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The external battery for the phone does not work. Why does the power bank not charge the phone: what could be the reasons and ways to fix the problem? Bayon offers a huge number of different USB cables: good prices and free delivery as soon as possible

Every owner of a smartphone or any other portable device is familiar with a power bank charger (“power,” as it is colloquially called). It is very convenient to use because the phone can be recharged at any time. However, many have to face the problem when the power bank does not charge the phone for some reason, even if it is strictly followed. It may also happen that the device is working very slowly. In any case, do not rush to contact repair services: you may be able to eliminate the cause yourself.

What could have happened

Before you start dealing directly with the power bank, you should understand whether this is the essence of the problem. It is quite possible that it is the phone that is working poorly, and not the device for charging it. First of all, connect your phone to another charger and watch what happens.

The USB cable used may also be the reason why the power bank does not charge the phone: for example, the cable is damaged or kinked too much . Therefore, you need to carefully examine it for external damage. If they were found, all that remains is to replace the old cable with a new one. Or immediately purchase a higher quality USB device.

When the problem is in the device itself

If the power bank was purchased recently or has not been used for a long time, you can try recharge it for 8 hours . The fact is that while the device was in storage and not in use, the chemical processes inside it could have slowed down significantly, which is typical even when they are not working. It is quite possible that this is why the power bank does not charge the phone. When it is “boosted,” the substances that slow down the battery will disintegrate, and the device will produce the required amount of energy.

It happens that at first the charging process goes on, and then begins to be interrupted. Since all power bank chargers are made in China, it is not surprising that the capacity indicated on the charger does not correspond to its actual level. Of course, a power bank with a real capacity of 2000 mAh will not be able to fully charge a smartphone whose battery has a capacity of 3000 mAh. To the question of what to do next, there is an extremely simple answer: purchase a charger with a capacity at least twice the phone's capacity .

There is another reason why the powerbank first charged and then stopped charging the phone. Often the controller turns off the process if there is overheating or some kind of malfunction. Contacts may also be weak or faulty. In these cases, it is advisable to contact a repair and service center.

Many owners are forced to charge smartphones from a power bank only when the devices are turned off: otherwise they charge very slowly or take much longer. Naturally, in this way it is impossible to simultaneously charge the phone and search for something on the Internet, this is very inconvenient.

Low charging speed may have the following reasons:

  • the controller has failed , or it has an internal defect;
  • the initial current is insufficient (the power output current is 1 A, and the phone is 1.5 A);
  • The cable is thin, poor quality - reduces the voltage indicator;
  • Several devices are connected to a phone with a small battery capacity .

First of all, you need to do the following: check the output current readings on the connectors of the charger and phone . If the amperage is different, the device should be changed. The thin cable needs to be replaced with one whose quality and conductivity will be better - you can buy it in specialized stores or order it online.

In order to know what to base your assumptions on why the powerbank does not charge the phone, it is advisable know exactly the capacity of both the device and the charger , without relying only on the inscriptions of Chinese manufacturers.

What else can interfere with full charging?

Some users like to download intensive applications and games from the Internet onto their devices. This means that the phone will now take much longer to charge. In the first days this is not noticeable, but later it can greatly affect the charging speed. In addition, if the powerbank charges the smartphone poorly, you can try calibrate the battery of both it and the phone (discharging to zero and charging the devices again). It is recommended to do this three times and, if there are no other problems, the essence of which was described above, this method will be effective. There is no need to contact the service center.

Sometimes, when the smartphone is actually fully charged, the program incorrectly displays the charging indicators. For a more accurate check, you can try to charge the phone yourself simply from a 220 V network.

If your phone won't charge at all

It happens that the purchased power bank is simply incompatible with one or another device model.

The main signs of such incompatibility are that a natural accumulation of energy occurs in the device when it is plugged into the network, it begins to blink, but nothing happens to the phone. There is only one way out: try connecting a phone of a different model and check how charging will happen. If the power bank charges another device without any problems, you will have to exchange it for another, having previously clarified the issue of compatibility with consultants.

If everything was fine with the charging process before, and suddenly the power supply stops working, the problem may lie in one or the other battery, as well as in the condition of the connector and board contacts. Errors in operation and mechanical damage, of course, can also cause failure of a particular device. If the phone is already more than three years old, you should keep in mind such a phenomenon as the natural percentage of battery wear, and then it is not at all surprising that.

Of course, before you get upset and contact the service center about problems with your power bank, it will never hurt to carry out a few simple and accessible steps yourself. At least in this way it will be possible to find out what the cause of the malfunction may be, and, based on this, make the appropriate decision.

So finally you have mobile charger (Power Bank).

Congratulations! Buy Power Bank in Ukraine- a very correct decision!

(If you are just thinking about such a purchase, where will you order)

Of course, you would like the charger to last as long as possible and keep your gadgets happy forever. To do this, you need to know some of the features of Li-Ion batteries and follow a few simple rules of use:

1. After purchasing an external battery, immediately charge it fully.

The ideal charging process (both the PowerBank and the battery of your phone/tablet) also includes the so-called “trickle” charging - charging the gadget for some time after the indicators show that the device is 100% charged, while the charge continues very weak current.

Special applications have been created for smartphones and tablets that recognize “drip” charging: - for Android - for Apple (the application is no longer available in the AppStore)

Previously, to find out when the “drip” charging was over, you needed special measuring equipment (ammeter, voltmeter - tester). How all this equipment works is known to a rather narrow circle of radio amateurs, and not everyone wants to delve into all these details (even for the sake of increasing the life of the batteries).

That is why they have become such a joyful and saving novelty for everyone.

With this little device you can see not only the voltage and current, but also the amount of Ah (amp/hour - the unit of capacity for all batteries) that has passed through USB tester. Therefore, you will always know the condition of the battery of your phone, tablet or, since we are talking about a Power Bank, Power Bank capacity.


Usually Power Bank charging The current is 1-1.5A. The closer to the end of charging, the lower the number of Amperes. “Drip” charging is 0.1-0.05A. To ensure that your battery has maximum capacity for as long as possible, wait until trickle charging is complete. As soon as your USB tester will show 0.00A - charging is completely completed and the device can be disconnected from the network.

2. In order for your Power Bank to reach its maximum capacity, you need to do 2-3 full charge/discharge cycles.

Also, if in the future the Power Bank begins to discharge faster than usual, it is worth repeating this cycle of 2-3 repetitions and thereby rewriting the battery statistics.

3. ALWAYS charge Li-Ion batteries to 100%!

Try to never stop charging prematurely - only after the battery is 100% charged. Yes, many will say that “modern Li-Ion batteries do not have a “memory effect.” Yes, manufacturers also claim this. But, based on our practice and experience, this is not entirely true: in Li-Ion batteries this effect is much less, but still present (this applies to phones and any other gadgets).

4. Do not completely discharge the PowerBank (to 0%)

Modern Li-Ion batteries that come with mobile batteries don't require this. Moreover, their constant discharge to 0% reduces their service life. Charge the Power Bank when it still has 10-20% charge.

In external chargers With a percentage indication of the discharge/charge level, this is very easy to find out; in devices with LED indication, you will have to do it “by eye”.

(devices with % indication can be found )

5. This point contradicts the previous one, but nevertheless it is also very important: completely discharge the battery from time to time (once every 1-3 months).

This allows you to reset the charge limits (upper and lower - calibrate the Power Bank).

6. If you do not plan to use the external battery for a long time, discharge it by about half.

Storing a fully charged (as well as a completely discharged) battery is very harmful to it and significantly reduces its service life.

7. Use only original mains chargers or those that have the required characteristics (if PowerBank It is recommended to charge with a current of 2A, then use a charger that gives 2A).

It’s worth mentioning separately about network adapters: They're in real trouble. Finding one that produces the declared current is a very difficult task. Even if you buy an expensive adapter in a company store, very often you will get not 1A, but 0.5A at the output. And that’s half the problem (it’s just that your phone/tablet will take 2-4 times longer to charge). It is much worse if in fact it produces a much higher current and does not smooth out significant voltage surges - this can already greatly reduce the battery life of your gadget, and sometimes even lead to its failure.

The problem is that if you don't have a USB tester, you have no way of knowing whether your charge is normal or not. The phone is charging - everything seems to be in order. This is exactly what unscrupulous manufacturers and sellers are counting on (the same can be said about cables - even if charging produces 1A, a poor quality cable can lose up to 80% of the current, and you, again, will have no way of knowing about this without a tester).

This is why we almost always recommend that our clients order a USB tester right away. This purchase will pay for itself more than once! Here you will find various : more expensive and cheaper, more and less informative. But no matter which one you choose, it will be one of the most useful and smartest purchases you make!

Speaking of network chargers:

For a long time we did not sell them at all precisely because of this: we could not find a reliable supplier who had good and (which is very important) constant quality. However, customers kept asking, and we never stopped looking. After many test purchases we managed to find it. Now you will find many high-quality original chargers . Among them -

8. Do not allow the PowerBank to overheat - both during charging and from external factors (heating radiator, direct sunlight, etc.)

If you do not neglect these tips, your Powerbank (as well as any other device) will serve you long and well.

Greetings to all readers of my blog! We continue to disassemble portable batteries. The cost of a good Power bank is significant enough to put up with a rapid loss of performance. To extend the life of your device, you need to know how to charge a power bank correctly. We will talk about this today, and also analyze the situation when the Power bank does not charge: what to do, how to identify the cause and try to eliminate it yourself.

Charging the power bank correctly

To begin with, the new power bank needs to be “pumped”. First of all, we charge the battery to 100% (according to the rule, you should receive a portable device with 70 - 80% charge). It is not possible to pre-discharge new modern batteries, as was previously recommended. Next, be sure to carry out 2 - 3 cycles of complete discharge and charging to 100%. Such manipulations will allow you to “boost” the maximum possible battery capacity.

The next important recommendation on how to properly charge a power bank is to always “fill” the “energy storage” 100% and not immediately disconnect it from the network for “trickle” charging. It is carried out at low current strength, after the 100% indicator on the case lights up. The beginning and end of this process can be monitored using a USB tester. When a value of 0.1 - 0.05 A appears on its display instead of 1 - 1.5 A, then “drip” charging has begun. The battery will be charged to maximum if you wait until it resets.

You should not allow your portable battery to constantly discharge completely. It must be connected to the power supply when the critical threshold of 20% is reached. In this case, there are two ways to charge the device: from a stationary 220 V electrical outlet via an AC adapter and from a computer via a USB cable. The first method is the fastest and most preferable. At the same time, there is the concept of battery calibration, which implies its complete discharge. To prevent various malfunctions, such calibration should be carried out once every 3 months.

The battery charge level is displayed on an LED indicator (the more lights are on, the higher the charge) or on the display (shows the exact percentage). It is recommended to always allow the power bank to “feed” completely. Short-term recharging is harmful to a lithium-ion battery, despite manufacturers' assurances that there is no memory effect. It’s unfortunate, but such an effect exists, and such irresponsible handling of the device will lead to the inability to charge it 100% in the future.

Another common question from buyers is how long does it take to charge an external battery? There is no universal answer for all models, since the time depends on the energy intensity, the presence of an additional fast charging function, and the current strength in the network (more precisely, on the value that your adapter produces). If we talk about 5 or 10 thousand units for smartphones, then they require an average of 12 hours of recharge. High-quality models with a capacity of 20,000 mAh for laptops are equipped with a fast charging function and, surprisingly, require only 3 - 4 hours. You will, of course, find more detailed and accurate information regarding the purchased device in the user manual or operating instructions.

What to do if the portable battery does not charge?

When we connect the power bank to an electric current source, the indicator immediately lights up and flashes until the process is completed. At the same time, there is no need to constantly wake up at night in order to promptly disconnect the charging gadget from the network. Most models have overcharge protection and automatically turn off when the battery is completely full.

But what to do if the real situation does not develop according to the manufacturer’s scenario? Why did an external battery that had been in service for months suddenly stop charging? The most common reason, according to service center specialists, is a break in the wiring in the port socket. As a result, you insert the cable into the connector, but no current flows. There is one way to fix such a malfunction - solder the contacts.

If the device (especially one ordered via the Internet) does not even turn on upon first inspection, then most likely it is completely discharged, so you first need to charge it.

Many users encounter this problem when the power bank takes too long to charge (for example, 10 hours with a capacity of less than 5 mAh).

You need to look for the problem in the following:

  • low-quality network adapter that produces low current output (less than 1 A);
  • thin cable that loses a large percentage of current;
  • controller malfunction;
  • the contacts in the connector move away (current flows in and then stops flowing);
  • poor-quality assembly (when it’s easier to throw it away and not suffer).

You can try to eliminate some causes yourself (take another adapter with a good cable, disassemble and solder broken contacts), but without certain basic knowledge it is better to contact a specialist.

Very often, a cheap power bank from a dubious manufacturer not only charges slowly, but also discharges disproportionately quickly. There can be two options here: either the battery capacity is outrageously lower than declared (and instead of the expected 12,000 you actually have about 6,000 mAh), or one or more parallel-connected batteries inside the case turned out to be poorly sealed and simply came off (as a result there is a noticeable loss of capacity).

A power bank should ensure our comfort and mobility (this is its essence), but for this we must take care of it and not forget about the operating rules: store for a long time with a charge level of about 50 - 80%, avoid prolonged hypothermia, do not leave in room with high humidity. Before you begin troubleshooting any problems, you should evaluate all the risks (especially when working with Chinese counterfeits). I hope I helped you understand the issues of charging a power bank in order to avoid its premature failure. Subscribe to blog updates - share interesting information with friends on social networks and get to know the technology around us better.

What to do if the power bank does not charge your phone?

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Thank you for your attention! See you again on my blog. Sincerely, Rostislav Kuzmin.

And at the present stage it is used everywhere. Of course, it also needs charging regularly. If you purchase a power bank, how to charge its correct and what is the charging method better - this will always be important to know.

How can you charge a power bank using different methods?

A large number of such portable devices are now being produced. To understand how to charge correctly power bank of this or that model, you need to carefully read the . Please note that different models charging with certain features and nuances.

The most popular method is charge power bank just from the network. In order to connect power bank to the network, it is possible to use telephone chargers. Considering that the average time during which the device will be fully charged is 4-5 hours, it is better to leave it online at night and turn it off in the morning.

Sometimes novice users ask, Which The best charging method is network or using USB -cord from the computer? Any direct connection to the network will help “power” your device much faster than USB -port. Although practice shows that for many, connecting a power to a computer is much faster and easier. To charge the power bank from a PC, you just need to connect the supplied cord to the computer.

As for the popular question about whether it is possible charge the device in the sun - You should not make such mistakes if your power is not equipped with a solar battery. Such devices can be found on sale, but they are not cheap and are much less common than standard models.

If you have a device such as a “cigarette lighter” in your car, it is possible to directly power your power. In this case, charging occurs when the car starts moving. By the way, there is another method that for some reason is still not very actively used.

You can quickly recharge the power bank from the mobile phone itself - models with the ability to use them as an external battery device have already appeared on sale.

Determining whether the power bank is charged

How to understand that the power bank is charged? Finding out the charging percentage when using standard power supplies is easy thanks to the divisions or numbers that show the quantitative percentage of charge. When power bank fully charged, the indicator light begins to blink, or the number 100 appears on the display (depending on the device model). On simple external batteries everything is much simpler due to the fact that there are only two indicator lights.

When the power bank is fully charged, the system will automatically disconnect it from the mains power.

Power bank charging time

How long does it take to charge a power bank? The average time is 4-5 hours. Although there are already models on sale that require a minimum time of 3.5 hours to fully charge. For example, power bank xiaomi pro capacity of 10,000 mAh (we'll talk about it below). It used to be that the larger the battery capacity, the slower it charges. But now new production technologies make it possible to minimize this disadvantage.

It is recommended to always charge the power to 100%, completely. When this indicator has already been reached, you should not rush to disconnect the device from the network. You need to hold it for about another hour so that it receives the necessary drip charging using low currents. It is this that contributes to the long-term preservation and maintenance of the maximum level of power bank capacity. By the way, there is a special application on the Internet designed to track the drip charging process. It is suitable for both Android-based smartphones and Apple.

Do I need to charge a new power bank?

There are many different opinions on this matter. Some say that this is not of fundamental importance. However Manufacturers recommend charging a new power bank completely , taking into account the time allotted for “drip” nutrition chargeable low current devices.

Many online sources say that the power banks, which are now supplied with all models of power banks, do not have a “memory effect”. But practice shows that this is not always the case. If you look at it objectively, lithium batteries still have a “memory effect”. But it is less pronounced than with older batteries. Therefore, you should run the new power through several charge-discharge cycles immediately after purchase.

Do not completely and deeply discharge the power bank. : Li-ion batteries are very sensitive to this. Make sure that your device is not discharged more than 10-20%.

A full charge-discharge cycle can be carried out no more than once every two to three months. This will help adjust the operation of the power bank so that the capacity of its batteries is maintained at an optimal level.

Which charger is right for you?

Both manufacturers and experts unanimously agree that for this you should always use only the charger that is suitable for the power, matching its technical characteristics. You should not skimp on chargers and purchase temptingly cheap models that can cause the power bank to fail.

Why is the power bank not charging?

If the power bank is not charging and has stopped working, the reason may be that it is equipped with a controller that is not of very high quality. There can be two options here: either the device simply “blinks” but does not work, or the power bank does not turn on - that’s all. What to do in this case and is it possible to fix the power?

If the device stops charging at all and cannot charge even if it is plugged in longer than usual, this means that the controller simply “does not see” the remaining charge level and does not start the battery “to start”. For such a controller, the energy inside the battery simply does not exist.

Therefore, for the future: never discharge “budget” Chinese devices to zero, but make sure that they have at least a minimum amount of charge left. The controller cannot detect the remaining energy level in the battery, so the power bank cannot turn on and function fully.

In this case, there is no point in keeping it on charge for a long time: the controller will still not start it without an additional stimulus. This is the most common reason why the power bank does not charge. This problem can be solved in a simple way: you need to remove the discharged battery from the device and briefly connect the power wires to the contacts. It is necessary for the battery to be charged “directly” a little. This energy is quite enough to “launch” it. And do not be afraid that this method will render the battery unusable. Practice shows that many power sources that were charged in this way did not fail and even began to work better.

If you don’t have suitable wires at hand, but have an unnecessary electronic lighter, you can borrow the wires from it after tinning them. Then the power body is carefully disassembled with a knife, and the battery itself is removed. You don’t have to touch the board; handle it as carefully as possible so as not to damage it. Connect the wires to the contacts, and the power source can be a new AA battery, to which the wires are actually connected.

Keep the power bank battery on such an impromptu charge for thirty minutes. After this, the controller should “see” the charge of the battery. When this happens, proceed to charge the device as usual. You can put the case back together using simple superglue.

Power bank model from Xiaomi: breakthrough in charging time

Not long ago, a new power bank from the famous Chinese company Xiaomi was released, which can be charged in no more than 3.5 hours. At the same time, its declared capacity is 10,000 mAh. This device has a universal cable with which you can properly charge not only the X itself. iaomi power bank pro, but also any other gadget suitable for it. This power supply supports fast charging function, or fast charge 2nd generation. He not only fast charges the gadget connected to it, but also charges itself. This is how the entire power bank is charged in 3.5 hours.

A universal cable with which you can charge the power bank itself, has the ability to connect to type C- port, network or computer. If you need to charge any device that has a Type C port, insert this port into USB power bank - and charge it. In case you need to charge a device with micro USB-output, but there is no cable from it, just remove the large attachment and get micro USB-adapter. When purchasing such a power supply, we purchase a universal cable with an adapter, as well as an automatic voltage selection function.

Progress does not stand still. There are Xiaomi power banks with much larger capacities.

Thus, if you have a power bank, how to charge it is correct and how much time is needed for this becomes quite clear, and the appearance on the market of new, more “advanced” models can significantly reduce the actual charging time - if the device has significant indicators of actual capacity. In order to carry out the charging process correctly, do not forget to use the recommendations that the manufacturer always gives in the attached instructions.

Who hasn't encountered a problem when the phone refuses to charge properly? Yes, you can quickly order a new electrical adapter for your smartphone or replace the battery - but first it’s better to try to “repair” the smartphone yourself. Bayon looked at the most common electrical problems with phones and tablets, and most importantly, found ways to quickly solve some of them.

Before starting the “repair”, you should test this adapter/cable on another device. If another gadget is charging, then the reason lies in the smartphone, and not in the charger.

What is the problem with recharging?

The first step in “treating” smartphone charging is diagnosing the problem. The cause may only come from some nodes. The main question is how exactly the mobile device does not charge: does it not accumulate electricity at all, or is the charging process extremely slow? So much so that connecting to a power source barely covers the current battery drain? This also happens - and quite often.

DIY repair USB ports

A quick, simple, and often the most successful solution is a small DIY hardware repair. A common reason for a smartphone battery not charging is poor contacts of metal parts inside the USB or microUSB ports. This happens either due to a manufacturing defect or due to frequent (dis)connection of the cable.

Everything you need to repair your smartphone yourself:

  • Turn off device
  • Remove the battery (if so provided by the design)
  • Using a small object (like a toothpick), try to “lift” the small fastener inside the USB port on your smartphone or tablet. This should be done with utmost care and precision
  • After this procedure, you need to reinsert the battery and turn on the gadget again. The method works 9 times out of 10

Cable replacement

The thinnest (and therefore fragile) part of the charger is the wire, not the adapter that plugs into the outlet. If there are problems with charging the battery even after a previous repair and “surgical” operation, the second most likely cause of the problem is a faulty wire. Before running to a nearby store to replace the entire adapter, try replacing the “dead” wire with a cable from another donor device. An electrical cable is a truly delicate substance, and yet it is twisted, pulled, and abused in other ways several times a day.

If the problem is not in the wire, then you should look at the adapter that is inserted into the socket: breakdowns can also occur inside it. The proprietary iPhone charging interface, the Lightning port, is especially famous for its tendency to fail.

Bayon offers a huge number of different USB cables: tasty prices and free delivery in the shortest possible time!

Cleaning contacts

There is no need to delete friends from the address book - we are talking about metal contacts through which electric current passes inside the phone. The cause of poor contact may be debris, pellets from pocket fabric, or fragments of some parts stuck inside the ports. Dust and other debris like to accumulate in such nooks and crannies. Cleaning the contacts inside the port sometimes helps to return the smartphone to a working state and “feed” it a portion of charge.

By the way, let’s take a break from repair worries. There is a wise rule of prevention: never charge your phone near a water source, or in a particularly humid or hot environment. You should also not “overfeed” your smartphone with excess charge: as a rule, charging only takes 2–3 hours. If you leave the device connected to the outlet for too long (for example, at night while sleeping), there is a risk of damage to the battery and even explosion. Overheating of delicate metal contacts and their fusion with the plastic base also occur. Of course, phones have mechanisms to protect against short circuits and other near-electrical troubles, but sometimes they don’t work. It's better to play it safe than to be sorry. And even more so than “frying” your favorite gadget.

Unpleasant breakdown. The cause of combustion may be a manufacturing defect, too long a charging process, unnoticeable debris inside the port, or an aggressive environment.

Battery replacement

When a device is older, it becomes more and more difficult for its battery to hold a charge. A new battery lasts for about two years before it needs to be replaced. However, this period seriously depends on the number of discharge cycles. But if the moment comes too early, when the battery seems empty even after a long charge, you should look at the manufacturer’s warranty: a free battery replacement is quite possible.

There are also initially defective batteries. Open the back cover and look (or better yet, feel) the surface of the battery. If any deformation or swelling is detected, the battery must be replaced immediately, otherwise corrosion cannot be avoided. In the case of a non-removable battery, there is another, fun way to check for defects. Place the phone on a flat table surface and try to twist it around its axis. A phone with a problem battery will spin due to swelling. The method is not suitable for devices whose surface is specially curved for design purposes.

If a damaged battery is found, replace it with one recommended by the manufacturer. Third-party batteries, judging by Bayon’s experience, cost less, but they cause significantly more problems and do not pay for themselves.

Bayona's selection of smartphones with a powerful battery:

Put your phone against the wall!

No, not for shooting an unruly gadget. The point is that charging devices from regular wall outlets is a more efficient process than from a computer or laptop. Plugging into a wall outlet can, in some cases, supply twice as much electricity to your phone as a computer USB port.

Another reason for insufficient current supply is the use of a non-native adapter and/or wire, i.e. from a third-party manufacturer. In such cases, it is possible that the phone really does not have enough power or current to charge properly. No computer or laptop can charge your phone as quickly as a good old wall outlet.

On the Bayon store window there is a large collection of “chargers” for a variety of gadgets:

Update or rollback software to solve charging problems

Application updates or even the latest Android firmware can play a cruel joke on the battery. This happens especially often with older devices when upgrading to a newer OS version. New gadgets are better optimized for more modern versions of the OS: they are equipped with more capacious batteries, and the software is better suited for their “hardware” component. While even a two-year-old smartphone may not be able to cope with the increased load on it.

If a sharp decline in energy efficiency occurred as a result of an OS update, then you should roll back to the previous version of Android. Keep in mind that downgrading to an older version is a somewhat risky operation, especially from a data security perspective.

But it also happens the other way around, when new software versions discourage phones and tablets from having an exorbitant appetite for battery resources. Among the recent well-known examples of this nature is the Moto 360 smartwatch. After the release of fresh firmware for this gadget, users noticed that the operating time increased by almost 1.5–2 times.

Turn off your phone

If resource-intensive applications (or services) are running on the phone while charging, the process can take several times. Particularly famous for their increased appetite are games, VoIP programs like Skype in video/voice mode, turning up the brightness settings to the maximum, intensive browser operation, and connecting to Wi-Fi and 4G networks. For fast charging, you should completely turn off such networks. Even better, switch your phone to airplane mode. But no way to speed up phone charging will help as dramatically as completely turning off the device.

Battery calibration

Smartphones - “smart” phones and their batteries consider themselves “smart”, sometimes completely unjustifiably. It happens that the battery erroneously sends a signal to the operating system that there is less charge left in it than it actually is. As a result, situations are quite possible when the phone turns off, being sure that it has no more than 2-3% charge left, although in reality there is much more electricity.

Calibrating batteries in Android devices is the topic of a separate large article. In some cases, this “training” of the battery in its own capabilities can solve the problem of early discharge of the phone. Try this before replacing the battery with a new one.


The favorite and first question of the manufacturer's technical support employees: are you sure that there is current in the outlet? This question sounds strange - we agree. But in practice, it very, very often happens that there is really no voltage in the outlet (or USB port of a computer) to which the smartphone charger is connected.

If none of the methods help (and this is a rare situation!), then the smartphone charger should be replaced with a working one.

Tablets and laptops with a powerful battery, which you can purchase in our online store:

You should only buy new batteries and accumulators from time-tested sellers. Our counter of batteries and chargers for phones and tablets - a selection of quality accessories

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