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Wipe dalvik cache does not work. What is a wipe and how to do it

Hello everyone, Android is good, no doubt, the most popular operating system on smartphones and it has a lot of things that we do not know yet ... Today we will talk about what wipe data is / factory reset... But first, let's translate this into Russian. So, in words, wipe is from English means to clean (well, or wipe). The word data is data, factory reset means factory reset.

The wipe data / factory reset thing itself is an item in the Recovery menu, which is a special boot mode for an Android smartphone. In this mode, you can reset data, flash your smartphone, and get root rights. The wipe data / factory reset item is responsible for deleting data from the DATA and CACHE sections, all your programs and their data are also deleted, Personal settings are also deleted. However, all your pictures, vidos, Mouzon remain, all this remains.

On one good site ( I found a lot of information about Android, and there I was interested in something, in general, guys, this is what a person writes, read it carefully, it seems to be important:

Well, here's the item itself in the menu:

It turns out that the full name of the menu is Android system recovery, the name itself already suggests that this is a recovery menu

Even on the official Samsung website it is also written that the wipe data / factory reset item is responsible for resetting data. And it also says there that this method is used if the smartphone or tablet does not want to turn on. By the way, guys, if you don’t know something, then don’t touch it, follow this rule and the smartphone will always work. Well, if anything, then you can carry it as a guarantee. But if you poked in it yourself, then there can be troubles with a guarantee ...

By the way, here's a joke still written on the Samsung website, in short, guys, maybe you made a reset, and then bam .. And the phone asks for a Google account, you are thinking! It's just an anti-theft system called Google FRP, attention, what I will write now is important: if you reset the data and do not delete your Google account before that, the device will be locked. When enabled, you will be asked for the ONE ACCOUNT that was BEFORE RESET. That is, the phone will ask for a username and password from Google account, here's a serious turnaround guys!

Many sources claim that before installing custom ROM for example, you need to do wipe system, although there is also the opposite opinion. How to be in this situation? There is only one answer: the first option is correct. Why is that? Let's try to figure it out.

Wipe aims to clear sections of your device's memory. The operation leads to both the loss of personal data and the loss of downloaded applications. System applications, on the other hand, get their initial state. It turns out that wipe returns your device to the state in which you bought it.

Here are some of the different wipes and a short description of them:

Wipe data / Factory reset: in this case, all your personal data will be deleted, and the system will return to its original form.

Wipe Cache Partition: This action deletes the cache. With this method, no personal data is lost.

Wipe Dalvik Cache: all your programs are in a directory tree Dalvik cache, wipe affects him, while personal data remains intact.

Which wipe in which case to apply? What is its meaning?

If you install a new ROM without committing wipe, then there is a lot of "garbage" from old system which leads to unstable work new. You get a bunch of errors, crashes and other problems. For this reason wipe is always necessary.

Let's now consider which wipe to use in which case.

When you install a new one custom ROM, but before that we used stock firmware, it is worth using the first option - " Wipe Data". It is also necessary when moving from one version to another, for example, from to.

If it comes about small updates, for example, you are moving from CyanogonMod 9.0 To CyanogenMod 9.1 or install, then you need to apply " Wipe Cache Partition" and " Wipe Dalvik Cache".

This, in fact, is all. Now you know that wipe helps to solve many problems associated with custom ROMs... If, after installation, a bunch of errors appear in the system, then you can easily eliminate them. If wipe does not help, then you need to use the "" option in the recovery mode. We hope that now questions on the topic to do wipe or not, you won't.

In smartphones and tablets on Android base there is special menu Recovery Mode or simply . This special treatment device boot, thanks to which you can reset all settings or, say, install new firmware on the device.

This is what Recovery Mode looks like on a Samsung smartphone:

To call this menu, you need to do a series of actions along with rebooting your smartphone. For example, on Samsung Galaxy S3 process is as follows:

  • Turn off your smartphone.
  • Press the volume up button, Home button and the power key of the smartphone at the same time.
  • Release the buttons as soon as you see the menu recovery logo.

Please note that the above is the image shown Stock Recovery Mode. There are also custom versions of the menu, they are installed by the user independently and can have a completely different look.

There are several items in the recovery menu that raise questions from users. Let's talk about some of them.

Wipe data / factory reset

When using Wipe data / factory reset, all applications and data (cache, Accounts), except for data such as music, photos, videos. It is usually used if any errors occur when using the device, or the smartphone or tablet starts to slow down due to some application, or the user wants to return the device to its original state and reset the settings.

Wipe cache partition

Wipe cache partition is a cleanup of the cache partition. This area stores temporary files that remained after the work of applications or updates. It is used if the smartphone is working slowly or starts to slow down. In this case, the removal of applications, unlike the previous case, does not occur.

Other types of menu recovery

Some recovery menus have additional items. For example, in Recovery Mode on Xiaomi devices can choose additional modes cleaning, like, say, Wipe SD Card - deleting data from a memory card. And the menu is completely different.

This article will detail the reset process in the operating room. Android system, describing in detail all the options and their nuances.

What is a factory reset for?

After a factory reset, the Android device is completely cleared of user-preinstalled programs. This process can decide the following problems:

● Not correct work and the emergence system errors

● Occurrence of malfunctions after gaining root rights

● Problems after flashing, namely the transition from original firmware to the bone

● Poor performance after upgrade operating system

● In order to erase personal data when the device is sold

Resetting the settings in the Android system is called wipe, which in English means - wipe, wipe. For many, a similar term is familiar, which is called formatting. In fact, they are one and the same process.

Types of hard reset

Resetting settings on Android OS can be divided into two types - full and partial. The first one deletes all data and programs on the device or in selected partitions. The second allows you to delete a specific directory, that is, a folder.

Modes from which you can wipe on Android
● Settings menu
● Menu recovery
● Menu Bootloader... It is necessary to use funds fastboot
● Using the hardware reset button, if provided by the developers

How to reset settings on Android

Option one: settings menu

Go to the settings menu, then go to the Restore and Reset option. Then you can check the box Erase SD card, which will erase the data stored on the memory card, including all programs and files. The information stored in the phone's memory will also be deleted.

Option two: hardware button

Use a thin paperclip or similar item to perform the reset. Using a paper clip, hold down the reset button for 15-30 seconds. The settings will be reset to factory defaults.

Option three: recovery menu

Before proceeding to the description, remember how to get into the recovery menu. To do this, turn off the power, then hold down the Home key and the volume increase button simultaneously with the power button. On the different devices there may be different key combinations. Moving through all the menus is carried out by decreasing and increasing the volume, and the choice of one or another action with the power (power) key. You can also use personal computer and a program that is universal for all devices. But first it’s worth it.

Now about the wipe itself through the recovery. Execute full reset settings can be done both through the standard and through the custom menu. The advantages of performing this action through the recovery menu are more flexible options than the settings menu.

V standard version two types of reset are available.

wipe data / factory reset- will delete all data stored in partitions DATA and CACHE, the folder where the program data is located will also be deleted. When using this method, all your applications and their root directories, personal settings will be permanently deleted, but media files, that is, images, videos and music, will be saved.

Wipe cache- temporary information about the functioning of programs and applications will be erased. This method is required when system malfunctions occur.

It has similar items... When problems appear on your device in working with programs, it is recommended to try to perform WIPE DALVIK CACHE. This action available in the advanced menu. After applying it, all programs and data will not be deleted.

If all else fails and the problems still terrorize your device, then you should do WIPE DATA / FACTORY RESET... The custom recovery menu provides some additional features... To access them, you need to transfer to the menu MOUNTS AND STORAGE... There is a function that allows you to wipe any section of the system.

Learn more about wipe on Android

The information below will help anyone who wants to know a little more about wipe.

Not true

Often on the Internet, especially on sites dedicated to Android, there are guides for flashing and obtaining root-rights. These instructions tell you what to do a factory reset, describing it in the following way: wipe data, wipe cache, wipe dalvik cache, format data.

All this is incorrect, since people do not understand the entire structure of the recovery menu and do not know file structure Android systems.
By doing wipe data / factory reset the data section is deleted, which contains the dalvik cache directory. That is, some manipulations will be unnecessary. It should be noted that the terms wipe and format imply the same concept. The whole point is that this statement can be checked in the section system / xbin where you will not find files format, but only find the file wipe.

The subtleties of performing wipe on Android

Many users wonder when do they need to reset the settings - before flashing the device or after? The answer is obvious - it is best to wipe before, since many firmware include a built-in function automatic reboot system after installation. In the case when the firmware has uploaded in the section data files wipe, you need to pay attention to how the system will function after booting, if it's bad, execute wipe data.

A little about other subtleties when performing a factory reset on Android

Based on the observations of many experts, it became clear that a feature of the popular CYanogenMod custom firmware is a script that is part of the installation process from the recovery menu. This script initially backs up the system files, and then, after the end of the flashing, restores them. As a consequence, errors can sometimes occur. Therefore, if you decide to use the CyanogenMod firmware, and also have an idea of ​​what updater-script is, and that the script executing this backup is located in it, then before starting the firmware process, you should complete format system... That's all.

In this article, we will look at how to properly perform a factory reset or wipe on Android. What types of reset are there and other various nuances.

Reset settings, Hard reset, Wipe - these are all synonyms (the same thing) that mean a partial or complete reset of all data and settings.

Why do you need to perform a factory reset?

Factory reset performs clean up android from your data and programs and may be needed for various reasons:

  • If Android does not work correctly and fatal errors often occur
  • After getting Root Android rights
  • After firmware (switching from original to custom firmware, OS update)
  • In order not to disseminate personal data (when the device is resold and transferred to other hands)

In the Android ecosystem reset it is customary to call - wipe. English word Wipe [wipe] - wipe, wipe. For many, a familiar word in in this case will be formatting or formatting. So remember, Wipe in Android is a factory reset, formatting!

Types of wipe on Android

Wipe on Android can be divided into full and partial:

  • Full Wipe- completely deletes all data on the partition.
  • Partial Wipe- deletes a specific directory (folder) on the partition.

What modes can you perform Wipe on Android

  • From the Recovery menu
  • From the Bootloader menu by means
  • By means of a hardware reset button (if available)
  • How to do wipe on Android

    Performing a factory reset from the settings menu

    Go to the settings menu and find the menu " Recovery and Reset " and go into it:

    In the menu you can (if necessary) mark " Clear SD card "—This will erase the data on the memory card and internal memory, as well as all programs and their data!

    Performing a factory reset using a hardware reset button

    To reset, take a thin paperclip and unfold it. Press the reset button for 15-30 seconds with a paperclip. android settings reset to zero.

    Wipe on Android from the Recovery menu

    Wipe can be performed from both standard Recovery and custom recovery. Executing Wipe from the Recovery menu is more flexible in terms of capabilities than from the settings menu.

    Executing Wipe from Standard Recovery

    V Standard Recovery 2 kinds of factory reset can be done.

    • wipe data / factory reset- will delete data from the DATA and CACHE section and the folder in internal memory with program data. At given wipe delete all your programs their data, Personal settings,.
    • Wipe cache- delete temporary data of program activities, this reset needed if you sometimes get errors on Android!

    Executing Wipe from Custom Recovery

    Custom Recovery also has the same items as the standard one.

    If problems persist, then it is worth making a WIPE DATA / FACTORY RESET!

    also in custom recovery there is an add. reset options, for this it is worth going to the MOUNTS AND STORAGE menu. Here you have the option to wipe to any Android section.

    From the Bootloader menu via the Fastboot utility

    It is also possible to execute wipe through the Bootloader menu, using the fastboot utility for firmware Android devices... It looks like this:

    fastboot erase cache

    More information about wipe on Android

    This information is for those who want to know more about wipe.

    The intricacies of running Wipe on Android

    Many people are faced with the question of when to wipe? Before or after firmware? It is better to perform it before flashing, as many firmwares can have an automatic reboot function built in after installing the firmware! If the firmware contains files that are uploaded to the data section, then it is worth checking how the system will behave, if it boots, well, if not, then run wipe data.

    The intricacies of running Wipe on Android 2

    From personal observations, I noticed the following feature in a popular custom CyanogenMod firmware(LinageOS) there is a script that is executed during installation from under the recovery menu. This script first backs up the system files ( system section) before the firmware and restores after. Because of this script, sometimes errors can occur and wander, from firmware to next firmware... Therefore, if you are using LinageOS firmware or you know that there is a script in the updater-script that performs this backup, then it is better to do the format system before the firmware.

    That's all, stay with the site!

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