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Navigator with support for Yandex traffic jams. GPS navigators with traffic jams (39)

The navigator is one of the most ingenious inventions for the convenience of drivers on the road. It not only helps to quickly navigate in an unfamiliar area, but also makes it possible to find the shortest route in a well-studied city.

But not everything is so simple. Until recently, these devices were not equipped with such a function as informing drivers about traffic jams. As a result, the sense in it sometimes completely disappeared. After all, it would seem that the short road indicated by the system, due to the presence of traffic jams, turned into a real test both for the driver's psyche and for the car itself.

Today, there are technologies that are already widely used by modern drivers at home, at work and while traveling. These are navigators with traffic jams. In addition, there are several ways to implement the ability to indicate traffic jams on the way of the car, for example, paid and free services, displaying information on expensive and not very equipment, and so on.

We will try to help you decide on the choice of a navigator with traffic jams, taking into account all the features of certain devices.

What is a device

Surely, many of those reading this article have had to use regular navigators. They are a compact device that displays a map showing the specific location of the car on the road. This can be either a separate device or a program that is the same card, but only on your portable gadget. That is, information about the road displays a smartphone or tablet.

Important! The specific position of the car on the road is determined by processing information received via the GPS channel from ground bases. Each service provider uses a certain number of systems.

Information about traffic jams is displayed on the device in a slightly different way. AT this case methods of transmitting information in real time are needed. That is, the image of the car on the way will no longer be enough. It is required to inform about the state of the road itself online.

How to achieve the desired effect? For modern manufacturers household navigation systems have to use either radio channel systems or the same GPRS navigation configured to display not only the position of the car on the road, but also to display information about road conditions.

In fact, in constant time mode, real-time information is displayed on the gadget’s screen. Today, this fact is not a sensation, since the Internet is in almost every computer or gadget. So, a navigator with traffic jams is just a system adapted to the needs of modern drivers.

How the navigator determines traffic jams

There are two main methods for detecting traffic jams. They also determine the types of devices equipped with this useful feature.

  • FM radio channel;
  • global satellite navigation GPRS.

In the first case, with a certain frequency, information is sent to the device located in the car via a radio channel. These are navigators without the Internet. New data is sent to the receivers at the request of the driver himself. That is, such systems do not display information online. One of the most popular devices is the Garmin navigators with traffic jams. They use an FM radio channel with FM-RDS alert system.

The sources of information in this case are following devices:

  • motion controllers;
  • road video cameras;
  • smartphones of other participants traffic.

The main advantage of such systems is that the use of information is completely free. But the cost of such devices is higher compared to GPS systems.

If you are more interested inexpensive navigators with traffic jams, then you should pay attention to satellite systems. True, in some cases this service will have to pay. Everything will depend on the type of device. But information, thanks world wide web Internet, will come to the device online from orbiting satellites.

Important! Previously, ground-based satellites were used, which became completely useless in bad weather. With the connection of orbital information via the GPRS channel, navigators receive information regardless of weather conditions which is very convenient.

Which navigator to choose

Unlike devices that receive information via a radio channel, GPRS systems are divided according to their type:

  • Separate devices designed only to display traffic information. These are navigators with a SIM card. They have a built-in slot for a SIM card and work from the Internet. You will have to pay for the communication reception service, and if there is no money on the user's account, then information will not be sent to the receiver.
  • Software for Android systems. They receive information via the BlueTooth channel, and the map, in fact, is displayed on the screen of the driver's smartphone or tablet. The user in this case pays for the service in accordance with the tariff plan of his navigator.

Both the first and second types of systems have their advantages and disadvantages. In order for you to make a choice, we will try to consider in detail both types of navigation systems.

Navigators with a SIM card

As previously stated, this individual devices With various parameters screen and power consumption indicators. By the way, this nuance should also be taken into account when choosing a navigator.

The cost of such a navigator can vary from three to ten thousand rubles. Depending on the capabilities and preferences of the motorist, it may have additional features and capabilities. For example, watching movies from the navigator screen, 3D graphics and much more. It can also be a navigator-video recorder.

Many tend to attribute the need to periodically replenish the account on the operator's SIM card to the main disadvantages of such devices. Most models of such registrars are already sold with a SIM card of one or another operator. This means that you will not need to additionally look for and buy a SIM card for the navigator.

Advice! But, it should be noted that this shortcoming can be considered highly arbitrary. The amount of 50 rubles is enough for the navigator to work for six months.

Software for navigators

If you are a user of a smartphone or tablet with the Android operating system, then it will be enough just to install the program on your mobile device. Naturally, such a navigator will receive information from the Internet. The most popular and sought after are:

  • Yandex navigator with traffic jams;
  • navigator Navitel with traffic jams.

The first program is completely free. The cost of Navitel for Android is about one and a half thousand rubles a year. But many users of both programs believe that Yandex Navigator as a whole is not inferior to more expensive software.

How does Yandex traffic jams work in the navigator? The program processes information received via the GPS channel. Because on the screen mobile device displays information about any incidents on the road, including accidents and other emergencies.

The disadvantage of using navigation software for mobile gadgets is that when a call is received on a smartphone or tablet, communication with the navigation satellite system disappears, and it may take some time to restore it.

The video contains tips on how to choose the best navigator with traffic jams:

How many times do you need to drive a route to memorize it thoroughly, including possible ways detour? Even if one time is enough for you, it is not clear why to do this, because a navigator may appear in the arsenal of each driver - indispensable device in the conditions of both traveling by car and daily trips around the city.

We will talk about the use of navigation devices within the city. Drivers living in large cities are familiar with the main stress factor on the roads - traffic jams. Traffic congestion can bring any person to white heat. Each of us can remember a situation when you were late for a plane or were in a hurry to a meeting, because at such moments the minutes of waiting were especially long.

But, if you are reading these lines, then you have already understood that a traffic jam navigator is an indispensable gadget that will save your precious time and save your nerves.

In this article, we will talk about what you need to pay attention to when choosing a device.

Who supplies traffic information?

The main providers of information about traffic congestion are Navitel and Yandex-Traffic. AT recent times service from Yandex is gaining momentum and is becoming more and more popular. Information to it comes from two sources - from satellites and from road users. However, Navitel uses the same scheme, but data is updated every 2 minutes for Yandex and every 6 minutes for Navitel.

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In addition, Yandex uses such a tool as statistics in forecasting. This means that the system analyzes not only current situation, but also general patterns - for the last week, last month. Thus, Yandex creates patterns - after all, we all know that in the morning and in the evening the roads are overly loaded and a daily analysis of all traffic jams in the city gives general idea about the situation. This allows you to accurately predict traffic congestion and predict the time you will spend on the road.

How do navigators get information?

Navigation devices receive data either through an FM receiver via radio or via the Internet. Yes, everything navigators with traffic jams from Garmin use FM traffic technology with a special antenna. Moreover, the service is absolutely free and subscription fee The manufacturer does not charge for use.

Navigators that receive information about traffic jams via the Internet are divided into two categories.

  • those that go online through their mobile phone using wireless technology bluetooth.

Thus, you pay for the used traffic in accordance with your tariff plan. The obvious disadvantage is that not all smartphones allow you to establish an Internet connection. And also, at the time when you receive incoming calls to your phone or make outgoing calls, the connection with the navigator is terminated and traffic jams are stopped.

  • those that receive information about congestion through technology GSM/GPRS.

Such navigators have a built-in slot for a SIM card. That is, by installing a SIM card of any operator cellular communication, You will get internet access. A striking example is Shturmann devices, which are already bundled with free SIM card co special rate from MTS "Team Shturmann". The disadvantages are the need to pay for traffic and dependence on it: if there are no funds in the account, then there will be no Internet, and therefore no information about traffic jams. However, this minus is very conditional, since the same MTS tariff spends amazingly little - 50 rubles in the account is enough for several weeks!

How to choose navigation software?

To present moment, You have probably decided for yourself which way to get information about traffic jams is the most convenient for you. Now you need to decide on the navigation program.

We will limit the choice to three manufacturers, the most successful and convenient in the opinion of experts: Garmin, Shturmann and Navitel. You can, of course, also mention CityGuide, which is so popular in St. Petersburg, and I-Go, which unfortunately does not work with traffic jams in Russia, but we decided to consider only market leaders in this article.

Company Garmin of American origin produces both navigators and maps for them.

Information about traffic jams is received by radio wave and for this purpose the TMC receiver is built into the navigation device, which is included in the kit if there is a letter at the end of the model name T(1410T, 2475T, etc.). Otherwise, you need to purchase it separately.

Cards Russia, Belarus and Ukraine are already loaded on the device at purchase, and maps of any other country must be purchased additionally. Detailed and detailed maps many countries - the obvious advantage of Garmin, so its navigators - perfect helpers for those who often travel around the country and the world.


In navigators Shturmann uploaded our own, specially designed software, which can be described as: convenient and beautiful interface, speed, high-quality cartography and advanced features.

Cards provided by a leading provider digital maps- company Navteq and cover a large number of countries.

Data from "Yandex-Traffic" are loaded using a SIM card, which comes with a special tariff from MTS "Team Shturmann". Advantages of the tariff plan: no subscription fee, super-favorable cost of GPRS Internet and starting balance(50 rubles).

Shturmann software is one of the most comfortable, complete and high-tech. That's why Shturmann navigators so popular in Russia.


"Navitel Navigator" - modern and most accurate navigation system created and used on navigators, smartphones and tablets.

Most detailed cards Russia - precisely from Navitel. They include about 120 thousand cities and small settlements. In addition, maps of Ukraine, Finland, Kazakhstan and Belarus were developed and drawn.

Traffic jams Navitel - own development companies. Information about congestion is received from other users of navigators in real time. The service is paid, but the traffic consumption is very economical.

Navitel- this is great choice for avid travelers!

How accurate is traffic information?

The main ways to get information about traffic jams are:

  • information from satellites
  • data automatically received from drivers
  • combined historical statistics

All these methods are actively used when creating overall picture both Navitel and Yandex. The audience of fans of each of the providers is also comparable - an average of 120-130 thousand people daily use both services.

Of course, the relevance and accuracy of the data rarely reaches 90%, because the situation on the roads changes every minute: only the traffic was free, as the next minute there was an accident and there was a dense traffic jam on the road.

That is why the frequency of data updates is so important - the more often fresh information arrives, the easier and more reliable it is to build a route. "Yandex traffic jams" holds its primacy in this - the update occurs every 2 minutes, while Navitel - once every 5-6 minutes.

How much does a navigator with traffic jams cost?

About 3.5 thousand rubles is just such a minimum bar, from which prices begin to rise. So, for example, Shturmann Play 500 costs 3 490 rubles on our website and it is one of the most popular models 2012, this navigator is in consistently high demand among our customers to this day. Using Bluetooth technology, Play 500 synchronizes your mobile phone with the navigator and downloads information about traffic jams. There is nothing superfluous in this navigator - it was created for those who would not like to overpay for unnecessary additional functions.

However, as we said above, there are many disadvantages in downloading traffic jams via BlueTooth. A device with a cellular module that supports SIM cards will cost from 4 000 rub. And again, minimum price installed on a Shturmann Link 300 device - 3 980 rub. This is the legendary navigator with the maximum set of functions and free sim card included.

It is worth noting that Shturmann navigators are the most optimal in their combination of low prices, but invariably good quality. In addition, a specially developed tariff from MTS will significantly save traffic costs.

For those who are looking for not just a navigator, but multifunction device, with which it is not scary to go not only shopping along an unfamiliar route, but also on a trip to another city, another country or even a hiking trip, we would recommend paying attention to GARMIN Nuvi 2495LT - the most popular navigator from Garmin, due to its low price, simultaneous reception of Glonass / GPS satellites, and the traditional quality of the company's products.

In order to make it easier for you choice of navigator with traffic jams, we recommend that you pay attention to the following models, which are in high demand from our customers!

  • The best navigators with traffic jams

Living in a big city for car owners has a number of advantages, but also has some disadvantages. One of them is a large number of traffic jams. To know where to go and which roads are best to bypass, many people use a special navigator with traffic jams. This is a convenient and multifunctional device that can quickly and timely provide the driver necessary information. But with a huge variety of traffic jams, not all of them perfectly cope with their tasks. Some download information for a long time, others constantly cannot catch a signal to receive data. There are also those who are only conditionally considered navigators with the “traffic jam” service, although in fact they are not able to fully cope with this function. Consider the best navigators with traffic jams and understand the features of the operation of such multifunctional devices.

TOP the best navigators with a plug service.

Information providers

Choosing a navigator for a car is a rather difficult and responsible task. not very cheap, because of which it is necessary to consider each issue and the proposed function, evaluate their performance and make a final decision. If you are interested in a navigator with traffic jams, you need to at least decide whether it suits you more model without the Internet or functioning by connecting to world wide web. To begin with, it is necessary to determine where the driver receives information from. There are currently many different sources, but in fact modern navigators use data from Yandex Traffic and Navitel.

Moreover, services based on Yandex are gradually gaining more and more popularity. The system works quite quickly, and information about traffic jams comes via satellites and directly from other drivers. Navitel has a similar scheme, but more stable and proven. Between them there is a difference in the frequency of updating information. If at Navitel this happens every 6 minutes, then Yandex is updated after 2 minutes. An important argument in favor of Yandex Traffic is the creation of statistics by them. That is, over a long period, the system collects information, analyzes it and creates a kind of forecast. This way the driver knows which roads tend to have large traffic jams in the mornings or evenings, whether they can be bypassed, and which detours are the best.

Getting traffic information

They can receive information through SIM cards installed in the navigator with traffic jams. Others use radio for this purpose. In general, all navigation systems collect information via the Internet or FM receivers. The same devices from Garmin, where there is a traffic jam function, use only radio reception. They come with a special antenna. An important advantage of such a system is the free service and the absence of any subscription fee. If we talk about navigators that inform the driver about traffic jams through the Internet, then they are divided into 2 categories.

  1. Navigators working in tandem with a smartphone. FROM via Bluetooth the navigator receives the Internet from the phone, which allows wireless communication connect the device. Here you need to pay for the work of this function by tariff plan his mobile operator. The downside is that not all phones support the Internet, and for some car owners this is an expensive pleasure. In addition, when incoming or outgoing calls from your phone, the connection with the navigator is broken, so you stop receiving traffic data.
  2. Navigation systems using GSM GPRS technology. Many of the best navigators with traffic jams for a car are equipped with slots for SIM cards. Through them you connect the mobile Internet, and regardless of the smartphone. Some devices are sold already complete with SIM cards and favorable rates. It is important to always support positive balance SIM cards, because without money in the account you will not be able to use the traffic jam notification function.

Can't be called objectively. the best solution. Each motorist must individually approach this issue.

Device Rating

Navigation equipment is purchased by many motorists. For some, navigators are already available in the configuration for the car. Others buy them separately. You can connect the navigator to any car. As of the beginning of 2018, the following companies are considered leaders among manufacturers of navigators with traffic jams:

  • Lexand;
  • Oysters;
  • Navitel;
  • Explay.

We will separately consider each GPS navigator with traffic jams that made it into the rating. Each device has certain benefits, It has additional set functions and features, in addition to informing the driver about traffic jams. Therefore, when choosing a navigator for a car, you should pay attention not only to the fact that it has a “traffic jam” function, but also to other functionalities that may be useful to a motorist.

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Our rating of navigators with traffic jams for a car in 2018 opens with a development from Lexand. it good device middle level, which attracts with its cost and functionality. On average, stores ask for about 2.8 thousand rubles for such a device. But the modest price should not confuse potential buyers, because in terms of quality and performance, users do not have any complaints. For the operation of the navigation system, Navitel software is used here. Information is displayed on a 5-inch display. Plugs are downloaded via Bluetooth. So here you will additionally need to use your smartphone with an Internet connection. The connection itself is easy if you read the appropriate instructions included with the navigator. Good design, good technical characteristics and low cost allowed the product from Lexand to enter this rating.


Good and efficient navigators with traffic jams and a SIM card are produced by Navitel. In addition to developing the cards themselves, they produce a line of their own devices. bright representative line of navigators with traffic jams is the A735 model. This is a device with a 7-inch display and a resolution of 1024 x 600. The dimensions of the device itself are 188 x 108 x 10 mm. with a weight of 300 grams. Rather compact, but with a well-viewed screen navigator. Quite powerful battery capacity 2800 mAh. It is obvious that for navigation are used Navitel maps. And to display information about traffic jams, a GPRS modem is used here. Experience of use shows that the connection is of high quality and stable. Information about traffic jams is displayed quickly and is updated quite regularly, which allows the driver to observe the current situation in different areas. The purchase of such a navigation device with a traffic display function will cost about 8 thousand rubles. The price fully justifies the quality.


Another worthy candidate for your car, if it is important for you to receive up-to-date data on the state of traffic congestion in different cities of Russia. The navigator is produced by Explay. Such a gadget costs about 3.8 thousand rubles. At a relatively low cost, the device demonstrates good working capacity, has a good display for easy reading of information. The display itself has a diagonal of 5 inches, and the screen resolution is 800 x 480 pixels. Expect more for the money is hardly worth it. But user reviews show that these characteristics are enough for convenient operation. Bluetooth is used to download traffic data. The information itself is provided by navigation software from Navitel. The signal is good with an adequate smartphone. You do not need to have an ultra-modern phone at your disposal to establish a connection with the navigator.

Chrome 5500

Decent GPS navigator manufactured by Oysters. The device uses Navitel maps, has good technical characteristics and demonstrates the well-coordinated work of all options. The navigator itself is equipped with a 5-inch display with a screen resolution of 800 x 480 pixels. Due to the 1200 mAh battery, it can work without recharging long time. You will need to purchase an external 3G modem separately to get information about road conditions. But this does not bother users of the device, since the Chrom 5500 has a number of additional features and capabilities, which have no complaints about their work. Good a budget option for those who don't want to spend big money on navigation equipment, but wants to get decent functionality. The cost of the device is about 3.4 thousand rubles.


Another representative of Navitel, which occupies a worthy high place in our rating. This is practically a novelty of the manufacturer, since the device entered the market only at the very end of last year. The navigator is equipped with a 7-inch display with a screen resolution of 1024 x 600 pixels. The built-in battery has a capacity of 2800 mAh. The navigation system itself uses Navitel maps. A GPRS modem is used to download traffic jams. Users note good communication and prompt update of information. This is already more expensive when compared with previous navigators. But the price of 8 thousand rubles fully justifies itself.


An interesting navigator from Lexand, which has decent technical equipment and is relatively inexpensive. Here we are also dealing with navigation systems from Navitel. The device itself received a 5-inch display with a resolution of 800 x 480 pixels. The device is equipped with a 950 mAh battery. Navigator demonstrates Good work all functions, including the display of traffic jams in different cities. The built-in GPRS modem is used to receive information. With all the objective advantages average cost such equipment does not exceed 5 thousand rubles. Relatively low costs make it possible to obtain a navigation system with additional features very decent level. Hence the well-deserved place in the rankings.


Another representative of Navitel. This company successfully conquers the domestic market, offering modern solutions combined with a very attractive price. The device is operating Android system. The display size is 7 inches with a resolution of 800 x 480 pixels. As you understand, the Navitel system is used for navigation. But to activate the traffic jam download function, you will have to buy a 3G module separately. He has external connection and used as needed. Despite the lack of a built-in traffic jam function and the cost of 6.5 thousand rubles, the model is in high demand in the market.

Already from the name it becomes clear that traffic jams can only be downloaded via a 3G modem. It is not included in the package, so the user will have to buy external modem separately. The device itself looks good and offers extensive functionality for the car owner. The device is offered with a 6-inch display with a resolution of 800 x 480 pixels. Navigation itself is carried out using Navitel maps. The cost of such a device is one of key benefits. Highly budget solution with solid functionality and good technical specifications. For the navigator they ask for an average of 2.7 thousand rubles.

NX6121HD Plus

The next in the ranking is another representative of Navitel. This model uses its own navigation charts, and to load traffic jams uses Bluetooth technology. The device is suitable for those who actively use smartphones and mobile Internet. This is a 6 inch screen device with a screen resolution of 800 x 480 pixels. The navigator has touch screen with very good sensitivity. Users have no problems with management, as well as complaints about performance. The model received a high-quality filling, but it does not have high cost. Current price a device with a traffic jam function is about 5 thousand rubles.

price for a gadget of this level. Therefore, the model is deservedly included in our rating.

When choosing a navigation device, be sure to analyze your own needs, wishes and financial capabilities. There is huge list navigators that cost far beyond 10-15 thousand rubles. But they do not always give the result that the car owner expects. The traffic tracking function is very important and useful for residents of metropolitan areas. Because it is almost impossible to predict the situation. An accident, scheduled or unscheduled repairs, some other factors can dramatically affect the state of traffic congestion common use. Having at your disposal a navigator with the function of detecting traffic jams, you will be able to quickly respond to the situation and avoid wrong routes.

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Traffic jams on the streets of modern Russian cities are a constant headache for car owners. In order to constantly have information about traffic jams, many drivers, when purchasing a navigator, prefer models equipped with the “Traffic Jam” function.

Deciding which specific model to choose and which one most quickly displays the situation on the roads is quite difficult. Almost all car navigators with traffic jams display the traffic situation in real time. There are simple models that show only traffic jams on the nearest road sections, there are devices with, however, it makes no sense to choose a navigator without the Internet. Devices that monitor and display the traffic situation on the navigator's screen only via a radio channel update information periodically or at the request of the car owner, which reduces the efficiency of control. Therefore, it is necessary to know the principle of operation of the autonavigator, on which its functionality depends.

Categories of auto navigation standards

All modern models of "GPS" navigators receive information about traffic jams using wireless technologies. In household (non-professional) models, they are used the following ways Get traffic information:

  • transmission of information over the FM radio channel using the TMC-RDS standard, which transmits road announcements;
  • use of internet technology global satellite navigation via the GPRS or GLONAS satellite system.

The first information transfer technology is absolutely free, carried out without the Internet, and information is updated at the request of the user. The traffic situation is monitored by travel video cameras, vehicle traffic controllers and users' smartphones.

Main functionality"TMC-RDS"-navigations are:

  • tracking congestion on highways;
  • closing sections of the road or traffic lanes;
  • accidents;
  • other reasons that can slow down the movement of the car in the tracked area.

Today, a typical representative of the navigator in this category, which has a built-in "Traffic" function, are devices entering the Russian market under the Garmin brand. Their cost is quite high and the main advantage is the ability to work in the area of ​​​​the absence of mobile overlap. True, in these areas, traffic jams are usually not observed.

Internet navigators can, in turn, be divided into two subgroups:

  1. Devices with an integrated GPRS module that receive information directly from GPRS or GLONAS satellites.
  2. Gadgets connected to the channel local connection“Bluetooth” or “Wi-Fi”, which require an additional communication and computing device (smartphone or tablet) with a built-in GPRS module to receive information.

Each of these devices has its own advantages and disadvantages, but most motorists prefer this category of devices due to relatively. Some car owners are skeptical about Internet navigators, considering additional payment communication services an unaffordable luxury. However, it can be carried out for the information actually received, and if it is not needed, the gadget can simply be turned off.

Today, Internet navigators are produced different companies, but on Russian market The most popular branded devices are Prology, Carman-i, Navitel, Hyundai and some others.

Using a mobile gadget as a navigator

Today, many car owners prefer not to puzzle themselves with the question, which navigator with traffic jams is better, but solve the problem more in a simple way. Any owner of a smartphone or tablet that has an integrated 3G/4G/LTE communication module or is equipped with a GPRS navigation function can turn their device into full-fledged navigator. By installing a free web service from "Yandex.Traffic" or a paid multifunctional " Navitel Navigator”, the motorist will receive all information about the traffic situation, including the presence of traffic jams, in real time.

Top Models

In the RDS-TMC category of devices, the undisputed leader is the model line automotive gadgets"Garmin Nuvi", among which the navigator " Garmin nuvi 150LMT" with a five-inch display and DVR function. In addition to traffic jams, it allows you to get information about the availability of parking lots, the permissible speed of movement on separate sections highways and download information from the Yandex.Traffic web service. The cost of the device depends on the distributor and starts from 10 thousand rubles.

Internet navigator similar in functionality " Prestigio GeoVision 5056" will cost 4 thousand rubles. The device has built-in Navitel software with 3D graphics, and the proposed database allows you to track not only traffic jams, but also allows the autotourist to find out the location of the nearest parking lots, gas stations, cultural and entertainment institutions and supermarkets. The undoubted advantage of this model is the ability to watch videos and surf the Internet.

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