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HD channels do not show tricolor 6301. Circle with English letter i

The Tricolor GS 8306 receiver may not turn on for many reasons. Most operator receivers have similar problems.

A characteristic feature of the GS 8306 is the lack of a display. Turning on and off is identified by two LED bulbs... The operator has other attachments that do not have a digital panel, for example: GS B211, GS B520.

In order to understand the nature of the malfunction, it is necessary to make full check technology. Since problems with the device can arise for a number of reasons.

  1. Power supply problems.
  2. Malfunction and breakdown.
  3. Incorrect software installation.
  4. Hardware settings failure.

These are the main reasons why the GS 8306 receiver model of the Tricolor operator does not turn on.

How to identify the source of the problem

In order to find out why the prefix does not work, you should study in detail each assumed factor.

Power supply

If the Tricolor receiver does not turn on, then the first step is to check the power supply of the equipment:

  • serviceability of sockets;
  • Is the power adapter plugged in correctly?
  • Are the connecting cables connected to the device?

Control panel malfunction

Another common problem, the device may not turn on due to a malfunctioning remote control. The receiver may not respond to key presses on the remote control, possible reason- battery wear. If, after replacing the batteries, the Tricolor receiver does not turn on, it is recommended to contact the service center to fix the malfunction or replace the remote control.

There is no picture on the TV

If there is no image on the TV or the picture freezes, it is necessary to exclude work in standby mode Stand By, it is also recommended to check if the wires are connected correctly.

“No Signal” message appears on the TV

If the following message appears on the screen: "No Sound", "No Picture", it means that the tuner receives weak signal.

  • damaged satellite dish cable;
  • breakdown of the converter;
  • there is an obstacle in the signal path.

Device does not turn on after software update

If the set-top box does not turn on after updating software, then most likely this is the result incorrect installation or errors. It is recommended to return the old settings.

  1. Press the "Menu" key on the remote control, then select the "Settings" tab ↦ "Reset" ↦ "Reset settings". Press the "OK" button.
  2. When prompted to enter a password, drive in four zeros, then the device must reboot, the equipment will turn off and on.
  3. After rebooting, a request for settings will appear on the TV screen, you should click "OK". Select your provider and click "OK" ↦ select a region, click "OK".
  4. After the end of the channel search procedure, a notification about the completion of the search will appear on the TV screen.
  5. You want to save the channels by clicking “Save” and then “OK”.

Due to these malfunctions, the GS b211 may not turn on either.

Causes of malfunctions of other popular models of Tricolor consoles

Model GS 8300

The root causes of a GS 8300 receiver malfunction are identical to other operator devices. But the GS 8300 has a feature, often users notice that the receiver can be constantly turned on and off automatically. The reason may be in the firmware or the power adapter is out of order. The device can also turn off due to the fact that the connecting elements are moving away. Also this successor can reboot, reset and boot again.

Main reasons:

  • problems with the cable or f connector;
  • the power supply is out of order.

Model GS 6301

One of the main reasons the GS 6301 receiver may shut down is outdated software. To update it, you need:

  1. Download updated firmware to a USB flash drive.
  2. In doing so, produce complete shutdown devices from the network.
  3. Insert the drive and then turn on the receiver.
  4. An update will take place, you need to remove the flash drive.
  5. After that, the first installation will start on the TV monitor, you need to click "OK".
  6. Wait until the channel list is updated and confirm it.

If the receiver still turns off after the upgrade, it is advisable to contact the repairman.

These are the main reasons why the GS 6301 Tricolor TV receiver does not turn on.

What to do if the tuner does not find Tricolor channels

If you cannot find channels, then the reason may be the following:

  1. You need to reflash your device.
  2. Antenna convectors do not have enough power.
  3. The smart card is not inserted correctly.
  4. The equipment is not well connected.
  5. Subscription not paid.

If, after eliminating these factors, the equipment does not find channels, it is recommended to contact the service center.


Free of charge to repair the defective receiver in service possible throughout the year. The warranty period is deducted from the date of purchase. If the cause of the malfunction is additional elements: remote control, cable, then the warranty period is 6 months... On the Tricolor website, you can activate an electronic guarantee; in such cases, you do not need to present a check and a paper coupon.

You can also check the warranty period on the operator's website; for this, you need to enter the prefix code in a special column. The warranty does not apply to the smart card, as well as if the breakdown occurred through the fault of the buyer.

The receivers of many Tricolor subscribers may stop turning on. How to check the receiver, and what measures to take if a malfunction is detected.

Failure to turn on the receiving equipment may be due to:

  • Food intake;
  • Switching the TV to a different connector;
  • Provider technical work;
  • Antenna problems;
  • Signal conversion in the converter has stopped;
  • Damage to the cable or F-connector;
  • Software malfunction;
  • Technical malfunctions in the receiver;
  • The remote control does not work.

To detect the problem, the user himself can conduct simple actions, suggesting equipment diagnostics. Moreover, it is possible to assess the performance of individual links or the entire chain of signal input from the antenna to the receiver.

Introductory information before self-diagnosis - special symbols

Tricolor subscriber with certain knowledge and skills in electrical diagrams or power circuits can diagnose a broken receiver with his own hands. This will avoid long-term recovery of the receiver in service centers. Having decided to open the equipment, the user should know special designations applied on internal elements.

Triangle with exclamation mark inside

The meaning of the designation is safety. If some parts are marked with this warning, manipulating these elements could damage the accessories or the entire receiver.

Triangle with zipper inside

The meaning of the sign is a threat. Lightning indicates danger during opening or situations when operations are performed with elements. The danger is associated with injury to health or life.

Circle with english letter i

The designation provides information about problems and malfunctions that may appear during work.

Power problems and how to fix them

A power check is always performed first:

  • Is the plug plugged into the outlet;
  • Is the power supply defective;
  • The correctness of the connection of the power supply to the network;
  • Is the wire disconnected from the set-top box, because sometimes children can accidentally take it out;
  • The rear panel power switch must be in the on position.

For models of old receivers, the presence of an external power supply is characteristic. The power problem may be due to a malfunction of this element. Tricolor user can buy new block and enjoy watching television.

On newer models, the power supply system is located inside the case, which complicates the task of repairing. Power may not be supplied due to lost capacitance, the appearance of defective areas on diode bridges. And also a unit that has been in operation for a long time can fail over time. During repairs, you will need to replace the capacitor, which is swollen. Having disassembled the receiver case, immediately distinguish the power supply. By disconnecting it from all the boards, a skilled craftsman will be able to replace the failed elements.

Video: how to replace the power supply unit on the GS8300 receiver

For a simple replacement of the capacitor you will need:

  • Soldering iron;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Soldering flux;
  • New capacitor.

The replacement element is purchased after opening the case. You should purchase a capacitor of the same capacity, which corresponds to the previously installed element.

When opening a part, the location of the element should be observed. Observe all limits when soldering a new capacitor.

Repairing the power supply will allow the supply of current to resume. If power is supplied, the indication is triggered. Saving the "non-switching" state in the presence of indication is associated with other breakdowns.

More on video:

Message No signal on TV

When a message appears, the subscriber first checks the likelihood that it is coming from the receiver and not from the TV. The indicators on the receiver are on, and when the buttons are pressed, a response occurs. When calling the Receiver Menu, the device displays a corresponding window. This means that the equipment is correctly connected to the TV, and the error is related to the operation of the receiver.

If on the street good weather and the provider does not carry out technical work (information about technical works presented on the company's website or displayed in advance on the Infochannel), the message may appear due to the following reasons.

Antenna offset

The antenna gets lost under the following conditions:

  • Bad weather;
  • Poor anchorage;
  • Long-term operation;
  • Falling heavy object.

An offset of 1 cm causes the signal to disappear. The user needs to analyze the anchoring stiffnesses. If there is a weakness in the attachment, then the adjustment will allow you to achieve the desired signal range. The signal is monitored on the TV display during the period when the "Settings" section in the Receiver Menu is switched on.

The location of the antenna is changed by slow turning in different planes. You should not make turning steps more than 1 cm. After turning, wait 5-6 seconds until the signal is set.

After the initial adjustment, it is required to perform a fine tuning operation so that the corresponding scales of the signal parameters are filled at the level of 70-80%. The final step involves securing the pole bolts to the antenna.

If a large object falls on the antenna, it leads to changes in geometry, which implies a change in equipment.

Often an independent change of position does not bring positive results... The cymbal installation and setup wizard will be able to quickly set up the signal. The cost of services depends on the region and place of installation of the equipment.

Cable damage

The subscriber should check the cable from the plate to the receiver. If a breakage site is identified, the wire should be restored using the tools at hand and the F-connector (if one is damaged). Repair stages:

  • Cut the wire in the area to be restored;
  • Clean up the connecting zones;
  • Use F-connector on stripped ends;
  • After fixing the connection, screw on the electrical tape.

Operation is not performed on repeated break. A new wire must be used. Some masters, without visually determining the gap, carry out the determination of hidden defects in the cable using a tester.

F-connector problems

A cable coming out of the connector may cause no signal. It is required to screw it back under the action of force. The damaged connector can be replaced.

Converter problems

The converter is one of the connecting links in the signal transmission chain. Being constantly outdoors, he takes on the effects of the weather and Negative influence external environment... When purchasing equipment, you are given warranty service within 1 year. In practice, the part is used for 3-6 years.

An ordinary user will not be able to determine the breakdown. If other variants of signal deficiency are excluded, the part should be replaced.

A new converter is purchased at the sales office. Replacement instructions:

  • Disconnect the element from the mount;
  • Fix the new converter without moving the antenna;
  • Carry out the range of signal stability on the appropriate scales displayed using the receiver menu on the TV;
  • If the settings are out of order, re-adjust the plate.

When calling a support specialist, you will have to pay for the services of identifying the problem and installing a new part if replacement is necessary.

Interference on the way to the satellite

Interference is various objects that appear on the signal transmission line from the satellite to the antenna:

  • Tree branches;
  • Construction of a high-rise building;
  • Snow build-up.

The method for removing the obstacle depends on the object that has arisen. The subscriber can simply reinstall the antenna to make way for the signal. After the transfer, you will need to re-configure the signal.

LNB head serviceability check

The performance of the "heads" is revealed after disconnecting the disk (several converters). Then each is connected to the receiver.

The receiver does not turn on from the remote control

If there is no response to the remote control buttons, you should perform the action using the keypad on the receiver itself. If the actions are in progress, then the receiver is functional. After changing the batteries in the remote control, re-check the control with the remote control. Resumption of work did not occur - you need to use a different remote control.

Craftsmen can try to check the operation of the remote control in another way. The camera is used for this. mobile phone... Direct the remote control LED into the switched on camera.

While looking at the camera and pressing the buttons, follow the LED indication:

If, after changing the batteries, the LED does not start blinking, then you should buy a new remote control.

Repair of the device in case of rare luminescence is carried out by disassembling the case and cleaning the surface of the board with a damp cloth, soapy water and a dry cloth. After all cleaning operations, dry the parts and assemble the remote control. If the flash does not become constant when viewing through the camera, then a new device is required.

Receiver technical malfunctions

Receiver is a link responsible for receiving a signal and transmitting a video stream. The device may break technical elements or a software problem occurs. The receiver itself has a warranty period (1 year), during which specialists must repair the device.

If after the end warranty period there was a breakdown, then you can carry out an independent diagnosis or give it to a service center. Frequent problems are displayed as errors on the TV screen or the device itself. Please note that these errors are inherent for some models:

  • DRE 5000, 7300, 5001;
  • DRS 5003;
  • GS 7300, 8300, 8300N, 8300M.

For other receivers, there may be a coincidence of errors.

Receiver screen flashes when turned on

A flashing display indicates a damaged power supply. This could be due to a power surge. Application line filter or stabilizer will protect against breakage.

When turned on, the Boot message on the screen

The letter combination "BOOT" indicates two problems:

  • Failure of the software, which requires a flashing of the device;
  • Motherboard is not working properly or is broken.

You can reflash the device yourself by looking for software for this receiver model. In such a situation, the user loses all warranty obligations of the equipment supplier. If the flashed receiver does not start giving a signal, then they resort to replacing the motherboard.

Replacement of the motherboard is carried out at the repair center. There are daredevils who do it with their own hands. Then you will need to disassemble the receiver and remove the old element. This will void the warranty.

All symbols on the receiver's screen light up and it does not turn on

The burning of all indicators and symbols allows us to conclude that there was software glitch... In some cases, the motherboard breaks down. After disassembling the receiver, specialists will be able to determine the true cause of the breakdown. During normal operation of the power supply, the motherboard will be replaced. When other boards are damaged, it is better to buy new equipment, as the cost of repairs can be high.

On the screen of the receiver appears the inscription “Short circuit! Check antenna cable! "

The message is translated as "short circuit". The process can take place in several areas. Diagnostic steps:

  • If the inscription disappears after disconnecting the antenna wire, then a broken converter, a plate or a short circuit in the wire may be a cause for concern;
  • Inspect the wire for a sign of a short circuit by unhooking it from the converter;
  • When the wire was pulled out, the message did not disappear - the tuner unit was out of order.

The subscriber can diagnose the breakdown himself.

Receiver displays "ER31"

The inscription implies a breakdown of the motherboard. It is better to replace the part at the service center.

Receiver does not turn on after software update

The updated software may not install correctly. As a result, the receiving device will not turn on. The subscriber must follow the steps of resetting the settings:

  • Find and open the "Settings" section in the Receiver Menu;
  • Select the command "Reset";
  • After confirmation, wait until the end of the process and restart the receiver;
  • When turned on, you may need to enter the access code - then the combination "0000" is entered;
  • After logging in, the required parameters(language, time, location);
  • To install TV channels, you need to perform a search operation and save the changes.

Sometimes the problem is simply solved by turning off the receiver for 30-45 minutes and then loading into normal mode... And also the method can be used by users who have reflashed the device on their own.

What to do if none of the methods worked

After diagnosing the equipment and excluding all variants of breakdown, you can contact the service center. First, you need to remember about the availability of a guarantee, if it is still valid. The period is usually set at 12 months. After finding the warranty card, contact the nearest service center. Staff after quick diagnosis will be able to repair a broken part free of charge.

When the warranty has already expired, you will have to take the product to service under normal conditions. Specialists can open the case and identify the cause. Then they will offer to spend renovation work by announcing the cost of spare parts and repair procedures. It should be borne in mind that the long service life of the receiver leads to the development of the mortgaged resource. Therefore, for greater savings, it is better to buy new receiver than repairing an old receiver.

Questions from subscribers

What if the receiver does not turn on after a power outage?

It is necessary to check the functionality of the power supply.

How do you know if the receiver is burnt out?

The device does not respond to the activation of the buttons and the indication does not turn on.

Why does the receiver turn on and off by itself?

The reason may be outdated software, involuntary failure of the power adapter, or problems with contacts.

Many users are faced with the problem of damage to satellite receivers. They fail unexpectedly and cause a lot of discomfort to their owners. Some people want to avoid tedious trips to service centers, waiting for the device to be fixed and prefer to buy new receiver... But do not rush, because most of the faults can be fixed on your own. In this article we will tell you about the causes of the breakdown, the most common problems and give a few good advice... And you decide whether you can fix the device yourself or whether you still need to resort to the help of qualified specialists.

If you nevertheless decide to disassemble the receiver and fix it yourself, pay attention to the following symbols:
Triangle with exclamation mark inside means Safety... This symbol warns that activities and situations in relation to the parts marked with this symbol may damage the accessories and the equipment itself.

A triangle with a lightning bolt inside means a Threat... The sign warns of danger. If you do not take precautions, you can harm your own health or life.

Circle with English letter i inside means Information... It informs all users about problems that may arise.

Before looking for faults in the receiver itself, check the serviceability of the cable and heads

Very often the antenna wire connecting the "head" to the attachment is broken or damaged. This breakdown is impossible to notice visually, for this you need a special device - a digital multimeter. If you do not have such a device, then you can use a conventional low-voltage incandescent light bulb from a mobile or flashlight. Connect the tested conductor to the gap electrical circuit with battery and light bulb. If you see that the light is on - everything is fine, if not - the wire is damaged.

2. LNB head serviceability check

To check the health of the "head", you should disconnect the disk (if there are several converters) and connect each of them in turn to the set-top box.

Consider the following typical malfunctions receivers:

1. The receiver does not turn on when connected to a network:

- It is necessary to check back panel it is possible that the switch is in the "off" position there.
- It may be necessary to repair the power supply unit of the Tricolor TV receiver.

2. The set-top box turns on, but the screen flashes:

- the power supply unit does not work.

3. The receiver turns on and “boot” appears on the screen:

- There was a software failure on the receiving equipment, you will have to hand over the receiver for flashing.
- The motherboard is out of order.

4. The receiver turns on and all symbols light up on the screen:

- It is necessary to reflash the receiver as a software failure has occurred.
- The motherboard of your receiver is out of order.

5. The set-top box is functioning, and the message “Short circuit! Check antennacable! ", Translated" Short circuit! Check the antenna cable. " In this case, you can conduct a small diagnosis yourself.:
Antenna cable disconnect from the receiver, and if the inscription on the screen disappears, then the problem is satellite converter or antenna cable.
- Check the antenna cable for a short circuit.
- If you disconnected the antenna cable from the receiver, and the inscription on the screen has not disappeared, then the tuner unit will need to be repaired.

6. The receiver is functioning, and the picture is scattered on the screen, the sound is cut off, and the following messages periodically appear: “no signal”, “no sound”, “no picture”, “coded DRE channel”. To your satellite receiver weak signal arrives:

- The antenna cable from the antenna to the receiver is damaged.
- The tuner unit is out of order.

- Defective satellite converter.
- worked external factors: The antenna is obstructed by an obstacle, unfavorable weather conditions.

7. Satellite box works, but the channels cannot be decoded, since the text "encoded DRE channel" pops up on the screen, and in the "Status" menu it says that "there is no module":

- The cryptomodule is out of order.

8. The receiver turns on, and its display shows the message "ER31":

- Defective motherboard.

Attention: If you have a warranty, before taking the receiver to a service center and requesting it to be repaired according to warranty card, please note that the warranty does not apply if:

  • visible mechanical damage, seals, screws and other marks are broken;
  • the equipment was installed incorrectly or by unauthorized personnel;
  • the set-top box was programmed incorrectly;
  • an incorrect connection was made, the device was connected incorrectly;
  • the conditions for using the receiver were violated;
  • the cables or cords have been incorrectly connected.

As for the guarantee for satellite dishes, it does not apply in case of force majeure (hurricane, vandalism, etc.) or if they were installed incorrectly or by unqualified personnel.

What leads to device malfunction

The most common reason a device stops functioning is a broken power supply. Its malfunction may be caused by loss of capacity, defects diode bridges, a long period permanent use and other factors.

An equally common reason is the malfunction of the satellite dish. This is evidenced by a jumping image, a barely perceptible signal from a satellite, difficulties with a signal in most of the channels. This can be caused by excessive snowfall, which clogs up the antenna connection and makes it difficult to receive the signal.

But if the signal itself is just excellent, and the image is of poor quality, then this indicates a failure of the motherboard. With such a malfunction, factory reset and flashing are unlikely to be effective. In this case, it is better to take the receiver to a specialist who will replace the components and repair the equipment.

Now, dear users, after carefully studying all the information, you can try to find the cause of the receiver's malfunction yourself.

But if you are not confident in your abilities, contact a professional. And if you have additional questions related to your receiver, you can ask and write here. Someone will answer you and help you, do not hesitate, because our resource provides all the information you are interested in for you.

Pilot 2 years ago

Don't panic. Settings-reset to factory settings, fix the "top" and "bottom" from 10750 to 10751 in the antenna settings. I set 10753. All channels in normal operation 269 ​​units at the "single" rate. My region is the main one. I don’t know for other regions.

Anonymous 2 years ago

Replacing the cable helped, but we'll see.

Nikolay 2 years ago

Submitted by: GS8603 receiver. software version 1.9.160. Sound skips from time to time via HDMI. What's this? Software glitch? Is he famous? When will they fix it?

Sent by: DREID: 32002315155433 Hello Nikolay! You are connected, please wait for the answer of the consultant. Your appeal is the first in line. Please wait. The first available consultant will answer you. Received: Hello, my name is Timur Klychev, specialist technical support subscribers of "Tricolor TV".

Sent: Hello.

Sent: Sdrafstfuyti. Received: Please switch to the Tricolor TV info channel. Please press the red button on the remote control twice (the first in the row of four colored buttons, "F1") and once the green button (the second in the row of four colored buttons, "F2"). Two scales appear at the bottom of the screen. Please specify how much they are filled approximately?

Sent by: minute

Sent: 93 and 100

Posted by: Do you know how many people are complaining about this? What does the signal strength have to do with it?

Sent: I've already checked everything on the bells. the problem is HDMI. Before the software update from September, everything worked.

Submitted: https: // website / question / 97177 Received: Try to replace the HDMI cable

Sent: The cable has already been replaced. How many do I need to buy? Received: You can send your comments and suggestions by official letter to the claim department at [email protected]... You can also fill out a questionnaire of comments, suggestions and claims on the website by following the link: (The link must be copied from the chat window to your browser and then opened).

Sent: The problem arose precisely after the software update from September this year. The cable has nothing to do with it. Received: In this situation, you can contact the manufacturer and software developer. Received: Is there anything else I can help you with?

Sent: The Wfs haven't helped me in any way.

Submitted by: Do you know this problem?

Sent: Will she be solved? Or go to NTV +? Received: The need for periodic software updates is stipulated in the terms of the Tricolor TV service. Clause 4.3. "Terms of Service": NSC is released from liability for failure to comply with the terms of the Service in the event of: ... 4.3.10. failure to perform or improper (including untimely) performance by the Subscriber of actions, provided by the manufacturer software embedded in software or by a software manufacturer, in terms of upgrading, updating software embedded in software. -

Sent: It's not realistic to look like this, the sound is randomly muted on the GS 8306 after the update from September of this year

Sent: and which of the conditions have I not fulfilled? Received: Perhaps during the update, there was a failure in receiving the update from the satellite. Received: You can try to update the equipment yourself or contact the service center for diagnostics Sent: from so many people that I gave you a link? Received: We have no way to check your links. This is done by another department.

Sent: On two tuners I have this problem. In two independent houses.

Sent: After I insert a USB flash drive with software files from September of this year, the tuner does not start flashing. since it is the same version as mine. Received: In this situation, please contact the service center. Contact details of the nearest service center You can clarify by following the link: You can also contact the Tricolor TV Sales and Service Center. To find your nearest Sales and Service Center, please follow the link: http: //

Sent: The service was there said that this is a problem with the software broadcast by you in September of this year. Why don't you admit it? Received: "Tricolor TV" is not a manufacturer of software for receiving equipment as well as a manufacturer of receiving equipment.

Sent: The service has nothing to help in this situation. Defective Realistic Software your company they cannot be corrected. Received: Tricolor TV is only a signal repeater.

Sent: When I resell pies, then I have to be responsible for the quality of these pies. So are you. Received: Tricolor TV does not sell receiving equipment.

Sent: OK, you agree with me that the software has an error or is not revised. Even if it's not your fault? Received: Specialty Stores are doing this. Received: Also reception equipment passed compatibility for the correct viewing of channels.

Sent: Yes, and that sale of equipment. This is an example I gave with prirozhki simply. You provide a service and the service must be of high quality. Received: "Tricolor TV" provides only access to viewing channels.

Sent: Well, give me access to watch channels. Tell your channels have soundtrack? Received: All channels have an audio track. Tricolor TV broadcasts normally without interruptions.

Submitted: So the problem is that I cannot reproduce it on the hardware you recommend. Received: You are losing sound on the HDMI cable. On the bells, it broadcasts correctly

Submitted by: Do you broadcast channels in HD quality? Received: Quite right. Received: Tricolor TV provides HD quality channels

Submitted by: How can I see this quality on RCA connectors? which in principle do not support HD quality? Received: You can use special adapters.

Sent: and now the question is in HDMI. I want to hear from you. Why is the sound disappearing through this output after a software update in September of this year? Is this a software glitch? Received: This information You can check with the software developer.

Sent: Tell me in the form of a chat that we are now communicating there is a section of questions related to the work of the software? I came in on this very issue. So what's the problem for me to answer?

Submitted by: Why this chat with the ability to ask questions from the software section. If you send this question to the developer? Received: Features of version 1.9.160: The interface in this software version is the same as it was before version 2.5 ... on all Stingray. In this version of the software, the scales are called up by pressing the Red button twice and the Green button once. The Tricolor TV Magazine, Hunting and Fishing and Weather applications are not available on this software version. This version does not support connecting a tablet / smartphone in dependent (mirror) viewing mode. The recording function is not available on this software version. Information banners on this software version can be disabled by filling out a questionnaire, as on other receivers with the Stingray software platform http: // operatorscript / Questionary / Index Favorite lists

Sent: It's like eating a pirogue with potatoes. And the potatoes turned out to be wormy or rotten. You come to me and express your pretense. And I'm telling you, well, Uncle Vasya grew potatoes, you go to him and ask why he is rotten. So chtoli? Received: You have already received a response from me for this question if you have no other questions, I will have to end the chat.

Sent: wait a minute

Sent: You can repeat the answer again Received: Thank you for your request. To save a copy of the conversation, you can copy the text to your device. The conversation is closed. Thank you for your message. If you need to save the information provided, you can copy it to the device you are using in a convenient way.

Anonymous 2 years ago

Nikolay, it is better to write a complaint to their general director Kholodov. We, as their customers, should not care that their suppliers have concocted a mismatched update, they work with them, and not we, we do not know what a satellite is and we don’t want to know, they have a contract with them for the supply of software, let them claim them and they show us, and it is THEY who are obligatory forcing us to update the receiver. they sit like robots (or parrots), nothing can be achieved, thousands of people have been brought to a state of white heat, freaks.

ATTENTION! If your receiver does not find channels, then the setup instructions

The current (latest) version of the software from 07/27/2016

Never turn off the power of the receiver before the update procedure is complete! Otherwise, the receiver may be damaged!

Return previous version The software will be impossible!

Software update via USB-storage (flash drive)

If your receiver is not connected to satellite dish, you can update the software via a USB stick. Before downloading the software to a USB flash drive, it must be formatted in FAT32. In the downloaded files you will also find detailed instructions on installation.

Software update via satellite

To update the software via satellite, the receiver must be connected to a tuned satellite dish.

Updating the receiver is a four-step process.


1. Search for Tricolor TV channels. To do this, enter the menu, select "Tricolor TV" and press OK on the remote control. Then select the "Yes" option and press the "OK" button on the remote control. After completing the search procedure, save the searched channels.

2. Power off and on the receiver.

3. Switch the receiver to channel 333.

4.After a few seconds, a message about the need to update the receiver software will appear on the screen as follows:

When the appearance of this message select the option "Yes" and press the "OK" button on the remote control.

5. After agreeing to update the receiver software, the first stage of the update will begin, and service messages about the progress of the procedure will appear on the TV screen.

6. Upon completion of the first stage of the software update, the receiver will automatically reboot and start the second stage of the update. At this stage, no action is required from the subscriber, the procedure is performed in automatic mode... At the second stage of the update, the following service messages will appear on the TV screen:

At the end of the second phase of the update, the receiver will automatically reboot and begin the third phase of the update.

7. At the third stage of the update, no action is required from the subscriber, the procedure is performed by the receiver in automatic mode. At this stage, the following service messages will be displayed on the TV screen:

At the end of the third phase of the update, the receiver will automatically reboot and begin the fourth phase of the update.

8. At the fourth stage of the update, no action is required from the subscriber; the procedure is performed by the receiver in automatic mode. Service messages of the following type will appear on the TV screen:

At the end of the fourth phase of the update, the receiver will automatically reboot.

9. At the end of the software update procedure, it is necessary to make the initial setup of the receiver and search for Tricolor TV channels, after which the receiver will be ready for further operation.

10. After completing the receiver software update, make sure that the receiver software version is 1.8.337. To do this, press the "No. ID" button on the remote control and check the value in the third paragraph.

Video instructions for updating the software of receivers model GS 6301

How to update the Tricolor channel list on the gs 6301 receiver

To find new channels, do the following:

Why update the channel list?

Updating the channel list may be required in several cases:

1. To find new Tricolor TV channels that are not on your receiver
2. After the preventive work on satellite
3. When initial setup equipment
4. When changing the broadcasting parameters (changing frequencies) of some channels
5. Prophylactically twice a year

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