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Pin code is not added to Windows 10. Instead of a Windows password, a four-digit pin code

The developers of the new operating system Windows tenth version introduced the service " Windows hello', which allows users to sign in on their device using biometric identification. This decision was truly revolutionary in the concept of OS security.

Undoubtedly, providing protection at this level makes it difficult to remotely hack into the operating system. You can even say not to complicate, but guaranteed to prevent.

However, in the old fashioned way, ten also provides the ability to use a password to log in. You should not ignore a fairly new implementation of the authorization method - the Windows 10 pin code. And, as usual, many people have a question - what can provide better security, PIN or password?

Here you need to understand what it is. Nothing complicated, it's just secret code, which is stored on the server and can be used to access the account from anywhere. By at least, when we are talking about accounts associated with the computer.

Because servers have their own own protection and use fairly powerful firewalls, passwords are hard to crack. However, it is not impossible either.

The hacker does not need special access to the server. Phishing, keylogging, etc. are some of the well-known password cracking methods without interfering with the operation of the server itself.

Regardless of how the password was obtained, an attacker will have access to the user's account from anywhere they want. The exception is if the user whose account has been hacked is using a company account where the information is stored in Active Directory.

In this case, the hacker would have to access the original account through any other system on the same network. And this, as you understand, is difficult, although possible.

PIN code and biometric identification are specific to the OS. They are not stored on the server. They are also not a password replacement, but at the same time, they are more secure, unless a cybercriminal steals the device itself.


What is it? This is a simple secret code to enter. Usually set as a set of numbers. For convenience, mostly four digits. It is strictly tied to a specific computer.

If someone finds out the PIN code of your system, this is not a problem until the moment the device itself is stolen. It is backed up by the TPM hardware.

TPM is trusted platform module or a hardware chip that has special security mechanisms. Made in such a way that no known attacks software can't hack it. It uses an anti-blocking mechanism to block the PIN code after repeated and incorrect input attempts. If your device does not have a TPM, you can use "BitLocker" to limit the number of failed attempts logging in using the Group Policy Editor.

It is not uncommon for a user to not want to set up a PIN before using biometric identification. Why, you ask? Because whether it's the retina or a fingerprint, injury to the part of the body used for biometric identification can lead to device blocking. In this case, Microsoft requires you to set up a PIN before creating a bioidentity.

What is better to use? To be honest, this is a question that does not have a direct answer. The password can be cracked, but the PIN code provides the best security for a particular computer. The choice is yours! We chose PIN Windows CODE 10.

FROM Windows release 10 users have access to this handy feature, like locking the system with a PIN code. How is PIN locking in Windows 10 different from the usual one? First of all, the fact that the same PIN code is put on all user devices and, in the case of the current use of the OS on any one device, all other devices become inaccessible!

This feature provides a very significant advantage over the usual lock, because if attackers suddenly find out the usual password, they can immediately gain access to all other user devices. While leaking a PIN will not help attackers, provided that you are in this moment working in your account.

Another advantage of using a PIN code is that it is easier to log in with it and easier to remember, because, unlike a complex password, a PIN consists only of a set of numbers. In addition, only with a PIN can you use this windows application 10 how to iris scanner and login using Windows function Hello - with the help of a touch or a look, however, here you will no longer need to enter a PIN code, the system will recognize you and unlock you.

So how to set a PIN on Windows 10? The installation procedure is very simple and does not take much time.
In order to enable the PIN code in Windows 10, click the " Start", then - " Options» - « Accounts ».

Here select " Login options" and in the window, in the paragraph " Pin", click on the button" Add».

If Windows 10 asks for a password for the account, then enter it and click " OK". If you have a Microsoft account, then type in your profile password and log in.

A few tips for choosing a PIN code:

Do not install simple codes, like 0000, 1234, 01234567 and the like;
- you should not set an unreasonably large PIN code, so as not to spend a lot of time entering it;
- do not use passwords from other accounts, bank accounts, cards and wallets as a PIN code.

How to change or remove Windows 10 PIN

In order to change the Pin, you need to go to the settings " Login options» and section « Pin" click on " Change».

Here you need to type the old Pin and enter the new one twice, and click " OK».

There are also situations when a user has forgotten their PIN code on Windows 10, or the need for it has disappeared. In such cases, the code can always be removed. To do this, in the "Login Options" settings in the "PIN code" section, you must click on the line " I don't remember my PIN».

After that, a dialog box will appear where you will be prompted to enter a password for the current account. Windows entries 10:

After successfully entering the password, you will be prompted to set a new PIN code, or click " cancellation”, after which the mode windows lock 10 by PIN you will be disabled. In addition, sometimes the system requires the user to enter special code security to unlock the security system, usually given code comes for extra mailing address, which was specified when registering an account with Microsoft.

It should be noted that when booting the PC into safe mode, login by pin code to the system will not be available, you will need to enter the password for the user account.

Usage local password and accounting Microsoft records are not the only ways to sign in to Windows 8.1. In addition to these two, there is also a third authorization method using pin code, consisting of only four digits. This option is not as reliable as using "real" password from letters and numbers, but it is more convenient, especially on tablets with their sensory means input.

Entering Windows is as simple as entering four digits. Even Enter key you don’t have to press, since the system opens the start screen automatically immediately after entering the last digit of the pin code.

The sign-in feature with a pin code appeared along with the first Windows release 8. She did not receive special recognition, and many users forgot about her existence. Let's remember how to use it. open "Changing computer settings", go to section "Accounts" and there select "Login Options". In doing so, you will see three options: Password, Graphic password and . That's what we need.

Click the button "Add". The system will ask you to confirm the action by entering the current password, after which it will prompt you to come up with and enter a four-digit number, which will later be used to fast entry into the system.

It's all. Now you can try logging out of Windows and logging back in. You will see that instead of a password, she asks you to enter your own pin.

Note: Activation of the PIN code login function is available only if a regular or pattern password is set on the computer.

As you can see, everything is very simple. Yes, here's something else. Activating a pin code does not mean that you will not be able to log in using the previously used method. If you look closely, you can see a link under the PIN code entry field. "Login Options". Click on it and the way you used to log into Windows will immediately become available. You can refuse to use the PIN code at any time by deleting it in the section "Accounts".

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Password usage is not the only way authentication that Windows 10 offers. On home computers, instead of complex and long password you can use a short four-digit code to log in to your account ...

Read about the causes and solutions of the problem with adding and using a PIN in Windows 10. Microsoft Corporation, which developed the Windows operating system, improves it every time compared to previous version. Releasing new update builds makes it easier end user using the Windows system for your own purposes.


Operating system Windows is the most common in the world and, thanks to the latest developments, can be used on different types devices: personal computers, laptops, netbooks, tablets, etc. One of the main tasks, in addition to the unification of the system for various devices, expanding the capabilities and improving the performance of the system, is its security and protection from possible malware and malicious hacker attacks. Every day the amount computer threats increases significantly, so protection should not be neglected at all.

The protection of the user's personal data is important point for each of us, especially when it comes to user account data. To protect information Microsoft recommends using a complex and long password with a high degree of security. This primarily applies to working computers that store a large amount of important information, for which there are high risks be attacked or third party access. But using a long password on a home computer is not always convenient for permanent login, and Microsoft developed a variant of access to the system using a short PIN code. Of course, functionality PIN-code is much lower compared to other authorization options in the system Windows.

Thanks to the service "Windows hello" in the operating system Windows 10 new types of authentication are available to users for logging in: using a fingerprint, scanning the iris of the eye, or scanning the user's face. This means that to enter the system, the user will only need to show his face or touch the device with his finger, for example. However, the PIN login option also has certain benefits. After all, the developers Microsoft did not set themselves the task of replacing the PIN code various options authentication, but only tried to make it easier for the user to log into the system.

One of the advantages of a PIN code is its speed, allowing the user to get authorized more quickly when logging into the device. And even if an attacker learns your code combination, he will be able to use only a specific computer, and not gain access to all devices. In this case, the stolen PIN will in no way help the fraudster to authorize on other devices associated with your account. Again, in order to enter your PIN, you must be physically near your computer, and it cannot be entered remotely (unlike a password). And if the pin is from your home computer, then the possibility of its use by an attacker is significantly reduced.

Operating Systems Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 allow their users to use the PIN as a alternative authorization, and you can set and use it instead of a password. Using a PIN makes it easy to sign in to your operating system-based device Windows, connection to various applications and online services such as social networks, for example.

Problem symptoms

Sometimes users encounter strange issues when using the PIN option in the operating system Windows 10. Our readers tell us about various types problems when adding or using a PIN code in Windows 10. Below are just a few examples that our readers share in their emails and comments:

  • When a user tries to add a PIN using the by section next address: "Options" -> "Accounts" -> "Login Options", then nothing happens. User clicks a button "Add" in the PIN section, it asks for the password of the current account and then prompts for the desired PIN, but as soon as the user presses the button "OK", then nothing changes and no PIN is added. Sometimes the user receives an additional error message: "Something went wrong, please try again later".
  • Windows 10 prevents the user from signing in with a PIN, or the system does not recognize the PIN.
  • AT Windows 10 I don't see the option to enter a PIN on the login screen.
  • Users enter a PIN at the login screen, and the system freezes and becomes unresponsive. Users are forced to restart their computer forcibly.
  • PIN works fine, but after installing the update new version assembly Windows 10 it stops working.
  • Users cannot find any login options under "Options""Accounts""Login Options". It opens like empty page. Or button "Add" to set a PIN is not displayed (looks gray color) and cannot be activated.

The above are just a few examples. But the general trend is that the ability to add and use a PIN as a login option may not always work correctly, or may not work at all.

Cause of the problem

This is due to incorrect or corrupted permissions set for the hidden system folder entitled "ngc". This folder is located at system drive "FROM" at the following address:

In folder "ngc" all parameters related to the PIN parameter are stored. If the folder is damaged or the system does not receive correct permissions and full control above that folder, then the PIN code option stops working. In this case, users cannot add new version PIN code or authorize using an existing PIN code. Sometimes this folder is completely missing on a computer running an operating system Windows 10 All of these can be the cause of these problems.


Solving this problem is easy enough! You just need to delete the folder "ngc" in an existing directory and then re-create it. Once you create the folder again, the operating system Windows will automatically apply the appropriate rights to it and allow users to add a new PIN, use the PIN on the login screen to authorize the user and connect to applications and services.

To delete this folder, you need to follow these simple steps:

    Open the dialog box "Run" using keyboard shortcut together Windows+R. Then copy and paste the following text string in field command line dialog box "Run":

    Click the button "OK" or key "Enter" ("Input") on the keyboard and an explorer window will open Windows where you will see the folder "ngc".

    NOTE: If there is no folder on your computer "ngc" then go directly to step 4.

    ADDITION: You can also open the dialog "Run" others possible ways, for example:

  1. When you try to delete a folder "ngc", then Windows will display a warning message regarding an insufficient level of permission to perform actions on this folder: “You need permission to perform this operation. Request permission from "computer administrator" to change this folder". To be able to delete this folder, you need to take ownership (get full access and control permission).

    You can access and take control of the folder with the following walkthrough:

  2. Now delete the folder "ngc". If the security service of the operating system Windows asks for confirmation to delete, then confirm it. Be sure to save before deleting existing folder with all attached files additionally in another directory under a different name as a backup copy.

    After deleting the folder, click right click mouse in empty area "Explorer" and select section "Create", open the submenu and select a section "Folder". In addition, you can use another method to create a new folder: press the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl+Shift+N".

As we all know, Microsoft has consolidated all its services into one single account, which has greatly simplified the work with applications, programs and services for many of us.

Today, in order to log in, read incoming emails, upload any file to the cloud OneDrive storage and even log into your account Skype messenger it is enough to remember one single login and password, with the help of which all the above-mentioned and other proprietary Microsoft "chips" are available to the user.

It would seem that all this is cool. Basically, that's the way it is. However, there is one huge minus, especially he, terribly infuriates those people who have a long and enough complex password from a Microsoft account.

And he actually infuriates when the computer / laptop / tablet turns on, or he wakes up from sleep mode. After all, every time we turn on our workhorse, we have to enter a password.

There are two ways out of this situation. The first is to disable the need to enter a password. The second is based on entering a short PIN code consisting of numbers, instead of a long password.

But unfortunately the first option is not suitable for everyone, and now I will try to briefly explain why. For example, I have a Surface RT tablet, a PC, and a netbook. They all work for the G8. And when I leave home, I try not to leave the computer on, because someone else can sit down for it. Once there was a case when my nephews came to me (and I didn’t have a password), then they sent me anything, deleted information that was extremely important for me, and much more. I think many of you are familiar with this situation. Approximately the same situation happened with the tablet. If you remove the password, then everyone can take and read, for example, my correspondence in various social. networks, because almost all the applications I use are on the start screen. Of course, I do not want my correspondence to be read by third parties. Therefore, until now, on all Windows devices used by many, there was a password, which, frankly, I didn’t really want to enter every time, but I was forced to do it, in fact, like you. But, a few days earlier, I learned that this can be avoided.

The second option is to change the long password short PIN. That is, if you set this pin code, you will use it to log in to the system, and not your password from your Microsoft account. Now, I will try to explain and show on the screenshots how to do it. The instructions are quite simple and will not take you much time. Everything about everything will take you literally a couple of minutes.

First of all, on the desktop of your device, we call the “Charm bar”, through which we will go to the parameters (you can do it differently).

Then, on the left we will see a small menu, here you need to select an item called "Accounts".

The next step is to select the Login Options tab.

After that, a window will appear in which in the corresponding line you will need to enter existing password from MS account. Made? Excellent.

Once you have entered your password correctly, a window will appear prompting you to enter your PIN. Enter the PIN twice and click the "Done" button. Just watch and don't forget it.

Great, as we can see, the login PIN has been set successfully (this is evidenced by the buttons: Change and Delete).

Now let's check if it works. For this, we go to start screen how to do it you know without me. In the right upper corner find your nickname / name, which is located near the profile picture, click and see a small drop-down menu. Press the "Exit" button, but before doing this - you will need to close and also save everything open documents. So, click "Logout", you, as usual, log out of the system.

Now, we will need to log in again (most likely, after logging out you will see background image, as well as the time and date) we press any button, after which your avatar should appear, as well as the line in which you previously entered the password, but now instead of the password you are asked to enter a PIN code. Enter the pin you set and return to the system.

As you can see, everything is very simple. Hope my short instruction on setting a PIN code in Windows 8.x will be useful to you.

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