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Assignment of keyboard keys. What buttons need to be pressed on the keyboard to set the print function

Instead, they use the right mouse button and the "copy" command on the context menu. This way of copying text works great. But, unfortunately, it takes too much time. In this article, you will learn how to copy text using the keyboard and save a lot of time on it.

How to copy text using the keyboard - the classic way

Copying text using the keyboard is done with CTRL-C. You need to select the text, hold down the CTRL key and then press the C key. Usually they use the left CTRL key, but this is not important, you can use both the left and right CTRL keys.

After you have copied the text, you need to paste it somewhere else. This can also be done using the keyboard. In order to insert text using the keyboard, you need to press the CTRL-V key combination. As in the previous case, you can use both the right and left CTRL.

Other ways to copy text using the keyboard

It should be noted that there are alternative ways to copy text using the keyboard:

  • The Ctrl-Insert key combination is analogous to CTRL-C and can be used to copy text.
  • The Shift-Insert key combination is analogous to CTRL-V and can be used to paste copied text.
  • And the Shift-Delete key combination is analogous to the Ctrl-X cut command.

In addition to the CTRL-C and CTRL-V key combinations, there are other very useful key combinations:

  • Ctrl-A - Select all text. Usually used in conjunction with copying. Using the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl-A and CTRL-C, you can quickly copy all the text.
  • Ctrl-X - Cut text. Copying the text, removing it from where it was before. Using the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl-X and CTRL-V, you can quickly move text to another location.
  • Ctrl-Z - Mark or take one step back. This combination allows you to quickly correct a mistake. For example, you have deleted some of the text you want. In such a situation, the Ctrl-Z key combination will help you out, which will immediately return everything to its place.
  • CTRL-P - Print the document. With this key combination, you can quickly send typed text to the printer.

Working with programs and the Windows operating system can be significantly accelerated if you use not only the mouse to enter data and control, but also use "hot keys" - special combinations and key combinations on the keyboard. Try to remember the hotkeys you use the most.

How do I learn to use the keyboard?

First of all, you need to know the meanings of the keyboard keys. But this is not enough to use the keyboard to its fullest. The most frequent actions are convenient to perform with keyboard shortcuts.

The keyboard is the main device for entering information into a computer. It can also be used to control a personal computer. The standard keyboard has 101 keys and 256 characters.

The keys are subdivided:

  • alphanumeric;
  • cursor control;
  • functional;
  • managers;
  • block of numeric keys.

Alphanumeric keys.

Allows you to enter various characters: letters, numbers, punctuation marks. These keys contain letters of the Latin and Russian (in the CIS countries) alphabet. Switching between languages ​​in windows is carried out by a keyboard shortcut Alt + Shift (default on windows xp) or Ctrl + Shift (windows7).

Shortcuts or key combinations are pressed sequentially, while holding down the previous keys. Maximum possible up to 3 simultaneous pressing of hot keys.

Shift key allows you to enter capital letters in combination with alphabetic keys, and symbols depicted on numeric (and some alphabetic Latin alphabet) keys.

To enter only capital letters without Shift, press Caps Lock. The number keys do not apply. The corresponding light on the keyboard will come on.

They have different meanings in different programs, with the exception of the F1 button. In the vast majority of cases, it calls the help of the program or windows.

Block of numeric keys.

It is located on the right of the keyboard and can work in the mode of entering numbers and in the mode of controlling the movement of the cursor. Switch modes - NumLock key. The NumLock indicator is on in numeric mode.

Control or special keys.

These keys include Ctrl, Shift, Enter, Alt, Enter, CapsLock and some others. Shift, Alt, Ctrl keys most often used in

Esc cancels the execution of the current operation.

Del (Delete) removes the character to the right and Backspace- to the left of the cursor.

Ins (Insert) toggles the mode of adding / replacing characters in the text.

Tab- Tabulation when typing. Sequential movement of focus between elements of programs or a document.

Alt + Tab- switch between open and minimized windows.

Win ("start")- opens the "Start" menu.

AppsKey, Menu- call the context menu for the selected object ().

Enter enters data or a command, confirms a choice, and the like. Double click on the selected object. Clicking the active button or the default button in the window. Command entry and execution. When typing - a new paragraph.

Up, down, right and left arrows- Move the cursor or focus through the menu items. Move the cursor in the appropriate direction. The action of these keys in many programs has been significantly expanded using the Shift and Ctrl service keys.

Home- move the cursor to the beginning of the line or to the beginning of the list.

End- move the cursor to the end of the line or to the end of the list.

PageUp / PageDown- moving the cursor or focus to the visible part of the page up or down.

PrtScn (print screen)- Screenshot (screenshot) in the clipboard.

ScrLk (Scroll Lock)- Scroll lock. Pressing the cursor keys will move the entire screen content.

  • Win is located between Ctrl and Alt on the left side (it shows the Windows Corporation symbol).
  • Menu () is to the left of the right Ctrl.
  • The combination "key" + "key" means that you must first press the first key, and then the second, without releasing the first.

General purpose Windows operating system hotkeys

Keyboard shortcuts for working with text

Hotkeys for working with files

Explorer hotkeys

Hotkeys for working with windows

Hotkeys for working with dialog boxes

Accessibility (needs to be disabled in the toolbar if not using)

  • Pressing SHIFT 5 times in a row turns Sticky Keys on or off.
  • Pressing SHIFT for 8 seconds enables or disables the input filtering function.
  • Pressing Num Lock for 5 seconds - enables or disables the switch sound function.
  • Left Alt + Left Shift + Num Lock - Toggles the keyboard arrow keys on or off.
  • Alt left + Shift left + PRINT SCREEN - enable or disable high contrast mode. \

Many people will find it difficult to master the new interface of Windows 8 at first. The very first thing a user will encounter will be the difficulty of navigating MetroUI. This completely new interface does not have buttons for managing application windows, the necessary auxiliary panels are hidden in it, and so on. Another unusual innovation is the absence of the Start button on the familiar desktop. In this situation sometimes you just need to use Windows 8 hotkeys to interact with MetroUI... New keyboard shortcuts improve navigation around modern operating systems. Some of them provide invaluable assistance to users.

The first thing to understand is that Metro's user interface is nothing more than a modified and full-screen Start menu. When you turn on the PC, it boots up and sits on top of the familiar desktop. For convenience, the Metro main menu contains shortcuts for launching the most frequently used applications, however, setting Windows 8 hotkeys to work with individual applications, except for some system applications (such as file search), is not provided. When you launch one of the applications, the desktop will automatically open for the selected application to work. I am describing this so that you do not look for ways to automatically self-minimize Metro when you boot the OS.

Hopefully this list of Windows 8 keyboard shortcuts will help you get up to speed with the modern Metro experience faster and save you a lot of precious time. When using these keyboard shortcuts, there will be no need to constantly click the mouse when it is difficult to switch between windows, make settings and other frequent actions.

Hotkeys for Chrome, Opera, Firefox

Universal hotkeys that work in all browsers. Keyboard shortcuts and key combinations for Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Internet explorer.

Working with tabs, bookmarks and history.

Working with the address bar and navigation.

Scaling and scrolling.

Not every novice car enthusiast has the knowledge of how to properly brake on the mechanics. After all, to brake on the machine, you just need to press the brake pedal. However, in most driving schools, they are handed over on cars with mechanics, and it is much more difficult to brake on them.

So, how to brake properly on the mechanics? If you need to stop completely, then the safest way to brake (especially on ice, on a wet road and on slopes) is as follows: first you need to release the gas, then gently press the brake pedal and squeeze the clutch just before stopping so as not to stall ... After that, you need to switch to neutral speed and release the pedals. There is one more way to answer the question “How to brake correctly on mechanics?”. To brake on a flat road in good weather, you must first release the gas completely, then squeeze the clutch with your left foot all the way, and then smoothly press the brake until it stops completely. After the car has come to a complete stop, you need to switch to neutral speed, release the clutch and brake pedals. It is worth noting that it is better to release the gas smoothly, rather than throw it off. If a person needs to leave the car even for a couple of minutes, then it is better to leave it on

It happens that you need to slow down a little or slow down. To do this, you must first release the gas pedal and slightly briefly press the brake, without touching the clutch. There is no need to fear that the car may stall. If you need to slow down in such a way that you have to switch to then you have to squeeze the clutch.

Another question that worries many: how to brake properly on ice? So, it is worth noting that emergency braking in such conditions has features that not all drivers are aware of. In ice, it is recommended to brake by intermittent short pressing on the brake pedal.

How to brake correctly on the mechanics, if the car is with In this case, you need to hold down the brake pedal with your right foot, and at the same time release and squeeze the clutch, simultaneously shifting down the gear. At the same time, it is very important that the descent is consistent, and you do not miss a single gear, otherwise you can lose control of the car.

And if the car has it, it is more difficult to brake. It is also necessary to depress the brake pedal, release and depress the clutch, ensuring the sequence of the descent. However, in this case, you still need to periodically press the gas when gears are changed - this happens after the clutch is squeezed out. Otherwise, the rear axle can be pulled to the side, and the driver will fly off the track. To learn how to accurately and quickly perform braking "at speed", you need to train, and preferably on the execution of maneuvers. It is recommended to start at low enough speeds on empty roads. Then you have to complicate the task in order to come to perfection.


If you are a novice user and you are a little scared by the abundance of buttons on the computer keyboard, you do not know which buttons to press to trigger the desired action and see the result on the monitor screen after that, then it's time to get acquainted with the additional functions of the keyboard.

Carefully. In addition to the numbers and letters familiar to you from childhood, you will see a large number of additional buttons. As you probably guessed, all of them are needed to enter the necessary data into a computer and to call certain functions of programs and utilities. Let's figure out which button or key combination to press in order to speed up the process of working at the computer. Of course, it will be difficult for a beginner to memorize all the useful key combinations for working at a computer, but it is advisable to memorize the most basic commands with which you can quickly display information on the monitor than with a mouse.

All these numerous buttons and keys help to enter information into the computer. To carry out a variety of computer control operations, you will definitely need a keyboard.

Let's take a look at the most common - classic keyboard. Stock up on a notepad to write down the functions of the keys we need most (or bookmark this page with a list of all the key functions and hotkey combinations on the keyboard). In addition to classic keyboards, you can find keyboards with various additional keys on sale. They help to carry out the execution of auxiliary functions while working at the computer. Manufacturers of office equipment do not stop there, and come up with more and more diverse types of keyboards. Moreover, many "Claudia" have an unusual shape.

Find the Esc key. This is an abbreviation of the English word Escape. His translation is to run away, to be saved, to run away. This key is used to undo the last action. Using this key, you can cancel the invoked menu that you change your mind to use.

Now we will move along the topmost row of the keyboard to the right.

The next keys are function keys. They are labeled with the letters F1 and F12. I must say that they are almost never used. But since we decided to figure it out completely - remember. They have no permanent meaning. In certain programs, they perform their assigned functions. The F1 button is needed to call up help or help. Basically, with these keys, you can perform actions like a mouse: open and close files and folders, change their names, copy, etc.

To the right is a group of three keys:

The first key is Print Screen. Translated from English, Print is a print, and Screen is a screen. With this button you can take a screenshot. It is needed when developing any tutorials, if you need to show what the program window looks like. A screenshot is called a screenshot. Now you know which button you need to click if you need to take a screenshot.

The second key is Scroll Lock. This button activates the scroll bar in certain programs. This key is rarely used because the mouse is used to scroll up and down - just turn the wheel located in the center of the mouse to move the image on the screen. The Windows operating system has a scroll bar. It is needed if the text does not fit on the screen. Among other things, this key is an indicator. Look at the top right corner of the keyboard. There are three indicators. If you press this key, the corresponding indicator will light up. This means you have turned on scroll mode. To turn off this mode, press the key again. The indicator will go out - the mode is disabled.

The third key, Pause Break, is also almost never used. With its help, you can pause the program. Most often it is used in toys. Now you know which button you need to press in order to pause the game - for example, to take a breath when moving to a new level. To continue the game - just press any key.

Consider the left edge of the keyboard. We move from top to bottom.

The Tab key is tabulation. It sets the indent from the left edge. It is used to create a new paragraph - the "red line". Tab is the movement of the cursor (the cursor is a blinking line on the screen that indicates the position of text entry) a certain constant distance. In Windows documents, this distance is 1.25 cm.

Caps Lock key. If you press this key, the corresponding indicator will light up. The mode of writing all letters in uppercase (uppercase, large) is turned on. Pressing the key again will disable this function and the indicator will turn off. All letters will be entered in small lowercase.

The Shift key is used to enter (write) uppercase and lowercase characters in upper and lower case. What keys do I need to press to type an uppercase letter? In order to enter an uppercase letter (converting the keyboard to uppercase), you must simultaneously press the Shift key and the alphabet key. This is done as follows: with the finger of one hand, press Shift, and with the finger of the other hand, the desired letter. Then release both keys.

If you look closely, you will see that there are two of these keys - on the right and on the left. Their effect is the same, so any of them can be used to switch case.

Control keys Ctrl and Alt are combined with other keys and perform certain actions and functions in different programs. These keys are also duplicated. They are on the left and right. Almost always, the actions of the left and right Ctrl keys are the same. But the Alt key can have different meanings.

Windows Keys and Context are only used in the Windows operating system. To bring up the main Windows menu, you need to press the key of the same name. Pressing the Windows button also replaces pressing the left mouse button on the syck button on the Windows taskbar. These keys are duplicated - they are on the right and left. Pressing the Context key brings up the context menu of the selected item on the desktop. Also, this key replaces right-clicking on this element.

We pass to the left side of the keyboard.

The largest key - Enter - serves as confirmation of the input command. Until you press it, the command will not be executed. If you are working with controls — for example, OSD items — this key is responsible for executing a command that touches the highlighted item. If you are entering text, you need to press the Enter key to move to the bottom line. Below is a complete list of functions of certain keys on the keyboard:

The Backspace key is used to delete any character to the left of the cursor. Very often this key is labeled with an arrow pointing to the left. In Russian slang, the key is called "backspace".


Let's now figure out what the buttons between the numeric and alphabetic keyboards are for, and then figure out where to press to paste copied text using hot keys, repeat or undo the last command, quickly select or delete text, and other options. Familiarity with these keyboard shortcuts will also be useful for a novice user.

So, the buttons are labeled like this: Home, Delete, Insert, Page Up, Page Down, End and arrow buttons. All these buttons are used to work with text, without using the mouse.

By clicking on the arrows, you can move the cursor (flashing dash) over the text.

The Delete button is used to delete characters or selected text. There is one caveat. It deletes characters not before the blinking cursor, like the Backspace key, but after it.

With the Home button you can move the cursor to the beginning of the stitching. The End button has the opposite effect. It moves the cursor to the end of the line.

Now let's figure out where to click to get to the top of the page. The Page Up button is intended for this. You can move to the bottom of the page using the Page Down button. Sometimes it is signed in abbreviation - Pg Dn.

The Insert button has a very interesting function. With its help, you can type text on top of the already typed. By pressing this key, the new text will be printed, overwriting the old one. To cancel this function, press the Insert button again.

All of these keys are optional. Most people don't use them at all.

Taking a closer look at the keyboard, you'll find a few more keys: Scroll Lock, Print Screen, and Pause Break.

The Scroll Lock button is almost always completely useless. Simply put, it simply doesn't work. Although its direct function is to scroll the text up and down, as is done with the wheel on a computer mouse.

The Pause Break button is just as useless - that is, it doesn't work. Its purpose is to stop an active computer process.

But the Print Screen button is very useful to you. With its help, you can take a photo of the screen, which is called a screenshot. This snapshot can then be pasted into Word or Paint.

Now we will figure out in what combinations you can use the keyboard keys.

You've probably heard that the Windows operating system and its special programs-applications use certain keyboard shortcuts or their combinations with mouse keys. They duplicate and expand the capabilities of the standard menu of all programs.

Such combinations, or as they are also called - "hot keys", can be easily found in one of the search engines. For example, Google or Yandex. In the address bar, type: key combinations ... (program name), and the search engine will give you a lot of useful information. There are a lot of materials, lists and tips on this topic on the World Wide Web.

Let's analyze the keyboard shortcut for the software:

Hot key (English - keyboard shortcut);

Quick key;

Access key;

Keyboard accelerator (English - hot key).

A variation of the interface for interacting with a computer is the use of a button or a combination of buttons on a computer keyboard, to which operations (commands) are programmed (assigned).

Basically, the interface of the menu or keys is duplicated. By using various keyboard shortcuts, you can significantly speed up your work and increase the number of intended actions that you perform on the keyboard.

For a significant increase in productivity, you are presented with a list of keyboard shortcuts that are most commonly used for quick access. All of these hotkeys are for Windows applications. On the Microsoft website, you can find the most detailed list of keyboard shortcuts.

Full work with a computer is quite possible without a mouse - a keyboard will be enough. In addition, the productivity of the work will be significantly higher. Most operations can be performed much faster with the keyboard than with the mouse. What keys should I press in combination with the Ctrl key on my keyboard to quickly and easily work with text?

Hot key combinations:

- press Ctrl and rotate the mouse wheel - this way you can increase or decrease the scale of the document;

The combination Ctrl + C - copy the selected fragment;

The combination Ctrl + V - paste the copied object;

The combination Ctrl + X - cut the selected fragment;

The combination Ctrl + Z - cancel the last command;

The combination Ctrl + Y - repeats the last command;

The combination Ctrl + 0 - open a dialog box, allows you to select the desired file to open;

The combination Ctrl + P - displays a dialog box for printing settings;

Combination Ctrl + N - create a new document;

The combination Ctrl + A - selection of all text on the page or individual elements;

The combination Ctrl + S - save the file;

Combination Ctrl + F - the "Find and Replace" window opens;

The combination Ctrl + B - the text becomes bold;

The combination Ctrl + I - italic font;

The combination Ctrl + U - underline text.

What hotkeys should I press on the keyboard to make it more convenient to use the popular Internet Explorer browser to navigate the World Wide Web?

- keyboard shortcut Ctrl + F - displays a search dialog box, allowing you to find the required content of the page that is currently viewed in the browser. This feature comes in handy when you need to find specific information on a page;

The shortcut keys Ctrl + N - will help open a new window in Internet Explorer;

The shortcut keys Ctrl + W - closes the current Internet Explorer window;

Backspace button - will return you to the previous page;

Shift Key + Mouse Click - Clicking a hyperlink on a web page will open that link in a new browser window.

Space bar - scrolls down the page;

Spacebar + Shift - Scrolls up the page. For the same function, you can use the buttons Page Down - page down, or Page Up - page up;

End button - move to the end of the page;

Home button - move to the top of the page;

Syck key combinations:

The combination Syck + F - helps to open the dialog box “find files and folders;

The combination Syck + E - will open the explorer in the center of the window "my computer";

The combination Syck + Ctrl + F - will open the Find Computer window;

The combination of Syck + M - minimizes all open windows *

The combination Syck + Shift + M - reopens the windows, canceling the "minimize" command.


Certain commands can be set using hot keys or various key combinations. Below are keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl + W and Shift) to help you speed up your work and improve your productivity.

Keyboard shortcuts are most often used in computer games, when every second counts and you need a quick response.

Memorizing all the keys, of which there are many, is not worth it. All their combinations are also hard to remember. But it is necessary to remember the combinations of some keys, which in many programs perform active functions and are quite popular.

It will be very inconvenient to work in many programs without them. And then - the productivity of work will be lower. Many key combinations are essential and easy to use.

Press the Ctrl key - with it you can select multiple files or folders. When you press Shift, you can select several folders or files in a row.

While dragging a file from one folder to another, press Ctrl. In this case, it will not be moved, but copied. If you press Shift, the file will move. If you want to permanently delete the file, press Shift.

What happens if you press Ctrl + W? With this command, you can close the window in the browser, while the browser itself will not close if you have multiple windows open. This combination is convenient when you need to close all unnecessary tabs, except for the active one.

What happens if you press Ctrl + W in other programs? This can be found out empirically. Experiment and you will find out what function this combination performs in other programs.

Different key combinations in different programs execute specific commands. There are programs that allow you to assign keyboard shortcuts yourself. As for the Ctrl + W combination, in various programs such a command helps to close the current window. This prompts you whether to save the change. An analogue of such command Alt + F4.

The Ctrl + W combination in some applications most often returns one menu level higher. Or one level back.
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Minor laptop glitches are often resolved by rebooting. But what if it freezes and the usual methods of restarting the system do not work, or the touchpad does not respond to your requests? You can try to reboot using the keyboard. The main thing is to know which buttons to press to restart the laptop.

Standard reboot

First, you need to make sure that the laptop is frozen, and you will not be able to reboot it in the standard way. A standard reboot is done through the Start menu or the Charms bar if you have Windows 8.

  1. Open the start menu.
  2. Click on the arrow next to the Shutdown button and select Restart.

On Windows 8, the order is:

If the laptop does not respond to mouse or touchpad input, it is most likely frozen. However, there is another option: you may have accidentally turned off the touchpad by pressing a combination of buttons on the keyboard (for example, Fn + F7 on an ASUS laptop). If the touchpad is not working or the laptop is really frozen, try restarting it using the keyboard.

If the laptop is not responding, then it is indeed frozen. Wait a bit, the computer may start working on its own again. If it continues to hang, try other ways to reboot the system.

Other ways to restart

You can call the "Shutdown" window not only through the "Start" menu. If you press Alt + F4, the active windows will be closed first, and then a list of options for shutting down Windows will appear. You need to use the arrows to highlight the "Restart" item and press Enter. The laptop will restart if, of course, it still responds to requests from the keyboard, and does not hang completely.

Another combination that will help you restart your laptop if it does not work correctly is Ctrl + Alt + Delete. If you press these buttons at the same time, a blue screen appears with available options for further behavior of the laptop. What can you do here:

  1. Locking the computer is not suitable, it is already frozen.
  2. Change user - it can help if there is another account with administrator rights.
  3. Logging out is an effective way to fix small mistakes in work.
  4. Changing the password and launching the task manager are practically meaningless options in this case, although through the manager you can see which process has loaded the laptop so that it freezes.

If you want to restart your system from a blue screen, use the arrows or Tab key to highlight the shutdown button in the bottom corner. You can simply turn off the laptop and then turn it back on. If you don't want to, highlight the arrow next to the shutdown button: there is a "Restart" option in the drop-down menu.

If the keyboard works, you can restart the system through the command line. It's easy to do:

Perhaps there are other ways to restart the system from the keyboard, but if the listed methods do not help you, then there is no point in using other keyboard shortcuts.

Emergency shutdown

If the laptop freezes and cannot restart the system using the keyboard, you can perform an emergency shutdown. It can be done in two ways: by long pressing the power button or by completely disconnecting the laptop from all power sources. Both methods should be used only as a last resort, when other methods have been tried and found to be inappropriate for solving the problem.

To perform an emergency restart, press and hold the power button for about 5 seconds. You should hold it until the laptop screen turns off and its coolers stop making noise.

When you are satisfied that the laptop is shut down, press the power button again to turn it on (single press, as usual, you do not need to hold anything). Restarting by holding the power button for a long time is implemented at the hardware level, so even if the laptop is frozen, in this way you will be able to turn it off.

Another emergency shutdown method is to remove power from the laptop. To do this, you must disconnect it from the mains and pull out the battery (turn the cover down and move the latches). After removing the battery, the laptop will turn off. To turn it on, replace the battery and press the power button. If restarting does not fix the problem with the computer, you need to look for a specific reason for the freeze or contact a service center.

The expression "Computer is frozen" is very popular among users. It means that the operating system has experienced some kind of malfunction caused by such phenomena as an overflow of the internal memory of the hard or local disks, an incorrect sequence of specified commands, entering the wrong key combination, infecting program files with a dangerous virus. In such a situation, you will need to follow a few simple steps on how to restart your PC.

You will need

  • Restart button. Keys "Ctrl", "Alt" and "Delete".


To restart your computer from the desktop, go to the Start menu. It is located at the bottom left of the screen. Next, a service list of commands will appear, where you should click the "Shutdown" button. After that, a new small window will open, in which there are three buttons - "Standby mode", "Shutdown" and "Restart". Click the last right-click "Restart" button. It is framed in bright green with a symbol inside, reminiscent of the scale of a round mechanical watch. After clicking on the button, the computer will restart. It will take less than one minute.

There is another way to restart your PC. The "Restart" button is located on the front panel of the computer system unit, next to the "Power" button. Most often, the reset button is located directly below the "Power" button and is half the size, as well as an equilateral triangle emblem. Click this button to restart the operating system. In about one minute, your computer will boot up again and the desktop will appear. Errors and glitches, most often, will be eliminated. After that, you can continue to work further.

The third method, but not the last, to restart your computer is to restart using the keyboard. Press the following key combination at the same time - "Ctrl + Alt + Delete". Then click the "Alt" button again and release it. Next, using the arrow keys, navigate the headers of the commands "File", "Options", "View", "Windows" to the item "Shutdown". Then, in the same way as in the first options, restart your computer. In some cases, you should restart the computer using the command line. This method works best for literate programmers, not amateur users.

Not so long ago, being an uninitiated person, I thought that not everyone can take a screenshot - whatever program is needed or something. Indeed, you can use "programs" (FastStone Capture, Paparazzi! And others), or you can "hack life", use the Lifehack.

When I decided to find out how this is done, what is the essence of this sacrament, I was pleasantly surprised by the simplicity of the procedure, its ingenuousness.

In order to take a screenshot, a screenshot, you just need to click on the button. This button is on the vast expanses of any keyboard, in the upper right part of it - Prt Scr, Print Screen. You naturally click on it. Nothing grand, with fireworks, is happening, but you thereby photographed your screen, the picture was transferred to the clipboard, my congratulations.

Please note that the site you want to take a snapshot must be fully expanded, similarly the video must be expanded to full screen. Then you will get the best quality image, and you will have to crop less.

In the event that you need a screenshot not of the entire screen, but only of the active window, then you must use the combination Alt and Print Screen... This is also a good thing, it came in handy for me, and more than once.

Then everything is just as simple. You should go to any graphics editor you like. I like Gimp, for example, but Paint can also be used. Start - All Programs - Accessories - Paint... In Gimp, the dimensions of the new document must be the same as your screen resolution, otherwise you will only get part of the image. The dimensions of the new document, if you are working with Paint, must be smaller than the image you are pasting, otherwise there will be white pieces around. To paste a snapshot from the clipboard, you either press the key combination Ctrl and V or right mouse button - Edit - Paste.

The image is in front of you! Work with it, crop it, add labels, reduce, increase, change the brightness ... You will almost certainly have to do cropping, but you can do more serious work to improve the image. It all depends on the capabilities of the graphic editor and on your ability to work in it.

After you have made the changes you need in the image, select its format. File - Save As - File Type... This is usually GIF or JPEG. GIF lightweight without additional compression, unlike JPEG, in general I prefer it. There is also PNG image, also a worthwhile thing, use it.

It is quite natural that the picture will display everything... That is why it is important that your usernames, passwords and very personal information are not visible on the screen you create. Just for the sake of elementary security, so that an unscrupulous person does not use them, it is worth closing unnecessary windows or correctly cropping the image.

That's all I wanted to tell you about creating screenshots, or simply screenshots. Do not neglect this opportunity, the ability to make screenshots in everyday life will come in handy. Good luck to you!

An ordinary keyboard can be roughly divided into several areas.

The uppermost area of ​​the keyboard contains keys that are not used to enter data into the computer. These keys perform auxiliary actions, which are shown in the table below.

Esc key - this key is used to cancel an action, exit programs, games, exit applications, etc.

Functions of the "Esc" key .

Its main function is to cancel the command that was ahead. If you open the menu with the right mouse button on the desktop or on the taskbar and then press the "Esc" key, the menu will immediately close. If you started playing some game and accidentally pressed the "Esc" key, then you will almost always quit this game. But by pressing this key again, you will return to your game again.

When you are on the Internet, you enter the next site address, and then accidentally press the "Esc" key, you will immediately return to the previous site address that you have already reviewed.

The top row of the keyboard contains the function keys (limited by the red rectangle in the picture).

FI function keys - F12 are designed to perform certain, assigned to them actions. The actions depend on the programs currently running on the computer, but usually the F1 key are used to call the help system of the currently running program. If any program is running, help about that program appears.

"F2" Booting the computer when this key is pressed, or the “Del” key allows you to configure the Bios of your computer.

"F3" Calls up the search box.

"F5" Reloads the opened browser page.

"F8" Booting the computer when this button is pressed makes it possible to work in the safe mode of the operating system.

The actions of the rest of the function keys marked with the F symbol are mostly possible in combination with modifier keys and may vary depending on the brand and model of the computer. If the actions of any key on the keyboard of your computer differ from those described here, then its purpose can be found in the user manual.

"Pause / Break" . When the computer boots up, it allows you to pause the computer - to pause the boot process.

Functions of the "Pause / Break" key. When Windows starts up, first you see on the monitor the information appearing on your computer, on the hard disk, on the state of the RAM, on all its components. Information displayed on the monitor appears and disappears quite quickly and it is extremely difficult to comprehend it. To get the opportunity to deal with it, you just need to press the "PAUSE" button. And to finish the process of loading the operating system, you must press any button on the keyboard. Sometimes used by some programs.

Print Screen / SysRq key.

Pressing this key allows you to take a screenshot of your monitor screen. When this key is pressed, and it is in the picture in the red frame, at the moment of pressing it, the image that is currently on the monitor is saved in the computer's memory. Next, we take the saved image from the computer memory using a conventional graphic editor, you can use the “Paint” graphic editor, which is already built into the Windows operating system. If you use a set of keys “Alt + PrintScreen”, then you take a photo of only the active window, but those of the entire screen. In the picture, the "Alt" keys are in a blue frame.

Key switches the mode of information output to the display screen, in which pressing the cursor keys moves the screen itself, and not the cursor. When you press this button, the indicator light immediately turns on. When using this key to control the cursor, you can move the screen image. This function is used in Microsoft Excel, LotusNotes. This is especially evident in Excel. It can be used to scroll through text, although it is more convenient to use the mouse wheel to do this. Other programs use ScrollLock for special functions, for example, in the Opera browser, the key is used in combination with numbers to switch voice signals. Currently, this key is practically not used, so there are keyboards that do not have it.

Shift key. Pressing this key and a symbol key at the same time allows you to temporarily switch to the mode for entering uppercase (capital) letters, or to enter another character located on the same key. There are two such keys on the keyboard - left and right, and in some programs their action is different. For example, to enter the uppercase letter "And", you need to press the Shift key and without releasing it, press the I.

Tab key. It is indicated by an icon in the form of two opposite arrows and pressing it gives an indent from the beginning of the line - a paragraph. Allows for tabulation - horizontal alignment of characters. A tab character is equal to eight regular characters. Tabs are used when creating text documents. Designed to move the cursor:

  1. when editing texts, it is used to move to the next tab stop, i.e. moving the cursor several positions forward;
  2. in dialog boxes, navigates to the next query field.
  3. in a table, moves the cursor to the next cell.

In other programs, its purpose is to switch between windows on the screen.

Below it is located CapsLock key. Pressing this key fixes the spelling of capital letters. When pressed again, capital letters are written again. This mode is indicated by an indicator light in the upper right corner of the keyboard. Pressing it again cancels the mode. When CapsLock is on, pressing the key introduces lowercase letters.

NumLock key turns on and off the numbers located on the right side of the keyboard. If the keyboard is on, you can use it to enter numbers and arithmetic operations.

When enabled, this mode is also displayed by an indicator in the upper right corner of the keyboard, signaling that the additional keyboard is in operation. Now, in addition to entering numbers from the field of the main keyboard, they can also be entered from the additional. However, the symbols that are printed on the keys of the additional keyboard along with the numbers will not work.

In most cases, the described keyboard fields are enough for work, but for those who like to work with a compact numeric and control keyboard "a la calculator" there is one more additional field of keys - the rightmost one. This field is called the additional keyboard, in contrast to the main keyboard field.

When you press on this block of keys with the designation of numbers, the numbers are printed out, but with one condition - when the "NumLock" key is on. Numeric keys, when the "NumLock" key is off, perform functions of another plan. The "End" key is duplicated by pressing the "1" key on the main keyboard and the "Home" key is duplicated with the "7" key also on the main keyboard.

The same keys move the cursor to the end and beginning of the line. When you press the "3" and "9" keys, duplication occurs on the main keyboard using the "PageUp" and "PageDown" keys, respectively. These same keys move the cursor up and down one screen. When you press the "2", "4", "8", "6" keys, the cursor is controlled, which means that the operation is dubbed with the arrow keys.

Space key - this key creates spacing between letters.

Spacebar - The largest key below the alphanumeric block is used to enter a blank character, regardless of the case switch.

Function of the "Space" key.

When using a key, a separation of words or symbols is made among themselves. But this key has an additional mode. In the replacement mode, which you can turn on using the "Insert" key, pressing the "Space" key enables the function, which is the same as when you press the "Delete" key (this key erases characters on the right).

Backspace key - pressing this key deletes the character to the left of the cursor.

BackSpace or Left Arrow key functions.

When you press this key, we delete the selected one on the left, or all the text. When using this key in the file manager, we move up one level. And when viewing photos, pressing this key, we go back one photo.

By using the Alt + BackSpacr keys together, we undo the action that was performed before.

Key performs data entry or confirmation of action, depending on the context:

When, when performing work on the computer, you use the numeric keyboard, which is on the right, then it is much better to use the “Enter” key, which is on the same block.

Delete key is designed to delete an object, such as a folder, file, etc .:

  1. in the text, the character is deleted to the right of the current cursor position (with the line shift to the left);
  2. in folder windows, the selected objects of the file system are deleted to the Trash.

You can also delete an unnecessary file by pressing the keys together "Shift + Delete". Shift keys are indicated by a green frame. Just keep in mind that in this case the file will not be deleted through the trash can and in this case it cannot be restored.

The "Delete" key, indicated by a blue frame, located on the numeric keypad, together with a "." performs the same actions when the "NumLock" key is off.

It is possible to open the "Task Manager" by pressing the key combination "Ctrl + Alt + Del". These Ctrl and Alt keys are denoted by beige frames.

Key , denoted by a red rectangle, is associated with the insert mode:

  1. in the text, you switch between the modes of inserting and replacing characters or inserting a fragment from the clipboard (depending on the settings of Microsoft Word). If the insert mode is enabled, then when you print, the right word will move to the right between two words, and the text you enter expands the words and is printed between them. In this mode, the text appears to be inserted and pushes the entire end of the phrase to the right.

But in the "replace" mode, if you insert a word between two words, then the word located on the right is replaced by the word that you insert .;

  1. in programs like Total Commander, objects are selected.

If you press the Inset key, the text will be printed on top of what was printed, while erasing the last one. Pressing this key again will terminate this action.

The "Insert" key in the blue frame, which is located on the numeric keypad block, together with the number "0" works only when the "NumLock" key is off.

We will be able to make a copy of the text after its selection, if we apply the key combination "Ctrl + Insert". And when we use the Shift + Insert keys together, it becomes possible to insert text.

PgUp, PgDn, End, Home keys intended for cursor control.

Home key moves the cursor to the beginning of the line, and End key to the end of the line "), as well as either to the beginning of the list or to the end of the list.

Keyboard shortcut + moves the cursor to the end of the entire document.

Keyboard shortcut + moves the cursor to the beginning of the entire document.

PgUp key moves the cursor to the top of the page, and PgDn key - at its end.

Functions by "PageUp" and "PageDown" keys.

The use of these two keys is used in working with text editors, or when working with documents, where the height of information is much greater than the height of your screen and it becomes necessary to scroll in height. These keys are marked with a red rectangle.

And the “PageUp” and “PageDown” keys, which are indicated by a blue rectangle and are located on the numeric keypad only when the “NumLock” key is off, together with the numbers “3” and “9”, scroll the screen down or up. The state of the "NumLock" key is monitored by the indicator light (the indicator light is on when the key is on).

Key used to expand the capabilities of the keyboard. It is often used in combination with other keys to activate an action in the program.

Keys as well as Ctrl, it is used in combination with other keys.

Functions with the "Ctrl" and "Alt" keys.

When you use these keys, you expand their capabilities with other keys. By using these keys in different variations, you perform different actions.

Ctrl + Alt + Del keys these keyboard shortcuts open the Task Manager.

Combination Ctrl + A keys selects all objects at once, such as folders, files, text, etc.

Combination Ctrl + X keys cuts the selected object to the clipboard, such as test, files, folders, etc.

Keyboard shortcut Ctrl + C copies some object to the clipboard, such as files, folders, etc.

Keyboard shortcut Ctrl + V pastes the copied file or folder from the clipboard.

Keyboard shortcut Ctrl + N allows you to create a new document in various programs.

Keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Z undo the last action.

Using the keys Ctrl + S the current document is saved.

Using the keys Ctrl + P the document is printed.

Ctrl + Esc - opening the "Start" menu. This can also be done by pressing the Windows key.

Using the keys Alt + Enter there is a transition to full screen mode and back, for example, if you press these keys in KMPlayer, WindowsMediaPlayer, MediaPlayerClassic, they expand to full screen.

Alt keys and keys 0 through 9 located on the right side of the keyboard allow you to enter arbitrary characters that are not on the keyboard. In order to enter arbitrary characters, you must press the Alt key and, without releasing it, press the desired number located on the right side of the keyboard.

Keyboard shortcut Alt + F4 closes the active application.

Keys Alt + Tab allow you to switch between open windows. A panel with all open applications appears in the center of the screen, and when you select the active window, you need to press the Tab key several times without releasing the Alt key.

Combination Alt + Space (space) opens the window's system menu, with which you can restore, move, maximize, minimize and close the window without using the mouse.

Alt + Shift or Ctrl + Shift - switching keyboard layouts.

Windows key usually found between the Ctrl and Alt keys. When you press it, the Start menu appears.

And by using the key with various options together with other keys, you speed up the launch of programs.

When you press the keys Win + E My Computer explorer will open.

When you press the keys Win + D minimizes all active windows.

Keyboard shortcut Win + L allows you to switch between users or lock a workstation. The Win + F1 keyboard shortcut brings up the Help and Support Center.

When you press the keys Win + F the search window will open.

When you press the keys Win + Ctrl + F the computer search window will open.

With help Win + D you can minimize all windows and show the desktop, and the keys Win + M minimizes all windows except dialog ones.

Win + E opens the My Computer folder.

Win + F - opens a window to search for a file or folder.

When you press the keys Win + PauseBreak the System Properties dialog box will open.

Key<Контекст> calls the context menu of the object on which the mouse pointer is currently located.

When using the key, we invoke the menu in the same way as when clicking on the right mouse button. This menu corresponds to the program that is included for your work. If you are on the "Desktop", then pressing this key, you open the menu corresponding to the active element of the Desktop.

Cursor keys (navigation keys) . Performs various actions related to cursor movement:

  1. in the text move the cursor one position in the specified direction;
  2. on the Desktop and in the folder window, transfer the selection to another object;
  3. in the menu, transfer the selection to the next command;
  4. in tables, move the cursor between cells.

These keys are also used in many games to control objects.

Also, these keys are used in many programs, for example, to move through the pages of a document or when viewing photos to move to the next image.

Browser keyboard shortcuts

To zoom in or out on a page, just hold down Ctrl key and roll the mouse wheel. Up - the scale will increase, down - accordingly, it will decrease. The same can be done by simply pressing + or - while holding down Ctrl. To restore the font size, use the keyboard shortcut Ctr + 0 .

And the use Shift keys and the mouse wheel allows you to navigate through the history of tabs: Shift - scroll the wheel up - move forward through the history, Shift - scroll down the wheel - move backward through the history.

If in the browser you need to open a new page in a separate tab, then you can hold down Ctrl key and click on the desired link. The new page will open in a separate tab.

Alt + Home keys return to the home page, and Ctrl + R (or F5) refresh the page. To force the update without using cached data, use the keys Ctrl + F5 or Ctrl + Shift + R .

By pressing the keys Ctrl + S , you can save the page to your computer, and the keys Ctrl + P allow you to print the page you want. Hotkeys Ctrl + G, Ctrl + F, Shift + F3, Ctrl + K are designed to be searched on the current page or on the Internet.

Features of the laptop keyboard.

Since a laptop keyboard, by definition, should take up little space, many functions are “hidden” on it. And in order to find them, there is a magic key ... It is not found on all types of keyboards, although it is almost always present on laptops. It is usually located in the lower left corner of the keyboard, but there may be other options, there are no standards here. Key label highlighted in color (most often in blue) or surrounded by a frame. For those keys that work in conjunction with , there are inscriptions or symbols that have the same color as the inscription on the key , or they are also framed.

Labels or symbols that are the same color as , is activated when combined + (key), i.e. with the key pressed and held press the key where the function we need is shown in a stylized form. Combining this key with function keys (the keys on the top row of the keyboard) changes the basic behavior of these keys. So, combining it with the F1 key puts the computer (laptop) into sleep mode;

  • with F2 - turns on and off the wireless adapter (Wi-Fi);
  • with F3 - opens the mail program;
  • with F5 - decreases the brightness of the monitor;
  • with F6 - increases it;
  • with F7 - turns the monitor on and off;
  • with F10 - enables and disables the built-in speakers;
  • with F11 - lowers the speaker volume;
  • with F12 - increases it;
  • the screen brightness is increased by pressing the key where there is a “big sun” (there may be a “sun” icon in combination with the “increase” icon);
  • decrease - on the contrary, the one where the "small sun" (or maybe the "sun" icon in combination with the "decrease" icon);
  • keys with “loudspeaker” icons in combination with “more” or “less” icons - increase / decrease the volume;
  • crossed out mouse - disable / enable the TouchPad;
  • crossed out loudspeaker - mute / unmute, etc.

The actions when combining function keys with the Fn key may differ for different types of keyboards, therefore, you can clarify them in the device's user manual, or be guided by the icons (usually of a different color) on the keys next to or below its main meaning.

Look carefully, without rushing, at the keyboard of your laptop, put the instructions attached to it next to it, spend some time mastering all these miracles and they will become familiar to you.

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