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The keyboard does not work when Windows starts. Why the keyboard does not work when Windows starts

The keyboard is the main tool for entering information, without which it is impossible to work on a computer. Most often, in order for this device to work flawlessly, it is enough to simply connect it to the computer, and it will install all the necessary drivers automatically. This happens in most cases, but not always. There are situations when, when the keyboard is connected to the USB or PS / 2 connector, it is not detected on the computer and does not show any signs of operation - the indicators are off, and the buttons do not work. As part of this article, we offer instructions on what to do if the keyboard on your computer does not work.

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Connecting a keyboard to a computer is as simple as possible - just insert its wire into the corresponding connector on the motherboard, and then the device will start working. There are wireless keyboards, the radio receiver from which is inserted into the USB-connector, after which the device works if the distance between the transmitter and the device is observed.

Due to the simplicity of the process of connecting a computer, we can conclude that there are only 2 reasons why the keyboard does not work on a computer:

  • Mechanical. Problems may arise directly with the keyboard or the wire that connects it to the motherboard. A broken connector on the motherboard may also be the cause of the malfunction.
  • Software. The keyboard drivers are installed automatically, but during the installation of any software failures may occur, and this situation is no exception. In addition, problems may not be observed at the operating system level, but in the BIOS, where the appropriate settings for the keyboard are disabled.

Depending on which connector the keyboard is connected to the computer, we offer different solutions to the problems that arise.

What to do if the keyboard does not work on the computer via the USB protocol

The most common interface for connecting a keyboard to a computer is USB. The speed of information transfer from a peripheral device to the computer is sufficient, both via the USB 2.0 protocol and via USB 3.0, so there is no difference in which connector to connect the keyboard.

If the USB keyboard does not work when you turn on your computer, do the following:

It is worth noting that users whose keyboard is connected to the motherboard via USB may have problems navigating to BIOS on the computer's boot screen if they are using an old version of the basic software. In this case, you need to find a keyboard with a PS / 2 connector or use the appropriate adapter.

What to do if the keyboard does not work on the computer via PS / 2 protocol

Keyboard makers are moving away from the PS / 2 connector in favor of USB. It is very difficult to find a keyboard with a PS / 2 connector on sale, but if you come across such peripherals and it does not work when Windows boots, most likely the problem is related to the drivers. To make the keyboard work, you need to do the following:

It should be noted that a similar problem with keyboards connected via PS / 2 protocol most often occurs due to an error during the installation of the i8042prt.sys or kbdclass.sys driver.

Hello everyone, dear friends. Quite recently, a strange, as it seemed to me, situation occurred at my work. The keyboard just stopped functioning. Or rather, not completely stopped. As it turned out, the keyboard works only in the BIOS, and upon further loading it simply stops responding to any presses.

And then there was an unpleasant situation, or rather a failure. After the reboot, I had to select the boot mode, but I could not do anything, since none of the keys responded. First of all, I thought it was the keyboard's fault, and then I replaced it with a new one, but it turned out, but after I put another device, the situation has not changed.

In general, I will not torment you. Most likely you used a USB keyboard, since no one had such problems with PS / 2. The thing is that your BIOS has disabled support for a USB keyboard when Windows boots.

"How so? After all, everything worked before, ”you say. Yes, indeed, everything could work for you, and you might not notice anything, since when the operating system boots up, it automatically activates this support. But as soon as a failure occurs and you need to take some action during the loading screen, then alas, you cannot do anything.

How then to proceed? I want to say right away that the first thing you need to do is check the simplest thing that can come to your head, because sometimes the problem can really be somewhere on the surface. Therefore, first check if the keyboard cable is connected to the computer, try moving it to a different USB port, and if possible, connect another keyboard.

If none of this helped, then most likely the matter is in the setup. You need to log in BIOS, namely, at the very beginning of the boot of your computer, press the function key responsible for entering. Most often this is the key DEL, but in different cases it can be F1, and F2.

As a result, when you get into the BIOS itself, you, depending on the version, will need to find an item related to USB keyboard support. It may be called "USB Keyboard Support" or "Legacy USB Support". If you see that next to these items is the "Disabled" mode, then support is disabled and you need to activate the "Enabled" mode.

After that, we save all the settings, reboot and voila.

As a rule, it is this setting that is the solution to this problem. Although I heard that this solution did not help someone, and he decided to try to look for the problem in the components. It turned out that one stick of RAM was not quite working (in his words), and when he pulled it out, the keyboard worked normally. I do not know how this is interconnected, but if something happens, you can try this method.

Well, on this I will end. I hope you enjoyed my article. And if you still have not subscribed to updates to my blog, then be sure to do it now so as not to miss the most interesting. Well, I am waiting for you again on my blog. Good luck to you. Bye Bye!

Sometimes the computer crashes, which can cause problems with the display of the keyboard in the system. If it is not launched in the BIOS, then this greatly complicates the interaction of the user with the computer, since in most versions of the basic system of input and output from manipulators only the keyboard is supported. In this article, we will analyze how to turn on the keyboard in BIOS if it refuses to function there with its physical performance.

If the keyboard works fine in the operating system, but it does not work before loading it, then there may be several explanations for this:

  • The BIOS has disabled support for USB ports. This reason is relevant only for USB keyboards;
  • A software glitch has occurred;
  • Incorrect BIOS settings were exposed.

Method 1: enable BIOS support

If you just bought a keyboard that connects to your computer using USB, then there is a chance that your BIOS simply does not support USB connection, or for some reason it is disabled in the settings. In the latter case, everything can be fixed quickly enough - find and connect some old keyboard so that you can interact with the BIOS interface.

Follow these step-by-step instructions:

If your BIOS does not contain items regarding USB keyboard support, then you need to update it or buy a special adapter for connecting a USB keyboard to a PS / 2 connector. However, a keyboard connected in this way is unlikely to work correctly.

Method 2: reset BIOS settings

This method is more relevant for those whose keyboard previously worked normally in both BIOS and Windows. In the case of resetting the BIOS settings to the factory settings, you can restore the keyboard to work, but the important settings that you made will be reset too and you will have to restore them manually.

To reset, you need to disassemble the computer case and temporarily remove a special battery or bridge the contacts.

The above solutions to the problem can only be useful if the keyboard / port is not physically damaged in any way. If any were found, then some of these elements need to be repaired / replaced.

The fact that the USB keyboard does not work at boot, you may encounter in different situations: it often happens when you reinstall the system or when a menu appears with a choice of safe mode and other boot options Windows.

As a rule, this situation does not happen with a keyboard connected using the PS / 2 port (and if it does, the problem should be looked for in the keyboard itself, in the wire or in the motherboard connector), but it may well occur on a laptop, since the built-in keyboard can also have USB interface.

Before continuing to read, see if everything is ok with the connection: is the USB cable or the receiver for the wireless keyboard in place, or if someone touched it. Better yet, take it out and plug it back in, not USB 3.0 (blue), but USB 2.0 (Best of all, in one of the ports on the back of the system unit. By the way, sometimes there is a special USB port with a keyboard and mouse icon).

Is USB keyboard support included in BIOS

Most often, in order to solve the problem that has arisen, it is enough to go to the BIOS computer and enable the initialization of the USB keyboard (set the USB Keyboard Support or Legacy USB Support to Enabled) when the computer is turned on. If this option is disabled for you, you may not notice this for a long time (because Windows itself "connects" the keyboard at boot and everything works for you), until you need to use it when you boot the operating system.

It is possible that you cannot enter BIOS either, especially if you have a new computer with UEFI, or 8.1 and fast boot enabled. In this case, you can get into the settings in Another way (Changing the computer settings - Update and recovery - - Special boot options, then in the additional parameters select the entry into the UEFI settings). And after that, see what can be changed to make everything work.

On some motherboards, setting up support for USB input devices at boot is a little more sophisticated: for example, in my settings UEFI has three options - Disabled Ultra Fast Boot Initialization, Partial Initialization, and Full Initialization (with Fast Boot disabled). And the wireless keyboard only works at boot in the last option.

Hope this article was able to help you. And if not, describe in detail exactly how you got the problem and I'll try to think of something else and give advice in the comments.

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