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  • The owner of a directory cannot be changed. "1C: Accounting in management companies of housing and communal services, condominiums and housing cooperatives"

The owner of a directory cannot be changed. "1C: Accounting in management companies of housing and communal services, condominiums and housing cooperatives"

V. V. Klyuev

Subordinate directories

Most likely, you have already repeatedly noticed in usual typical configurations interconnected directories, when when you select a directory element (directory1), the value of another directory (directory2) is "filtered" by this value - that is, values ​​that belong only to the current directory1 element are selected; for example, it is the Directory "Departments", the owner of which is the Directory "Organizations".

In order to immediately grasp the essence of what is happening, let's see what happens in practice. To do this, you can create an empty configuration from scratch, or go to any existing copy of the infobase and create 2 directories in the configurator.

Reference1 and Reference2. In the reference2 go to the "Owners" tab and select the owner - "Reference1", see as shown in the figure.

Now, when creating items in the "Directory2", the system will ask you to enter the owner of the directory1. There is an option - Use subordination - when assigning subordination to Elements, groups, or groups and elements.

It would seem that everything is simple, but users have problems. When opening "Directory2", the user sees all the elements in a completely incomprehensible order, and besides, if you worked with typical configurations, you might have noticed that you do not specify the owner anywhere in the "Subdivisions" directory directly, and when you open the directory you can choose organization and, depending on this, receive elements subordinate to this or that organization; at the same time, when creating an element of the directory "Departments" by default, you will receive the owner that you have selected in the form of the list of departments.
So let's get started and create a "List Form" for our "Directory2", for now provide this to 1C without making any changes, later we will correct the form created by the designer.
In "Reference2" go to the Forms tab and add (+) a new Reference List Form and click Finish.

Let's create a form attribute with the "Reference1.Link" data type, named "SelectionReference1", and drag this attribute onto the form, set the title "Reference1".

Now, in order for "this miracle" to work, you need to write a code that will perform a selection when you select a Directory Item1.

8.2, 8.3 Managed forms

In order to display in the form of a list of the directory only the elements we need for the selected element of the Directory1, we need to programmatically make a selection - according to the selected element, for this we use the predefined procedure of the SelectReference1 control element and write the code that performs the specified task.
At the top, select "SelectionReference1", right-click and select "Properties", in the window that appears, find the "OnChange" property and press the magnifying glass, thereby going to the form module; the procedure "SelectionReference1WhenChanging (Element)" is automatically created

In the procedure, enter the following text:

& AtClient Procedure SelectionReference1OnChange (Item) List. Selection. Elements. Clear (); // SelectionItem = List. Selection. Elements. Add (Type (" DataCompositionSelectionElement")); SelectionElement. LeftValue = NewDataCompositionField (" Owner "); SelectionElement .ComparisonView = DataCompositionComparisonKind. Equal; SelectionElement. Usage = True; SelectionElement. RightValue = SelectionDirectory1; SelectionElement .IndexDisplay Mode = BackdropDisplay Mode;

8.2 Common forms

When building forms, everything is the same, only forms need to be created as usual, managed forms do not work in a regular application.
The difference will be in the selection procedure for the item in the form of a list and in the creation of the props.
To add details to a regular form, click the button

Procedure Directory1OnChange (Item) ThisForm. Selection. Owner. Value = Directory1. Link; This Form. Selection. Owner. Usage = True; This Form. Elements of the Form. Reference List. Customize Selection. Owner. Availability = False; // (?) EndProcedure

The penultimate line (?) - prohibit changing the selection when the user opens the selection parameters - only through the control!

Video (no sound - everything is clear without sound)

Question: updating Accounting in housing and communal services management companies to

When trying to update the configuration "Accounting in management companies of housing and communal services, housing and communal services and housing cooperatives" from to, the error "The owner of the reference book: Forms of statistics" cannot be changed. Testing and fixing does not reveal any bugs. Previous updates were installed in a row and did not cause any problems. Tell me where to dig?

Answer: A jamb of developers. I solved this problem like this:
- In the original config, add the owner, the "Regulated Reports" directory
- By processing, we change owners (by code) from "Delete Regulated Reports" to "Regulated Reports"
- Remove the "DeleteRegulatedReport" owner from the list of owners in the configuration
- Updating

Question: "Data exchange with GIS Housing and Communal Services" does not load identifiers of personal accounts (Accounting in the UK Housing and Communal Services, HOA and Housing and Communal Services

"1C: Accounting in management companies of housing and communal services, HOA and housing cooperative" (from 12.12.2017)- the last official version on the 1C update website on 01/05/2018

Treatment " Data exchange with GIS Housing and Communal Services"does not load personal account identifiers")

Updated to unofficial version according to the developers' information:

  • Relevance of GIS Housing and Utilities Templates
changes in templates on the side of GIS Housing and Utilities have occurred 24.12.2017

Ibid - the same problems

Has someone already uploaded the identifiers of personal accounts of GIS Housing and Utilities after 12/24/2017?

I will add:
I looked like a debugger, nothing is clear in 2018 - who is to blame:

  • myself
  • config developers
    "1C: Accounting in management companies of housing and communal services, condominiums and housing cooperatives"
Was done in accordance with
  • Uploading information about personal accounts in the GIS Housing and Communal Services in 1C: Housing and Communal Services 3.0
I also duplicated this question on the 1C forum:


I will continue

Got access to the LC of another HOA

They uploaded all IDs back in July 2017, but without templates - manually

I try to repeat one selected drug (personal account) - nothing works

According to the instruction

  • Uploading information about personal accounts in the GIS Housing and Communal Services in 1C: Housing and Communal Services 3.0
    I quote without pictures:
    "Before unloading personal accounts, you need to load room identifiers into the program:

    For this:

    • On the GIS Housing and Communal Services website, go to the section "Management Objects - Personal Accounts":
    • Press the button "Upload information":
    • To view the file, go to the "File import / export results" section:
    • Click "Save processed file":
      As a result, we get a file in .xlsx format, which stores the necessary data for loading.
      In a file on a bookmark "Identifiers of the premises of the GIS Housing and Communal Services" the data on room identifiers is stored. "
Here, only, as a result of these actions, a file in the .xlsx format is obtained, in which there is no bookmark "Identifiers of GIS Housing and Communal Services", no room IDs


In accordance with the instruction article:

Question: 1C Accounting in management companies of housing and communal services, homeowners' associations and housing cooperatives.

Housing and public utilities are there anyone using this product rev 3.0?
I don’t understand how to start a service that will be paid from other services.
The question, in particular, is about water disposal. The volume of drainage should be considered as the sum of the volumes of services of the bases - this is cold water supply and hot water supply. The rule should work both for the norm and for the counters.
Who will tell you?

Answer: Thank you

Question: Question about 1C accounting (Accounting in housing and communal services management companies)


3.1. "Centre":

By the 5th day of each month, it sends to the "Organization" lists of citizens entitled to receive social support measures for paying for housing and utilities and subsidies for paying for housing and utilities in electronic form in the DBF file format. The file structure is given in Appendix No. 5 to this Agreement.

Information submitted by the Center in electronic form (electronic documents) is certified with an electronic digital signature, in the absence of an electronic digital signature - confirmed on paper, certified by the director and the seal of the Center.

3.2. "Organization":

Every month, by the 15th day of each month, sends to the address of the "Center" information about the amounts charged for housing and utilities (with recalculation); tariffs for a physical unit and the number of physical units according to the consumption rate; the amount of debt for services from the personal account and other information according to the structure of the file given in Appendix No. 5 to this Agreement.

The information is presented in electronic form as a file in the DBF format.

Tell me where to start? As I understand it, the dbf file comes from the housing office, we load it into 1C and calculate the rent of citizens of "beneficiaries" and send them in dbf format.
Where do I begin? is it just the handling of upload and download do you need to do?


Request to receive data from the database and output them to the same TK.

Question: Did the update mark the account 69.02.7 for deletion by creating the same one?

Upgrading from to

1C: Accounting in housing and communal services management companies, HOA and housing cooperative, revision 3.0 (
Copyright (С) LLC "1C-Soft", 2012-2017. All rights reserved. Copyright (C) LLC "Circulation solutions 1C-Rarus", 2012-2017. All rights reserved.

Click to Expand ...

three runs

I just can't figure out what these fictions are with updates (about the update to

I would like to hear your comments. I can't understand why there are no such innovations in any configuration, but in this it is impossible in any other way

For the 20th time I repeat the process, taking into account all the methods of bypassing the problems found on the Internet (there are dozens of them), but questions, misunderstandings and doubts about the correctness of the update remain

For example, why did you need to mark account 69.02.7 for deletion by entering exactly the same new one. At the same time, on 69.02.7 marked for deletion, the documents "Payroll", "Write-off from the current account", "Entering balances" remained unmarked for deletion.

Moreover, they created an account Я69.02.7 with "(Not used) Mandatory pension insurance"

I tried to watch backups and demo databases of different versions - I did not understand anything. I will not go into details. For example, demo databases at every start constantly updated in user mode and all kinds of other evil spirits ...

Did I do something wrong? The fact that I don't understand anything - I already understood

Related question (already afraid to blow water):


No. Both marked for deletion and newly created are both predefined

This is an industry-specific confa, created on the basis of a typical BP, to which sections and functionality of HOA-ZhKKH-ZhSK were added on top. In particular, updates include PSU updates, with a separate description of PSU updates and "extensions"

Question: Accounting for organizations in the UNF

Hello everyone. Friends, help me. UNF has the option to manage multiple organizations. Here's what they write in the help for this option:
"Keep records of the company." The software product provides two accounting schemes in the case when several organizations are present in the accounting system:
- Independent. Accounting is kept separately for each organization, primary documents are drawn up separately for each organization. The advantage of this approach is the use of general directories (analytic objects), as well as a common infobase (all information is stored in one place).
- By the company. Accounting is carried out in aggregate, for the company as a whole, primary documents are drawn up separately for each organization. The advantage of this approach is the use of general directories (analytic objects), the use of a common infobase (all information is stored in one place), the organization of accounting for the company (if, from the point of view of doing business, all organizations are a single whole).

Explain, please, what is the fundamental difference between these two options ???
It bothers me that later it will not be possible to switch to another option.
I'm new to working with this software ...
There was a thread on this topic, but it stalled. There was no exhaustive answer in it

I will describe my situation just in case.
It is planned to conduct three legal entities in the UNF. faces. Two work in conjunction, one might say they work as one organization, in fact, they have one warehouse, but are divided into two legal entities in order to optimize VAT (one works with vat, the other without vat).
Third Legal entity is a completely different direction.
Which option is best for my case?

Answer:() Perhaps I will keep all legal entities in one database, but without merging.

Question: Help transfer client data from 1C 8.3 to 8.3

Please tell me if it is possible to transfer clients from: 1C: Enterprise 8.3 ( Infokraft: Formula Housing and Utilities + Accounting, revision 1.0 Version ( ( on the 1C: Enterprise 8.3 ( 1C: Accounting in housing and communal services management companies, housing associations and housing cooperatives ( using (Upload and download XML data 8.3.epf) ??? Immediately I apologize if for someone this is a stupid question, completely new to this business!

References 1C - a specialized object of the metadata tree, which serves to store static information of a reference nature. For example, in typical configurations, you can see the following views:, Nomenclature, Employees, Fixed assets, etc. Information in reference books, as a rule, does not change often. Reference books are further used in almost all accounting objects as an accounting section or reference information.

Below we will consider setting up and designing the reference book from the configurator using the example of the “Nomenclature” reference book.

General tab

On the "General" tab you can specify the name, synonym, presentation of objects, description of the purpose.

Reference Hierarchy Tab

Here the hierarchy of the reference book is established.

There are two types of hierarchy in 1C 8.3 - " groups and elements" and " elements". It differs in that in the first case, the parent (folder) can only be a folder (group), and in the second case, the parent can also be an element.

"Place groups on top" - the flag is responsible for displaying groups in the form of a list.

Also in the settings, you can limit the number of groups in the directory hierarchy by the corresponding setting.

Owners Tab

A directory can be subordinate to another directory. From the point of view of configuring 1C 8.3, this means that the "Owner" attribute becomes mandatory for the subordinate element. An example of such a link between directories in standard configurations "Nomenclature - Units of Measure", "Counterparties - Contracts of Counterparties".

The following metadata objects can also be the owner of a directory:,.

Data tab

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The most important tab from a programmer's point of view. The details of the reference book are indicated on it.

The reference book has a set of standard details that are not edited by the 1C 8.2 programmer, a list of them can be seen by clicking the "Standard details" button:

I will dwell on each in more detail:

  • This group- a boolean type attribute indicating whether it is a group or an element. Available only in the hierarchical reference. Note, the value of this variable cannot be changed in 1C: Enterprise mode.
  • The code- attribute, type number or string (usually string). The number assigned by the system automatically. Typically calculated as (previous code + 1). I recommend using the string type, because the sorting of numeric values ​​is not done as expected. Can be used as a reference view in a list and in input fields. Typically used to search for an item as you type by string. If you need to remove the Code field, specify zero in the line length.
  • Name- Requisite attribute, string type. The maximum line length is 150 characters. Can be used as a reference view in a list and in input fields. Typically used to search for an item as you type by string. If you need to remove the Name field, specify zero in the line length.
  • Parent- an attribute of the ReferenceLink type.<ИмяТекущегоСправочника>... Available only in the hierarchical reference. Indicates the superior parent in the hierarchy. If the Element or Group is located at the root of the directory, the Directory value is specified.<ИмяТекущегоСправочника>.EmptyRef.
  • Owner- link to the element-owner of the current element (group) of the catalog. Available only in the subordinate reference book 1C.
  • Deletion Mark- a boolean attribute. Responsible for displaying the "deletion mark" in the system. An element marked for deletion is considered unusable, but old movements in documents may remain on it.
  • Link- field of string type. This attribute stores a unique object identifier - GUID. What we see in the system in the visual display under the name "link" is just a representation of the object. Impossible to change.
  • Predefined- type boolean, displays whether the element is predefined, more on that later. Impossible to change.

The "Data" tab also indicates the view of the reference in the system, up to version 8.2.16 the view could only be a Code or a Name. In the latest versions of the platform (starting from 8.3), the view can be described independently in the manager module using the "ViewGetProcessing" handler.

Numbering tab

Here you can specify the settings of the reference book in terms of numbering. It is recommended to use auto-numbering. Uniqueness control is a flag that helps, if necessary, to make the code unique. If, with the flag set, you try to write a directory item with a non-unique code, in 1C you will receive the message "The directory code has become non-unique."

A series of codes - determines how to number the directory, you can enter the numbering of the directory in the context of the owner. For example, the counterparty "Horns and Hooves" will have its own numbering of contracts - "1, 2, 3" and so on.

Forms tab

Forms for reference are described here. If the configuration is launched in both normal and managed mode, then there will be two tabs with forms by default: "main" and "additional" - different for a regular and managed application.

On this page there is an important property of the reference book - "". This is a very convenient function of 1C 8, which allows, when filling out data in the input field, not to go into the directory, but to type its name, code, etc. and select the desired item from the drop-down list. It looks like this:

Other tab

On the tab, you can get quick access to the main modules of the reference book - the object module and the manager module.

You can also define a list of predefined catalog items on the page. These are items that cannot be deleted in Enterprise Mode. The predefined elements can be accessed directly in the configurator by name, for example: Directories. Nomenclature. Service.

This tab also defines the blocking mode - automatic or controlled. Using full-text search, as well as reference information about the reference book, available in 1C: Enterprise mode.

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