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  • Not phpMyAdmin alone: ​​a shell for database management.

Not phpMyAdmin alone: ​​a shell for database management.

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In their activities, companies, organizations, services are faced with the need for accounting, systematization and processing different kind information. With development information technologies this accounting is usually carried out using computer technology... In this case, information is accumulated in electronic databases ah data.

Currently, there are a significant number of types of electronic databases. To store large information arrays, SQL-oriented database management systems (DBMS) are often used (MySQL, PostgreSQL, MsSQL, Oracle, Sybase, FireBird / Interbase, IBM DB2). The specified DBMS operate on different platforms(operating systems) - Windows, Linux, OS X, Unix.

Development of software (software) for accounting and information processing is carried out for specialized tasks and, as a rule, is performed "from scratch" for a specific DBMS and operating system. But, this way is not always optimal. First, development from scratch makes the information system more expensive. Secondly, the system turns out to be tied to specific DBMS and OS, which makes its use less mobile and flexible. Third, at the stage of staging terms of reference and software design, the availability of sufficient a large number DBMS and operating systems create a certain complexity in their choice by the software customer. And the customer often chooses the option that the developer offers him.

The proposed software"Database shell" allows you to quickly create a multi-user system of accounting and information processing corporate level on a SQL-oriented DBMS (MySQL, PostgreSQL, MsSQL, Oracle, Sybase, FireBird / Interbase, IBM DB2) and any of the main operating systems (Windows, Linux, OS X, Unix). This system is easily extensible and modifiable. Maintenance and modification of the software can be carried out by an employee who does not have deep knowledge of the programming and functioning of the DBMS. The "Database Shell" includes visual design tools, which are a tool for expanding and modifying information system... When deploying an information system, the interests of the customer are fully taken into account when choosing a DBMS and operating system(Demonstration of installation and use).

Database Shell software has the following functional features and capabilities:

  • developed in java, which makes it cross-platform;
  • allows you to store information in any SQL-oriented database for which there is a jdbc driver;
  • has a built-in system of administration and differentiation of the rights of users who have access to information;
  • provides unified storage of information in the form of various "accounting objects" and the establishment of links between them;
  • allows you to connect and integrate additional (third-party) information processing modules into the system;
  • allows in visual mode expand and change the functionality of the software, correct the presentation of information to system users;
  • provides the ability to set the rules for logical control of the input information without involving a software developer;
  • has a mechanism for exchanging information between distributed systems(databases) ensuring the integrity of information;
  • has the ability to organize access to information through a browser.

I have been using Brilliant Database 9 here for a while - quite a suitable thing, except for the fact that it uses some kind of database format of its own, and it has run out of trial period, and the cracks to it are crooked.
In general, you need some kind of application that would make it easier to create a shell for the database and, if possible, would eliminate the need to program anything. And if it also worked with some real database - mysql, oracle, mssql, and so on, it would be superb.
I think everyone noticed that all databases are somewhat similar in structure and there must already be a unified tool for creating shells for the database. It would even be possible for tables and SQL queries compose yourself, but that's exactly the interface part to do without programming.
Added (1). 2AZDesign: if you look at Brilliant DB, then I achieved what I wanted there, namely, a small set of tables, organizing communication between them, creating forms for editing, receiving reports in the desired form... And all this without any programming.
Added (2). 2Indy43333: This program, which I used, is buggy, and it is expensive to buy it, since it is not designed for a Russian pocket. And it is not clear why no one believes that this is possible. What kind of functionality is impossible to imagine without programming?

Nothing will work without programming
1) DB is not only tables, but also trigger links, procedures
2) The shell also needs to be programmed, despite the fact that the main components are ready-made.
The simplest is to take Firebird + Delphi
Firebird is an industrial free database management system with standard SQL
Delphi is a well-deserved development environment
How to do this see the links
I have heard tales about creating programs without programming since 1980, but so far I have not seen a single system that somehow comes close to this.

And the question of buying the program that you use very intensively and trust it with data storage was not considered?

It is also not enough to believe that you can make a normal shell without programming and use the real functions of the database.

My Visual DataBase
Simple environment database development, without the help of specialists and programming skills, you will create a full-fledged Windows application databases. It can be as simple as phonebook and the accounting system in your business.
The result of your work will be full Windows application that does not require installation and third party components and able to work directly with USB Flash drive.
Complete with the program, you will find ready-made database projects.

When we talk about a database management tool MySQL data, then a priori
we think it will be phpMyAdmin. On any hosting phpMyAdmin is standard
de facto. One thing is bad - this rather auxiliary tool is often
used as the main tool. But when you constantly deal with
database, then the tool must be chosen appropriate.

No, I have nothing against phpMyAdmin, but let's judge it soberly. Implementation
in PHP allows you to use the solution almost anywhere, but right away
imposes serious restrictions on usability. What are
completely reloadable pages due to the absence of AJAX. Work through such
the interface is difficult, and editing data is generally crazy. You never
did not accidentally press the "Delete page" button, although I only wanted to delete one
recording? I pressed. In addition, phpMyAdmin has to be configured for each
servers separately. About access to different servers from one place remains
only dream. Yes, implementation as a web application gives advantages in some
situations, but for database design, data editing, programming
stored procedures and complex SQL queries have much better solutions.

  • Website development
  • Many companies create various multifunctional applications to facilitate the management, development and administration of databases.

    Majority relational databases data, with the exception of MS Access, consists of two individual components: "Back-end" where the data is stored and "front-end" - the user interface for interacting with the data. This construct type is smart enough as it parallelizes a two-tier programming model that decouples the data layer from user interface and allows the software market to focus directly on improving its products. This model opens the door for third parties who build their applications to interact with various bases data.

    On the Internet, everyone can find many products for developing and administering MySQL databases. We decided to collect the 10 most popular tools in one article so that you can save your time.

    1. Workbench

    The first place rightfully belongs to the Workbench tool (developed by Sun Systems / Oracle), which can run on platforms Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. Workbench combines database development and administration and is the successor to DBDesigner4.

    MySQL Workbench distributed under free license- Community Edition and with annual paid subscription - Standard Edition... The latter includes additional features that can significantly improve the productivity of both developers and database administrators.

    The cost is free.

    What makes the Workbench popular?

    • the ability to present a database model in graphically, as well as editing data in the table;
    • the presence of a simple and functional mechanism for creating relationships between table fields, among which a many-to-many relationship is implemented with the ability to create a table of relationships;
    • the Reverse Engineering function allows you to restore the structure of tables and links from the one that was implemented earlier and stored on the database server;
    • the presence of an editor for SQL queries, which makes it possible, when sending to the server, to receive a response in tabular form and other possibilities.

    2. Navicat

    Second place goes to Navicat(developed by PremiumSoft CyberTech Ltd) is a database development and administration tool that runs on any MySQL server starting from version 3.21. For MySQL, Navicat is available to run on Microsoft platforms Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.

    Product prices range from $ 199 to $ 379.

    What makes Navicat popular?

    • the presence of a visual query designer;
    • the ability to import, export and Reserve copy data;
    • the ability to create reports;
    • SSH and HTTP tunneling;
    • migration and synchronization of data and structure;
    • tool for scheduling tasks and other features.

    3. PHPMyAdmin

    PHPMyAdmin - free app With open source, intended for administration of the MySQL DBMS. PHPMyAdmin is a web interface with which you can administer the MySQL server, run commands and view the contents of tables and databases through a browser.

    The cost is free.

    What makes PHPMyAdmin popular?

    • the ability to manage the MySQL DBMS without directly entering SQL commands;
    • how the PHPMyAdmin control panel provides the ability to administer dedicated databases;
    • intensive development;
    • the ability to integrate PHPMyAdmin into own developments thanks to the GNU General Public License and other features.

    4.dbForge Studio for MySQL

    dbForge Studio for MySQL- a tool of interest to both MySQL users and for database developers. With its help you will be able to easily automate routine work and save time. Today dbForge Studio for MySQL is available in three editions: Express, Standard and Professional, which allows you to choose the tool that is right for you. DbForge Studio for MySQL is available in both commercial and free versions.

    There are both free and paid versions, with the latter priced at $ 49.95 (Standard Edition) and $ 99.99 (Professional Edition).

    What makes dbForge Studio popular?

    • availability of funds for centralized administration;
    • database comparison tools;
    • visual query profiler;
    • the ability to manage user privileges;
    • the presence of the Database Designer, which allows you to build visual diagrams;
    • improved work with database projects and other features.

    5. HeidiSQL

    HeidiSQL - free tool for database management. Decent alternative PHPMyAdmin, which allows you to create and edit tables, views, triggers, procedures, as well as view and edit data. HeidiSQL also provides the ability to export data both to a SQL file and to the clipboard on other servers.

    The cost is free.

    What makes HeidiSQL popular?

    • the ability to connect to the server using the command line;
    • the ability to batch optimize and restore tables;
    • the ability to edit columns, indexes and foreign keys of tables, edit the body and parameters SQL procedures, triggers, etc.;
    • simple formatting of unordered SQL;
    • synchronization of a table between different databases and other possibilities.

    6. SQL Maestro for MySQL

    SQL Maestro for MySQL- a tool for administration, development and management of the most demanded DBMS. Convenient graphical interface makes it possible to execute SQL queries and scripts, manage user privileges, export and create backups data.

    Depending on the chosen license and use case, the cost this instrument ranges from $ 99 to $ 1,949.

    What makes SQL Maestro for MySQL popular?

    • version support MySQL server from version 3.23;
    • the presence of a database designer;
    • the ability to edit, group, sort and filter data;
    • visual query designer;
    • SSH and HTTP tunneling;
    • BLOB editor and other features.

    7. EMS SQL Manager for MySQL

    EMS SQL Manager for MySQL is a database development and administration tool that supports various functions MySQL and works with everyone MySQL versions older than 3.23. With it, you have the ability to visually edit, import and export databases, execute SQL scripts, manage user privileges, and visually design MySQL databases.

    There is a paid and free version applications. The latter has a number of functional limitations. Price paid version ranges from $ 95 - $ 245.

    What EMS SQL Does Manager for MySQL popular?

    • support for UTF8 data;
    • easy management of various MySQL objects;
    • compatibility with all versions from 3.23 to 6.0 inclusive;
    • availability of graphic and text tools to form requests;
    • SSH and HTTP tunneling;
    • convenient report designer and other features.

    8. SQLyog

    SQLyog- one of the most powerful tools, which combines the capabilities of MySQL Administrator, PHPMyAdmin and several other tools for database administration and development. SQLyog runs on Microsoft Windows, Windows NT platforms. and Linux with Wine.

    Both free and paid versions of SQLyog are available. Paid version costs from $ 99 to $ 1499 (varies depending on the number of users and license, with or without support).

    What makes SQLyog popular?

    • convenient query builder;
    • the ability to synchronize data;
    • support for unicode;
    • SSH and HTTP, HTTPS tunneling;
    • "Smart" auto-completion of work;
    • intelligent code completion and other features.

    9. DBTools Manager

    DBTools Manager- application for data management, with built-in support for MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSAccess, MSSQL Server, Oracle and other databases. Supported platforms: Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7.

    DBTools Manager is free (Standard) and paid option(Enterprise). The cost is $ 69.90 per license and discounts apply when purchasing multiple licenses.

    You can learn more about and purchase DBTools Manager here

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