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Purpose of the public communication network. Classification and composition of modern telecommunication networks

In accordance with Part 1 of Article 12 of the Federal Law of 07.07.2003 No. 126-ФЗ "On Communications" (Law 126-ФЗ), the unified telecommunication network of the Russian Federation consists of the following categories of telecommunication networks located in the territory of the Russian Federation.

  • public communications network;
  • dedicated communication networks;
  • technological communication networks connected to the public communication network;
  • communication networks for special purposes.

Public communications network

The public communication network is intended for the provision of paid telecommunication services to any user of communication services on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Based on this, it can be concluded that the contract for the provision of communication services concluded by the operator of a public communication network is a public contract. According to Article 426 of the Civil Code (Civil Code), a public contract is a contract concluded by a commercial organization and establishing its obligations to sell goods, perform work or provide services that such an organization, by the nature of its activities, must carry out in relation to everyone who turns to it (retail trade , transportation by public transport, communication services, energy supply, medical, hotel services, etc.). A commercial organization does not have the right to give preference to one person over another in relation to the conclusion of a public contract, except as otherwise provided by law and other legal acts. In addition, the price of communication services, as well as other conditions of the public contract, are established the same for all consumers, except for cases when the law and other legal acts allow the provision of benefits for certain categories of consumers.

The refusal of a commercial organization to conclude a public contract when it is possible to provide the consumer with the appropriate communication services is not allowed. In case of unjustified evasion of a commercial organization from concluding a public contract, the other party has the right to apply to the court with a demand to compel the conclusion of a contract. The party unreasonably evading the conclusion of the contract must compensate the other party for the losses caused by this.

The public communications network includes:

  • telecommunication networks defined geographically within the served territory and numbering resource. Geographically defined numbering area code - part of the characters of the digital structure of the number that determines the location of the user (terminal) equipment within the territory of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;
  • telecommunication networks that are not geographically defined within the territory of the Russian Federation and the numbering resource. The code of a geographically undefined numbering area is a part of the symbols of the digital structure of a number that determines the type of telecommunication service or a telecommunication network operating within the entire territory of the Russian Federation or its part.
The telephone communication network includes:
  • fixed telephone networks, defined geographically within the served territory and using the numbering resource of geographically defined numbering zones;
  • mobile radio communication networks that are not geographically defined within the territory of the Russian Federation and use the numbering resource for geographically undefined numbering zones;
  • mobile radiotelephone networks that are not geographically defined within the territory of the Russian Federation and use the numbering resource of geographically undefined numbering zones;
  • mobile satellite radio networks that are not geographically defined and use the numbering resource of geographically undefined numbering zones.
Communication networks, determined by the technology for the implementation of the provision of communication services, include:
  • data transmission networks;
  • telegraph communication networks (including Telex networks);
  • communication networks for the distribution of television broadcasting and radio broadcasting programs;
  • communication networks, determined by the technology for the implementation of the provision of communication services.
A public communication network is a complex of interacting telecommunication networks, including communication networks for the distribution of television broadcasting and radio broadcasting programs.

The interaction of communication networks is possible when they are connected to each other. Connection of telecommunication networks - the establishment of technical and technological interaction of communication means of two communication networks, in which it becomes possible to pass traffic between these networks, bypassing other communication networks. Connection of television and radio broadcasting communication networks - the establishment of technical and technological interaction of communication means of two communication networks of television and radio broadcasting, in which it becomes possible to transmit signals of television programs and (or) radio programs between these networks, bypassing other communication networks. The connection of telecommunication networks and their interaction are carried out on the basis of concluded agreements. The public communication network is connected to the public communication networks of foreign states.

The broadcasting communication network is a part of the public communication network, determined by the technology for the implementation of the provision of communication services, and includes:

  • terrestrial broadcasting networks;
  • cable TV and radio broadcasting networks;
  • satellite TV and radio broadcasting networks;
  • wire broadcasting networks.

Dedicated communication networks

In accordance with Part 1 of Article 14 of Law 126-FZ, dedicated communication networks are telecommunication networks intended for the provision of paid telecommunication services to a limited number of users or groups of such users. This network functions only in the specified circle of users, and this is its main difference from the public communications network.

Dedicated communication networks can interact with each other, i.e. they can have attachment points and exchange traffic. An important condition is that this interaction can only take place between dedicated networks. In addition, for dedicated communication networks operating on the territory of the Russian Federation, the requirements for the identification of communication networks, their nodal and terminal elements, including the significance of the number, are established by the operators of these communication networks independently, taking into account the recommendations of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation.

Dedicated communication networks have no connection to the public communication network, as well as to public communication networks of foreign states. A dedicated communication network can be connected to a public communication network only in one case - when it is transferred to the category of a public communication network, if the dedicated communication network meets the requirements established for a public communication network. In this case, the allocated numbering resource is withdrawn and the numbering resource is provided from the numbering resource of the public communication network.

The technologies and means of communication used to organize dedicated communication networks, as well as the principles of their construction, are established by the owners or other owners of these networks. This is also another difference between a dedicated communication network and a public communication network. For the latter, there are general universal rules approved by the competent state authorities.

Communication operators of all categories of communication networks of the unified telecommunication network of the Russian Federation are obliged to create control systems for their communication networks that correspond to the established procedure for their interaction.

In accordance with part 2 of Article 14 of Law 126-FZ, the provision of communication services by operators of dedicated communication networks is carried out on the basis of appropriate licenses within the territories indicated therein and using the numbering assigned to each dedicated communication network in the manner prescribed by the federal executive body in the region communication.

There are two types of names of communication services included in the license for the implementation of activities in the field of communication services:

  • telephone services in a dedicated communication network;
  • mobile radio communication services in a dedicated communication network.

See also the article.

What are public communications networks? According to Article 13 of the Federal Law "On Communications" dated 07. 2003 N 126-ФЗ, public communication networks include: 1. The public communication network is intended for the provision of paid telecommunication services to any user of communication services on the territory of the Russian Federation and includes telecommunication networks , determined geographically within the served territory and numbering resource and not geographically determined within the territory of the Russian Federation and the numbering resource, as well as communication networks determined by the technology for the implementation of the provision of communication services. 2. A public communication network is a complex of interacting telecommunication networks, including communication networks for broadcasting TV channels and (or) radio channels. The public communication network is connected to the public communication networks of foreign states.

"The Concept of Information Security of the Public Communication Network of the Interconnected Communication Network of the Russian Federation" (SSOP VSS RF) It defines threats, violators and the basic principles of ensuring information security of public communication networks. In addition, the Concept spells out the main provisions of the industry policy, as well as the tasks of the Ministry of Communications and operators to ensure the information security of public networks. This is the first document of this kind adopted in Russia. The project was developed by the Association of Documentary Telecommunications in the framework of the development of the doctrine of information security in Russia. The development of a draft concept, according to the idea of ​​its creators, should become a tool for solving the problem

Legal basis of the Concept The legal basis of the Concept consists of: 1) the Constitution of the Russian Federation; 2) the Concept of the National Security of the Russian Federation; 3) Doctrine of information security of the Russian Federation; 4) laws and other, legal and regulatory acts of the Russian Federation.

Characteristics of IS MSSOP The main objectives of ensuring IS MSSP are to support and preserve the following main characteristics of IS MSSOP under the influence of an intruder on the information sphere of MSSOP: ● confidentiality of the information sphere of MSSOP, including the confidentiality of information of the control system; ● integrity of the information sphere of the SSOP; ● availability of the information sphere of the SSOP; ● accountability of the information sphere of the MTSP.

Reasons for the appearance of vulnerabilities in the SSOP The reasons for the appearance of vulnerabilities in the SSOP can be: 1) violation of the technology of user information; the transfer process 2) violation of the technology of the SSOP control system; 3) introduction of components that implement non-declared functions into SSOP objects; 4) introduction of programs that violate their normal functioning into the objects of the SSOP; 5) introduction of deliberate vulnerabilities by the intruder: - in the development of algorithms and programs of the MSSP;

Violators of information security Violators can be individuals and / or structures, whose actions can lead to a deterioration in the quality of the processes of functioning of the MSS. The intruder's actions can be carried out at the technological and operational stages of the MTSS life cycle. At the technological stage, violators can be scientific and engineering workers involved in the design, development, installation and configuration of the software and hardware of the SSOP.

Requirements for ensuring information security of the MSSOP VSS General requirements should include: 1) requirements for ensuring IS MSSOP: - requirements for ensuring interaction with users; requirements for ensuring information security of network functioning processes; - requirements for the interaction of network elements with each other; - requirements for the control process of the MTSP; - requirements for the monitoring process of the ISMS SSOP. 2) the requirements for the interaction of the MSSS with each other: - the requirements for the interaction of IS maintenance systems with each other; - requirements for the protection of information areas of each

"On the procedure for connecting to public communication networks and the procedure for regulating traffic transmission of public communication networks"

In pursuance of clause 1 of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 10.10.94 No. 1989 "On the Peculiarities of State Management of the Public Telecommunication Network", the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation has developed "Regulations on the procedure for connecting telecommunication networks to public telecommunication networks and the procedure for regulating the transmission of telephone traffic through public telecommunication networks. use of the Russian Federation ".

The said "Regulation ..." was approved by the State Committee for Power Engineering of Russia (decision No. 107 of 01/25/95) and the Joint Commission of the Ministry of Communications of Russia and the State Committee for Civil Aviation of Russia on demonopolization of the "Svyaz" industry (minutes of 03/09/95).

According to Art. 8 of the Federal Law "On Communications" dated February 16, 1995 No. 15-FZ, adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation on January 20, 1995, the procedure for interfacing departmental and dedicated communications networks with a public communications network is established by the Government of the Russian Federation. The draft of the corresponding document is currently being prepared by the Ministry of Communications of Russia.

Until the relevant decision is taken by the Government of the Russian Federation, I propose:

1. Heads of departments of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation, Gossvyaznadzor (Loginov), heads of communications enterprises in solving issues of connecting telecommunication networks to public telecommunication networks:

1.1. be guided by the above "Regulation ..." (attached);

1.2. take into account that the "Regulation ..." does not affect the property aspects of the interaction of communication networks;

1.3. take into account that the structure of the bodies authorized by the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation to manage traffic transmission by the public telecommunication networks of the Russian Federation is given in the order of the Ministry of Communications of Russia dated 02.11.94 No. 255.

2. State Communications Supervision (Loginov), when carrying out inspections of the activities of telecommunication enterprises, to verify their compliance with the above "Regulation ...", paying special attention to:

strict compliance with the terms of licenses relating to the interaction of communication networks with public communication networks and the procedure for passing traffic when providing long-distance and international communication services;

taking into account the need for proportional development of public communication networks when organizing the connection of other communication networks to them;

compliance with the procedure for issuing technical specifications for connection to public communication networks.

Regulations on the procedure for connecting telecommunication networks to public telecommunication networks and the procedure for regulating the transmission of telephone traffic through the public telecommunication networks of the Russian Federation

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Regulation was developed in pursuance of clause of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 10.10.94 No. 1989 "On the specifics of state management of the public telecommunication network".

1.2. This Regulation determines the procedure for connecting any telecommunication networks to the public telecommunication networks of the Russian Federation, as well as the procedure for regulating the transmission of telephone traffic (telephone traffic) through the public telecommunication network of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for connecting global mobile satellite communication systems to public telecommunication networks and passing the corresponding schedule is regulated by separate documents approved by the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation in agreement with the GKES of Russia.

1.3. The following basic terms and concepts are used in this document.

Telecommunication network *(hereinafter referred to as a communication network) - technological systems that provide one or several types of transmission: telephone, telegraph, facsimile, data transmission and other types of documentary messages, including information exchange between computers, television, sound and other types of radio and wire broadcasting.

Interconnected communication network *(VSS of Russia) is a complex of technologically interconnected telecommunication networks on the territory of the Russian Federation, provided with a common centralized control.

Public communications network- an integral part of the ARIA of Russia, open for use by all individuals and legal entities, in the services of which these persons cannot be denied.

Departmental communication networks *- telecommunication networks of ministries and other federal executive bodies, created to meet production and other special needs, having access to public communication networks.

Dedicated communication networks *- telecommunication networks of individuals and legal entities that do not have access to public communication networks.

Switched communication network- a communication network in which the path of transmission of messages between users is established only for the time of transmission of these messages and under the influence of address information determined by the user initiating the connection.

Unswitched communication network- a communication network, in which the way of transferring information between users is determined by a preliminary agreement between users and the owner (operator) of the network and is organized regardless of the time of the actual transfer of information between users.

Telecommunications operator*- an individual or legal entity entitled to provide telecommunication services. The document that gives such a right is a license issued by the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation.

Network operator- a telecom operator providing telecommunication services using this communication network.

International network operator- a communications network operator who, in accordance with a license issued by the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation, has the right to organize international telecommunications for conducting mutual settlements with the corresponding international operators of other countries.

Joining one communication network to another(exit of one communication network to another) - organization of interaction between two switched communication networks, in which it becomes possible to establish a connection and transfer information between subscribers (users) of these networks.

Connection level- the level of the network, determined by the hierarchy and numbering plan of the connecting communication network, at which the connection of another communication network is carried out.

Local affiliation- connection of one communication network to another, in which the attached network (network fragment) is included in the numbering plan of the local network performing the connection.

Connection at the intra-zone level- interconnection of one communication network to another, in which the attached network (network fragment) becomes a local network with its own intra-zone access code included in the intercity station of the network performing the interconnection.

Intercity connection- connection of one communication network to another, in which the attached network (network fragment) becomes the numbering zone of the network performing the connection.

Note. In the licenses issued by the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation prior to the adoption of this Regulation, as connection at the long-distance level, it is understood the possibility of organizing direct bundles of communication channels between the connected network and long-distance stations of the public network without organizing a numbering zone.

Connection at the level of subscriber installations- connection of one communication network to another, in which the attached network (network fragment, separate technical means) perform the functions of the subscriber unit (s) of the network performing the connection.

- a set of messages transmitted over a communication network.

Traffic skipping- implementation of the process of establishing a connection and transferring information between subscribers (networks).

Traffic throttling- the establishment of rules according to which are selected (or excluded) certain methods and paths of traffic transmission on communication networks and between them.

Traffic control- the aspect of traffic transmission regulation, which determines the choice of specific paths and methods of traffic transmission in individual directions and the network (networks) as a whole during the operation of the communication network in accordance with the established regulation procedure.

Note to the paragraph as a whole. The terms marked with * are defined in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Communications" No. 15-ФЗ dated 16.02.95, adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation on 20.01.95.

1.4. Issues of transmission of outgoing and incoming telephone traffic between the public communication networks of the Russian Federation and public communication networks of other states are regulated by agreements of the respective Communication Administrations.

1.5. When the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation issues licenses to carry out activities in telecommunications, issues of connection to public communications networks and transmission of telephone traffic must be regulated in accordance with these Regulations.

1.6. This Regulation does not affect the issues of ownership of buildings, structures and technical means of communication arising from the connection of communication networks to public communication networks and the transmission of telephone traffic of public communication networks.

2. General requirements for communication networks connected to public communication networks

2.1. The structure and characteristics of communication networks connected to public communication networks must comply with the requirements contained in the current guidance documents adopted by the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation in agreement with the GKES of Russia on the construction of the ARSS of Russia, telephone and telegraph communication networks in Russia.

2.2. Communication networks connected to public communication networks, after connection in the part having access to public networks, from a technological point of view and according to the rules for the provision of services, are considered as components of public communication networks of the Russian Federation.

2.3. Design and estimate documentation for the construction of the connected network and its communication facilities must comply with the current VNTP, SNiP and other regulatory and technical documents in force in the "Communication" industry.

2.4. On the connected network, the requirements for ensuring the functions of operational-search measures, stability of functioning and information security must be met in the manner determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation, and in the amount corresponding to the current regulatory and technical documents.

2.5. On the network to be connected, only general-purpose communication equipment and apparatus should be used that have certificates of conformity issued by the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation. Equipment and equipment performing special functions (closing the transmitted information, etc.), if necessary, must have certificates of bodies authorized to certify such technical means.

2.6. The control centers of the connected communication network must be located on the territory of the Russian Federation.

2.7. Technical operation on the connected networks should be organized in accordance with the current rules for the technical operation of public communication networks of the Russian Federation, other regulatory documents of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation, ITU-T recommendations.

3. Organizations of connection to public communication networks

3.1. Connection to public networks in several geographically dispersed points is allowed. In this case, in each of these points, all the requirements determined by this Regulation must be met.

Connection of communication networks to public switched communication networks is allowed only at the levels and at points determined by the special terms of the license issued to the operator of the network to be connected.

3.2. Specific technical issues of interconnection of other communication networks to public communication networks are determined in the technical conditions for interconnection issued to the operator of the connected network by the public network operator.

3.3. Financing of design and construction works carried out in the course of connection of communication networks to public communication networks is carried out on a contractual basis.

3.4. Measures that directly ensure the connection of the communication network to the public communication network are actually carried out after the full implementation of the technical conditions for the connection and the receipt by the connected network of the permission of the State Communications Supervision Authorities for operation, taking into account the fulfillment of the requirements of this Regulation.

In accordance with the technical conditions for connection and the agreement of network operators, phased connection of networks is allowed.

3.5. If all the requirements set forth in this Regulation are met, refusals to connect to public communication networks are not allowed and are considered as a violation of the license terms by the public telecommunication network operator.

3.6. An agreement is concluded between the operator of the public communications network and the operator of the connected network, in which all issues of mutual settlements must be determined.

The agreement should also provide for the mutual responsibility of the parties for the quality of the communication services provided, as well as responsibility to the consumers of communication services.

4. Technical requirements for connection to public communication networks

4.1. Technical conditions for connection.

4.1.1. The technical conditions for the connection of the communication network to the public communication network are issued by the operator of the public network to the operator of the connected network upon written request. If the provision of services that the connected network intends to provide to users is subject to licensing in accordance with applicable law, a copy of the license issued by the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation is attached to the request.

Refusal to issue technical conditions for connection to a licensed network operator is not allowed.

4.1.2. Connection specifications must reflect:

the specific way in which connections are established between networks;

technical parameters at network connection points (signal levels, signal spectra, transmission rates, signaling types, signal codes, cable types, etc.); method of accounting for traffic from the attached communication network (outgoing and incoming);

interaction of control systems and technical operation, including the way of organizing interaction between control centers of the connected network and the public network;

interaction of synchronization systems;

a list of construction and installation works that must be performed to implement the connection, including, if necessary, the expansion of the switching capacity and inter-station bundles of channels of the public network at all necessary sections for the transmission of traffic from / to the connected network in accordance with the current VNTP and other regulatory technical documentation containing requirements for communication networks;

stages of connection work.

4.1.3. It is not allowed to include in the technical conditions for connection the construction of facilities and structures and the installation of equipment that are not related to the transmission of traffic from / to the connected network otherwise than on a compensation basis.

4.2. Connection to the public telephone network.

4.2.1. Local affiliation. The connected network, depending on the ratio of its capacity (at the end of the license validity period) and the capacity of the local public communication network, can be connected to the latter as an office ATS, a regional ATS, a nodal area of ​​a zoned urban local network, a terminal or a nodal ATS of a rural local network.

Networks with a capacity of 1000 numbers are included in public city networks only as private automatic telephone exchanges or concentrators of city automatic telephone exchanges.

In some cases, subject to mandatory agreement with the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation, the network to be connected may contain a switching node through which connections between subscribers of the public communications network pass. Communication networks providing telematic services, as a rule, are included in telephone networks at the level of subscriber installations. It is allowed to include networks providing telematic services and information and reference services as special services of local telephone networks. A specific decision on the method of connection is made by the operator of the public communications network, if the license of the operator of the connected network does not contain specific instructions on the method of connection. The numbering allocated to the connected network (its switching stations, subscriber installations), having access to the public communication network, is determined by the operator of the latter when issuing technical conditions for connection. If technically feasible, it is allowed to organize direct bundles of channels between switching stations of the connected AMTS network of the public network located in the same numbering zone, while maintaining the unity of the numbering of the subscribers of the connected network.

4.2.2. Joining at the intrazonal level. With this method of connection, the network to be connected is included in the AMTS of the public communications network as a local network with the assignment of an intra-zone access code ab to it. The code is selected in accordance with the current numbering plan of the public communications network. The numbering allocated to the connected network is determined by the operator of the public communication network with the obligatory agreement with the Giprosvyaz Institute (assigned to the given region) when issuing technical conditions for the connection. If technically feasible, it is allowed to organize direct bundles of channels between the switching stations of the connected network and international telephone exchanges of the public network while maintaining the unity of the numbering of the subscribers of the connected network. For connection at the intra-zone level, the network to be connected according to the license (for the last year of its validity) must have an installed capacity of at least the average capacity of the local network in the considered numbering zone, but in any case at least 30,000 numbers.

With a network capacity of more than 60,000 numbers, more than one intra-zone ab code can be assigned to it.

4.2.3. Intercity connection. With this method of connection, the network to be connected is included in the long-distance public communication network as a numbering zone with the assignment of a long-distance access code ABC to it. The intercity code allocated to the connected network is determined by the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation in accordance with the numbering plan of the public communications network of the Russian Federation. Connection of a communication network to a public network at the long-distance level is allowed only for operating networks with an installed capacity of their own local switching stations of at least 300 thousand numbers with a degree of involvement of at least 50%. In some technically justified cases, the simultaneous connection of communication networks to the public network at the intercity and local level is allowed. At the same time, interconnection at the local level is carried out separately in each numbering zone of the public network, where such interconnection is carried out, in accordance with these Regulations and the principles of building a public telephone network.

4.2.4. Connection at the level of subscriber installations is carried out in accordance with the current rules for the provision of services by local telephone networks of the Russian Federation.

4.3. Connection to public telegraph networks.

4.3.1. As public telegraph networks, these Regulations consider the public telegraph network with message switching and subscriber telegraphy networks - the AT-50 network (national) and the Telex network (international), in the future - the united AT / Telex network.

4.3.2. Connection to public subscriber telegraphy networks (AT-50, Telex) is permitted for departmental and other subscriber telegraphy networks, data transmission networks and telematic services.

4.3.3. Connection to the public telegraph network with message switching (TG-OP) is allowed for telegraph networks, the operators of which are licensed to provide the Telegram service or provide the specified service under an agreement with the operators of the TG-OP network.

The procedure for connecting other networks and equipment to the TG-OP network for the transmission of non-telegraph traffic is determined by a separate provision approved by the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation.

4.3.4. Connection to public telegraph networks is carried out, as a rule, at the level of subscriber installations (AT-50, Telex) or terminal points (TG-OP). In this case, the specific points of connection and the numbering of the corresponding telegraph network allocated to the connected network or service are established by regional (zonal) operators of public telegraph networks.

4.3.5. In some cases, if there are appropriate technical means in the connected network, it is allowed to connect to public telegraph networks at the level of channel switching stations (substations) (AT-50, Telex) or message switching centers (concentrators) (TG-OP). In this case, the specific points of connection and the numbering of the corresponding telegraph network allocated to the network or service to be connected are established by the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation.

4.3.6. Transit traffic of public telegraph networks through interconnected networks is not allowed with the exception of public data transmission networks designated by the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation as transport networks for the transmission of telegraph traffic.

4.4. Connection of personal radio call networks to the public telephone network.

The connection of personal radio call networks to the public telephone network is carried out in accordance with the concept adopted by the GKES of Russia.

4.5. Connection of mobile radio communication networks to the public telephone network.

The connection of mobile radio communication networks to the public telephone network is carried out in accordance with the concept adopted by the GKES of Russia.

4.6. Connection of trunking networks to the public telephone network.

The connection of trunking networks to the public telephone network is carried out in accordance with the concept adopted by the GKES of Russia.

5. General principles of regulating the procedure for passing telephone traffic on public networks

5.1. The general principles governing the procedure for passing telephone traffic on the communication networks of the Russian Federation are determined by this Regulation, as well as the regulatory and technical documents that develop it, adopted by the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation and GKES of Russia in accordance with the current legislation on communications.

5.2. On the public telephone network of the Russian Federation, the algorithms for the operational control of the transmission of telephone traffic established by the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation are applied.

5.3. Each operator of the communication network on the territory of the Russian Federation independently manages the transmission of telephone traffic, which is closed within the framework of its communication network, and is obliged to comply with the instructions of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation and the communication operators authorized by them for the operational management of the transmission of telephone traffic through the public communication network within their limits. competence established by the Ministry of Communications, incl. to collect, analyze and provide complete information about the state and operation of communication facilities.

5.4. In cases established by law, the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation exercises direct centralized control over the transmission of telephone traffic on the country's communications networks.

5.5. The transmission of local, long-distance and international telephone traffic of the public communication network is carried out in accordance with the current governing and regulatory and technical documents that determine the principles of construction and operation of telephone networks of the Russian Federation.

5.6. The transmission of local, intercity and international traffic of the public telephone network through the technical means of the networks connected to it is allowed exclusively on the basis of agreements concluded, respectively, between operators of local, intercity and international public networks with operators of the connected networks.

6. Peculiarities of the procedure for regulating the passage of international telephone traffic in a public communication network

6.1. The transmission of outgoing and incoming international telephone traffic of the public communication network is carried out exclusively through the switching field of international telephone exchanges of international operators of public telephone networks of the Russian Federation.

6.2. To pass international traffic of the public network, it is not allowed to use telephonists' consoles and other terminals and devices that are simultaneously connected to the public network, including as a subscriber unit, as well as to another communication network that has the ability to organize an international connection differently than indicated in clause 6.1 of these Regulations.

6.3. International operators of the public telephone network carry out settlements with foreign international operators for the entire aggregate of the international traffic of the public network passed by them.

Mutual settlements of international operators of the public telephone network with operators of long-distance, local and zonal public communication networks for international traffic are carried out on a contractual basis in accordance with the principles of such mutual settlements established by the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation.

7. Control over the implementation of this Regulation and the procedure for resolving disputes arising in connection with connection to public communication networks and transmission of telephone traffic

7.1. Control over the implementation of the procedure for connecting to telephone and telegraph networks of general use and the procedure for passing telephone traffic through public networks of the Russian Federation given in these Regulations is carried out by the State Communications Supervision Authorities under the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation.

7.2. Controversial organizational and technical issues arising from the connection to the public telecommunication networks of the Russian Federation and the transmission of telephone traffic through the public networks are considered by the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation.

Business disputes between network operators are resolved in the manner determined by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Letter of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation "On the procedure for connecting to public communication networks and the procedure for regulating traffic transmission of public communication networks." one

Appendix Regulations on the procedure for connecting telecommunication networks to public telecommunication networks and the procedure for regulating the transmission of telephone traffic through the public telecommunication networks of the Russian Federation. one

1. General Provisions. 2

2. General requirements for communication networks connected to public communication networks. 4

3. Organization of connection to public communication networks. 4

4. Technical requirements for connection to public communication networks. 5

4.1. Technical conditions for connection. 5

4.2. Connection to the public telephone network. 5

4.3. Connection to public telegraph networks. 7

4.4. Connection of personal radio call networks to the public telephone network. eight

4.5. Connection of mobile radio communication networks to the public telephone network. eight

4.6. Connection of trunking networks to the public telephone network. eight

5. General principles of regulating the procedure for passing telephone traffic on public networks. eight

6. Peculiarities of the procedure for regulating the transmission of international telephone traffic in the public communication network. eight

1. A public communication network is intended for the provision of paid telecommunication services to any user of communication services on the territory of the Russian Federation and includes telecommunication networks determined geographically within the serviced territory and numbering resource and not determined geographically within the territory of the Russian Federation and numbering resource, but also communication networks, determined by the technology for the implementation of the provision of communication services.

2. A public communication network is a complex of interacting telecommunication networks, including communication networks for broadcasting TV channels and (or) radio channels.

The public communication network is connected to the public communication networks of foreign states.

Legal advice under Art. 13 of the Law on Communications

Ask a Question:

    Karina Kudryavtseva

    Skylink is demanding through the collectors to pay off the debt, which was not there .. Hello! I got into the following situation: I was a Skylink user (mobile Internet), a contract since 2006, in 2008 I made a wired Internet, I refused Skylink services. One of these days, a letter comes from a certain LLC "Lindorff", registered already in St. Petersburg, demanding to pay the debt to Skylink in the amount of approx. 1000r, otherwise the court, bad credit history and all that. I don’t recognize the debt, the contract was advance. I would like to know how legal such requirements are and what to do?

    • Lawyer's answer:

      The situation is one-to-one, like mine. I will answer in order: 1. Collectors have no right to bother you at all. According to Art. 53 of the Law "On Communications", information about subscribers is confidential. You can transfer to 3 persons only with a letter. subscriber consent. There is also a new law "On Personal Data", Article 7, the same thing. Acc. from st. 17 of this law, you can appeal the illegal actions of Skylink in court and demand compensation for moral damage. Or a statement to the prosecutor's office, outlining the facts, which are qualified under Art. 13.11 Administrative Code. In principle, it is possible to get hold of the collectors, if they do not give any documents (where the debt comes from, why so much, but they do not have this, it is verified), and even behave defiantly, then this is extortion, Article 163 of the Criminal Code. But with cops you need to be careful, this is a last resort. But you can send a complaint to the prosecutor's office without looking up from your chair. Just make sure that you did not give written consent for the transfer of pers. data to 3 persons - collectors, for the purpose of debt collection. Although up to approx. 2009, this wording was not in the model Skaev agreement. 2. The legality of the debt. In fact, Skylink imposes 2 services on its subscribers at once - number preservation and credit. In the standard contract and app. 1 to him there is not a word about these services, but there is clause 8.2. according to which "the operator can change the conditions himself" and Art. 28 of the Law "On Communication", which, from the point of view, permits them everything. However, if you open this article, you can see that it belongs to Ch. "State regulation of activity - regulation of tariffs", that is, out of place. On the other hand, the subscriber is protected by Art. 29 and 55 of the Rules for the provision of communication services. It says that the written agreement db is also to be changed in writing, and not in one way. order with notification through the website that the subscriber is not obliged to pay for services not specified in the Agreement, and Article 16 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" invalidates such terms of the agreement that infringe on consumer rights in comparison with the rules established by laws. That is, if the case suddenly comes to court, then you need to defend yourself using these links. 3. What to do: a. As I said, it is possible, I would even say, it is necessary to write a complaint to the prosecutor's office (from January 2010, for non-observance of confidentiality, they will begin to persecute very hard until it is closed), to Ropotrebnadzor and to Roskomnadzor. It can be sent either by registered order or simply from the website. This will not solve your problem, but it will spoil the life of an unscrupulous opsos and, possibly, save those who are just going to send letters from the problems. b. Write a complaint to Skylink with the above reasoning and trying to cancel the debt and prohibit sending your data to. If you want, you can file a lawsuit against Skylink demanding compensation for moral damage that the collectors caused you with their letters-calls. Actually, you don't even have to prove the illegality of the debt, the main thing is that you don't want to receive letters from collectors. Here Sky will lose, he has nothing to cover. d. theoretically, if the soul requires revenge, and the rate of 1000r is not too high, then you can file a lawsuit yourself demanding to cancel the debt, with reference to article 16 of the law of the OZPP and articles 29, 55 of the Rules. Conveniently, such claims are filed at the place of the plaintiff (you), the magistrate, that is, it’s as easy as shelling pears. But this is if you want to go to court, and the decision will be as lucky. Sorry for "a lot of letters", I hope, answered all the questions. PS in LJ and VKontakte by key. the words "skylink, court, collector" will find the texts of claims and complaints. Good luck.

    Claudia Anisimova

    What is the penalty for hacking ???. I need it for the lesson !!!

    • Lawyer's answer:

      ... Unlawful access to computer information 1. Unlawful access to legally protected computer information, that is, information on a computer medium, in an electronic computer (computer), a computer system or their network, if this act entailed the destruction, blocking, modification or copying of information, violation of the operation of a computer, computer system, or their network, - shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of two hundred to five hundred times the minimum monthly wage, or in the amount of the wage or salary, or any other income of the convicted person for a period of two to five months, or corrective labor for a term of six months to one years, or imprisonment for up to two years. 2. The same act committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy or by an organized group or by a person using his official position, as well as having access to a computer, computer system or their network, - shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of five hundred to eight hundred times the minimum wage, or in the amount of the wage or other income of the convicted person for a period of five to eight months, or correctional labor for a term of one to two years, or arrest for a term of three to six months, or imprisonment for a term of up to five years. Item 1, Art. 24 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation says that "the collection, storage, use and dissemination of information about the private life of a person without his consent is not allowed." Art. 63 of the Law "On Communications" contains a definition of the secrecy of communication: it is the secrecy of correspondence, telephone conversations, postal items, telegraph and other messages transmitted over telecommunication networks and postal networks. Telecom operators are obliged to ensure the confidentiality of communication (this includes your IP and email). Disclosing the secret of communication may result in the revocation of the license for the telematic services of your provider, you just need to competently complain to ROSSVYAZNADZOR RF. For the guilty illegal actions of the provider, you can be brought to administrative responsibility under Art. 13.11. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation "Violation of the procedure for collecting, storing, using or disseminating information about citizens (personal data) established by law" by filing an application with the court.

    Vera Kuznetsova

    Please help me how to file a claim on Svyaznoy. They gave incorrect information about the product .. They gave incorrect information about the product. I didn't have time to read the instructions. But they assured me that everything I need is here. When I came home I realized that I was deceived. The next day I went to give it, but they didn’t accept it. I left a complaint and a claim, but still received a refusal. I went to Consumer Protection, they accepted my application and again a few weeks later received a letter with a refusal. Allegedly, before buying, I had to read the instructions. Now I want to punish them in principle.

    • Lawyer's answer:

      You should not have studied the instructions in the store, since the seller had to explain to you the possibilities and main characteristics of the goods. When considering the consumer's claims for compensation for losses caused by inaccurate or insufficiently complete information about the product, it is necessary to proceed from the assumption that the consumer does not have special knowledge about the properties and characteristics of the product (clause 4, article 12). The seller is obliged to provide the consumer with the necessary and reliable information about the goods in a timely manner, which ensures the possibility of their correct choice (clause 1, article 10). If the consumer was not given the opportunity to immediately receive information about the product at the conclusion of the contract, he has the right to refuse to execute it within a reasonable time and demand the return of the amount paid for the product and compensation for other losses. In case of refusal to fulfill the contract, the consumer is obliged to return the goods to the seller (clause 1, article 12). The seller (performer) who has not provided the buyer with complete and reliable information about the product (work, service) is liable under paragraphs 1-4 of Article 18 for defects in the goods that arose after it was handed over to the consumer due to the lack of such information (paragraph 2 , st12). For violation of consumer rights, the manufacturer (performer, seller, authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer) is liable under the law or contract (clause 1, article 13). If the court satisfies the consumer's requirements established by law, the court collects from the seller a fine of fifty percent of the amount awarded by the court in favor of the consumer for non-compliance on a voluntary basis with the satisfaction of the consumer's claims (clause 6, article 13). Moral harm caused to the consumer as a result of the violation by the seller of the consumer's rights is subject to compensation by the inflictor of harm in the presence of his fault. The amount of compensation for moral damage is determined by the court and does not depend on the amount of compensation for property damage. Compensation for moral damage is carried out regardless of compensation for property damage and losses incurred by the consumer (Article 15). The place in the answer is limited, so I had only to briefly cite those essential points that can be used in the statement of claim. If public associations of consumers (their associations, unions) or local self-government bodies act in defense of consumer rights, fifty percent of the amount of the collected fine is transferred to the specified associations (their associations, unions) or bodies (cl. 6, Art. thirteen).

    Valeria Markova

    must all legal entities fill out the personal data processing notification? for what? and what are the consequences ?. and if an enterprise has four licenses for different types of activities, then it is necessary to submit four notifications or what?

    • Lawyer's answer:

      Article 22. Notice of the processing of personal data 1. The operator, prior to the start of the processing of personal data, is obliged to notify the authorized body for the protection of the rights of subjects of personal data of his intention to process personal data, except for the cases provided for in part 2 of this article. 2. The operator has the right to carry out, without notifying the authorized body for the protection of the rights of subjects of personal data, the processing of personal data: 1) relating to subjects of personal data who are associated with the operator by labor relations; 2) received by the operator in connection with the conclusion of a contract to which the subject of personal data is a party, if personal data is not disseminated, and is not provided to third parties without the consent of the subject of personal data and is used by the operator solely for the execution of the specified contract and the conclusion of contracts with the subject of personal data; 3) relating to members (participants) of a public association or religious organization and processed by the relevant public association or religious organization, acting in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, in order to achieve the legitimate goals provided for by their constituent documents, provided that personal data will not be disseminated without written consent of the subjects of personal data; 4) which are publicly available personal data; 5) including only the surnames, first names and patronymics of the subjects of personal data; 6) necessary for the purpose of a single pass of the personal data subject to the territory in which the operator is located, or for other similar purposes; 7) included in personal data information systems, which, in accordance with federal laws, have the status of federal automated information systems, as well as in state personal data information systems created in order to protect the security of the state and public order; 8) processed without the use of automation tools in accordance with federal laws or other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation that establish requirements for ensuring the security of personal data during their processing and for observing the rights of subjects of personal data.

    Anna Melnikova

    question to lawyers. so how can I get an extract from the srp, the point is that I need it to write the husband with whom I am going to divorce, and I need to provide this extract to the court that my husband has his own area and they can give me an extract only upon providing his power of attorney but he won't give it to me for nothing if he finds out that I want to write it out

    • Lawyer's answer:

      Don't be silly! You must be given an extract without any power of attorney - the information in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is open. For this you only need a passport and a receipt for payment of the state duty of 200 rubles.
      Here is a certificate on the content of title documents, for example, you will definitely not be given a power of attorney without a power of attorney. Here is an excerpt from the law regarding discharge:

      Federal Law of 21.07.1997 N 122-FZ
      (as revised on 17.06.2010)
      "On state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it"
      (adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on June 17, 1997)

      Article 7. Openness of information on state registration of rights

      1. The information contained in the Unified State Register of Rights is publicly available (with the exception of information, access to which is limited by federal law) and is provided by the body that carries out state registration of rights, upon requests (hereinafter also in this article - requests for information) of any persons , including by mail, using public communication networks or other technical means of communication, by providing access to an information resource containing information from the Unified State Register of Rights.
      The information contained in the Unified State Register of Rights is provided in the form of an extract from the Unified State Register of Rights or in another form determined by the regulatory body in the field of state registration of rights.
      (as amended by Federal Law of 21.12.2009 N 334-FZ)
      An extract from the Unified State Register of Rights must contain a description of the real estate object, registered rights to it, as well as restrictions (encumbrances) of rights, information on the legal claims existing at the time of issuance of the extract and the rights of claim declared in court in relation to this real estate object.
      (the paragraph was introduced by the Federal Law of December 21, 2009 N 334-FZ)

    Anna Bolshakova

    denied warranty repair. I recently bought myself a universal speaker for 990 rubles. , there were no instructions in Russian, there was no warranty card, 1 month warranty. After 2 days, her radio broke down. After the column was taken from me for examination, I was told that the breakdown was my fault, they say it was charging for more than 3 hours or the device was turned on while charging, In this regard, I was denied warranty repair. Can you please tell me what to do?

    • Lawyer's answer:

      To begin with, you need to calm down, since you have the opportunity to return money for the column, regardless of whose fault the deficiency arose. The reason is the failure to provide the necessary and reliable information about the product and the lack of operating instructions in Russian. According to clause 15 of the Rules for the sale of certain types of goods, the amount of mandatory information about the product, its manufacturer, transmitted to the buyer along with the product (on the product, consumer packaging, packaging, label, label, in the technical documentation) MUST MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF FEDERAL LAWS, OTHER REGULATORY LAWS ACTS of the Russian Federation, the mandatory requirements of the standards. Information about goods and their manufacturers is brought to the attention of buyers IN RUSSIAN LANGUAGE, and additionally, at the discretion of the seller, in the state languages ​​of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation. If the seller, when transferring the goods, did not provide the consumer with instructions for operating the product in Russian, he bears full responsibility for defects arising from improper operation, including losses incurred by the consumer due to the absence of such instructions. According to paragraph 4 of Article 12 of the ZOZPP, when considering the consumer's claims for compensation for losses caused by inaccurate or insufficiently complete information about the product, it is necessary to proceed from the assumption that the consumer does not have special knowledge about the properties and characteristics of the product. According to paragraph 2 of Article 12 of the ZoZPP, the seller who has not provided the buyer with complete and reliable information about the product is liable under paragraphs 1-4 of Article 18 of the ZoZPP for defects in the goods that arose after its transfer to the consumer due to the lack of such information. Based on the foregoing, you have the right to demand from the seller (within the warranty period established by him) the return of the amount paid in connection with the lack of goods that occurred due to improper operation due to the lack of operating instructions in Russian. What to do? Submit to the seller a written claim demanding a refund of the amount paid, on the basis of paragraph 2 of Article 12 of the ZoZPP. Since there is a conclusion about the existence of a defect, and there is a mention of improper operation, there are no obstacles to meeting your demand from the Law. Sample claims and recommendations for their preparation and delivery can be found here: /patterns/137/index.html which will impose an administrative fine on the seller under Article 14. 8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation: Violation of the consumer's right to receive the necessary and reliable information about the goods being sold shall entail a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine on officials in the amount of five hundred to one thousand rubles; for legal entities - FROM FIVE THOUSAND TO TEN THOUSAND RUBLES. And this is also, if the seller is lucky and will not be fined under article 14.15 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation: Violation of the established rules for the sale of certain types of goods - entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of three hundred to one thousand five hundred rubles; for officials - from one thousand to three thousand rubles; for legal entities - from ten thousand to thirty thousand rubles. In addition, you can inform the seller that you intend to apply to the court for the protection of your consumer rights, and in court the seller will have to pay a fine of fifty percent of the amount awarded by the court in favor of the consumer for failure to voluntarily satisfy the requirements of the consumer (clause 6, Article 13). Rules for the sale of certain types of goods: / laws2 / pravila-prod / Chapter 14 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. Administrative offenses in the field of entrepreneurial activity:

    Alexander Khromtsov

    Can I, as an individual, get an answer from the rosary regarding registered rights to real estate. organization of interest to me.

    • Lawyer's answer:

      The information contained in the Unified State Register of Rights is publicly available (with the exception of information, access to which is limited by federal law) and is provided at the request of any person, including by mail, using public communication networks or other technical means of communication, by providing access to an information resource containing information from the Unified State Register of Rights. The information contained in the Unified State Register of Rights is provided in the form of an extract from the Unified State Register of Rights or in another form determined by the regulatory body in the field of state registration of rights. For the provision of information contained in the Unified State Register of Rights, a fee is charged. (Federal Law of 21.07.1997 No. 122-FZ "On state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it").
      The amount of the fee for the provision of information contained in the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It, the issuance of copies of contracts and other documents expressing the content of unilateral transactions made in simple written form, are established by Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated December 16, 2010 No. 650. (payment for an extract on registered rights to a real estate object upon request at the location of the real estate object for an individual - 200 rubles).
      I draw your attention to the fact that in accordance with paragraph 4 of Art. 7 of the Federal Law of 21.07.1997 No. 122-FZ "On state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it", the body carrying out state registration of rights is obliged, at the request of the copyright holder, to provide him with information about the persons who received information about the real estate object on which he is entitled to.

      P.S. As for the name - In pursuance of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Federal Law of 08.08.2001 N 129-FZ "On state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs" in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on 03/23/2009 an entry was made on the full and abbreviated name of the Federal State Service registration, cadastre and cartography (Rosreestr).

  • Alena Shcherbakova

    Question about offices in residential apartments. According to article 7.21 1. Damage of residential buildings, residential premises, as well as damage to their equipment, unauthorized reconstruction and (or) redevelopment of residential buildings and (or) residential premises or their misuse - (as amended by the Federal Law of 28.12.2009 380-ФЗ) shall entail a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one thousand to one thousand five hundred rubles. The situation is a multi-room residential apartment, one of the rooms is occupied by offices. The owner's eyes have never been seen. The inspection came and drew up an act of violation and that's it. ... they don’t know who should be fined. In my opinion this is completely inactive! What if the owner of the premises paid these crumbs, and nothing changes, the offices remain in a residential apartment. Are there effective ways to fight?

The unified telecommunication network of the Russian Federation is a complex of technologically interconnected telecommunication networks of various categories on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Question No. 1. Basic concepts and definitions of telecommunication systems.

Federal communications of the Russian Federation is a combination of various bodies, organizations and entities that carry out electrical and postal communications on the territory of the Russian Federation. It is designed to meet the needs of the population, state authorities and administration, defense, security, law and order, as well as business entities in the services of electrical and postal communications.

The material and technical basis of federal communications is the Unified Telecommunication Network (ESE) of the Russian Federation and the postal network of the Russian Federation (Fig. 1).

(slide 5)

Rice. 1. The material and technical basis of the federal communications of the Russian Federation.

(slide 6)

Telecommunication is any transmission or reception of signs, signals, voice information, written text, images, sounds over wired, radio, optical and other electromagnetic media or systems.

Communication system - an organizational and technical association of forces and means of communication, created in the Armed Forces as a whole, as well as in a formation, formation (military unit) for the exchange of all types of information in the command and control system of troops (forces) in an operation (battle) and in their daily activities ...

It can be stationary or field (mobile).

The communication system of a formation (military unit) usually includes:

Communication centers of control points (US PU);

Direct communication lines between the control system of the control unit;

Snap link lines;

Courier-postal network;

Communication control system;

The system of technical support for communications and automated control systems (TOS and ACS);

The reserve of forces and means of communication.

(slide 7)

A communication network is a part of a communication system, distinguished by a functional characteristic (kind or type of communication).

Telecommunication networks are the backbone (transport medium) of electrical information systems.

The unified telecommunication network of the Russian Federation is a complex of technologically interconnected telecommunication networks of various categories on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The constituent elements of the ESE RF are:

Public communication network;

Dedicated communication networks;

Technological communication networks;

Communication networks for special purposes.

(slide 8)

Public communications network (PSTN) is intended for the provision of paid telecommunication services to any user of communication services on the territory of the Russian Federation. A public communication network is a complex of interacting telecommunication networks, including a communication network for broadcasting TV channels and (or) radio channels. The public communication network is connected to the public communication networks of foreign states.

(slide 9)

Dedicated communication networks- telecommunication networks intended for the provision of paid telecommunication services to a limited number of users or groups of such users. Dedicated communication networks can interact with each other. Dedicated communication networks have no connection to the public communication network, as well as to public communication networks of foreign states. The technologies and means of communication used to organize dedicated communication networks, as well as the principles of their construction, are established by the owners or other owners of these networks.

(slide 10)

Technological communication networks are designed to ensure the internal production activities of organizations, production process control. Technological communication networks cannot be used to provide paid telecommunication services. If there are free resources, parts of technological communication networks can be connected to the SSN with a transfer to the SSN category. These parts should be able to technically separate from the general technological communication network of the organization. In the case of using a technological communication network to provide paid services to a limited group of users without joining the SSOP, this network goes into the category of a dedicated communication network.

(slide 11)

Special purpose communication networks are designed to meet the needs of government, defense, security and law enforcement. These networks cannot be used to provide paid communication services, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation. If the resources of these networks are insufficient, they are given the priority right to use, on a reimbursable basis, the communication services of any communication operators, regardless of their functional and legal form and categories of communication networks.

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