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Facebook feed does not work. Disable the "Viewed" status in messages

Facebook is the most popular social network in the world. Although some users find the display of the news feed complex and confusing. After all, sometimes Facebook shows posts in your feed that are out of date or the opinions of people you are not interested in. But the posts of friends, on the contrary, disappear somewhere. Business Insider prepared several recommendations on how to properly set up this social network for comfortable use.


So that the feed displays the last notes and actual news friends, you need to change the sorting principle of the feed. In the left upper corner on the screen in the menu, select the "News feed" item and mark the "Latest news" option.

Blocking people who bother you

You don't have to end friendships with people who annoy you. You can simply uncheck the "Subscriptions" checkbox on the user's profile page. In this case, you will no longer see new notifications from this person. It is also effective for people who have many friends - to receive useful and relevant information.

File sharing

On Facebook you can create general documents and jointly edit them. This option is available, however, only for group members. To create a document, go to the "Files" section, select the "Create document" or "Upload file" option, and then it will appear in the list of community files, where everyone can view or edit it.

All updates from your friends

In social Facebook networks there is an EdgeRank algorithm that is capable of filtering content. That is why subscribers may not be able to see all the posts that you publish. Likewise, you see only a part of your friends' posts. If you want to see all posts specific users, include them in your "Close Friends" list. To do this, go to the user's page, hover over the "Friends" option and click on the "Close friends" item.

How to customize the news feed so that only news that interests you are visible in it

Another recommendation on how to set up a suitable output in the news feed. Will help with this special list people and pages. To do this, go to the "Interests" section in the left side menu of Facebook and click on the "Create list" button.

Then you can add news pages to it, public figures and friends. And in order to watch the feed, which is formed from this list, you need to go to the "Interests" section again and select the desired selection.

Translation, print screens

Who called from unknown number and nozzles into the tube? Who is "Lena of Mordor" that appeared in phone book after saturday party? Enter the last 10 digits of your phone into the search bar on Facebook, and most likely you will find out the answers. By default, the ability to find a person by phone number enabled for all users.

If you don't want this trick to go with you, change your privacy settings.

2. Disable the "Viewed" status in messages

This feature destroys relationships and lives! Of course, who is pleased when personally selected ones are openly ignored funny pictures and important news.

If you are not one of those who can leave unanswered messages of acquaintances in cold blood, use a browser extension. It disables the "Viewed / Not Viewed" status of messages in the desktop version of Facebook. For the Chrome browser, this is Facebook Unseen. For Firefox and Explorer - Chat Undetected. But there is also a negative point: with these extensions, you will also not be able to see the read status.

3. Hide your online status from pesky friends

If you are completely tired of a friend, then turn off the chat with him. Click on the gear in the right column with the list of friends and select "Advanced settings".

Messages from a disabled chat will be stored in the Inbox folder, but unlike previous paragraph, you cannot read them unnoticed.

4. Look in the news feed only posts from friends and communities to which you subscribed

Facebook wants to drag everyone into their quagmires as deeply as possible. That is why it shows users the posts that have been liked and commented on by friends. But there is a way to leave only records of friends and communities to which you are subscribed in your feed.

Install the friends feed extension in Chrome. With him, extraneous posts will either hide, or become covered with gray drag - choose in the settings.

5. Read hidden messages

Who knows, maybe your life is not as boring as it seems. Perhaps you were invited to a dream job, secret admirers confessed their love and their fans threatened to kill. But you didn't know anything about it, because Facebook posts messages from outside users v hidden folder and does not notify you about them in any way. Click on the "Other" tab (many have recently called it "Correspondence Request") next to the main messages and see everything that was hidden!

6. Hide your friends list from prying eyes

Let's not even speculate why you might be ashamed of your Facebook friends. Just go to personal page to the "Friends" tab, click on the pencil and indicate who can see the circle of your friends on Facebook.

7. Disable video autoplay

In one fell swoop, you can bring some peace of mind to your feed and save money mobile traffic... To do this, turn off automatic video playback. V native application On Facebook, go to your account settings> Videos & Photos> Autoplay> select the desired setting.

8. Share GIFs on Facebook

Do you love GIFs the way you do? If the answer is yes, we will tell you how to share them on Facebook. Insert the link to the gif into the status field (yes, you won't be able to download it directly from your computer). After it is loaded, the link can be deleted. Publish.

9. Change the status of the relationship without unnecessary drama

Between internal decision it can take a long time to end the relationship and announce it to the other party. And you want to start looking for new romantic adventures on Facebook right away. By default, a notification about a change in personal life appears in the feed of all friends. So be sure to select the Just Me setting under Information> Family & Relationships.

10. Save interesting posts to bookmarks to read them later

Thousands of posts appear on your Facebook feed every day, everything is impossible to read, even if you completely abandon the idea of ​​working. Fortunately, the social network has a built-in bookmarking service. To save the post for future reference, click the arrow in the upper right corner.

Stanislav Korolkov "width =" 155 "height =" 155 "/>

supervisor training center Unibrains (educational project of the Kokoc Group and Plekhanov Russian University of Economics).

2006-2009 - Head of the marketing department of the furniture factory "Mebel-Lux".

2009–2010 - Head of the direction of ZAO Quantum, trade brand PROSTOR Telecom.

2010–2014 - project manager; analyst for telemetry services at OJSC VimpelCom.

For proper promotion on Facebook, you must first of all know how the news feed works. Recently passed global conference the developers of Facebook F8, where Chris Cox, Adam Mosseri and Lars Backstrom talked about the innovations in the news feed of the social network.

Now the main purpose of the Facebook news feed is to show the user the “special”, “right” content that he can see. The "special" content is different for each user. Based on who users follow, who they are friends with, communicate and correspond with, as well as the type and quality of content, the social network ranking algorithm determines in whose news feed and in what place a given post will appear.

Hence arises interest Ask: How does Facebook determine what's important?

There are 3 main principles on the basis of which a social network chooses "special" content for each specific user:

  1. Relationship with the author of the post. Moreover, both time and means of interaction are important here. It takes into account how long the user interacts with the author using various tools, including Messenger. All of this can change over time, so the appearance of a given author's posts in your news feed will be a variable phenomenon.
  2. Content type. What does the user like best - video, photo or text? The most favorite kind of content will be displayed more often.
  3. The quality of the posts. What was the activity of other users (likes, comments, reposts)? The timing of their reactions also plays a role. important role: A post that received a lot of engagement yesterday may no longer take first place in the feed today.

Each post is assessed for relevance based on the three principles outlined above. Then the best of them, meeting all three criteria, go to the top. After the content has been shown to the user, the rating of these publications is saved. New posts also receive their rating, and next time the user will view news feed, they will appear above the old ones according to their rating.

Based on ratingFacebookranks messages and forms a personal news feed.

Facebook claims that by scrolling through your entire feed to the end, you will see the posts of friends, but this does not mean at all that it will display all the posts of those pages to which you are subscribed.

Posts rating

The problem of ranking news is based on the activity of users who are trying to deceive the system: “Repost if you agree, or like if you don’t agree” - such an incentive to action appeared in many posts, the purpose of which is to artificially increase user activity. But when Facebook asks visitors to rate such posts, they give 1 or 2 points on the relevance scale.

User response to the question "How badly do you want to see this story in your news feed?"

Facebook has its own assessors who monitor the quality of the content provided.

It is worth noting that there are news on Facebook that users really would like to see, but do not like or share them for a number of reasons. What to do in such cases? After all, one cannot but show a post in the news feed. This is why Facebook launched a third-party assessment program. The company cooperates with large group"Typical users" who rates the content of their feed. Every week, Facebook looks at the results to determine which posts in the feed get a rating of 5 and 1, and as a result, it forms a news feed, taking into account the received data.

Three types of posts that are starting to go away

At the F8 conference, it was announced that, based on research into the rating of posts, the following publications will be shown much less often:

Post bait

Based on interactivity, the post is used to rank high in the feed. However, in Facebook research, the test group scored 1 and 2 for these posts. A lower rating is also given to the clickable bait, such as "You won't believe ..." or "Oh my God, look soon ...". Users can click on them and follow the link, but the results are often disappointing.

Post-bogus, or Spam link

People don't like to be deceived. A blatantly deceitful post on a social network causes outrage among users. Now Facebook allows its users to mark such a post as "This has no place on Facebook." Using this information, Facebook can either remove the content or show it at the very end of the feed.

Overly promotional content

Maybe a user and a fan of a brand, but this does not mean that he wants to see a giant advertising banner on your entire tape. The social network rates such posts lower, and they may not appear in the feed at all. Unless Facebook takes responsibility for promoting these advertisements.

What about posts from branded Facebook pages?

As practice has shown recent years, the organic reach of posts on brand pages has declined massively. Not every post can be seen by the user - Facebook algorithm shows only the most relevant posts. The ranking principle described above also applies to posts on behalf of brand pages, with a few exceptions.

Facebook realizes that not all comments on a page for posts are positive, and therefore may not be a good indicator for a user who wants to see the rest of the posts. Therefore, likes and reposts on promoted pages receive more attention than comments.

When a user hides one or all of the news of a brand page in his feed, this may affect the likelihood of showing these news not only for him, but also for other users for a while. Facebook's ranking algorithm focuses on “positive signals” (likes, reposts, comments, mentions), but this does not mean that it does not take into account “negative signals” (“Hide everything from ...”, “I don’t want to see this” or "This has no place on Facebook"), albeit to a lesser extent.

How to increase your organic reach?

Here are some tips for engaging with your news feed:

  1. Customize your content for your subscribers. What do they want to see on your page? What content will be popular for a long time?
  2. Give the user what they expect when they click on your post.
  3. Be timely. People want to know last news... Make sure you publish firsthand.
  4. Use all the information. Use statistics. So you will find out what works and what does not, what interested your subscribers and what is popular, and what was completely hidden.
  5. Experiment. Find out which news stories are getting the most reach and engagement from your followers.
  6. Post more often. Facebook says you can post news more often than you think. Since their algorithm will decide for itself what to show to each individual user. Experiment with your own post limit.
  7. Be proud of your posts. The better your publications, the more likely that users will be engaged to the maximum.

Marketing from scratch. We repost, because the article is cool and important for everyone: marketers, business, students. Many people cannot imagine promotion without Facebook. Therefore, you need to know as much as possible about this network, to feel it.

Many of our subscribers actively use Facebook to promote their project, personal brand or as a blog. And everyone, of course, is interested in the issue of audience engagement: to read, like, repost, comment. To turn on the most effective method promotion - word of mouth. To regularly appear in the feeds of your target audience, fulfill all the conditions of the Facebook post ranking algorithm, which Natalya Ioffe and Valeria Golovanevskaya will tell you about today.

If you are promoting yourself on Facebook, you are definitely familiar with the following situation: you write a post, try, invest time and effort, and then note with chagrin that there are very few reactions to the post: there are almost no likes and comments, not to mention reposts. You start to think that the problem is in you, that you are so uninteresting, that is why people do not react.

In most cases, the lack of response has nothing to do with your personal characteristics. The reason is that for some reason Facebook shows your post in the feed very sluggishly. What did you do wrong? Let's figure it out.

Each of us at least out of the corner of our ear heard about the algorithm by which Facebook works. This is a special filter with the help of which the news feed is formed. There are legends about this filter: every promoter tries to understand it and thereby secure a place under the sun. On the Internet every now and then there are articles devoted to the next update of the algorithm, which, it seems, has no end.

In this article, we have collected the most important information O latest updates algorithm and tried to show you how you can keep up with it and secure your place in the news feed.


At that time, the Edge Rank formula included 3 components that form its basis to this day.

1. Proximity. Or the degree to which your friends and followers are engaged in your Facebook activity. The more often your friends interact with your posts: they like, comment, repost - the more often your posts appear in their feed. The logic is simple: if a person reacts to you, then you and your content are interesting to him.

2. Weight. No, not yours, but a strictly fixed weight of reactions to your publication. Likes are valued above clicks, comments are valued above likes, reposts are valued above comments.

In addition, they have different weights and types of content we produce: for example, videos and photos are valued more than just status.

3. Timeliness. The average lifespan of a fast is 4-5 hours. After that, if there is not enough reaction to it, the post grows old and gradually dies, disappearing in a series of new statuses. True, sometimes left posts rise from the dead - we'll talk about this a little later.

Some statistics: by February 2017, the number of Facebook users reached 1.9 billion, the number of business pages - 65 million. Potentially, each user can see 15,000 posts from friends, business pages and groups. However, Facebook's algorithm reduces this number to 1,500 and selects from 100 to 300 posts from this bay of content that appear in our news feed.

Edge Rank commanded the parade until 2013, when Facebook decided to revisit its feed ranking parameters by highlighting one main parameter- the user's potential interest in the published content.

The old algorithm has been renamed the Newsfeed Algorithm.

Today, the FB algorithm focuses on user interaction with content, so the quality of publications is valued above all else. Timeliness of publications faded into the background: if an “old” post continues to cause a reaction, it reappears in the feed. This phenomenon is called story bumping - "pushing" publications to the beginning of the news feed.

In order to determine what to show in the feed and what not, new algorithm takes into account the following parameters.

2. Interest in the post from other users.

3. The type of posts that the user likes (videos, photos, links, statuses, and so on).

4. Negative feedback from users. This parameter was introduced in 2014. It refers to two types of reaction: “I don’t want to see this” and “Hide this user / page's posts”.

We must give credit to these changes: they significantly improved the user experience with content. If earlier Facebook residents read 57% of the posts appearing in the feed, now they read 70%.

Did you know that Natalia Yoffe has already written for our blog. Her article has not lost its relevance today.


Let's start with the most important thesis

Whatever you do, forget about the quantity. New century belongs to quality

So let's take a look at the most important of recent changes in the algorithm, their impact on the ranking of posts, and together we will think about what we can do to make our publications appear in the news feed.

Change 1: the algorithm prefers "reactions" to likes

A year after the introduction of this innovation (in March 2017), Facebook decided to include this parameter in the algorithm, because, in its opinion, this or that emotional reaction indicates that the topic is interesting to the user, it clings and does not allow passing by. Therefore, publications that are similar in subject matter to those to which you have emotionally reacted will now appear more often in your feed.

What to do for us: We have only one thing left - to write and publish emotional posts, to evoke a response in the hearts of readers and subscribers.

To help you - data from a study conducted by analysts from MOZ (one of the leading companies in the field of inbound marketing).

Change 2: priority in the feed is given to live broadcasts (live)

March 2016. Facebook notes the following tendency: users “freeze” on live three times longer than on regular videos uploaded directly to FB - and decides to give live a dominant position.

What should we do: Record live! We know that for many, going live means falling out of their comfort zone, which is why there are still few live broadcasts on the tape. However, those who decide to finally appear before the public in this still new format, take a place in the feed and rejoice at the high coverage.

Change 3: Prioritize video content based on end-of-watch option

Since January 2017, Facebook has been analyzing the Watch Completion rate for each video. If the user watches the video to the end (or most of it), such content will increasingly appear in his feed.

What to do for us: create and upload catchy videos. Test the length of the video in order to understand what is more to the liking of our audience - short or long broadcasts.

Change 4: Time spent reading the post matters

This change isn't all that new, Facebook introduced it in June 2015. His research has shown that many users want to see posts in their feed, not necessarily receiving likes, comments and reposts. So he decided to keep track of time that we spend on studying this or that post. The algorithm analyzes which content we focus on and releases similar content to our feed.

What should we do: study your audience. Conduct polls, find out what is interesting to our readers. The more time friends or subscribers spend on studying your content, the higher the likelihood that the next time a post of a particular topic will appear in their feed.

Important! Reading comments on a post is also taken into account by the algorithm. Therefore, try to involve the audience in the discussion, initiate dialogue and exchange of opinions, thereby lengthening the time during which the audience will stay with you.

And the second important point: the popular nowadays "friendcide", when we remove from the list of friends those who do not respond to our posts, must be treated with caution. Often, friends do not show themselves in any way under our publications and nevertheless read them carefully. Therefore, before you remove a person, think about whether friendship with him really weighs you down. Perhaps he is your faithful reader.

Change 5: Prioritize Family, Friends, and Broadcasting Core Values

Research and polls conducted by Facebook have shown that its users want to see in their feed, first of all, the statuses published by relatives and friends. Taking into account the wishes of the audience, in June 2016 Facebook openly announced that from now on, posts from family and friends would be preferred in impressions.

Other values ​​included posts containing an "authentic message." In other words, unique content which we create specifically for Facebook. This was the reason why links, previously loved by the algorithm, fell in the priority scale and now receive low reach (compared to text statuses or videos).

At the same time, Facebook provided additional features to form your own news feed. Now we can hack from the shoulder: hide content that is not of interest to us, unsubscribe to pages and friends, and also independently determine "display priorities" (see first). Thanks to last function we choose which publications we want to see in the feed first.

What should we do: create unique content. To be active in relation to those who are of interest to us: to react to their publications, to speak out, to draw attention to ourselves. In this case, Facebook will regard our actions as a manifestation of friendship and will begin to show the people we are interested in - potential clients, partners - our own posts.

So, let's summarize. What exactly do you need to do in order to get into the news feed?

Consider the parameters and changes to the algorithm.

Create authentic content that's interesting and relevant to your audience. In the future, competition for feed space will only grow as the number of Facebook users increases daily.

Don't chase the number of posts - prioritize their quality. One thoughtful post on the topic of the day is valued above a dozen statuses written on the knee.

React to posts of people you are interested in. In this case, you increase your chance of getting into their feed.

Communicate with the audience: ask questions, involve them in the formation of your content strategy.

We wish you high reach, crazy engagement, the favor of the algorithm and a stable place in the feed! Successful promotion, friends!

Natalia Ioffe

Facebook business promotion consultant

I previously wrote about the algorithm Facebook Edgerank, which is responsible for which posts will end up in the news feed. In the early days of life Facebook feed news stories were compiled in the same way as Twitter. Today, Facebook has algorithms that determine which news will interest you the most.

And it's true, many people scroll quickly through their news feeds without interacting with many posts. This is why Facebook wants to make your newsfeed more entertaining, they want you to come back to it all the time, right?

List of some factors that Facebook Edgerank algorithm takes into account

Storming the Edgerank algorithm of brand pages

Not long ago, someone sent me a letter via e-mail asking why he doesn't see his own posts in own tape news. The only thought that popped into my head was that he didn't interact with his posts! More importantly, it turns out that only about 4% of his followers have seen the news. The statistics fell down about 16% percent from the previous month.

So what do Facebook page managers do?

1) One strategy is that many brand pages are used for posting, like this one:

After running a few tests, it seems that if you like the page, then "Receive notifications" and " Show in news feed"Is marked automatically. Thus, you should check everyone who recently liked your page to see if they checked these two points. In addition, you need to check with them if they have added you to their list of interests. After these checks, you will be confident that your posts will appear when you click on their interests (on the left side of Facebook).

And feel free to use the graphics in your Facebook community.

2) Some interested people may consider sponsored posts. For example, for a page with 1000 likes, you can pay $ 24 to get to all your subscribers 4 times a month. You can choose either only your subscribers, or the friends of your subscribers.
The main idea is that Facebook does this in order to encourage people to make sponsored (paid) posts. I have done a lot of unscientific experiments in which I liked pages and did not interact with them on purpose.

As for the new pages

New pages are not exempt from Edgerank algorithm, they are forced to play by the same rules. So it would be nice to grab the image from above and pin it to your post.

Key point: don't spam! Make sure all your news is useful and used frequently various pictures and video. It's better to make a dozen short posts than one long and boring one.

Also, do not forget about the time when you post the news. According to Elementary Science Infographic Facebook Interactions optimal time for posting - it is Wednesday around 3 pm, in any other case, post news from 1 pm until 4 pm.

In custody

In general, the better your content is, the more people will interact with it, and your posts will be more relevant. Contact your friends, family and colleagues to help develop your pages. Once you understand what people need and post this information in your posts, before you know it, it will spread all over Facebook and become publicly available. Don't let Facebook's Edgerank algorithm knock you off your feet, focus on quality and positive results will not keep you waiting.

Facebook posts are not showing in the news feed Posted by Steve Toth

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