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Instagram page not updating. Unable to update the feed on Instagram: how to solve this problem? Share a link to an interesting post with your friends

Instagram is a very relevant smartphone app these days. Thanks to this innovation in the field of social networks, people have the opportunity not only to share their photos with friends, but also to find out any news about popular people.

But what to do if suddenly all these charms of the Internet stopped working? It is worth looking into this issue.

Reasons why Instagram does not update the feed

  1. The most obvious of all the problems that can happen are updates. At the time of innovation, the application may work poorly or even stop working.
  2. Bad or low-quality internet that just can't load the feed.

These are the main reasons why instagram may not update the feed.

Solving the problem with updating the Instagram feed

You should reassure users, as there are ways to solve the problem with updating the feed:

  • If you can’t update your Instagram feed in any way, then you should look for the root cause, namely, is the Internet connected? It happens that it turns off without the knowledge of the owner.
    Users should remember that the Internet on the mobile phone must be fast enough to download all the pictures and photos.
  • It also happens that Instagram cannot be updated due to an outdated version. However, if a person has updated the feed, and the application still does not load, then it is worth "digging deeper" and updating the operating system on the mobile phone. Then the error will be corrected.
  • If even after the user has completed all of the above, Instagram still writes “it is impossible to update the feed”, then most likely there was a glitch in the system itself. In this situation, there is nothing left to do but simply wait for the next version of updates for this application to be released. This often happens now, this is a mistake of the developers. They do not monitor possible defects in programs, which is why Instagram is partially loaded on a particular smartphone model, or not loaded at all.

Video with a solution to the problem with updating the feed in instagram

People ask: “why doesn’t Instagram update the feed?” is very relevant today. Therefore, it remains to be hoped that the developers will still fix all the shortcomings of such a popular application and henceforth it will work perfectly.

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Not all users like to update installed applications on their mobile devices, often thinking that this is a waste of time. Now, this is absolutely not true. On the contrary, updating is almost always one plus. For example, developers close various "holes" from malicious files, new functionality appears, battery consumption is optimized, etc. In case we're talking about Instagram, it's also new filters or updated photo editing tools. In a word, the update is for the good, so today we will talk about how to update the Instagram app.

How do you know if Instagram needs to be updated?

It's simple. Open the Play Market and write in the search instagram or instagram. In any case, the official application will come first.

You open the application and if you see the "Update" button, then you do not have the latest version of Instagram installed and you need to update it.

How to update Instagram using the Play Market

Now you know that the application needs an update. To update, click on the "Update" button.

If necessary, if new features have been added to the application, additional permissions may be required, which you will need to provide by clicking on the "Accept" button.

After that, the app update will start.

When the update is complete, Instagram will update automatically, and the "Open" button will appear in the place where the "Update" button was. This indicates that the application has been updated.

You can go the other way. Call the Play Market menu (make a swipe from the left side of the screen to the right). Select "My Apps & Games" from the menu.

Find the Instagram app. If there is an "Update" button next to it, click on it and update the application in the way described above. If it says "Installed", as in our case, there are no updates.

How to update Instagram without Play Market?

How to find out the installed version of Instagram?

It's simple. Open settings, find the section with applications.

Video instruction

Please, here is the version of Instagram.

Many Instagram users have come across a situation where everyone is already using the new "chips" and they do not have new functionality in the application. What to do in such a situation? Write to the support service and "run" with questions to specialized forums. Many people do this, although to get new features it is often enough just to update Instagram. While everything is stable, people, as a rule, do not think about updating the software installed on a smartphone or tablet. But in vain, with each update, developers close security “holes”, improve usability, optimize software operation, add functionality, etc. This publication will discuss how to properly update an application on various mobile platforms.

Instructions on how to update Instagram on Android

There is nothing complicated in updating software installed from the official Play Market app store. The first thing to do is make sure your Instagram needs (or doesn't need) an update.

This is done in the following way.

Important! You must be online to update the software. This is a must!

In the window that opens, there will be a list of all applications that need to be updated. If there is an “Update” button opposite Instagram, then feel free to click on it.

Important! Insta may need to obtain additional permission to install updates. Click "Accept" and wait for the update to complete.

After everything is installed, Instagram will disappear from the list of programs that require updating. Opposite the client there will be an "Open" button.

Option number 2

  • We connect access to the Internet. (Do not forget that you need to be online).
  • We enter the Play Market.
  • Type in Instagram in the search bar.
  • We open the application, which will be the first in the list of applications offered by the store.

Now everything is simple: if you see the “Update” button in the open window, then your Instagram needs an update.

Click "Update", if necessary, give permission by clicking on the "Accept" button and wait for the process of installing files on your gadget to finish. Thus, the software is updated on all smartphones running the Android OS (and even on the latest Samsung implementation).

How to update Instagram on iOS?

To make an update on an "apple" gadget, you need to follow the following algorithm:

  • connect to the network;
  • go to the App Store;
  • on the bottom control panel, tap on the button to go to the updates section;

  • Tap on the Refresh button next to the Instagram app.

It remains only to wait for the installation process to complete.

Why is Instagram not updating?

In some cases, updating Instagram fails. As a rule, there can be two reasons for this:

  • No network connection. Make sure you have internet access via WiFi or your carrier's mobile network. An inscription may also appear: - read the special article
  • The gadget does not meet the system requirements required to install the updated version of Instagram.

There are two ways out: to buy a new smartphone or use an outdated version of Insta. You should know that on iPhones up to the fourth model, Insta is not installed at all.

As a conclusion

In this publication, we considered the question of how to update Instagram on smartphones and tablets running IOS and Android. In principle, everything is extremely simple: we enter the application store, look for Instagram, and if an update offer appears, we update it.

Some Instagram users are experiencing this problem, while loading the news feed and updating photos and videos, the error “Unable to update Instagram feed” appears.

Instagram feed not working, what to do?

So what is this error and how to get rid of it? We've put together a few simple tips.

1. The first thing to do is check the quality of your Internet connection, whether wi-fi is working. When using mobile Internet, remember that you need to consider the speed for downloading various media files. It is desirable to be connected to 3G-4G networks, which, contrary to their "duty", are unstable.

2. In the case of a good Internet connection, perhaps even the operating system on the mobile device, in which case the error will be fixed.

3. If none of the above brought any benefit, then, unfortunately, you had to deal with an ordinary glitch, with which it makes no sense to deal with it in any way. You just have to wait for the next one. I assure you that the error will be fixed for your phone or tablet model soon. In order to hasten the solution of this problem, you have the right to write to the developers yourself. You can also do this from the settings, by clicking on the link you will see a more accurate description with various clarifications.

4. Clear the cache of applications and your phone or tablet. You may have run out of space and your device is unable to upload new photos.

5. There may also be a system glitch in Instagram, and many users will not have a feed. In this case, you just need to wait a while.

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