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The receiver does not work after turning off the light. There is an obstacle between the satellite dish mirror and the satellite

The receivers of many Tricolor subscribers may stop turning on. How to check the receiver, and what measures to take if a malfunction is detected.

Not turning on the receiving equipment may be due to:

  • the supply of food;
  • Switching the TV to another connector;
  • Technical work at the provider;
  • Antenna problems;
  • The signal conversion in the converter has stopped;
  • Damage to the cable or F-connector;
  • Software failure;
  • Technical malfunctions in the receiver;
  • The remote control does not work.

To detect a problem, the user himself can carry out simple steps that involve diagnosing equipment. Moreover, it is possible to evaluate the performance of individual links or the entire chain of signal receipt from the antenna to the receiver.

Introductory information before self-diagnosis - special designations

A Tricolor subscriber, with certain knowledge and skills in electrical circuits or power circuits, can diagnose a broken receiver with his own hands. This will avoid a long recovery of the receiver in service centers. Having decided to open the equipment, the user must know the special designations used on the internal elements.

Triangle with an exclamation point inside

The meaning of the designation is safety. If this warning is applied to some parts, then when manipulating these elements, you can damage the accessories or the entire receiver itself.

Triangle with lightning inside

The meaning of the sign is a threat. Lightning indicates danger during an autopsy or situations where operations are performed with elements. The danger is associated with harm to health or life.

Circle with english letter i

The designation provides information about problems and malfunctions that may occur during work.

Power problems and how to fix them

A power check is always performed first:

  • Is the plug plugged into the socket;
  • Is the power supply correct;
  • Fidelity of connecting the power supply to the network;
  • Is the wire disconnected from the console, because sometimes children can accidentally remove it;
  • The power switch on the rear panel must be in the "On" position.

Models of older receivers are characterized by the presence of an external power supply. The power problem may be a malfunction of this element. A Tricolor user can buy a new unit and enjoy watching TV.

On new models, the power system is located inside the case, which complicates the repair task. Power may not be supplied due to lost capacitance, the occurrence of defective sections on diode bridges. And also a long-term operated unit may fail over time. When repairing, it will be necessary to replace the capacitor, which swells. Having disassembled the receiver case, you can immediately distinguish the power supply. By disconnecting it from all the boards, a skilled craftsman will be able to replace the failed elements.

Video: how to replace the power supply on the GS8300 receiver

For a simple capacitor replacement, you will need:

  • soldering iron;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Soldering flux;
  • New capacitor.

The replacement element is purchased after opening the case. You should purchase a capacitor of the same capacity that matches the previously installed element.

When opening the part, the location of the element should be observed. When soldering a new capacitor, observe all limits.

Repairing the power supply will allow you to resume the flow of current. If power is supplied, the indication is activated. Saving the state of "inclusion" in the presence of indication is associated with other breakdowns.

More on video:

Message No signal on TV

When a message appears, the subscriber first checks the likelihood that it comes from the receiver and not from the TV. The indicators on the receiver are lit, when the buttons are pressed, a response occurs. When calling the Receiver Menu, the device displays the corresponding window. This means that the equipment is correctly connected to the TV, and the error is related to the operation of the receiver.

If the weather is good outside and the provider does not carry out technical work (information about technical work is presented on the company's website or is displayed in advance on the Info Channel), then the message may appear due to the following reasons.

Antenna offset

The antenna is knocked down under the following conditions:

  • Bad weather;
  • Poor fastening;
  • Long-term operation;
  • Falling heavy object.

A shift of 1 cm causes the signal to disappear. The user needs to analyze the stiffness of the restraint. If there is a weakness in the fastening, then the adjustment will achieve the desired signal range. The signal is monitored on the TV display during the activation of the “Settings” section in the Receiver Menu.

The location of the antenna changes by slowly turning in different planes. Turning steps should not be more than 1 cm. After turning, wait 5-6 seconds until the signal is set.

After the initial adjustment, it is required to perform an accurate adjustment operation so that the corresponding scales of the signal parameters are filled at the level of 70-80%. The final step involves attaching all of the bolts to the antenna.

When a large object falls on the antenna, it leads to changes in geometry, which implies a change in equipment.

Often independent change of position does not bring positive results. The dish installation and setup wizard will be able to quickly set up the signal. The cost of services depends on the region and the place where the equipment is installed.

Cable damage

The subscriber should check the cable from the dish to the receiver. If a break is detected, the wire should be repaired using improvised tools and an F-connector (if there is one damage point). Repair steps:

  • Cut the wire in the area to be restored;
  • Clean the connecting zones;
  • Use F-connector on stripped ends;
  • After fixing the connection, wind the electrical tape.

The operation is not performed when re-breaking. You need to use a new wire. Some masters, without visually determining the gap, determine hidden defects in the cable using a tester.

F-connector problems

A loose cable may cause no signal. It is required under the action of force to screw it back. A damaged connector can be replaced.

Problems with the converter

The converter is one of the connecting links in the signal transmission chain. Being constantly on the street, he takes on weather influences and the negative influence of the external environment. When purchasing equipment, warranty service is provided for 1 year. In practice, the part is operated for 3-6 years.

An ordinary user will not be able to determine the breakdown. If other variants of signal deficiency are excluded, the part should be replaced.

A new converter is purchased from the sales office. Replacement instructions:

  • Disconnect the element from the mount;
  • Without moving the antenna, fix the new converter;
  • To carry out the range of signal stability on the corresponding scales displayed using the receiver's menu on the TV;
  • If the settings are wrong, re-adjust the plate.

If you call a support specialist, you will have to pay for the services of identifying the problem and installing a new part if a replacement is necessary.

Interference on the way to the satellite

Interference are various objects that appeared on the signal transmission line from the satellite to the antenna:

  • Tree branches;
  • Construction of a high-rise building;
  • Snow sticking.

The method of removing the obstacle depends on the object that has arisen. The subscriber can simply reinstall the antenna to clear the path for the signal. After the transfer, you will need to reconfigure the signal.

Checking the health of the "heads" LNB

The performance of the "heads" is revealed after turning off the disk (several converters). After that, each is connected to the receiver.

Receiver won't turn on with remote

If there is no response to the remote control buttons, you should perform the action using the keypad on the receiver itself. If the actions are performed, then the receiver is functioning. After changing the batteries in the remote control, repeat the control test using the remote control. The resumption of work did not happen - you need to use a different remote control.

Craftsmen can try to check the operation of the remote control in another way. For this, a mobile phone camera is used. Direct the LED of the remote control into the turned on camera.

While looking at the camera and pressing the buttons, follow the LED indication:

If after changing the batteries the LED does not start blinking, then you should buy a new remote control.

Repair of the device with rare glows is carried out by disassembling the case and cleaning the surface of the board with a damp cloth, soapy water and a dry cloth. After all cleaning manipulations, dry the parts, and assemble the remote control. If the flash does not become permanent when viewed through the camera, then a new device is required.

Technical malfunctions of the receiver

The receiver is the link responsible for receiving the signal and transmitting the video stream. The device may break technical elements or malfunction in the software. The receiver itself has a warranty period (1 year), during which specialists must repair the device.

If after the end of the warranty period a breakdown occurs, then you can carry out an independent diagnosis or give it to a service center. Often, problems that occur are displayed as errors on the TV screen or on the device itself. Please note that the following errors are inherent in some models:

  • DRE 5000, 7300, 5001;
  • DRS 5003;
  • GS 7300, 8300, 8300N, 8300M.

For other receivers, there may be a coincidence of errors.

Receiver screen flashes when turned on

A flashing display indicates a power supply failure. This may be due to a power surge. The use of a surge protector or stabilizer will protect against damage.

When you turn on the inscription Boot on the screen

The letter combination "BOOT" indicates two problems:

  • Software failure that requires flashing the device;
  • The motherboard is not working properly or is broken.

You can reflash the device yourself by finding software for this receiver model. In such a situation, the user loses all warranty obligations of the equipment supplier. If the flashed receiver did not start to give a signal, then they resort to replacing the motherboard.

The replacement of the motherboard is carried out in the repair center. There are daredevils who do it with their own hands. Then you need to disassemble the receiver and remove the old element. Any such action will void the warranty.

All symbols on the receiver screen light up and it does not turn on

The burning of all indicators and symbols allows us to conclude that there was a software failure. In some cases, the motherboard breaks down. After disassembling the receiver, specialists will be able to determine the true cause of the breakdown. With the normal functioning of the power supply, the motherboard will be replaced. When other boards are damaged, it is better to buy new equipment, as the cost of repair can be high.

The receiver displays the message “Short circuit! Check antenna cable!”

The message is translated as "short circuit". The process can take place in several areas. Diagnostic steps:

  • If the inscription disappears after disconnecting the antenna wire, then a broken converter, dish or short circuit in the wire may be a cause for concern;
  • Examine the wire for a sign of a short circuit by unhooking it from the converter;
  • When the wire was pulled out, the message did not disappear - the tuner unit failed.

The subscriber can diagnose the breakdown himself.

Receiver screen displays "ER31"

The inscription implies a breakdown of the motherboard. The part is best replaced at a service center.

Receiver won't turn on after software update

Updated software may not install correctly. As a result, the receiver will not turn on. The subscriber must follow the reset steps:

  • In the receiver's Menu, find and open the "Settings" section;
  • Select the "Reset" command;
  • After confirmation, wait for the end of the process and restart the receiver;
  • When turned on, you may need to enter an access code - then the combination "0000" is entered;
  • After logging in, the necessary parameters are set (language, time, location);
  • To install TV channels, you need to carry out a search operation and save the changes.

Sometimes the problem is simply solved by turning off the receiver for 30-45 minutes and then booting up in normal mode. And also the method can be used by users who reflashed the device on their own.

What to do if none of the methods helped

After diagnosing the equipment and eliminating all options for breakdown, you can contact the service center. First you need to remember about the existence of a guarantee, if it is still valid. Usually a period of 12 months is set. After finding the warranty card, contact the nearest service center. Employees after a quick diagnosis will be able to repair the broken part free of charge.

When the warranty has already expired, you will have to take the product to the service under normal conditions. Specialists can open the case and identify the cause. After that, they will offer to carry out repair work, voicing the cost of spare parts and repair procedures. It should be borne in mind that a long service life of the receiver leads to the development of a pledged resource. Therefore, for greater savings, it is better to buy a new receiver than to repair an old receiver.

Questions from subscribers

What should I do if the receiver does not turn on after a power outage?

You should check the performance of the power supply.

How to understand that the receiver is burned out?

The device does not respond to turning on the buttons and the indication does not turn on.

Why does the receiver turn on and off by itself?

The cause may be outdated software, inadvertent failure of the power adapter, or contact problems.

1. The receiver does not turn on when connected to a network:

  • It is required to check the rear panel, it may be that the switch is in the "off" position.
  • It may be necessary to produce receiver repair, or rather the power supply of the Tricolor receiver.

2. The receiver turns on, but the screen blinks:

  • the power supply is not working.

3. The Tricolor receiver turns on and the inscription “boot” pops up on the screen:

  • There was a software breakdown on the receiving device, it is necessary to give the receiver for flashing.
  • The motherboard is damaged.

4. The receiver turns on, all signs appear on the display:

  • It is required to reflash the receiver, as the software has gone astray.
  • The motherboard of the set-top box is defective.

5. The receiver is working, the display shows “Short circuit! Check antennacable!” which means “Short circuit! Perform an antenna cable test." In such a situation, you can perform a small check yourself:

  • Disconnect the antenna cable from the receiver, and if the inscription on the display disappears, then there is a malfunction in the satellite converter or antenna cable.
  • Test the antenna cord for a short circuit.
  • If you have disconnected the antenna cord from the set-top box, and the inscription on the display has not disappeared, then you need to repair the receiver unit.

6. The receiver is working, but the image breaks up on the screen, the sound breaks and the following inscriptions appear: “no signal”, “no sound”, “no image”, “encoded DRE channel”. Satellite tuner Tricolor receives a weak signal:

  • The antenna cord that connects the antenna and the receiver is defective.
  • The set-top box is damaged, you need to perform receiver repair.
  • The satellite converter is not working.
  • Influence of external conditions: an object blocks the antenna, bad weather phenomena.

7. The satellite tuner is functioning, the channels cannot be decoded, because the message “coded DRE channel” appears on the display, and “no module” in the “Status” menu:

  • The cryptomodule is damaged.

8. The set-top box is functioning, the message “ER31:

  • the motherboard is not working.

Causes of equipment failure

The most common reason when receiver does not turn on, is a power supply failure.

The second reason in terms of quantity is a malfunction in the satellite dish.

If the signal itself to the receiver is excellent, but the image is of poor quality, then this indicates that there is a malfunction in the motherboard.

If you can't do it yourself troubleshooting receivers Tricolor GS you need to contact the experts.

Tricolor TV is a large company that provides access to satellite television through special equipment. In order for the system to work properly, you must follow the instructions for using this system. Otherwise, it is possible that the equipment will fail. What to do if the Tricolor receiver writes boot and does not turn on?

A receiver is a complex device that is based on the action of mechanisms. Even minor connection problems or incorrectly entered settings in the menu can cause the equipment to stop working. It happens in this way - the set-top box stops working, and an error is displayed on the TV screen. Is it possible to cope with this problem on your own, or is it necessary to consult and help a specialist without fail.

If any failures occur, then you should check if the receiver is connected correctly. To do this, carefully inspect all the wires. It is recommended to check if the equipment is connected to the mains. In this case, no indicator will light on the console.

If, after the test, no problems have been identified and the receiver does not work, then check the state of the switch on the rear panel. Perhaps the reason is that you accidentally touched it during installation or during the cleaning process.

After turning it on, the system immediately starts functioning.

If the boot is lit on the Tricolor receiver, what should I do? Perhaps it is a malfunction or technical breakdown of the equipment. The reason may also be the incorrect installation of the software. Possible failure of elementary settings.

The Tricolor receiver does not load: what is the reason

In order to troubleshoot, you need to find out what they may be related to:

  • Power supply. This criterion should be checked first when a problem occurs. It is not enough just to see if the plug is sticking out of the socket. You should check the power supply for serviceability, see if the adapter is connected to the network correctly and check if the cable is also connected to the set-top box.
  • Remote control problem. The receiver may not work even if it does not catch the signal coming from the control panel. The reason may be of a technical nature, such as water on the board or worn out batteries. First you need to replace the batteries or check the board for a damaging factor.
  • No image on screen. If there is no image and the picture freezes on the screen, you should check if the standby mode is turned on, and without fail, double-check the wire connection.

If it was not possible to detect and fix the problem on your own, then you can call the master at home or take the equipment to a service center for diagnostics, it is recommended to call the customer support service

What measures should be taken

If the Tricolor TV set-top box does not turn on, then the technical reason why the equipment does not work should be established. If the receiver stopped working after the software update was carried out, then an operation should be performed to restore the default settings:

  1. Enter the menu in the "settings" section and first click on the "Reset" tab, and then confirm your actions.
  2. After rebooting the equipment and the appearance of a line for entering a password, you should dial the value 0000, which is standard for all receivers.
  3. After the authorization process, you should select the interface language, time zone, location and operator.
  4. To search for TV channels, you should turn on the automatic mode, which will save you time
  5. After changing the color of the indicator, you should save the settings so that the information is not lost.

Carefully follow the instructions for correcting errors so that you do not have to repeat the procedure several times.

Characteristics of the model range

In order to solve problems, you should act depending on which model of the receiver is malfunctioning:

  • GS8300 - The most common failure is that the equipment spontaneously turns off. What is the reason? Most likely, in the firmware or in the power adapter, which inadvertently fails. Disconnection of the set-top box can also occur due to the disconnection of the connecting elements. Sometimes the receiver reboots, causing all available settings to be reset. After that, the receiver turns on again.
  • GS6301 - the model was developed earlier than 2019, therefore it is considered obsolete. To solve the problem, it is enough to update the software. To do this, you need to transfer the new firmware version to removable media, and then install it on the receiver: disconnect from the network, insert a USB flash drive and turn on the set-top box. Flashing will start automatically. After the procedure is completed, you should remove the removable media and reboot the equipment.

If, after the measures taken, the equipment is still turned off, then the only solution is to contact the company's service center. Experienced craftsmen will diagnose the equipment and fix the existing problems.

In this case, several days will be spent on checking and repairing the equipment.

If there is no signal or the equipment from Tricolor TV turns off spontaneously, then you need to try to solve this problem. To do this, you should check all the technical points, and if the problem is not solved, then reinstall the software. If you cannot fix the problem yourself, then you should contact the service department of the company that provides satellite television services. Each subscriber can count on a free consultation.

Tricolor receiver writes boot and does not turn on? Technical problems are common. Any receiver has a complex design, it may well fail for various reasons.

Today Tricolor is one of the major satellite television operators. It offers a wide range of services, many channels. The company sells its own technology, which has the best compatibility.

If you wish, you can buy third-party equipment. But then it is far from the fact that it will fully work. You will have to carry out preliminary configuration, a lot depends on your luck.

But even with the original device, problems may arise in the future. There are many reasons for them, including equipment breakdown, incorrect settings, etc. Therefore, it is worth understanding all the nuances in detail.

We say right away - all the information presented in the article is general and is intended for informational purposes only. Minor problems can be fixed on their own, but if this does not work, then in no case try to disassemble the device - call the wizard!

What is the danger of self-repair?

  • You lose the warranty if the obligation has not yet expired.
  • Equipment can be easily damaged. One wrong move, and instead of a specific element, you will have to change the entire board, which will cost a huge amount.
  • Most people do not have special knowledge and equipment. Therefore, it is difficult to pinpoint the exact cause.

If the operation of the device is not restored after basic manipulations, then do not try to fix the breakdown yourself by disassembling and replacing components. Call the master if you do not want to spend much more money on restoration in the future!

The main causes of malfunctions

Why is the device not working? Here are a few possible reasons:

  1. Power is not supplied.
  2. There was a breakdown.
  3. Software installed incorrectly.
  4. An error has occurred in the settings.

Power check

If the Tricolor TV set-top box does not turn on, then follow these steps:

  1. Check the sockets and their serviceability.
  2. Determine if the adapter is properly connected to the network.
  3. Find out if the wires are connected in the technique.

Often it is possible to find the cause during these manipulations. But it cannot be ruled out that the adapter itself, which is engaged in the transformation of electric current, has broken down. There is only one option - to contact a specialist to replace it.

If there is no signal

When such inscriptions appear, several causes of malfunctions can be named:

  • The converter is broken.
  • There was an obstruction in the signal path.
  • The cable has been damaged.

All the owner can do is check the wire, its integrity and connection to the device. If the problem could not be found, then the only option left is to contact the master so that he can test and repair.

At Tricolor, the receiver does not respond to the remote control: reasons

Sometimes the remote from the device does not work. We list several reasons for the failure:

  1. Dead batteries. Replace them and check, in most cases the problem can be fixed.
  2. The remote control failed. You need to buy a new remote control.
  3. The element that receives the signal has broken. The study and elimination of breakdowns should be carried out in a service center.

Unsuccessful update

Device firmware is a system that is responsible for all processes. Just one serious mistake in its code can lead to significant malfunctions. How to get rid of the problem?

  • Go to the menu and go to the settings item.
  • Reset their settings.
  • After reboot, enter the code, it usually consists of four zeros when shipped from the factory.
  • You need to re-configure by selecting the basic parameters.

After that, you can roll back to an older system and continue using it. If you wish, you can re-update the firmware when a corrected version for your equipment is released.


If boot is on the Tricolor receiver, what to do is a common question. Initially, it is worth studying the main reasons:

  1. There was a failure in the system, you need to flash the equipment.
  2. The motherboard is broken.
  3. Power supply failure.

Theoretically, you can install another firmware yourself. In practice, this requires a programmer, not everyone has specialized equipment and knowledge in this area. Therefore, you usually have to contact the dealer.

The failure of the motherboard is a serious malfunction. It can only be dealt with by repair or replacement. Contact the service, this type of work is complex and requires the use of special equipment.

If the external power supply fails, you can buy a new one and change it yourself. If an internal element breaks down, you need to contact the masters to carry out the work.

Turn on problems

If the device does not turn on, then there can be many reasons:

  • Firmware issues.
  • Broken components.
  • Technical failures of elements, etc.

It is better not to search for possible problems on your own and waste time, but immediately carry the equipment to the service. Specialists will conduct a deep diagnosis and determine the cause of the malfunction.

Warranty service

The warranty period for the device is 1 year. For various components to it - six months. During this period, you will be able to request free repair or replacement of defective equipment.

If you do not know when the countdown of the warranty period begins, then study the receipt and specify the date of sale of the equipment. Then there will be no further problems.

In what cases is the warranty void?

  1. If you yourself opened the case for inspection or repair.
  2. When filled with water.
  3. When falling and receiving damage due to the fault of the owner.

The work of the satellite television operator Tricolor TV is to receive, process and transmit a signal to a satellite serving the region. This operation becomes available using special technical equipment - a receiver connected to a TV and satellite dish. If the Tricolor receiver writes boot and does not turn on, this can be caused by various factors, technical and software malfunctions.

In this material, we will consider in detail the causes of unstable operation of the equipment and determine the current methods of diagnostics and further troubleshooting.

Tricolor: the receiver does not respond to the remote control - what to do and how to fix it

Any model of set-top box issued when connecting the Tricolor TV service package is controlled using a remote control.

If the boot light on the receiver is on, but pressing the corresponding keys on the remote control does not activate it, the reasons may be as follows:

  • you have exceeded the maximum possible connection distance between the remote control and the device;
  • it is required to replace the battery, which makes it impossible to transmit the signal;
  • The remote control has been tampered with and broken.

Transmitting a signal using the remote control requires maintaining a distance from the TV. The device should be directed to the set-top box, and the receiver itself should not be cluttered with third-party objects. If repeated attempts to turn on the receiver, change the channel, or enter the menu are unsuccessful, the problem may be a dead battery. Replace the battery with a new one following the removal and reinstallation instructions. If the problem persists, there is likely physical damage to the remote control and its failure. There are universal solutions that allow you to control a variety of receiver models. You can buy such a remote control at the nearest operator's service office or at third-party services.

The problem with the functioning of the receiver is rarely associated with a malfunction of the remote control. Let's take a closer look at third-party reasons due to which the Tricolor receiver does not work.

The Tricolor receiver does not load: what is the reason

Satellite TV operator Tricolor has developed a unique error system that allows you to quickly diagnose and fix the problem yourself. However, not all problems are accompanied by the appearance on the screen of the corresponding text describing the error. The problem with loading the receiver is one such case.

The problem may be related to the following factors:

  • the device is not connected to the power supply;
  • the receiver is not properly connected to the TV, making it difficult to display the image;
  • failure of the device as a result of a warranty case or physical impact;
  • problems with the software or its update.

The initial diagnosis is simple - just check whether the device is connected to the electrical network. The corresponding indicator on the receiver should light up. If this does not happen, there is a high probability of damage to such equipment. Free diagnostics is carried out by a Tricolor TV specialist, who can be contacted at the nearest service office or by calling at home. If the case is guaranteed, you will be given free satellite equipment of the latest generation. Physical impact, falling or flooding can also put such a device out of service. The receiver is a complex device that uses unique technical and software algorithms and requires careful operation. If the breakdown happened through your fault, the replacement will require payment of a part of the cost of the receiver specified in the official service contract.

If the light on the TV is on, check if the wires are connected to the TV correctly. Detailed instructions can be found in the device documentation or the corresponding section of the Tricolor TV website. Follow the established instructions and reconfigure.

Software often causes instability in hardware and software components. New updates are installed both on the receiver itself and on a special module. Both components must be compatible with each other, otherwise they cannot work together. Flashing the receiver can be done independently. To do this, you need a USB drive with pre-downloaded files of the appropriate format.

Follow the official instructions for flashing the device, otherwise a third-party software malfunction may occur.

If it was not possible to fix the problem on your own, an official representative of the Tricolor TV company called to the house can check the operation of the device. To do this, submit a support request. This can be done both by landline or mobile phone, and using the operator's virtual solutions.

The receiver Tricolor GS U510 does not turn on

GS U510 is a set of modern technical and software solutions available for purchase by every user of Tricolor TV. On such a device, you can not only enjoy high-quality satellite TV, but also use the function of the built-in gallery or media player. New hardware is being actively developed, which contributes to the frequent release of software updates. The problems of turning on such a receiver are often associated with the software, requiring manual reinstallation of the firmware.

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