request mode is launched in the device's web interface, which can be opened in the browser via

Reassigning the WPS Button

The firmware of some routers allows you to change the action of the mentioned element. So, for example, ASUSWRT allows you to reassign WPS and use a mechanism to enable or disable Wi-Fi. Very often this button is simply not used by the user. Therefore, the mode of turning off the radio module without having to change the settings of the web interface may be even more useful. To redefine the purpose of the button, you need to go to the administration section and open the "System" tab. Next, you should override the WP Sbutton item and select Toggle Radio.

Disadvantages of WPS technology

Wi-Fi routers that support this system have a wireless network security vulnerability, using which you can select keys to encryption protocols. To do this, there are many programs on the Internet that can carry out such procedures. In addition, they have a database of ready-made, frequently used keys. The pin code itself consists of eight digits, so in theory there are 10 8 possible combinations. However, in reality, there are significantly fewer such options. This is because the last digit of the code contains the checksum calculated by the first seven digits. In addition, the WPS authentication protocol also contains vulnerabilities. As a result, we have the following picture: in order to find a key, it is required to enumerate only 11,000 options (approximately). And this is relatively little. The disadvantage of the technology we are considering is that most routers have a rigid PIN code assignment. As a result, if the key is compromised, changing the password will not be able to protect your network.


The advantage of this technology is its ease of use. The user does not need to understand all the settings himself. In addition, the system allows you to quickly and effortlessly connect additional devices to an existing network. The launch of this mode in routers is implemented in different ways:

1. Push ButtonConnect - automatic settings are launched by pressing the WPS button located on the router case.

2. Entering the pin code through the router's web interface window. The user using this method must first launch the browser, then open the access point interface and enter the key. Next, the setup process begins.

3. Entering a pin code in a personal computer. The key is entered only after connecting the router to the PC and starting a special WPS session.

In general, this technology is very useful and convenient for inexperienced users, despite the fact that advanced users like to reproach it for its weak protection against unauthorized access.

Standard WPS was created specifically for a simple, fast, and most importantly effective connection of compatible devices to a wireless Wi-Fi network.

I realize that writing about old standards is not ice at all! And what if 60% have not even heard of such a standard.

Often, they complain to me that the router was hacked. Of course, I say or write- PROBLEM A FRIEND!

And I'll just remind you of a few trivial tips to improve the protection of home routers from hacking, specifically WPS.

Its main purpose is to automate the process of setting up a wireless Wi-Fi network, which greatly simplifies the life of users of wireless devices.

And this is good, and therefore let's talk a little about how to set up WPS and then why many people turn it off.

Setting up a WiFi wireless network using the WPS function takes minimal time.

To connect the device, you just need to press the button of the same name and wait for the wireless devices to communicate with each other.

This effective technology allows you to configure the Wi-Fi network operation in a very short time.

Let me remind you:
The following numbers must be driven into the address bar: "". After the transition, a new authorization window will appear, in which you need to enter the word "admin" in the "Username" and "Password" fields or the desired one if you have set a password.

We went, what's next ...

The essence of the WPS technology is that all important parameters are transmitted from the router to the controller after a special request.

Such a request is sent by various methods.

You can use the WPS button on the router panel, you can use a special unique PIN-code, you can enable the WPS function in the router settings.

In some models of routers, this button is combined with the Reset button, which is used to reset the settings. Some manufacturers use the name QSS instead of WPS.

However, you can still find a gadget in which the WPS function is not implemented. In addition, the WPS button is not located on personal computers and laptops, although the operating system often supports this technology.

The presence or absence of a WPS button may affect the WPS connection method.

We are waiting for 1-2 minutes.

During this time, both devices will communicate with each other, and all the necessary connection parameters will be configured in automatic mode.

Please note that on some routers the WPS and Reset buttons are combined into one.

To use such a button as a WPS, do not hold it down for more than 4 seconds, otherwise it will act as a Reset and reset all the settings of the router.

WPS authorization methods:

PBC (Push Button Configuration) Mode
PIN authorization

If both the router and the connected device have a WPS button, then the user does not need to make any settings at all to connect to the Wi-Fi network.

Press and hold the WPS button on the device for 2-3 seconds and release. After that, hold down the WPS button on the router for 2-3 seconds and release.

Small additions ...

Operating systems of the Windows family, starting from Vista SP2, can boast of WPS technology support. For those operating systems that do not support WPS, specialized software utilities are released that make it possible to use WPS to connect to a Wi-Fi network.

Most often, the PIN-code is written on the label of the router and is located on its bottom panel. This code can be changed in the router settings.

The WPS button is most often installed on the front, side or back of the router. You need to clamp it for 2-3 seconds.

Sometimes it is signed as QSS or combined with the Reset button. In the second case, the main thing is not to overdo it with the time of pressing the button, since otherwise it may work to reset the settings.

When setting up a WPS wireless network, be sure to remember or write down the Security Key.

Benefits of WPS:

One-button Wi-Fi connection
Simplicity and ease of connection
High-speed connection of devices to the wireless network
The ability to configure the network without entering the WEB interface
Automatic assignment of network name and security key for the router
The device does not need to know the network name and security key to connect to Wi-Fi

Disadvantages of WPS:

Difficulty connecting an incompatible device to a network configured with WPS
Using the brute-force method, you can crack the PIN-code

So we come to the point why such a good technology is dangerous to use.

And so, this technology is supported by many routers and is the most vulnerable. Represents a button on the router, or an 8-digit PIN that sends network parameters. Of course, the PIN can be easily brute-force.

At the moment, the most relevant hacking method is the selection of a WPS pin.

To brute force the PIN, the WPS mode must be enabled on the router, it is often in this state, but it happens that it is turned off, but this does not guarantee that it is actually turned off.

The PIN-code consists of eight digits - therefore, there are 108 (100'000'000) options for selection.
However, the number of options can be significantly reduced.

The fact is that the last digit of the PIN-code is a kind of checksum, which is calculated based on the first seven digits.

As a result, we already get 107 (10'000'000) options. The vulnerability of the protocol allows you to split the pin code into two parts, 4 and 3 digits, and check each one for validity separately.

Therefore, we get 104 (10'000) options for the first half and 103 (1000) for the second. As a result, there are only 11'000 options for a complete search, which is ~ 910 times less.

Burglary protection

There is one way to defend against an attack so far - disable QSS WPS in the router settings.

For example (TP-Link), enter in the browser line and press Enter. A window will appear in which you will need to log in, that is, enter your username and password.

Further in the menu on the left, find the item, which will talk about QSS. Find the Disable QSS button.
"Reboot". Or just unplug the router for a few seconds - the effect is the same. This manual is suitable for TP-LINK routers

True, this is not always possible. Since the vulnerability does not exist at the implementation level, but at the protocol level.

The most that manufacturers can do is release a firmware that allows a timeout to be entered for blocking a user, for example, after 5 unsuccessful attempts to enter a PIN, which will complicate brute force and increase the time for an attacker to select an identifier.

Another way is to use not only numbers, but also letters in the PIN. Seriously, you just have to come to terms with the fact that everything around you is potentially vulnerable. There are no conspiracy theories or the mysterious Big Brother here.

If you're afraid of everything, just turn off WPS! It is safer for routers that do not support this technology. WPS is not even a new invention at all :) However, the main point of the article is about security. Like, it didn't hurt to turn off this function if you use WiFi in crowded places (cafes, shops, etc.)

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Good luck Friends!

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