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  • The name of the shades of green html. Color in styles can be set in different ways: by hexadecimal value, by name, in RGB, RGBA, HSL, HSLA format

The name of the shades of green html. Color in styles can be set in different ways: by hexadecimal value, by name, in RGB, RGBA, HSL, HSLA format

Color codes in CSS are used to specify colors. Typically, color codes or color values ​​are used to set a color for either the foreground of an element (eg, text, link color) or the element's background (background, block color). They can also be used to change button color, borders, marker, hover and other decorative effects.

You can set your color values ​​in various formats. The following table lists all possible formats:

These formats are described in more detail below.

CSS Colors - Hex Codes

Hexadecimal color code is a six-digit color representation. The first two digits (RR) are the red value, the next two are the green value (GG) and the last two are the blue value (BB).

CSS Colors - Short Hex Codes

Short hexadecimal color code is a shorter form of six-character notation. In this format, each digit is repeated to produce the equivalent six-digit color value. For example: #0F0 becomes #00FF00.

The hexadecimal value can be taken from any graphics software such as Adobe Photoshop, Core Draw, etc.

Each hexadecimal color code in CSS will be preceded by a "#" hash sign. The following are examples of the use of hexadecimal notation.

CSS Colors - RGB Values

RGB value is a color code that is set using the rgb() property. This property takes three values: one each for red, green, and blue. The value can be an integer, from 0 to 255, or a percentage.

Note: Not all browsers support the rgb() color property, so it's not recommended to use it.

Below is an example showing multiple colors using RGB values.

Color code generator

You can create millions of color codes with our service.

Safe Browser Colors

Below is a table of 216 colors that are the most secure and computer independent. These colors in CSS range from 000000 to FFFFFF hex code. They are safe to use as they ensure that all computers will display color correctly when working with the 256 color palette.

Table of "safe" colors in CSS
#000000 #000033 #000066 #000099 #0000CC#0000FF
#003300 #003333 #003366 #003399 #0033CC#0033FF
#006600 #006633 #006666 #006699 #0066CC#0066FF
#009900 #009933 #009966 #009999 #0099CC#0099FF
#330000 #330033 #330066 #330099 #3300CC#3300FF
#333300 #333333 #333366 #333399 #3333CC#3333FF
#336600 #336633 #336666 #336699 #3366CC#3366FF
#339900 #339933 #339966 #339999 #3399CC#3399FF
#660000 #660033 #660066 #660099 #6600CC#6600FF
#663300 #663333 #663366 #663399 #6633CC#6633FF
#666600 #666633 #666666 #666699 #6666CC#6666FF
#669900 #669933 #669966 #669999 #6699CC#6699FF
#990000 #990033 #990066 #990099 #9900CC#9900FF
#993300 #993333 #993366 #993399 #9933CC#9933FF
#996600 #996633 #996666 #996699 #9966CC#9966FF
#999900 #999933 #999966 #999999 #9999CC#9999FF

Computer games are one of the most popular ways to spend your free time interestingly. Plunging into the world of video games, we forget about real problems and troubles, relax and enjoy. And if this is an online game or a game in multiplayer mode, then its main advantage is that here you can meet a lot of people from all over the world and find not just like-minded people, but also best friends. Do you want to know how game settings, up to the color in "MTA", can affect your communication with other players? Read on!

Features of the multiplayer mode

Have you ever wondered: how to adjust the colors in "MTA" or in some other game? No one who has ever had the opportunity to play an online game with a large number of players will deny that they want to show themselves in the best light in front of others. You can show off your character's special, expensive things, stand out in the knowledge of game terminology, or simply customize the interface of your game so that it works better than inexperienced gamers.

Colors in "MTA" - what you need to know?

If we talk about one of the versions of the multiplayer mode of the game "GTA: San Andreas", "MTA", then color plays a very important role here. The ability to customize the color for your nickname in "MTA" is one of the best skills that every novice player should acquire.

So, to customize your nickname color, go to the "MTA: SA" application and click on the Settings option, then select your name, and then enter the desired color code right in front of it. In "MTA" there is a large palette of colors for nicknames. In the article, we have inserted sample palettes from which you can choose your favorite shade.

Now you know how you can stand out and make your nickname different from the nicknames of beginners and inexperienced players. Bright, it will distinguish you from ordinary gamers and draw more attention to you. Enjoy your game!

CSS is not understood). Therefore, the future webmaster just needs to study HTML tools that allow you to change the color, for example, in order to make bright and colorful e-mail newsletters that will attract the attention of the target audience of the site.

This entry turned out to be quite voluminous, but from it you will learn about all the technical features of working with color using HTML. We will start the recording by dealing with the question: why do we need to highlight certain elements of the HTML page with color. Then we'll talk about the RGB model, which allows you to specify colors in HTML using special codes (in passing, we will look at decimal color codes and hexadecimal HTML color values). Also from this post you will learn about the color palette, and also understand why there is no palette in HTML. And the end of this publication will be examples of changing background, text and link colors.

Using Colors in HTML

Site pages would be boring and uninteresting without images, which we talked about earlier and in great detail. But images have one significant disadvantage: each image is an additional one and, accordingly, an additional load on the hosting.

I note that for the design of my WordPress blog, I did not use a single image, the layout is completely decorated with color. Just the same about colors in HTML, we will talk with you today. Colors in HTML are used for different purposes, for example, we can design website layouts by highlighting one or another in one color or another.

With the help of color, we can focus the attention of our visitors on a particular text or site block. Note that it is also determined using color in such a way that the user can understand: which link he has already clicked on, which one he has not visited yet, and which HTML page he is currently on.

Be careful using colors to style HTML documents, not all colors go well with each other and not every color will be pleasing to your site visitors. But you better ask web designers about these subtleties, this article will help you deal with the technical features that allow you to control the color of HTML page elements.

But you should not forget that the design should be separated from the content, so it is better to use CSS for color manipulation in HTML pages, but we will talk about this in another post. Now we'll see what tools are there in HTML to control the color on the pages of the site.

There are many color models in the IT industry for color manipulation. The most widely used color representation model is the RGB model. We will talk about some features of this model here, and for a more detailed acquaintance with RGB there will be a separate publication. Below you will find a list of color models used in IT (not just HTML and CSS):

  1. RGB model. This model has become very widespread and, perhaps, is one of the most convenient and common ways to manipulate the color of HTML elements.
  2. RGB model. This model is very similar to the RGB model, but includes an alpha channel for the color. The peculiarity of the RGBA model is that it allows you to adjust not only the color of the HTML element, but also its transparency due to the presence of an alpha channel. The RGBA model was added in CSS3 and is not supported by older browsers.
  3. HSL model. The peculiarity of the HSL model is that we set the color using its parameters: hue, pomposity and lightness. This model is somewhat more difficult to understand than the RGB model.
  4. HSLA model. This model is very similar to the HSL model, but just like the RGBA model, it allows you to work with the alpha channel of the color, so using HSLA we can set not only the color of the HTML element on the page, but also its transparency.
  5. Model HSV (HSB). This model should not be confused with the HSL model. Note that the first four models can be used in HTML or CSS to style web pages, but the HSV model cannot. The HSV model was developed by one of the founders of the Pixar studio in 1978 and is very similar to the HSL.
  6. Model CMY or CMYK. This model is used in all color printers for printing. The CMYK model is based on the rule that printing takes place on white sheets of paper. Any color in the CMYK model is obtained by mixing Cyan (pale cyan, cyan), Magenta (magenta) and yellow. Each color in the CMY model has an opacity characteristic (amount of ink), measured as a percentage. But in addition to the three colors listed, the CMYK model also uses black.

All of the above color models are device dependent, that is, if you set the color of an HTML element using the RGB or HSL model, then it is impossible to say with accuracy what kind of color a visitor to your site will see, since the monitors of all users are different and they transmit colors in different ways. Also note that all of the above models are based on the RGB model and any color specified in any of the models (except HSLA and RGBA due to the presence of an alpha channel) can be converted to RGB.

If we talk about device-independent color models, then it is worth noting the LAB model. So, we digressed a little from working with color in HTML, getting acquainted with some color models. Note that browsers "understand" only the first four models: HSL, RGB, HSLA, and RGBA. Therefore, we can control the color of HTML elements only with the help of these models.

How the color of an HTML element is formed: some features of the RGB model

Let's figure it out how the color of an HTML element is formed and with some features of the RGB model. Note that we will talk about the RGB model, as well as about other models that are used to design web pages a little later in separate entries.

So, the RGB model stands for Red, Green, Blue. The RGB model is based on the principle of additivity. This principle is that in order to obtain any color, the color is added to black. For a better understanding, imagine that your screen is a black wall and you have three spotlights: the first is red, the second is green, and the third is blue. You can adjust the brightness of each spotlight using a ruler with numbers from 0 to 255. Accordingly, if you set the spotlight to zero, it turns off and does not shine, if the value is 255, then the spotlight gives the brightest color.

Thus, it turns out that if you shine on the same point with a red and green spotlight, then you will notice a yellow spot on a black wall. If you combine red and blue, you get magenta, and if you combine green and blue, then the light spot on the black wall will be Cyan, but if you point all three spotlights at the same point, then the light spot will be white.

The principle described above underlies the RGB model and is used to manipulate colors in HTML elements on a page in a browser.

HTML attributes for changing the color of elements: the background color of the element and the color of the text inside the element

Used to make page elements unique. With HTML attributes, we can manipulate the color of elements:

  1. HTML color attribute. This attribute allows you to change the color of text inside an HTML element. The attribute can take values ​​in the form of HTML color names and RGB model codes in hexadecimal and decimal notation. The color attribute is a unique HTML attribute that allows you to change the color of text within certain HTML elements.
  2. HTML text attribute. This attribute is a unique attribute of the tag. . Tag along with tags And form . If you remember, then inside the container elements are placed, which are then displayed by the browser in the viewport. The text attribute allows you to set default text color for all html page.
  3. HTML attribute bgcolor. It is also a unique HTML attribute and allows you to change the background color of some HTML elements.
  4. vlink HTML attribute. This attribute is unique and applies only to the tag. to change the color of a link that the user has already visited.
  5. HTML alink attribute. This attribute is also unique and only applies to the tag. . The alink attribute changes the color of the active HTML link.
  6. HTML link attribute. The link attribute is only used with a tag and serves to change the color of HTML page links that the user has not yet visited.

Please note that using attributes to change the color of HTML elements is not recommended, as there are cascading style sheets that allow you to separate the appearance of a web page from its content.

Using Decimal Color Codes in HTML

So, we talked about the fact that the spotlight can be set the brightness of the color using a special ruler, on which there are numbered figures from 0 to 255. Now let's see how this will help us change the color of HTML elements. The thing is that we can change the text color inside an HTML element or the background color in HTML using a decimal code as follows:

If you create an HTML document that describes the body container as in the example, you will see:

  1. The background color of the HTML document is now green: bgcolor=”rgb (0,255,0)”.
  2. The text color of the HTML page will turn blue: text=”rgb (0,0,255)”.
  3. The HTML color of a link that the user has not visited will be white: link=”rgb (255,255,255)”.
  4. The colors of the link that is currently open will be black: alink=”rgb (0,0,0)”.
  5. And the color of an HTML link that has already been visited will be red: vlink=”rgb (255,0,0)”.

Please note: no one forbids you to adjust the "spotlight power" at your discretion, you can set html color, for example, in this way:

rgb(94 , 85 , 50 )

And get the color of childish surprise. This is the feature, flexibility and convenience of the RGB model. Your monitor is a black wall with spotlights shining on it, and you can adjust the power of those spotlights and create all sorts of background, text, and link colors using HTML attributes in decimal notation, or you could say: using decimal color codes.

Actually wrong to say decimal color codes in html, it would be more correct to say RGB decimal color codes, since this model is used not only for the design of web pages in HTML and CSS.

Hexadecimal values ​​of HTML colors

Setting the color of HTML elements with decimal RGB model codes is not very convenient (and at the moment not all browsers support this way of color manipulation), since the notation will not be the most compact, it is much more convenient to set the color of HTML elements using hexadecimal values. In the figure below, you can see how decimal values ​​are converted to hexadecimal.

For those who are not familiar with the hexadecimal number system, a little explanation should be given so that you can easily manipulate the color of HTML elements using hex RGB model codes. Firstly, the decimal number system is so named because any number can be obtained by a combination of ten digits (terminology is important: there is a difference between a number and a digit): 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

In the hexadecimal number system, any number can be written using a combination of sixteen digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, a, b, c, d, e, f. For ease of understanding, you can consider that a is ten and f is fifteen. For example, the number sixteen would be written in hexadecimal as follows: 10. And the number 255 would be written as ff.

Now let's see how we can set the color of HTML elements using hexadecimal values, we repeat our previous example, replacing the decimal color codes with their hexadecimal counterparts:

< body alink = ”#000000” link=”#ffffff” vlink=”ff0000” bgcolor=”#00ff00” text=”#0000ff”>

Note: writing color in HTML in hexadecimal format is somewhat more compact than in decimal is the first. Second: the power of each spotlight is set by numbers from 0 to 255. Writing the number 255 requires two digits in hexadecimal format (ff = 250), so the brightness of each color channel (our spotlights correctly call the color channel, color channel) is set by two digits from 0 to f.

Please note: the brightness of each color channel is set separately, but if we imagine that this is a single number, then the maximum possible number in the hexadecimal system of the RGB model is ffffff, it will give us white color, and in the decimal system it is: 16 777 215. Such a number of colors and shades allows you to set / use the RGB model. This number comes from the fact that each color channel has 256 brightness values ​​(from 0 to 255), respectively: 256*256*256 = 16,777,215.

HTML color hexadecimal values ​​are more compact and descriptive, most web designers and layout designers use hexadecimal values ​​for color manipulation in HTML, so we recommend that you do not get used to the decimal notation of color, but immediately use hexadecimal.

It is clear that at first it will be difficult for a novice designer or layout designer to navigate in the hexadecimal form of color notation, therefore, almost any graphic editor has a so-called color palette that allows you to select the desired color and get its code for different color models in different number systems.

Some text editors, such as , have palette extensions that come in handy when you want to quickly select a color and change it. In this regard, I can not say anything.

Color names in HTML

HTML attributes can take as a value not only decimal codes and hex values, but also special color names. Changing the color of an HTML element using its name is not a good idea. Firstly, the RGB model code is hidden behind the color name in HTML, and secondly, each browser displays the color of the HTML element specified using the name differently, it depends only on the desire of the browser developers.

That's why using a color name in HTML is deprecated. The RGB model is hardware dependent, and the color specified using the name depends on the browser and even its version. Let's try to color the elements of an HTML page using a name:

< body alink = ”black ”link = ”#white” vlink=”red” bgcolor=”green” text=”blue”>

As you can imagine, there are a lot of colors and shades. It is worth noting here that HTML attributes do not allow you to set a gradient, this is possible in CSS, but we will talk about this in another post. And there are names for many colors in HTML. You can find a table with the names of colors in HTML and their RGB codes on my website.

The table above shows what color will an HTML element get if you give it a name. This table collects 16 colors and their names that are approved by the W3C and should display the same in any browser. But in fact, in HTML, you can use about 200 color names that are supported by major browsers, such as: Opera, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer (this statement is very controversial about the latter).

Color palette in HTML

Actually there is no color picker in html. Let's remember the definition of the word palette. A palette is a small thin rectangular or oval board on which the artist mixes paints and gets all kinds of colors. Sometimes a thumb hole is made in the palette to make it comfortable to hold. An image of the palette can be found below. Therefore, there is no palette in HTML.

But in various text editors there are color palette plugins that help quickly pick the color of an HTML element. There is also a color palette in graphic editors, because it is not very convenient and fun for a designer to sit and calculate: what color will be obtained with a particular brightness of a particular channel. In the figure below you can see the simplest palette of the Paint editor.

Note that many modules and plug-ins of the color palette allow you to get a color code not only in RGB / RGBA format, but also in the format of other models. Remember that there is no palette in HTML, well, except that you are an artist to the core and name the color palette of the HTML page those colors, which were used to decorate it (after all, sometimes the palette is called the colors that this or that artist uses, or the colors that were used to create this or that picture).

Learning to Change Text Color in HTML

We got a lot of theory about colors in HTML let's get down to practice and try work with HTML element colors. The first thing we will learn to do - change text color in html document using special attributes and tags. Open any editor and write the following code in it:

Change text color in HTML document

Learning to work with color in HTML

Change text color

To change the text color, we can use the BODY text element's unique attribute, and we can also use the FONT element and its color attribute. This text will be gray.

< ! DOCTYPE html >

< html lang = "ru-RU" >

< head >

< meta charset = "UTF-8" >

< title >Change text color in an HTML document< / title >

< link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "style.css" / >

< / head >

< body text = "#ff0000" >

< h1 > < font color = "rgb(0,255,0)" >Learning to work with color in HTML< / font > < / h1 >

< h2 > < font color = "yellow" >Change the color of the text< / font > < / h2 >

< p >To change the color of the text, we can use a unique

attribute of the BODY text element, and use the FONT element

< / body >

< / html >

I will save this file as color.html and advise you not to forget about . Decimal color notation is not supported by Chrome, Firefox and Opera, but IE understands this color notation and highlights the HTML header in green:

It is correct to say not changing the text color in HTML, but changing the font color in HTML. Pro

Minecraft codes colors or Minecraft codes formatting, allow any player to add flowers and format text in every possible way right in Minecraft. Color codes from &0-9 to &a-f. Add them before your text. Messages from players may contain color codes that allow you to add color to your sentences.

Colors and formatting codes

An ampersand (&) followed by a hexadecimal number in messages signals the client to switch colors when displaying text. Alternatively, text can be formatted using the & character followed by a letter. You can add different colors to books, command blocks, server name, server description (motd), world names, signs and even player names.

It's very easy to format your text in configs or in game using the color chart below. &r is used to clear all codes, i.e. &mAAA&rBBB will be displayed as AAA BBB.

We present a table of existing color codes in Minecraft for your convenience:

The codeNameTechnical nameSymbol colorSymbol shadow color
&0 The blackblack0 0 0 000000 0 0 0 000000
&1 Dark bluedark_blue0 0 170 0000AA0 0 42 00002A
&2 dark greendark_green0 170 0 00AA000 42 0 002A00
&3 Dark blue-greendark_aqua0 170 170 00AAAA0 42 42 002A2A
&4 Dark reddark_red170 0 0 AA000042 0 0 2A0000
&5 Dark purpledark_purple170 0 170 AA00AA42 0 42 2A002A
&6 Goldgold255 170 0 FFAA0042 42 0 2A2A00
&7 Graygray170 170 170 AAAAAA42 42 42 2A2A2A
&8 Dark greydark gray85 85 85 555555 21 21 21 151515
&9 Blueblue85 85 255 5555FF21 21 63 15153F
&aGreengreen85 255 85 55FF5521 63 21 153F15
&bblue greenaqua85 255 255 55FFFF21 63 63 153F3F
&cRedred255 85 85 FF555563 21 21 3F1515
&dLight purplelight_purple255 85 255 FF55FF63 21 63 3F153F
&eYellowyellow255 255 85 FFFF5563 63 21 3F3F15
&fWhitewhite255 255 255 FFFFFF63 63 63 3F3F3F

Sometimes it's necessary underline, underline, highlight some text. For this, text formatting is used. It is used in the same way as colors (before the text we put the code, for example &lMinecraft= Minecraft.

For your convenience, below is a table of codes for formatting:

The codeName
&kmagic text
&mStrikethrough text
&nUnderlined text
&oItalic text
&rText without formatting

Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to display taste sensations on the site. But this can be fully compensated with the help of colors. After all, html colors allow you to display any of the millions of shades. So " colored pencils” in his set is much more than seven.

color scheme in html

In html, color can be specified in several formats:

1. As a hexadecimal value - the code specified in the hexadecimal system is used. Such color codes in html consist of three pairs of hexadecimal numbers. Each pair is responsible for the saturation of the hue with its primary color:

  • The first numeric pair is responsible for the red color;
  • The second pair is for the content of the green color;
  • The latter is for the content of the blue color.

At the beginning of the code (before the numbers), a hash mark is placed. This is the hexadecimal color code. In addition to numbers from 1 to 9, this number system uses letters of the Latin alphabet (A, B, C, D, E, F).

For example, white color code in html would look like #FFFFFF:

2. Keyword - Right now html supports about 147 keywords. But not all of these words are unique. Some of them refer to the same color shade.

Gray is represented by two keywords: gray and gray . Their hexadecimal code (HEX ) is given by the same value #808080 .

Example :


3. In RGB format - this color encoding in html is based on the use of three values ​​​​set in the range from 0 to 255. Each of them determines the saturation of the hue with one of the primary colors:

  • R - red (red);
  • G - green (green);
  • B - blue (blue).

The color number in RGB format is written as follows: rgb(0, 210, 100).


4. In RGBA format - it is an advanced RGB format, where the fourth value specifies the transparency of the color in the form of a decimal fraction from 0 to 1.

Usage example:





html color tables and color generators

With such a wide range of color setting formats, it is easy to get confused. Therefore, a special color table was invented. In it, to 147 key names of color shades, codes of correspondence are given in all major standards for color representation. Additionally, each field is equipped with a bar for visual color matching. One of these tables is presented on the site

But even with the help of such a structuring of correspondence, the selection of the desired shade can be difficult. And it’s not a fact that there is the right one in the color code table.

To get around this barrier and make it as easy as possible to select the right shade, interactive web services have been developed. Their user interface may differ slightly from each other.

On the site, the color generator looks like this:

And within the service, this tool is implemented a little differently:

The saturation of each color in the generator is set using special sliders. Visually, the hue is displayed by the color of the frame and rectangle on the left side. At the bottom, 3 fields display the color code in the main formats.

But the color generator is available not only on specialized sites. Almost all graphic editors are equipped with a similar tool. For example, Photoshop:

Color Safety

And it was a long time ago, back in the era of video cards that support only 256 colors. In those days, operating systems could display only a certain number of eight-bit shades without distortion.

Then the great table of safe colors was bred. It indicated 216 shades that could be displayed without distortion in any of the browsers of that time. And to this day this great manuscript» is still available on some resources:

Everything has changed in our time. Therefore, all safety rules when working with color in html are completely canceled. After all, modern computer hardware supports more than 16 million different shades. And 216 safe colors have sunk into oblivion.

These data are fully supported by statistics. Judging by it, in 2014 only 0.5% of users have computers that support only 256 shades.

Fundamentals of color harmony

Not all of us are endowed with a natural harmonious sense of taste. Therefore, choosing the right color can be a real challenge. But, praise to science, she even managed to describe color harmony in the form of several schemes. All of them are based on the use of the color wheel. Color matching schemes in html:

  • Parallel color scheme - when both shades in the color wheel are parallel;
  • Triadic scheme - at the heart of all the corners of the triangle is one of the colors;
  • Monochromatic - when several close shades of the same color are selected;
  • Analog - a more advanced version of the monochromatic scheme. In this case, shades of the same color are at a certain distance.

The implementation of all these schemes is well represented within the service. It allows you to easily carry out a harmonious selection of colors.

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