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Tweet not sent. Tweets are messages in the general Twitter feed

Hello! Today our short article will be for newcomers to Twitter, for those who are there quite recently and do not know how to use it. Let's learn to write tweets, that is short messages in your profile.

How to create a tweet through the official website from a computer

Let's go to your account. At the top of the page we see a field for entering text, we fill it with the necessary message (this will be a tweet). After the message is ready, click on the "Tweet" button.

Pay attention to the number of characters next to the button. The system tells you how many characters you have left, because the number is limited. You will not be able to write posts in the form of whole sheets.

Everything, after pressing the button, a new tweet appeared, this was what was needed.

Now let's see how it's done in mobile version At the same time, we also think about what can be done with them.

How to write a tweet via phone on Android

We launch the application and look in the lower right corner. There is a secret button of blue color with white feather. That's what she needs. Press:

We write the text and click on the "Tweet" button:

After that, it is added to the account. Below I post a picture in which I signed, what can we do with it, what is the button in the menu under the entry, which means.

1. We can reply to any tweet by auto-replying its author.
2. Retweet.
3. Like it.
4. Send it by message. Tweets can only be sent as a message to people who follow you. (

Number active users Twitter is growing every day and will soon reach a solid figure of 300 million people. Sometimes users are interested in whether it is possible to send private messages on Twitter social networks? And how is it done? Sometimes there are more simple questions- for example, how to mention specific person in your tweet or how to reply to a public tweet addressed to you. If you are interested in any of these questions - let's answer it.

To begin with, let's figure out how to send a message in such a way that it is hidden from strangers, and only the addressee can see it. To do this is very simple. Just go to the "Personal Messages" tab. Now we will offer the simplest writing algorithm.

As you probably know, on the user Twitter page(in the mobile version of the application) there are several main tabs. These are: "feeds", "notifications", "messages", and the "me" tab. We will be interested in the "Messages" tab. It is in it that the user can send or receive private messages.

This is interesting: Direct messages on Twitter are messages that are not visible in the tweet feed. Only you and your interlocutor can see them.

So, step by step instructions:

  1. First, go to the Messages tab.
  2. Then click on the "messages" icon located at the top right of the screen.
  3. Start typing the name of the user you want to send a private message to. When you see a person's nickname in the list, select it.
  4. Write a message, click send.
  5. That's all! Your interlocutor will answer as soon as he notices the notification.

Do not forget that private messages are needed only for personal correspondence. It happens that some users close their Private Messages. Then users that the person does not read do not have the opportunity to write to him. Celebrities usually do this - they are already literally inundated with various answers and mentions in their own news feed.

Now you know how to communicate with another user directly. Note that this is not the most popular feature of Twitter, but sometimes it turns out to be very necessary. Try to apply the acquired knowledge in practice right now and you will see that it is not difficult at all!

How to reply to a tweet

Twitter also has the ability to publicly reply to other users' tweets. That is, your answer will be visible to all users. Under any message there is an inscription "Reply". By clicking on it, you can write some kind of response to this tweet by publishing it. The reply will appear in, among other things, your News Feed and the feed of the person you replied to.

Location of the "Reply" button in a tweet

You've learned about basic, simple messaging actions you can take on Twitter. With their help, communication with other users will become truly complete. Practice a few times - and you will understand that using Twitter is simple, and the communication functionality is intuitive. Enjoy your tweets and private messages!


People who have just registered on the site social network can easily get lost in its functionality and take a long time to figure out what's what. That is why we publish articles that will help all users to adapt to the microblogging site. Today we will talk in detail about how to correctly compose a tweet and publish it on your page.

Tweeting on Twitter

Let's go to home page your profile, come up with a message that we want to publish and click on the "New Tweet" button. It's at the top right of your account dashboard.

After you have pressed the button, a special window will appear in which you will need to enter the text of the tweet that you want to publish. It is also worth noting that the sent tweet will be visible to all users who are subscribed to your page.

It is also possible to add a photo to the message. You can do this with special button"Add a photo" after saving it on the computer. Nearby there is a button with which you can specify your location at the time of publication (this function must first be enabled in the settings).

Sending a written tweet

And so, the message is composed and completely ready to be sent.

To publish it, you need to click on the "Tweet" button (with a pen image). The posted tweet will now be displayed on your wall and all users who subscribe to your page updates will receive it in the general news feed.

That's all! Do not forget to subscribe to our updates and leave your comments - we are interested in the opinion of each person!

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About tweets and communication inTwitter

Twitter, like other social networks, is designed primarily for communication. Whether it will be personal communication or communication with a wide audience, it is up to you, first of all, because this service provides both of these options. You can tweet for your followers, send private messages to friends, comment on posts, and reply to comments on your posts. You can include photos and links in your posts. Twitter is very convenient in terms of communication, because it is like an SMS service. You can write a tweet and get an immediate response.

How to write a tweet on Twitter?

Twitter uses tweets to communicate with the general public. These are posts of up to 140 characters with spaces for entertainment or informational purposes that will be displayed on your feed and in the feed of your readers. In order to write a tweet, you need to go to your Twitter page, where you will see the "Write a tweet" box. Enter the text that you want to place on your page, click the "Tweet" button. Now your tweet is visible to everyone Twitter users. Use hashtags to optimize your tweets for this service. It - keywords of your tweet that reflect its theme. Before such words, you need to put a pound sign "#" and then, without putting a space, write a word (for example, #hello). Hashtags help other Twitter users quickly find posts on topics of interest to them. You can also contact individual users with tweets. To do this, you need to put "@" and write the username without a space, this construction can be placed anywhere in your tweet.

How to write to a person on Twitter?

The messages that you will send to your friends in a personal, which are sometimes called DMs on Twitter, will not be reflected in your home page and will only be available to the user you sent them to. To send a private message, you need to click on the special pen icon in the upper right corner of the screen, then click on it and select the user you want to send a private message to. Private messages are also limited to 140 characters. In addition, you can send a private message only to the person who has not closed this function. In a personal you can send various pictures and links. Unfortunately, Twitter does not provide the ability to view videos inside private messages, but you can send a user external link, which he will have to navigate to view.

How to reply to a tweet?

Under the tweet of any user there is a Reply button. By clicking on this button, you will be able to write a response to a tweet and publish it. This tweet will appear in your feeds.

Here are the main simple steps, which you can do to fully communicate on Twitter with other users. With a little practice, you will realize that this service is very easy to use and intuitive. Have fun on Twitter!

Hi all. In this article, we will figure out where to get the buttons of such social networks like Vkontakte, Twitter, Facebook and Google +, as well as how to make these buttons line up exactly in one row. For beginners who decide to install such buttons for themselves, this often does not work out, and the buttons run into one another, or are simply located one below the other.

I think that no one needs to explain how important it is to have these buttons on the site. It is actually very easy to make buttons in one row, and now I will show you how to make the same line with social buttons as I have on my blog at the end of each article.

First, let's take a look at where to get the codes for all these buttons one by one. Let's start in order:

1. Button "Tweet" from Twitter.

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Then, from the proposed button options, select “Submit URL”. Once selected, fill in...

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